Herringbone made of triangular modules. Christmas tree made of triangular modules master class

February 23

New Year's holidays without gifts are just like winter without snow. No matter how small, everyone, young and old, is waiting for a gift. It is especially nice to receive as a gift something that was made especially for you, with your own hands, into which you invested your love, tenderness and warmth. Most are made from paper, since products made from it are not only beautiful, but also durable, and also do not require additional costs.

Probably everyone has heard about the origami technique. It is in this technique, or rather with the help of a modular one, that we will make a Christmas tree today. Such origami Christmas tree from modules It will decorate both apartments and offices.

In order to make a Christmas tree we will need the following materials:

8 sheets of white office paper,

24 sheets of green office paper,

Half of a plastic egg (kinder surprise type)

Tools: stationery knife(or scissors).

Let's see for ourselves now master class - modular origami Christmas tree.

For such a Christmas tree we need to collect 375 green modules (twigs and pine needles) and 124 white modules (snow on the branches). 16 modules should be made from one sheet.

The basis for which we will put tiers of twigs on. This is one half of a plastic capsule from a chocolate egg and a wooden skewer; it will determine the height of the Christmas tree.

We make a hole in the bottom of the capsule (with a knife, awl, scissors). Insert a skewer into the hole.

The first lowest tier of branches. We assemble each tier in a circle. The first and second rows - 10 green modules each.

We form branches. There will be five of them in total (in each tier).

Fourth row. For each branch there are 2 green modules. Fifth row. For each branch there is 1 green module.

In the fifth row we add 2 more modules on the sides of each branch.

Sixth row. For each branch - 4 green modules.

We put two modules on the outer corners of the outer modules of the sixth row (on top of each other). In the middle, first there is 1, and on it there are 2 green modules.

We put white modules on the extreme modules of each branch. There are 5 white modules for each branch.

We put the first tier on the skewer-barrel.

We perform the second tier in exactly the same way.

Place the second tier on a skewer on top of the first. We place the branches so that they are between the branches of the first tier.

We start the third tier in the same way. The first and second rows have 10 green modules each. In the third we form five branches.

In the third row, we add 1 more module to each branch from the sides.

Fourth row. 2 green modules for each branch.

Fifth row. 1 green module for each branch.

Sixth row. 2 green modules for each branch.

Seventh row. 3 green modules for each branch.

We put white modules on the outer modules. For each branch there are 4 white modules.

We put the third tier on top, again placing the branches between the branches of the lower tier.

We assemble the fourth tier the same as the third.

We put the fourth tier on a skewer, placing the branches between the branches of the lower tier.

Fifth tier. The first and second rows - 10 green modules each. The third row - 1 module, the fourth - 2 modules, the fifth - 1 module.

We put only 10 white modules on each module.

We put the fifth tier on a skewer.

Sixth tier. The first and second rows - 10 green modules each. The third row - 1 module for each branch, the fourth - 2 modules.

We put white ones on the outer modules - 10 in total.

We put the sixth tier on top.

The topmost tier is the seventh. There are 7 white modules for the first and second rows.

If you run out of skewer before you need it, tape another one on top. If, on the contrary, there is an extra end of the skewer left, then it should simply be cut off. DIY Christmas tree made from modules ready.

Christmas tree. Modular origami

DIY paper Christmas tree

Which New Year, New Year's decor interior without beauty Christmas tree. Of course, it’s possible that New Year’s Eve will move into your home. living beauty, but, unfortunately, a living spruce does not live in an apartment for long, and I really want to prolong my favorite holiday, New Year. Therefore, we suggest you make a Christmas tree out of paper.

Make a Christmas tree with your children. Since practicing origami contributes to the development of attention, memory, spatial and imaginative thinking, develop fine motor skills hands, cultivate patience and accuracy.

Craft Christmas tree for children from 6 years old.

Stages of manufacturing Christmas tree modules

1. Assemble green and white modules.

2. Take 16 green modules. 8 of them will be needed for the first row and 8 for the second.

3. Connect these modules using Method 2 (“modules on short sides”) and close the chain of modules into a circle.

4. The result is the first (top) tier of the Christmas tree.

5. To make a second tier, repeat steps 2 and 3 and add a third row, alternating green and white pieces.

6. To make the next tier, take 30 green modules and assemble them into three rows of 10 modules each, using the same fastening method.

