Unusual pumpkin: how to carve a pumpkin basket for Halloween. We create DIY crafts from pumpkins: a photo selection of various ideas for adults and children


*It's good to do something with your own hands! It’s even better if a truly beautiful thing comes out, and little time, money and effort is wasted. You can create autumn-themed pumpkin crafts with your children, while having a good time and developing your artistic taste and imagination. The pleasure of this family creativity will be huge, be it a souvenir for a school fair, a funny toy or stylish decoration interior

Pumpkin is truly a fertile material for creativity. In addition to eating it, you can make 1 thousand and 1 craft from it, decorate children's party or a wedding in ethnic style, make a talisman.

Selection of raw materials

At least for rural residents the material is worth nothing, and the townspeople will not cause much harm family budget When buying a pumpkin, you need to choose it wisely. After all, it would be a pity if a piece of lovingly made jewelry deteriorates in a few days, but could have lasted a year or more.

Before you make a pumpkin craft, think about how durable it should be:

Crafts are created from any edible or decorative pumpkin, as well as ripened zucchini.

In order for the souvenir to last for several months or more, the fruit must be dried. Otherwise, after some time the pulp will begin to rot. For crafts that do not involve damaging the integrity of the pumpkin, it is dried entirely in a warm, ventilated room, for example, under the bed. Be sure to leave a piece of tail 5-10 cm long - with it the process will proceed faster and evenly.

To make all kinds of carved toys or decorative elements, dishes, baskets:

Everything is done in this order because the dry skin of the pumpkin becomes fragile. When you try to cut something out, it will definitely burst if the decorator is not an experienced carver.

There are a few more important points things to consider when making crafts:

  • it is easier to paint and glue decorative elements when the fruit is dry;
  • if the craft will come into contact with moisture, for example, dishes or outdoor toys, you should only use acrylic paint- she is not afraid of moisture;
  • without glue, you can attach additional parts using skewers, twigs, and cloves only to a fresh pumpkin that has some pulp left;
  • It is better to dry small decorative fruits whole.

From raw and dried pumpkin they make absolutely various crafts. The first ones are usually short-lived, but catchy, easy to perform and suitable for children's creativity. The second ones are handmade products, beautiful, stylish, last for several years, but sometimes they are not easy to make.

Creating with kids

Pumpkin painted in warm colors, pleasant to the touch. Even the smallest children enjoy making crafts from it. They don't have time to get tired - usually the work doesn't take much time, and besides, mom won't swear if she licks her hands. Do this with your kids:

With a little imagination, you can use a pumpkin to make Kopatych, a spider, a minion, Smileys, a flying saucer, a pirate - anything. It is better to invite the child to choose a character for the craft.

Handicrafts for schoolchildren

With older children you can create more complex craft from pumpkin on the theme of autumn. They may need help choosing additional materials or cutting out small details, but it is better for parents to remain in the role of observers and inspirers.

The simplest decoupage

This most interesting technique consists of decorating surfaces with napkins and glue. First you need to take a pumpkin, wash it, blot it and spray it with car paint of the desired color. You don’t have to do this, but it’s more interesting this way.

The paint will dry quickly. Top thick flat brush a layer of PVA glue is applied. Let the student choose the napkin he likes, remove the top layer with the picture and carefully apply it to the surface to be decorated. This must be done so that there are no wrinkles or folds left. When the surface is dry, another layer of PVA is applied on top.

Decoupage is one of the types of arts and crafts. It is not limited to simply gluing napkins.

If the child likes it, his work will become more complex from product to product. This could be the start of a lifelong passion.

Pumpkin for Halloween

It is impossible to talk about pumpkin crafts without mentioning the famous Jack-O-Lantern, who deceived the devil several times and did not go to hell. He negotiated immunity from Satan, but was not allowed into Paradise. So he wanders, poor fellow, waiting doomsday, lighting his way with a piece of burning coal hidden in a pumpkin.

It is to this strange story that Halloween owes its appearance, a holiday very popular in the United States. Now we have begun to celebrate it too.

