A conspiracy to improve and restore good vision. Conspiracies to improve vision Wang conspiracies and prayers for glaucoma

March 8

Read a special plot over the water, carefully, without blinking, looking at its surface. Do this nine times in a row on odd numbers. The spoken words are as follows:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
A dead head lies for distant years,
She has no vision.
Who will fit that head
He will find sight for his right hands.

Spell to improve eyesight

Splash the charmed water into your eyes and wipe your hem. Water is spoken like this:

The first water is Poyla,
The second water is Yegorya,
And the third water is Mary.
My eyes are light, there is no blindness in my eyes.
Lord, strengthen my eyes,
Bow to the ground three times.
My word is strong, my work is sculpted.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Spell to improve eyesight

To improve vision, first read the prayer, and then three times in a row a special conspiracy.


Oh, holy saints of God, Cyprian with Justina! By a good feat, those who were tied up on earth rose up in Heaven the crowns of truth, and the Lord prepared them for all those who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy images, we rejoice in the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, understand our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, oh forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, and get rid of sorrow, illness, troubles and misfortunes and all secret evil. Let us live piously and righteously in the present age and be worthy of your intercession, and we are not worthy to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His Saints, the glorious God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen,


An old blind man walked along the road,
A bough fell from an oak tree under his feet.
As from a dry branch there is no fruit
And they do not go to a dry stream for water,
Ore is not visible in the dark
So the servant of God (name) has no blindness
Lord help, Lord repeat
As ore is not visible in the night,
The headless rooster has a head,
So the servant of God (name) would not have blindness
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Knot conspiracy to improve eyesight

Take the rope, make a loop, sort of like you are going to make a knot. There is a hole in the loop. Bring a loop to your eye and look through it. With both hands, tighten the knot on the string, while saying:

That which interfered with the eye, she tied it in a knot. Amen.

If both eyes hurt, then do not make two nodules in one day. Do it on the second day. They do exactly the same. The day should be even if you treat two eyes.

If one eye is sick and there will be, therefore, one knot, then make a tie on an odd day.

The rope is buried in the ground. The rope rots and the eye is freed from the disease.

Strong conspiracy from eye disease

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
From the Jesus cross
From the first post and the last post,
From my word, from holy help.
Snag, do you see? - Does not see!
Stone, do you see? - Does not see!
Swamp tussock, see? - Does not see!
Then my blindness will not offend them.
Go, blindness, to the snags of the forest,
On a water bump, on a one-eyed monster,
Three-eyed reflection.
Crooked, blind, not mine, but someone else's.
My mouth, lock, tongue, key. Amen.

It is not bad for the health of the eyes to eat snake meat and fish. It treats even complex eye diseases.

If possible, eat blueberries, even frozen ones are fine.

Carry out a course of treatment with fresh carrot juice. At least within a month. A day later, a glass of juice. If the skin of the face turns yellowish, it will pass quickly, but you will be healthy. The eyes will be with a beautiful shine, and vision will noticeably improve.

You should also know that whoever puts nickels on the eyes of a dead person will lose his sight early.

If your eyesight has begun to deteriorate, this conspiracy of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova will definitely help you. To improve your eyesight, you need to look at the sunrise early in the morning and pronounce the following words:

"Sunrise side"
The sun rises on you
And on the east side
It never goes down.
So would my vigilance
It went up and never went down.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracy from thorn

This powerful magical plot will help you cure an eyesore. But there is one condition: a person should not have a thorn for more than one year. If the thorn is old, then the conspiracy may not help. First, they read "Our Father", and then a conspiracy from the thorn:

"On Sunday, on Holy Easter,
St. Yegori rode on a white horse,
Three white dogs ran behind the white horse.
One dog licks the white dawn,
The second dog licks the white moon
And the third licks a white thorn from his eye.
Saint Yegori, stand before me,
Take off with your holy spear
A thorn in the eye of a servant of God (name).
word, deed,
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Read this plot every day for three months and your misfortune will pass like it never happened.

