Prevention of deviant behavior in adolescents presentation. Prevention of deviant behavior among children and adolescents

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“Prevention of deviant behavior among children and adolescents” Childhood is like the soil into which seeds fall. They are tiny, you cannot see them, but it is there. Then they begin to sprout... Some become pure and bright flowers, some become ears of grain, some become evil thistles.

V. Soloukhin “Pebbles in the palm of your hand”

According to Ozhegov’s dictionary: deviant behavior is a stable behavior of an individual that deviates from the most important social rules and norms of society and causes real damage to society or the individual himself.

three forms of deviant behavior: 1. Antisocial behavior 2. Antisocial behavior 3. Self-destructive behavior

Antisocial behavior is behavior that is contrary to legal norms and threatens social order and the well-being of others. Violence against younger and weaker peers, animals;

Theft Petty hooliganism Vandalism;

risk factors Family Heredity Problems in adolescence Lack of strong social connections.

Intellectual degradation and bad manners of adults, selfishness and low level of family morality, parasitism and drunkenness, misunderstanding by parents of the role of family education, decreased interest in education, a depressing lifestyle, discord, conflicts push the child onto the path of delinquency.

constitutional predisposition - Damage to the nervous system during childbirth - Problems with mental and physical health - various types of psychopathy…. - Physical defects - Heredity - Birth from a drug addict or alcoholic

Relationships with peers - Conflict-based rejection by peers - Extortion of money, pressure, blackmail; - Repeated torture, insults, threats, intimidation; humiliation - Forcing to do things against one's will.

School is one of the risk factors for the development of deviant forms of behavior in adolescents - A high degree of negative attitude of the teacher towards the child; - The tendency to constantly find fault and attribute negative characteristics to the child; - Unfair treatment of the child in comparison with other children - In different situations, the child is blamed for all problems and difficulties;

The teacher should know: Forms of deviant behavior, in other words, the main lines of violations Risk factors that shape deviant behavior Causes of deviations, i.e. what or who has a harmful influence on the child

Purpose of the seminar: 1.Development of a unified strategy and tactics for working with this category of children of all participants in the educational process. Objectives: 1.Introducing seminar participants to the basics of deviant behavior; 2.Identification of problem areas that require joint action; 3.Formation of main areas of work; 4. Systematization of accessible and effective forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical influence

What participants in the educational process should know about working with children with deviant behavior. Forms of deviant (deviant) behavior (main lines of violations) Risk factors Causes of deviations Algorithm of actions for the prevention of DP Basic methods of psychological and pedagogical influence Main directions of work with deviant children Main directions of work with parents Main directions of work with teachers Forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical influence Models healthy lifestyle promotion Models for preventing substance abuse

Deviant behavior is behavior that deviates from the norms and standards established by society, be it the norms of mental health, law, culture, morality, as well as behavior that does not meet the social expectations of a given society in a particular period of time.

Factors that determine deviant behavior Biological factors are characteristics of the child’s body that complicate his social adaptation. These include genetic, psychophysiological and physiological Psychological factors - the presence of psychopathology in the child or accentuation of individual character traits. Socio-pedagogical - defects in school, family or public education. Socio-economic - social inequality, stratification of society into rich and poor, unemployment, inflation and, as a consequence, social tension. Moral and ethical - low moral level of modern society.

Forms of deviant behavior: 1. Antisocial behavior - behavior that is contrary to legal norms and threatens social order and the well-being of others: Violence against younger and weaker peers, animals; Theft and theft Petty hooliganism Vandalism; Damage to someone else's property; Drug trafficking.

2. Antisocial behavior - Deviation from fulfilling moral standards accepted in society, threatening the well-being of interpersonal relationships: Running away from home; Systematic absences from school; Aggressive behavior; Lie; Extortion. Promiscuous sexual relations Obscene graffiti and drawings Obscene language

High level of stress Parents' cruel attitude towards children Parental abuse of alcohol and drugs Antisocial, mentally ill parents Absence of parents Unstable family Very large family Family conflicts Inadequate upbringing and low contact between parents and children Low level of family morality Uneducated parents Family Causes of deviations

