Comic posters for weddings. Lettering for wedding posters

For a wedding

A wedding is not only fun, but also a lot of painstaking preparation for the celebration. It is important to make such an event original and interesting. Decorations at a wedding party play big role, they can be very different. Today, the organizers of such holidays offer many new products. But DIY wedding posters will always be a guarantee good mood and smiles of guests from the very beginning of the celebration.

Benefits of decorating with posters

Posters have a number of undoubted advantages.

Firstly, you can keep guests who arrive early. By studying the content of the posters, they will quietly pass the time and get into a cheerful and festive mood.

Secondly, they are an excellent piece of room decor. They can be made different sizes and easily eliminate defects in the room (for example, insufficiently clean walls, careless plaster, potholes).

Thirdly, posters with original slogans can be a good hint for guests to propose toasts. After all, not everyone can say a heartfelt toast.

Fourthly, this good mood And extra reason start a casual conversation discussing the contents of the poster.

How to make wedding posters

It's great if you know how to draw and come up with couplets. Most, as a rule, suffer from a lack of good artistic skills. But it doesn't matter! There is an exit:

  1. Take an idea from the Internet (there they are in sufficient quantity) and supplement it with personal experiences. You can also find poster templates there.
  2. Refer to proven classics. Any saying about love and happiness is a theme for a poster.
  3. Design the poster in a text editor (for example, Microsoft Word). Choose a background and suitable pictures. Print everything out on a color printer or color it yourself. If you are computer friendly, you can use popular layout programs: Adobe InDesign, Corel Ventura, Quark Xpress. With their help you can produce high quality posters.
  4. Make the garland of sayings colorful in capital letters. It is important to remember that the content of the posters should be kind and cheerful. They , First of all, they must entertain the guests.

Target Posters

Posters can be dedicated to different things: bride price, parents of newlyweds, just decoration in the entrance, for holding various competitions.

An original photo collage will tell the story of how a young couple met. You can also make a photo montage by pasting photographs of the newlyweds into different situations: in a rich house, a luxury car, while traveling around famous places, on vacation, etc. A cartoon poster will be a surprise. It is difficult to prepare it alone, but a group of friends will cope with this task perfectly. This will be a memory for many years.

If the wedding is themed (sea, retro, pirate), then all posters should be designed in the appropriate style. Other options will not work here.

Don't forget to prepare a wedding poster for the wishes and parting words of the guests. In this case, you need to make some funny inscription at the top that talks about the purpose of the poster. You can decorate it with a beautiful border. Hang the poster in a visible place. Leave pens for guests to write down their wishes. The inscriptions will be especially pleasant for the newlyweds to read the next day, when the noisy wedding has already died down.

Despite all the newfangled trends, DIY wedding posters will bring soulfulness and warmth to the celebration, and will certainly become the best decoration this significant event.


Today it is very popular at foreclosures, in the registry office, in banquet hall and before his entrance use cheerful, funny and cool wedding posters. Cool and funny wedding posters accompany the bride and groom throughout the wedding day. Keep in mind that funny wedding posters are intended not only for newlyweds, but also for guests (witnesses, friends and relatives). Any funny, cheerful, cool wedding posters are an additional decoration on this wonderful day. Posters can add originality to a wedding and put guests in an even better mood.

Wedding Poster Design Styles

At all wedding posters are carried out in the most variety of styles: strict, with aphorisms, humorous, and so on. But since a wedding is a rather cheerful celebration, accordingly, wedding posters should preferably be cheerful, funny, cool and humorous. It is no secret that every joke contains a deep meaning, and sometimes a joke is able to express something that cannot be said in an ordinary serious form. This is why humorous, cool and cheerful wedding posters are so popular and in demand among modern newlyweds.

Cool wedding posters can be bought in the store or. Cool, funny, humorous, cheerful hand-made wedding posters will further lift the spirits of those present at the celebration and give parting words to the young, carrying the deepest meaning. Although casual, frivolous, playful and even a little silly posters also have a place at a wedding.

