Time to go for a walk: how much time should you spend outside with your newborn at different times of the year? Walking with a newborn: when to go outside for the first time

With your own hands

Many parents winter time They almost perceive it with relief: it gets dark early, the weather, as they say, does not whisper. In general, you won’t stay on the street for long. And children are happy to hang out with gadgets. Doctors are sounding the alarm: physical inactivity slows down motor development, problems with coordination of movements appear, attention decreases, memory deteriorates. In addition, the lack of exercise in the lives of young children provokes a decrease in the body’s already insufficiently developed immune activity to colds, infectious and other diseases.

Daily walks are very important for good health. If the weather permits, the child should spend at least two to three hours playing outdoor games. This also applies to schoolchildren - lessons can wait, but health can’t!

At what temperature can you walk?

It depends on many factors, but general recommendations are:

Up to 3 years - up to minus 15°С
From 3 to 7 years - up to minus 20°С

How to dress for a walk?

An English proverb says: “There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.” This statement is also relevant for our latitudes. How to dress a child so that he is warm without overheating? Key Rule- dress in layers. Thermal underwear absorbs moisture, even if the baby gets hot during active play. A fleece or wool liner helps keep you warm, while a wind- and waterproof coverall provides protection from wind, snow and cold.

! Replacing thermal underwear with a cotton turtleneck is a bad idea. When switching to “active mode,” children often sweat. Cotton is not a functional fabric and does not wick moisture away from the body, which means it can contribute to hypothermia.

Clothes should not be too tight: there must be a warming layer of air between the layers.

Be careful! There are still grandmothers who are ready to wear half of their children’s wardrobe under winter overalls. In their opinion, Winter Jacket with modern insulation it looks more frivolous than a Cheburashka fur coat and down scarf, in which it was customary to wrap children for a walk about thirty years ago. Explain to your grandmother that overheating is no better than hypothermia. Along the way, explain how to understand whether a child is comfortable on a walk. To do this, you need to check the baby’s temperature in the neck and throat: if they are cold, the child is freezing.

How to protect your child from frost

In winter, it is important for mothers of babies not to forget about a special, rich cold cream. Apply it no later than 30–40 minutes before going out into the cold, so that the water contained in it has time to evaporate and not turn into ice! After returning from a walk, do not forget to wash off the cream so that your skin can breathe normally. It is also important to take into account that inquisitive kids are not able to walk for a long time just like that. They need a goal, interest! A walk under the gloomy winter sky will become a favorite activity for your baby if you diversify it with fun games. Where do we start?

Take a wider step... Choose any tree in the park and try, together with your child, to guess how many steps there are to it. What about jumping? What happens if you take giant big steps?

How many red cars? Use a walk to teach your baby to count. Show him a car in the yard, say, red. And then offer to count how many of the same bright cars you will meet on the road? By analogy, you can count trees, strollers with babies, dogs of a certain breed.

What did I find! Children 2-5 years old love to play “finds”. Keep a “travel diary” in which you will note what new you saw that day (husked cone, colorful feather from a jay’s wing). So, even ordinary walks along boring routes can turn into amazing adventure, full of surprises and new discoveries.

! Go for a walk with your child not only during the day, but also before bed. Evening exercise in the fresh air helps to assimilate the information received during the day and improves your emotional state.

Is it possible to go for a walk if a child has ARVI?

If the baby is generally cheerful and cheerful, and the temperature is not elevated, then you can go for a walk with ARVI. Doctor Komarovsky, popular in Russia, claims that "a disease in which the child may be prevented from Fresh air, does not exist", and even considers walking for any respiratory infection a method of treatment. Fresh air helps to liquefy mucus and subsequent recovery. On the street, the child will cough effectively, expectorating sputum. This is good and is not a sign of his condition worsening.

pediatrician at the Children's Hospital named after. BashlyaevaOlga Ivanovna Potyanova:

“Fresh air is very important for children, because it can increase appetite, improve blood circulation and well-being, and have a positive effect on sleep. Walking children in the winter air is especially beneficial. This is because they breathe clean air. There is much more oxygen in it than at any other time of the year. During physical activity with such walks, lung ventilation doubles.

! Scientists have proven that during long promenades, children’s memory and concentration improve.

An active walk consists of sledding and skating, skiing, all this helps strengthen the ligaments, joints, and muscles. Winter walks can be called complex health benefits - it is both work for the body and pleasure for the soul.

In any weather and time of year Children actively train their eyesight during walks. Outdoors there are many more opportunities to look at distant objects. Scientists have found that children who walk regularly have less problems with primary and secondary vision school age. Evening walks train a child's visual acuity. And everything happens without additional effort on your part. No exercise needed. The child just walks, looks around and trains his eyes!

