How to meet a girl in a nightclub. Don't put too much pressure on her

New Year

With a girl, others say it's the worst. I'm telling you that this is a great place where you can pick up a girl not only for a date, but also for sex without any obligations.

Do you think that clubs are visited easily accessible girls who have already come and are in the mood for sex? Or do you think this is a gathering place for proud and unapproachable glamorous ladies? Throw all these stereotypes out of your head, forget about the blaring music and just act! How to meet a girl in a nightclub who will live up to your expectations. I’ll tell you what needs to be done now.

The Basics of a Successful Hunt

The main task is to be relaxed when communicating with girls! Move to the beat of the music, smile at the girls (most importantly sincerely) and act natural.

Your explosive energy

If you are heading to a club for the sake of meeting people, you need to stock up on excellent energy, which you will have to distribute left and right. Don’t go there if you’re simply not in the mood, because you’re supposed to captivate, fascinate, and conquer. Be cheerful, energetic and light. You can drink for this (in fact, everyone does this), just a lot.

Be the brightest guy in the club

A fairly famous pickup artist once gave good advice Regarding clothes - wear light-colored things. This makes sense, since first of all you need to stand out from the mass of other guys. Stands out best in the spotlight white clothes– it just glows, making you noticeable and recognizable.

Read also:

Start seduction with gestures and facial expressions

Since music is playing loudly in the club almost constantly, you need to act using non-verbal contact. That is, try to smile, wink, look and show other signs of attention to the girl you like. You can raise your glass up as if you were clinking glasses with her. To meet someone at a disco, your posture should express confidence: you can hold a glass with one hand, and thumb put the other hand in your pocket.

Dose your communication

When you arrive at the club, you don’t need to find one victim and follow her around all night. You can approach her, lay the groundwork for your contact, and then just walk away. This way you will ignite desire more, will not be too intrusive and will be happily received when you return. Just move away from her and sit at your table with your friends. Or you can even prepare the ground for communication with another girl.

Loud music is your helper!

In fact, from the very moment you come to the club, you have the right to be touched. You can’t hear anything, but you need to talk. At this moment, you can allow yourself to hug the girl around the waist from behind and say your first words in her ear.

Dating in dance

Don’t ask the question anymore: how to meet a girl in a club, just move - you can safely pick up girls on the dance floor. Just meet your eyes with someone special, establish non-verbal contact with her: smile, look away from her, then look again. When you realize that she is also interested in you, you can come closer and just openly dance next to her. Here, pay attention to her reaction: if she is also actively dancing with you, you can proceed further. If the girl moves away or expresses dissatisfaction, just switch to another.

What to whisper in her ear

In fact, in the club this is not so important. There are many openers that work as effectively as the most standard phrases. Tell her something like this: “You're moving great,” “Hi. Great DJ today, huh?”, “I never would have thought that in such a club you could meet such a beautiful girl” etc. Most often, even these phrases, with pre-established contact, are quite enough to start communication.

Dance floor superhero

If you're brave enough to hook up with other men and be a protector, you can use the superhero method. If you see a guy clinging to a girl, act, but not with your fists. Just come and say: "Hi dear. Sorry I'm late". At the same time, extend your hand to your opponent and say hello to him. Invite the girl to your table. She is immensely grateful to you, and then the only thing left to do is treat her with something and continue the conversation.

And of course, don’t forget about slow dancing. This method worked with our fathers and works just as successfully with us. Invite girls to dance without being shy. In the end, they also came here for the purpose of getting acquainted - they can dance at home in front of the mirror.

Main rules of success

  1. Try to always catch signs of attention to yourself. Girls look at you the same way you look at them. Therefore, notice smiles, glances, facial expressions. And approach with complete confidence if the girl shows at least some hope.
  2. Don’t become an annoying man yourself, from whom you have to save the lady. Persistence is our trump card as a man, but there is a limit to it.
  3. Don't try to be a super dancer, because most likely you will seem just funny.
  4. And yes, if you know that you’re not a very good dancer and want to turn it into a joke, it’s better not to, because you’ll just seem like a clown.

Getting to know each other at the bar

Near the bar, it’s easy to determine the girl’s mood (this is already a reason to start communicating), what company she came with, or whether she was left alone and bored. All you need to do is act according to the situation and not miss the chance to approach the lady who is left alone at the bar. Here are some ways:

Another trick with the lifeguard

This is exactly the dating method that we have all always dreamed of. Do you want to save her from the villain? Then you'll have to involve your friend. This method is perfectly shown in the film “How to Be a Man.” Basically, your friend approaches the girls and starts blatantly pestering them. At this moment you appear and save them from this persistent man. Then you simply treat them to a cocktail, become indignant about the situation and say that the ladies are safe with you.

