Internal service jacket of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on approval of the Rules for the wearing of uniforms, insignia and departmental insignia by employees of internal affairs bodies - Rossiyskaya Gazeta

For a wedding

In 2011, the Federal Law was adopted on the renaming of the public service “militia” to “police”.

In this regard, various reforms began in the department, including a new model of workwear.

An employee's uniform is mandatory to wear while performing official duties.. This does not apply to those employees who may not officially wear it while working. Its samples are approved by the Russian Government.

A person who has entered the service of the authorities provided at the expense of the federal budget by several sets, each of which corresponds to the type of service, time of year and gender of the employee.

The clothing sets are as follows:

  • casual;
  • day off;
  • special;
  • for outdoor service.

Each set is available in winter and summer versions. Men's and women's are provided separately.

Everyday Russian police officers must wear uniforms every day during the service. The front dress is worn when taking the oath, in the guard of honor, on holidays and at important events. For PPS and traffic police officers, the uniform is intended for street events. IN employees wear special uniforms to perform various operational tasks, typical for the police.

Tailoring requirements

Dressed in police uniform the employee looks very respectable and according to the position he holds in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When creating its samples, all the latest fashion aspects were taken into account. Thanks to a special cut, a police officer inspires confidence among the citizens of the country, thereby raising the prestige of the police.

The new uniform of the Russian police officers looks like in the photo:


Things are made from wear-resistant, natural fabrics of the Russian textile industry in dark blue shades. Modern technologies are used in their production. It is subjected to special treatment, thanks to which the policeman feels comfortable in his clothes, regardless of the ambient temperature.

Worsted fabrics from which the uniform is sewn, are woolen and wool blend with some viscose additives. The products have a smooth surface, do not wrinkle, do not stretch, and look good in any weather conditions. The fabric is water-repellent, dust hardly settles on it.

Shirts are made from light natural fabrics. For winter they have long sleeves, and for summer they have short sleeves. Thanks to the addition of synthetics to the fabric, the shirts do not wrinkle and keep their shape well.


All kits are designed for service in any corner of the country, regardless of climate. For hot weather, clothing is made from breathable fabric. For frosty days, trousers with a warm lining, an insulated jacket, and a sweater are offered. For the off-season months, which are characterized by rainy weather, employees have waterproof jackets that can protect against wind and rain.

Jackets are equipped with hoods, which have slots in the ear area for better audibility and ease of use of various hearing devices. If necessary, you don’t need to remove the hood: the holes unfasten, allowing you to use headphones.

For traffic police officers, outerwear is equipped with special reflectors that glow when light hits them, for example, from car headlights. This is done for ease of work in the dark.

Types and styles of police clothing for women and men

The men's summer option for going out consists of woolen dark blue trousers and a silver jacket. A man must wear a light gray cap on his head. While on duty, employees complement their suit with a gold belt. The shirt is white, the tie is dark blue.

The photo shows samples of the new dress uniform of the Russian police:

Women wear a woolen skirt, white blouse and tunic on the holiday.. A dark blue tie is an essential attribute of a woman's weekend outfit if the blouse is long sleeved.

In cold weather, men and women wear jackets, coats, and raincoats. Employees add fur astrakhan hats to the set. For ordinary employees they are dark blue, and for high bosses they are gray. Girls also wear fur hats. Details of outerwear are complemented by fur collars, which, if necessary, can be unfastened.

In everyday sets, white blouses and shirts are replaced with light gray ones. In summer they can be worn without a jacket. This can be done indoors in any season.

For employees elegant wool dresses available, which are worn with a red scarf outdoors. Scarves are tied around the neck at a wide angle forward, which should be tucked under the top of the dress. Instead of skirts, you can wear uniform trousers.

The skirt should be no higher or lower than the knee length, and heel - no higher than 4.5 cm. Employees only wear beige tights. Take a look at one of the new female Russian police uniforms in this photo - the lady police officers look very elegant:

Men's socks must be black. Shoes are also only allowed in black. The cap, cap and earflap hat are worn straight on the head, and the beret, cap and fur hat should be slightly shifted towards the right ear.

Care of workwear

The policeman is always must be in a cleanly washed and well ironed uniform. To determine what kind of cleaning, washing and ironing is required for a particular piece of clothing, you need to study the label attached to it. Signs are placed on them indicating all possible manipulations and prohibitions on them.

Woolen products, if possible, dry clean with a brush. They are usually washed in warm water without adding bleach. There is no need to dry it in the open sun; it is better to do it in the shade so that the clothes do not fade. Cotton items are also washed in non-hot water, wrung out well and hung to dry in a place where there is no bright sun.

