The heart beats frequently during pregnancy. Increased heart rate during pregnancy: causes and treatment

March 8

A healthy adult heart beats 60–90 times per minute. An increase in its rhythm indicates tachycardia. It can be physiological or pathological.

During pregnancy, tachycardia is one of the normal variants if it appears periodically and is not accompanied by painful symptoms.

An increase in heart rate occurs both as a natural reaction of the body to various factors, and as a result of pathological changes in it. Reasons for increased heart rate in women:

  • stressful condition;
  • physical exercise;
  • excessive consumption of black tea, coffee, alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • acute inflammatory processes that are accompanied by fever;
  • changes in hormonal levels.

Physiological tachycardia does not require medical intervention and goes away on its own after eliminating the cause that caused it. Pathological manifestations occur when there are serious malfunctions in the functioning of the body’s systems and, without timely treatment, contribute to the occurrence of serious consequences.

A painful increase in heart rate is recognized by the following symptoms:

  • fatigue, loss of strength;
  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • The heartbeat can be felt even without special examination.

The long course of the disease is aggravated by loss of appetite, sleep disturbances, and fainting. Mandatory correction of the condition is required to avoid the development of heart failure.

What are the dangers during pregnancy?

During gestation, blood volume increases and the load on the cardiovascular system increases. A slight physiological deviation from the norm is allowed. The danger is a condition that appears as a result of disease.

If we talk about the dangers of tachycardia during late pregnancy, it should be noted that it provokes an increase in the heart rate (HR) of the fetus. This disrupts its normal development and threatens premature birth or miscarriage.

During pregnancy, a woman needs to regularly visit a gynecologist to monitor her condition, since in the initial stages it is not noticeable. Following the recommendations of a specialist will save the pregnancy and preserve the health of the mother.


Why tachycardia occurs during pregnancy has not yet been established exactly. The likelihood of its development depends on the woman’s health, her lifestyle, and her environment.

The main provocateur of increased heart rate is considered to be an increase in the hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine. In addition to the physiological hormonal surges that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, the following causes of tachycardia are distinguished:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • habits harmful to health;
  • allergies to pharmaceutical vitamin complexes and other medications;
  • elevated TSH levels in some thyroid diseases;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • dehydration as a result of toxicosis with vomiting or non-compliance with the drinking regime;
  • anxiety;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • rise in temperature;
  • injuries;
  • drug overdose;
  • significant blood loss due to the following reasons: placental abruption, trauma, ectopic pregnancy;
  • excess weight;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Of particular concern is tachycardia during pregnancy, accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, fainting, numbness of the extremities, pain in the sternum, increased irritability, drowsiness, and dizziness. A sudden increase in heart rate at rest is also an indication for additional examinations by a cardiologist.

During 40 weeks of gestation, a woman’s body undergoes significant metamorphoses. Depending on the period, the causes of tachycardia during pregnancy vary. It is important to be able to notice deviations from the norm in your condition and know how to help yourself.

Tachycardia on ECG

In the early stages

Tachycardia during early pregnancy develops quite rarely. It is usually triggered by increased physical activity, anxiety, alcohol or smoking. Such attacks are episodic and go away with rest.

Constant tachycardia in the 1st trimester indicates the presence of any health problems. Reasons for urgent medical consultation are pain during attacks, severe deterioration of the condition, nausea, dizziness, and interruptions in heart function.

To help you feel better if your heart rate increases slightly, take a comfortable position, sit or lie down, relax, and drink a cup of herbal tea. Breathing exercises help a lot. A pregnant woman is advised not to smoke and avoid alcohol, including medications containing alcohol. This will protect not only from tachycardia, but also developmental disorders of the child.

In recent months

As pregnancy progresses, the growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the abdominal organs, supports the diaphragm, moves the heart, compresses the blood vessels, and the blood volume of the embryo increases. Together, these factors increase the load on the mother’s heart and blood vessels.

For these reasons, tachycardia during late pregnancy is a common occurrence. Normally, heart rate increases after even minor physical exertion, with excitement, is not accompanied by other symptoms and goes away with rest.

A woman is likely to develop weather dependence, especially if she had a tendency to. Often tachycardia during pregnancy occurs after eating. To avoid this, you need to eat small meals 5-6 times a day. The danger is posed by a heart rate over 100 beats per minute at rest. The situation requires mandatory therapy prescribed by the attending doctor.

