A woman's mood during pregnancy. Bad mood during pregnancy

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There are always enough reasons for worry in our lives, and during pregnancy these reasons become much more numerous. There is even a scientific explanation for this. Throughout pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal background undergoes hormonal changes - and this is a significant restructuring for the entire body, both physically and psychologically. This is why a pregnant woman has increased tearfulness, nervousness and irritability. Women often transfer their physical changes to their psychological state, and therefore take everything that happens around them to heart and are subject to frequent mood changes.

Let's try to figure out why it's harmful bad mood during pregnancy and under no circumstances should you be nervous.

During pregnancy, a mother and her unborn child form one whole; they are one organism, a single whole. These are not just words, this is a fact - after all, the mother and child have another circulatory system for two, and all the substances that the mother consumes enter the fetus’s body through the blood.

If a woman is worried or stressed during pregnancy, her adrenal glands produce the hormone of anxiety or stress - catecholamine. And these hormones not only enter the child’s circulatory system, but also accumulate in it, since the fetus has not yet developed a return venous network.

In the second half of pregnancy, the fetus's nervous system is already partially developed and it can become nervous. And he gets nervous when his mother does this. If the future experienced bad mood during pregnancy, then during childbirth the amniotic fluid is a continuous concentration of these stress hormones. Children who are nervous with their mother while in her belly are more active, impressionable and nervous than those whose intrauterine development was calm. Stress during pregnancy leads to the fact that newborn children who have experienced stress together with their mother are more excitable and capricious, and often sleep poorly.

But of course, it is impossible to remain absolutely calm throughout pregnancy and not experience the slightest negative feeling. Scientists say that it is perfectly acceptable to be a little nervous, but only a little. The hormone cortisol, which is produced during psycho-emotional changes, in small quantities will not cause damage to the fetus, but in excessive doses it inhibits the development of the fetus.

So, expectant mothers, you understand that you don’t need to punish yourself for being a little worried during pregnancy, but under no circumstances should you bring yourself to the point of nervousness, hysterics and serious stress.

Let's try to cheer you up! Yes, yes, it's possible! And the products will help you and me. And we are not talking about coffee and chocolate, but about products that will take care of your nervous system. Vitamins of group B contribute to its strengthening. These are all protein products of animal origin, dark green vegetables, fish, nuts, and dairy products. Stress is afraid of manganese and vitamin C, and these are green and red vegetables, berries and dried fruits.

Healthy and proper nutrition- This is one of the options to cope with a bad mood during pregnancy. The second option is to avoid situations and people that can negatively affect you. Communicate with pleasant and loved people. Visit more often and invite guests to your place. And don't let yourself get bored - this can make you depressed and sad. Walk more often, read useful magazines, sign up for. Right now you have time to do what you didn’t have time for before. Get creative: draw, sew, knit, embroider, take photographs. Now is the time to surrender to wonderful dreams and think only about good things!

From a medical point of view, they are responsible for serious hormonal changes in the entire body, which begins in the first trimester. Think about it: in the first weeks the indicators increase several times! Emotional “swings” in such a state are inevitable.

From a psychological point of view, mood swings at the very beginning of the birth of a new life are due to the fact that the expectant mother is going through a serious process of self-identification, awareness of herself in a new status, and finds herself on the verge of radical changes in life. Hence the ambivalent attitude towards what is happening: on the one hand, women feel very vulnerable and weak, and therefore require global attention and even overprotection from others. On the other hand, the sense of responsibility for the future child and the feeling of one’s own importance grows stronger. It has been noticed that even very childish girls often seem to “grow up overnight” when they find out about their situation.

II trimester

As a rule, this is the most emotionally stable period. The hormonal storm more or less subsides, it is over, the baby begins to move, and the expectant mother can use this to determine whether everything is going well. A period of relative calm ensues.

III trimester

In the third trimester, a storm may strike again. Why? There are several reasons for this, one of the most common is physiological. begins to put pressure on the internal organs, and this causes discomfort. Often, late-term women experience problems sleeping, they develop swelling, late toxicosis and other unpleasant symptoms. In addition, the expectant mother begins to worry about how the birth will go, and this fear also does not add to her positive attitude.

