Quotes that lift your spirits. Wishes for a good, excellent mood

For children
  • People want a good life, but they always give them a fun one.
  • Things are never as good with money as they are bad without them.
  • I found my place in life, but it’s occupied...
  • Just because you did everything right doesn't mean everything will be fine for you.
  • Real loneliness is when you talk to yourself all night and no one understands you.
  • The Minister of Finance sincerely believed that money does not buy happiness.
  • Study, study and study again, because you still won’t find a job!
  • They lived happily ever after until they learned that others lived longer and happier lives.
  • Life is divided into two stages - first there is no mind, then there is no health.
  • Smoking is harmful, drinking is disgusting, and it is a pity to die healthy.
  • Very often you learn about the best moments of life from eyewitnesses.
  • They learn from mistakes, and after mistakes they heal.
  • Army Canapes Recipe: Simply place a piece of bread on top of another piece of bread.
  • Money comes and goes and goes and goes...
  • Once you find your soulmate, other soulmates start wandering around and make you doubt.
  • Not everyone who comes out into public manages to remain human.
  • Clicked the mouse...
  • Classics are a type of literature that people prefer to praise rather than read.
  • When a person begins to consider himself wiser, he stops becoming wiser.
  • When appointing a martyr, the consent of the applicant is not required.
  • They don’t believe in rheumatism or love until the first attack.
  • This world is strange, where two people look at the same thing, but see the exact opposite.
  • We would care less about what others think of us if we knew how little they think of us at all.
  • Only after experiencing the dark everyday life do you begin to appreciate the gray ones.
  • Don't force your happiness on me, I have my own!
  • What could you wish for so as not to envy you later?
  • It's good that you are accepted as one of their own. It's bad that it's in a pigsty.
  • Sometimes you don’t want to suffer foolishly, but can you really refuse her?
  • An honest person who dreams of becoming a politician must remember that reverse reincarnation is, in principle, impossible.
  • Human rights end where the rights of the stronger person begin.
  • In the life of a real programmer there is only room for two females: Asya and Klava. Well, apart from my mother.
  • I don't regret the past, I'm sad about the future that died in it.
  • Do you want sweet dreams? - Fall asleep in the cake!
  • If you are harnessed, then don’t expect any more carrots.
  • What roof doesn't like driving fast?
  • A bogatyr is someone who steals from the rich?
  • The quality of a miracle is easy to determine: even eyewitnesses do not believe in a real miracle.
  • When you begin to delve into the essence of any sale, you remember that in Russian the words “discount” and “throw” have the same root.
  • Previously, court jesters rang bells, but now they use special signals.
  • If sport were as useful as we are told, then there would be five Jews hanging on each horizontal bar.
  • If you see only the good in everything, then you won’t change anything for the better.
  • All men are the same, only their salaries are different.
  • If a woman tries to preserve her virginity before marriage, she has many chances to maintain it until retirement.
  • He knew how to do everything... True, he couldn’t do anything.
  • Everything would be fine, but this nothing is too much.
  • Became a vegetarian - switched to weed...
  • If people constantly laugh at you, it means you bring joy to people.
  • Every person has exactly as much vanity as he lacks intelligence.
  • A lot changes in Russia in five years, almost nothing changes in two hundred years.
  • Attractive women are distracting.
  • Forecasters, like sappers, make only one mistake.
  • But every day.
  • What date is May Day?
  • God, I'm a cow.
  • Smoking warns: the Ministry of Health is a sneak.
  • If you catch a mouse, eat slowly.
  • If your armpit smells, change the rug.
  • Do you fly in your dreams? Sleep at home.
  • If it weren't for my legs, I wouldn't be here.
  • The height of freedom is round dances.
  • Don't dance, I'll get more.
  • If everything is beautiful in a person, it means that this is not our person!
  • Baldness is the process of replacing combing with washing.
  • Today we drink dry wine! Pour it in!
  • An ideal marriage: she plays first fiddle, and he doesn’t care (E. Kashcheev)
  • If money doesn’t make you happy, then it’s not yours.
  • In Russia, the people have not yet said their word, but it is already written on the fence...
  • A person has either a sense of humor or schadenfreude.
  • Each pioneer must hand over 15 kg of waste paper to the state and two who do not hand over.
  • While I was not serving, I slept peacefully, I knew that they were guarding me. During the service, he slept poorly and was guarded. After the service I don’t sleep at all... I know who’s guarding
  • It is indecent to show up to an organized drinking party in person disorganizedly drunk!
  • The slower the train goes, the wider the expanses of our Motherland.
  • Never have books emitted so much light as in the fires of the Inquisition.
  • If it were not for sclerosis, I would constantly think about my people.
  • Scientists have found that the most understandable language on Earth is Chinese. 1.5 billion people understand it.
  • The small is a well-nibbled big.
  • Physics has been canceled in Estonian schools so as not to traumatize children with the concept of “speed”.
  • Be sure to write aphorisms - they will make your therapist’s work easier...
  • Our monastery asked the Holy Synod whether it is possible to pray while smoking, and they told us - it is possible! Since then, our monks have been smoking during prayer...
  • A man is a homing system.
  • Only until the end of the month! Everyone who buys a satellite dish will receive a satellite spoon and a satellite plug as a gift!

