Slavic amulets and their meaning. MK Rowan (traditional amulet doll) Ritual doll Rowan

For teenagers

Protective doll Ryabinka.

Today, September 23, was revered by our ancestors as the name day of the sacred rowan tree. Rowan has enormous energy power. Its energy field is very powerful, capable of positively influencing a person’s health, improving his condition, attunes him, helping him enter into a state of harmony with the world around him. Rowan especially helps women, strengthens their feminine strength, restoring it.

Rowan gives the gift of foresight and spiritual strength, develops extrasensory abilities. Rowan is also able to fight the negative energy of the home, cleansing and protecting it from the evil eye and damage and other influences on the subtle plane. Rowan can give inspiration for creativity.

But to do this, you need to be able to communicate with rowan, feel and understand it. Our ancestors in these days, when the mountain ash is especially strong, its fruits are ripe and sweet, went into the forest to collect healing berries. And they not only went with the goal of picking berries, but to make a rowan amulet, ask the sacred tree to take away the disease or give additional strength, to help restore health.

And on this day, Slavic women always made a protective rowan doll. It was based on a cross made of rowan sticks, or one rowan stick wrapped in a linen rag. And definitely decorated with rowan berry beads!

According to ancient tradition, I made such a doll today. Today, many are carried away by purchased wooden churas, forgetting that the real amulet of your home must be made by YOUR hands! The simple rowan doll actually represents, no more and no less, Makosh herself - a sorceress, a sorceress, the mother of fertility and harvest, the patroness of women, childbirth, home and family. The rowan doll is a real ancient amulet, embodying the guardian goddess, created by the hands of every simple woman.

The concentrated work took about three hours. At first it was difficult to work, I was making rowan for the first time and I couldn’t imagine the final image of it. I was a little nervous, confused the threads... Then I simply called on my ancestors for help, turned off my thoughts... and the work suddenly went smoothly. The hands began to create on their own!

While I was working on the image of Mokosh the mountain ash, suddenly many amazing memories of my ancestors began to come by themselves, then stunning, bright pictures of antiquity began to flash. The faces of women in the clothes of Ancient Rus' floated by, some mysterious rituals, huge round dances in the fields... One can skeptically say that all these were fantasies, or one can say that it was the awakening of ancestral memory. But the doll came out very beautiful, my soul became clear and light, and many forgotten memories from childhood about my grandparents warmed my heart.

Now my mountain ash stands in a red shroud, bright, beautiful, and seems to glow, like a little sun, attracting the eye all the time. It's a pity I didn't have a camera to take a picture.

And while autumn is just flaring up, don’t be lazy, go get a rowan stick and a couple of bunches of berries. Try to create your own home Makosh-keeper, and changes for the better in you and in your home will definitely happen soon!

Rowan is a symbol of female wisdom, motherhood, and home. She is connected to the rowan tree. The name day of the rowan tree was celebrated four times a year. In the fall, on the fourth name day, when the fruits ripened, they made this doll. As a sign of veneration, they made a large festive doll, Rowan, as a talisman. The strongest amulet for your home from everything unwanted and negative. Amulet of love and health in your home. The Ryabinka doll is called the Warrior against all manifestations of evil. Such a doll was made on September 1, the Tula New Year, on the day of honoring a mother of many children. The doll could be life-size, then it was dressed in women's clothing, after the holiday it was dismantled and the clothes were taken home. If the doll was made at the elbow, then it stood for a year, and then it was given to children for games (that is, it turned from a ritual one into a playful one). Made on a rowan crosspiece, the doll has magical properties, such as relieving depression, removing damage from the evil eye, and protection from the energies of the dead world. The doll is hung opposite or near the entrance doors and, like a warrior, does not allow anything negative into the house. The doll protects true love from misfortunes and troubles; it is the strongest amulet of family happiness in the house.

More about the event

In our modern understanding, the word "doll" is associated with play. What role did the doll “play” in the life of our ancestors?
First of all, it is the embodiment of pure strength, goodness and love.
She is the magical assistant to her mistress (remember the fairy tale about Vasilisa the Beautiful, to whom a doll given by her mother helped her overcome even the most hopeless situations).

