DIY Bride Lives Here Poster. DIY wedding posters

For men

For a wedding to be fun, you need to spend a lot of time preparing. Decorations play a big role in the decoration of the hall; the organizers offer many decorating ideas. But the most popular are wedding posters; they always guarantee a cheerful mood for guests from the very beginning of the holiday.

Advantages of decorating a hall with posters

Posters will allow guests who arrived a little earlier than planned not to get bored. By studying the inscriptions and pictures, time will pass quickly and in a good mood for the first guests.

In addition, posters can take on the role of decoration and help disguise some of the shortcomings in the room (stains on the walls, potholes, untidy plaster, etc.)

Posters with original signatures can help that guest who has not prepared a toast for congratulations, or does not know how to do it.

The interesting content of a poster is always a reason for conversation and casual acquaintance.

DIY posters

Posters do not have to be purchased ready-made. It is much more interesting to draw them yourself, choosing pictures and captions for the people who will be present at the wedding. What you need to properly design your own posters:

  • take poster templates from the Internet and add your own ideas to them;
  • do not forget about the classics, use famous sayings about love and happiness;
  • You can design a poster in a special program on your computer and print it on a color printer. Or you can arm yourself with whatman paper, paints and markers and draw by hand;
  • draw some beautiful phrases in large letters, cut them out and connect them - you get a garland. For example, you can take the popular phrase: “Advice and love!”;
  • the font should be large and bright so that phrases can be easily read;
  • you need to use good materials that will probably dry by the day of the celebration and no one will get dirty from the paint;
  • The poster can be attached to the wall using tape, and to the curtains with pins.

Examples of phrases suitable for wedding posters:

“Are you getting married? Help your friend too"

"Happy wedding!"

“Today everything is possible! But only for the last time"

“Everything in a family should be shared equally: a fur coat for the wife, a tie for the husband”

"Goodbye discos, hello kitchen"

“To marry successfully is not to be born in vain”

“If you want to be happy, be it!”

The main thing to remember is that the purpose of wedding posters is to give guests and newlyweds a good mood, to be kind and cheerful. Examples of such posters can be seen in the photo.

Bride price posters

Before registration, it is time for the bride price. This tradition has been going on since ancient times, when men simply kidnapped the girl they liked in order to marry her. He did this in the company of his friends. And most often the moment of abduction was noticed by the girl’s parents and other relatives, in which case the groom had to pay off and appease them in every possible way.

Now this tradition has turned into a fun game. Before taking his sweetheart to the registry office, the groom performs a number of tasks from his future wife’s girlfriends. And the bride can only wait quietly in the back room of her house until the groom breaks through to her.

For these competitions, posters are actively used; decoration with them begins from the yard or entrance where the bride lives.

The posters, usually drawn by the bridesmaids, contain various tasks, riddles for the groom or calls, such as, for example: “Stop, groom, stay still! The bride lives here!”

Among the riddles there may be a poster with various dates written on it (the day they met, the mother-in-law’s birthday, etc.) and the groom must name them all.

Or girls leave lip prints on the poster using lipstick, and the future husband must determine the shape of his bride’s lips from among all the prints.

Here you can write cool phrases, for example:

“Hee-hee yes ha-ha, we’ll rob the groom!”

“Tili-tili dough, and we have a bride!”

“Have you submitted an application to the registry office?”

“We envy the bride with white envy! Girlfriends"

Golden wedding posters

On the 50th wedding anniversary, the poster will be a nice gift for parents. It can display wedding photographs of young parents, photographs showing the happiest moments over all the years of their life together.

The background should be delicate shades, and the photographs should be framed with roses and hearts. At the top, of course, write “Happy Golden Wedding!”

Leave a space under the photographs so that the guests present can write their wishes and congratulations to the couple.

You need to put all your love and warmth of your soul into creating a poster honoring the golden anniversaries so that it becomes a real gift, and you want to keep it as a family heirloom.

What can be written on posters in honor of the golden wedding:

“They search for happiness for years, but only find it once”

“Old age does not protect from love, but love saves from old age”

"Welcome to the house of love!"

