Good congratulations on your anniversary. General congratulations on the anniversary

For children

At 55 - everything is simple, clear,
Life is joyful and easy!
And in the present everything is fine,
And the autumn of life is far away!
May happiness be with you
And gives the sparkle of love to the eyes!
Let him warm you with a gentle look,
The person who is dear to you!
Let there be sunny years
And the horizon will be clear!
And let the music of nature
Harmony will come to your home!

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My dear emerald! Happy 16th birthday! I wish you to remain an inexhaustible treasure throughout your life: may your eyes always sparkle,
like diamonds; let your lips be like alluring rubies; and your kindness is as rare and valuable as a black pearl that they dream of getting from
deep ocean.

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Is this age - 50,
If you can’t count your strength, your gaze is fervent?!
If joy splashes like a wave,
Tone - like a ringing string?!
Let the frost continue to invigorate
And the gentle scent of roses excites me,
Nature's beauty touches you,
The sky is blue and high!
May every day be beneficial
It will be a noble, important goal!
Anniversaries are not frequent in life,
Children give granddaughters and grandchildren!

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Let new life year
Brings you great news!
Health will become stronger
Everyone is proud of you!
The work and salary are always worthy!
And the day off is, of course, calm
Positive in all your affairs!
Great service from the team.
Buy you a dacha!
A Rottweiler to boot!
Good luck to you, good luck in all your endeavors!

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At thirty-three they don't lie on the couch
Thirty-three are famous for the wrong thing:
This is the age of Christ's deeds,
This is the age of significant things.
At thirty-three, half measures don’t suit you,
This is the time for drastic measures.
And then a business career
He'll move right off the bat.
Under Russian capitalism
It will carry you - just hold on.
Until now you have been preparing for life.
At thirty-three, life begins.
At thirty-three, friendship strengthens.
At thirty-three, love blossoms.
This toast is not for a glass - for a mug,
Prepare it for yourself.
Comparisons with gods are inappropriate -
Who could compare with them?
But we will still move our glasses
Together with the one for whom you are dear.

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An anniversary is like a medal
And how the order is deserved,
Decorates our life
And everyone really needs it!
On this day you are a vessel,
Let love flow into you,
Let her be like wine
It will overflow!
Be still the one
Who we all know you to be
On the anniversary - and always -
We only wish you happiness!
Let everything come true
What do you wish for yourself?
In great shape
You are celebrating your anniversary!

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40 years is both a lot and a little.
40 years is not a milestone for men.
40 years is just the beginning
To understand that you are very loved.
40 years is forty winters and springs.
40 years old - you’re still young.
40 years - you have thrown down a challenge to life,
That he is capable of loving passionately.
40 years old - and perhaps gray hair,
They settled in your hair.
40 years is the age of a man
To carry women in your arms.

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Today uncle is the hero of the day.
But he’s still a specimen!
You can't keep up with him,
Neither can the young one overcome.
Let gray hair sprinkle the row,
But my uncle’s look is young and bright.
And for discoveries and miracles
I have experience and strength.
And health, so to speak,
He can't borrow from us.
He will give anyone a head start
Nimble and big.
May God give him so much strength
May he be happy!

Anniversary birthday is special holiday, attracting significant attention to the birthday person. On this day, gifts, pleasant meetings, calls with congratulations and wishes simply pour down on the hero of the day. The Anniversary itself, as a rule, is celebrated more widely and solemnly. That is why congratulations on the Anniversary must be taken more seriously and attentively. If this is a congratulation for a man, then it would not be out of place to mention the age of the hero of the day. If the hero of the day is a woman, then you should be more careful with this: not every woman likes emphasizing her age.
We hope our selection universal congratulations will help you find suitable cards and warm wishes in poetry or prose.

For a great date - bright words, and for the hero of the day - honor and recognition!

Life will be more interesting and more fun for you,
Because the Jubilee hour is coming!
We wish you youth, joy in the eyes,
And let success rush towards you at full speed!