Increased heart rate as a sign of pregnancy

It would be incorrect to consider tachycardia a sign of pregnancy in the early stages. In the first trimester, this is a symptom of pathology or the consequences of lifestyle, and not a physiological pattern. Sometimes a woman feels a pulsation in her stomach, an increased heart rate and suspects conception. But with equal success this could be a manifestation of fibroids or other tumors, bloating, or premenstrual syndrome.

A more reliable method of determining pregnancy at home is a test for the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. After the embryo attaches to the uterine wall, the amount of the hormone begins to increase. It is detected by the indicator applied to the test strip.

Other supposed warning signs of pregnancy may turn out to be symptoms of the disease. Breast swelling, lack of menstruation for a month, a feeling of pulsation in the abdomen - this is a serious reason to consult a gynecologist.

What to do if you have an accelerated heartbeat at home?

An attack of rapid heartbeat can occur suddenly when a woman is at home alone and needs to help herself. What to do if you have tachycardia during pregnancy? Doctors recommend the following techniques:

  1. Provide yourself with access to fresh air - go outside, sit by an open window.
  2. Take several slow deep breaths.
  3. As a medicine, you can take valerian.
  4. Use cold treatment on the face - wash, compress. You can soak yourself in ice water for a few seconds.

A cup of tea, knitting, or reading will help restore peace of mind. Special gymnastics for pregnant women has a general strengthening effect. Please note that each trimester has its own set of exercises.

Is treatment required and what should it be?

Occasional increases in heart rate during pregnancy do not pose a threat to health. Enough good rest to improve your well-being. Monitoring by doctors and correction requires heart rate, which increases for no reason. Treatment of tachycardia in pregnant women is carried out taking into account the gestational age and the patient’s condition.

In the first and second trimester, an increase in heart rate is most often caused by unstable hormonal levels. Treatment consists of the use of sedative herbal medicines and drugs that strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems. In the third trimester, in addition to sedatives, complexes of microelements and vitamins are used.

Medicines for cardiac tachycardia during pregnancy are prescribed by the attending physician. The following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Sedatives. Preference is given to herbal medicines: Magnesium B6, Valerian in tablets and tincture, Magnerot, Hawthorn, Novo-Passit. The indication for their use is tachycardia during pregnancy.
  2. - For example, . These drugs help normalize heart rate.

Treatment of types of tachycardia during pregnancy must be carried out in a hospital. If the attack occurs at home, the expectant mother should take Validol and go out into the fresh air. At the hospital, doctors continue treatment with arrhythmic drugs in the form of tablets and intravenous injections.

Review of reviews from pregnant women about the problem

Many women have encountered the problem of rapid heartbeat during pregnancy. Quite often, attacks occur at night. The dependence of heart rate on magnetic storms was also noted. According to reviews, tachycardia during pregnancy responds well to treatment with the following means:

  • Valerian;
  • Magnesium B6;
  • decoctions of lemon balm, motherwort;
  • breathing exercises;
  • Fresh air.

Hawthorn, according to women, is ineffective. While taking it, many experienced side effects such as loss of strength and drowsiness. Also, experienced mothers recommend not to expect an immediate effect from medications, since most of them have a cumulative effect.

Some women reported experiencing “white coat syndrome.” Their attacks of tachycardia were caused by a visit to the clinic; outside its walls, their health returned to normal.

Useful video

Find out useful information about tachycardia during pregnancy in this video:


  1. During pregnancy, tachycardia is a common occurrence.
  2. The risk of its development increases with increasing age.
  3. For prevention, expectant mothers are advised to follow a work-rest schedule, eat on time, control weight gain, take vitamin complexes as prescribed by the doctor, and try to worry less.

Heart failure can cause heart palpitations during pregnancy, and these cases are not uncommon. Frequent contraction of the heart muscle, up to approximately 100-120 beats per minute at rest, is also called tachycardia.

Pregnancy is the most important period in the life of every woman. It’s great if it proceeds without complications and there is no reason to worry. During pregnancy, all body systems experience increased stress, including the cardiovascular system.


