Signs of manipulating a woman. Many manipulative men prefer never to name the exact time of a date with a woman, citing, for example, the occurrence of unforeseen difficulties at work

For children

Quite a relevant topic at all times. How does a girl manipulate? And how to deal with this? This is what we will look at in this topic. After all, we often cannot understand why we are justified? After all, we didn't do anything wrong. In fact, we are being manipulated. So let's start with what is manipulation?

Manipulation is influencing people to change their decisions or behavior.

Now that we understand what manipulation is, let’s see how it all works. After all, in order to protect yourself from manipulation, you need to understand how the system itself works.

There are three main feelings that the manipulator puts pressure on:

Feeling of fear. The strongest feeling. Every person is afraid of something. That is, in order to control you, the manipulator tries to intimidate you and puts pressure on a sore spot. For example, a girl hints to you that if you don’t do what she wants, she might leave you. You begin to fear for your relationship with her, and for her manipulation.

Guilt. They want to accuse you of something or bring you to the point where you begin to feel guilty. This happens often in more serious relationships. They begin to accuse you of the coldness of your relationship, of spending little time, going out with friends, staying late at work, and much more. Actually, a person can be accused of anything, as long as there is a person.

Call of Duty. The feeling when you realize that you have to do something. The sense of duty is better known to those serving in the army. They are often told that he must do this or that. But strangely enough, this happens in relationships between a girl and a guy. The girl begins to insist that you should give flowers, earn money, make repairs, etc.

And so now, knowing the feelings that the manipulator presses on, we understand how the system works. How to deal with this?

In the case when the feeling of fear is manipulated. One can imagine the worst case scenario. When you have already experienced this in your soul. Then it’s much easier for you to make decisions soberly without succumbing to manipulation. As a matter of fact, you have already experienced this and realized that there is nothing fatal about it.

In the case of manipulation with guilt. Before blaming yourself in a calm environment, think about whether this is really your fault. After all, in fact, until you realize your guilt, you are not guilty. However, you also need to be able to admit mistakes.

In the case when the sense of duty is manipulated. You need to understand, should you do this or behave this way? Where is this stated? And have you taken upon yourself the responsibility to do just that?

My advice: be confident, and try to take your time to analyze events and make decisions. Then it will be very difficult to manipulate you. In fact, until we allow ourselves to be manipulated, no one can do this to us. It’s just that men are always led themselves, which helps the girl control them. Therefore, you simply need to not be fooled.

How to understand that a girl is manipulating

How unpleasant it is when a loved one uses your feelings to gain short-term gain. Neither girls nor boys shun manipulation of consciousness, just to satisfy their needs. The girl is bored, she wants to have a fun evening in a public place without spending a penny. This is where I remember the fans who call and so on. This is pure manipulation. This is the fear of all men - being rejected, so the girls have taken advantage of this and are taking advantage of it to the fullest. “Oh, I’ll leave you if you don’t buy me an iPhone for the New Year, if you love me, buy me an iPhone and so on.” Or more subtle: “but her husband gave Svetka an iPhone, he’s such a good guy, not like other beggars.”

We won’t figure out who is to blame for this behavior of modern girls, who are often unable to simply support a guy with their warmth. There are a lot of options: the media, the pick-up artist who cheated her and left her, girlfriends who teach her good things, parents who live like cats and dogs, a broken heart... There are a lot of options.

In order to figure out whether a girl is manipulating a young man, you need to understand what manipulation is? This is coercion to act against a person's will. In principle, asking someone to throw out the trash is also manipulation. After all, a person is asked to do something that he does not want to do. But the person asking puts pressure on a sense of duty, mutual assistance and cleanliness, and so, reluctantly, the person goes to throw out the trash. And another manipulation is when, through hypnosis, the gypsies forced a person to give them all the money and take all the property out of the house. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish manipulations from each other. There are manipulations that contribute to the development of relationships that are natural between a girl and a guy. For example: praise, request, approval, support, small attacks of jealousy, where would we be without them, flirting. And there are manipulations designed to pump out money, employment, fun, expensive gifts. Unfortunately, there is no way to find out for what purpose a girl whispers compliments in your ear, unless your intuition tells you, or the girl herself lets it slip by accident. Because a lot depends on the girl, perhaps she wanted to use her psychological skills to establish a relationship with you and build a family.

How to manipulate a girl?

Can a man use all these tricks that girls have in their blood? Of course yes. Here are some examples of how men manipulate women.


I'll leave you if... It's not just girls who say this. Although men usually do not demand a fur coat after this, they can, for example, ask you to quit smoking.


Girls love with their ears, so compliments and words about how beautiful your companion is will help you get what you need, because she will be in high spirits and full of positivity.


It’s not good for a man to ask a girl for time off: “Can I go to a bar with friends, I’ll be home by 11, I promise.” To avoid controversy on this topic, the man poses a fact: “tomorrow evening I’m going to a bar with friends.”