From poor eyesight

During the hailstorm, you need to collect the falling hailstones in some kind of container. The collected hailstones are melted and the badly seeing eyes are washed with the water formed from the hail - this sharpens the eyesight.

Conspiracy if the eyes are watery

Bring a red thread to your eyes and tie three knots on it. At the same time, do not close your eyes, look at the thread. After tying knots, say:

"Saint Peter was walking, he stumbled - A tear came.
Saint Peter looked at the images -
A tear disappeared from my eyes.
Lips, teeth, key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Or another way.

Swipe the wedding ring over your closed eyelids and say:

"How I got married with a ring,
So I would get rid of tears with a ring.

By doing so, you will see that there will be no more tears.

How to remove the veil from the eyes

When we say that we need to remove the veil from our eyes, we usually mean that a person needs to look at the world with a sound, sober look. But this is very difficult to do when there is a real magical “veil” in front of your eyes, looking away from something or someone.

To get rid of such a veil in front of your eyes, you need to read a special plot on August 23. This is the day of St. Lawrence, who was prayed for deliverance from the evil eye and for the cure of eye diseases. When the patient falls asleep, one must sit at his head, cross himself and say in a whisper:

“Lavrenty Lavrush, help, listen. Come into the night, remove the veil from the eyes of the servant of God (name) away. Drive away the veil, like a sea wave. Let the eyes of the servant of God (name) shine, sparkle, everyone see, notice! Amen!"

If it does not help the first time, then the plot must be read every night.

If your eyesight has begun to deteriorate, this conspiracy with ancient Slavic history will definitely help you. To improve your eyesight, you need to look at the sunrise early in the morning and pronounce the following words

Poor vision is usually the result of neglected eye diseases, and we find many references in magic how many diseases can be successfully treated with the help of conspiracies. A conspiracy to improve vision has a positive effect if a person does not have the habit of telling lies and forgetting about promises. Otherwise, the subconscious will perceive them as another deception. When the conspiracy words are repeated several times, the images reach the subconscious and begin to materialize. Conspiracy phrases are pronounced with myopia and farsightedness, with pain in the region of the eye sockets and forehead, with strabismus. With blurry, blurry vision. Also in other eye diseases. For example, with color blindness.

"Rising side, the Sun rises over you, and on the rising side It never goes down. So my vigilance would rise and never fall. Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

A very strong conspiracy for eye disease

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit from the Jesus Cross, from the first post and the last post, from my word from the holy help. Snag, do you see? - Does not see! Stone, do you see? - Does not see! - A bump, a swamp, you see? - Does not see! “Then my blindness won’t offend them. Go, blindness, to a forest snag, to a water tussock, to a one-eyed monster, a three-eyed reflection. Crooked, blind, not mine, but someone else's. My mouth, lock, tongue, key. Amen

For eye health, it is good to eat snake meat and fish. They treat even complex eye diseases. If possible, eat blueberries, even frozen ones are fine. Treat with fresh carrot juice for at least a month. Drink a glass of juice every other day. If the skin of the face turns yellowish, it will pass quickly, but you will be healthy. The eyes will be with a beautiful shine, and vision will noticeably improve.

You should know that whoever puts nickels on the eyes of a dead person will lose his sight early.

For good vision, you need to wash your eyes under the icon on Easter morning and say:

As people look at the icon, so would my eyes, century after century, look good. Amen.

Vision Loss Protection

If you notice that your eyesight has begun to drop sharply, ask the youngest and most sinless blood relative to blow into your eyes and read three times without hesitation:

Eyes, you drive, you guard, you feed, you open in the morning with the Sun, close at night with a month, serve faithfully, with grief with tears, grieve. Be vigilant and strong, sharp, fast and longevity. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Stop visual impairment

Find a fresh young fern, scroll through a meat grinder (without roots) along with the fleshy stems. Knead a not very thick dough and put cakes from it on your eyes, changing them after ten minutes. Your eyes will be strengthened, clean, clear and healthy. Your eyesight will be noticeably sharper. The recipe is quite simple but very good.