Jackets, coats and raincoats are best stored turned inside out and packed in a plastic bag. Blouses, shirts, jackets, trousers are stored on hangers in a closed closet.

Shoes must be cleaned with different products designed for this purpose.

Citizens of the country in which Internal affairs officers look elegant, dressed in a fresh shirt and polished shoes, take their hard work more seriously and with deep respect. A police officer should be comfortable in his uniform. Then he will carry out his service responsibly. The new police clothing meets all the requirements for it.

Any modern government organization related to the protection of law and order and the solution of more serious problems related to state security has its own form, by which one can unmistakably recognize an employee of this organization. Most often, when the expression “service uniform” comes to mind, the police or the army. The modern uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the calling card of the police, because for most police officers wearing a uniform is mandatory.

Now there is a lot of talk around the new uniform, which, according to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 575, police officers are required to wear. Investigators also have a new uniform. Nowadays, even the generation that went through the Great Patriotic War cannot imagine a police officer (militia in those days) without a uniform. But this was not always the case, because in Russia a special uniform for law enforcement officers appeared only in the 17th century.

The history of the emergence of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs from the 17th century to the beginning of the 1917 revolution

Unlike most European countries, in which, until the 18th and 19th centuries, the clothes of law enforcement officers were dark and nondescript, Russian law enforcement officers dressed brightly and flashily, since serving the Tsar was at all times considered a great privilege. In a country where the words “uniform honor” have never been an empty phrase, a beautiful police uniform could not help but appear.

In Russia, which was then called the Moscow State, the first police officers, called zemstvo yaryshki, appeared at the end of the 17th century. It was then that Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, nicknamed “The Quietest,” transferred the functions of the Robust Prikaz (which was engaged in the investigation and “knocking out” guilt and testimony) to the Zemsky Prikaz. It was in those days that people’s dislike for the police was rooted, and the Yaryshki received several offensive nicknames, derived from the letters “Z” and “I”, which were embroidered on their chests.

The first uniform of the then police were green Streltsy caftans with a red “Z” and “I” stripe.

In 1718, by decree of Peter I, a real police force was formed. Peter I, who was very responsible about every detail, himself established the uniform that police officers had to wear. According to the decree, the uniform of the first police consisted of the following elements:

  • The caftan is bright blue (if you adhere to the exact text of the decree, then “cornflower blue”);
  • The same color trousers and cap;
  • The cuffs, cap lapels and uniform piping are red;
  • Green camisole;
  • Black tie.

The police uniform was either red or blue, different sources indicate this differently, perhaps there were two options at the same time.

Until the reign of Empress Catherine II, the uniform of the police, like the uniform of the Russian army, did not undergo any changes, both in Moscow and in provincial Russian cities. This state of affairs lasted until 1775.

In 1775, two acts of Catherine II appeared at once, which not only influenced the uniform of the Russian police, but also laid the foundation for the police hierarchy. The first act was “Institution for the management of the province”, and the second was “Charter of the deanery or police”. The police system that took shape in connection with these acts existed virtually unchanged until the second half of the 19th century.

In 1784, a decree was created according to which the police uniform was as follows:

  • A caftan made of cloth with folded tails and a collar;
  • Vest or camisole;
  • Tricorne hat;
  • Trousers;
  • Stockings with boots, which were replaced in the equestrian ranks with special over-the-knee boots.

In addition, a sword was necessarily worn as a weapon. The color of the uniform depended on the province to which the policeman belonged:

  • In St. Petersburg and the northern provinces the uniform was light blue;
  • In Moscow and the surrounding provinces the color of the uniform was red;
  • In Kyiv and other southern provinces, the color of the uniform was dark cherry.

Although the uniform was of the same type, the decoration of the uniform varied over a fairly wide range, which depended on the wealth of the owner of the uniform.

Under Paul I, the police were defined as a completely civilian service and independent from the army. In this regard, plaques were added to the police uniform, which depicted the royal double-headed eagle and indicated the position of the owner. The appearance of a junior police rank, a police officer, dates back to the same period, which later became the symbol of the Russian police until the 1917 revolution.

In 1808, the clothing of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tsarist Russia was updated. All officials of this ministry received the following form:

  • Dress uniform;
  • A service uniform of a similar cut.

The uniforms were dark green coats with a high collar and black velvet cuffs. The uniforms had coat of arms buttons made of yellow metal.

Under Emperor Nicholas I, who was a well-known expert on uniforms throughout Europe, a new police uniform appeared, which was introduced in 1834. This uniform was distinguished by a huge variety of different options, which were prescribed to be worn depending on the service functions performed. In any case, the main parts of the uniform were the following elements:

  • Dress uniform;
  • Vitsmundir;
  • Uniform frock coat;
  • Uniform tailcoat.