To keep the girl from relaxing, the guy reminds her how he helped her, how he helped her out, where he met her. This is done with the expectation that in the future it will be possible to say to her: “well, I helped you then, so now come on...”. It looks something like give and take. Another variation could be the following thought: “all normal wives do this, and what’s worse about you...” If a girl is a little unsure of herself, 99 percent out of 100 that she will agree to your request, because all normal wives do this.

A pity

Everyone uses it: children, women, men, elderly people. From childhood to old age, you can hear: “oh, my leg hurts,” “they don’t understand me,” and so on. And, of course, how can you abandon a defenseless person? You need to feel sorry for him, caress him, and fulfill his request.

Read more about methods of manipulating consciousness in the article:

If you want to influence a girl, no matter who she is: a fatal manipulator or an innocent lamb, be honest with her and with yourself. Only the truth can disarm any manipulation. If you start fighting with her own methods, cunning and psychological techniques, then tomorrow she will learn a different technique, this will continue endlessly. For every action there is a reaction. There is a screwdriver for every screw, and so on ad infinitum. For example, she threatens to leave if you don't do something. You can directly say: “I love you, I don’t want you to leave, but I don’t have the opportunity to fulfill this request now because I don’t have money.” After sincerity on your part, you will be able to see her true colors. If she understands, then she loves you and is just playing with psychology or has become spoiled, and if she pulls away, then she loves not you, but your money.

Learn how to properly “disguise” your girlfriend. Old methods are usually the most effective. In this case, your companion will relax and begin to feel like she is on top of the pedestal, and this will be right for you. Actively participate in her conversations, this will also pacify her vigilance. Ladies simply love it when they are listened to attentively. It’s not for nothing that they say - if you want to trick a girl into sex, screw her, let her talk, cloud her mind with various compliments, and she’s yours.

Find out what she wants and what she dreams about. For example, your companion dreams of going on vacation to another country next month. Even if your plans do not yet include this trip, convince your beloved that you will definitely go there together. As a result, you can come up with many plausible excuses for why you were unable to leave. But all this time, while she is waiting for rest, she will fulfill all your requests like silk.

Learn to play and manipulate. Learn to guide your girlfriend in the direction you want. In the evening you are going to have a good rest with friends. But she decided to go to the theater with you. What to do in this case? Be smarter and more cunning. Tell her that she doesn't have the right dress for the theater, but her new jeans will fit perfectly into the company of your friends. If she starts to doubt, you are doing everything right. Tell your loved one that your friend’s girlfriend just wants to meet her, and it would be very ignorant of her not to go to her friends. Most likely, the girl will decide that you are right and give up.

Use the principle “You - for me, I - for you.” For example, you decided to go fishing with friends, but the girl doesn’t want to let you go? Invite her to call her friends and have a bachelorette party at your house. Well, or promise to bring her the biggest fish. Even if you can't catch one, there are fish shops in the city. If she's not interested in fish, just promise that as soon as you get back, you'll go to the store together and buy her something nice. Oddly enough, with the help of money you can control almost any girl in different situations.

Make a girl fall in love with you. Truly fall in love, and you won't have to invent anything. She will be crazy about you and will fulfill all your wishes and whims. The main thing is not to be too strict and cruel with her, just sometimes do what is beneficial for you. And, of course, love your companion, and don’t just use her.

Despite the fact that there is an opinion that women manipulate men, often the opposite happens. There are many representatives of the stronger half of humanity who thrive by manipulating women. An example is one-sided love, when a woman adores her chosen one, and he uses her exclusively for his own purposes. When asked whether it is ethical to manipulate, everyone will answer differently, but still, manipulation is to some extent a game of feelings, which is simply not worth engaging in, it is a demonstration of a bad attitude towards a person who has certain feelings for you.

What does it mean to manipulate a person?

Manipulation is a psychological impact on a person’s personality. That is, if you fall under someone’s influence, you will perform actions not those that you yourself want, but those that the other person directly wants. With the help of manipulations, you can convince a person that no one needs him or that he is ugly, which is why people often hear expressions from the lips of women or men about incompetence in sex. A woman who constantly feels inferior may never leave a man, even if he is a tyrant. Some life situations may lead to turning to psychologists in order to regain one’s self-confidence and individuality.

How to manipulate a girl?

Often a guy chooses one or more weaknesses inherent in nature or upbringing and begins to actively develop the manifestation of these feelings in girls. For example, a sensitive woman can be easily moved if you start complaining to her about your problems. A representative of the fair half of humanity, who has been taught from an early age that she will never become independent and that she is helpless, will naturally look for a strong and courageous shoulder, no matter what it may be. There are a lot of similar ways to play with women’s feelings, but if you already understand that you are being manipulated, this is the first step towards getting rid of such addiction.

How to manipulate a woman so that she likes you? This question is often asked by men, the answer is simple - you need to show yourself and your status. This is why you can often meet a man who wants to show himself as a worthy candidate for a lady’s heart, but be careful, perhaps this is just a clever trick of a manipulator. Of course, not all men need manipulation over a woman; perhaps they are looking for a reason to distance themselves from her, if she is a boss, or to take the first step towards the one they like to the representative of the fair half of humanity unobtrusively.