There are many reasons for this condition, they are not fully understood and may differ for each period of pregnancy. In the early stages, the occurrence of rapid heartbeat is caused by changes in the body. The number of vessels in the uterus increases significantly, and a new (uteroplacental) blood circulation appears. This leads to increased work of the heart, the pulse rate increases.

The amount of blood circulating through the vessels during pregnancy increases by 45%. Hormone levels increase sharply. Further deterioration of the condition can be caused by anemia, excessive weight gain, thyroid dysfunction, fever, injury, stress, frequent consumption of caffeinated drinks and a number of other factors.

In the later stages, palpitations during pregnancy are inevitable, so you should not be afraid of them. It develops for natural reasons:

  • the fetus enlarges;
  • the heart moves under the pressure of the growing uterus.

According to doctors, an increased heart rate for a short time during pregnancy provides the growing child with the necessary nutrients and supplies him with oxygen, because the heart works faster, the blood flow accelerates, which means that oxygen and nutrients move through the vessels faster.

When to sound the alarm?

If a woman feels normal and does not experience discomfort, there is no reason to worry. Such attacks occur from time to time in pregnant women and go away on their own. Unfortunately, attacks of rapid heartbeat are not always so harmless. The reasons for contacting a specialist are:

  • increased fatigue;
  • annoying headache for 2-3 hours;
  • weakness and dizziness;
  • sharp pain in the heart area;
  • dyspnea;
  • state of anxiety and fear;
  • nausea and vomiting.

All these symptoms can be caused by other reasons, for example, excessive fatigue and drowsiness in the early stages are associated with an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone. If you are not sure whether this is a serious symptom, it is better to play it safe and consult your doctor.

To find out the causes of ailments, a specialist will prescribe a professional examination, ECG, EchoCG or ultrasound examination of the heart and competent and effective treatment.

Treatment and prevention

To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms associated with rapid heartbeat during pregnancy, it is enough to change the woman’s lifestyle:

  • adjust your daily routine;
  • eat right and watch your weight;
  • reduce consumption to a minimum or completely give up bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • reduce consumption of coffee and caffeinated drinks;
  • practice yoga, relaxation or any relaxation techniques;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • protect yourself from stressful situations.

In the early stages of pregnancy and in the second trimester, palpitations are treated with drugs of natural origin that have a calming effect: mint, lemon balm, valerian, chamomile, or with medications based on these herbs: Novo-passit, Persen. They are also treated with infusions of herbs that strengthen the heart and immune system: hawthorn, rose hips. At a later stage, in addition to herbs and decoctions, vitamin and mineral complexes containing potassium and magnesium, vitamin B groups, and sedatives approved for pregnant women are used.

It is not recommended to self-medicate; even harmless herbal tea with a calming effect, purchased at a pharmacy, can be made from herbs that are not suitable for pregnant women. High doses of certain herbs can, on the contrary, cause heart palpitations and lead to miscarriage.

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If, as a result of the examination, a pathology in the functioning of the cardiovascular system is confirmed, the doctor will prescribe drug treatment with antiarrhythmic drugs: Flecainide, Adenosine, Propranolol, Verapamil. It is very important that these drugs are used only on the recommendation of the attending physician, who will select the desired dosage and treatment regimen. Ignorant use of drugs can lead to intrauterine fetal death.

In severe cases, inpatient treatment is prescribed under the supervision of specialists.

How to relieve an attack?

An attack of rapid heartbeat during pregnancy can occur suddenly, when there is no opportunity to consult a specialist. What should you do in this case? Sit down or lie down so that your head is higher than your body. Try to relax and breathe deeply. Provide fresh air and get rid of tight clothing. Use a cold compress on your face or soak your face in cold water. Drink lightly brewed tea with mint, lemon balm or chamomile.

Motherhood is a significant stage in the life of every woman. During pregnancy, many difficulties can arise. The main thing is to remain calm and take a reasonable, competent approach to solving all problems. Trust your doctor and do not hesitate to contact him if you have any concerns.

Rapid heartbeat during pregnancy occurs due to increased stress associated with an increase in blood volume, the appearance of an additional circle of blood circulation, and the increasing need of organs for oxygen. Tachycardia not only affects a woman’s well-being, but can also affect the development of the fetus.