Age and time for walking with the baby

When the first walk occurs depends on what time of year he was born. Winter children are advised to go out into the fresh air no earlier than 14 days after birth.

For the first time, it is enough for a newborn to spend 15-20 minutes on the balcony, provided that it is clean and safe. It is recommended to increase the interval by 15 minutes every day. If the balcony is not ventilated and it is fairly well equipped, you can increase the walking time to two hours, since frosty air promotes strong and healthy sleep. In calm weather, you are allowed to go out for a short walk in the yard, but there is no great need for this in the first month of life. Every child should be in the fresh air as much as possible - this is absolutely necessary for his health. Walk more with your children and get as much pleasure from your walks as possible!”

Photo: ShutterStock/Fotodom.ru; Instagram

It is human nature to live under a roof. Under this very roof, human people realize most of their vital needs- sleep, eat, study, get sick, make love and give birth to children. Adult humans, tired of the struggle for their place under the sun of civilization, often forget that in addition to the roof (option - ceiling) there is also the sky, clouds, stars and similar Charms of Nature. Sometimes natural roots take over and people just want to go for a walk. Just like that, without anything to do - walk with your feet, breathe in some fresh air. It’s terrible, of course, that the phrase “go outside” has become synonymous with the word “take a walk,” but a city dweller simply has no other options.
Unlike adults, human cubs are noticeably closer to Nature and, accordingly, noticeably further from Civilization. Children's natural roots, instincts and needs require a much more natural lifestyle, and permanent life under a roof, from a purely biological point of view, cannot be called natural.
Thus, the child must walk. This is an axiom. A banal phrase that everyone agrees with. But the practical implementation of an indisputable theoretical position nevertheless raises many questions. How to walk? How much time? In what weather and what to wear? What is the connection between walking and illness? And if you get sick, when can you go out?
So, it turns out, you need to learn to walk. Therefore, to begin with, let’s define the term - what meaning we put into the word “walk”.
It is so customary that children’s walks and adults’ walks are interpreted somewhat differently. When they talk about adults hanging out, they often mean some free time, mainly sexual orientation(examples: “Ivanov’s wife is walking,” “Sergei Petrovich is walking wisely”). Assuming that an adult went for a walk just like that public opinion can’t - it’s a different matter when with a dog or a child. The exception is pensioners. They are allowed to walk just like that, just like children (again, confirmation folk wisdom"both old and small"). It is for the above categories (I repeat - children of all age groups and pensioners) under walking means staying outdoors without the purpose of performing any other human functions. That is the main meaning of the festivities is contact with the factors of nature with a parallel attempt to break away from the factors of civilization. It is important, however, to note that the proximity of pensioners and children makes it extremely advisable to use the former to actively walk the latter.
Now let's try to list the advantages of walking, which arise from the disadvantages of the room.
Any human habitation is:

  • a reservoir of bacteria, including pathogenic ones;
  • source increased concentration dust, factors household chemicals and allergens (carpets, cushioned furniture, wool, varnishes, dyes, chlorine, etc.);
  • complete absence of contact with ultraviolet radiation, which is not particularly important for adults, but very significant for children - it is under the influence of UV rays that vitamin D is produced in the skin;
  • any closed space leads to a sharp limitation of physical activity.

Staying in the fresh air allows, first of all, to cleanse the lungs of household dust accumulated in them and improve the functioning of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract. An increase in energy consumption - to maintain body temperature and physical activity - has a stimulating effect on all vital systems of the body, especially the cardiovascular and immune systems.
"Rules of festivities" allow us to identify three main directions that are subject to separate consideration: 1. Early childhood(newborn and first months of life); 2. Walks for healthy children; 3. The relationship between partying and illness.
Let's look at them in order.