Carving a Jack-o'-lantern is not as easy as it seems at first glance:

  1. For the craft, take a symmetrical round or flattened pumpkin of bright orange color with a diameter of at least 25 cm.
  2. Work sharp knife.
  3. If a candle will serve as a light source, cut a hole at the top. The flashlight is inserted from below, and make a gap there.
  4. Remove pulp and seeds.
  5. If the lantern is expected to be stored for a long time, treat the inside with a bleach solution (1 teaspoon per liter of water).
  6. Carefully coat the cut areas with vegetable oil.
  7. Use a sharp knife to cut out the design. You can first put it on tracing paper, attach it to the pumpkin and make holes along the contour for marking, or simply sketch it out with a marker.
  8. The drawing allows liberties, but should not be cut out small parts. It is necessary that the lamp be seen from afar, and it should be immediately clear that the eyes and teeth are burning on it, and not some curlicue flowers. Otherwise, no one will get scared and won’t give you candy!

Holiday basket

Girls will be happy to take part in creating this craft. You will need a round, symmetrical pumpkin without damage. Its color should be uniform if there is no additional painting. A properly made pumpkin basket will serve as decoration for many years:

  1. Draw a pen stencil on paper. If this is your first time, choose something simple. Cut it out.
  2. Place the stencil in the desired location on the pumpkin and secure with tape.
  3. Along the edge of the template, make a row of holes with an awl or circle with a marker.
  4. Using a sharp knife with a short blade, carefully cut out the handle.
  5. Remove the pulp and seeds.
  6. Make the edge of the basket smooth or give it the desired shape.
  7. Spray the inside with a bleach solution.
  8. Place crumpled newspapers tightly inside.
  9. Change the paper as soon as it becomes slightly damp.

You should not pour water into such a basket. You can put dry leaves in it or artificial flowers, pot with indoor plant. If desired ready product can be painted with acrylic or painted in any style.

Experienced handmade craftsmen cut out pumpkin baskets with fancy handles and patterns, decorate them with sequins and lace. Using the same principle, you can make vases, lamps and other interior decorations.

For Halloween you can come up with many different ones that will become great decoration your house. But not only Jack-o'-lanterns are carved from pumpkins, but also various other decorations that become the central element in decorating a home or holiday table. For example, this is a pumpkin basket.

Most often, baskets are carved not from pumpkin, but from watermelon. The bright green rind of a watermelon adds color to the holiday table. And how interesting does such a basket look, filled fruit salad! But instead of a watermelon, you can also use a round pumpkin and cut a basket from this particular fruit. And this idea is perfect for celebrating Halloween.

A basket is the same pumpkin carving, only in this case you are not required to beautifully cut off the peel, but to form a basket. To make your pumpkin basket look neat, carefully select the pumpkin you want to carve. You want ripe fruit that is free from damage. Also, the pumpkin must be of the correct round or oblong shape and have beautiful drawing, if you plan to make your basket multi-colored.

Once you find a pumpkin of the shape and color you want, you can start carving the basket. Stand the pumpkin upright to determine the fulcrum. Also now you can think about how exactly you will cut the handle of the basket. It is advisable that the pumpkin tail is not located on the handle, but this is not necessary.

Think about exactly what your pumpkin basket will look like and draw a template. You can make the basket with straight edges or with scallops. Also think about the design of the handle. A handle with teeth looks the most beautiful. You can experiment with the shape of the teeth and their angle. When you find the most suitable option for you and the template is ready, you will need to transfer it with a marker onto the pumpkin.

Carefully cut part of the pumpkin down to the handle and remove the seeds. Now, according to the template, use a sharp knife to cut out the curly elements along the edges of the pumpkin. Decorate the basket handle in the same way. If there is any design on the basket itself, it should not be deepened very much. Since the pumpkin has very hard flesh, it is better not to deepen the shaped elements by more than 5 mm.

So, your Halloween pumpkin is ready. Now the question remains what can be done with this basket. If it is on the holiday table, for example, then it can be served in your basket.