Congratulations on your wonderful anniversary!
Be wise and give advice,
Let life boil in you, let energy rage,
Achieve your goals boldly and smartly!

Can't find such a word
To fully wish
Good health to you
And never lose heart!
We wish you happiness and goodness,
Less grief and sadness,
So that there are more bright days,
And the gloomy ones didn’t visit!
But on the wonderful day of the Jubilee
All wishes are good,
May all the remaining years
They bring you joy from the heart!

Tell me the secret, dear,
How can you do this:
Every year you blossom
And you keep getting younger?!
And in such wonderful shape
You are celebrating your Anniversary!
I wish you happiness!
Continue to be young!

Perhaps the number of years is sad,
But on the Anniversary it is always light:
From warm words and eyes of friends,
Looking forward to new days!
When everything that didn't come true
It will happen at the finest hour,
And the axis of life will turn out
Good luck and joy to you!

Congratulations on the anniversary! On this round date, I wish you many round figures in your salary, a round sun above your head, round strong hugs, understanding in the family for round table, large round sums in your wallet and all year round- only spring in the soul and positive moments!

Happy Anniversary to you today!
There is magic hidden in a round date!
Therefore, I sincerely wish you:
Let the star of luck light up!

An anniversary is not just a birthday,
This holiday is of double importance!
I wish you inspiration today,
Strength, health and crazy love!

Know how to take advantage of God's gifts,
They are hidden in the depths of your soul!
Walk through life through narrow gates,
Which not everyone can enter!
Let the waves of life beat and the wind whistle,
Know how to stay afloat amidst adversity!
The desired victory will come to you -
Hope, believe, always go forward!

Anniversaries will fly by like whirlwinds,
Celebrating the milestones of your destiny,
But with a smile we suddenly notice
What’s in the soul is still the same seventeen!
We wish you success and happiness,
Still be as responsive...
After all, any bad weather will pass,
If the heart knows how to love!

Happy Anniversary!
Let everything be fine
So that the heart doesn't recognize
About melancholy, grief and sadness!
May it always laugh
Never gets sick
So that the soul is happy
And she shone like a star!

Attractive and charming, alluring and attractive, smart and resourceful, positive and in every sense beautiful woman congratulations on Anniversary day birth! Every round date for a woman is like another bead in the necklace of her life. Let your beads be very long, durable, precious, and let each next bead be more elegant than the previous one! We wish you a sea of ​​happiness and love, all the desired benefits and a lot of attention. Health, blooming beauty and excellent mood!

Sweet, good, dear,
Today is your anniversary!
The years have flown by unnoticed,
Having sorted through the sheets of calendars.
It hasn't been easy for you in life,
But I was able to raise children and love everyone,
Despite the bad weather, you managed
Keep kindness and affection.
Don't be sad about the days that have passed,
Smile, wipe a tear from your eye.
For care, kindness and generosity
Take a low bow to the ground!

Our favorite!
We are on your anniversary
We hasten to wish:
Never get sick!
Be cheerful, cheerful,
Always happy!
And don't let them be scary
You will be years old!
They respect you
And friends appreciate
And sincerely loves
Big family!

Expensive Mother And wife ,
Grandmother, the most tender in the world!
You know how much we need you...
May the sun shine on you with a smile!
So that you don’t notice autumn,
So that your birthday is clear,
So that flowers bloom around you,
How they sometimes bloom in spring!
After all, it happens in October too
Sunshine, cloudless blue...
Happy anniversary, sweetheart!
Just don’t get sick - we ask you!
May your dreams come true
And may the successes be greater!
We will try our best so that you
And she was happy and cheerful!

On your anniversary, such a beautiful holiday,
You deserve kind words:
Let the tides of joy come,
And love makes you dizzy!

We wish the hero of the day:
Don't get sick, don't grow old,
Don't mope, don't be bored
And celebrate many more anniversaries!

