What is better polymer or rubber for shoes. Combined soles (PU-PU, PU-TPU, PU-Nitrile)

Gift Ideas

Many people know that when choosing shoes, the material of its manufacture plays a decisive role in making a decision. However, often only the top is taken into account, and the sole is not paid attention. This is not entirely true, because it is this part of the shoe that is most affected. The foot and weight of a person presses on it from above, and the earth seeks to demonstrate its superiority from below. Therefore, the material of manufacture of this part must be reliable and comfortable to use. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the materials used in the manufacture of shoe soles.

Polyurethane soles

Advantages: Polyurethane has good performance properties: it weighs little, as it has a porous structure, resists abrasion well, is flexible, has excellent shock absorption and good thermal insulation. Soles made of polyurethane are light and flexible, so they are used in shoes where these characteristics are of particular importance.

Flaws: The porous structure of polyurethane is also a kind of reverse side of the coin. For example, because of it, the polyurethane sole has poor grip on snow and ice, so winter shoes with PU soles are very slippery. Also a disadvantage is the high density of the material and the loss of elasticity at low (from -20 degrees) temperatures. The consequence of this is fractures in the places of bending of the sole, the rate of occurrence of which depends on the characteristics of the operation of the shoe, in particular, on the gait of a person, the degree of his mobility and other factors.

TPU soles (TPU, TPU)

Advantages: TPU has a high enough density, so it can be used to make soles with deep tread, which provide excellent traction. Also, the advantages of TPU are high wear resistance and resistance to deformation, including cuts and punctures.

Flaws: The high density of TPU is also its disadvantage, because because of this, the weight of the TPU sole is quite large, and elasticity and thermal insulation leave much to be desired. To improve these characteristics, TPU is often combined with polyurethane, thereby reducing the weight of the sole, increasing its thermal insulation and elasticity. This method is called two-component casting, and it is quite easy to recognize: the sole made using this technology consists of two layers, and the upper layer is made of polyurethane (PU), and the lower one, in contact with the ground, is made of TPU.

Soles made of thermoplastic elastomer (TEP, TRP)

Advantages: This material can be considered all-weather. It is durable, elastic, resistant to frost and wear. TPE provides good cushioning and traction. Thanks to the manufacturing technology of the sole from TPE, its outer layer is monolithic, which provides it with strength, and the inner volume is porous, retaining heat. Thermoplastic elastomer can be recycled, which means that its use in soles saves resources and does not pollute the environment.

Flaws: At high and very low temperatures (over 50 degrees and below -45 degrees) TPE loses its properties, so it is used only in everyday shoes.

Soles made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC, PVC)

Advantages: PVC soles resist abrasion well, are resistant to aggressive environments and are easy to manufacture. They are often used in home and children's shoes.

Flaws: PVC is used only in the production of casual shoes for autumn or spring, because this material has a large mass and low frost resistance, not withstanding temperatures below -20 degrees. In addition, PVC soles do not adhere well to leather uppers, so quality leather shoes with PVC soles are difficult and expensive to produce.

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA, EVA) soles

Advantages: EVA is a very lightweight material with good cushioning properties. It is mainly used in children's, home, summer and beach shoes, and in sports shoes - in the form of inserts, because it is able to absorb and distribute shock loads.

Flaws: Over time, EVA soles lose their cushioning properties. This is due to the fact that the walls of the pores are destroyed, and the entire mass of EVA becomes flatter and less elastic. Also, EVA is not suitable as a material for winter shoes, since this material is very slippery and resistant to frost.

Thermoplastic rubber soles (TPR, TPR)

Thermoplastic rubber is shoe rubber made from synthetic rubber, which is stronger than natural rubber but no less elastic. However, modern technologies make it possible to increase its flexibility with the help of various additives. Due to its qualities, such a sole relieves the load from the spine during long-term use.

Advantages: Thermoplastic rubber has a low density and, accordingly, less weight than other materials. There are no through pores in it, so moisture does not pass through it. However, there are surface pores in TPR, and they provide high thermal protection. In addition, TPR, like other porous rubbers, is an elastic material that provides good cushioning properties. Thanks to this characteristic, shoes with TPR soles relieve unnecessary stress on the legs and spine.