The bell is a doll of good news. A doll is a play doll, but it is also an assistant: you can take it to a friend who is expecting something in life, is going on a journey, or for whom something is not going well.
The homeland of the Bell doll is Valdai. The famous Valdai bells were also born there.
The lower edge of the bell is called a “skirt” by local Valdai craftsmen. And the upper sloping side is called “shoulders”, there is also a “sarafan”; these names directly indicate the silhouette of a woman dressed in a Russian sundress. The doll looks like a bell, and the bell looks like the silhouette of a woman.
The ringing of a bell cleanses not only space, but also the human soul, making the world lighter and brighter. There are many legends and traditions among the people about bell ringing. The sound from the bell comes out like circles on water, which is why the Bell's skirt is round.
Just as a bell ringer is a conductor between the earthly and the heavenly, so the Bell doll reminds us of the eternal and spiritual here on earth, in our earthly affairs and aspirations, helping to overcome the difficulties of the earthly path.
The Bell rag doll is now known as a play doll, but we can assume that it also has protective properties: for example, it is given to someone who is waiting for news, as well as to someone who sets off on a journey. And also in the old days it was believed that ringing scared away evil spirits and even cured diseases. The ringing of a bell is one of the most powerful amulets, so it is likely that the Bell is not only a play doll, but also a protective one.

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Topic of the lesson: "Cauldrons of power, cold, aphids, stretching of bones, work with the spine"

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the power structures of the body, learn to relax and strengthen the spine, and get an unforgettable experience of stretching the bones of the arms and legs!
Practical lesson for those interested!

Dear guests of the evo-club!
If you have long wanted to come to the painting of a Slavic Pysanka, but you just can’t on a weekday -
We are pleased to announce that one of the classes will now be held on the last Sunday of every month!
We are waiting for you on the next long Sunday at the School of Slavic Pysanka on September 28!

We invite you to regular classes on creating dolls!
Moskovka (Family) - a talisman for a strong, friendly family. She was kept somewhere higher in the house - on a closet, on a shelf - and was not given into the hands of anyone else. The basis of the doll is a birch log or “rolling pin” made of fabric - a symbol of male power, and she herself is the archetype of the mother and symbolizes maternal care and love. If a woman in a family could not give birth, then a doll was made - Moskovka, so that with her stateliness and splendor she would help bring and embody in the family the spirit of happy motherhood and fatherhood. According to popular belief, this doll helps make the desire to have a healthy child come true, and also protects good relationships in the family. Untie the belt, and you will have several more separate swaddle dolls. Endowing the doll with magical properties, our ancient ancestors kept this complex composition away from prying eyes, hiding it in a closet, on a shelf or in another secluded corner. Such a doll was a talisman of family and health, the unity of masculine and feminine principles, and procreation. The history of the doll is in some way connected with the period of the emergence of the Moscow principality, which annexed more and more new lands. Moscow is the mother, the new principality is the new child. "...- She has five children, her mother is the sixth, and what about the seventh? - Husband? - Where is he? - Is it really under her skirt? - Dad, this is the foundation on which everything rests. A very harmonious doll: masculine, feminine and children.

We haven’t yet had a doll whose name comes from the name of a tree,” said Veselina, having learned that the heroine of our today’s publication will be the rag doll Rowan.

Yes, that’s right, this doll is the first with that name,” I answered, finishing wrapping the scarf around Ryabinka.

Here I wanted to say about what is usually the basis for choosing a name for rag dolls and give a couple of examples, but I stopped in time. After all, it turned out that grouping names in this way is not so simple, because the name for each doll was determined in a special way, despite the fact that the main factors in this case were the purpose of the doll, events that were occurring or had occurred, calendar time or historical characters.

Now the idea came to mind to group Russian rag dolls not by purpose, but by the time of their manufacture, dividing the year into four periods - spring, summer, autumn and winter. Although, then what about those dolls that are created at the turn of the seasons? Okay, let's think about it some more. You just need to make a calendar in which to mark the dates the name of the doll that was made earlier on that day. Yes, I'll probably do that. But this is so, thinking out loud.

Why did the rowan tree turn out to be such a useful tree that the doll was named after it? - asks Veselina.