"I am here for the first time"

You can simply unobtrusively sit down next to a girl at the bar and casually say: “Yeah, that club I used to go to sucks. All sorts of troubles were always happening there.". Most likely, the girl will become interested in what happened there and you can continue your story. Then just leave the topic and move on to another conversation.

Make her a participant in your celebration

When you come to the club, just be sure that with the right approach you will find a girl. They can dance at home in front of the mirror, but today their goal is to hunt for you, the real one. attractive man. So how to meet a girl in a club? Just sit next to her at the bar and tell her that your favorite football team won today. You can think of another reason to celebrate. And invite her to keep her company: “Imagine, today is (such and such a holiday), and my friends have all left. Can I treat you to something in connection with this wonderful event?

Just treat the girl to something

If you are going to spend money on girls today, then the easiest way is for you. Find a group beautiful girls(out of 2-3 people), ask the bartender how long they have been sitting and what they are drinking. Then order them the same drinks and ask the waiter to bring them to them without telling them who they are from. Now you are just waiting for the right moment: you behave at ease, and from time to time you can go somewhere. The girls will definitely either guess who the drinks are from, or ask the bartender and most likely will come up to thank you. This is where you join their company.

  1. It’s very convenient to meet people using the 2x2 method: you and your friend approach two girls. In the presence of your friends, it will be easier for you to open up to each other.
  2. When starting a conversation, don’t start asking about the girl’s entire biography! It is important to be interested in her, but not obsessively.
  3. It’s better to speak according to the situation: if you don’t like the club, say so: “Hmm, I expected more from this club. How do you like it here? and so on. This way you both can agree on a common opinion (after all, the statement is truthful) and continue to get to know each other.
  4. If possible, ask a girl to slow dance.
  5. I could write “be witty”, but I understand that you are either witty by nature or you are not. So don't try to joke if you're not very good at it. Just be cheerful and easy to communicate - that's enough.

In order not to spoil what promises to be a joyful evening, before going to night club Please carefully read the basic rules of behavior in establishments of this kind. It should be remembered that depending on the theme of the club, it may have a certain dress code, which, as you know, is not so easy to pass if you are “out of shape.”

Untidy, drunk people, as well as potential club visitors dressed in clothes, are never allowed into nightclubs. sportswear. It should also be noted that at the entrance to a nightclub you may be asked for a passport to determine your age, so it would be a good idea to take it with you in advance.

For those who do not know how to behave in a nightclub, we inform you that entering the territory of a nightclub, just like any other public place, it is strictly forbidden to bring stabbing or cutting objects, weapons, drugs, explosives. Almost every nightclub internal rules It is prohibited to bring alcoholic, low-alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks and beer.

We warn you in advance that your purse will be checked at the entrance, so trying to hide anything from the prohibited list in it is completely useless. In nightlife establishments it is customary to hand over bags, packages, outerwear. You can leave a small purse with you with money and other necessary little things.

Be prepared for what the guard has every right for inspection of guests of the establishment. Don't be afraid if he chooses you. Security guards in nightclubs are polite and will never exceed their authority. When you enter the nightclub hall, look for the place where the emergency exit is located. This is necessary so that you do not get confused in case of an unforeseen emergency.

On the territory of such establishments, observing the rules of behavior in a nightclub, aggression in all its forms, obscene language, threats against employees and guests of the establishment, any antisocial behavior. Video and photography in nightclubs is carried out only with the permission of the administration of the establishment.

In nightclubs, as in other public institutions, it is strictly forbidden to break dishes, break furniture, or damage the external design of the premises, unless this is done as part of the event. entertainment events and will not be pre-agreed with the club administration. If you accidentally break or damage something, be prepared to apologize and pay the establishment an amount equal to the amount of damage caused.

Each the girl is walking to the club with your goal. These goals are quite varied: from “just to dance” to “meet a prince from the UAE and become his princess.” The goals are different, but the mistakes are the same. So, how girls should not behave in a club:

Forget about synchronized dancing

If you and your girlfriends have ever danced and have rehearsed synchronized movements, do not dance under any circumstances. You won't succeed, even if it's the “same” music.


The Club is not the Oscars. No need to wear red carpet dresses. It looks very stupid when they come to the ball in a Daewoo Lanos. And you can see from the girl that she came in her best dress, she is guarding him. She is ready to voluntarily give herself to a maniac, as long as she is “careful” with her dress. I really feel sorry for the girls who are under best dress they put on their shoes, and it’s December outside.


