A story on the topic of my dad 8 k. My dad is the best dad in the world - composition

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Courageous, strong, kind, caring, attentive, dear ... His kindness and care warm us even on the coldest day. With dad, I can communicate on any topic. For me, you have always been, are and will be the most wonderful man on earth - this is how ninth grade students write about their wonderful dads.

Julia Burdukovskaya, 9 "A" class, secondary school No. 8

We are grateful to our parents for what they have invested in us. But very often the understanding of the importance and value of this contribution does not come immediately, but after some time.

Dad ... How many warm and bright feelings this word evokes. Is not it? When a person is born, his parents are the first to take him in his arms. In childhood, we are told: “Mom is the closest person in the world!” But what about dad? You feel the strong and reliable hands of your father. You feel it, but you don't remember. The feeling of security really comes at this moment and remains for life.

It is to my father, Nikolai Viktorovich Burdukovsky, that I am grateful for my development and upbringing. I am not afraid of high words. He deserved them. He taught me to rejoice in the rising sun, in the clear, turbulent river where the fish are splashing, in the first leaf fall and the first snow. He taught me unobtrusively, with his own attitude to the world. He smiled, looking at the world, and I understood and repeated this smile.

Daddy taught me to appreciate every moment spent with family and friends. He has always been the axis around which the life of our family revolves. No one knew better than him and did not foresee our desires. I knew that it was he who was a kind wizard and Santa Claus, with whom I could fool around, jump, race, make funny faces. He is a soft person. But behind the outer softness, I always felt unbending willpower and a strong character.

I remember the first fishing trip for a long time. To make this not entirely feminine hobby interesting for me, he went to the trick: we bet that I would catch more fish than him. And I won! Oh great tactician! There is no stronger lever than the consciousness of one's superiority over a stronger opponent.

Sometimes, it will become sad, and nothing will cheer you up, and daddy will come up silently from behind, hug you tightly and say: “Let's go have a cup of tea? I'll tell you something." And you know, it really helps. These are not boring stories, these are fascinating stories from dad's life. Listening to him, I somehow imperceptibly felt like a part of not only my family, but also a part of my family, my nation and history. He talked about his life in the Republic of Buryatia. My grandparents are in the military, so they moved frequently. Dad had to change schools and that's probably why he didn't have permanent friends. Growing up, dad went to study in Volsk. It was there that he met people who are still close friends of our family. Now they have gone to different parts of Russia, but they still communicate closely. Why am I telling you this, you ask. And in order to say what else my dad taught me. He proves to me by his own example that true friendship does not dissolve in time.

Do you believe in magic? No? But in vain. My dad is a real wizard. Like all children, I loved animals. Like all parents, mine did not allow them to be kept in the apartment. I really wanted a dog. My wise dad understood how to make a childish whim a way of life. On a warm summer evening, I was at home, my mother was with a neighbor, and my father was in the city. When I heard the bell, I went to the door, opened it and the first thing I saw was a red-haired little yapping miracle. What was going on in my heart! I could not believe that now this bundle of happiness is mine, that I am responsible for it. Dad came in and said: “I can communicate with him on any topic .. You have long wanted a four-legged friend. Here. Now it's yours!" How pleased I was, firstly, to get what I very much dreamed of, and, secondly, to hear these precious words.

And now the most important thing. Dad, you are very dear to me, I love you very much! No matter how old I am, I will always be your daughter. I will protect you and your mother. For me, you have always been, are and will be the most wonderful man on earth. Daddy, thank you for being...

Anastasia Burenkova, 9th grade, secondary school No. 32

Courageous, strong, kind, caring, attentive, dear ... And all this is he, the most important man in my life - my father.

His strength and courage are shown in the defense of the weak. His kindness and care lie in the fact that he will never leave his children, he will take care and help in everything. Attentiveness, sensitivity are special character traits of dad, he always remembers the most important dates when you need to give a gift. My father will always remain my family: he raised me, cares for me, and most importantly, loves me. Dad taught me a lot: history, literature. Some will think that this is uninteresting, but I am very glad to hear an ancient story from his lips.

Dad has a friend, he is very faithful to him - this is our dog named Chelsea. Dad always takes her hunting and fishing. No wonder they say that dogs look like their owners. The dog is very smart, a faithful friend of his father. My father is the most important in the family, he is very responsible for his children.

I'm proud of my father! I love him!

Anastasia Pogorelova, 9th grade, secondary school No. 32

For every child, his father is the best. So for me, my dad is an example of an ideal man: courageous, strong, kind, caring, attentive and dear.