Also, a carved pumpkin basket can be used not only to decorate a holiday table, but also at home. For example, a pumpkin basket looks good with fresh flowers. To keep the flowers fresh for a long time, you can put an oasis in the pumpkin, which is used in floristry.

A pumpkin basket also looks great as a flower pot. Such unusual pots look very impressive. But in this case you should not forget that flower pot, which you will put in the basket, should be several centimeters smaller than the pumpkin itself. So, cut out the basket with the expectation that the edge of the flower pot will be 2 cm below the edge of the basket. Also make sure the pot can fit easily into the pumpkin basket.

But even if you don’t plan to put flowers in a pumpkin basket, you can always put fruit in it and put it on the table. Just don't cut out the basket long before the holiday. It is best to prepare it the day before to prevent the pumpkin from spoiling.

By the way, you can also interest your children in carving baskets from pumpkins. They will definitely enjoy making similar Halloween crafts with their own hands, especially since you can cut out not only baskets, but also jugs or vases. For the latter, you need to take not a straight pumpkin, but one in the shape of a guitar. Decorate your basket or jug ​​as your imagination dictates. Happy Halloween!

In ancient times, pumpkin was used not only to satisfy hunger, but also to create household utensils.

To this day, enthusiasts eat food from dishes made from this home-grown vegetable. Pumpkins are made from various crafts for home, garden or holidays.

The pumpkin head with the sinister smile is widely known. Today's master class is dedicated to making pumpkin baskets with your own hands.

DIY pumpkin basket “Breath of Nature”

To make such a craft, you need a vegetable with a thick peel. It is possessed by autumn and winter varieties of pumpkin, which can be stored much longer than their summer relatives.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, tree branches, moss, thread, knife, awl, felt-tip pen, large spoon, newspaper, decorative ribbon and flowers.

Stage 1

Take a vegetable of suitable size. It should be of medium size, uniform thickness and color. The presence of damage and unknown origin of streaks and stains is unacceptable. The pumpkin is washed and dried with a towel until dry.

Stage 2

A template is cut out of the newspaper according to which the handle will be cut. It can be any desired shape.

Stage 3

A paper template is applied to the fruit. Using an awl, it is pierced along the contour at intervals of 1 cm.

Stage 4

The first cut in the peel is made with a knife. The handle is cut out.

Stage 5

The excess part of the peel is removed. Use a large spoon to scoop out the pumpkin pulp and seeds.

Stage 6

Newspaper is placed in the vegetable stock. The bottom is lined with a thick layer, and then the sides. This is necessary to dry the vegetable and prevent it from rotting.

Stage 7

After a few hours, the newspaper will be saturated with pumpkin juice and dry. The paper can be removed.

Stage 8

The wide neck of the pumpkin basket is decorated with thin tree branches with your own hands. They are tied together with matching threads.

Stage 9

The elegant basket is decorated with a bow made of decorative tape and flowers. Moss can be placed inside the pumpkin, which is pre-dried in the oven at 60 degrees for 40 minutes.

If desired, the handle for the basket can be made only from twigs. Or combine them together.

A properly dried pumpkin basket will decorate your home for years.

DIY pumpkin basket “Kiss of Autumn”

Such a miracle hand made mesmerizing. A poetic mood is created by fresh flowers - peonies and ripe, juicy pumpkin flowers. You can make a bouquet from foamiran. And it will look like it was just cut.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, paper, newspaper, scissors, pencil, awl, narrow knife, adhesive tape, flowers for decoration.

Stage 1

A stencil for the handle of the basket is drawn on paper, as in the photo.

Stage 2

Take a medium-sized pumpkin with a thick skin. It is better to choose an autumn variety vegetable. The pumpkin is washed and wiped dry.

Stage 3

At this stage, a drawn stencil is cut out of paper. It is applied to the pumpkin in the desired location of the handle and glued with adhesive tape.

Stage 4

An awl is used to pierce the skin along the edge of the stencil. The distance between punctures should be no more than 1 cm.

