Win-win lottery for boys. Comic, win-win lottery

Gift ideas
Usually, win-win lottery everyone without exception likes it, so everyone is pleased to receive a small and pleasant prize.

Lottery tickets can be colorful and decorated with your own hands (if there are not so many guests), they can be printed on a printer indicating the series, number and date of the draw, or they can be simple pieces of paper with the winning number written on them.

It all depends on how much time you have to prepare.

Here you will find a selection of a win-win lottery in verses of your own composition, as well as what you managed to find in various sources. Let children's party It will be fun and everyone will be happy with the prizes.

Lottery with letters

This means that instead of a serial number, a lottery ticket contains one or another letter.

I'll give you chocolate,
If you meet a letter "YU"!

To keep your teeth strong
Chew gum, but rarely.
If you see a letter "E",
Come to me quickly!
(prize - chewing gum)

If you come across a letter "ABOUT",
Grab your egg quickly!
(prize - chocolate egg)

Photo frame, just look at it!
went to the one with the letter "AND"!

I’ll give him a delicious candy bar,
Who will see the letter on their ticket? "U"!
(prize - chocolate bar)

Lottery in couplets

Beautiful pen- just look!
And write beautiful letters for her.

This new one notebook
Always keep it in order.

To whom soap, to whom candy wrapper,
And you got it bow!

Come to me quickly:
You set of pencils!

Wonderful painted rug,
You handkerchief!

Album anyone will find it useful
But only if you are not lazy!
(prize - sketchbook)

On the farm notepad will always come in handy
But you don’t need to be proud of the gift!

It is for you keychain flashlight,
He is beautiful and very bright.

Let your teeth be radiant,
Fragrant, strong, clean!
(prize - toothpaste)

If you wash often,
That washcloth come in handy!

May your heart
Burns like this candle.

Like this cosmetic bag
Any girl will need it!

You can write and draw with them.
Come quickly and receive your surprise!
(prize - a set of colored pens)

Mirror, of course, a good gift.
But just always remain yourself!

If comb give you
You will no longer be shaggy!

Photo frame it will be useful to everyone.
You got it. But there is no need to be proud!

Stick it up stickers on a notebook,
On the table, on the cup, on the bed.

If your memory fails,
Record it... and on a magnet!
(prize - notepad on a magnet)

What you were, who you will become later,
Will tell about you photo album.

Soap balls will fly
Bringing joy to you and others!

One, two, three - put the parts together,
So that they become a picture.
(prize - puzzles)

Without tape you can't get by.
Receive it and smile quickly!

There are different gifts here,
And you got it marker.

Very fashionable thing
Braid it!
(prize - bow or hair tie)

Lottery in quatrains

Let the drawings sparkle
And the eyes smile.
For your landscapes
We give these paints.

This gift is not just an object,
This is a special thing!
On a holiday, at a solemn hour
You - multicolored pen!
(the prize is a pen containing several colored pastes)

If you like chocolate,
You will be incredibly happy.
If you don't love it, it doesn't matter.
Mom will eat it then!

Ball light and airy
Don't put it under your pillow
Otherwise he’ll make such a big noise,
That the neighbor behind the wall will gasp.

So that I can always be with friends
You taste sweet tea,
On the holiday with congratulations
This mug get it!

About two rings and two ends
And a carnation in the middle.
Everyone knows the riddle, but you
Now you own them!
(prize - scissors)

Friend's address, phone number
Where can I find it if I need it?
Let it be in summer and winter
Will be in notebook!

We need different books
Different books are important.
And what’s more necessary for you is something like this,
Small, note.

In this little thing
So much joy is stored!
Don't listen to doctors
Eat it and be healthy!
(prize - chewing candy)

There are shoe brushes,
There are clothes brushes.
But without toothbrushes
Tell me, is it possible to live?

Calendar small,
But he is remote.
It will show you the day and year,
He lives in every house.

When will the guests arrive for the holiday?
And the meeting will be hot,
Let it bring comfort at the table
Lit by you candle.