For example, there is a poster asking if someone has pinched a gift for the newlyweds, which can be hung before leaving the restaurant (banquet hall). Of course, there are unlikely to be guests who forgot to give a gift, but an additional smile from those who can still read the poster is guaranteed. By the way, you can make such a poster yourself.

Options for cool wedding posters

The poster “Wedding and Wedding in Africa” looks quite funny and cheerful, which also carries a certain meaning. Indeed, no matter where the wedding takes place, it has the same meaning: a wedding is a combination of two loving people marriage.

You can also make a poster with deep meaning about the fact that everything in a family should be equal, with a touch of humor: “For the wife - a fur coat, for the husband - a tie.” Such a poster will amuse the guests of the event if it is hung directly in the banquet hall, where the atmosphere is relaxed and conducive to smiles, humor and laughter.

If you want to make a wedding poster yourself, then we hasten to please you that now you do not need to have an artistic gift for this. You can find the required template (blank) on the Internet, print it and color it with felt-tip pens or paints. If, after all, the template version does not suit you very much, then you can beautiful font in Microsoft Word, make an inscription on the poster, find some pictures that are most suitable in your opinion, insert them there, print them on large format or several A4 sheets (glued together or glued to whatman paper) and decorated.

We offer more options for funny inscriptions on a wedding poster:

  • Took a wife - forget the silence
  • Got married - talk your friend out of it
  • Happy feast and for the wedding
  • Got married - talk your friend out of it
  • Finger ring, neck collar
  • Married yourself - help a friend
  • Where there is love, there is advice
  • The guy's girls blinked
  • If you're sad, kiss your neighbor

Wedding preparations- this is a time of worries and joy! What more? Probably a lot of both! One of the difficult, or rather more tedious, tasks is composing texts for posters to decorate the hall. The work is really tiring, but fun at the same time!

Examples of inscriptions on posters:

1. Don’t hide under the table one at a time!
2. Girlfriends, the shoe was not stolen so that you could try it on all evening!
3. The groom has waited for the first night, and you can wait for your son and daughter too!
4. If you want to live easier, you need to be friends with your mother-in-law!
5. If you want to have fun, you need to open your wallet more often!
6. A ring on your finger is a collar on your neck!
7. Courtship - hunting season; wedding is the season of pleasure; family life- Stork catching and harvest season!
8. I imagined, imagined and ended up in women’s hands!
9. As you celebrate your wedding, so will you live!
10. Jealousy is not a dish that will decorate the family table!
11. Your desires must coincide with the desires of your wife, then you can safely boast that your wife will never contradict you!
12. Happiness is when a plate breaks - everyone shouts: “For good luck!” — and they don’t find out where the hands come from!
13. Wife! If you want to make a scandal, go to the mirror and... go either to the hairdresser or to the kitchen to prepare dinner!
14. Husband! If Bad mood, then give a compliment to your wife and... she herself will take care of raising your mood!
15. Brought your wife into the house - forget about silence and silence!
16. If you forgot that you are married, your phone bill will remind you of it!
17. Smart women become queens, knowing how to please!
18. Groom! Don't forget that you don't need to see anyone off today! Unusual? No problem, we save on taxis!
19. Tili-tili, troll-tli, but the bride was stolen!
20. Husband+wife= a strong family!

So keep up the good work! We think you'll be able to expand your list of these little poster texts! Good luck and have fun!