An official's overcoat made of cloth was developed especially for winter. 21 years later, in 1855, when the first police teams appeared, designed specifically to maintain and protect law and order in cities, a new reform of the police uniform took place.

Back in 1854, police officers received braided shoulder straps, which they wore instead of epaulettes; longitudinal gaps and stars appeared on the shoulder straps, which showed the rank of the owner.

Lower police ranks (city officers) received the following uniform:

  • Gray double-breasted semi-caftan;
  • Gray trousers with red piping;
  • A helmet with the coat of arms of the province to which the policeman belonged;
  • A device made of yellow metal.

The weapon of lower police ranks was a massive cleaver, which was worn on a black leather belt.

The “Nikolaev” uniform underwent several changes and improvements, until in 1867 the police uniform underwent another reform. Under Emperor Alexander II, all police uniforms began to be made from dark green cloth. This is the color of all police uniforms.

Under Alexander III, who tried to awaken the “national spirit” in Russia, the uniform of the police (and the army too) began to closely resemble the Russian national folk costume in appearance and cut. Although the new style uniform was undoubtedly comfortable, most police officials considered it unworthy for a representative of the authorities to dress in a uniform of this style. The basis of the new model was a caftan, which did not even have buttons, but was fastened with special hooks. The caftan was dark green.

During the reign of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas I, the role of the police in Russia increased significantly. Due to the increased number of different revolutionaries, the role of the police in maintaining state law and order has increased significantly.

By 1904, the process of modernization of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was practically completed and the police suit acquired the form in which it existed until the 1917 revolution. The police uniform for junior ranks became double-breasted, and hooks were used as fasteners. Army-style trousers were used as trousers. The police uniform was worn with a belt that resembled a lancer's sash, or with a black patent leather belt.

The last years of the existence of the police in Tsarist Russia were overshadowed by numerous murders of government officials. Moreover, they were killed both by revolutionaries, who were often criminal elements, and by ordinary crowds of people who staged pogroms.

In February 1917, a revolution took place in Russia, which put an end to the history of the Russian police, which by that time was more than 200 years old. Since the main role of the Russian police was to maintain law and order, a wave of murders of police officers, who were recognized precisely by their uniform, swept across the country in unrest. First of all, those police representatives died for whom the words “uniform honor” were not just a phrase. The common people, who suddenly gained power into their own hands, hastened to deal with representatives of the authorities who had been inaccessible to them for two centuries.

On March 10, 1917, the Police Department officially ceased to exist, although by that time it was no longer relevant, since the police at that time no longer existed in Russia. Nevertheless, revolutionaries, concerned about the crime situation on the streets of big cities, began to create voluntary detachments that patrolled the streets. Each such detachment was assigned a commander who knew the area very well.

On March 4, 1917, the first detachments of the Petrograd People's Militia were created. As a uniform, these units used white armbands, on which were written the red letters “G.M,” which meant “city police.” Already in the summer of 1917, an attempt was made to create a unified uniform for the police, but since there were enough other concerns at that time, this project remained at the development stage.

In August 1918, army uniforms were introduced for all branches, one of the original items of which was a canvas raincoat, which was used in the automobile army units of the tsarist army.

The Workers' and Peasants' Militia, which was formed back in 1917, received special care from the Soviet government. This body was supposed to become not only a replacement for the tsarist police, but also a symbol of Soviet power in the eyes of the Russian population. In 1918, at a meeting of the NKVD board, which took place in the fall, a uniform for police officers was approved. It was summer and winter and consisted of the following elements:

  • The summer uniform consisted of a jacket with pockets, jodhpurs, a cap and boots complete with windings. Already at that time, the uniform was dark blue, which subsequently accompanied the uniform of the Soviet police for several decades. The jacket was fastened with 5 large uniform buttons. Small buttons were sewn on the collar, pocket flaps, cuffs and collar;
  • The winter uniform had a rather unusual color “marengo” (dark gray, with a bluish tint). It was complemented by a Finnish-type winter hat, which had a leather visor and a trim resembling lamb's wool (faux fur). In addition, the winter uniform was complemented by a double-breasted coat with a fur collar, and for guard duty, police officers were required to be issued sheepskin coats.

In summer, police officers were required to wear brown thread gloves, and in winter, black leather gloves with lining.

Judging by the information available in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in those years there was also a women's uniform, which consisted of the following items:

  • Single-breasted black coat;
  • French;
  • Tunic;
  • Skirt and beret.

This uniform was made in a blue color scheme, and women began to be accepted into service in the Soviet police in 1919.