Flaws: The low density of the material can be not only an advantage, but also a disadvantage. In the case of TPR, it leads to the fact that the sole made of this material does not have particularly outstanding heat-shielding properties. In addition, in wet and frosty weather, the thermoplastic rubber outsole is very slippery.

Leather soles (leather)

Advantages: Leather soles are used in all types of shoes, including children's, indoor and model shoes of all seasons. Shoes with leather soles look great and allow the foot to breathe because it is a natural membrane.

Flaws: When worn in wet weather, the leather sole can be deformed, and caring for it involves the constant use of special sprays and impregnations. Leather has low wear resistance, therefore it is recommended to install prevention on leather soles, and for winter shoes it is mandatory, otherwise the sole will slide on ice and snow without it and deform even faster.

Tunit soles

Tunit is rubber with the inclusion of leather fibers, so the second name of this material is "leather".

Advantages: In appearance, hardness and plasticity, tunite soles are similar to leather ones, but they behave better in operation: they almost do not wear out and do not get wet. These soles are easy to emboss, giving them slightly more grip than leather.

Flaws: But even despite this, shoes with tunite soles are very slippery due to the high rigidity of the material. Therefore, tunit is used in the manufacture of only summer and spring-autumn shoes with an adhesive fastening method.

Soles made of wood (wood)

Advantages: Wood is an environmentally friendly and very hygienic material, and wooden soles have an original look. However, recently, instead of wood, plywood is more often used for making shoes. It can be made of birch, oak, beech or linden wood, and as a material it is easier to machine, well molded and inexpensive. Soles using cork material are also popular. When dealing with them, one must understand that cork wood, due to its natural softness, cannot serve as the main material for the manufacture of soles, therefore cork is used only for decorative covering.

Flaws: Wooden soles are hard, wear out quickly, and have poor water resistance. In the manufacture of such soles, a lot of material is consumed. Cork upholstery is prone to chips and defects due to the softness of the material.

Rubber soles

Previously, it was the most common, because it showed itself well. However, the mass production forced manufacturers to use other materials that are more profitable from an economic point of view.

Advantages: This material is slip-resistant, durable, frost-resistant. Attaches well to leather upper.

Flaws: the multicomponent composition of the rubber sole and the complexity of connecting the components, a large number of production operations in the manufacture of the material. At the same time, the rubber soles are heavy and very easily soiled. Therefore, the cost of the material is quite high. It is this factor that has forced manufacturers to use alternative materials.

This is what the most common shoe sole materials look like. Unfortunately, the ideal does not exist, however, certain types, with proper use, can manifest themselves exclusively on the positive side.

Not all sole materials are suitable for winter. The result of a wrong choice - we freeze and fall. Experts gave advice on choosing the right winter shoes, and also talked about ways to make the sole less slippery.

Every year, with the onset of snowfalls, dozens of people a day are admitted to hospitals with bruises and fractures received on the streets. Only in the Novosibirsk region, according to the regional Ministry of Health, during sleet, traumatologists get 600 more patients a week.

Experts insist that most of the victims have become victims of their own savings and the pursuit of beauty. Proper and safe winter shoes should not only keep warm, but also have maximum grip on the surface so as not to slip. How to choose exactly this?

Winter sole materials

“Keep in mind that the thinner the sole, the sooner the foot will cool... The minimum thickness of the sole for winter shoes is 1 centimeter... Good grip on the surface is ensured by a pronounced tread and the right sole material,” advises a representative of the Obuv group of companies. Russia".

The sole made of thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) is considered one of the most stable, as it combines the properties of vulcanized rubbers and thermoplastics. Shoe manufacturers love it for its elasticity and durability, and consumers for its resistance to frost and wear. TPE provides good cushioning and traction. A distinctive feature of such a sole is the ability not to lose its properties even at extreme temperatures from +50 to -45 degrees.

Polyurethane (PU) and thermal polyurethane (TPU) are also in high demand among buyers. The top layer of the sole made of PU is a frost-resistant, porous material that provides lightness and elasticity to the shoes, and the bottom layer - a thin TPU backing - prevents slipping, said Oksana Kovalevskaya, head of the Unichel central technological laboratory.

“It is undesirable to buy winter shoes with polyurethane soles. The material itself is light, elastic, but absolutely unsuitable for winter, because in the cold it will crack at the folds and will slip, ”the expert advised.