Today I call for helpers
Fantasies flight and inspiration,
So that, like a bouquet, I compose for you
The most beautiful mood in the world.

It will contain the happiness of golden lilies
And the tenderness of the sunny white chamomile,
And the joy of simple bells,
Wearing bright blue shirts,

The rose will flare up in him with love, beckoning,
Queen Orchid - with admiration,
May it please you for a long, long time
A bouquet of feelings and a good mood!

May your mood be excellent
Upbeat, joyful and inspired!
Let the day be filled with pleasant moments,
I wish you surprises and compliments!

I wish you smiles and appropriate jokes,
Have fun, interesting activities for you,
May all your wishes come true,
Good luck to you, sunshine and a lot of love!

Look around: the world is so beautiful, and therefore you certainly have thousands of reasons to enjoy life! Let your mood soar to the skies and your smile shine brighter than the sun. Today everything will be exactly as you want, nothing can stop you from turning your plans into reality. Just be yourself and everything will definitely work out!

Fight all difficulties with a smile,
And don’t lose your spirit,
Don't be afraid to make mistakes
Don't take them seriously.

Let joy fill your soul,
Cheerful laughter comes from my lips,
And it lifts your spirits
You deserve success.

Let there be a mood today
Like sweet strawberry jam
Like white beautiful daisies,
Like delicious aromatic coffee in a cup.

Let the sun laugh welcomingly
And a ray of light knocks on your window.
Let the birds sing for you today,
Let your eyelashes not tremble from tears.

Let the rainbow give its colors,
May the world be full of kindness and affection,
Let the light wind kiss your hair,
And let the soul rejoice with joy!

Turn on the receiver of vital energy as soon as possible, turn the antenna towards joy and catch the channel of good mood! Let the cheerful melody of happiness not subside until the evening. Turn up this music louder so that everyone around you is on the same wave of drive and positivity!

Let every day be cheerful,
Kind, joyful, free,
So that luck follows step by step
It was following you in this world!

Let the mood chirp
About success, inspiration,
Smile - life is beautiful
Sunny, warm and passionate!

I wish you a great mood, let it sparkle with all the facets of feelings and all the colors of the rainbow, where red is your fiery love, orange is joy, yellow is solar energy, green is your bright hopes and plans, blue is purity and reciprocity of feelings, blue is inexhaustible optimism, and purple - inner harmony and peace of mind.

You don't know what to write to a guy in an SMS message to cheer him up?

We'll give you a hint! Memorize or rewrite!