My gift is very sweet
And how beautiful and soft!
My gift is cake,
It just begs to be put in your mouth!

Comic birthday lottery for children 10 years old in verse

When someone goes to a birthday party, they are called guests. Guests, as a rule, bring gifts with them and give them to the birthday person. This is a long-standing tradition and it is still observed. But more recently a new one has appeared, when guests also receive gifts from the birthday person. Usually these are small and sometimes humorous souvenirs that are given to lift the mood and as a memory of the holiday. And usually gifts are given by passing comic lottery for guests. A birthday lottery for 10-year-old children can be in verse, and it can also be comic. With this approach, guests will receive maximum pleasure, and surprises in the form of souvenirs will be a nice addition to the game.

You can hold a comic lottery with guests in the middle of the holiday or at the end. If you spend it in the middle of the evening, then before this game there should be an active competition or dancing so that the guests are a little tired and then sit down at the table. And once you sit down at the table, you get another game, only table and fun!
If it is decided to hold a lottery at the very end of the holiday, then it is important not to miss the moment before the younger guests are completely tired and go home. As soon as we see that someone is yawning and it is becoming less noisy, we immediately play the game. In general, it would be ideal to hold a lottery before a delicious cake. Then everyone is definitely still assembled, and everyone is sitting at the table and waiting for the main treat.

There are different ways to run a lottery. Firstly, at the very beginning of the holiday, each guest is asked to choose his own number. And when you draw prizes, you take a number out of the bag, the guest with this number comes out to you, and you give him a prize with the corresponding number.
The second option is when the guests themselves come to the host, take out a card with a verse from the bag and read it out themselves or the host does it. And then the prize is awarded.
The third option is also interesting. Here, instead of poetry, guests are invited to guess riddles, and the answers will be prizes. Everything seems simple, but you’ll have to come up with riddles for your prizes. This is difficult to do, and not everyone can do it.

So it's better to stop at classic version with poetry. And see the poems below.