Your Anniversary has arrived - such a solemn and long-awaited event... But a little sad, because at this age we all begin to have a slightly different attitude towards Birthdays, because year after year they take away our beauty, youth and enthusiasm, adding only wrinkles on our faces and silver flecks in hair. But our hero of the day today is an exception in this sense! One has only to look at her - and it immediately becomes clear that she was mistaken in her calculations by at least one dozen years! She is young and beautiful, as in her youth, and her eyes, as before, sparkle with a bright, mischievous sparkle of life. And I want to wish her to remain as young in 10 and 20 years, surprising everyone with her optimism, desire to live and create beauty! After all, a person is not as old as it says in his passport, but as old as he feels! Be young at heart! Happy anniversary!

We wish you good health,
More bright, clear days,
And if possible, try
Celebrate the Centennial Anniversary!

May the Anniversary bring only happiness:
Not a drop of sadness, not a single tear.
Mental wealth and health
We wish you with all our hearts!

On the day of the anniversary, joyful and sad,
And this year, and after many years,
May it never be empty nearby,
And there will be those who are more expensive!
Let there be peace in the soul, healthy children,
Prosperity in the home and a strong family!
May joy illuminate every new day
And friends will remain faithful!

Happy festive, joyful day!
Happiness, good luck - in everything!
And so that they come true quickly
Any dreams! Happy anniversary!

There is no escaping Jubilees.
They will overtake everyone like birds.
But the main thing is to carry it through the years
Warmth of the soul, a bit of cordiality!

On such a significant day, I want to congratulate a wonderful person on reaching a new peak - a new anniversary! I wish you to continue to boldly sail the waves of life, leaving all failures and worries behind, and confidently steer your course towards the islands of success and independence! I wish you to successfully conquer new heights in your work and discover unknown pleasures in life! Happy Anniversary Birthday!

An anniversary is a significant, round or semicircular date in the life of every person. Such dates are always celebrated on an unprecedented scale, big amount invited guests, delicious delicacies on the table and expensive drinks.

But the tradition of making toasts at the table and wishes to the hero of the day has taken root even more. But when you have to speak to a huge audience, it’s difficult to find the right words, not to get confused, not to be shy, etc.

For this purpose, a special service has been created where a wide variety of wishes are collected, where you can easily choose what you like and with fully prepared go to the holiday.

Congratulations on your anniversary in verse

Everyone didn’t have time to look back -
And now, a serious anniversary!
You managed to do a lot,
And there are a lot of exciting things ahead!
Longevity and happiness to you,
And wish you optimism
We want you with true love,
And never lose heart!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
This date makes you beautiful!
Would you like some more balloons?
And a pineapple on hand!
We wish it to be beautiful
You have lived for hundreds of years,
To have anniversaries,
Like rockets in America!

Years pass, but you don't grow old -
Your eyes have not lost color.
Every year you seem to get younger,
Welcoming the fiery dawn of life.

Bloom and smell, rejoice and laugh,
Live your life playing giveaway with happiness.
And don’t even hope for your anniversary,
Why don't we congratulate you? Here we are contrary!

Congratulations on your anniversary
And we wish you joy,
So that, without knowing sorrow,
They lived to old age.
So that there is love in the soul,
Were strong in spirit
To come true in an instant
All dreams are cherished.

Well, what a word - anniversary!
It doesn’t pull or beckon;
It won't make it any warmer
Although it won’t get any colder;
Why follow the lead?
And, sitting decorously at the tables,
Talk and listen to nonsense?
Another thing is name days!
Yes, by the way, that starts with the letter “u”
I have a prejudice:
I won’t dance here, I won’t sing -
Much easier birthday!
... We've been talking for a long time
About your, say, round date;
We want to congratulate you!
Well, enough about anniversaries!

Are you celebrating your anniversary today?
They invited me to a holiday, oh, so many guests,
And that’s right, let them shower you with gifts,
Let them fill the whole house with flowers.