Examples of posters and wall newspapers for a wedding (photos, pictures):

The most common<слоганы>for wedding posters:

Wedding is a sign of consent!
It is not recommended for children under 16 years of age to have their own.
Resistance is a female tactic, surrender is a strategy.
There is only one mystery left in women - where to get money for them
Is the king naked? It’s clear: everything went into the queen’s outfits.
Money is like women: they can fall out of love and leave for someone else
Women don't argue about tastes - they get paid
Love is blind, but marriage is a brilliant oculist
For a man, work is a second home, and for a woman, it is a second job.
Not all life ends in death; sometimes it ends in marriage
With a good woman, a man can become a man
I'm looking for you under makeup!
A stingy husband is not as scary as his wife
Everyone married women need to give a medal<За мужество>
The family nest rested:... on the horns of the spouse
Over the years, the chances of<любовь до гроба>increase noticeably
For married man cellular telephone not a means of communication, but a means of tethering
The dream of many girls is to marry a rich sapper.
How quickly time flies! Before you have time to start a family, your children are already getting divorced
A man in the house is needed not for furniture, but for its repair
A woman forgives only when she is to blame
Worst for love: daisies
Love inspires. Then the winged one is ringed.
Happiness is when children are healthy, have shoes, are dressed and are not at home.
What is the first the wedding night compared to the first illegitimate one!....
Middle age: when you dream that<Да>the banker told you, not the girl
Married for convenience. But the calculation turned out to be wrong. I had to live to see love.
Where there is love, there is advice.
Advice and love - that's all there is to it.
Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
Marry! - not everyone is having fun.
Getting married is not putting on bast shoes.
An honest feast for the wedding.
The young man was withered by someone else's girlish beauty.
It's better to get married than to drag your feet.
Don’t look at other people’s wives, but keep an eye on your own.
I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.
Get married - keep your eyes peeled.
Beauty to the end, intelligence to the end.
The house is run not by a beauty, but by a clever woman.
Our girls got scared, they all rushed to get married.
It’s not the happy one that’s with her father, but the happy one that’s with her husband.
He didn’t feed, didn’t give water, but kisses.
People get married, and our eyes glow.
The matchmaker has the first cup and the first stick.
Parents protect their daughter until the crown, and the husband until the end.
Legal marriage- a sign of love and harmony!
Let the whole world know that the wedding feast is taking place here!
The whole country knows about this - from now on you are husband and wife!
This is the place of the bride and groom!
To those who came from under the aisle, we wish you love to the end!
You and I are now family!
A sea of ​​happiness, a sea of ​​light! We wish you to live without grief!
We wish you eternal love and heartfelt joy!
If there is agreement, there will be happiness!
Happy you - happy the whole world! We glorify you and the wedding feast!
The family is on its way! Today the world is at your feet!
From now on only<Мы>- Not<Я>, and there will be a strong family!
Our order to the bride and groom is to be together everywhere from now on!
Consent and trust will open the doors to happiness!
Look into your eyes - the storm will pass!
Be gentle, be patient, and don’t forget respect!
Healthy children to young people, such as the fruits of apple trees!
The people advise to continue the glorious line!
Cherry blossoms, lilac smoke on our newlyweds' wedding day!
Remember, darling, my lips, so that others don’t love you!
Lipstick is a seal of fidelity! If you change it, you will be responsible!
Don't speak rudely to me - lips are meant for kissing!
To sort out many brides, a married man cannot live like that forever.
The bride and groom - a hundred years together!
Don't take a dowry, take a sweet girl.
Even to live in a forest hut, but to be with your loved one.
Know, fungus, your place, husband and wife - one dough!
A wife is a friend, adviser and assistant to her husband; a husband is to his wife - everything else!
Be behind your husband like a wife behind a stone wall, and you, husband, don’t attack your wife!
The husband is good, the wife is beautiful, live peacefully and in harmony!
Be kind to your husband, wife, he doesn’t need a grumbler!
Be patient hubby or you'll be lonely!
Ah, ha-ha, uh-ha-ha! Let's rob the groom!
Stop! Don `t move! Your bride lives here!
We are selling the bride and charging a very high price. Whether you want it or not, we will always find a groom.
Here honey and beer foam, here Petya and Lena get married!