During pregnancy, it is important to be able to detect heart rhythm disturbances in time and take measures to restore it. The emotional state of the expectant mother plays a big role: the calmer she is about this symptom, the easier it will be for her to cope with it. If tachycardia occurs again, you need to visit a doctor and find out the cause of the problem.

Palpitations during pregnancy are most often temporary and irregular, but sometimes they are a sign of another disease. In this case, it is accompanied by a set of symptoms:

  • chest pain of aching or paroxysmal nature;
  • a feeling of fullness in the chest (“as if the heart wants to jump out of the chest”);
  • dizziness, darkening of the eyes, tinnitus;
  • loss of sensation in the arms and legs, numbness;
  • headache;
  • rapid fatigue even from light, habitual exercise;
  • dyspnea;
  • fainting.

If at least one of the listed symptoms is detected, you need to tell your doctor about it. Timely diagnosis and treatment in such cases is vital.


The main causes of heart palpitations during pregnancy are physiological changes in a woman’s body. In the early stages, hormonal changes occur against the background of increased secretion of sex hormones, which leads to stimulation of the heart muscle and the development of tachycardia.

Gradually, with the growth of the fetus and uterus, the volume of circulating blood increases, and the uteroplacental circulation appears. All this creates additional stress on the heart. In the later stages, when the child is already quite large, a displacement of the organs located next to him occurs. The position of the heart also changes to some extent, which may affect its functioning.

The cause of tachycardia may be other factors, namely:

  • development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • excess weight;
  • severe stress, anxiety, fears;
  • increased metabolic rate, leading to a deficiency of vitamins that are necessary for normal heart function;
  • anemia;
  • hypertension or hypotension;
  • severe form of toxicosis;
  • taking medications;
  • allergies, bronchial asthma;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • infections and inflammations;
  • abuse of caffeinated foods and drinks.


The main diagnostic method for palpitations in pregnant women is electrocardiography. The advantages of an ECG are that it is absolutely harmless to the fetus and the expectant mother, and is also quite informative: the results obtained allow a very accurate diagnosis to be made.

In most cases, palpitations during pregnancy occur as part of sinus tachycardia. This rhythm disturbance does not require special treatment and goes away on its own after the birth of the child.

To confirm sinus tachycardia, the symptoms of heart rhythm disturbances are specified: more often it occurs after eating, worsens in a lying position, in a stuffy room, and is associated with an emotional state. All these signs are called extracardiac and are not related to cardiovascular pathologies.

In addition to an electrocardiogram, when diagnosing heart rhythm disturbances, the following types of examinations may be prescribed:

  • Ultrasound of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • blood test to determine the concentration of hormones.

These examinations are especially often prescribed if a woman has a history of cardiovascular, endocrine, or infectious diseases. In combination with sinus tachycardia, they can lead to myocardial exhaustion.


Treatment of tachycardia during pregnancy is necessary in cases where it is caused by diseases of the heart, blood vessels, thyroid gland, allergies, infection or inflammation. A set of diagnostic procedures is carried out, and a specialist (cardiologist, endocrinologist, allergist, etc.) prescribes the necessary medications.

If palpitations are caused by physiological changes in a woman’s body associated with pregnancy, then no special treatment is required. It is necessary to eliminate all factors that can provoke tachycardia: adjust the diet by excluding caffeinated products, increase the intake of iron in the body, normalize the daily routine, master relaxation and self-control skills, and avoid sources of stress.

You can use folk remedies that have a mild sedative effect: take an infusion of lemon balm, lily of the valley, rose hips, thyme, chamomile, hawthorn, yarrow, mint, fennel, valerian.

But before preparing such a drink, you need to read the instructions for the medicinal plant. Some of them are allowed to be consumed in limited quantities during pregnancy (for example, chamomile).

First aid during an attack

If palpitations are mild, no special help is required. It usually goes away within a few minutes; the main thing is to avoid physical activity during this time.

If tachycardia develops in the form of attacks with deterioration in health (dizziness, darkening of the eyes, difficulty breathing), you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • sit down or half-lie down, try to relax;
  • warn others, ask them for help;
  • ensure air flow: open the window, unbutton tight clothing;
  • take Valerian;
  • rinse your face with cool water and/or place a damp towel on your forehead;
  • try to cough, take a deep breath and exhale;
  • close your eyes and press your palms on your eyeballs (repeat several times).