And I wish you earthly happiness,
Prosperity, good luck, former health,
Let your wishes come true
After all, everyone tries to please the hero of the day.

Years of feverish agility cannot be appeased,
Your joyful anniversary has arrived.
I would like to take you and install
On a big beautiful pedestal!
The holiday would be simply top class,
Better than Indian cinema.
And then they would take you out of there
And let's go drink wine together!

Many people are afraid of anniversaries,
And anniversaries should be loved.
This is not simple days birth,
Which you can forget about.
Happy anniversary, may it be bright,
May it give you happiness and warmth.
Fun, joy, gifts to you,
May you always be lucky in everything!

Today, on your anniversary day,
We would like to wish you happiness!
Good luck, joy, success,
To be healthy, not to know troubles.
Adversity in life and sadness
Easy and quick to fix!

On our anniversary we wish you prosperity,
And good health for many years to come.
On your anniversary we wish you good luck
And great happiness to boot!

Smile more cheerfully - it's your anniversary!
We kiss you, hug you,
Many happy days
And good nights,
We wish you long life and health!

Today, on the glorious anniversary,
Please accept my wishes soon,
So that life smiles at you,
And it was the best undertaking!

We wish to be in your destiny
Health, happiness and good luck
And so that in big circle friends
There is no other way to celebrate a centenary!

Today is your anniversary,
Beautiful round date,
How endless once upon a time
The road seemed to you to get there!

Time flies quickly,
But no matter how long it takes,
How old do you look today?
There is still surprisingly little.

Always remain like this:
Beautiful, feminine, sweet,
Not knowing dull boredom,
Inspiring the joy of goodness.

So that in ten years again
We were able to say as before:
You look only 25,
Or maybe a little and a half.

On the day of celebration, on the anniversary year
We thank you for everything
And we want to wish you more
Health, vigor and strength,

So that every day was calm,
From now on we wish for you
Slow down the time countdown
So that they are not subject to him
Health, appearance and honor,

So that you don't lose over the years
His spiritual beauty,
So that the same as before,
You remained throughout life!

Fifty years is a good time,
And there is no need to be sad.
Let another half hundred pass,
Just don't get old.
And on this bright, glorious day
We congratulate you,
Health, happiness and goodness
We wish you with all our hearts!

Congratulations on your anniversary in prose

On this anniversary, I wish you good health, so that all the bad things are left behind and do not darken your life either in a year, or in 10, 20 years! Let life flow in its calm, measured course, let only joyful moments await ahead, let the sun illuminate the path, and let luck lead you by the hand to new victories and achievements. Health, happiness, luck!

Congratulations on your long-awaited solemn date- Happy anniversary! We wish you never to lose heart, have fun and be naughty even at 90 years old, and remain cheerful in spirit and body! Do exercises every morning, do not allow yourself to be lazy and mope, because our thoughts are material! So don't let bad thoughts, do not allow yourself to be sad! Be young as we all know and love you!

Congratulations on the anniversary! I wish you an endless series of these solemn anniversaries, to meet and see off these holidays without sadness and regret, to celebrate anniversaries for many more decades! And don’t let the running numbers scare you, don’t let gray hair make you sad, let your soul get younger no matter what! Health, love, bright life experiences, let life play with colors at 50, 60, 70 years old, and every year it adds wisdom and experience, but does not diminish health and strength! Happy anniversary, our dear!

Today is a big round date - your 50th summer anniversary! May this holiday be remembered as great festive table, cheerful guests and good mood! I would like to wish you to celebrate your next anniversaries in such a solemn and cozy atmosphere! May everything that has not yet come true come true, may life bring surprises, may thunderstorms never thunder over you, may the sun illuminate your family, loved ones and loved ones with warmth and light. Health, love, warmth and care! Congratulations!

Today is not just your birthday, today is a special date - your anniversary! And on this day, many sincere, warm wishes have already been and will continue to be heard for you. Let them all certainly come true, because our hero of the day deserves it! We wish her great female happiness, love, good health for many, many years to come! Happy anniversary, our dear (NAME)!