Interpersonal stress related to studies Relationships with peers Conflict-based rejection by peers Extortion of money, pressure, blackmail; Repeated torture, insults, threats, intimidation; humiliation Forcing to do things against the will of the Teacher, studying Blaming the child for all problems and difficulties; The teacher’s negative attitude towards the child is highly expressed; The tendency to constantly find fault and attribute negative characteristics to the child; Unfair treatment of the child in comparison with other children

Destructive behavior: poor academic performance; acts of cruelty; use/abuse of surfactants; early/unprotected sex; mental health problems; suicide attempts; aggressiveness and unwillingness to comply with social norms; emotional problems; inability to adequately express one's feelings; inability to cope with stress; problems in relationships with people; low self-esteem.

Lack of strong social ties (family, school, neighbors); a constant desire to rebel against something; non-recognition of authorities; strong desire for independence; alienation; feeling of personal failure; feeling of hopelessness; loss of self-confidence; inability to form close relationships; exposure to influence from peers.

Diagnostics. Algorithm of actions: 1. Group study of the class (collection of information about deviations - filling out the matrix) 2. Diagnosis of violations and filling out a diagnostic card 3. Analysis of the data obtained and identification of deviations. 4. Determination of the main areas of work by type of disorder (problems in learning, behavior, self-awareness, communication); 5.Work with children of all participants in the educational process 6.Work with children, parents, teachers 7.Use the basic techniques of psychological and pedagogical influence in working with children. 8.Analysis of development dynamics. Adjustment of the development program.

Group study of the class (collecting information about deviations - filling out the matrix) Groups of criteriaCriteria defining the “Risk Group” MEDICAL Have chronic diseases of internal organs Problems with the organs of vision Are often sick for a long time Are registered with a neurologist, psychiatrist Have undergone complex medical operations Have suffered stress Last name, first name child

Group study of the class (collection of information about deviations - filling out the matrix) (Continued) SOCIAL New arrivals “Rejected” in the class Undecided on the choice of profession (graduates) EDUCATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL Have persistent underachievement Truant, skip classes without good reason Remained for a repeat course of study Studying in 1st grade Study in 5th grade Child's last name, first name

BEHAVIORAL Have persistent behavioral disorders (routine violations) Difficulties in relationships with peers Difficulties in relationships with teachers Difficulties in relationships with younger children Increased anxiety Tendency to bad habits (smoking, alcohol) Tendency to suicide Tendency to steal Tendency to run away Disorders of impulses Group class study (collection of information about deviations - filling out the matrix) Continued

Basic techniques of psychological and pedagogical influence Manifestations of kindness, attention and care; Request Encouragement Advances to the individual Forgiveness Showing grief Guarantee Conviction Suggestion Trust Involvement in interesting activities Moral support

Main directions of work with deviant children Learning disorders: Subject teachers provide individual methodological assistance to the child in overcoming learning difficulties to the level of complete perception of the material, until the child feels success

Main directions of work with deviant children Behavioral disorders 1. Individual work of the class teacher with parents and the child; 2. Conducting hours of communication, conversations, workshops on behavior problems 3. Creating comfortable conditions for the child in the team; 4. Formation in the child of a stable positive image of himself, self-confidence, and strong-willed qualities through the inclusion of the child in the CTD of the class, school, with subsequent positive assessment of his activities. Using specific exercises to increase self-confidence in group work to demonstrate positive qualities. 5.Organization of pedagogical assistance groups for comprehensive assistance and support for the child in the prevention of violations

Main directions of work with deviant children Communication disorders Main directions of work with deviant children Communication disorders 1. Conducting classes on developing constructive communication skills 2. Conducting conversation-workshops on FORMING THE ABILITY TO SELF-REGULATION, learning to relieve emotional stress and aggressiveness 3. Organization of the system encouragement for using communication skills

Violations in self-awareness Violations in self-awareness Promotion of a healthy lifestyle through training and development of healthy lifestyle skills; Formation in the child of a stable positive image of himself through the search for activities where the child could feel a situation of success. Formation of responsible behavior skills through inclusion in CTD, school self-government; Development of labor skills as an important means of personality formation through inclusion in labor landings. Main directions of work with deviant children