You should always strive to ensure that the child is allocated (found) a place where he will walk. In principle, a balcony is ideal if you live in the city, or a certain place in the yard if you have your own home. The most difficult situation is when there is neither one nor the other: any walk requires the constant presence of adults near the child, who also have other things to do (washing, cleaning, sleeping, cooking, etc.).
The situation is completely irrational when, in the presence of a balcony, heroic efforts are made to pull the stroller out onto the street and then drag it back. Walking, which consists of rolling a stroller from one street to another, is not necessary for the child - mom always has a lot of things to do, and there will be nothing good if you take a walk to your heart's content, and dad, who comes home from work, will scour the kitchen in search of something to eat. In addition, it is not at all necessary for passersby to sneeze on the child and for dirt to fly from under the wheels. Any driving through the streets should be driven by necessity: there are no helpers, but you need to visit a store or a dairy kitchen, it’s time to visit the clinic, in the evening you want to take a walk with your husband and take a break from the hustle and bustle of home, there is no balcony, after all.
The sooner you start teaching your child to be outdoors, the better. Already on the 10th day of life, you can sit with him on the balcony for 15-20 minutes. The next day - 2 times for half an hour and, gradually increasing the frequency and duration of the festivities, by the age of one month, make sure that the child spends the whole day on the balcony. Woke up, fed and went for a walk. They brought him in, fed him, took him for a walk, and so on. On the balcony, the child always sleeps better and eats with more appetite afterwards. And it’s completely unclear why you need to go for a walk 1 or 2 times a day. A special issue is weather conditions. With normal clothing and protection of the child from the wind healthy baby Feels pretty good even at sub-zero temperatures. Here’s a rule that’s easy to remember: for every month of life, minus 5 degrees, but not lower than 15.
By and large, negative temperatures cause noticeably less trouble than positive ones. In the heat, especially if the balcony is on the sunny side, it is generally impossible to walk and you should look for the coolest place in the house or in the yard.
Parents are always concerned about how to dress their baby when going for a walk. This question can only be answered after you return. If your baby is sweaty and red, be sure to reduce the amount of clothing next time. Each child reacts differently to partying and it is almost impossible to give universal recommendations. It would be understandable if you went overboard with your clothes the first time. The main thing is that then you do correct conclusions. Usually, if a child is hot, he becomes capricious and quickly has to be brought into the house. It gets cold extremely rarely - adults are so intimidated by the cold that they never allow it to happen. At least I have never encountered a frozen child. But I saw children who surprisingly resembled boiled crayfish many times.


The most important thing to understand is that metabolism is accompanied by the release of heat. Metabolism in children is several times more intense than in adults. Hence, per unit time, a child produces more heat than an adult. Conclusions: where it is cool for an adult, it is normal for a child. Where it is normal for an adult, a child is warm. Where it is warm for an adult, a child is hot.
Being outdoors can never be a bad thing. It is only important that your whole life does not turn into a continuous party. But the time free from studying, sleeping and eating should be devoted to walking. And it is very important not to overdo it in food and study - school + School of Music + English language+ computer courses and sufficient time in the fresh air are incompatible. Therefore, parents should always sort out their priorities and find golden mean. What is more necessary (more important) for happiness - health or level of intelligence?
Clothing: main rules.

    A sufficient minimum! If you can do without some kind of padded jacket, do without. Develop in your child the habit of dressing himself - choosing the number of things to wear. Colds often arise not from hypothermia, but from increased sweating caused by excess clothing.

    “Walking without a hat causes meningitis” - typical example folk tale. Meningitis - acute infectious disease. In 99% of cases it is caused by a microbe called meningococcus. The likelihood of encountering a microbe does not depend on what is on your head at that time.

    In the vast majority of cases, the child says “I’m cold” due to the fault of the parents. After all, putting three fur coats on him and chatting with girlfriends (friends) is much easier than going for an active walk (running, playing).

    There is absolutely no point in covering your mouth with a scarf. Not a single scarf can even come close to matching the mucous membranes and sinuses of the nose in its ability to warm the inhaled air.

Bad weather for walking with a child is extremely rare (rain, hurricane, blizzard, +40, -30). And we should honestly admit that under the concept " bad weather“Frank parental laziness is often hidden. Although, by and large, it is not only the laziness or busyness of parents that is to blame. The achievements of civilization: television, computers, toys - more and more often lead to the fact that the child himself is considered more preferable to stay indoors.
The need for walks should be laid down from infancy and perceived by the child as the norm, as a prerequisite for a reasonable lifestyle. It is clear that this can only be achieved when the attractiveness of being in the fresh air is higher than watching cartoons. Active games, forest, mushrooms, fishing, skiing, sledding and slides - great, especially if adults like it. After all, it’s hard to imagine a boy who would prefer another action movie to a fishing trip with his father. But the actions of adults are often the opposite: “Where are you going! May you show up in an hour!”, “Look, he’s dressed up in a jacket, immediately put on a fur coat,” etc., etc. Next time the child himself will think ten times - but Is it worth contacting you at all and isn’t it easier to save your nerves and watch TV in peace?
Household worries and professional workload of parents should not limit children. Learning to walk independently is no less important than the rules of good manners. From the early age You should strive to provide the child with maximum independence - to be close, but not interfere with exploring the world and not throwing tantrums about wet feet and falls. Always welcome cooperative games with other children. In infancy, these other children usually have relatives with them, which gives you a chance to find worthy company for your offspring for the future.
Once again it should be emphasized that the main thing in children's clothing is its functionality. Convenience, lightness, absence of problems with the implementation of urgent physiological needs - all this is much more important than the opinion of Aunt Klava, who claims that a fur coat is warmer and more beautiful than overalls. Any clothing that does not allow the child to move normally is unacceptable - to run, jump, turn his head, or get up independently after falling.