At the beginning of pregnancy, do not listen to the stories of “experienced” friends about what pathologies there are in babies, how difficult it is to bear a fetus, and the like. Set yourself up to the fact that everything will be fine for you. And in the third trimester, do not read “horror stories” on the Internet about childbirth with complications. I assure you: the percentage of easy births is disproportionately higher. It’s just that few people write about it.

Lyubov Timchenko

What determines mood changes?

Is it possible to predict how a woman will behave during pregnancy? Medical practitioners say this is rarely possible. There are, perhaps, only two more or less working signs. First: if you experience sudden mood swings before your period, be prepared for similar symptoms during pregnancy. And besides, many character traits of pregnant women become aggravated: for example, if you are sentimental, then you will probably shed tears over every plucked flower while expecting a baby.

Or maybe mood swings in pregnant women are just a tactic? We have all heard many jokes about how ladies in an interesting position make the whole world revolve around them. Some men seriously believe that this is just a trick to attract all possible attention to themselves. But modern medicine has long proven that frequent mood changes during pregnancy are caused by truly objective reasons.

Most often, I encounter violent mood swings when pregnancy occurs suddenly. Therefore, the most important advice for you, girls: plan your life, plan your family and learn to protect yourself. Every child should be wanted. Those of my patients whose child was not a “surprise” have a much more stable emotional background. In addition, explain to your loved ones, and first of all to the father of the unborn child, that all your screams and tears are not at all a manifestation of the fact that you have begun to treat them worse. Tell us about your hormonal background - many people don’t even know about this aspect. If they don’t believe you, come to the reception together.

Lyubov Timchenko

obstetrician-gynecologist with 35 years of experience

A storm of emotions is wonderful

And yet, if you realize that emotions are constantly overwhelming you, it is a good idea to slightly reduce the intensity of passions - if only because sudden mood swings exhaust your loved ones. In the arsenal of expectant mothers there are walks in the fresh air, calm music and meditation, yoga for pregnant women, weak motherwort tea (if there are no contraindications), and simply pleasant communication with loved ones.

For every girl, a bad mood during pregnancy is a common occurrence. It seems that pregnancy should evoke only positive emotions, but things don’t always turn out the way we would like. A bad mood appears for no apparent reason and at any time. Laughter for no reason, unexpected tears in the eyes, all this is familiar to pregnant women.

Increased emotionality

All these 9 months the woman will be accompanied by increased emotionality: irritability, tearfulness, touchiness, vulnerability. You don’t have to contact a specialist and solve the problem yourself. You just need to understand the reasons for such changes in the mood of a pregnant woman.

Psychological condition

A bad mood is the cause of a violation of the psychological state. Medicine explains this as follows: the endocrine system is under the influence of the nervous system, so hormones are released that are necessary for pregnancy and for bearing a child. Many pregnant women get little rest, exercise, work, spend most of their time at the computer and rarely get good sleep. All this does not have the best effect on the nervous system, which in turn leads to various problems.

Loads on the body

You can leave a bad mood far behind if you follow the advice of doctors, and it is also necessary to reduce the psychological stress on the body. This should be done immediately when the woman finds out about pregnancy. She needs to move more and spend a lot of time outdoors. Adequate rest is very beneficial for the health of the expectant mother. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day and get enough sleep. Try to avoid stressful situations, do not play a lot of sports, do not lose weight suddenly, do not go on diets.

Difficult adaptation

Constant mood swings are inextricably linked with changes in hormonal levels. Bad mood is most noticeable at the beginning of pregnancy. A pregnant woman's body needs time to adapt to these changes. During this period, the woman feels constant irritability, fatigue, and increased drowsiness. A bad mood is typical for pregnant women who have toxicosis.

Natural process

Soon the woman will feel that she will soon have a child. Pregnant women are prone to mood swings. Gradually, the woman develops a gradual adaptation to the role of mother. It seems to her that no one understands her, that everyone at home is against her.

Seek help from professionals, because professional help and psychological support are important for women during this period. Talk to your husband about how your life will change with the birth of a child and take only the best from your childhood to raise a child.

With all these tips in mind, you can manage your low mood during pregnancy and thus prevent depression.