If vision is reduced

Splash the charmed water into your eyes and wipe your hem. Water is spoken like this:

The first water is swill, the second water is Yegorya, and the third water is Maria. My eyes are light, there is no blindness in my eyes. Lord, strengthen my eyes for me, I bow to the ground three times. My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Return vision with a conspiracy to milk

Fresh whey from goat's milk, (1 part water to 1 part whey) drip into the eyes. The eyelids are covered with a dark bandage and the patient is left to lie down for half an hour, warning not to move the eyeballs. Do this for a week. Vision will noticeably improve, as the lens will gain the necessary strength.

If the eyelid twitches

Three geranium leaves are brewed into a glass of water and drunk three times a day.

You can talk about a twitching eyelid like this. Hold the eyelid with the little finger of the left hand and read:

A dead horse won't jump. Amen. Amen. Amen.

It is very unpleasant when the eye twitches. It's disturbing and annoying. You need to salivate your finger, press your eye with it and say three times:

Auntie-tugger is not a third, do not pull, neither down nor up. Amen.

Conspiracy from strabismus

If the eyes squint, choose a full moon night, bring the patient to the window, if it is winter, and if it is summer, take it outside, order to look at the moon and read:

A month will be born, round out, correct and recover, so that the eyes of the servant of God (name) look correctly. Amen. Eyes will soon stop squinting.

Inflammation of the optic nerve

Find a knot in a tree. For men, the tree must be masculine, and for women, feminine: birch, pine, mountain ash, alder, etc., except for aspen. If there are no special instructions for working with aspen, then do not work with it. So, you found a knot in a tree. Make an “o” around the knot with your fingers and read the plot. After that, drive a small carnation the size of your finger into it and leave.

After three days, come back and pull out the nail. Bury it right next to the tree.

Your roots are below, your head is above, the disease was in the pupil, and now it's on your bitch. I take it off myself, I drive it into you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. It is good to make eye lotions from cabbage juice with cool whole milk, lie down without talking to anyone, turning off the TV and radio. You should know that when treating the eyes, a person needs complete rest. Eliminate all sorts of unrest, otherwise it will be difficult to treat. Relatives of a sick person should remember this.

How to get rid of strabismus

They look at the bridge of the nose of a person who has strabismus, and the patient looks at the light of a candle. Read:

Lord save, save and have mercy. The morning dew washes away, the water falls from the eyes. The eye is brown, the eye is green, the eye is blue, the eye is black and the eye is crooked Son of God, have mercy on us now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from barley to the eyes

Drizzle your thumb and touch it to the barley.

Barley, barley, you are not my godfather, you are not my matchmaker, you, barley, are not my son and not my brother. Barley, barley, I'm healthy, and you're a cookie. For this cookie, you can buy whatever you want. Buy yourself a toad, the toad will die, and the barley will dry up before my eyes.

Spit over your left shoulder three times.

Speak barley for bread

Leave a crust of bread in the blower of the oven, and in the morning touch this crust to the barley and say:

As the dog devours this crust, so I (name) from my eye, the barley will come off. Amen.

Show the cookie to barley and speak:

Barley grew, mowing approached. They mowed down the barley, they begged the sorcerer. Grandfather of witches, speak barley. Go to the forest, to the grass, to the cold water from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Spit on the barley and say over your shoulder:

Barley, barley, go under the stump, laziness sleeps there. Lie down together, burn with fire. Amen.

Sit swamp, cold water, take thirty-three castles, thirty-three mountains, thirty-three roads, barley from the servant of God (name). Lock all locks, all keys. Do not let go of the body (name), servants of God. Century after century, now and forever. Amen.

From doggy eyes

Red eyes are called crayfish eyes by sorcerers. Most often they occur in fair-haired people. The eyes are so inflamed that the patient tries to blink less to avoid pain. After sunset, they say water, which the patient takes in his palms and, lowering his eyes into them, rinses them. So three nights in a row. The first day of treatment is Sunday.

