Ideas for gifts, crazy handmade, etc. Handmade gifts - how to please your loved ones


What's happened exclusive gifts self made? These are, first of all, products in a single copy. A gift is warm memories of important event. When looking at a figurine or other gifted item, the happy or solemn moment that it symbolizes comes to mind. A gift is always good mood And positive emotions, it contains a piece of our life. Therefore, you need to be very responsible when choosing gift souvenirs.

Time to surprise!

Expensive service or french perfume, Wall Clock And cosmetic set are considered good gifts. But this is just mass production! These gift souvenirs were produced on a machine in large quantities, which means they do not carry the stamp of individuality and author’s inspiration. But beaded a pillow or gift notebook in an exclusive handmade binding is marked by spirituality. While working, the master put the warmth of his hands and a piece of his soul into every touch of the craft.

Graceful author's gift box with hand painting can become a real treasure in the eyes of a beloved woman, because she will store her jewelry in it. Every time she opens a souvenir box, she will see the image of her beloved and send vibes of tender gratitude to her chosen one. This little magic can bring people even closer together!

Souvenirs are always nice, and handmade gifts can surprise you with their originality! Gone are souvenir watches on a chain and standard ones. Gift Baskets: Now is the time to surprise. But for the surprise to come positive character, it is better to choose designer souvenirs from the handicrafts of a master, rather than give a carelessly (albeit with love) little thing made. Let's choose an unusual creative gift souvenir for loved ones.

Handmade amulets

Amulet is traditional amulet from troubles and adversities, made by hand from natural materials. Each amulet is created individually for one person. Amulets are given only to those closest and dear people- parents, children, loved ones. Souvenir amulets can not only protect, but also attract positive situations into a person's life. If you want to give joy and good luck to your friends, choose the author's good luck charm:

For newlyweds or family people you can give a talisman to family happiness made by hand. The ancient Slavs believed that family amulets could ward off dark forces that can destroy the union loving people. For protection they used wooden and straw dolls, protective embroidery with special characters, decorations and household wooden items. It could also be an image of a brownie or a wooden hut, a decorated broom or birds of paradise in the garden:

For little kids the best amulet there will be a smiling sun made with love. The ancient Slavs worshiped Yaril and considered him a protector from all troubles, and to attract good luck and health they depicted the sun on shutters and doors. The amulet is hung above the baby's crib or on the wall. The sun can become an amulet for a child for the rest of his life: it will protect him and bring him happiness.

You can give your beloved girl a designer amulet-decoration made of stone or metal, made by hand. The image of runic symbols on a stone carries a certain meaning: protection, luck, happiness or love. Take care of your loved ones, give them your tenderness, devote more attention. An original handmade gift amulet will always remind you of your invisible presence, fill your soul with peace and confidence.

pillow toy

Sleep and rest from work should be comfortable. Many adults have retained the childhood habit of hugging a pillow while sleeping, and this has its own sacred meaning. The world of childhood and memories of it will help relieve stress, plunging you into dreams of beauty. If such a souvenir toy is given by a loved one, then invisible threads will connect two souls in dreams. Then don’t be surprised when romantic dreams come to you!

You can give a mischievous cat pillow to your beloved guy: original and tasteful. The main thing is that the souvenir will always remind you of you! The cat can be matched to match upholstered furniture rooms, or you can, on the contrary, highlight them with contrasting colors to attract attention.

Tip: don’t forget to give your feelings along with the souvenir!

Mom should like the household pillow owl: it is so wise and soft. If you make a souvenir toy with your own hands, it will be even better: every stitch will tell your mother about love and gratitude for her care and upbringing. The toy is always associated with childhood and connects the world of the past with the present with waves of memories.

Original designer toys-pillows are not only convenient for relaxation - they also decorate the interior. Soft dog on a chair, cheerful ladybug on the sofa will fill the room with an atmosphere of ease and special comfort. Toys are a reminder of childhood, and childhood is always happiness.


This clever name means a creative gift photo album, postcard or notebook made by hand. Photographs are a piece of our past. These are the grains of memory that are dear to us. When we look at a photograph, we take a little trip into the past: we remember our previous state of mind, feel the aromas of past days, hear the music of our youth or childhood.