Expecting a baby is a joyful time in the life of every woman. At first glance, it should evoke only pleasant emotions, but this, unfortunately, is not always the case. Most pregnant women are familiar with the condition when tears suddenly appear in their eyes or, conversely, at the most inopportune moment they suddenly want to laugh for no reason. During pregnancy, unusual sensitivity and vulnerability, tearfulness and increased sensitivity may appear. Frequent mood swings, increased emotionality, irritability are symptoms with which future parents turn to psychologists for help. Let's look at the reasons for the changes occurring in the mood of a pregnant woman.

Psychological preparation for pregnancy

First of all, you should pay attention to your psychological state before pregnancy. Let's explain why: the central nervous system influences the endocrine system, which is responsible for the production of hormones necessary for pregnancy and childbearing. Most modern women lead a very active lifestyle before pregnancy, work long hours, spend a lot of time at the computer, get little rest, and often do not get enough sleep. All this leads to great stress on the nervous system, which, in turn, can lead to hormonal and psychological problems.

Doctors believe that a woman who is going to become a mother, at least 3-6 months before pregnancy, needs to minimize the psychological stress on her body. You need to devote more time to proper rest, be sure to get enough sleep (at least 8 hours a day). In addition to all this, you cannot create a stressful situation for the body (actively lose weight, suddenly start intense sports, etc.).

Mood changes during pregnancy

Continuous changes in mood during pregnancy are often associated with various changes in the hormonal levels of a pregnant woman. Most often this is noticeable in the first months of pregnancy. After all, your body needs to adapt to changes. A woman may feel increased fatigue, drowsiness, and irritability. Those who have not been spared by toxicosis are especially susceptible to these conditions. Sudden attacks of nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and physical ailments do not add to a good mood. There is a feeling of one’s own helplessness, irritability, anxiety, and a feeling of misunderstanding on the part of others.

It is important to understand that this state is natural. Of course, this will not make it any easier, but you will understand that you are not alone - all pregnant women are subject to “emotional storms”.

In the first months of pregnancy, a woman experiences not only physiological, but also psychological changes: she gradually becomes accustomed to the role of mother. At this moment, a woman may feel that those around her do not understand her and are not attentive enough to her new condition.

Svetlana says:

At the beginning of my pregnancy, it seemed to me that my husband was not at all interested in my condition and did not understand how lonely I was now. I wanted to either cry from resentment or scream at the whole house. My husband didn’t understand what was happening to me, and I didn’t understand how to cope with it...

The pregnancy period can give a new spark to family relationships, or, on the contrary, it can give rise to complete misunderstanding. It is at this moment that it is more important than ever for a woman to receive support from a loved one. But you should understand that at the moment it is more difficult for a man to understand your condition. As a rule, he has no idea how the baby develops and the changes occurring inside your body. Do not be upset and do not reproach him for insensitivity, give him time to realize that he is a “pregnant dad”. Educate him unobtrusively. Talk to him about the changes happening to you (both physical and mental). Another possible reason for the worries has to do with the woman herself.

Anna says:

This was my first pregnancy. The child was very welcome. But during the first months I was haunted by thoughts: “How will my life develop further? What will happen to my career, which has just begun to take shape? Can I be a good mother to my baby?

Such questions can cause feelings of irritation, uncertainty, and fatigue. It takes time to realize and accept your new state. In the middle of pregnancy, emotional excitability is much less common than in the first trimester. Minor physical ailments have passed, toxicosis has receded, it’s time to enjoy your new sensations. It is at this time that most pregnant women experience creative and physical recovery. Peace, calm, and leisurely characterize this period of pregnancy.

At this time, your figure changes, your tummy becomes noticeable to others. Some have been looking forward to this moment, others are worried about their increasing size. This concern is understandable, because every woman wants to be beautiful.

At the same time, fears may arise related to the health and development of the unborn baby. Absolutely all pregnant women experience them to one degree or another. These fears, as a rule, are based on the stories of “good” girlfriends or relatives, or the sad experiences of friends. Against the background of these fears, tearfulness, irritability, and sometimes even depression arise.