Stage 5

Use a knife to cut out a handle for a DIY basket on a pumpkin. The pulp is extracted from the vegetable.

Stage 6

You can also cut the neck of a pumpkin basket into a beautiful shape with your own hands.

Stage 7

The basket is covered with a thick layer of newspaper and paper. After the pumpkin juice has soaked the newspaper, it is removed. By this time the pumpkin will already be dry. You can put a small pot of fresh flowers in it.

If desired, the dried pumpkin basket can be varnished. This will make it eternal. The figure below shows an example of such a product.

DIY pumpkin fruit basket

This craft is similar to the manufacturing techniques described above. It is simple: no newspapers or stencils are needed. Enough to stock up on vegetables big size. Use a knife to cut out the handle and sharpen the edges of the basket. The pulp needs to be removed.

The craft is decorated with autumn flowers, fruits and vegetables.

In Scandinavian countries, it is customary to decorate pumpkin crafts with national ornaments. This is a great idea! The design is applied with special carving knives.

DIY pumpkin carved basket

This basket will be the highlight of the evening and holiday. It is enough to put a candle in it - it will be transformed, sparkling with new colors and shades.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, screwdriver and thin drill, chisel for cutting linoleum, paper tape (painting tape), awl, spoon, paper stencil, knife, candle.

Stage 1

The pumpkin is washed and wiped dry.

Stage 2

A round hole is cut out on the top of the head with a knife. Through it, the pulp and seeds are removed from the vegetable. In some places you can leave a small layer of pulp. This will give the pumpkin a nice hue when the lit candle is placed inside.

Stage 3

The paper stencil is glued to the pumpkin using masking tape.

Stage 4

An awl (you can use a nail) is used to pierce the skin of the vegetable along the lines of the pattern. The skin is pierced very shallowly and often.

Stage 5

The stencil is removed. It's starting to get difficult creative process. Using a chisel, a pattern is cut out along the intended punctures.

Stage 6

In some places on the pumpkin basket you drill holes with your own hands.

A wonderful glowing pumpkin is ready. You can immediately place a burning candle in it.

It's pumpkin season! Last weekend, my mother’s sister came to visit us, who moved from the city to the village to live closer to nature, grow her favorite flowers and take care of the garden. Aunt Mila knows that I love pumpkins very much, and that’s why she brought us 5 bright orange beauties.

We were surprised why so many, because one or two would be enough to prepare pumpkin soup and porridge. Aunt took one of the pumpkins and, using the saucer as a template, drew a straight line around the circle. Then she began to carefully cut off the top with a knife along the intended contour. What happened in the end made me love this wonderful vegetable even more.

DIY pumpkin crafts

The idea was to use pumpkin as a vase. To do this, you need to take out what’s inside and replace it with a container of water or put in a special sponge soaked in water. Flowers in such improvised vases last as long as in ordinary ones, but the composition looks much more original.

Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared 23 amazing ideas for you pumpkin compositions. Yesterday after work I made the same one as in No. 14, and now I’m enjoying the cozy atmosphere in the kitchen.

  1. What better way to showcase the riches of autumn than the union of flowers and harvest? Even the most modest autumn flowers in such a composition they will play in a new way.

  2. In this composition, the pumpkin top also serves as decoration. Looks very interesting, doesn't it?

  3. Enough unusual solution using succulents instead of flowers. This composition will make your room truly special.

  4. The pumpkin will serve as a wonderful vase for fresh autumn flowers. To do this, you just need to clean out the pulp. Such compositions will perfectly decorate banqueting hall, wedding tables and the area near the house.

  5. I am fascinated by this atmospheric and even slightly mystical decor idea.

  6. There are even white pumpkins! Rare but very impressive variety. In such a snow-white pumpkin vase can be supplied bridal bouquet of white flowers, vintage (in natural or pastel colors) or make a composition for every day with yellow and orange flowers, supplementing them with greens.