On this happy day, we wish you only luck and happiness, good weather in the house, may all failures and troubles bypass your cozy, hospitable home! We wish you health until you reach a hundred years of age, vigor and strength of spirit, not giving up in any situation, catching luck by the tail and not letting go! Happy anniversary, colleague!

Our dear (Name)! We wish you on your anniversary happy life, without troubles and troubles, let them bypass your house! May your life be bright and cloudless, like sunny day, let it be rich, like strawberry jam, full, like a glass of sparkling wine! Let your eyes shine with happiness, like bright stars in the night sky! Let the flame of hope burn in your soul! Be healthy and happy!

Colleague! Congratulations on your anniversary birthday! I wish you good health, quick career growth, implementation of all your plans, good luck in life, vivid impressions, reliable friends and a bunch of anniversaries ahead! Happy holiday!

We congratulate our dear hero of the day! And today, taking this opportunity, we want to confess our love to her! We value her very much, respect her, and with all our hearts wish her longevity, good health and many more anniversaries to be celebrated among colleagues and friends! Get younger every year instead of getting older! Continue to delight us with your high spirits, because you are the Sun of our team, warming all employees with smiles and kind words! Happy anniversary!

Today we wish our dear hero of the day to celebrate the holiday cheerfully, catch luck by the tail, pull out a lucky ticket in life, find harmony, strengthen your health and believe in miracles! Happy anniversary!

At 20 years old a person is guided by desire, at 30 years old by reason, at 40 years old by reason, at 50 years old by wisdom. Today we congratulate the wise, prudent and reasonable!

The Chukchi say that a thousand kilometers is not a distance, a hundred deer is not a herd, sixty degrees is not frost, fifty years is not an age! We wish you another 50 years to come out of infancy and grow up so that we can say: this is age!

Dear sister, let me congratulate you on your anniversary. It's really great date, which will allow you to open up new opportunities. Therefore, I want to wish you that your wishes always come true no matter what. Be happy and may you always be surrounded by your closest and dearest people. Happy holiday!

Dear, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary. Today is your holiday, today is a significant date, so I want to wish you a lot of happiness, good health, joy and good mood every day. Don’t forget that everything is just beginning, so let victories and success always accompany you. Happy holiday, beloved!

Dear friend, I sincerely congratulate you on your holiday! Today is your anniversary, so have a great time. You can be sure that you great person and faithful comrade. But I want to wish you not only happiness and health, but mutual understanding and the fulfillment of all your desires. Happy anniversary!

We sincerely congratulate you on your golden anniversary! May the gold remain with you for all the years to come: your house will be a full golden cup, your health will be as strong as an ingot of gold, your character will remain golden and your wedding will be golden!

50 is the time to smile! On this wonderful day, we sincerely congratulate you! We wish you everything you could wish for: a pleasant environment, love and respect! Let there be no worries along the way, everything you dream about will come true! Love, happiness, goodness! Live as many more years, without grief, misfortunes and troubles!

I sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary! Today is a very significant date for you, so I wish you a great celebration of this holiday. May your most beloved people surround you and may they accompany you great mood. May your wishes always come true and may you always have the same warm and cozy atmosphere in your home. Happy holiday!

Another beautiful pearl
Among other wonderful bright days
Let this become sunny and clear,
Beautiful, bright holiday- Anniversary!

Smiles, words, exciting and tender,
From those with whom it is more joyful to celebrate the holiday!
May all your hopes come true
And life can become even happier!

Bold decisions, new ideas,
Bright success in all your endeavors!
Let him celebrate the Anniversary now
The best of wishes.

Happiness, health, success in everything
And enjoy the bright moments!
Let fate surprise you day after day
Only wealth, luck, luck!

The whole world is for you! We are at this hour
We wish you to be happy.
Let there be a course in your life
Only beautiful victories!