Painful eyes, burning tears, the spring of the paradise of the savior, Panteleimon the healer. May God help me. Amen.

Inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eyes

Young shoots of the apple tree are cut, washed thoroughly and juice is prepared from them. Then filter and make compresses on the eyes. Surprisingly quickly, the eyes gain strength and vision. Do not use trees that are treated with pesticides.

From yellow growths on the eyeballs

They put three candles at the icon of the Forty Saints. They take forty aspen leaves, brew at three o'clock in the morning, in the waning month, interfere with the tip of the knife counterclockwise and say, without moving their lips, three times:

Oh, are you not in pain, are you not in pain, are you not tears, are you not blood, are you not growing or rotting. And you, oh, will you disappear from your eyes, not from Oily's speeches, not from Oily's conversations, but from holy slander. Oh, the enemy, die, the body in the eye wither. Amen.

Fish eye conspiracy (glaucoma)

They take a live fish, which is still beating in the hand, look into the eye that is struck in you (in the left, if your left is struck), they read for the waning month. If both eyes are affected, treat the eyes one at a time.

I look into a fish eye. As the moon reflects in the river, looks at itself, admires how the Sun rolls at sunset, falls, washes the evening dawn from itself, splashes, so I would be reflected in the eye of a fish. And just as a fish cannot blink an eye, not be a warm body, so my eyes cannot be sick, do not cry, do not suffer. Amen. The fish are thrown away from themselves and away from the river.

Speak rolled eyelids

Have you met people with rolled-up eyelids? If yes, then you do not need to tell how scary it is when there is a blood pit around the eyes. To help such a patient, you need to kick the bark of a one-year-old oak with your bare hands. The bark should be cut after sunset. You need to leave and come silently, not talking to anyone, not saying hello, not saying goodbye. Let the patient carry water to park the bark with his palms from a bucket into an iron bowl, and at this time you say: Go one, go two, go three. As an icon simply looks at people, so you look at people. Amen.

Then throw the bark from the oak into the cup and put the patient with his back to the stove or stove, depending on what you are brewing the oak infusion, and while the water with the bark boils, read “Our Father”, and then “Theotokos”, “Living in help”. And as the broth begins to boil, say this:

As the oak is strong, so the eyes, the servant of God (name) will be strong. Amen.

When the water has cooled, let the patient pour it into his palms, and keep his eyes in this decoction - right in his palms. A month has not blown yet, but it should help. Usually, white chicken is paid for this treatment.

Speak a hernia in the eye socket

Before reading the plot, read the prayer to the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon.

O great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and doctor, the merciful Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful servant of God, hear my groaning and have mercy on my cry. May the Heavenly Supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, grant healing from the disease that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the sinner more than all people. Visit me, blessed visit. Do not disdain my sinful ulcers, anoint them with the oil of your mercy, and heal me, so that you are healthy in soul and body, I will spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing. God, and I will be vouchsafed to accept the good end of anyone’s life. She is a servant of God! Hull Christ God, may your intercession grant health to the body and the salvation of my soul. Amen. If a person speaks to himself, then let him look in the mirror into his eyes. But this is not always convenient, especially if you do not rely on your memory and may read it wrong. It won't do any harm, but it won't do any good either. So it would be better if you get help. So, the patient sits on a chair and looks ahead. Do it after sunset. With the ring finger they drive counterclockwise around the eye and read barely audibly: The mole is talking, but not the one in the ground, but the one from the ground. Are you a hernia here? - Here! - I will roll you from the apple of the eye, from clear eyes, from eyelashes, from fiery right hands. Just as a mole does not gnaw its paw, does not drink its own blood, so you are a hernia, do not gnaw the servant of God (name). As the mole goes into the ground, so you hernia go into the ground. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How to cure self-inflicted blindness

Damage can take away sight and hearing. Such a person should be treated in an empty room, where there is no acute in sight. Ask the patient how long he has been blind, what he remembers from what he has seen lately. Find out what sin he has - this grief and who he thinks. If he knows the gravity of his sin, let him repent. Tell him that you will prepare for his treatment for three days, do secret things and pray. He must also fast these three days and spend time in prayer. Assure the patient that if he repents sincerely, you will cure him.