And although polyurethane can withstand temperatures down to -35, the sole in the cold becomes very slippery - just like "tanning" summer car tires. There is a special winter polyurethane. It has greater slip resistance, but it is more often used not in the mass segment, but for the production of safety shoes.

Safe Height

When choosing winter shoes, preference should be given to comfortable models with flat soles or low, wide, stable heels. The ideal heel height is no more than 4 - 5 centimeters. Winter boots with higher heels are not suitable for every day, and you should move around in them as carefully as possible.

It is necessary to ensure that under load the heel does not move back, and the toe does not rise more than one centimeter above the floor. If these requirements are not met, it will be very difficult to stay on your feet in ice.

The height of the platform should also not exceed 5 centimeters. According to shoe sellers, a high platform, despite its seeming convenience, can also cause injury - it is much easier to tuck your foot into ice on it.

“The safe types of platform shoes include winter boots with solid soles. In such shoes there is no heel, and the platform is located throughout the foot. Often, it is complemented by a large corrugated pattern, which provides additional protection and prevents slipping,” said the sales department of Obuv Rossii Group of Companies.

ADVICE: Shoes should be tried on in the afternoon, when the foot is a little swollen and has a slightly larger size. In addition, if you plan to wear it with warm socks, then you need to wear them when trying on. If in some places shoes constrain the foot, in winter there is a great danger of frostbite.

How to reduce slip

However, you don't have to throw away your favorite winter boots because of slippery soles. You can secure shoes with removable anti-slip soles - ice access. They are sold in many shoe stores and sporting goods. You can also use adhesive or removable linings, which are made for shoes with or without heels.

Ledostupy is an overlaid rubber sole with metal spikes. Often their appearance is far from elegant, but still worth having in case of special ice - gypsum looks even less beautiful.

You can also secure the sole for a short period of time at home, with improvised means. For example, one of the popular ways suggests using a regular grater. She can rub the sole to create relief.

Some advise screwing screws into a thick sole: you need to screw them in but not completely, leaving a gap of several millimeters between the surface of the sole and the screw head.

Both of these methods are not recommended by shoe manufacturers and sellers. The screw will break the integrity of the sole, and anyway, when walking, it will enter the sole completely, which can lead to the opposite effect. The grater will also damage the material and thus reduce the life of the shoe. A snowstorm requires a special gait

But there are ways that do not damage the sole. For example, glue and sand. Glue must be applied to the sole in a zigzag or mesh and sprinkled with sand. After the sand-glue mixture dries, you can go outside.

A patch of rough material can also temporarily secure shoes in ice. It is necessary to cut out two pieces, fix one closer to the toe, the second to the heel. Instead of a patch, you can stick pieces of sandpaper or coarse felt on the sole.

But, experts remind, if the sole material is suitable for winter, then none of this is required. And sometimes, to increase traction, it is enough to properly wash the grooved outsole and clean up the pattern.

We often ignore the sole. But the material of manufacture is important not only for the top and lining. That is why we will now find out which sole is better.

wear resistance

An important point, because it is the sole that is in contact with the ground. It is important that it does not wear out, does not crack, does not burst.

Polyurethane and polyvinyl chloride are a little weaker in this regard. However, the sole of such materials is worn for a very long time and does not cause worries to the owner.

outsider is a leather sole that is only suitable for indoor wear. Therefore, it is immediately recommended to put prevention and soles made of more wear-resistant materials on such shoes.

Slip resistance

Perhaps here too leader can be called rubber. The most ideal option for winter time, when even roads sprinkled with reagents and sand turn out to be dangerous.

AT outsiders almost all other species are included. PVC, polyurethane and leather slip unrealistically. The latter - even on parquet and tiles. So be careful.

Heat resistance and moisture resistance

Excellent resistance to temperature changes rubber and polyurethane. We count them winners. They can be worn in both winter and summer.

Polyvinyl chloride does not tolerate frost well. In extreme cold, it can simply crack. Thermoplastic elastomer, on the contrary, does not tolerate high temperatures well. If you dry shoes with such soles near the battery, you can get some kind of viscous substance. These are explicit losers.

As for moisture, it is perfectly absorbed by the skin. It is generally not recommended to wear shoes with such soles in the rain. Even if you do not conquer the puddles.