  1. What's going on with your phone? I dial your number, and they tell me: “The subscriber is unavailable because he is having sex. Please wait your turn!”
  2. See you later, my beloved prince! I stocked up on oats, so you (you and your horse) won’t be late tomorrow!
  3. Your shoulder is my favorite pillow! It’s convenient to whisper gentle words in your ear! You are the best person!
  4. Cute! Do you know that by pressing the buttons on your mobile phone, you kill thousands of different germs? Show mercy! Take your fingers off the buttons!
  5. You remind me so much of a cactus... Just as unshaven and always growing near the computer (laptop) screen!
  6. I don't like weekends so much! As soon as I start to get ready for “get-togethers” by the fireplace (in a rocking chair, with a cup of coffee)…. I'm starting to remember that I have neither one nor the other, nor the third!
  7. I'm happy that you received my message! And I became even happier when I imagined that you had read it completely. Along with this SMS, I am sending you a piece of my heart. It will definitely warm you even in the most terrible cold!
  8. Greetings! I am an SMS ordered to give you two billion of the most romantic kisses!
  9. My days were illuminated by the moonlight of your eyes... I dream of being with you always, and now (every hour).
  10. I'll send you a message. Let it tell you for me how madly I love you. Only time will prove my feelings.
  11. Hello, my dear! Awoke? Get the message quickly! Forgive all insults, don’t sulk! Get dressed, put on your shoes and call me...
  12. SMS is a bridge (between me and you). Short messages guard all love. Receive my news and keep it in your heart. Feelings are fragile twigs. Don't break them, dear!
  13. Hello! Now a Doctor named Lyubov is writing to you to prescribe a hot and fiery kiss.
  14. I look at the night sky, completely dotted with stars.... And I mentally whisper words about unearthly feelings for you. I want all my love to be heard in your heart. Let me kiss the tips of your white wings, my dear angel!
  15. Did you know that I am a psychic? I just know that tomorrow I will miss you much more than yesterday... My intuition agrees with me!
  16. You alone have always been my paradise! Life without you is like hell. I’m ready to shout to the whole world about how much I love you! Message me if you want to hear it….
  17. You and I have been friends like this for a long time... Become a husband soon! I will be the best wife, my dear angel!
  18. My dear little man! I wish you would turn into a teddy bear so I could take you to my bed every night!
  19. Don't worry! I won’t freeze even when everything around is covered with a thick crust of ice! Your true love warms me...
  20. She lived her whole life like a small animal - unhappy and downtrodden. With your feelings you turned me into a flower... Beautiful, bright and open.
  21. The restaurant is located in Sochi. A male visitor shouts indignantly at the waitress:

Are you crazy?! I didn't order anything... Except for a few kebabs! Why did such a score come up?

Man, the kebabs are cooked on the Olympic flame!

Beautiful poems to lift your spirits

I have a lot of feelings for you, baby!

And if you want, I’ll tell you honestly:

I love you dear, I respect you very much.

I value you very much!

May day will come to our city again,

To awaken everything from sleep.

But still…. In hot and cold

I'm only full of you!

I dial the best number

And I send SMS...

“You are my dear, beloved guy!

You are the ideal of my miracles!

Exercises via SMS for a good mood

It's very possible that the guy read this somewhere. Surprise him with different SMS content. Write, for example, in detail how to do mood-lifting exercises. He will be amused by the text itself and by “transferring” it into practice.

Lie down on your back. Place your hands under your head. Bend your legs (at the knees). Raise your feet and press your knees towards your chest. Return to your previous position. Reach your forehead towards your knees, lowering your chin to your chest. Do your best not to lift your shoulder blades and shoulders (from the floor). Repeat the complete cycle approximately twelve times.

Place your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands above your head. Straighten your pelvic area so that it is “pushed” slightly forward. Keep your abdominal and buttock areas tense. Make bends (in both directions). Do not relax. Stand with your back to the wall if you feel you need support. Do twenty-three repetitions in each direction.

Quickly get on all fours. Make sure that your pelvis and back form a straight line. Do push-ups from the floor without lifting your pelvis even a millimeter. Repeat the exercise until you are tired. If you get tired, run to relax on your favorite sofa (on your favorite folding bed).