Although the Soviet government took a very responsible approach to the creation of uniforms for the police, until 1923 the main uniform for police officers was a standard military uniform, and women’s options, if they existed, were in single copies.

In 1924, when the situation in the young Soviet country had somewhat stabilized, the police uniform underwent modernization, the main goal of which was to simplify production technology. The main differences of the modernized police uniform were as follows:

  • Maroon collars became the same color as bekeshes and French collars;
  • The administrative staff now have black buttonholes with white edging;
  • The departmental police received turquoise buttonholes with black edging. The uniform received a turquoise edging.

In 1926-27, when the NEP in the RSFSR began to be phased out (it was officially closed in 1931, although it was actually phased out in 1928), the colorful uniform of the Soviet police began to become a thing of the past. Stalin's new totalitarian regime required a completely different image of the police, strict and stern, which would instill fear in the Soviet population by its very appearance. Beautiful and elegant overcoats are a thing of the past; in their place came strict single-breasted military overcoats, black, which were fastened with hooks. Winter hats for some time remained the same cut, although they began to be made from black cloth and the same color faux fur. The mounted police, who sported blue uniforms, now dressed all in black, like the rest of the RCM services.

In 1938, the time came for another reform in the field of police uniforms. The entire RKM team received khaki overcoats. The most significant changes appeared in the uniform of the commanding personnel:

  • New winter fur hats, which were made of brown fur with a characteristic “cap” of gray-green wool fabric;
  • A jacket for everyday wear in steel color;
  • White lungs of the jacket;
  • Pants for summer are white;
  • Winter blue trousers.

The beautiful uniform of the Soviet police, which stood out favorably among the monotonous clothing of the civilian population of the USSR, lasted until 1958. This year, when the country was swept by a wave of democratization, the image of the policeman underwent significant changes:

  • The beautiful double-breasted uniform was replaced by a simple blue jacket, which had welt pockets and was cut like a military uniform;
  • The only insignia on the new jacket are the shoulder straps and red piping. As for the shoulder straps themselves, sewn-on shoulder straps began to become increasingly popular;
  • The casual shirt was blue, and the dress shirt was white. All shirts were worn with the same type of tie with an elastic band;
  • Trousers could now be worn untucked by all police personnel, even privates.

After this reform, the colorful image of the Soviet policeman remained a thing of the past forever.

In 1969, a uniform reform took place in the USSR army. In this regard, an order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was published, which provided for updating the police uniform. The main point of this order was the replacement of the blue color of the police uniform with gray, which remained the dominant color of Russian law enforcement officers until recently. The Ministry of Internal Affairs also ordered that the cut of the police uniform be brought into line with the basic cut of the army uniform. This innovation made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of uniforms for law enforcement agencies.

After this reform, the clothing of the Soviet police began to look like this:

  • Jackets, both winter and summer versions, began to be made with turn-down collars and single-breasted. They were fastened with 4 brass buttons. The summer jacket was made from half-wool, and the winter jacket from wool;
  • Two raincoats of the same type, one nylon and the other rubberized. All cloaks had a secret clasp, a fastened hood and a belt;
  • A coat made of woolen fabric with a turn-down collar, which was fastened with 3 buttons. An army overcoat was left for the mounted police;
  • In winter, the uniform was issued with a gray muffler and gloves.

In 1984, a blue-gray summer shirt with short sleeves appeared in the uniform of the Soviet police, which was used for all climatic regions of the USSR.

The uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the 1990s was not much different from the Soviet one. The only example of modernization is camouflage of various colors, which was issued mainly to special forces, riot police, and so on. Many private companies appeared that began to sew some types of uniforms and shoes. The production of field models of uniforms has become especially popular. As an example, we can name the Splav company, which is one of the most famous Russian companies for the production of uniforms and footwear.

New police uniform and its differences from the old one

At the end of 2011, a new uniform was approved for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since the old one was outdated and did not meet the requirements of modern realities. According to official information, the wishes of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs services were taken into account when developing the new uniform. A new uniform has appeared for all units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the traffic police, the investigative committee, and even cadets.

Allegedly, the new form has become much more practical and convenient. When creating it, the latest materials were used, which have increased durability and wearability. The new uniform looks more dignified than the old one.

The new uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has changed not only its style, but also its color, which has become dark blue instead of gray-blue. According to the manufacturer, the use of the latest fabric samples allows an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to feel comfortable at any temperature.

All employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a new summer and winter uniform. In addition to a completely new everyday uniform, police officers received a new dress uniform, which should emphasize the prestige of serving in the police.

In addition to summer and winter uniforms, a demi-season option is also provided for police officers. For rainy weather, the new uniform provides a modern waterproof suit, instead of a raincoat, which was used by the Soviet police.