The vast majority of adult parents want to hear from pediatrician specific instructions - specifically when and how much is possible and, accordingly, when and what is not allowed. I have to disappoint you right away - universal recommendations can't be. But the main factor that determines the recommendations is not the weather, not health, not the willingness of grandmothers to sacrifice themselves, but the education system adopted from infancy.
An elementary example. There are two important reflexogenic zones on the human body - the ear and the foot. If socks and hats were and are prerequisite lifestyle of the child, then cold exposure to these same areas will quickly lead to a cold. It would seem, well, what’s incomprehensible here? If from an early age a child runs barefoot (at least around the apartment), and at 3 years old climbs into a November puddle, then there is absolutely nothing dangerous to health in this. But this same puddle can pose a real threat if, again from an early age, a crowd of child-loving relatives ran after the baby with socks and slippers in their hands.
Many people, after reading the previous paragraph, will regret that the train has left. But you still need to go for a walk. So let's get down to recommendations.
The main danger of walking is associated with hypothermia and overheating. Both occur much more easily in children than in adults - this is a feature of a growing organism (imperfect thermoregulation systems and rapid depletion of energy reserves). The main criterion is the behavior of the child himself. Neither hypothermia nor overheating occurs suddenly (you walked and walked and suddenly froze). If the child does not complain about anything, there is no thirst (the first sign of overheating) - do not fuss and walk calmly. The more extreme the weather conditions, the less desirable it is for children to walk independently (without adults), if only because the accompanying person can always navigate according to their own feelings.
Now a few specific words about COLDS. A cold is a disease caused by hypothermia. Imagine that you or your child have a microbe living in their throat (on their tonsils) called (and it actually lives in almost 100% of people). The proliferation of this microbe is constantly inhibited immune system, and you peacefully coexist with staphylococcus for many decades. Under the influence of hypothermia, the protective forces are weakened, the microbe begins to multiply rapidly and causes illness. It is clear that a cold is not an infectious or contagious disease, but a personal problem of a specific frozen individual.
So what is next? The microbe multiplies, the body produces protective antibodies and the disease recedes. What will happen if after a short time Are you getting hypothermic again? Staphylococcus will begin to multiply, but since the antibodies produced last time are still preserved, the disease either will not begin or will proceed much easier. This is the essence of hardening - by consciously activating our own microbes, we ultimately bring the immune system to such high level that cold can no longer cause illness.
Conclusion - if the slightest hypothermia causes a cold in a child, under no circumstances keep him at home after the temperature has normalized and the symptoms of the disease have disappeared.
By and large, illness and walking are incompatible only for the following reasons. Firstly, when body temperature rises, cold air causes spasm of skin blood vessels, reduces heat loss and increases temperature internal organs, which is not desirable (threshold value is 37.5 C; if higher, you should not go for a walk). Secondly, physical activity and maintaining body temperature require significant energy expenditure, and energy is more needed to fight the disease.
Thus, situations when you can’t go for a walk are thousands of times less common than situations when you need to go for a walk .
Not allowed in acute period infectious diseases- when it's really bad - heat, weakness, pain. Not possible with some people, quite rare diseases when strict bed rest is necessary(a typical example is diphtheria). It is impossible when the disease is contagious, and even then not always (if the child is the son of a forester, then measles does not interfere with walks in the forest, but if this is the daughter of an engineer, then it is wrong to walk the streets and expose other children to the risk of infection).
Fresh air promotes recovery and this factor is especially relevant for diseases of the respiratory tract (pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis). It goes without saying that there are many factors to consider. For example, a child has pneumonia. We started treatment, the temperature returned to normal, and my health improved. It is clear that if you live on the 10th floor and the elevator does not work, then it is difficult to take a walk (although if you can carry a child in your arms, then why not). But you need to walk, however, carefully - what is more important here is not the ability to move, but the opportunity to breathe air free from house dust. Therefore, dress warmly and avoid running and jumping. If it’s difficult, then you can just stand on the balcony and breathe.
Remember! When you inhale cool (cold) air, moisture condenses on the hot airways and this leads to moistening of the mucus. If during a party a child develops moist cough, which was not in the house, then this is very (!!!) positive sign, indicating that the child has a chance to cough up the mucus accumulated in the lungs. But the actions of relatives are often the opposite - as soon as a child coughs on the street, he is immediately dragged into the house. And at the same time, this is what happens: the mucus has moistened, therefore, increased in volume - if you stop walking, it will be harder for the child to breathe and the parents will make a completely “logical” conclusion - they went out for a walk and it got worse. Therefore, either finish what you started, or don’t start.
For many diseases accompanied by advanced education in the respiratory tract of mucus (whooping cough, croup, obstructive bronchitis), cool air is a more important factor in the treatment than all drugs combined. But something else is even more important: cool air - effective method providing emergency care- for any health problems characterized by the complaint of “difficulty breathing.” Before the doctor arrives, run outside (to the yard, to the balcony).