7. Close the resulting chain into a circle by connecting the outer modules.

8. Add 5 white modules to the tier, passing two rays from the green modules of the previous row.

9. Let's move on to the fourth tier. To begin, repeat steps 6 and 7.

10. Complete the tier with a fourth row consisting of 15 green modules: place one module on two corners of two adjacent modules of the previous row, then one module with an outer pocket on one corner of the previous row and one with an outer pocket on the corner of the next module of the previous row. Do the same four more times, following in a circle.

11. The next row will consist of 5 white modules, put on inner corners green modules that were dressed in one corner.

12. For the fifth tier of the Christmas tree, connect 48 modules (four rows of 12 pieces each) and close them into a ring.

13. In the fifth row of the fifth tier, put on 6 green modules, passing two corners of the previous row between them.

14. Place “legs” consisting of 5 modules on these corners (see point 15).

15. Paw: fasten 2 green modules by inserting the right corner into the right pocket, and 2 green modules by inserting the left corner into the left pocket. Connect the blanks together with a white module, leaving the corners of the green modules on both sides free.

16. To assemble the sixth tier, you need to connect four rows of 14 green modules and close them into a ring.

17. In the fifth row of this tier, put on 7 green modules, passing two corners of the previous row between them.

18. Place “legs” on these corners, made of two green shapes (unlike the previous ones, each piece consists of 3 modules), connected to each other by a white module.

19. “The top of the head” is assembled from four external and four internal modules, fixed in a circle.

Let's move on to assembly.

20. To make a barrel, use a thin wooden stick and for stability stick it, for example, into an eraser.

Place the tiers you made on the stick, starting from the sixth and ending with the crown.

Dressed up the Christmas tree in a festive dress:

In colorful garlands, in bright lights,

And the Christmas tree stands, sparkling, in a lush hall,

Remembering with sadness the old days.

The tree dreams of an evening, monthly and starry,

Snowy meadow, sad cry of wolves

And the neighboring pine trees, in a frosty mantle,

Everything is covered in diamond sparkles and snow fluff.

And the neighbors stand in gloomy sadness,

They dream and drop white snow from the branches...

They dream of a Christmas tree in a lit hall,

Laughter and stories of joyful children.

Take green paper. Before you do modular origami Christmas tree,
you need to stock up on triangular modules - making modules. The shape of the Christmas tree is limited only by your imagination. It doesn't have to be the same.

1. Insert the first module into the pockets of the other two.

2. Make a design like this. The first stage of the modular origami Christmas tree is ready.

3. Make another first step and add two incomplete rows of modules. The second stage is ready.

4. Make another second step with a full four rows and an incomplete fifth row. The third stage is ready.

5. Prepare another second stage.

6. Connect five modules.

7. Connect the modules to the workpiece.

8. The fourth stage of the modular origami Christmas tree is ready.

9. Prepare another third stage, but without the eight modules of the fourth row.

10. Connect seven modules.

11. Fasten to the workpiece.

12. The fifth stage is ready.

13. Take a stick of such size that you can put branches on it modular Christmas tree origami. The crown can be made from six or eight modules, connecting in the same way as point 2. You can glue a star, for example this one: a star made of paper or molded from plasticine.

14. Modular origami Christmas tree is ready.

Modular origami "Herringbone" can serve as interior decoration New Year's celebration, interesting craft For kindergarten or school for the New Year or an original gift.
Modular origami "Christmas tree" consists of 329 green modules. The size of the modules is 1/32 of an A4 sheet (317 modules) and 12 modules of 1/64 of an A4 sheet. The top of the tree is decorated with a star made of 45 orange modules measuring 1/64 of an A4 sheet.
Our Christmas tree consists of six separate parts.
The first top part of the Christmas tree is assembled from 12 green modules measuring 1/64 of an A4 sheet.
1 row: 6 green modules.
2nd row: 6 green modules.
We connect the modules of the first and second row (see photo).