Most often, all these measures relieve an attack of tachycardia. But if your health does not improve, you need to call an ambulance.


If a pregnant woman does not have diseases that can cause increased heart rate, then attacks of tachycardia can be prevented using preventive measures:

  • balance your diet, stick to a plant-and-dairy diet;
  • give up any sources of caffeine: coffee, cocoa, chocolate, instant cereals (manufacturers add caffeine to some of them);
  • provide the body with regular dosed exercise (hiking, swimming are suitable);
  • avoid excessive physical activity to which the body is not accustomed;
  • master relaxation and relaxation skills (breathing techniques, yoga asanas, auto-training, etc.);
  • avoid sources of stress, which often develops when watching films and programs with scenes of violence, as well as when communicating with a large number of people;
  • normalize the water-salt balance by drinking about 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • adhere to a daily routine in which 8-10 hours are allocated for sleep;
  • take medications with calcium, potassium, magnesium.


Rapid heartbeat during early pregnancy is a rare occurrence. As a rule, this symptom increases from the 2nd trimester. At first, rare rhythm disturbances occur; closer to childbirth, they may become more frequent. The prognosis is positive in most cases.

Physiological tachycardia is temporary and disappears after the birth of the child. It does not affect the woman’s health or the child’s development in any way.

If increased heart rate is a symptom of a disease, then it is impossible to predict how it will affect the fetus and the course of pregnancy. In these cases, examination and individual consultation with a specialist is necessary. To prevent such conditions, it is important to identify existing pathologies at the stage of pregnancy planning.

As a rule, palpitations during pregnancy are physiological: they are caused by natural changes in the body of the expectant mother, do not require special treatment and disappear completely after childbirth. When tachycardia is a symptom of another disease, professional diagnosis and treatment is necessary.

Useful video: causes and consequences of tachycardia

The time of bearing a baby is the most responsible and significant stage in the life of every woman. Right now, all body systems are functioning much faster, so cases of rapid heartbeat during pregnancy are not uncommon.

Pain, palpitations, work of the heart

Why do you need to monitor readings?

The fetal heartbeat during pregnancy is one of the main characteristics of the normal course of pregnancy and the development of the unborn baby. That is why gynecologists constantly monitor the heart contractions and development of the child’s cardiovascular system.

If you do not use high-tech equipment, then the first fetal heartbeat can be heard with a stethoscope no earlier than the 20th week of the “interesting position”. At 6 weeks of pregnancy, assessing the work of the heart muscle and listening to the baby’s heartbeat became possible only after the invention of ultrasound.

The formation of a baby’s heart occurs at the 4th week – then it looks like a hollow tube. Already at 5 weeks of pregnancy, a fetal heartbeat appears. Using a transvaginal ultrasound sensor, you can listen to the heartbeat at 6 weeks of pregnancy, and if you use a transabdominal ultrasound sensor, you can hear the heartbeat only at 7 weeks of pregnancy.

Let's consider the norms of fetal heart rate during pregnancy.

Such changes are due to the constant development of the nervous system, which is responsible for the coordinated functioning of all systems and internal organs.

There is an uneasy feeling

Now let's look at the mother's heart rate during pregnancy.

TrimesterNorm, beats/minute

According to doctors, frequent heartbeats during pregnancy are a medical norm. It is this period that is characterized by an increased load on a woman’s heart: to properly ensure the vital functions of her own body and the development of the fetus, the heart has to pump 1.5 liters of blood more than before. That is why the heart rate in the “interesting position” is approximately 10-15 beats higher than before its onset.

We also note that this feature does not pose any threat to the unborn baby and mother. After the baby is born, everything will return to normal. The only reason for contacting a specialist can be a rapid pulse, which is accompanied by - these symptoms indicate some kind of disease of the heart muscle, which must be diagnosed immediately.

Reasons for high rates Heart palpitations during pregnancy is a condition when the number of heartbeats exceeds 200 beats/minute.

Let's look at the main reasons for rapid heartbeat during pregnancy:

  • at a period of up to 9 weeks, this feature may indicate a woman’s nervous overstrain;
  • development of hypoxia in a child;
  • the threat of developing more serious complications (developmental delays, malformations, pathology of the placenta or umbilical cord);
  • lack of oxygen for the expectant mother (stuffy room);
  • physical stress;
  • iron deficiency (anemia);
  • excitement.