The main directions of work with teachers 1. Conducting trainings on mastering self-regulation skills, learning to relieve emotional stress 2. Organizing pedagogical councils on teaching effective interaction skills 3. Organizing pedagogical seminars to discuss lines of behavior in building interaction with deviant children. 4. Organization of a reward system for improving the child’s behavior

The tasks of educational institutions in implementing measures to prevent deviant behavior of minors: promoting a healthy lifestyle, implementing measures to prevent drug addiction and substance abuse; creating conditions for individual medical-social and psychological-pedagogical diagnostics of children with deviant behavior; organizing and providing socio-psychological, pedagogical assistance and correction of children and adolescents with developmental and learning problems in order to prevent social maladjustment and addictive behavior; providing psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents (persons replacing them) who have difficulties in raising children; ensuring priority in the implementation of educational and developmental programs aimed at preventing deviant behavior of minors; identifying and recording minors who do not attend educational institutions and taking measures to ensure that they receive basic general education.

The program for the prevention of deviant behavior includes: working with parents to ensure a normal environment in the family; providing the child with a psychologically comfortable position in the classroom; methodological assistance in overcoming educational difficulties; finding compensatory activities for the student in which he could experience a situation of success; finding alternative ways to spend leisure time and gain positive emotions through communication with nature and art; training in healthy lifestyle skills - balanced nutrition, work and rest schedule, dosed physical activity, proper breathing, relaxation and concentration; training volitional qualities and developing the ability to withstand life’s difficulties; developing a strategy for a general life plan and ways to achieve long-term goals, forming an internal focus of control and instilling in a young person a sense of responsibility for his own destiny before himself; developing skills to overcome difficult situations, faith in one’s strengths and capabilities, the ability to make decisions, resolve conflicts and negotiate; the formation of a self-concept with a stable positive image of oneself and an active life position that helps to overcome natural life difficulties through work and volitional effort on oneself.

Conclusion It is common for the whole world and every person to deviate from the axis of its existence and development. The reason for this deviation lies in the peculiarities of a person’s interaction with the outside world, the social environment and himself. The formation of deviant behavior in adolescents is influenced by socio-economic conditions. Teenagers engaged in additional education are least susceptible to deviant behavior because they have little free time.

Prevention programs: “Program for developing a healthy life style” Program for teenagers (17 lessons) Authors N.A. Sirota, V.M. Yaltonsky. "Time Travel" (10 lessons). Authors Zhuravleva O.V., Zueva S.P., Nizhegorodova M.N. "Useful habits" (grades 1-4) Project HOPE commissioned by the Moscow Committee of Education, 1997 "Useful skills" (grades 5-9) Project HOPE commissioned by the Moscow Committee of Education, 1997 "Useful choice" (grades 10-11) .) Project HOPE commissioned by the Moscow Committee of Education, 2003. “Program of person-oriented psychoactive prevention” (11 lessons) Authors Berezin S.V., Lisetsky K.S., Berezovsky A.E. “Program for the prevention of drug abuse and other psychoactive substances among children and youth” (18 lessons) Authors Berezin S.V., Lisetsky K.S., Motynga I.A. Health program Kasatkin

Name: " Prevention of deviant behavior among children and adolescents» — presentation + development of a training session for teachers.
Authors: Pishchulina Lyubov Viktorovna, Krukhmaleva V.I.
Year: 2011
Pages: 24
Format: presentation in ppt format. development of a training session and application in doc format. (rar archive)
Size: 11.5 MB
Good quality

Purpose of the lesson: to develop preventive skills for teachers working with children with deviant behavior.

1) give an idea of ​​who deviant children are, identify problem areas;
2) discuss accessible and effective methods of working with such children;
3) draw up an algorithm of actions when interacting with children of deviant behavior.

Deviant behavior- this is the persistent behavior of an individual, deviating from the most important social rules and norms of society and causing real damage to society or the individual himself.

During the lesson, we will try to understand who deviant children are, identify problem areas that require our joint actions, discuss accessible and effective methods of working with such children, systematize our knowledge, accumulated work experience and draw up an action algorithm in order to use it in our work in the future. when interacting with children, namely with adolescents with deviant behavior.