  7. Here the craftsman did his best. Just look how much imagination and hard work there is!

  8. What can you say about such an amazing decorating pumpkins with flowers?

  9. Amazing magnificence!

  10. Small pumpkins will look very cute if you place tall candles in them. To do this, you need to cut off the top and scrape out the pulp. Then insert a candle into the pumpkin, strengthen it well - cover with sand, cereal, sugar.

    Such candles will create a cozy atmosphere for festive table, will add a piece of magic and fairy tale to the atmosphere of the house.

  11. Pumpkin can also be used as a fruit basket. Fill it with any fruits and berries. Use apples and pears, quince, hops, hawthorn berries. Place them on wire or wooden skewers and place them in a pumpkin basket, decorating them with maple leaves, flowers, acorns and dry herbs.

  12. There are three ways to make a pumpkin vase. For each of them, you will need to cut off the top, remove all the pulp, and then thoroughly dry the resulting container with paper napkins.

I also offer you an interesting one. Yes, yes, exactly the cupcake!

The preparation method is quite simple and will not take you much time, and the result will pleasantly please you. Believe me, even if you are not a pumpkin lover, after trying this delicacy, you will definitely become one. Surprise your family with this fragrant and healthy pastry.

Pumpkins can become an excellent interior decoration, with the help of this autumn decoration your home will become much more comfortable, and this atmosphere will be given to everyone at home good mood and memories, especially if you start making decor together.

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

We associate the use of pumpkins as a decorative element, first of all, with the celebration of Halloween - All Saints' Day. And despite the fact that this holiday is firmly established in Western Europe, and is perceived with a great deal of skepticism among the Eastern Slavs, every year more and more more people, especially among young people, are adopting Halloween customs. And its main symbol is the Jack-o-lantern, invariably carved from a pumpkin. And if you yourself want to join the “carnival of evil spirits” or maybe you have children - in any case, we suggest using this beneficial material and creating crafts with your own hands, and the photo and video materials posted in this article will help you this.

First of all, when choosing a pumpkin, you need to make sure that it is sufficiently good quality: with still thin skin, without damage or rotten areas. Remember that if you want to create a piece of jewelry that for a long time will delight others, the material must be of high quality.

Pumpkin crafts for children's parties

When decorating the interior for the holiday, it is not at all necessary to follow the traditional “creepy” style. Especially if there are children in the house who may be scared. Pumpkins can be painted in unusual colors for the holiday bright colors: green, pink yellow. You can also draw funny faces of animals. This idea is good for kindergarten. To do this, simply after the first layer of paint has dried on the pumpkin, the eyes, nose and mouth can either be cut out of cardboard and glued, or drawn on.

And the pumpkin - bat and pumpkin - cat will become non-trivial and fun decoration theme party.

It's a good idea to use extra natural materials There will be an option to create an owl: such hand-made pumpkin crafts for school are well suited, you can see photos of such products below.

You can make a fun caterpillar out of a few pumpkins. We paint small specimens in green color, after the paint has dried, we decorate the head and body segments to your taste. This decoration is relevant even after the end of the celebration. You can also decorate with it personal plot- the children will be delighted.

Kids will also undoubtedly love a carriage made from a pumpkin. After all, everyone remembers the fairy tale about Cinderella, right?

You can also get a whole bunch of ideas from this video:

Pumpkin dishes

You can also make various dishes from decorative pumpkins: vases, pots, bowls and bottles. To do this, you will need to very carefully cut out the contents of the pumpkin with a knife - pulp and seeds, and arrange it properly.

For example, some housewives serve pumpkin porridge in homemade pots.

And well-dried pumpkins will become containers for liquids - bottles made from them are excellent.

Using carving, you can make a real work of art from pumpkins and zucchini, like master Marilyn Sunderland (you will see his work in the photo below).

Pumpkin crafts: clock

Using a whole pumpkin or just a part of it as a base, you can make an original designer watch. Don't believe me? See photo:

Candlesticks and lamps

Let's not forget about the main attribute of All Saints' Day - the lantern. For Halloween, you can either carve traditional faces, experiment with pumpkin carving, or even just make a candlestick out of a small specimen.