But it also happens. A blind woman was brought to me, she was 37 years old. She talked about how she got together with a man who left his wife and children for her sake. When her husband was not at home, her husband's ex-wife came to her, cursed her and threw her photo on the floor, which she got from no one knows where. The eyes in the photo were gouged out, and the opponent shouted: “Make you blind, bitch!” The patient claims that she quickly began to lose her sight and after three months she became completely blind. At my request to repent, she began to shout that the first thing she would do when she began to see clearly was to burn her ex-wife's eyes with acid. Such people are very difficult to treat. Soul and body must be in humility and faith in God and His help.

Have the patient sit on a chair with a candle in hand. Place a jar of holy water nearby, stand behind the patient, fold your little fingers, thumbs and middle fingers, lower the rest. Hold your hands above the head of the patient and read.

Dawn Marya rises, the Sun-father, rises because of the bitter mountains, because of the fast rivers, salty tears, sightless eyes. The Lord will come with them, bring light to the eyes. Sisters, holy helpers, remove the spell of witchcraft from the eyes, servants of God (name). Amen.

Then the patient must find a jar of water and lower the candle there. This water should be used to rinse the eyes after each treatment. And so for three days.

From blindness

A conspiracy to improve vision is read into the water and then carefully, without blinking, peer into it. Do this nine times on odd numbers. They read like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. A dead head lies, far away, it has no vision. Whoever approaches that head will find sight for his right hands. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

From night blindness

Twilight and twilight, sunset hour and evening hour, do not deprive the light of white. As an owl looks at night and sees everything, so the servant of God (name) so that the white light is not obscured. Amen.

How to reduce blindness in chickens

For treatment, you need seven black hens. When they sit on a perch, sit under that perch and say at midnight:

Seven black chickens, 14 keen eyes, give me your zorzhot, take my blindness from me. As the tsar-father ate, from pure silver, as on that silver it shone, sparkled, purity, so that my eyes, too, shone brightly, looked sharply, and never, century after century, did not get sick. And you, 7 black chickens, 14 keen eyes, change your zorzhota for my current blindness. Amen.

From a thorn in the eye

They read by the water (lakes, rivers, etc.), looking into the water:

Water mirror, give God's water that you took. Belmo reflected in the mirror, God's light, return to your eyes. With keys, with springs I unlock from trouble, I close the thorn in the locks. As the sand in the water is washed and cleaned, so the thorn in the lake is reflected. Return God's light to my eyes. Amen.

Find a rye ear left after harvesting in the field. Pound sugar and salt into dust, then blow the prepared dust into the eye of a sick person through a dried straw from an ear (quite a bit). When the person blinks, immediately say:

A tear will go, with it the thorn in the eye will go away.

Tears, sugar, salt will wash away, and the Lord will rest the thorn in the eye. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Half a minute later, another device chimed, Yura grabbed the receiver and, hearing the caller, winked at Nastya. From his mean remarks, it was unrealistic to realize that Fr. There is a speech. Finally he hung up and smiled broadly. Nastya jumped up. Hands. Indeed, the water had already boiled for a long time and was now gurgling in the highest clay. The mug was so desperate that it spilled onto the floor. She frantically unplugged the plug, but there was still water in the mug. There is not enough left. Nastya dutifully trudged along.

Fyodor asked, casting a mean glance at the bottles. Cigarettes. Water. Mineral, fruity, still, sprite, Dr. Pepper, cola. Hot. Snacks. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fresh belyashi, barbecue with garnish. Italian salads. Crabs, shrimp, ham. Hot tea. The coffee is hot, dark and with milk. The door swung open, and Oleg saw a strong middle-aged man. Growth in a small black terry dressing gown. His hair was wet, and Oleg realized what the tenant perceived.