Video selection:

· At our wedding the law is simple: drink, have fun and sing.
· There is no need for a treasure if the husband and wife are on good terms.
· Do not boast about being married on the third day, but rather boast about the third year.
· There is no better friend than a faithful girlfriend.
· Carry your wife in your arms... until she sits on your neck.
· Ah, ha-ha, uh-ha-ha! Let's rob the groom!
· Hit your husband with a teapot - the husband will be the boss!
· I quit drinking, smoking, swearing - we’ll get married.
· If there is agreement, there will be happiness! From now on only “We” - not “I”, and there will be a strong family!
· Be patient hubby or you will be lonely!
· Be behind your husband like a wife behind a stone wall, and you, husband, don’t attack your wife!
· In the family, everything is equal: the wife has a fur coat, and the husband has a tie!
· In a family, the Husband is the neck, and the Wife is the head: I turn wherever I want!
· A brown-eyed (green-eyed, blue-eyed) girl is languishing in this mansion.
· You feel good today, you are getting married today. You won't get away from me anyway! (Image of a baby)
· Have fun honest people, the Russian wedding is coming!
· A cheerful feast and for the wedding.
· Took a wife - forget the silence!
· Picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.
· I chose a good guy - don’t blame your father.
· Where there is love and advice, there is no grief.
· Where there is love, there is advice.
· Let's get lost in the smoke. May there be happiness for the young!
· You give a marriage with a quality mark!
· Two of a Kind.
· The guy's girls... missed it!
· Children are the flowers of life! Give me a whole bouquet!
· A toddler is urgently needed to seal the marriage bond!
· If there were no birches, there would be no grove; if there were no wife, there would be no mother-in-law.
· Another one crowed!
· We wish you as many daughters as there are buds on a birch tree, we wish you as many sons as there are stumps in a forest forest!
· We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding.
· We wish happiness and goodness to children over ten. Hooray!
· We wish the young people happiness, and the rest to get drunk and drunk.
· A wife is a friend, adviser and assistant to her husband, a husband is to his wife - everything else!
· A wife is not a mitten - you can’t put it in your belt.
· Married yourself - help a friend.
· Bride and groom, a hundred years together.
Suitors are not mammoths, they won’t all go extinct.
· Live with each other like fish with water.
· Look into your eyes - the storm will pass!
· Legal marriage - love, consent sign!
· Here honey and beer foam, here... and... they get married!

Posters: texts for weddings

· Know, fungus, your place, husband and wife are one dough!
· Son-in-law plus father-in-law - there is a bottle!
· The young man was withered by someone else's maiden beauty.
· If you feel bitter, kiss your neighbor.
· The family ship went to sea. Let the storm subside, let the grief pass!
· Beauty to the crown, intelligence to the end.
· Who goes where, and we get married (Car poster)
· We won’t let anyone who doesn’t have fun get a hangover.
· My son-in-law has a best friend, he is called father-in-law.
· We wish you eternal love and joy of heart!
· Beloved parents! Would you mind giving me a Volga?
· Love is a ring, but a ring has no beginning and no end.
· I'm not there yet, but I'll be there soon, buy me this dish quickly! (Image of a child with a potty)
· Hello newlyweds! Love, consent and advice.
· A sea of ​​happiness, a sea of ​​light! We wish you to live without grief!
· The husband is a professor - nonsense, the husband is a student - wow!
· A husband with a car is nonsense, a husband in the kitchen - yes!
· The husband is good, the wife is beautiful, let everything be clear in the family!
· We sell the bride, we charge a very high price. Whether you want it or not, we’ll always find a groom.
· We are having fun today, we are drinking vodka today, because... we are getting married,... we are getting married.
· They must have fallen in love so much that they decided to get married.
· Our order to the bride and groom is to be together everywhere from now on!
· Pour some ruff, brother, to make your soul jump.
· Our... well done, leading... down the aisle!
· Our... berry, our... cherry, whoever she wanted, she married.
· Our girls got scared, they all rushed to get married.
· Don't take a dowry, take a sweet girl.
· Don’t sigh heavily, we won’t give you far.
· Don't speak rudely to me - lips are meant for kissing!
· Be gentle, patient, don’t forget respect!
· Newlyweds. Reduce the waste rate in your marriage.
· The whole country knows about this - from now on you are husband and wife!
· Oh, mother-in-law, mother-in-law, don’t order love. If you feel sorry for your son, tie him to a lasso.
· Do not gather under the table for more than three!
· We ask you not to forget to shout “Bitterly” to us more often.
· We ask the mother-in-law and mother-in-law not to spoil the blood of the young!
· May you have as many children as you shouted “Bitterly”!
· Let the whole world know that the wedding feast is taking place here!
· A wedding is a wedding in Africa too!
· Father-in-law is a living piggy bank.
· Family is the key to happiness.
· The family is on its way! Today the world is at your feet!
· Advises the people to continue the glorious line!
· Consent and trust will open the doors to happiness!
· Stop, groom! I won’t move from my place - your bride lives here.