Ryabinka doll - history and meaning

The meaning of the Rowan doll is determined by the magical properties of the rowan, and this is, first of all, increased protection from evil spirits and other evil. The ancient Slavs long ago noticed that Khmyrs, Shishigi and Kikimors avoided the mountain ash and were afraid of it. Therefore, for a long time they began to make protective amulets and amulets from rowan wood, the berries of which enjoyed great success as a medicine and food additive.

Therefore, every autumn in the second half of September, rowan sticks were used to make the basis for a rag doll, which was then dressed, decorated and called Rowan, giving it the special status of a strong amulet for the home and the whole family. The Ryabinka doll was fixed near the entrance to the house; she was the first to greet invited and uninvited guests, not allowing the dark forces to feel calm and confident. At the same time, a person with a stone in his bosom, or some kind of evil spirit, immediately began to get nervous and fuss, as if in a frying pan, wanting to quickly leave the house with such prudent owners, here they had no time for profit, to be alive. This is the main meaning and purpose of the amulet doll of the ancient Slavs, Ryabinka.

Doll Rowan - how to make

The rag doll Ryabinka, apparently, was distributed throughout almost the entire territory inhabited by the ancient Slavs. How else can we explain the fact that now there are about a dozen different ways to make this doll? Most likely, in different villages they chose the most familiar method for Ryabinka - for some it was a doll on a crosspiece, for others - a column, for others - a knotted doll. I can only assume that those versions that did not use rowan sticks were made in places where rowan did not grow, or such a doll was made as a souvenir.

We determined for ourselves that the version of the doll with two crossed rowan sticks at its base would most accurately correspond to the purpose of the amulet doll, so we made just such a doll. Most likely, this is precisely the ability of the doll to carry out its protective function. So, we make a cross and secure it with red thread. In exactly the same way, we began to make other dolls, for example, Sacrum, Simeon the Stylite, Goat, Kostroma and others.

For the head and arms you will need a square white patch and a bunch of rags. We crush the rag in a fist, hug the head end of the cross with it, and wrap the whole thing in a white flap, securing it at neck level. Two opposite ends of this flap form the arms, the other two are tied to the body. Now we get dressed - a shirt, a skirt, an apron with a belt, a warrior and a scarf or scarf. Additionally, you can decorate the doll with rowan branches, but you can do without this because the doll’s strength is inside it.

This is what the traditional version of making a rag doll of Ryabinka’s amulet looks like. All other ways of working on this doll are distinguished by the creation of additional elements - someone makes Ryabinka’s legs, putting them in bast shoes, someone hangs doll children on her, making them in the form of Kuvadka, Pelenashka and Pokosnitsa, someone puts small ones in the hands birds... In general, they do it - whoever is good at what, immediately coming up with some kind of explanation for this. I believe that it is possible to create designer dolls based on Russian rag dolls with great success, and not mix everything into one pile and use your imagination. But this is everyone’s business, as they say, it’s not for me to tell them. We completed our task - we told them that there is such a Ryabinka doll, what it is needed for and how it can be made.

I will conclude with this, Veselina once again inarticulately said goodbye and went into the city, holding the Ryabinka doll under her arms and enthusiastically asking her something.

Don’t forget to make dolls for yourself and for your loved ones, take an interest in the life of our ancestors, they have many interesting things and concepts that would be useful to us in modern life. I wish everyone health and good mood, bye.

Master class on making the Slavic protective doll “Rowanka”

The purpose of the master class isacquaintance with the Russian tradition of making folk rag dolls.

Tasks : To instill interest in the rag doll as a form of folk art; develop skills in working with fabric; promote the aesthetic perception of folk toys; introduce the technology of making a rag doll.

Ryabinka doll - history and meaning

The meaning of the Rowan doll is determined by the magical properties of the rowan, and this is, first of all, increased protection from evil spirits and other evil. The ancient Slavs long ago noticed that Khmyrs, Shishigi and Kikimors avoided the mountain ash and were afraid of it. Therefore, for a long time they began to make protective amulets and amulets from rowan wood, the berries of which enjoyed great success as a medicine and food additive.