He's on a business trip, and you're behaving a little. Don't call names, otherwise I won't give you a cot, you'll sleep on the floor. Okay, bring out the soup, it really needs to be eaten, huh. Leshka will be offended. Dinner turned out to be unexpectedly plentiful and satisfying, and Nastya and Yura, having stuffed so many goods at once into themselves with hunger, could no longer move. Listen, Nastya said with fear, it seems that I can’t even get up. Gluttony is a big sin. Well, let's sit at the table, where to hurry-. Korotkov responded phlegmatically.

This morning everything started as usual. Lily thoughtfully looked at the buoy dangling in the waves. Said. Licking was skipped, the fruit abundance from the snow-white bag for some reason did not arise. Rita flung herself down on the towel and raised her exhausted face to me. I was so dumbfounded that I didn’t even realize what kind of Olga we were talking about. This question could, perhaps, adequately compete with the previous one. He was neither smart nor original. Rita reacted with awareness. To our heartbreaking story, she immediately calmed down and, to her credit, it must be admitted, she did not spill the beans to anyone. And now our sweet joke threatened to turn into nothing. Suspicious Igor Litvak is in big trouble. And I realized that I must somehow help poor Igor. I acutely felt my guilt before him and.

He entered a military academy somewhere in the Caucasus. You must become an Ingush officer and serve our native land. If you go to study in Kyiv, you will serve in the Ukrainian army. Aslanbek. Should cancel the trip. You need. Aslanbek went to the Carpathians. At a small airfield in Kolomyia, a tall, tall man was waiting for him. With a shock of wavy hair and a smiling face, he introduced himself as Vasily Ignatievich. You know what needs to be done for you. Vasily asked when they got into the car and drove towards the mountains. Father spoke. I have to work out arithmetic with some girl, Aslan answered uncertainly. Yes, of course, Aslan nodded absently, looking out the window at the houses standing on the sides of the road, buried in apple and pear trees. The car stopped in front of the highest metal gates.

Gulya is right. Gulya, you are absolutely right. If the woman did not lie, then the 2nd man did. Then everything comes out. Mishan, go to the office. I figured you out, starley, Misha chuckled. Andrey. Chebotaev looked up from his computer and ruffled his hair for himself. She is not afraid of anything, Nastya agreed. Either he is extremely confident in himself, or just a nerd, which is more accurate. And yet, I wonder if his name is in the magazine that. Taken from the salon, either.

For gray eyes

This conspiracy to a beloved person with gray eyes is read in cloudy weather, when the sky is gray, it is raining. You can not read on church holidays.

“Clear light, gray-eyed (a) slave (a) (name), rise at dawn, thoughts about to me. Whatever you do, you will stir everything about me. Your heart would beat, beat, call my slave (e) (name), in the morning at dawn, in the afternoon in the light, in the evening under the moon. Amen".

On smoke for black, brown eyes

This plot for a person with dark eyes is read into the oven, which is heated after sunset. In the oven - aspen firewood. The door must be locked. They read three times and spit three times over the left shoulder.

“The smoke is gray from the fuel fire, fly the crab (name) and call him, and lead through high mountains, dark forests, fast rivers. Through 33 courtyards, through 33 thresholds, bypassing the moon, bypassing the sun, everything is to me, slave (name). Everyone would walk and ride, run and hurry, would look at me, but would not have seen enough for the rest of his life. Amen".

If the person you love with green eyes is indifferent to you, seek help in this conspiracy. It is read on dewy grass, early in the morning. With your left hand, pluck as much grass as you can fit in your hand.

They read the plot three times, pour grass near the house where your green-eyed sweetheart lives.

“Mother Ant, who didn’t walk around you, didn’t sew telesovs. A slave (name) walks on you with white feet, walks, white body wears, does not tilt his head. Thoughts about me, the slave (name), does not think, walks, does not notice, does not grieve for me, does not miss me. Mother ant, let the slave (name) bow his head, keep me on my mind, on my mind, never forget. Wherever you stomp, or hang out, everything would come back to me. Turn his frisky little legs to me, slaves (name). Amen".