To summarize, it should be noted: any actions towards Nature are good for health, if only because they trigger our natural adaptation mechanisms. Moving towards Nature (land without asphalt, sky above, wind, water, grass, etc.) is more difficult, because you have to part with the delights of Civilization (native sofa, favorite TV, warm toilet, etc.). All arguments against partying (with very rare exceptions, which are described above) do not stand up to criticism and are justified by fear, busyness and laziness.
So let's go for a walk! Despite everything!

Not all young mothers know how long to walk with their newborn in winter and how to properly organize a walk. Staying outside in winter time has a positive effect on the human body. Cold and fresh air strengthens the immune system. But before you go outside, you need to think through everything carefully.

Winter walks are beneficial for all people. As for babies, there are many nuances to consider. So, in summer time there are no restrictions. You can go outside with the baby immediately after discharge. But in winter, doctors recommend holding off on this for a while.

Young parents are interested in the question of when they can walk with their newborn in a stroller this season. It is best to postpone the first trip for one or two weeks. This is due to the fact that thermoregulation in infants is not established. The temperature difference can negatively affect his health.

As for the air temperature outside, the climatic features of the region are taken into account. It is not recommended to go outside if the air temperature has dropped to -10 ºC. But in some regions the cold continues for a long time. In such a situation, you can ignore the recommendations, but do not abuse the length of your stay on the street.

If the air temperature has dropped significantly, then the possibility of going outside should be discussed with your doctor.

Among the advantages of winter air it is worth highlighting:

  1. High oxygen content. Studies show that cold air contains 30% more oxygen than warm air.
  2. Fewer germs and viruses. When the outdoor temperature decreases, the number of viruses and pathogenic microorganisms in the air is significantly reduced. At the same time, many of them die completely and lose the ability to further reproduce. Therefore, experts recommend ventilating the room more often in winter. This will reduce the risk of many diseases.
  3. Unique healing properties. Winter air helps normalize metabolism, hormonal background, and also strengthen nervous system. Cold lowers cholesterol and improves function of cardio-vascular system. That is why being in the fresh air is recommended for all family members, regardless of age.

Fresh air is very beneficial for a child. But when we're talking about about frost, you need to be very careful. Parents often report that their infants have become hypothermic or sweaty outside. This is due to the fact that he is not dressed correctly.

You need to be very careful when choosing clothes. This will determine how pleasant the walk will be. And most importantly, it will protect the baby from diseases.

Right dressed child He will feel comfortable and will not bother his mother. This way, both mother and child will enjoy the walk.

How to dress a baby correctly: the principle of layering

Many parents are interested in how to dress their baby. This issue must be approached very carefully. This will prevent hypothermia and overheating of the baby. Before a walk, it is recommended that the baby be able to breathe freely fresh air. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of clothing. It is better to give preference to products made from natural materials. Before going outside, the baby is dressed last so that he does not sweat.

How to start walking with a newborn and what to dress him in:
First of all, a new diaper is put on the baby. Then a slip and a cap made of cotton. Terry or woolen socks are worn over the slip. Clothes should be comfortable. Otherwise, the baby will behave restlessly.
The next layer of clothing consists of a closed overalls or terry slip. Instead, you can also wear a woolen or terry jacket and pants. Particular attention is paid to the feet - they are additionally insulated with booties.
The last layer consists of an envelope or closed snowsuit. The best option would be to wear sheepskin or holofiber. This will protect the baby from hypothermia. A hat with earflaps is put on the head. If necessary, you can use a scarf. The baby can be additionally wrapped in a blanket.

When dressing your baby for a walk in winter, you need to adhere to the principle of 3 layers of clothing.

The arrangement of the stroller is also important. Here you need to take into account some nuances:

  • the stroller must be insulated and stand, and the wheels are non-slip;
  • because of large quantity clothes, the child’s head will be slightly lower (this problem can be solved with the help of a pillow);
  • Mom should have a spare pacifier, scarf, and raincoat in her bag (this may be needed in cases where it snows or there is strong wind).

How to teach a child to use a pacifier and why it is needed, read.

Walking in the cold should be taken very seriously. This applies to both the child’s clothing and the equipment of the stroller. This will resolve any unforeseen situations that may arise outside the home.

In addition, we suggest watching a video on how to dress a newborn in winter:

How long can you stay outside?