Good luck to you! Friends, family,
Loved people are nearby.
After all, their kindness and care -
Like the best reward.

Minutes of wonderful, warm meetings,
Interesting discoveries!
Save in memories
Your Anniversary is wonderful!

There is something in life that warms the heart,
What is nice to remember.
May you be surrounded by a beautiful anniversary
All those with whom you can share joy!

May luck always be there,
And on any day, and in this bright hour
Relatives with every word, every look
They support you in all matters!

May your wonderful anniversary
Will give you cheerfulness and inspiration!
We wish you happy days,
Good health and good luck!

Gives a start to new plans
May today be a milestone
And optimism leads forward -
To good luck, joy, success!

IN wonderful holiday, Anniversary,
Everyone congratulates you from the bottom of their hearts!
Smiles of good friends
May you be surrounded today
And the years will be bright,
And everyone's wishes will come true!
Health, joy always,
Have a happy life and prosperity!

Today is your wonderful anniversary!
From warm words and kind congratulations
Let your soul become brighter,
May there be many joyful moments.
Let them give you smiles every hour,
Relatives will surround you with care,
And all your dreams will come true,
And every day will be wonderful, bright!

Bright bouquets, congratulations
Dear and beloved people -
Every moment is precious
Such a beautiful wonderful Anniversary!

Let joy warm with gentle light,
Surrounded by sensitivity, kindness,
So that all hopes can easily come true
And life was always happy!

Today is your anniversary,
Beautiful round date.
How endless once upon a time
The road seemed to you to reach her.
Time flies quickly,
But no matter how long it takes,
How old do you look today?
There is still surprisingly little.
Always remain like this:
Beautiful, feminine, sweet,
Not knowing dull boredom,
Inspiring the joy of goodness.
So that in ten years again
We were able to say as before:
You look only 25,
Or maybe a little and a half.

Anniversary is best holiday!
It's time for all your dreams to come true!
Let there be many different ones!
Let your dreams be colorful!
May all your days be like butterflies:
They will also be light, gentle,
They will be kindness, light, joy
And always full of fun!

Today for you...!
I want to wish you so much:
Burning eyes have fun days,
More sincere friends.
Work so as not to get tired,
And get a lot of money.
Love without quarrels, insults, betrayals,
Not knowing hardships and problems.
Success in all your deeds,
And beginnings without hindrance.
Good luck, joy, warmth
May life be kind to you.

There may be a lot of friends.
You can't have many friends.
A wonderful day has come,
Friend! It's your anniversary.
Many different roads
We went through life together.
A lot has been said
The years flash by in the distance.
On this day of the bright holiday
I sincerely wish you
So that the selfless soul
I went against fate.
There may have been a lot of unnecessary things,
Remember one thing forever:
I value our friendship
Years will not separate us.

Our dear (Name)! We wish you a happy life on your anniversary, without troubles and troubles, let them bypass your home! May your life be bright and cloudless, like a sunny day, may it be rich, like strawberry jam, full, like a glass of sparkling wine! Let your eyes shine with happiness like bright stars in the night sky! Let the flame of hope burn in your soul! Be healthy and happy!

Will please you with smiles and flowers
Today is your wonderful anniversary,
Warms the heart with gentle words,
Your wishes will come true as soon as possible!
Friends, family, Dear people
They will give you a lot of affection and warmth,
And every minute in life will be
With happiness, she is both beautiful and bright!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
On this anniversary day
Live sweetly, don't count pennies,
Never getting sick.
Do not know sadness and worries,
Be cheerful and happy
Try to eat all year round
Prune salad.
Grow fruits at the dacha
It’s amazing for Michurin,
Leave your heart young
Hot and true.
Don't cry if they upset you
Don't accumulate resentment.
Wait for the grandchildren as soon as possible
And see their children.