This text with recommendations “How to protect our children from “bad” adults” was written in May 2018 after the tragedy in Kostroma. Unfortunately, it is still relevant now, after the tragedy in Zheleznogorsk. May 16, 2018. Kostroma. Morning. Eight-year-old Lisa went to visit her grandmother. On the way I met an adult neighbor. The girl never reached her grandmother. August 31, 2015. Hot key. Evening. Twelve-year-old Sveta is given a ride home by the juvenile affairs inspector who was dealing with her family. The girl did not make it home. June 14, 2017. Kasli. Day. Eleven-year-old Vanya went to school in the morning. On the way I met a well-known neighbor. The boy never came to school. July 16, 2016. Kirov. Six-year-old Vika was vacationing with her parents and a group of familiar parents. One of my friends suggested we go swimming. She was never seen alive again. What do all these stories have in common? Different cities, different ages... The fact that they ended the same way: all these children were found dead. They all trusted adults, naively believing that the people they knew could not harm them. How to protect your child? It is impossible not to let him out of the house and not let him communicate with anyone. But in fact, it is enough to teach a child a few simple things. What to teach children 1. “Friend or foe.” "Don't go anywhere with strangers! This is exactly the phrase we tell our children, hoping to protect them from possible pedophiles and kidnappers. And children remember that you can’t go anywhere with strangers. But with friends it’s possible. And they leave... The child, by virtue of his life experience and a young age is unable to fully appreciate the danger that may threaten him, and completely relies on adults. Could eleven-year-old Salmon have imagined that his husband was his own? older sister will kill him? Did twelve-year-old Arina suspect that her uncle would take her life to please his pathological desires? Therefore, it is especially important for a child to distinguish between the concepts of who is one’s own and who is a stranger. Set clear boundaries for who is “in”, with whom you can safely go, and who is not part of your circle of trust. Let this circle include the people closest to the child, those with whom he lives or constantly communicates: mom, dad, grandparents, older brothers and sisters. Let it be very narrow circle, but it will contain people to whom you can safely entrust the life of your child. And no matter how sweet and kind the person who approaches your child may seem, even if he knows the name of mom and dad, the child himself, even if he works with one of the parents or is dressed in a police officer’s uniform, for example, everything anyway, this person is a stranger, which means you can’t go anywhere with him. And you can get into the car of your parents’ friends and non-close relatives or go somewhere with them only if the child called your parents and they gave their permission. 2. Teach to say “no.” How often do we teach children: “A child must obey adults.” And children obey and obediently do everything that the adult tells them. Rejoicing at the result obtained, we do not always think that now any adult is for the child someone who must be obeyed. It is very important that he understands that no one from the circle of trust has the right to force him to do what he does not want, to go with someone with whom he does not want. His body is inviolable, and his actions can only be controlled by close people who are responsible for him. And even if an adult demands and sternly asks to go with him, the child should be able to say “no” and not obediently follow a stranger to please his desires. Like, for example, ten-year-old Ruslan, who met an adult man at the railway station. If it weren’t for the boy’s gullibility and inability to say “no” to a stranger, the story of their meeting would have ended completely differently. 3. There is no shame in asking for help. The reasons why children cannot ask for help are completely different: some are ashamed, embarrassed, others are afraid - but the result is always the same. A child who gets into trouble and does not ask for help will not be able to solve the problem on his own, which means he will have no chance to survive. Explain to your child that adults will always come to the child's aid, especially if he is in danger. After all, if eight-year-old Vasilisa had asked for help from a tractor driver who was pulling out her kidnapper’s stuck car in Naberezhnye Chelny in February 2013, she would probably still be alive. 4. You need to be able to scream. "Hush, you're in public place! Why are you screaming like a savage? Were you born in the forest? - many probably remember these phrases from their childhood, and some have already said them to their children more than once. And it’s normal that we instill in our children a culture of behavior in society, but there is also by-effect: children stop screaming altogether. And at the moment when your child needs help - and it’s so easy to ask for it, just shout louder - the child can be paralyzed by the parents’ order not to shout in a public place. Explain to your child that screaming to save your life is possible and necessary. That no one will judge him or shush him, but on the contrary, they will help and support him. Go out into nature together and scream. Help your child learn to scream! 5.Safety means life. Teach your child to walk along the same street, cross the road in right place. Exclude deserted and unlit streets, park areas, abandoned buildings, garages, and construction sites from his route. The child’s path must be illuminated, the streets must be passable. It is much more difficult to kidnap a child who is in plain sight, which means the baby will be safe. Walk this path with him when he begins to walk alone, and draw his attention to potentially dangerous places where he should not go. Of course, all these tips cannot protect one hundred percent from the dangers of the world where we live; they can only reduce the risk to a minimum. Start looking right away All abductions can be divided into two types: “good” - if the purpose of the abduction is not violence, and “evil”, in which the goal is physical or sexual violence. If the kidnapping is "evil", then in 75% of cases there are only three hours to find the child alive. This is why it is very important to start looking right away. In addition, the sooner the search begins, the more like a child will come home! After all, if a little time has passed, it means that the witnesses have not yet gone far, the recordings on the cameras are fresh, and even a dog can pick up the trail. As soon as the child does not return home on time, call your friends and relatives, tell everyone about what happened, find out if they have him. Call classmates, teachers, friends, ex-husbands and wives, grandparents. Follow your child's usual route, check out his favorite places and immediately file a police report. If the police offer you to wait, they say “he’ll take a walk and come back” - don’t agree, insist that they take your statement or call 112 and report that in such and such a department they don’t accept it from you. Don't be afraid to involve volunteer movements. It’s not scary to ask for help when you get into trouble, but it’s scary to be late!

Games for the whole family unite and make holidays bright and memorable. family evenings, lift your spirits and develop abilities, promote the development of creativity, the ability to manage your behavior, rejoice and empathize with each other.