Write everything to the guy in SMS (word for word). He will laugh simply because he considers you a real comedian or connoisseur of humor. After all, not every girl will type such long messages to cheer up her beloved. You will perform a heroic deed! And you will amuse the guy and show concern for him.

Did he not appreciate it? Don't be offended by the person! Come up with something else to prove that you can be original. To do this, you need to “connect” your imagination and not lose heart. Remember that guys feel bad mood. So no need to distribute it! Send positivity in every message! The guy will definitely save everything you write in his phone. Write him messages! He will be very happy to receive them. Save some of them as “drafts” to send later.

Doesn't answer? And don’t even wait for an answer! Learn to do good deeds selflessly, but with great pleasure...

If you're sad, turn on the music quickly
And dance around the apartment!
And dance to those magical sounds
It will save you from the blues, melancholy and boredom!

Let's replace a sad mood with a joyful one!
If you don't want potatoes, make dumplings!
I don’t want to jump like a bunny along the path,
Then imagine that you are a heron and stand on your left leg!
If you don’t want to cook food, don’t cook it,
If you don’t want to get sick, let the pain go away!
If you don’t want to look, close your eyes quietly!
If you don’t want to sing, then read us fairy tales!
If you want to cry, we'll make you laugh in no time!
If you want to be sad, we won’t let you!!!

Every woman with her husband
Still need a lover
To replace my husband
Could love on the day shift.

When, having taken off, you fall down,
You hold my hand.
Don’t you dare be afraid to take a step!-
Then you will understand who is friend and who is enemy.
And if trouble suddenly comes,
Never be discouraged.
I ask you not to suffer,
And don't tear your heart into pieces.
And know: go forward there,
Where only your star shines:
Dance, play, walk, dream,
Live, learn, love, fly!
And if it suddenly gets hard
Remember that there is a friend nearby!

Three maidens by the window
They drank vodka, juice and rum.
Only one girl could
No problem entering the room.

Prepared food -
It will be a great evening!
I'm expecting a guest today
He seems to agree.
Met yesterday
In an Internet chat.
Worked hard like a bee
Since dawn.
I set the table: goose, salad,
Salo, two herrings,
Cake, Uzbek grapes
And a bottle of vodka.
I'm waiting, sat down at the table,
I got the mirror...
I looked and realized -
There is too little vodka.

Give smiles! Welcome with warmth!
Always fill your home with love!
And there will be smiles, warmth and love
Back to come back to you again and again!
And there will be happiness for many years!
Nothing will ruin your Life weather!

Don't be sad, don't be sad -
Mood on the go!
He rushes, not sparing his legs,
To please you!

On a Kamaz, on a moped,
On a deer, on a bear,
Pretending to be a pilot
Getting there by plane,

It will not slow down its agility,
Will make you laugh
Sing, dance and smile,
To enjoy life!

There is a simple axiom -
Girls, don't sit at home.
That's what you need butts for
To turn back and forth.

Let's talk about good things!!! Let it be like in a fairy tale:
Smiles and joy all around!
Let everything bloom and the world shine!
Let's sing about good things!!!
Let the wind pick up the cheerful song,
And let the Sun sing along to us!
Let your dream become a joyful reality,
And the sadness will quickly go away!!!

Where was I last night?
Why is your head so messed up?
Mom, I didn't conceive
I say - conceived...

I'm not married... yet,
But I'm not upset
At least over thirty... a little,
I enjoy life!

I don't waste my time
To melancholy and pity,
I carry myself with pride,
Radiating joy.

I believe that it was given by fate
Everything I wish
And the wine of your love
I'll take a sip - I know!

Destined to be loved
And burn with passion -
It's impossible to be late
I'm heading towards happiness!

Having parted with another,
I'll cry quietly
Remember baby, I'm not a schmuck
I am a Sentimental Macho...

The husband went out onto the balcony wearing only his shorts.
So skinny, the ribs are all out:
“Cover the skeleton, what a style!
“When the wife saw it, she shouted to her husband.”
- “You, swallow, don’t sing me songs.
Let everyone see, let the whole district know,
How difficult it is for me to live with you,
And how do you feed your faithful spouse!!!”
- “Shut up and calm down your arrogance.
Look how bold you are when you speak in public.
You better take off your panties
And everyone will understand why you are starving!