On the day you were born,
The Gods gave me the universe,
I found a ticket to happiness
Along the road paved with dreams.
Having tasted the daring trials,
I met your eyes
You are my meaning, charm,
And the happiest tear.
May life give you titles,
And fills days are warm,
With spiritual light and recognition,
Rich and large table.
May this long-awaited holiday -
At your very best anniversary,
In the circle of guests you welcome,
The world will become brighter with love.

Our dear, beloved hero of the day! Today we have gathered at this festive table to congratulate you not just on your birthday, but on your anniversary, a beautiful round date - 40 (50, 60, 70) years! We wish you this day kind words, attention of colleagues, friends, family and loved ones! Let it be good health, may failure not come your way, may success accompany you in all matters! Happiness and health for a hundred years to come!

It's good that there are such dates
Health to you, more new strength!
So that life is rich in events
And every day brought only joy!
Let the sun illuminate your soul
Caring for loved ones and relatives
Everyone wishes you all the best from the heart
On such a worthy, glorious anniversary!

(Name Patronymic name)! On your anniversary
We wish you energy and optimism,
So that it becomes brighter day by day
The road you follow through life.
Let, despite the number of dates,
Will stay for a long time strong shoulders -
After all, gallant bearing former soldiers
He treats more reliably than any doctor.
Still be everyone's favorite
An assistant, a faithful and devoted friend.
Let every business be crowned with success,
And your life serves as an example for your grandchildren.

At forty-five - passions burn,
Thirst for life and love!
Everything is under the blanket of sweet power,
Blood plays like a storm!
Quench the fire of desires
Know good luck and success,
Waterfall of feelings, dreams,
Let the laughter be cheerful!
Let it be with delight heart beats,
Don't rush ahead of the year
And it will burst into your destiny
Wind of happiness forever!

We thank you for everything
And we want to wish you
Health, vigor and strength,

From now on we wish for you
Slow down the time countdown
So that they are not subject to him

So that you don't lose over the years
Your spiritual beauty,
So that the same as before,
In life there would always be:
Healthy, kind and cheerful
You stayed forever!

Glad, beautiful anniversary!
How much warmth there is in him!
Good health, bright days
I would like to wish you today!
Good luck to you for many years,
Let comfort always reign in the house,
Your soul will always be easy,
Only happy news awaits!

They don’t ask how old a woman is.
She is always beautiful, young,
Even if they are marked with gray hair and wrinkles
The years have flown by so unnoticed.
Everything was in them - stagnation and change,
And you live with a bright character,
Survived adversity, change,
Raised two children to their feet.
What more could you wish for?
With all my heart, from us:
Live, work, don't get sick,
To celebrate the hundredth anniversary.

Today a holiday comes to the house.
You are celebrating your anniversary.
The year displays a round number
To the joy of relatives and friends.
What you want must be given.
The amount in the envelope is
What will definitely come in handy -
Let your dream come true!
I congratulate you on your anniversary -
After all, there are fifty behind us.
I wish, without growing old in my heart,
Everything also pleases my eyes!
The way you attract people
It’s impossible to understand with your mind,
One look from you and he forgets
Your interlocutor about everything!
I dedicate these lines to you,
All this, dad, is for you.
Let the bright sun shine
Your family will be yours all your life.

On this anniversary, I wish you good health, so that all the bad things are left behind and do not darken your life either in a year, or in 10, 20 years! Let life flow in its calm, measured course, let only joyful moments await ahead, let the sun illuminate the path, and let luck lead you by the hand to new victories and achievements. Health, happiness, luck!

On the anniversary - inspiration, good luck,
Lots of happiness and success in everything!
To make life more interesting and brighter
It became better for you day after day!
There are only bright events ahead,
Next to you - only good people,
So that everything is the way you want it,
We wish you better days!

On the day of celebration, on the anniversary year
We thank you for everything
And we want to wish you
Health, vigor and strength,
So that every day is calm,
From now on we wish for you
Slow down the time countdown
So that they are not subject to him
Health, appearance and dreams,
So that you don't lose over the years
Your spiritual beauty,
So that the same as before,
In life there would always be:
Healthy, kind and cheerful
You stayed forever!