Thanks to the use of the latest materials, the new uniform has a presentable appearance in any weather. Worsted fabric, which contains lycra and wool, can repel dust and moisture while being virtually wrinkle-resistant.

Despite all the benefits described, police officers accepted the new uniform with distrust. During operation, it did not show itself in the best way; there are especially many complaints about the summer uniform, which practically does not allow the skin to breathe. At the warehouses they note that the police tried to get the old-style uniform, in every possible way refusing the new “improved” one.

New uniforms for various services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The new form for traffic police officers consists of the following elements:

  • Demi-season jacket with hood;
  • Winter jacket with a fur collar, which is removable. There are emblems on the collar, and the jacket itself has a hood that can be removed;
  • Demi-season trousers;
  • Insulated winter overalls. There are reflective stripes on the sides of the trousers;
  • Summer jacket and trousers with a straight silhouette;
  • Wool-blend sweater;
  • Shirts with long and short sleeves.

For special purpose police units, uniforms were developed taking into account all the tasks that may arise during their difficult work. An interesting solution, for example, is the presence of special ear holes, which are found in the hoods of new riot police jackets. This allows you to use headphones without removing the hood and provides the audibility that is essential during operational tasks. This feature of the jacket was developed precisely at the request of special forces, who successfully tested it when working with radio headsets.

To ensure that various weather conditions do not interfere with the performance of duty, winter trousers and jackets of riot police are equipped with special bags that are stored in pockets. If necessary, you can quickly put winter clothes in these bags to change clothes in accordance with new weather conditions.

In the new police uniform, the functions of fasteners are performed not only by zippers, but also by Velcro. Although they are designed to make life easier for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, they actually represent a constant headache, since they often lose their properties during operation.

The summer riot police uniform has ventilation valves in the armpit area. In addition, the equipment set includes tactical gloves made of leather and textile. Boots for riot police officers (high boots) are made of thick leather, which is coated with a water-repellent composition.

Women working in the police are allowed to wear dress pumps. The height of the heel should not exceed 4.5 cm. For women who carry PPS, trousers and a jacket are provided as a uniform, which is adjusted to the figure using lacing. Female investigators have the option to choose between a skirt, trousers and a dress. Women's demi-season jackets are made from genuine leather.

When designers developed models of women's uniforms, they supplemented them with red neck scarves that can be worn instead of a tie. The bow tie that was in the old uniform was removed due to a lot of negative comments being made about it. As headdresses, girls were able to wear felt berets.

Insignia on the new police uniform

The rules for wearing a new type of uniform, as well as the placement of various chevrons, stripes and lapel emblems on it, are reflected in the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 575, which came into force on July 26, 2013. According to this decree, every police officer is required to wear a badge on the right chest indicating his last name. On the left side of the chest of a police officer’s uniform there must be a special badge on which the police officer’s personal number and his affiliation with any region must be stamped. Affiliation is indicated using 3 letters.

Badges on uniforms are worn not only by patrol officers, but also by employees of the private security department. The badges are made of aluminum, have a golden color and an oval shape. Employees of the road patrol service have badges in the shape of a circle.

There were chevrons on both the old and new police uniforms. The chevrons indicate the unit to which the police officer belongs. According to the law, there are 15 different versions of chevrons, which are intended for various parts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Each unit has its own emblem, which is depicted on a chevron. For the riot police it is a sword and wings, for the special police force it is a fortress and a key, and so on. Chevrons, as well as other elements of the uniform of the Russian police, are complemented by various reflective elements that facilitate the identification of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the dark.

Chevrons should be sewn onto the sleeves of jackets, peacoats and tunics. An innovation has been introduced for the new uniform that was not in the old uniform - now chevrons must be sewn onto long-sleeved shirts. The chevrons for the new police uniform are made to match the color of the clothing, and come in white, blue, blue-red. On the new form, chevrons can not only be sewn on, but also secured with Velcro.

All chevrons that are attached to uniforms in one way or another must be sewn on the right sleeve. The distance at which they are attached should be 8 cm from the edge of the shoulder. For employees of internal affairs bodies, a special inscription “police” is provided, which should be located above the left breast pocket.

Operation and maintenance of the new police uniform

Despite the fact that the new form is positioned as simpler and more convenient to use, caring for it differs from caring for the old form. Thanks to the use of modern fabrics and materials, this uniform is not intended for self-washing. The instructions strongly recommend that you dry clean it. Many employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have learned from their own experience that doing laundry on their own can lead to unexpected and disastrous results.