When asked what your name is, do not answer: “They don’t call me, I come myself.” The strangest thing is that those who actually come themselves answer this way. To make it clear why you don’t need to answer this way, it looks like “your mother doesn’t need a son-in-law?”


Leave this matter to the guys, they won’t interfere with your synchronized dancing. Just laugh, it will bring more smiles to the guy's face.

Don't be smart

Many girls in the club think they are smart. They show this with the phrase: “Boy, listen to me.” If you say that, you are not smart, you are just old.

drunken dancing

There comes a moment when the girl thinks that she is almost a stripper. Any object becomes a pylon for her, she makes such deflections that it’s a pity for her lower back. And of course, of course, turn around yourself under the guy’s hand.


If in a group of girls everyone puts their phones and keys in your purse, then you are the ugliest, but at least responsible. With this company, no man will definitely notice you. So in this case, just leave with your purse.

Good girl

There are such girls - hostesses. She agrees to come to you, drinks all the alcohol at home, and then in the morning cooks scrambled eggs, washes the dishes, and generally wants to give the impression of a good girl. Don’t bother so much, the impression was already formed when, after two hours of meeting you, you agreed to come to me.

Photo: Press service of the studio “Mamakhokhotala”

All this is not worth doing, unless, of course, it brings you pleasure. If you want to do exactly this, then you shouldn’t listen to anyone, because only the desire to do something means life.

Comedian Bekir Mamediev - “Mamakhotala-show”
Every Saturday at 21:40 on UFO TV

Even from such an everyday event as going to a club with drinks, women and loud dancing, it turns out that you can have fun! You just need to follow the simplest rules of etiquette, which will identify you as a sober-minded, and even sober, person.

But first you need to understand why you ended up in that club in the first place, and who all these people are around. In most cases, you all have the same motive - to show yourself, see new interesting faces and remember old ones. People come there for communication (or some semblance of it), but at the same time, no one needs intrusive, unnerving, uncontrollable or simply inappropriate characters at the celebration of life.

Don't argue with face control

They don’t let you in, which means there are reasons, often completely absurd, and in no way connected with your appearance or financial situation. It’s faster to catch a taxi and rush to the next club, where the gatekeepers are more accommodating than to bicker and wait for a miracle. And if something in the club itself was not to your liking, then - as many years of practice have shown - it is useless to demand a complaint book, threaten with a prosecutor, the sanitary and epidemiological station or compromising evidence on Facebook. It doesn’t work, for some reason the management and security of the clubs have hearts of stone.

Don't take pictures

People want to relax, unwind, relax. They don’t want to constantly pose, wince from flashes, wait for you to catch the trick and do the eighth successful take. Even if you simply have to put on the Internet a full report about your party with your friends, do yourself a favor - limit yourself to a couple of frames, put away the camera and then join in the general fun. Burn out your inner photographer!

Don't create a traffic jam

Don’t stand like a pillar in a narrow passage through which people stream to the restroom, smoking room and back. And don’t stand in exactly the same sad post on the stairs of the club. You ruin traffic and burn other people's nerves.

Don't take small glasses

For good active rest A cocktail requires two things. First: quick preparation, so as not to wait for two drinks until the morning. Second: deep and tall glasses from which the drink will not spill. Therefore, cocktails for romantic sofa gatherings by candlelight are undesirable in a club setting.

Don't hold hands

People crossing the dance floor holding hands cause a feeling of discomfort, both moral and physical. There is no joy in letting a train of friends pass by, who suddenly feel the urge to all go to the bar at the same time, or who are simply dancing around an imaginary Christmas tree. Although for some reason it seems to them forever great idea and a fun way to move around the club space. But that's not true.

Nightclubs are one of the most common meeting places. Of course, having met at a party, you can’t always immediately determine what kind of relationship is possible with a particular girl: for the evening or for life. In any case, this is an opportunity to have a good time. Many girls in nightclubs are friendly and open to communication. You don't have to walk around for hours to get to know each other. The girl herself can also freely come up and meet the man. And this does not mean at all that she decided to get him as her life partner. It is likely that she also wants love and affection for one night.

When going looking for night acquaintances, try to choose a club based on the noise level. If the music in the establishment is too loud, you will be hard to hear, which means you won’t be able to have a conversation. However, noise is also not a hindrance, but a great opportunity to get as close as possible to the girl you like, saying something in her ear. At a party, you should always have a wide smile and good mood. If you seduce a woman, remember - you have never had and, in principle, cannot have any problems in your life.

Disco is a complex dynamic system, and you are part of it. If you are an inactive part of it - that is, you prop up the walls, then you cannot expect favors from fate.