The guy's girls missed!
Two of a Kind.
The husband is the king, the wife's heel is his crown.
Tili-tili dough, the bride lives here.
Keep your eyes peeled for your sweetheart. Get married - keep your eyes peeled too.
You feel good today, you are getting married today. All the same, you won’t get away from me. (Image of a baby)
Beloved parents! Could you give it to Volvo?
How many stumps there are in the forest - so many sons for you! How many hummocks there are in the forest - so many daughters for you!
We ask the mother-in-law and mother-in-law not to spoil the blood of the young!
Our: well done, leading: down the aisle!
Ours: berry, ours: cherry, whoever she wanted, she married.
We are having fun today, we are drinking vodka today, because: we are getting married, we are getting married.
The first year the wife is a dear, the second year - a nail file, the third year - a sawmill.
The husband is the head, the wife is the neck, wherever I want to turn it.
In a family, everything should be shared equally: a fur coat for the wife, a tie for the husband.
Mother-in-law is man's best friend!
No matter how much the mother-in-law talks, tell her son-in-law<Жигули>.
Carry your wife in your arms so that she doesn’t sit on your neck.
Have fun, honest people, the Russian wedding is coming!
If you got married yourself, help your friend.
It's a long choice - not to be married.
No better friend, how faithful friend.
I chose a good guy - don’t blame your father.
Suitors are not mammoths, they will not all die out.
Don't make smart faces, you'll be married too.
They must have fallen in love so much that they decided to get married.
A husband with a car is nonsense, a husband in the kitchen - yes!
The car runs around the city - 60 km/hour, the wife goes shopping - 60 rubles/second.
Brother, pour some ruff to make your soul jump.
If you get married, help your friend; if you get married, talk your friend out of it.
A toddler is urgently needed to seal the marriage bond!
So that there is eternal peace in the family, drink kefir, not vodka!
If there were no birches, there would be no grove; if there were no wife, there would be no mother-in-law.
Oh, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, don’t order love. If you feel sorry for your son, tie him to a lasso.
I managed to get ready for the wedding and managed to get home.
A father-in-law is a son-in-law's first friend.
The father-in-law is a living piggy bank.
Son-in-law plus father-in-law - there's a bottle!
Hit the woman with a hammer - the woman will be golden! Hit your husband with a teapot - your husband will be the boss!
Took a wife - forget the silence!
A beautiful maiden languishes in this mansion.
You give a marriage with a quality mark!
Children are the flowers of life! Give me a whole bouquet!
Another one crowed!
Yes, the wife is not a mitten - you can’t shake it off her white hand and you can’t tuck it into her belt.
We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding.
We wish happiness and goodness to children over ten. Hooray!
Finger ring - neck collar.
If you're sad, kiss your neighbor!
Who goes where, and we get married!
We won’t let anyone who doesn’t have a hangover get drunk.
Okay, okay, my mother-in-law will be a grandmother!
Don't look for an easy life, got married - not food!
Love is a ring, and a ring has no beginning and no end.
It’s not enough to get to heaven, you also have to settle down there. (Image of a hut with a refrigerator, TV, washing machine etc.)
There is no need for treasure for those who are on good terms with their husband (wife).
Do not boast about being married on the third day, but rather boast about the third year.
Do not gather under the table for more than three!
We ask you not to forget more often<Горько!>we should shout.
May you have as many children as you shouted<Горько!>
WITH good wife grief is half grief, but joy is twice as much.
Family is the key to happiness.
A family without love is a tree without roots.
Mother-in-law is the dove of peace.
A sober person at a wedding is a spy.
And you! I submitted an application to the registry office...
A good mother-in-law will not have a skinny son-in-law.
Who has what, but we have a wedding.
Bachelor, don’t yawn - choose your bride!
Kiss your mother-in-law more often - the pie will be sweeter!
If you sleep too long, you may not become a dad!
The wife is the soul of the family, and the husband is the second wind of the wife.
Getting married is not a bad thing. As long as you don't get married.
Even if you are in your early 30s, there is hope of marrying a prince.
My bunny, I am your bunny.
When words fail in love, they propose.
If a wife is not a gift, family life is full of surprises.
If a man gets married because it’s time, then it’s already too late.
Single - half a person.
In the column<семейное положение>wrote:<безвыходное>.
Husband and wife - one hell of a lot!
For some it is bitter, but for us it is sweet!