The history of the Russian police uniform is very interesting and entertaining. Many hope that the next reform of police clothing will not be aimed at reducing the cost and depersonalization of the uniform, but will give it a unique flavor, while not forgetting about ease of use.

Police officers must follow certain rules for wearing their uniform. Compliance with these rules is strictly controlled by management.

It should be noted that the appearance and number of different items included in the list of uniforms currently allow employees to look decent and add some variety to their official wardrobe. However, the quality of the fabric from which this uniform is made often leaves much to be desired.

The rules that police officers must strictly follow when wearing uniforms were approved by specially prepared Order No. 575 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated July 26, 2013. This order, in turn, is based on Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 835.

During their official time, police officers must wear uniform clothing in accordance with their special ranks.

It has its own distinctive features, which are:

  • directly the items of clothing,
  • accessories,
  • shoulder straps,
  • stripes,
  • badges (sleeve and chest).

All listed items must strictly comply with established standards.

The procedure for wearing insignia and sleeve insignia

Distinctive marks, chevrons, and stripes should be sewn on in strictly defined places on clothing, observing the established distances:

Rules and features of wearing uniforms by employees of internal affairs bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Examples of wearing a police uniform


For violation of the uniform, inconsistency or absence of necessary insignia, as well as unkempt appearance, which is disrespect for the uniform, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action.

The purpose of these rules is to increase the prestige of service in the internal affairs bodies and respect in society for police officers. In addition, form, as you know, disciplines.

As part of their patriotic education, young police officers of the Russian Federation develop a respectful attitude towards the uniform, the status of a police officer, their profession, and their homeland.

Police officers are required to follow certain rules and requirements regarding the wearing of uniform at different times of the year and for different occasions.

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The management clearly regulates and controls the implementation of these rules. In this material we will provide you with the basic rules for wearing uniforms by police officers in the Russian Federation in 2019, which apply to all units in all regions of the Russian Federation.

What you need to know

This section is devoted to the consideration of the key nuances of wearing the uniform of the police of the Russian Federation, we will understand why the uniform is needed and why it is necessary to wear it during the performance of official duties, we will consider in detail the rules for wearing the new police uniform.

We will also define a list of regulations that regulate the wearing of uniforms.

Basic moments

The appearance and number of different components of the police uniform today make it possible for both male and female employees to look neat and have some variety in their official wardrobe.

But often the uniform is made from fabrics of the best quality. The rules for wearing and matching the type of clothing from police uniforms are prescribed in.

This order is based on the norms and standards prescribed in.

During their working hours, police officers in all regions of the Russian Federation are required to wear dark gray or blue uniforms in strict accordance with their assigned special ranks.

Each set of winter and summer, festive and everyday uniforms has distinctive features that delimit units and police departments - uniform elements, accessories and shoulder straps, sewn insignia, sleeve and chest insignia, unit chevrons.

These distinctive signs must be present on the form in accordance with clearly defined regulations.

What is it for?

Police uniforms perform several important functions:

For non-conformity of uniform and violation of wearing requirements, absence or inappropriate appearance of the required distinctive signs, as well as unacceptable appearance during the performance of work duties, which indicates an inappropriate attitude towards uniform, disciplinary action may be applied to the employee.

They were formed not with the aim of infringing on the rights of workers, but to increase the prestige of the service among institutions and internal affairs bodies.

The uniform also helps to increase respect among citizens for police officers. Also, wearing a uniform instills discipline in employees.

Among young and newly arrived police officers in the Russian Federation, as a measure of patriotic education, the state forms respect on the part of employees for the uniform and its elements, directly for the status of a police officer, for the profession as a whole and for the state.

Legal grounds

The principles and rules for wearing uniforms are prescribed in the following regulations:

  1. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2013 No. 575.
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 835.

Rules for wearing police uniforms

In this section, we will consider the key provisions regarding the rules for wearing elements of police uniforms, types of clothing for police officers, rules for wearing police uniforms of the PPS and other units.

We will also figure out how to wear distinctive insignia and chevrons on the uniforms of employees of various ranks.

General provisions

All police officers for whom the mandatory wearing of uniform is specified in the resolution and order of the government authority must appear at the workplace exclusively in uniform.

Wearing civilian casual clothing is allowed only for police officers in specific positions, for example, psychologists and operational officers.

Uniforms must strictly match the size, and the employee’s responsibilities include keeping the uniform clean, well-groomed and ironed.

Police officers are not allowed to appear in uniform outside of the performance of official duties in various public places.

What types of uniforms are there?

The requirements and standards for wearing uniforms for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are mandatory for all employees.

Based on the situation, various form options have been developed:

According to the seasons, summer and winter uniforms have been developed for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, while the transition to one or another form of clothing is carried out by all police officers of all ranks at the same time, regardless of the region of residence and service.