Contents of the presentation “Prevention of deviant behavior among children and adolescents”:

  • Forms of deviant behavior
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Antisocial behavior
  • Self-destructive behavior
  • Correlate situations with forms of destructive behavior:
  • Risk factors
  • Model of the development of aggression according to Olwayze.
  • Patterson's model of family relationships
  • Main areas of work with deviant children:
  • Algorithm of actions to prevent the negative consequences of deviations:
  • Correction of deviant behavior in children and adolescents
  • Children with psychotic behavior
  • Children with emerging psychopathy of an unstable, excitable circle
  • Hyperkinetic children
  • Teenagers with hysteroid manifestations
  • Teenagers with psychasthenic character traits
  • Hyperthymic teenagers
  • Conforming teenagers.

Appendix 1. Risk factors.
Appendix 2. Coordination plan for working with children at risk.
Appendix 3. Questionnaire for parents.
Appendix 4. List of children at risk.
Appendix 5. Scheme of conducting a survey of a difficult teenager by a psychologist.

  • The concepts of “deviant” and “deviant” behavior are synonymous (Latin deviatio - deviation).
  • Deviant behavior- a system of actions or individual actions that contradict accepted legal or moral norms in society.

Main reasons for deviant behavior

In the course of studying parent-child relationships, the following causes of deviant behavior are identified:

  • unwanted, unloved child;
  • resemblance to an unloved relative, ex-husband;
  • disturbance in the child’s behavior, hyperactivity, conflict, stubbornness;
  • lack of knowledge in the field of education, developmental psychology;
  • marital conflicts, financial difficulties or other reasons leading to nervous breakdowns;
  • violation of traditional patterns of behavior (teenage pregnancy, ethical violations, etc.);
  • psychological, characterological characteristics of the student (for example, accentuation of character according to an unstable type from the first grade - such a student has no desire to learn, or aggressiveness in the epileptic type, unrestrained behavior in hyperthymic type, etc.) And such characteristics as: isolation, shyness, stubbornness, assertiveness, and egocentrism can develop into deviant behavior.

Deviant children are children who find it difficult, they need help and attention.

The most important reasons for deviations in the psychosocial development of a child may be family dysfunction, certain styles of family relationships that lead to the formation of deviant behavior in students, namely:

disharmonious style educational and intrafamily relations, when a unified approach and general requirements for the child have not been developed;

conflict style educational influences, often dominant in single-parent families, in situations of divorce, long-term separation of children and parents;

antisocial style relationships in a disorganized family; it is characterized by systematic use of alcohol, drugs, and the manifestation of unmotivated “family cruelty” and violence.

If a child has deviant behavior (memo for parents)

Love and accept your child for who he is - he is unique.

Control your behavior, eliminate the aggressive behavior of loved ones - the child imitates those who are next to him.

Make feasible demands - take into account not your desires and emotions, but his capabilities.

Guide the child’s interests, include him in joint activities, teach him to be independent - he will not look for relaxation and will find something to do.

Broaden your child's horizons - others will be interested in him. Ignore slight manifestations of aggression, do not capture the attention of others - the child will stop attracting attention in this way.

Establish a strict ban on actions that cause harm to others - your consistency will make it easier to learn other rules of behavior.

Play with your child, including aggressive actions in the plot of the game - the child needs relaxation

Pay attention to him - the child will not attract your attention in an inappropriate way.

Five qualities of a parent necessary when communicating with a child:

Patience. This is the greatest virtue a parent can have.

Ability to explain . Explain to your child why his behavior is wrong, but be brief.

Slowness. Do not rush to punish the child, understand the reasons for the action.

Generosity. Praise the child for good behavior, awaken the desire to hear your praise again.

Optimism . Foster confidence in your child, support him in failures - he will feel like an individual.


Deviant behavior appears as a normal reaction to the abnormal conditions for a child or a group of adolescents in which they find themselves, and at the same time as a language of communication with society when other socially acceptable methods of communication have exhausted themselves or are unavailable.

The child needs help!

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Meeting of the methodological association of class teachers Head: Kalmina Tatyana Vladimirovna

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Topic: “Deviant behavior. Prevention of deviant behavior"

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Deviant behavior (asocial behavior) is defined as deviant behavior, that is, as individual actions or a system of actions that contradict generally accepted legal or moral norms in society.