In the last, third, trimester of pregnancy, your emotions may again be at their best. The reason for this is fatigue plus the approaching birth. Anxieties associated with childbirth may appear more often than before. Increased anxiety during this period occurs in almost all pregnant women. It is important here that you are prepared for childbirth and for meeting your baby. Of course, it is very good if you attended special classes. For successful childbirth and postpartum recovery, preliminary psychological preparation of a woman during pregnancy is very important. She gives not only knowledge, but also confidence in the success of her new role - the role of a mother. The main goal of psychological preparation for a pregnant woman is to solve all the problems that prevent the expectant mother from enjoying the state of pregnancy. But if you haven’t attended such classes, it doesn’t matter. The main thing is your mood for the meeting, the desire to see the baby, to help him be born. As a rule, just before childbirth, anxiety subsides.

During this period, many pregnant women experience a so-called “narrowing of interests.” Anything that is not related to pregnancy or a child is of practically no interest. Relatives should know this and not be surprised that conversations about future vacations or the purchase of new equipment do not evoke any emotions, but the conversation about the benefits or harms of diapers, on the contrary, is endlessly long. Thanks to this, activity aimed at preparing for childbirth and motherhood increases. Buying clothes for the baby, choosing a maternity hospital, choosing assistants who will come after the birth, preparing an apartment... That is why this period is sometimes called the “period of setting up a nest.”

How to overcome a bad mood during pregnancy?

  • During this period, it is very important that you have the opportunity to rest during the day. It is no coincidence that in Japan, maternity leave is given in the first months of pregnancy, as they are considered the most difficult for a woman. It's important to understand that mood swings are a natural part of pregnancy. The main thing is not to let a bad mood become the basis of your day. And then it will definitely pass.
  • Keep a sense of humor - this will always help you cope with a bad mood.
  • Start learning relaxation techniques. This could be auto training, swimming. If there are no medical contraindications, a relaxing back or foot massage that your spouse can do is very effective.
  • Spend as much time as possible outdoors. Dosed physical exercise will also be useful.
  • Try to do everything possible to cheer you up: meet people you like, do something that interests you. Look for the beautiful aspects of life and enjoy them.
  • Don't be afraid to give vent to your emotions. If tears “don’t let you go”, don’t worry - cry to your health.
  • The main thing is not to push grievances and dark thoughts into the depths of your soul. For a long time in Rus', a pregnant woman was advised to cry and complain to loved ones, so as not to harbor resentment. But the relatives of a pregnant woman were supposed to protect her from any troubles; they were not allowed to scold her or start quarrels in front of her.
  • Try to be patient and “wait out” this time, because communication with the baby lies ahead - the happiest moments in the life of every woman. Remember: a bad mood does not last forever, it will soon pass.
  • Remember that your doctor is closely monitoring your baby's development. If, despite everything, you are still feeling anxious, tell your doctor about it and let him tell you in more detail about your baby’s condition. Talk to other expectant and established mothers - and you will understand that your fears are in vain.
  • Be sure to remind yourself that your positive attitude is important to your developing baby. Try to worry less about trifles and maintain positive emotions. To do this, you can listen to soothing music and communicate more with nature.
  • Remember: anxiety and slight fears before childbirth are natural.
  • Try not to focus on the fact that you are tired, that you want to give birth as soon as possible, etc.
  • A great way to get rid of anxiety before childbirth is to prepare for it. Repeat relaxation techniques and breathing exercises. Prepare a dowry for the baby. In other words, get down to specific things.

Fears during pregnancy

Anxiety is not so dangerous if it is not a constant bad mood, an obsessive, painful feeling or insomnia. For most pregnant women, anxiety is a temporary condition that they can overcome on their own or with the help of their loved ones.

If you observe a constant depressed mood, which is also accompanied by insomnia, loss or decrease in appetite, physical weakness, melancholy, apathy, and a feeling of hopelessness - then these are already signs of depression. Depression is not a harmless condition - it is a disease. Long-term depression definitely needs treatment. In women, the appearance of depression may be associated with hormonal changes in the body. This is what determines emotional changes, i.e. changes in mood and feelings.

In medicine, there are such concepts as “premenstrual syndrome” and “postpartum depression”. While the former requires little or no medical supervision, postpartum depression almost always requires medical attention. Therefore, you need to remember that in cases where you cannot cope with anxiety or fear on your own, if bad thoughts do not leave you day or night, do not hesitate to seek qualified help. In all cases of emotional instability of your behavior, you can and should work. It is possible to overcome a bad mood with activity and creativity. In very confusing situations, a psychologist will come to the rescue, but first of all you need the support of your family and friends.