Leader in cheapness is a sole made of PVC and thermoplastic elastomer. That is why they are so common. Quite affordable for everyday shoes.

A little more expensive polyurethane and rubber. However, their quality is higher, so the costs are justified. At a minimum, spend less on prevention, and the service life is longer.

Leaderin price- leather sole. And, at the same time, impractical in regular wear. However, status and prestige. In addition, naturalness gives its own.

It is difficult to give a definite answer which sole is the best. Clearly stand out options from rubber and polyurethane. Pay attention to them the next time you go shopping for shoes.

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Sole- The bottom of the shoe. Some buyers are sure that the thicker the sole, the warmer the shoes, others - that the sole of children's shoes should be hard.

We believe that each type of footwear has its own requirements. And we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the overview of the types of shoe soles.

An equally important part of the shoe is the lining that warms it. For more information on which one to choose, read our articles: , .

It is the sole that protects the shoes from wear and tear, protecting the foot from external influences. The type of shoe sole is determined by the material used. The choice depends on when and under what weather conditions you will wear shoes, in what season; use for outdoor activities or for evening walks; casual shoes are shoes, model or special purpose. The requirements for the qualities of the sole will depend on this: wear resistance, flexibility, resistance to temperature extremes, lightness, strength. Price, of course, matters.

The types of soles differ not only in the materials from which they are made, but also in the way they are attached to the upper of the shoe. Molding and adhesive fastening methods are the most common.

Molded mounting method- used in the manufacture of soles by direct casting.

This is a process in which a material in a viscous state fills the prepared form. The ready-made shoe upper with the insole is inserted into the mold, after which the sole hardens. No threads or glue are needed.

Such shoes have many advantages - high strength, moisture resistance, lightness and flexibility of the sole. An automated casting process allows you to reduce the price of the finished product.

Most often used in casual and sports shoes.

Adhesive fastening method consists in gluing the sole to the details of the upper of the shoe. After that, the half-pair is held for some time under a special press on the blocks.

The advantages of this method of fastening: widespread use in production (a shoe manufacturer can choose glue for any type of sole), a neat appearance of finished products.

Most often, this fastening method is used to create weekend shoes, model and classic shoes.

Sole material types

When developing a collection, designers take into account not only fashion trends, but also when and in what cases children will wear this or that model. Sole materials are selected according to the requirements. The most used ones are in our digest:

Polyurethane (PU, PU)

It is created from two polymers by mixing. After reacting with each other, they form air bubbles, which gives the finished sole the ability to absorb shock.

Pros: lightness, flexibility, good depreciation and thermal insulation, wear resistance, strength

Minuses: slips on ice and snow, loses elasticity at sub-zero temperatures and, as a result, breaks at the folds.

Thermopolyurethane (TPU, TPU)

Polyurethane is exposed to high pressure and high temperature. The resulting material is used in two-layer soles - it is convenient to make relief or protectors on them.

Pros: permanent color, high wear resistance, flexibility, resistance to deformation, punctures and cuts, good adhesion to any surface.

Minuses: the sole is heavy, has low flexibility and thermal insulation.
thermoplastic elastomer

All season material. The outer layer of such a sole turns out to be even and dense, which ensures its strength, and the inner layer remains porous, retaining heat well. In addition, TPE soles are recyclable, which saves resources and reduces pollution.

Pros: strength, elasticity, frost resistance.

Minuses: loses its properties at -50 degrees Celsius and below.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC, PVC)

The material used in the manufacture of spring and autumn shoes is used in everyday, children's and home shoes.

Pros: ease of manufacture, strength, resistance to abrasion.

Minuses: high weight, low frost resistance, poor quality of fastening to the leather top.

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA, EVA)

Rubber-like material. It is used in summer, beach, light sports shoes and for the manufacture of some parts of the sole of running shoes.

Pros: softness, lightness, excellent depreciation, no deformation under loads.

Minuses: over time, the shock-absorbing properties are lost. Not suitable for winter boots.

Thermoplastic rubber (TPR, TPR)

Shoe rubber made of durable synthetic rubber. Natural is more plastic, but synthetic surpasses it in other parameters. Sometimes additives are used to increase the plasticity of the material.

Pros: lightness, moisture resistance, thermal protection, elasticity, good depreciation.