Souvenir photo album in delicate pastel colors With flowers you can give it to a young girl. Handmade gifts can be wrapped in original homemade boxes, pasted over with beautiful wrapping paper. Such gift souvenirs always bring joy, and making them is not difficult!

Postcards are not just original souvenirs, but reminders of happy moments. They are carefully stored all their lives, put in a separate box. Creative cards scrapbooking technology is not just unique handicrafts: congratulations and wishes are written in them.

This is a special souvenir book of wish fulfillment. We all know the expression “it’s not harmful to dream.” So, not only is it not harmful, but it is useful! Dreams come true if they were written down by your hand. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself. Every fulfilled wish will remind you that dreams are turning into reality. You can give it to your beloved friend for her birthday magic book wishes, for example, this:

Gift for a man

What gift to surprise your beloved man, grandfather or boss? Lacy notebooks are unlikely to be suitable, and many men are skeptical about amulets. Here's what you can do: order original souvenir wine bottles from some ethnic style or a safari inspired glass holder:

Those who like to pass the time playing backgammon or chess can be given an exclusive manual dialing“three in one” - chess, checkers and backgammon. Original handmade work is expensive, but the pleasure of the gift is simply priceless!

Creative ideas

If you want to create your own handmade gifts, you need to activate your flight of fancy. Remember with what passion junior schoolchildren tinkering various crafts! The most important thing in an author's work is originality and an unbiased approach.

But where do you get inspiration? If you are observant, you will notice a lot of interesting things around you. Ideas can come from looking at magazines, store windows, or while walking in the park. Blanks for handmade work can be found at home or bought in sewing and craft stores.

So, you decided to take up handicrafts and even studied several master classes on this topic. What should you pay attention to?

Remember Meg Hannan's famous textile jewels? Here you can look -, but only look and admire.

And to do something similar, then here is MK from Ira Kuzmina from the Country of Masters -

Fabric gemstones

I got these gems. I will share with you the technology for their manufacture. Let me say right away that the idea is not mine. I saw a program (something foreign) on TV and decided to repeat it. I really liked it! Bright, light, you can wear it around your neck, or sew it on your bag or clothes!

Necessary materials in front of you. These are glue and pieces of fabric. Experience shows that knitted thick fabrics fit best. For me these are pieces of fleece and drape. In the program the girl used transparent glue. I have PVA Moment, it also becomes transparent when it dries

1. Decide on the outer shell and its dimensions. I have this gray drape. This is the largest piece in the product. I had 10 x 13.

2. We assemble the “insides” of the stone from small pieces (we select color combination.) You can use braid and laces. Then in the finished stone, dots and specks will be visible on the cut.

This section of our online store presents unusual gifts handmade and designer handmade souvenirs. Unique handmade items are a whole work of art. In every handmade gift there is a share of magic, because the soul of the master is invested in it and true love to your creation. From us you can buy designer gifts and handmade goods that will bring only positive emotions to their owner and become a symbol of the fulfillment of his desires. Our handmade souvenirs exude warmth and joy. We are absolutely sure that a handmade gift will bring true pleasure to its recipient - it is impossible to take your eyes off such beauty!

Unusual handmade souvenirs

The authors' imagination and extraordinary talent were embodied in unusual souvenirs self made. Inspired by the bright rays of the sun, the melody of the rain and other absolutely simple things, they create their masterpieces. In fact, a countless number of muses hover around us and dream of turning into an amazing author's gift. Craftsmen always approach the production of handmade goods and handmade items with positive attitude As a result, we can observe unusual designer souvenirs that have a magical appeal. Original designer gifts and handmade goods have their own style, unlike anything else!

Original things and handmade goods

Wizards exist, and it’s very easy to prove: just look at our original designer items and handmade goods! Can you even think that they were made? ordinary people? Of course not! Each handmade gift and handmade accessory has own story. Of course, handmade things will always have a special value, because the author puts a whole vessel of love, patience, moral and physical strength into his creation. That's why we treat you with such respect unusual goods handmade. If you want to please your loved ones, friends or acquaintances pleasant surprise, present them with a piece of a fairy tale - unusual designer gifts and handmade souvenirs from Pum-Pu.Ru!