In some cases, the doctor will send the woman for re-examination. If a strong heartbeat is associated with hypoxia, the pregnant woman will be prescribed additional examination and a course of therapy.

Examination by a doctor

If the number of heart contractions increases by 15 beats/minute for 15-20 seconds during labor, this indicates the baby’s normal reaction to the vaginal examination performed by the obstetrician. Sometimes gynecologists use such tactics as a test to check the child’s well-being.

Reasons for low performance

An abnormally low baby's heart rate during pregnancy is usually short-term. Symptoms of bradycardia are a decrease in the number of heart contractions to 110 beats/minute or lower, as well as low fetal activity, which can be seen on CTG.

The main causes of this pathology are:

  • the expectant mother taking analgesics, synthetic hormones and drugs that are injected into the epidural space of the spinal cord to facilitate the birth process;
  • low blood pressure in women;
  • umbilical cord clamping;
  • lack of oxygen to the fetus - in this case, the baby becomes distressed, resulting in a slowdown in the fetal heart rate;
  • compression of the superior vena cava - occurs due to the woman’s position on her back, this slows down the process of oxygen supply to the fetus in the womb and causes bradycardia;
  • autoimmune diseases of the expectant mother;
  • gestosis;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • congenital malformations of the fetus;
  • structural abnormalities that can be confirmed or refuted during an ECG;
  • obesity of the expectant mother - leads to muffled heart contractions;
  • feto-placental insufficiency;
  • polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios;
  • a weak heartbeat during early pregnancy may indicate a threat of miscarriage, but sometimes such a condition is only a consequence of an incorrectly set period of an “interesting situation.”

Treatment methods used

Treatment methods for increased heart rate during pregnancy are determined by the form of the pathological process, the period of gestation of the child, as well as a number of other characteristics of the woman’s body and the fetus. As a rule, the pathology is not permanent, so no special treatment is required. In this case, the doctor prescribes only monitoring the progress of the “interesting situation”: the heart rate is regularly measured in the hospital or at home using a Doppler monitor. Measurements are carried out 2 times/day.

If there is a failure of heart contractions with a complication of dysfunction of the valve or heart muscle, then the expectant mother is prescribed a whole range of medications to equalize the rhythm of the child’s heart. It is prohibited to take such medications on your own, as they put excessive strain on the baby’s heart and can cause his death.

Treatment of tachycardia depends on the form of the disease. Let's consider the main methods of therapy.

  1. Treatment of ventricular polymorphic tachycardia is carried out using the drugs lidocaine, magnesium, propranolol. Medicines are administered intravenously or taken orally.
  2. Ventricular tachycardia due to a long QT interval can only be treated in a hospital setting with extreme caution. This is due to the fact that some medications cause prolongation of the interval, and, consequently, arrhythmia.
  3. If the rapid heartbeat during pregnancy is above 220 beats/minute, then the pregnant woman is prescribed Amiodarone or Sotalol. Flecainide should be used with great caution, since in the presence of ventricular dysfunction it can lead to cardiac arrest and death of the child.
  4. If there is a suspicion of myocarditis, the doctor may prescribe a course of Dexamethosone to normalize the heart rate. As a rule, its duration is 7-10 days.
  5. Therapy with medications is effective for supraventricular pathology. If the treatment regimen is drawn up correctly, a positive effect is observed in more than 90% of cases.
  6. Use of beta blockers. However, it must be taken into account that the active substances do not penetrate the placenta well, so this method is not so effective.

Treatment of low fetal cardiac performance involves administering medications directly to the expectant mother’s body. Passing through the general bloodstream, they penetrate the fetal circulatory system. At the same time, an improvement in the woman’s uteroplacental blood flow is observed.

Heart function must be monitored

Therapy with medications is prescribed based on the type of bradycardia, its severity, general condition, and gestational age. As a rule, drips with calcium gluconate, ascorbic acid, glucose and sodium bicarbonate are prescribed.

The drugs are administered in the following order:

  • first, solutions of sodium bicarbonate and cocarboxylase;
  • after – a solution of ascorbic acid with the addition of glucose;
  • the final stage is calcium gluconate.