Of course, any wedding is a bright and unforgettable event in the lives of two people. And if you want it to become like this for the rest of the invited guests, arm yourself beautiful posters for a wedding.

Nowadays there are a huge number of posters and banners for sale for every taste and color. These include congratulations, wishes, and all sorts of jokes, aphorisms and much, much more. You can buy them almost anywhere, but what is written and drawn does not always coincide with what you would like to see. In this case, try making your own posters. In this case, you will definitely be sure that the design of your wedding looks the way you need it.

Where does the wedding celebration begin? Well, of course, from a bachelorette/bachelorette party! Usually the stronger sex does not bother themselves with such subtleties as cool posters, but the bridesmaids can try their best for the bride. Examples of inscriptions for pre-wedding celebrations:

“Give me the bouquet right away, there’s no need for respectable women to be foolish.”

"Goodbye discos, hello kitchen slavery"

“Are you getting married? Help your friend too!”

“Today anything is possible! But for the last time..."

If the bachelorette party will take place in the form of a stylized party, then it is also better to prepare posters that suit the setting. You can also paste photographs of the bride with her friends, photos with memorable dates and events, etc.

What should you prepare for first the next day? Of course, to the bride price! By the way, do you know where this tradition even came from? A long time ago, back in pagan tribes, men did not have time for the usual romance, walks under the moon and gifts. If he wanted to make a girl from another settlement his wife, he simply kidnapped her.

Of course, he did not do this alone, but in company with his warrior friends. In most cases, the escape did not go unnoticed. Therefore, in order not to come into conflict with local residents, the brave souls had to pay off the girl’s relatives. Of course, the price had to be equivalent to a loss.

Now only the external side of this action remains; the tradition has essentially turned into a game. The main thing is that it is interesting to all parties: the bride and groom, relatives, and friends on both sides. No vital valuables are currently used for ransom. Although money is still in use, symbolic “gifts” are mainly used: sweets, alcohol, small jewelry, and so on.

A mandatory attribute is various competitions in which the groom is “tested” on his knowledge of information about his bride. Usually this is done by girlfriends and relatives of the future spouse. Accordingly, it is they who decorate the yard or entrance with beautiful posters. They are usually written with loud calls like “Stop, groom! Don `t move! The bride lives here!”, but there may also be colorfully painted detailed tasks for the groom and his entourage.

For example, you can draw a flower with multi-colored petals, each of which has a number on it, meaning something associated with the bride. For example, her mother's age, or the date of her first kiss. The groom must guess them all and pay a ransom for each wrong answer.

Well, all the tests have been overcome, the registry office and the walk are behind us, and it’s time to go to the place where the gala banquet will be held. While everyone was walking and taking photos, several friends needed to sneak out early in order to decorate the banquet hall itself with posters.

Here it is already necessary to make every effort to solemn congratulations young. Again, you can use the services of various printing companies, or you can draw the posters yourself. With a rather picturesque design, even the banal phrase “Happy wedding day!” may cease to be such and will become the main decoration of the holiday.

You can hang a large blank sheet in one of the most visible places thick paper or whatman paper, place several multi-colored markers nearby and declare this place a “Wishing Area for the Newlyweds.” Rest assured, by the end of the evening there will be a lot of funny and pleasant inscriptions.

The images on the posters can be very different: pleasant, funny, kind, ironic. The main thing is that they all correspond to the theme of the wedding. Here are the options for the inscriptions on the posters:

"Let golden wedding bring us together again,

And you will walk this long path with dignity.

Love will not let you go, we know that for sure.

Let my son and daughter be the confirmation.”

Despite the fact that a wedding itself is a joyful and happy thing, bright and colorful posters made with soul will help make any celebration even better and more beautiful. They will never be superfluous: even on the first day wedding celebration, and on each subsequent anniversary they will help add color to any holiday.

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