Minuses: highly slippery at sub-zero temperatures.


It is used in all types of shoe soles, including model, home, children's shoes. It is used as a single-layer material in a single piece of medium thickness or together with polyurethane.

Pros: elegant appearance, the leg "breathes".

Minuses: low wear resistance, deformation after getting wet, difficult maintenance, slips at sub-zero temperatures.

Tunit (leather)

Many people know that when choosing shoes, the material of its manufacture plays a decisive role in making a decision. However, often only the top is taken into account, and the sole is not paid attention.

This is not entirely true, because it is this part of the shoe that is most affected. The foot and weight of a person presses on it from above, and the earth seeks to demonstrate its superiority from below. Therefore, the material of manufacture of this part must be reliable and comfortable to use.

Leather sole

It is often used on expensive shoes, since it can hardly be called the most practical.

- naturalness;
- full air exchange inside the shoe, as the sole material is of natural origin;
- elasticity;
- strength.

Weak sides:
- high wear. The leather sole does not tolerate contact with asphalt, stones, street surfaces, therefore it wears out quickly;
- high moisture-absorbing characteristics. With such a sole, you can not walk in high humidity, in dew or in the rain. The skin absorbs water, which leads to its deterioration and can provoke the appearance of fungus or mold;
- puff production. The sole is created by gluing together several layers of leather, which can move away from each other during operation;
- sliding on tiles and parquet, which can provoke traumatic situations and requires special care when walking.

Obviously, the leather sole is only suitable for indoor use, and this is almost impossible. And here, on some surfaces, it does not always behave adequately. Therefore, it is rational to install prevention on such shoes, which will help extend the life of the sole.

Rubber outsole

Previously, it was the most common, because it showed itself well. However, the mass production forced manufacturers to use other materials that are more profitable from an economic point of view.

- high wear resistance;
- resistance to temperature changes;
- good tolerance of the time factor. You can store shoes with rubber soles for a very long time without worrying about the condition of the latter;
- Slip resistant, making it ideal for winter time.

Weak sides:
- big weight;
- markiness. It is very easy to get dirty such a sole, but further cleaning requires tangible effort. Especially when it comes to light-colored rubber;
- high price. It is this factor that has forced manufacturers to use alternative materials.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) outsole

Very widespread. It is used on almost all types of footwear, therefore it is well known to the domestic consumer.

- cheapness. This is what provokes manufacturers to use this material to reduce the cost of pairs of shoes;
- high wear resistance;
- easily repaired. In particular, such a sole can be repaired using a special glue.

Weak sides:
- weak elasticity. Walking in shoes with such a sole is not the most pleasant pleasure, since the foot practically does not move;
- low frost resistance. That is why it is better to avoid winter shoes with PVC soles, otherwise they will simply crack at low temperatures;
- tendency to slip.

Obviously, PVC is completely unsuitable for cold weather. Maximum - demi-season shoes for medium temperature conditions.

Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) outsole

At the moment it is one of the most common. Suitable for everyday shoes, and for some types of special.

- wear resistance;
- rather low price;
- low weight, especially when compared with rubber;
- resistance to sliding on a damp surface;
- careful attitude to the coatings with which it contacts. In particular, such a sole does not leave marks.

Weak sides:
- low heat resistance. It is categorically not recommended to dry shoes with such a sole near an open fire, otherwise at temperatures above 70 degrees it becomes viscous.

Polyurethane outsole

Naturally, it does not consist entirely of polyurethane, since the latter is practically inflexible and very rigid. However, even in a "diluted" form, this material is very advisable to use for the manufacture of soles.

- very high wear resistance. It can be considered, of the materials used, this one is the most reliable;
- low weight. Especially for foamed species;
- high strength;
- resistance to various temperature conditions. In particular, polyurethane tolerates both high and low temperatures well;
- rich color possibilities. You can make a polyurethane sole in almost any shade;
- commendable durability (with the exception of foamed types).

Weak sides:
- high tendency to slip. In winter, it is dangerous to appear on the street in such shoes, since they seek to demonstrate their kinship with skis;
- rather high price.

This is what the most common shoe sole materials look like. Unfortunately, the ideal does not exist, however, individual species, with proper use or some improvement, can manifest themselves exclusively on the positive side.

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