For family holidays a good win-win lottery in verse, which unites adults and children and always causes delight and laughter. Each player in a circle draws out a note on which his winnings are written. If an adult pulls it out, then he reads the note himself. If it is a child, then his parent reads the note (even the smallest children participate in our lotteries). There are a lot of options for a win-win lottery with children - here is ours family option, which everyone really liked and has been used many times in different variations :). We always include in the lottery not only valuable prizes, but also humorous and unexpected ones. surprise moments. Prizes are awarded by leading lotteries. Players are NOT warned that there are empty tickets or surprises in the lottery. A fun, win-win lottery has one more advantage - this game can also be used in families in which there are people with disabilities. disabilities. And they will feel in this game on an equal footing with everyone else, which is great :)

⭐ If you love chocolate, you will be incredibly happy. If you don't love it, it doesn't matter. Mom will eat it then! (small chocolate)

⭐ Some get soap, some get a candy wrapper, and you got a bow! (hairpin - bow)

⭐ So that you can always taste sweet tea with your friends, Receive this mug along with congratulations on the holiday! (disposable mug or toy cup)

⭐ To make your hair beautiful, you are given this comb! (comb) ⭐ Quiet! Attention! Sensation of the century! Hey trumpeters! Play emergency! Look at this man! He's now... (pause) lost! (no prize)

⭐ To become a great mathematician, you simply need this notebook. (notebook)

⭐ I don’t want to be greedy! I'll give you a candle! (candle)

⭐ Well, you are just great! For this you get a cucumber! (cucumber)

⭐ Wanted to get a flashlight? And you just got a ball! ( balloon)

⭐ There is no better prize in the world - a box of chocolates for you (empty box)

⭐ Souvenir for your kind eyes! And this is... (Fairy tales)

⭐ Don’t think about being angry with us - lemon will come in handy on the farm! (lemon)

⭐ Here's the ticket, so the ticket, don't swarm in the rooms, Consider that there is no winning - cry and calm down. (Handkerchief).

⭐ You and your companion will never be lost! You won't come home hungry from any of your guests! (disposable spoon)

⭐ There is no better win than a plastic bag (New Year's bag).

⭐ For good people We don’t feel sorry for anything, Get a cool jump rope as soon as possible. (Jump rope)

⭐ If you want to be strong, like a gin, get a vitamin. (Carrot).

⭐ My dear friend, get some candy, but don’t eat it yourself, give it to your neighbor. (Big chocolate candy, which must be given to the neighbor sitting next to you at the table)

⭐ You and your companion never lose heart! Rub it on any place in a hot bath! (washcloth)

⭐ And this is a fork! Get it, honey! ( disposable fork)

⭐ Give me your hand! Get the onion head! ( onion)

⭐ Will better mood! You get cookies (pack of cookies)

⭐ Here is your lucky ticket, hold your pencil tightly. (Pencil)

⭐ Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, no doubt about it. You didn’t get three candies, but... three pieces of paper from candies!!! (three candy wrappers)

⭐ Happiness fell into your hands. You got potatoes! (potato)

⭐ Comrade! Believe, hope and wait! Your winnings are ahead! (Nothing)

⭐ Don't be bored today! Get some delicious tea! (tea)

⭐ Better draw a cloud. Here's a blue pen (ballpoint pen)

⭐ To keep the jar full, you need a lid (a lid for the jar)

⭐ We wanted to win a piano, but what we got was a calendar. (calendar)

⭐ Get the main prize - this little surprise(something valuable, the main gift of the lottery).

⭐ Neither empty nor thick! Your winnings are forks of cabbage! (head of cabbage)

⭐ You are extremely lucky! Hug your neighbor on the right! (no prize)

⭐ Take this coin, my friend, and joyfully walk around the world! (1 ruble coin). ⭐ To be clean and beautiful Get this soap (soap)

⭐ We are not afraid of all diets, If we have sweets (sweets)

⭐ You were worried a lot. But there is no loss! You got beets for your ticket To make a vinaigrette.