If the devices have detected the development of acute bradycardia during labor, the new mother and baby are injected with atropine subcutaneously, if such a possibility exists.

Negative consequences and risks

Alas, instrument readings do not always indicate the desired values. Such cases require additional research to determine the reasons that caused the fetal heart rate to increase or decrease. Only after this are appropriate measures taken to bring the indicators back to normal.

There are also more serious consequences of heart rhythm disturbances. These include:

  • congenital heart defects of the fetus;
  • oxygen deficiency of the fetus.

Rapid heartbeat during pregnancy is a physiologically based phenomenon.

Carrying a child is a lot of work, the load on the organs and systems of a pregnant woman increases every day, an additional circle of blood circulation appears in the body, and weight increases.

Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) during pregnancy may be a consequence of natural changes in the body.

Experts use the term “sinus tachycardia” to refer to this condition.

It is fundamentally important to distinguish sinus tachycardia from pathological tachycardia that is dangerous to the health of the child and the expectant mother.

The normal heart rate of a healthy person is from sixty to ninety beats per minute. The diagnosis of “tachycardia” is made when the number of beats per minute exceeds one hundred.

The main causes of increased heartbeat during pregnancy

How does increased heartbeat manifest during pregnancy?

With “sinus tachycardia,” increased cardiac activity manifests itself in a mild form.

Additional signs indicate the presence of a pathological process in the body:

If you have at least one symptom listed in the table, there is sufficient reason to immediately seek medical help.

How to behave during an attack of rapid heartbeat during pregnancy?

The behavior algorithm will depend on how hard the heart is beating. Mild episodes of heart palpitations during pregnancy usually do not require additional help. Avoid additional stress, rest.

In case of dizziness, breathing problems, general weakness and worsening of the condition, you need to do the following:

Why does heart palpitations occur early in pregnancy?

A sharp change in hormonal levels sometimes leads to a sudden change in cardiac activity. The pulse quickens.

In the first month, the number of heart beats per minute can reach one hundred and twenty. The main reason is stress, anxiety and indecision, a lifestyle that is too active for a pregnant woman, including excessive physical and intellectual stress.

Increased metabolism leads to an increased need for vitamins and microelements; a lack of magnesium, which can provoke an attack of rapid heartbeat during pregnancy, is especially clearly reflected in cardiac activity.

It is necessary to choose a suitable lifestyle that excludes excessive stress, think about good nutrition and vitamins.

Rapid heartbeat in the second and third trimester of pregnancy

Physiological tachycardia increases with increasing weight of the mother and child in her womb. What should your heart rate be like in the second half of pregnancy? The number of heart beats can be at the level of one hundred constantly, increasing to one hundred and fifteen under load; a change in heart rhythm is possible.

The mother's body tries to meet the child's increasing needs for oxygen and nutrients - the heart beats faster and more often.

The doctor leading the pregnancy should know:

  • What is the normal heart rate for a pregnant woman?
  • Do (and how often) attacks of tachycardia occur?
  • How long do they last?

Particular attention should be paid to additional symptoms that accompany increased heart rate during pregnancy.

Weakness, fainting, as well as nausea and vomiting may be signs of progressive heart disease, as well as late toxicosis.

Only a doctor can know for sure what the cause of the attack was.

Paroxysmal can cause attacks, during which the pulse increases to one hundred and seventy and even two hundred beats.

It is important to get advice in time and exclude the possibility of pathology.

Physiological palpitations during pregnancy, which usually do not last long, can be pronounced, but do not pose a danger to the health of the mother and baby.

After childbirth it goes away completely.

In the second half of pregnancy, closer to childbirth, a rapid heartbeat may be combined with shortness of breath. While carrying a child, a woman breathes more often, but not much.

The norm for an ordinary person is from sixteen to twenty breaths per minute, during pregnancy up to twenty-four.

Usually, shortness of breath is a natural reaction of the expectant mother to the overload associated with the need to fully provide the fetus with oxygen, but this symptom should not be ignored; be sure to report it to the doctor - a disruption in the functioning of the heart and the onset of heart disease may occur.

If heart palpitations during pregnancy are combined with shortness of breath, follow these recommendations:

  • Try to lie down, take a comfortable position, and normalize your breathing.
  • Try to find a body position that will ease your symptoms.
  • Do some breathing exercises.
  • After the condition returns to normal, do not forget to eat. During pregnancy there is a high risk of anemia.