Not a single wedding is complete without additional decorations and various attributes that will transform the holiday, make it unforgettable and beautiful. Handmade wedding posters can become such an important detail. It is homemade products that can create the atmosphere needed at a celebration: relieve tension, amuse people and keep them occupied during breaks between celebrations.

Place and time

DIY posters can accompany all stages of the wedding: from the morning of the bride to the end of the second day of the holiday.

The products are prepared for bride price. They should be hung in the entrance, on the door leading to the apartment. This can be regarded as a decoration or an attribute for a celebration. Attributes dedicated to this stage of the wedding are usually made by the bridesmaids, who are responsible for the ransom. Suitable slogans: “Ah-ha-ha, we will rob the groom!”, “I found a husband - help my friends!”

When the bride and groom leave the wedding palace, guests can greet them with a sign of congratulations. As a rule, these are exclamations: “We are having a wedding today,” “Congratulations on starting a family,” “Bitter!”

Small homemade elements are also prepared for the wedding card. Instead of license plates, you can hang a sign with the inscription: “Wedding”, “Newlyweds”, “Who goes where, and we are at the registry office.”

Some posters can be used for a photo shoot. For example, make them in cartoon format. Capture the shapes, cut a hole for the face. For a thematic one, you can draw a sailor and a sailor woman in striped vests at the helm. Anyone can come up and take a photo, leaving funny shots as a souvenir. Laughter and fun are guaranteed.

Small signs with inscriptions can be used for a photo zone. For example, write “Bride” and “Groom” with paints on cardboard cards with a holder. Or improvised arrows with the phrase: “I love him”, “I love her”. Couples in love will line up to take photos with such signs. Such details are called.

The most popular materials for decorating a wedding hall are helium balloons, garlands and, of course, wedding posters. You can make an option with your own hands that will suit the specific style of the holiday and the interior of the restaurant. You can even hang several options of products indoors. Guests will look at them during breaks between competitions. The table of the newlyweds is decorated with the transport: “Place for the newlyweds.”

You can decorate the doors of the hall on the second day of the wedding with a banner: “Whoever didn’t have fun yesterday, we won’t let him get hungover.” At the entrance, you will need to show how the person danced and sang yesterday, demonstrating his talents.

Execution options

Newlyweds often wonder what posters they can draw with their own hands in order to save on their purchase. The easiest way is to take whatman paper and stick various magazine clippings on it. They must be colorful, beautiful and match the theme of the wedding. So, an interesting option would be a poster on the theme: “family paradise.” Here you can capture: a car, a villa by the sea, travel to different countries, trips to the cinema, theater, entertainment centers, beautiful expensive clothes, furniture and modern equipment.

Black and white posters with empty windows for wishes from guests look original. Thus, each invitee has the opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds with wishes. At the same time, he draws out the background of his quote with felt-tip pens or colored pens. It turns out to be such a unique coloring in honor of the bride and groom.

Do-it-yourself wedding posters with photographs of the newlyweds are going with a bang. You can pick up interesting photographs from the childhood of the bride and groom, their youth, as well as the couple’s acquaintance. Many guests, and even the young ones themselves, will be interested in looking at the rare photos. Such a collage of many photographs can be called “how it all began.” We will have to gradually restore the entire history of the beginning of the relationship between young people. The task is not easy, but the result is worth it. The product can be made by close relatives of the newlyweds or the newlyweds themselves. Alternatively, the love story can be told with sweets, such as chocolates. At first, the candy-bouquet period was accompanied by “Raffaello”, then the young people became a couple of “Twix”, and in the future they will have a “Kinder Surprise”. You can draw sweets or attach originals.

Hand-drawn posters are considered favorites among other accessories. They are made with soul, with a special approach. If they have talent and a creative approach, one of the guests could make a beautiful poster as a gift to the newlyweds. This could be a portrait of them together or a funny cartoon with wishes of all the best.

You can decorate your own wedding posters with various elements: sparkles, sequins, paint them or make a pattern with ribbons. The most common sign used at weddings reads: “Advice and Love.” It can be made in the form of a banner at the entrance to the banquet hall. Or near the newlyweds' table.

Newlyweds are thinking about what to write on homemade posters, make funny inscriptions or, conversely, capture serious quotes from famous people about love. Some examples of inscriptions on the poster:

  1. To make your life simpler, remember your mother-in-law’s birthday!
  2. For a strong marriage bond, you need a sweet little one!
  3. Stop, groom, don’t take another step - your joy lives here! (at the entrance to the bride's house).
  4. Why does a wife nag her husband when she can simply strangle him in her arms or kiss him to death?
  5. You have to fall in love so much that you want to get married!