Not in the mood? Get out into nature!
There is beauty here at any time of the year!
When it's summer, right by the river
We'll make a fire, barbecue,
Let's catch fish, pike, perch!
And the mood will scream: “HURRAY!”
Nature comes alive in spring
And with her the mood blossoms!
In winter, white snow falls like a carpet
And the mood is spinning like snowflakes!
Autumn will give leaves of bright colors,
And the mood will be like in a fairy tale!

Who's the one who screwed up?
Who's in no mood?
I'll start again now
Angelic singing!

Well, let it be that I'm a bear
I went through my ears,
I'm not trying today
To resounding success!

I want a close friend
Just smiled
To finally come to life
I'm back joyful!

Let the blues come to you,
Who doesn't it happen to?
I know for sure that she
They disperse with song!

Hungry husband in an unwashed shirt,
I brewed Doshirak in the kitchen...
Realizing the terrible mistake, Whispered:
“What a fool I am, after all!
I wanted the best, but it turned out as usual...
Damn, apparently, he pulled to show his wife
With my own hand, personally,
How to access the damn Internet!”

Madam, I am purely fascinated,
I am a slave, in kind, of your eyes.
There is no market, I'm bewitched
I particularly like your image.
I don't understand what the fuck
What the hell happened to me...
There are changes in my soul, fuck
They really shook everything up!
Damn, I'm in trouble, I have no escape -
The tower has been torn down, the blood is boiling...
I entered the topic - there is no doubt,
I was struck by love!

All! I'm no longer a stalker for women!
This is not the end I expected!
I'll calm down! I wish I could fucking live a little...
I’ll buy my wife a fur coat made of arctic fox...
In the spring we’ll rush to her parents in Baku...
I will love her alone until the grave...
How many stupid things came into my head,
While flying from the balcony to the snowdrift!

You just have to BELIEVE
You just have to LIVE
MEASURE a hundred times
And one Chop,
Don't hold grudges,
Don't keep sadness
Throw out of LIFE
Only then VICTORY!
Only then PUSH!
Brand new

Who takes uneven steps
Runs up to our mother?
Who's trying to walk
Hitting along the way
Stools, piano,
Curtains and a basket?
Who could it be?

Who looks like a bully?
Who grabbed the dog by the tail?
Like a real floor polisher,
Did you wipe the floor with your knees?
Who's trying to get to the bathroom
Should I drag my pajamas?
Who could it be?
This is after the restaurant
Dad is learning to walk!

I want a ray of sunshine to sneak
Slipped down your cheek to your scarlet lips -
He gives me the sweetest kiss
I would give it to you, and by the hair

I would gently stroke it to make you smile
You couldn't let go anymore
You agree, it would be a stupid mistake
Feel sad on this beautiful morning!

I smeared cucumber on my face
And she hung an egg on her eyebrows.
Sour cream in the mouth, on the forehead, on the chest, on the pelvis,
Strawberries, honey with nuts under the eye.
Some piercings on the nostrils, arms, legs -
A neighbor came in and collapsed on the threshold...
Well, what's so terrible about just dying?
Such beauty - AWESOME!

I wish you, friend, a carefree life,
Don't know potholes, ruts, holes!
Be a high flyer
The envy of the small sparrows!

The soup is very easy to prepare:
First you need to take:
Meat (but bones will do)
And about five potatoes,

Salt and pepper, two carrots,
Be sure to take one
Luke middle head,
And then... call your wife.

I found the mood to be lucky:
Yesterday everything was fine, but today it’s better!
I’ll repeat it a hundred times, the clouds will clear:
Today everything is so GOOD, and tomorrow it will be BETTER!
And let life plunge you into shock, I conjure you even more:

Why are you sad, my friend?
Look around quickly!
Nothing bad will happen -
The main thing is to smile with your heart!