It is not allowed to combine clothing items from different sets or for different seasons.

For example, it is not allowed to wear a cap with a jacket with a fur collar. It is also not allowed to wear an autumn jacket with a hat for the winter.

It is also impossible to combine uniforms from different categories; it is necessary to wear uniform elements in accordance with the samples for each unit.

Police officers in uniform are not allowed to appear in public places and establishments, such as cafes and restaurants, or drink alcohol in full view of citizens.

Employees are subject to strict disciplinary action for wearing uniforms outside of work duties.

Female police officers are not allowed to combine elements of their uniform with bright makeup, large jewelry and multi-colored handbags.

Regarding shoes, they are also issued and clearly regulated, but often women are allowed to wear other comfortable shoes that match the color and formal style of the uniform.

Such shoes should have low, stable heels. The headdress must be worn with a slight tilt to the right, and the visor should be at eyebrow level.

If a police officer puts on a winter hat, cap or beret, then its level must be 2-4 cm above the level of the eyebrows.

Outerwear - jacket, raincoat, coat, jacket - must be fastened with all buttons and fasteners. It is allowed not to fasten the top button of a shirt if a tunic or jacket is not worn on top.

Trousers must be worn over boots, but in the case of high boots or combat boots, the trousers can be tucked in. The clasp must be fastened to the top level of the chest pocket.

In cold weather, depending on the region, the zipper may be fully zipped. Similar rules also apply to wool jackets.

Video: official presentation of the police uniform

In hot weather, you can roll up the sleeves of the jacket to the level of the elbow. The length of a woman's skirt should reach mid-knee.

You should always wear a tie with a shirt, fastening it to the shirt using a special metal clip. During the summer season, you don't need to wear a tie.

How to wear insignia and chevrons

Distinctive markings and chevrons are required to be sewn on parts of uniforms, approved by orders of the Government of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the regulated distances between various stripes must be observed. Rules and standards for wearing distinctive badges and chevrons:

Shoulder straps must be worn on all warm clothing In the winter season (jackets, raincoats, coats). At the same time, a distinction is made between removable and sewn shoulder straps.
Shoulder straps differ in the number of gaps Depends on the rank of the police officer. Also, in accordance with the existing rank, there are insignia on the shoulder straps. Such distinctive signs are metal plates and stars. Removable shoulder straps must have golden emblems.
Sleeve insignia or chevrons They have standard dimensions 120×75 and must be sewn onto the sleeves of all elements of police uniform
Police uniforms must clearly have the words “POLICE” sewn on them. On the back and left side of the jacket. The patches have different colors for different uniforms.
For highway patrol officers The inscription “DPS STSI” must be on the chest, and “COBP” and “OMON” stripes are also provided for employees of the relevant units and departments
Police officers who perform official duties in public places The uniform must have special markings on the chest, attached to the left pocket. If the tunic has strips for orders and medals, then the insignia is attached 1 cm lower, if they are not provided, then the insignia is sewn instead of them
Departmental badges, medals and signs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Must be worn on the left side of the jacket. In this case, it is necessary to observe the order - federal awards are attached first, and only after them medals. Medals must be worn on stands in one row; a maximum of five awards can be hung on one bar. If an employee has a lot of medals and awards, then it is necessary to place the strips one under one
Signs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation It must be placed on the right chest, there must be a distance of 5 cm between them. The university badge must be placed first, it must be worn without fail. Moreover, such a sign must be present alone even if the employee has several higher education degrees. Up to three badges are allowed in one row

So, we have examined the features and rules of wearing uniforms for police officers of the Russian Federation in accordance with regulations. We also provided standards for wearing distinctive insignia and chevrons of various units.

At the end of 2011, an elegant new form was approved in Russia. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were to serve there.

This was the right step due to the fact that the old uniform was hopelessly outdated and did not harmonize with modern clothing requirements.

The new form has become practical and consistent with the principles of convenience and modernity..

An employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must know how to wear and combine the uniform and its elements correctly. This will ensure uniformity and order in the ranks of uniformed police officers, as well as will help you protect yourself from scammers who commit crimes, masquerading as officers of the law.

Basic Rules

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Rules for wearing uniforms by employees of the Russian Department of Internal Affairs were approved.

This document regulates the procedure that should be followed when wearing uniforms by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Current employees and those who resigned but retained the right to be “in uniform” have the right to wear a uniform.. For example, employees who have retired.