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Prerequisites for antisocial behavior

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Preconditions for antisocial behavior may appear at school age

Neglect of students - Gambling - Foul language - Smoking, alcohol addiction - Deviations in the sexual development of the child - Lies - Neuroses

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Signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): - the child is whiny and irritable - restless - often quarrels with other children - is naughty at the table - does not fall asleep for a long time - cannot dress independently - cannot listen to others, constantly interrupts - does not finish what he starts - characterized by mood swings, outbursts of anger - makes hasty decisions - problems arise with academic performance - manifestation of selfishness - problems with the police - psychology of not giving a damn - speaks foul language - shouts from his seat in class - low stress resistance: “He makes a molehill out of a molehill,” - this is about them - doing homework for a child and his parents is torture for many hours - it also happens that children behave calmly and give the impression of being lethargic, apathetic - they do poorly in school, are uncommunicative

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Children at risk -

a category of children who, due to certain circumstances of their lives, are more susceptible than other categories to negative external influences from society and its criminal elements, which have become the cause of maladaptation of minors

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The main reasons are the following life circumstances of such children: - drunkenness of one and both parents, their antisocial behavior (parasitism, begging, theft, prostitution); - establishment of dens for criminal and asocial elements in the parents’ apartment, - - - sexual corruption by parents of their own children, trafficking in them; - one of the parents serving a prison term, treatment of one of the parents; - alcoholism, mental illness of one or both parents, etc.

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The term “at-risk” children should mean the following categories of children:

Children with developmental problems that do not have clearly defined clinicopathological characteristics; - children left without parental care due to various circumstances; - children from asocial families; - children from families in need of socio-economic and socio-psychological assistance and support; - children with manifestations of social and psychological-pedagogical maladjustment

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Prevention of deviant behavior

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Prevention is a set of state, public, socio-medical and organizational and educational measures aimed at preventing, eliminating or neutralizing the main causes and conditions that cause various kinds of social deviations in human behavior.

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Prevention means scientifically based and timely actions taken aimed at:

1. Prevention of possible physical, psychological or sociocultural conflicts among individuals and risk groups; 2. Preservation, maintenance and protection of the normal standard of living and health of people; 3. Assisting them in achieving their goals and revealing their internal potentials.

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Main goals of prevention:

Forming a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and reducing the proportion of children and youth affected by antisocial manifestations; - Formation of motivation for effective socio-psychological and physical development; - Formation of motivation for socially supportive behavior. Creation of powerful social support networks (family, friends, leisure centers, etc.). - Formation of skills to cope with stress; - Development of factors of healthy and socially effective behavior, personal-environmental resources and behavioral strategies in all categories of the population - Changing maladaptive forms of behavior to adaptive ones

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Information approach

is based on the fact that deviations in the behavior of adolescents from social norms occur because minors simply do not know them. Consequently, the main direction of work should be informing minors about their rights and responsibilities, about the requirements imposed by the state and society to fulfill the social norms established for this age group.

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Social-preventive approach

The main goal is to identify, eliminate and neutralize the causes and conditions that cause various kinds of negative phenomena. The essence of this approach is a system of socio-economic, socio-political, organizational, legal and educational measures that are carried out by the state, society, a specific socio-pedagogical institution, a social teacher to eliminate or minimize the causes of deviant behavior.

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In the system of school preventive work, it is necessary to highlight two areas:

General preventive measures and special preventive measures. General prevention measures should ensure the involvement of all students in school life and prevent their failure. Special prevention measures should ensure the ability to identify all students in need of special pedagogical attention and work with them at the individual level

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The system for preventing deviant behavior of students in an educational institution includes the following priority measures:

Creation of comprehensive groups of specialists providing social protection for children (social educators, psychologists, doctors, etc.); - creation of an educational environment that allows harmonizing the relationship of children with their immediate environment in the family, place of residence, work, study; - creation of support groups of specialists in various fields, teaching parents how to solve problems related to children; - organization of children's leisure. Today, additional education institutions can play a major role in organizing leisure time for children and adolescents. Prevention of deviations through the inclusion of a child in preschool activities is supported by the possibility of creating situations of self-realization, self-expression and self-affirmation for each individual child. - information and educational work.

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