It is especially important to smile when you first enter a club. A lot of girls hold the door under close attention, looking out for the guys coming in. Remember when you enter, yours social statusBlank sheet, and you need to fill it with your first good impression of yourself. As soon as you walk in, strike up a conversation with the first group of girls or girls with guys who seem sociable. Don't look out for lonely girls, they're not here anyway. This will immediately give the impression that you have friends here. No matter how well or poorly the conversation goes, most women will notice that you are talking to other women and will immediately assign you social value - because they don't know that you just met this cheerful company. Remember, girls judge social status by the people you interact with. So, once they see you talking to other girls, they will immediately notice and be more open to talking to you themselves. This is not a conscious process - they do it automatically, without thinking.

The conversation doesn't have to go smoothly; all you're doing is raising your social profile. If the first group is not happy with you, just turn to another group. They will most likely talk to you because they have already seen you talking to others. You can simply join the party by saying, “Ladies, my friends were just talking about this and that. What do you think about it?". Move from group to group. After about forty minutes of such conversations, everyone in the immediate vicinity of you will know that you are a person of status. They will consider you interesting, attractive and simply handsome. If, in this way, you create a high social value for yourself, then you can already approach the most beautiful girl in the club and say “give me your number”, she will give it.

What should you not do at a disco? First of all, don't stare at the dance floor like a martyr. Looking at the dance floor only generates negativity social attitude. Secondly, don't walk in circles around the club. You just look like a run-of-the-mill lonely guy doing this. Also, if you have already created a positive status in one corner, then moving to another corner will only destroy it. Thirdly, avoid the noisiest places in the club. Find the quietest area of ​​the club where it's easiest to talk and settle in there. You don't want to strain your voice shouting over the deafening noise.

How, for example, should you react to the fact that the girl you danced with and had your eye on is dancing with others?

Everyone wants to achieve a goal - that's reasonable. By dancing with a new guy, she initiates a new connection; if she doesn’t do this, she may be left with nothing. By the way, you can behave like this too, it’s normal. Is it possible to continue the pickup after this?

Naturally, if you need it. The goal here is to increase the level of her connection with you, since, apparently, your desire is already obvious. That is, we must continue. To become the best, necessary, interesting, not paying attention to those with whom she has already danced. Is it possible to dance with several, and then get acquainted with just one?

This approach is optimal and consistent with an effective disco strategy. Don’t forget that disco is a very changeable system, it’s not immediately clear who you’ll leave with, so you need to increase the number of connections, then there will be more opportunities for decision-making. [Reading in front of the monitor about ways to meet people in a nightclub, it’s easy to feel confident and successful in your. But the closer the moment of meeting in reality comes, the less this virtual confidence remains... If you want not to dream, but to really meet and take home the beauties from the dance floor, then at the practical pickup trainings of the Dating Academy you will real conditions Under the control of special equipment, learn how to professionally meet and seduce girls.]

How to behave if unknown girl didn't want to dance? Correct Behavior at the moment when you are refused, it is very important both for you and for the environment in which you find yourself. Your reactions will determine your status. Correct reaction may even give you a hundred points more than the situation when your invitation was accepted. Like everything in a pickup truck, communication begins from the moment when you are just approaching a girl on the dance floor in a club where you are going to have fun all night. There are two styles: blunt and confident. General point- in both cases, you under no circumstances ask for permission.

  • Dumb style. You come up and just grab it and start dancing. If it starts to break out, you hold it (as guests from the mountains do), while trying to break its patterns. She will most likely begin to object: “let me go,” “I don’t want to dance.” Your task: to overcome her resistance. You can cheer her up, you can use non-standard actions to force her to recognize your desire to dance with her. At this time, 90% of the work is already going on for the public, who see that you are a man and you are not afraid. And most importantly, you attracted attention. And be sure that among the remaining girls there will be several who will think: “God, what a man! How I would like to be grabbed just as rudely, without asking, and taken to dance”... If resistance is broken, the first stage of communication is over. If the girl continues to struggle, but nonverbal cues If you're sure she likes it, you keep it. If anger or fear continues to burst out, you let it go and laugh at it, winking at your friends or those who are looking at you. All! You are a winner. Because the condemnation of the environment will be directed at her, and not at you.
  • Confident style. You approach a girl, take her hand tightly enough so that you don’t rip it out right away, lightly begin to pull her towards you and suggest: “Let’s dance!” If she refuses, continue to hold her hand with one hand, lightly hug her shoulder with the other, and start a light chat with her, at the same time adjusting. After some time, when she realized that you normal guy, Already talking, you pull her towards you and you start dancing. If you still resist, you continue the conversation, trying to evoke laughter/smile/interest/trance, and when this succeeds, you leave/turn away. All! You are old friends. Later you can come to her again.