Among other things, when going outside, you need to know how long you can walk with your newborn. This takes into account the age of the child, as well as weather conditions. Doctors recommend paying special attention to how much walking you should do with your newborn in winter:

  1. If the baby was born in winter, then you need to wait a bit with walks. Here you need to know how long you can walk with your newborn. The first exit should be made no earlier than a week after discharge from the hospital. In this case, choose a day when there will be slight frosts (not lower than - 5 ºC).
  2. The first walk with a newborn should last no more than 10 minutes. Therefore, this time you can do without a stroller. It will be enough to just carry the baby in your arms. Gradually the duration of the walk increases by 10 minutes.
  3. Further Walking time with a newborn should not exceed 2 hours a day. If necessary, this time can be divided into several visits. Doctors recommend going outside before lunch. The best option would be the time period from 10:00 to 14:00.

In some cases, walking with a newborn is not only not recommended, but also prohibited. IN in this case The baby's health is at stake. An alternative would be a walk at home on the balcony.

Although winter walks Very useful for babies, they often cause a lot of inconvenience for parents. This is due to the fact that not everyone knows how to properly walk in frosty weather.

As a result of improper clothing, a poorly chosen place and time of walking, parents have problems that turn into diseases. In this case, not only children suffer, but also the parents themselves. Therefore, this issue must be approached very carefully.

If you have any questions regarding walks the best option will consult with a pediatrician who will take into account the child’s health characteristics.

Walking at home

If the child is sleeping, you can simply put the stroller on the balcony. Then mom will have the opportunity to take time for herself or just relax.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to go outside with the baby. This may be due to maternal illness or other reasons. But don't worry. The baby will not be left without fresh air, especially when the house has a balcony.

The balcony is the best alternative to street partying. You can put a stroller with a baby on it. If the apartment does not have a balcony, then the child can be left in a room with open windows.

In any case, you need to dress a newborn in the same way as when a walk is planned on the street. But it’s worth considering from what day you can walk with your newborn and for how long. After a breath of fresh air, the child will fall asleep soundly. Unlike a stroller, you can put it at home, as many newborns love.

Is it possible to walk in severe frost, Dr. Komarovsky will tell you in the video below:

3 simple rules for walking

Unfortunately, not all parents know how to walk with a newborn. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. You just need to dress your baby correctly and choose the right time to walk with your newborn. It is worth considering several simple rules:
Safety comes first. When choosing a place to walk Special attention It's worth paying attention to safety. There should be no busy transport routes nearby. It is also important to have stray dogs, which can react aggressively to the presence of strangers. The best option would be a city park with many trees.
Distance matters. You need to take your baby for a walk close to home. At any moment the need to return home may arise. So, the child may get hungry. In winter there is no opportunity to give breastfeeding or a bottle outside. Often there is a need to change a diaper. Therefore, it is not recommended to go far from home. This will protect the child and mother from worry. How to understand if a child has enough breast milk, read .
Benefits for everyone. Walking a newborn should also be enjoyable for the young mother. She also needs time to rest. In the fresh air. At this time, the mother may be bored. Therefore, you can take your favorite book or player with you. You can also meet other young mothers.

Fresh air has a beneficial effect on the body. The main thing is to know when you can walk with your newborn and what you need for this. Following simple rules will protect the mother and her child from many problems.


Experience comes with time. Each time, a young mother will better understand what is more convenient to wear and what is most necessary to take with her for a walk, as well as how long to walk with her newborn in the winter, taking into account her own characteristics and the child.

You can walk with your newborn from the second week of his life. You need to start with a quarter of an hour in the fresh air, adding five to ten minutes daily, gradually increasing the duration of walks to two to three hours - depending on the weather, capabilities and desires of the mother. In the cold season, walks are usually shorter than in the warm season. Since the child’s ability to thermoregulate gradually develops, it is necessary to dress the child correctly to prevent both hypothermia and overheating.

When should you start walking your newborn?

You can take your baby out for his first walk as early as the second week of his life, if the weather and the mother’s well-being permit. Of course, this applies to the warm season. If the baby was born in winter, pediatricians recommend waiting a few days. When the frost is below 10-12 degrees, it is better to postpone the first walks with the newborn for a while, starting, for example, with a short nap on a glazed balcony.

Why do you need daily walks?

The baby (and the mother too) needs fresh air - after walks, appetite increases, blood circulation improves, it becomes calmer and deeper, and besides, temperature changes contribute to hardening. sunlight necessary for the production of vitamin D, which prevents the child from developing rickets.

How many times a day should you go for a walk with your baby?

This primarily depends on the weather. In summer, the baby can be outside almost the whole day. In winter, the total duration of walks with a month-old baby should be at least an hour and a half - and it is best to make several trips outside for 30-40 minutes a day.