The second part of the Christmas tree consists of 16 green modules. The size of the modules for this and all subsequent Christmas tree parts is 1/32 of an A4 sheet.
The second part is assembled similarly to the first, only in the 1st and 2nd rows there are 8 modules each.

The third part consists of 35 green modules.
1st row: 10 green modules.
2nd row: 10 green modules.
3rd row: 10 green modules.
4th row: Place 5 green modules one at a time (passing two ends of the 3rd row modules).

The fourth part of the Christmas tree consists of 54 green modules.
1st row: 12 green modules.
2nd row: 12 green modules.
3rd row: 12 green modules.
4th row: 12 green modules.
5 row: Place 6 green modules one at a time (passing two ends of the 4th row modules).

The fifth part of the Christmas tree consists of 84 green modules.
1st row: 14 green modules.
2nd row: 14 green modules.
3rd row: 14 green modules.
4th row: 7 green modules.

We assemble a branch of our Christmas tree from 5 modules. You need to collect seven such branches.

We put the branches on the free corners of the 3rd row modules.

The sixth part consists of 128 green modules.
1st row: 16 green modules.
2nd row: 16 green modules.
3rd row: 16 green modules.
4th row: 16 green modules.
5 row: 8 green modules.

We assemble a twig from 7 green modules. You need to collect eight such branches.

We put the branches on the free corners of the 4th row modules.

Collecting a star for the Christmas tree.
1st row: We place 10 orange modules on the short side.
2nd row: We place 10 orange modules on the long side.

3rd row: 10 orange modules per long side.

It is difficult to imagine that once in Rus' a green fluffy Christmas tree was just a tree. After the decree of Peter the Great, everyone, young and old, associates her with the most happy holiday New Year. If we make stars and snowflakes out of paper, then making a Christmas tree using the origami technique for the holiday is a must.

This little one green Christmas tree your child can do to his and your great pleasure. And then tie a thread to the top of the head and hang it on the New Year's green real beauty.

  • Take a square sheet of green paper and mark all the axes and diagonals on it, folding and unfolding the workpiece.

  • Fold it as shown in the photo.

  • Mark a fold line by bending and straightening each of the four wings.

  • Make pockets out of them, aligning the center with the center.

  • Fold the corners right side first.

  • And then tuck them inside. We have already created a small smooth Christmas tree with 8 edges.

  • Let's make her spruce paws. To do this, cut each of the 8 edges by 0.5-1 cm in 2-4 places. To make the Christmas tree symmetrical, you can cut it by folding two or three edges together.

  • The most difficult operation. Bend the cuts as shown in the photo, marking the lines for the next operation.

  • Tuck in the segments that you just folded back.

Each modular origami, including the Christmas tree, begins with the production of many identical small modules from paper. Following the scheme, you need to collect 5 snowflakes of different sizes.

The smallest consists of 16 modules and has 8 beams (position 2). The second five-pointed star starts with 10 modules in a circle (position 3). The third snowflake consists of six rays (position 4) and starts with 12 modules. The fourth snowflake (positions 5-8) has 14 modules and 7 rays. And the biggest modular snowflake has 8 beams (position 9-12) and additional inserts (position 10).

When all the tiers are made, the moment of assembly begins. Place all the green snowflakes on one axle and secure the star to the top of your head.

A modest origami Christmas tree is made from a single-sided sheet of colored paper. Since this Christmas tree does not shine with anything special, give it grace and shine with beautiful material.

  1. Take a square sheet of the most elegant paper and fold it diagonally, outlining the lines.
  2. Select the main corner of the square, which will later become the top of the holiday tree, and mark two more lines from it, folding the corners adjacent to it towards the middle.
  3. We fold the accordion, bending the workpiece twice. The first step starts from the horizontal axis that you outlined in the first point.
  4. Turn the workpiece over.
  5. We outline the fold lines. The first two folds are made uphill.
  6. The second two folds are on the contrary inward, “valley”.
  7. Now move the sides of the workpiece so that the paper itself wants to fold. Fold the sagging corners up.
  8. Fold in the lowest corner, aligning the tree horizontally.
  9. Turn the Christmas tree over to face you.
  10. Give it volume by bending it slightly along the vertical axis.
  11. This Christmas tree can be placed on festive table, stick it on a card or just give it to your mom.