Therefore, every autumn in the second half of September, rowan sticks were used to make the basis for a rag doll, which was then dressed, decorated and called Rowan, giving it the special status of a strong amulet for the home and the whole family. The Ryabinka doll was fixed near the entrance to the house; she was the first to greet invited and uninvited guests, not allowing the dark forces to feel calm and confident. At the same time, a person with a stone in his bosom, or some kind of evil spirit, immediately began to get nervous and fuss, as if in a frying pan, wanting to quickly leave the house with such prudent owners, here they had no time for profit, to be alive. This is the main meaning and purpose of the amulet doll of the ancient Slavs, Ryabinka.

Doll Ryabinka - how to make

The rag doll Ryabinka, apparently, was distributed throughout almost the entire territory inhabited by the ancient Slavs. How else can we explain the fact that now there are about a dozen different ways to make this doll? Most likely, in different villages they chose the most familiar method for Ryabinka - for some it was a doll on a crosspiece, for others - a column, for others - a knotted doll. I can only assume that those versions that did not use rowan sticks were made in places where rowan did not grow, or such a doll was made as a souvenir.

For the head and arms you will need a square white patch and a bunch of rags. We crush the rag in a fist, hug the head end of the cross with it, and wrap the whole thing in a white flap, securing it at neck level. Two opposite ends of this flap form the arms, the other two are tied to the body. Now we get dressed - a shirt, a skirt, an apron with a belt, a warrior and a scarf or scarf. Additionally, you can decorate the doll with rowan branches, but you can do without this because the doll’s strength is inside it.

This is what the traditional version of making a rag doll of Ryabinka’s amulet looks like. All other ways of working on this doll are distinguished by the creation of additional elements - someone makes Ryabinka’s legs, putting them in bast shoes, someone hangs puppet children on her, making them in the form of Kuvadka, Pelenashka and Pokosnitsa, someone places them in the hands of small birds... In general, they do it - whoever is good at what, immediately coming up with some kind of explanation for this. I believe that it is possible to create designer dolls based on Russian rag dolls with great success, and not mix everything into one pile and use your imagination. But this is everyone’s business, as they say, it’s not for me to tell them. We completed our task - we told that there is such aRowan doll, what is it for and how to make it.

Now let's get started:

For the doll we need:

Materials and tools:

Body fabric 20=21

Head fabric 12=12

Shirt fabric 17=17

Skirt fabric 25=15

Apron fabric 7=5

Fabric for scarf 20=20

Red threads



Let's get started:

1.Make the doll’s body.

Fabric for the body 20=21cm. roll it into a tube and tie it with red thread.

2.We make the doll’s head.

Fabric for head 12=12cm. We put padding polyester in the middle. We form the head and tie it with red thread.

3. We tie the head to the body, tie with red thread.

4. We put on a shirt for the doll.

We take fabric for a shirt 17 = 17 cm. and put the doll in the middle, tie it with red thread.

“It is good for him who is in his own house.” “Houses and walls help.” "All roads lead to home." These are all old Slavic sayings about home. They show the reverent attitude of people towards their homes. The hut was protected in every possible way from evil spirits and evil people. One whispered word - and the harmony in the family is destroyed. Along with protective signs that were applied to windows, doors and utensils, protective dolls were used. One of them will be discussed in the article. The editors of the website About Amulets have prepared two master classes on making a traditional mountain ash doll.

This amulet is common throughout the territory where the Slavs lived. It is only absent in places where rowan does not grow. This is due to the protective value of the tree.

The cross is a symbol of life, heaven, eternity, a model of the world tree. The rays of the cross, directed in all directions, protect against evil, no matter where it comes from.

Required material:

  1. Fabric of different colors;
  2. Two rowan branches;
  3. Threads;
  4. Padding;
  5. Decoration.

Let's get started:

The doll is ready. The work took about 30 minutes.

If desired, you can decorate it with beads. Let's not come up with unnecessary meaning for beads, colors and pendants, since the main power of the amulet is inside. Even a simple product, made according to the rules, will protect the house from bad people, the evil eye, witchcraft, envy and damage.

It happens that a product comes untied or breaks for no apparent reason. So she took the evil upon herself. Thank her for her work and burn her. Make another one to replace it. Amulets with a flaw are not kept in the house. The Rowan doll is one of the simplest and most enjoyable to make.