How to properly dress a newborn for a walk?

If the mother is alone at home with the child, then first she dresses herself, then dresses the baby, otherwise the child will sweat before going outside and may catch a cold there. It is very important to remember that overheating can be even more dangerous for a baby than hypothermia, so you should not wrap your child up too much. On the street, from time to time you can carefully check with your hand whether the baby is sweating under his clothes.
When dressing your child for a walk, you can rely on the “plus one” rule - that is, a newborn needs one more layer of clothing than an adult. However, it is extremely important to ensure that the child’s head, arms and legs do not freeze.
There is no point in wrapping your baby tightly when going for a walk - he should be able to move, and a tightly swaddled baby can freeze faster. The child's face remains open during a walk.
To determine whether the baby is comfortable, you need to pay attention to the color of his face: if the child is flushed, he is most likely hot, if he is paler than usual, he is cold.

Can sleeping on the balcony be considered an alternative to walking?

Sleeping a child in a stroller on the balcony gives the mother a wonderful opportunity to rest a little, or do household chores, or avoid going outside if she is feeling unwell.
If the house is located in a quiet green area and the balcony does not overlook a busy, polluted street, then it is quite possible to leave the child in the stroller. The main condition should be the complete safety of the baby: first of all, parents must be absolutely sure that no foreign objects will get into the stroller from the roof, from the street or from the upper floors. In order not to miss the moment when the child wakes up, you can use a baby monitor.
For safety reasons, you can leave a child sleeping on the balcony unattended until he learns to sit in a stroller himself or get on all fours, because then he will be able to get out of the stroller and fall to the floor.

Why is it not recommended to take too long walks with a newborn?

First of all, the duration of the walk depends on weather conditions and the child’s level of adaptation to them: from five to ten minutes at first to one and a half to two hours after a month.

It is difficult to walk with a newborn for too long - after all, the baby needs to be put to the breast often, and short walks are more consistent with his needs, especially if it is not possible to feed the baby “on demand” on the street. Although this problem is solved by the presence of a mother in the arsenal, there remains a seasonal limitation - it is very difficult to fully feed a child outside the home in the cold season.

Another important point is the cleanliness of the diaper. Of course, when going for a walk, you need to put on a fresh diaper. However, the baby does not know how to control his natural functions, and being outside for a long time in a soiled diaper can cause him severe discomfort.

Don't increase the duration of your walks too quickly. Psychological adaptation Adaptation of a child to new conditions and a new space should occur gradually: first, in the first week and a half, the child gets used to his crib and room, then he begins to “master” the stroller and sling.

Most often, young parents are interested in when they can start walking with their newborn. The first walk with a newborn is an exciting event, and inexperienced parents are often confused, not knowing when to start going outside, how long to walk with the newborn and how to dress the child. How a newborn's first walk will take place depends on weather conditions and the season. Let's look at how to properly walk with a newborn in winter.

Features of the infant body

In order to remember the rules for walking with a newborn in winter, you need to know some features of the child’s body.

  1. The mechanisms that regulate body temperature are poorly developed in a newborn, so there is a risk of hypothermia or overheating.
  2. Metabolism in a newborn is accompanied by the release of a significant amount of heat. And the baby needs to get rid of it somehow. He can do this in two ways: either through the skin (sweating) or through the lungs (during breathing). Sweat glands The child’s muscles are not yet very well developed, so his body has adapted to lose heat during breathing. To do this, it is necessary that the temperature of the air he breathes be significantly lower than his body temperature. The optimal temperature is 18-19 degrees.
  3. If you touch the baby's skin, it is elastic and velvety. Skin covering consists of a thin layer of horn cells, its thickness is five times less than that of an adult’s skin, so the skin is easily injured. Because of this, infants freeze or overheat much faster.

How many clothes does a baby need?

First, let's figure out how to dress a newborn at home.

At home, while he is small, put on him the same number of layers of clothing as you wear on yourself. When he grows up and becomes more mobile, there will be one less layer. All babies are unique, and they all have very different personalities. Nimble and active kids constantly on the move, they sweat quickly and need less clothes. Quieter children, on the contrary, may freeze when it seems to you that the house is quite comfortable.

You already know that babies lose heat easily and start to sweat just as quickly. An instant solution to this problem is in your hands. By communicating with your child as often as possible, you can already sense by touch that he is hot.

How to determine whether your baby is cold or hot?

  • A frozen baby actively waves his arms and legs, instinctively trying to warm them up.
  • The baby's skin is pale, the feet and toes are cold to the touch. In this case, cover the baby with a blanket or warm diaper.
  • An overheated baby, on the contrary, has reddened skin, and sweat may appear here and there.

Undress your baby and play while he takes healthy air baths.