All elements of the form must comply with established standards, function properly and look neat.
A specific form of clothing corresponds to a certain situation:

  1. Weekend or dress uniforms are required for special occasions. This type of uniform is worn, for example, to take an oath or present an award, receive an honor guard and on holidays
  2. Uniform for every day is used on ordinary days, while performing daily duties
  3. A special uniform is required for police officers when performing and them especially important special tasks
  4. Clothing for those who perform outdoor service, intended to be worn by PPS and DPS employees during the performance of their duties

Applicable to different climates and seasons, summer and winter uniform sets are provided. This applies to everyday and weekend options.

The Rules clearly state which elements of the form can be combined with each other. Every employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is required to know this regulation.

What has the Government provided?

In 2011, the Russian government issued Resolution No. 835, which talks about the features of official clothing for men and women, the distinctive features of the components of the uniform depending on rank and position, provides a definition of the uniform, and a description of the types of shoulder straps.

The document establishes standards according to which police officers should be provided with things in times of peace.

General provisions

The main provisions of the above Resolution establish:

  • Wearing a uniform provides differences according to the principle depending on the specific rank of the employee
  • In addition to uniforms, the clothing set includes also the appropriate equipment
  • Essential features of official clothing: established types of shoulder straps, accessories, combination of combinations, colors and various components of uniforms

Types of uniforms

Casual and dress uniforms are divided into clothes for summer and winter, which in turn imply a difference between men's and ladies' uniforms.

The male uniform of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs includes:

For the women's version, shirts are replaced with blouses, a cap with a hat, caps, dresses, jackets, skirts and shoes are added.

Separately, there is a patrol uniform and clothing for employees supervising traffic regulations and holding special ranks.

How to wear insignia and chevrons?

Sometimes it is allowed to wear the insignia of the previous design on a new uniform. In ordinary cases, the established procedure should be followed. It is spelled out in detail in the above Rules.

Special sleeve insignia measuring 12 by 7.5 centimeters are also attached in a certain way.

The chevron of the special rank holder looks like this:

  • triangular shape with round top
  • red border with silver inscription "Ministry of Internal Affairs"
  • above a triangle framed in red there is a white inscription “Police”
  • in the middle of the triangular shield of the armlet is depicted symbol of a double-headed eagle with three crowns

For the chevrons of other employees, images of a warrior who defeats a dragon and a hexfeather against the background of swords, a round shield with a laurel wreath, a railway wheel against the background of an anchor, a key against the background of a fortress, an image of a book and a laurel wreath are also used. There are special patches for aviation and riot police officers .

Features of the form and its distinctive elements

  1. Police officers with special ranks, wear a certain set of uniforms.
  2. The distinguishing feature is a noticeable red edging
  3. Traffic police officers wear uniforms containing reflective elements
  4. Gray-blue piping distinguishes the shape justice employees
  5. Special uniforms of flowers, allowing camouflage, are allowed to be worn by employees of agencies performing their service in emergencies, in areas of armed action and other hot spots

The distinctive features of the form should be understood as five-pointed stars of various colors and materials, as well as black and gold plates.

Each rank has its own size and type of distinctive feature. For example, on the general’s shoulder straps you can see an embroidered star with a diameter of 4 cm.

Insignia placed on employee shoulder straps:

  • General of Police of the Russian Federation - star with red edging;
  • Colonel General- 3 stars with or without piping;
  • Lieutenant General - a pair of stars with or without edging;
  • major general - 1 star;
  • Colonel- 3 stars in a certain sequence
  • police lieutenant colonel - 2 stars.

The distinctive features of special ranks are not placed on the shoulder straps of privates.

Features of wearing the uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

When putting on your treasured service uniform, you should observe some nuances:

  • With a blue winter hat made of sheep fur It is allowed to wear only a gold-colored cockade
  • All items of clothing must always be fastened with all available zippers and rivets. For a jacket, you are allowed to leave 13 centimeters unbuttoned
  • It is allowed to wear a shirt or blouse indoors and during the hot season with long sleeves without a tunic or jacket
  • There are some concessions to the established procedure for wearing a uniform.. Sometimes, due to the lack of a complete set of new uniforms, the commanding staff may allow items from old kits to be combined with new ones. The gray winter hat can be worn with the new blue uniform. A gray wool coat can be combined with the same detachable collar. The previous summer suit can be worn with a new headdress and cap. If it is not available, the membrane protective suit is replaced with a waterproof raincoat.

Police reform, one way or another, had to lead to change. This also affected the appearance of police officers.

The shape turned out to be foldable and modern as another reason to be proud of the new Russia.

As you can see, combining various elements of a service kit is not easy. This is an art, but it can also be learned. Each police officer of the Russian Federation, having such a glorious status, is obliged to know and follow the established rules.

Wearing a new uniform is pleasant and honorable.