What are the dangers of a rapid heartbeat during pregnancy?

If a woman was diagnosed with heart, vascular or thyroid diseases before pregnancy, rapid heartbeat during pregnancy can lead to their exacerbation.

It is necessary to pay attention to the treatment of these diseases even before pregnancy., observation by narrow specialists will help avoid conditions. dangerous to a woman’s health and child’s development.

To clarify the diagnosis of “sinus tachycardia”, electrocardiography is best suited for a pregnant woman. It makes it possible to eliminate the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

The ECG procedure is harmless to the health of women and children

During the examination, the doctor will ask the patient additional questions. They will help clarify the diagnosis.

With “sinus” (physiological) tachycardia, cardiac activity most often increases under certain conditions:

  • In a lying position;
  • In a room where there is not enough air;
  • After violent outbursts of emotions typical of pregnant women.

Regardless of these reasons (extracardiac, that is, not related to cardiovascular diseases), the condition usually does not go beyond normal limits.

If the ECG results are unsatisfactory, if sinus arrhythmia is combined with chronic heart disease, or if there are frequent attacks with a significant increase in cardiac activity (more than 120 beats per minute), the specialist may recommend additional diagnostic methods to the patient (blood tests for hormones, ultrasound of the heart and other organs).

Such research should not be neglected. Depletion of the heart myocardium is dangerous for the health of the child and the woman herself.

What to do to avoid heart palpitations during pregnancy?

  1. Do exercises for pregnant women every day, including elements of yoga and meditation. Master the science of relaxation, go swimming.
  2. Normalize the water-salt balance of the body. Every day a pregnant woman needs to drink one and a half liters of clean water.
  3. Change your lifestyle to a calmer and more peaceful one.
  4. Avoid stressful situations.
  5. Stay outdoors more.
  6. Avoid any tonic drinks. As a last resort, reduce their number to a minimum.
  7. Choose a suitable complex of vitamins and microelements. Avoid overdose.
  8. Follow a diet. Heart-healthy foods include dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots), as well as seafood, bananas, milk, cheese and cottage cheese.
  9. If increased heart rate occurs after eating, you can eat while standing.
  10. Do not lie down after eating.
  11. Quit cigarettes and alcohol.
  12. Watch your weight.
  13. Go to bed on time, get enough sleep.
  14. Avoid canned food and carbonated water.
  15. Avoid stressful situations.
  16. Avoid medications of chemical origin.
  17. Take magnesium and calcium.
  18. Maintain a positive attitude, seek and find sources of joy and positive emotions.

Treatments for heart palpitations during pregnancy

For physiological tachycardia, special treatment during pregnancy is usually not prescribed.

More careful adherence to the regime is required, the exclusion of all stress factors, special vitamins and minerals necessary in order to change the rapid rhythm of the heart to normal. Favorite activities (reading, knitting, calm music) give a good effect.

Yoga and meditation classes are becoming increasingly popular. At the beginning of pregnancy, not many people are worried about the heart; with acute manifestations of cardiac disorders against the background of toxicosis, hospitalization is possible.

In the later stages during a normal pregnancy, rare attacks of rapid heartbeat can be managed thanks to a calmer and more measured lifestyle.

It is necessary to treat rapid heartbeat during pregnancy in the presence of cardiovascular pathologies, diseases of the thyroid gland and other vital organs.


With “sinus” tachycardia, the prognosis is favorable; it usually ends after childbirth. If palpitations during pregnancy were caused by chronic diseases and bearing a child led to their aggravation, the course of pregnancy requires additional attention from specialists.

Who to contact?

If you experience heart palpitations during pregnancy, you should contact your obstetrician-gynecologist. You need to tell him in detail about your condition. The doctor managing the pregnancy will write a referral to a cardiologist.

A rapid heartbeat within normal limits is a natural result of the increased work of a woman’s body, which during pregnancy is responsible for not one, but two or even three lives.

It is necessary to listen to your feelings, note all changes in your condition, measure your pulse, consult with a doctor and take all measures to restore normal heart rhythm throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

Video: Arrhythmia and pregnancy, heart and blood vessels