And it doesn't matter what's going on around -
Is it snow, sun, or maybe darkness...
Let your mood soar like a bird!
May a rainbow rise in your soul!

So what happened?
And you'll understand...
I remember I handed over the bottles to beer...
My wife cooked fatty borscht...
And for the second - chops...
And I, having devoured from the stomach,
“Thank you, Lena, delicious!”
And then... further - darkness
And the echo of a plaintive crunch.
The doctor says I'm rather weak
I have to lie like a log for a month...
But it’s his own fault:
The wife is Tanya, not Lena!


You and I can handle this world,
We will achieve everything we wanted
We will have in our lives: Paris,
And Miami, and coffee in bed.

There will be princes on white horses
Disturb our peace with you,
Our enemies will be out of malice
And only squeak out of envy.

You and I are full of optimism,
And we go through life with a smile,
Our happiness is very close
We will find him very soon.

I'll tell you, I won't keep silent,
I always want this.
I want to be in a field, even in a den,
I want it either in the tundra or in a den.
I want it everywhere, and wherever I have to.
Let the sun shine, let the rain pour.
I want when I go to bed
And in the morning, before getting up.
On the nightstand and on the sofa,
Squatting and upside down,
On land, in the air, in water.
I want to go to Moscow and Kostroma.
Both in the cold and in the summer heat...
I always want to chat with you!

The man's blood was boiling with passion...
And a woman, with a smile on her lips,...
She said that she would allow herself
Kiss, but only in 2 places.

Oh, guys - holy simplicity!
He moved closer to the woman
And asked to quickly name the places.
She said: ... in Rome and Paris.

A girl is lying in a snowdrift, laughing,
Her hysteria leads to ecstasy.
So what, stupid, isn’t there?
She just got drunk, damn it!

Everything will be: smiles and flowers,
And all your dreams will surely come true,
And our life will blossom, like in a fairy tale,
The soul in the chest begins to sing, as in childhood.

And old friends will support us,
And new ones will be found in good time.
Fate, smiling at us, will wink,
Good luck will immediately come to visit us.

I'm a GIRL and that means I'm beautiful
Sweet, gentle, beautiful and smart
I'm a GIRL and that means I'm like a lioness
Strong, fast, dangerous and cunning
I'm a GIRL and that means I'm like a bird
Inimitable, deceptive, pure
All unearthly and earthly beauty
I'M A GIRL and I should be proud
After all, you are a poet, an artist anywhere
I'M A GIRL They should strive for me
After all, I am a tempting star
I'm a GIRL you can fall in love with me
Fire of love, giving happiness and warmth
I'm a GIRL and I can't sleep at night
You just see me in your dreams
I'm the GIRL you dream about
I am a dream, I am an ideal, I am a Queen!!!

One day, apparently awake,
A mouse got into a beer keg
And she began to drown in beer.
-I'm drowning! Someone save me!
I'm dying in Zhigulevsky beer,
Oh, how simple my death is,
I would be 100 times happier
Die in the paws of a cat!?
“Well,” the cat said from the window.
-I can get you out, but
You will turn into food!
-Save me quickly, I’m going to the bottom,
Death in freedom is a hundred times dearer to me!
And the mouse died in alcohol
Luckily she was saved.
But finding ourselves in terrible clutches,
Trembling to the tip of the tail,
Beer smell spreading,
The mouse escaped the cat.
-Where is your word?! Your Honor?!
You promised to let me eat you.
-Oh, what are you doing? - the mouse squeaked,
I promised this out of drunkenness!
Morality is knocking right on the door
Don't trust a drunk woman!!!

Everything is fine, tell yourself in the morning,
And the day will be a success, rest assured of that.
And if you start to become limp in vain,
You will turn a good day into a loss.
Try to see the miracle in the little things:
A living leaf, a butterfly, a flower.
Throw away the grain of doubt
And don’t keep such good things.
Meet the sunrises, see off the sunsets,
Don't be afraid to love and know how to forgive
And don’t turn your life into losses,
Learn to appreciate the acquisitions in it.

Taken here: Shmyandex.ru
the best humor and funny jokes