You can watch the video for additional options:

Making wedding posters with your own hands is not difficult at all. The process of creating a masterpiece is so addictive that it is impossible to tear yourself away. And now the decorations for the hall, cars and photo zone are ready. This is how we combined a pleasant pastime with a useful activity.

Making wedding posters is very simple and in this case it is not always worth resorting to the help of professionals. Surely there will be people around you with a creative streak who will help you make these fun and simple posters.

Do not gather more than three people under the table!

Stop getting married and getting married! It's time for us to come to our senses! (friends and girlfriends)

Bride! We envy you with white envy! (girlfriends)

Goodbye, friends! Hello, rattle diapers!

Guests, be careful! A wedding is not a series, it doesn’t repeat itself in the morning!

No matter how many weddings we attended, we never saw a better couple!

The groom has waited for the first night, and you can wait for your son and daughter too!

Newlyweds, kiss more often! Otherwise the wedding won’t be real!

Now the bride will find out what kind of dough the groom is made of!

Newlyweds! Do not be afraid! It's only the first 20 years that are difficult!

Dear parents! Would you like any grandchildren?

Goodbye fishing, goodbye hockey! I love Olya, I will marry her!

Hand and heart have already been given. The head and wallet are next.

Dear guests, do not be shy! Gather around the table more often!

If you want to live easier, you need to be friends with your mother-in-law!

We greet the young with bread and salt, call them swan and swan!

Parents, don't worry! Kiss together with the young ones!

Who "Bitterly!" he doesn’t want to scream, he’ll hit him on the top of the head!

We know how to kiss, you won't be able to keep up with us!

A good bride is given by God, raise a good wife yourself!

Today is the start, and the finishes will be intermediate.

So Sasha got married, Ole fell into the gentle hands!

An unfinished glass is a disgrace to the entire wedding!

Those who won't dance won't be given any wine!

Bride and groom - title. Husband and wife on a vocation!

The wife feeds her husband so that he can carry him in his arms, the husband carries him in his arms so that he can feed him!

Groom, remember! The value of a husband is determined by the cost of his wife's outfits!

There can only be two opinions in a family: one is the wife’s, the other is wrong.

Getting married successfully is more important than being born!

The more fun you have, the easier your family life begins!

Have you found yourself a bride?

Let's have a fun wedding today and congratulate the newlyweds!

A good wife is like the Internet, she has an answer to everything!

Submission cools anger and gives dimension to mutual feelings.

In the edifice of human happiness, friendship builds the walls, and love forms the dome.

If you want to be happy, be it.

A wedding ring is the first link in the chain of married life.

Happiness is a fragile commodity. Handle it with care.

It is best to give useful gifts. The wife gives her husband handkerchiefs, and he gives her a mink coat.

When a man cooks, he does not tolerate anyone next to him. But if a woman cooks, he keeps getting into the kitchen.

The honeymoon ends when the dog brings the husband's slippers and the wife starts grumbling.

A woman should not require a man to wash the dishes. After all, when she fell in love with him, he was not standing near the sink.

Tenderness is a better proof of love than the most passionate vows.

Truth and mutual trust are the first principles of love.

Marriage means more than love. The most important thing here is respect. Just don't confuse it with admiration.

You can't protect yourself from a love fire.

A compliment doubles a woman's productivity.

Be your husband's lawyer, not his investigator.

When returning from guests with your wife, do not skimp on a taxi: remember that you would not go on foot with a stranger.

If you consider your husband to be the head of the family, do not sit on his head.

There are no mysterious women, but there are slow-witted men.

A man and a woman are two boxes that hold the keys to each other.

The true measure of the worth of the human heart is the ability to love.

Old age does not protect from love, but love protects from old age.

They search for happiness for years, but find it only once.

In love you must act boldly, solve problems yourself, and this serious matter cannot be trusted to anyone!

Radiating love and tenderness, Keep anxiety in reserve, So that an accident will never separate us in life!

Welcome to the beautiful land of love!

Natalya Erofeevskaya May 31, 2018, 10:40 pm

A long-standing tradition of wedding celebrations, even in the conditions of modern high-tech society, are posters decorating the premises of the bachelorette party, bride price or wedding banquet itself. They can be very different - professionally made or hand-drawn, large and small, in different techniques or the same style.