How to dress for the street?

When going for a walk with your baby, dress him according to the “plus one” rule. That is, you put on your child the same amount of clothing as you put on yourself, and add another layer. For example, mom put on a T-shirt and jumper, jeans and a coat on top. The child should wear a cotton bodysuit and rompers, thin overalls, warm overalls(velor) and on top winter envelope.

Put a thin one on your head natural fabric(cotton, linen) hat, and on top - warm hat tightly covering the ears.

Be sure to put gloves on your baby's hands. When it's windy outside, cover your child with a blanket or blanket.

Always take with you an extra set of clothes (one that fits close to the body) so that you can change your baby’s clothes if necessary.

As your baby gets older and more active, the plus one rule will no longer apply. Active children do not freeze like newborns, and those dressed too warmly sweat quickly.

When can you take a walk with your newborn?

  1. In winter, it is allowed to go for a walk, starting from the 14th day of the child’s life or two weeks after birth. You can go for a walk earlier when the temperature outside is above zero.
  2. Walking with your baby is recommended when the temperature drops to at least minus 15 degrees Celsius.
  3. It is better to go out for a walk with the baby in the interval between feedings, about half an hour after eating. A well-fed baby will be calmer, and the body always warms up after eating.
  4. It is better to walk with your child in the winter in the morning, when it is still light outside. In the evening, as a rule, the temperature drops and becomes much cooler.

When should you not walk with your newborn in winter?

  1. On the first day after discharge. Give your child time to get used to the new conditions in his life.
  2. When the temperature outside the window drops below 15 degrees. The risk of hypothermia increases.
  3. In severe frost and sharp, cold wind. By going outside at such a time, you risk frostbite on your baby’s cheeks and nose.
  4. If your child is sick or has a fever. During illness, children sweat a lot and more often, so there is a danger of hypothermia. This can worsen the condition of an already ill child. You can resume walking as soon as your baby gets better.

How long should you walk with your newborn in winter?

  1. If the weather is good and the temperature is at least 5 degrees below zero, you should start walking with your child within 15 minutes. This is quite enough time for the baby’s first walk and acquaintance with the world that surrounds him.
  2. At an air temperature of minus 15 degrees, the first walk is no more than 10 minutes in time.
  3. Increase your walking time by 10 minutes every day. Don’t try to immediately increase your walks for a longer time; let your baby’s body adapt and get used to the temperature changes.
  4. The duration of a walk in winter should not be more than 1.5 hours. Neither you nor your baby should be overcooled, so a one and a half hour walk is the best best option. You can walk a little longer at above-zero temperatures, as long as you are confident that your child and you yourself will not freeze.

General rules for winter walks

  1. Before you get ready for a walk, look at what is happening outside (is there any wind, a storm or a blizzard, what is the air temperature).
  2. First, dress yourself, only then start dressing your child. This is done to prevent the child from sweating. A sweaty child can freeze outside and get sick.
  3. It is better to take clothes that come into contact with the baby’s skin from natural fabrics. It can be cotton or linen. Give preference light colors, they contain less dyes. Choose clothes with seams facing out to avoid friction and skin irritation.
  4. Choose undershirts that cover the handles, or buy scratch pads separately. A child's hands freeze quickly, so they must be securely closed. Don't forget to wear warm woolen gloves over scratches.
  5. Wear clothes that are looser, they do not restrict the child and warm him better than things dressed close together.
  6. If it's below 10 degrees outside, be sure to cover your baby's face with a diaper. Put woolen socks on your feet at this temperature.
  7. Take a pacifier with you on your walks. You should always have it on hand so that when your child starts crying, you can give it to him. This will prevent cold winter air from entering Airways child. When a child breathes through the nose, the air warms up.
  8. If you plan to go for a walk in winter while your baby sleeps in the stroller, provide him with a warm nest.

How are walks with premature babies different?

  1. If the baby was born weighing less than 3 kilograms, but full-term, you are allowed to go outside with him only if it is not colder than minus 5 degrees outside.
  2. WITH premature babies It is allowed to walk only if the temperature outside is above zero.

This is due to the fact that in such babies the regulation of body temperature is much less developed than in full-term ones. The smaller the baby's weight, the higher the risk of freezing. To avoid hypothermia, give your baby time to get stronger. Do not go outside for the first three weeks after discharge. When your baby gets stronger, you can start walking, following the recommendations given for full-term babies.

You should definitely walk with your child in winter, just like in any other season of the year. Fresh winter air is important for full development baby. Walking together They strengthen you, lift your spirits and help your mother get back into shape as quickly as possible. In addition, while walking with a sleeping baby, the mother gets the opportunity to take a beneficial break from everyday worries and enjoy the fabulous beauty of winter nature.