Finally there's a reason
Should I tell you that you are a man
Amazing in everything
Because I don't care
Any passions for you,
Storms, various bad weather,
After all, you are confident in yourself,
Because in your destiny
There will be bright moments
Achievements, compliments,
A sea of ​​joy and laughter
And a big bag of success,
Let happiness only be complete
And luck loves you,
Smile more cheerfully
Congratulations on the anniversary!

Congratulations on the long-awaited solemn date - happy anniversary! We wish you never to lose heart, have fun and be naughty even at 70 (80, 90) years old, remain cheerful in spirit and body! Do exercises every morning, do not allow yourself to be lazy and mope, because our thoughts are material! Therefore, do not allow bad thoughts, do not allow yourself to be sad! Be the youth we all know and love you as.

With the beautiful bright anniversary!
Have a great celebration!
Health, joyful achievements,
Always have luck in everything!
And give life more often
Success, luck, kindness,
There was vigor, there was strength
And faith in a bold dream!

Life is like a fast flowing river
TO for various purposes carries us
Here.. - wonderful age,
And you need to take everything from life!
And on my anniversary I wish:
Skilfully sail along that river,
So that health allows
May you experience all the joys.
After all, there is a friendly team nearby
Family, friends, your colleagues.
Sail forward with your flag raised
Along the stormy waves of life!

Today you are the hero of the day - Everything is possible today!
And skip work (just be careful)!
You can drink and you can eat, dance and run,
Just be quiet so as not to suddenly wake up the neighbors!
Today you are the hero of the day... This is very cool!
All the gifts will be brought and you will get drunk again!
You will scream songs loudly and passionately,
Someone will dance (maybe ugly).
Never change! Be yourself!
Laugh, rejoice, live! Color your world!
Give love, tenderness and warmth to your loved ones,
And no matter how old you are - be forever young!

Congratulations on the anniversary! I wish you an endless series of these solemn anniversaries, to meet and see off these holidays without sadness and regret, to celebrate anniversaries for many more decades! And don’t let the running numbers scare you, don’t let gray hair make you sad, let your soul get younger no matter what! Health, love, bright life impressions, let life play with colors at 50 (60, 70, 80) years old, and every year it adds wisdom and experience, but does not diminish health and strength! Happy anniversary, our dear!

Today, on your wonderful anniversary,
The whole world is shining, sunny and bright!
Let life become happier and brighter,
Compliments, flowers, gifts for you!
Let your friends make you happy more often,
Let the warmth and tenderness of your loved ones warm you.
May every day bring only happiness,
Good luck and fun! Happy anniversary!

Today we are in anniversary celebration,
Are looking for unusual words,
From which, drunk with juices,
Only the trees become prettier
From which it is good and clear,
It always becomes in my heart:
Long life to you and wonderful friends,
So that the good star does not go out.
So that you are welcome everywhere,
Like a light on a steppe path,
And they loved me heartily, sincerely,
Bestowing friendship and warmth!
Congratulations on your anniversary,
Kind words we will not regret:
Be happy, healthy,
Today, tomorrow and always,
So that life is easy and clear.
Didn't push in vain
And never went out
Guiding star.

They say that at 50
Everyone would be very happy
Change your dates
For 20 - 25 years
But there's no need to rush here,
It's better to remember and compare.
At 25 there are only holes,
No suits, no apartment.
At 50 life is not a raspberry:
There are outfits, there is an apartment.
At 25 the bottle is empty,
At 25, swearing is everywhere.
At 50 you have a savings book in your hands,
At 50, cronyism is everywhere.
At 25 I don’t have a bike,
At 50 I'm in the car.
At 25 my husband was angry,
I taught everything how to live.
At 50 with sciatica
A humble guy sits nearby.
At 25 we only chip in
We were going to drink vodka.
At 50 we can go to the smoke
Give everyone you know a drink!