Photo of a poster for decorating a wedding venue

You don’t have to be an artist at all: carefully selected, printed collages, supplemented with photographs of the newlyweds, can be not only the original component of a successful, cheerful wedding. Over time, such poster masterpieces will become family heirlooms, and accomplished parents will proudly show their children and grandchildren the wedding poster “The Bride Lives Here” that was saved from the ransom or posters with congratulations on the wedding day from friends and relatives.

What types of wedding posters are there?

A wedding is not only the solemn day itself, but also the preliminary preparation for it, the bachelor and bachelorette parties. Modern men, of course, are difficult to imagine with pencils and felt-tip pens in their hands, unless there are professional artists among the friends and relatives of the future newlyweds. As a rule, the female half is responsible for designing wedding posters, but even this is not so important. It is important to approach the process creatively and patiently, and then the poster will turn out stylish, bright, and memorable.

Photo of the original wedding competition poster

Let's get started from bachelorette party posters. Usually cheerful bridesmaids prefer to draw wall newspapers and create wedding collages with their own hands - this is a fun pastime that is sure to result in a great result. There are no specific rules for making such posters, but the inscriptions should be large and bright, no gloomy tones (unless it is a Halloween or Goth wedding), the posters should be diluted with photographs of the bride and her bridesmaids for the entire period of their acquaintance - even from kindergarten times .

Wedding posters should be bright, words and phrases legible, and the use of magazine clippings and photographs is encouraged.

In any wedding poster, it is recommended to take into account the theme of the girls' party or wedding celebration: retro style, exotic, marine, African, etc. should be reflected in the design of the premises. Then the wedding will look extremely stylish, professional and harmonious. Cool inscriptions and funny phrases should be chosen carefully so that there is not even a hint of vulgarity and vulgarity.

Wedding posters for bride price- traditional decoration of the doors and walls of the entrance, as well as the bride’s apartment, from which the groom takes her, thanks to generosity and ingenuity, symbolic gifts and participation in interesting competitions. The beloved will not go anywhere, and funny posters or banners with the names of the bride and groom will remain in the family for a long time.

Photo of wedding poster for redemption

In some cases, buyout posters can become the basis for an interesting competition. For example, you can invite the groom, with his eyes closed, to draw his future mother-in-law on a blank sheet of paper: such a portrait is unlikely to have any beautiful features, but it will be funny for those present - that’s for sure.

The simplest posters will not require much time to complete. Make a background and a bright frame, add slogans. For example, the classic: “We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding!” and “I got married myself, help a friend!” Or a more modern one: “Everything should be shared equally in a family: a fur coat for the wife, a tie for the husband!”) - here’s a poster for your home, cafe or restaurant and it’s ready! A stylishly designed poster with photographs of the newlyweds will perfectly decorate the walls of any room for a wedding celebration.

Don't know how to decorate your wedding party or don't have enough time to decorate the room? Another option for creating a poster is by the hands of the guests: you just need to make a beautiful frame on a blank sheet of Whatman paper and invite the parents and those present at the wedding to leave their wishes to the newlyweds. The newlyweds will certainly keep such a poster for wishes for a long time, because it is symbolic of nascent family relationships, very romantic and pleasant.

How to draw a wedding poster with your own hands?

Of course, you can purchase a standard one (or even several) at any bookstore or stationery store. typographic wedding poster– it’s quick and not at all troublesome, but it’s not at all original. Only congratulatory or humorous posters, drawn by yourself, have true value - the attention and work of a group of authors consisting of friends has been invested in them; such posters take into account the individuality of a couple entering a new period in life.

Photo of a DIY wedding poster

What kind of posters can you draw? Pencil and paints, mosaic, collage, scrapbooking techniques - any, the scope for imagination is absolutely unlimited. If you don’t have much imagination and artistic abilities, then you can contact special agencies or art workshops - they will not only help with the design at a professional level, but will also suggest original ideas. As for the style, these can be beautiful and delicate posters in floral designs, posters that depict a journey through the history of how the bride and groom met from the very first days to the present moment, or cool wedding day posters. Drawings and posters, banners and photo posters fit organically into any festive interior and serve as an excellent decorative element for decorating the hall.

Photo of a hand-drawn wedding poster

Wedding posters are the same an integral part of the holiday celebration on the occasion of a wedding, like a wedding cake or a bridal bouquet. You can use standard slogans and phrases or come up with your own, taking into account the character, temperament, habits of the bride and groom. You can show your own ingenuity and imagination regarding the design of posters or the technique of their execution, or you can turn to professional artists and printing houses. In any case, you should approach the creation of a poster creatively, with a great mood, and with the desire to please both the young people and the guests they invite.