It is important to understand that the emotional anxiety of a woman who is expecting the birth of a child is completely natural, but excessive anxiety is harmful, because... The baby is also worried with you. A violent emotional reaction does not harm the child, but worrying for no reason does not bring any benefit. The most common reason that gives rise to anxiety or fear in an expectant mother is a lack of knowledge about how pregnancy proceeds and what happens during childbirth. But all this can be easily eliminated. Ask questions to your doctor and psychologist, read specialized literature, talk to women who have already given birth. Learn to relax and calm down. Switch your attention from any disturbing thoughts - this will allow you to get positive emotions. You need to learn not to react to troubles and enjoy life. Pregnancy is a time when you can allow yourself not to react to life's small problems. The main thing is your desire to be happy and enjoy these unique, wonderful nine months of waiting for your baby.

Are you pregnant and have noticed that you have become too moody lately? Typically occur due to hormonal changes in your body that affect the levels of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers that transmit nerve impulses in the brain). Usually, the “moody” in the expectant mother flares up between the 6th and 20th, decreases slightly in the second trimester, and then appears again towards the end of pregnancy.

Women react to these changes differently. Some mothers simply feel short-term bursts of emotionality, while others may become anxious and even...

Pregnancy can be quite a stressful time. The crazy feeling of joy that you will soon become a mother is gradually replaced by other, more alarming thoughts. You may be concerned about whether you will be a good mom, whether your baby will be healthy, and how adding a baby to your family will affect your finances. In addition, you may worry that your relationship with your spouse and your other children will reach another level and you may not be able to devote as much time to them as before.

Even if your baby is very much wanted, from time to time you may find yourself dealing with mixed feelings about the pregnancy and fears about the future. As your pregnancy progresses, your body will change and you may feel unattractive in your own eyes or notice some changes in your spouse's behavior.

Finally, the physical symptoms of pregnancy, such as heartburn, constant fatigue, and increased urination, can also be challenging. Therefore, do not be surprised that at some point you realize that you have lost control over both your body and your usual life!

How can you manage mood swings?

Try to remind yourself more often that this is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and you are not the only one who suffers from excessive emotionality!

1. Calm down . Resist the urge to redo everything at once, and do not prematurely prepare your home for the arrival of a child. You can arrange a nursery and buy baby clothes when you go on maternity leave! You can little by little make a list of everything you need to do and buy, so that you don’t forget anything later.

2. Spend more time with your spouse and children . Remember that your life is not just focused on a baby who isn't even born yet, especially if you already have older children! And your spouse needs you to at least sometimes tell him that you still love him. Spending time together will help you take your mind off your condition and prevent sudden changes in your mood. If prosperity and peace reign in your family, then both your husband and your children will become good helpers for you after the birth of your child!

3. Do what makes you happy . You can simply spend time relaxing, watching your favorite movie or reading a book, you can go for a walk or go to a cafe with a friend, or visit the zoo with your children, or take them to attractions.

4. Discuss with your spouse everything that worries you . Typically, if you share your worries and fears with your husband or close friend, you will feel better just by talking it out. And it is quite possible that after such a conversation it will seem to you that your “universal” problem will turn out to be a trifle! In addition, frankness is a sure step towards strengthening a trusting relationship with your spouse.

5. Learn to manage your emotions . Instead of letting disappointments build up in your life, find ways to eliminate them. Get plenty of sleep, eat well, and don't forget about fun activities! Identify the source of stress in your life and change what you can for the better.

What to do if moodiness doesn't go away?

If mood swings last more than two weeks and you feel like the condition is getting worse, be sure to tell your doctor about it and ask for a referral to a psychotherapist. You may be among the 10% of pregnant women who experience mild to moderate depression during pregnancy.

If your mood swings become more frequent and intense, you may have a condition called bipolar disorder, in which depression can progress to mania.

If you suspect you have serious problems, it is essential to get professional help treating them while you are still pregnant. Research has shown that unaddressed maternal emotional problems can affect the physical and psychological health of the child, and they also increase the risk of premature birth and lead to the development of postpartum depression.

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