What manipulation can you use to get a girl's attention?

To understand this, you need to carefully study her and her behavior. A smile has a disarming effect on many women. You can’t offer a girl everything at once; it’s better to keep her in a state of anticipation, this will only spark her interest. Men need to let their significant other speak out - this is highly valued by women. If a representative of the stronger half of humanity needs something, but she doesn’t understand what it’s about, you can push it by offering various options in a conversation, which the girl herself will then accept as her own ideas.

If you are interested in how to manipulate a boss who is too biased towards you. Pay attention to her weaknesses and start an unobtrusive conversation in her favor, for example, seeing a photo of her children on the table, ask how old they are and what their names are, this will build trust and soften her.

Girls are physically weaker, so they have finely honed the art of influencing a man. They cunningly achieve what they want, forcing the man to dance to their tune.

The most famous way to reward and punish a person is the “carrot and stick” method. Girls are happy to use it to manipulate a man. Five negative influences on a man, called “whip”. And one positive method of manipulating a woman is like a “carrot”.

Stop being a deer, henpecked and weakling. How to avoid the traps of manipulation and defend your rights as a man?

1. The girl manipulates you with accusations

Girls love to put labels on a man that do not allow him to adequately defend his rights. The girl calls the man an egoist, an unreal man and a scoundrel. You don’t do as she wants, which means you’re selfish and a scumbag. Fulfilled all her wishes - a real man.

What to do if a girl accuses you? Don't be afraid to admit that you are selfish. Yes, you have your own desires and rights, not just responsibilities. She calls him a fake man? Laugh and grin back. Ask so much she is a real woman. Don't let yourself be pushed around by such a simple method. Come up with a label for her that she will have to fight herself (selfish/hysterical/stupid/selfish/evil).

2. The girl manipulates you with silence

After a quarrel or without, the girl stops talking. The man wonders what happened and asks to tell him. But the girl continues to be defiantly silent and avoids him. Many men are ready to do anything to get a girl to start talking again. A man has to agree to women’s demands and make concessions. It was enough for the girl to remain silent for a while, and the man had already caved in and ran to do what she said.

What to do if a girl is silent? Show patience and let her enjoy the silence. See how long it will last if you don’t give in to such a simple manipulation.

3. A girl manipulates you with resentment.

Girls love to say: “Don’t come near me - I’m offended, I’m offended, once and for all...” You are such a scoundrel that you offended a real “angel.” Silence is passive manipulation, and resentment is active. The girl shows that you did something bad and hurt her. It doesn't matter how guilty one is. The girl could be completely wrong.

What to do if a girl is offended? Make it clear that you see no reason to be offended. You should be offended, not her. Tell her this, and then step away and walk away. The girl herself will begin to look for ways to reconcile, realizing that this time it didn’t work out.

4. The girl manipulates you with an argument

A quarrel is the most aggressive type of manipulation. The girl overwhelms herself and brings the conflict to the very peak of emotions. Offensive words are heard, the girl starts to fight, screams and speaks in a raised voice. At this point, many men agree to avoid this ugly situation. Especially if the quarrel occurs in front of witnesses. When a man backs down, the girl calms down. She achieved what she wanted by using the aggression of the quarrel, putting a little more pressure on the man.

What to do if a girl quarrels? Behind the quarrel lies a conflict of interests. Should you do what she wants? But why should you give in and cave in? Try to be cool and calm during a quarrel. Calmly defend your interests and do not fall for cheap provocations. Offer to talk about it later, when she's hysterical. Girls don't like it when people hint at their hysterical and quarrelsome nature.

5. A girl manipulates you with tears

When nothing works, the girl resorts to tears. This is a powerful weapon. A sobbing face, shoulders shaking from sobs and sorrowful sounds of sobbing. The man begins to feel sorry for his girlfriend and is ready to agree to anything. “Well, what did you buy, fool?” - the girl thinks and celebrates a crushing victory.

What to do if a girl cries? Girls use the image of being offended, weak and defenseless to achieve concessions from a man. You can hug her and calm her down. But you don't have to agree and promise her everything she wants. Postpone discussion of this issue until the morning or another day.

6. A girl manipulates you with sex

This is the most interesting method of manipulation. The girl gives affection and sex in exchange for male favor. The man closes his eyes to the girl’s bad behavior and forgives her unpleasant character and whims. A girl can do whatever she wants and twists ropes out of a man, periodically giving him a “carrot” in the form of sex.

What to do if a girl manipulates sex? Hint to her that the world is not full of kind people, or rather, not without girls with low social responsibility. Ask who should you pester, if not her? The girl will understand that don’t give you affection and sex, you can easily get it elsewhere.

A girl is secretly manipulating you, and you still fall into these simple traps? It's time to start fighting back against girl attacks and be a man.