His strength and courage are manifested in the protection of the weak. His kindness and care keep us warm even on the coldest day. As far as I remember, dad was always attentive. He amazed me very often because he remembers the most important dates. My dad became a native when I first appeared in my mother's tummy. He raised me, and most importantly, raised me. With his smile, daddy illuminates my life path. Daddy always fulfills all my desires and never scolds me, but only supports me. I know when I feel bad, he will be there, listen and support.

I am proud of my father. I love him so much!

Natalya Blinova, 9th grade, secondary school No. 32

Alexander Anatolyevich is the most important in our family. This is my little brother's dad. With his arrival in our family, everything changed. Now we have a complete family again.

Alexander Anatolyevich is serious, caring, attentive. I can communicate with him on any topic. He never leaves my questions unanswered. Alexander Anatolyevich is fond of volleyball, often performs at competitions. He has many awards, he collects them for our little Sashenka. In his free time, dad tries to take us outside the city, admire the beauties of our Sakhalin and just get some fresh air.

I like that our man has no bad habits. Today it is such a rarity. I am very glad that I can turn to him with any request. He always listens to me and gives a positive answer. It's great that Alexander Anatolyevich is such a good person. I'm proud of him, he's the best!

Photo from the archive

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 11"

Gubkina, Belgorod Region

st. K. Marx21-a, vol.

My dad is the best dad in the world.

Masyagina Taisiya Sergeevna, 4-B class, 01/22/2001

Vialova Elena Petrovna, teacher, t. 4-28-47

My father's name is Sergey. He works at a huge enterprise - the Lebedinsky mining and processing plant. He has a very responsible job - he is an electric locomotive driver. From the age of three, I knew that my dad was carrying ore on his electric locomotive. It is needed in order to make metal. Dad often talks about his work, which means he loves his work. Works day and night. He rarely takes vacations, but he is always there for me when I need help. Sometimes he takes me to work with him and shows me how he works and even lets me help. Dad takes exams so that there are no violations. Responsible for the safety of people and equipment. At work, everyone loves and respects dad, because he is kind and fair. I learn from him to be just as responsible, to conscientiously carry out my main task - to study.

In his free time, dad plays tennis and does wood carving. How exciting it is to watch when a beautiful cut-out cutting board, funny animals, funny figures of people turn out from a simple piece of wood. Every single one of these things amazes me.

We travel a lot, go fishing. He teaches me a lot. It is always interesting to just chat with him about some trifles. But often such conversations turn out to be very important for me, after them it is always joyful and cheerful in my soul. It's good that you can spend time with daddy like that.

My dad is resourceful, I'm looking forward to

Smart and brave. Dad from work.

He can do it Always in my briefcase

Even a difficult one. He brings something.

The father is the head of the family. But not the one in which they are afraid to even express their opinion, not the one who does everything in his own way. Head - means responsible for the well-being of the family. This means that the one who goes first everywhere, and paves the way for all members of his family. My dad is just like that. When difficult problems are being solved, he consults with us, but takes full responsibility. We follow him like a stone wall.

I love and respect my dad very, very much. He is very good, he always has answers to all our questions with my brother. He is the best of the best in the world. Children should see and feel the good deeds of adults, then they will grow up kind and affectionate. I love my dad very much and want to be like him.

Can he play football?

Can you heat up my soup?

Can watch a cartoon

He can play checkers

Might even wash the cups

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Can give me a ride

Instead of a fast horse.

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

My dad is the best. He is very kind, we always play all sorts of interesting games with him. He is the strongest and bravest! He can swim across the widest river, defeat any predator, defeat any enemy. He can do everything! But most often he has to wash dishes, wash clothes and take out the trash. That's my dad!

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

My dad

Kozlovskaya Liza, 6th grade

My dad

My dad's name is Albert. He is a very funny, smart and positive person. He constantly and plentifully jokes, it is impossible to pass by him without smiling.

He supports me in difficult times, gives me useful advice, teaches me to enjoy life, shows me the right path. But very often we arrange small verbal fights: we compete, we argue, we make fun of each other. And these fights end with explosive laughter.

By profession, my dad is an engineer: he draws plans for different buildings, calculates what to put where and where, how it will look. Albert speaks English. In general, our whole family speaks English, so I know English quite well. When Albert leaves for work, I miss him very much and I ask my mother all the time: “Well, when will he finally arrive?” Albert is also a very good cook. After a dinner prepared by him, it is impossible to remain indifferent, you will lick your fingers! And all because he cooks everything with great love, and every ingredient puts a piece of love. Wonderful person! And a wonderful father!

Semenov Misha, 5th grade

my father's profession

My father's name is Sergey Alekseevich Semenov. He studied at the Shipbuilding Institute at the Faculty of Economics and graduated with honors. After that, he defended his dissertation and received a PhD in economics. While still at the institute, dad got a job at LenmorNIIproekt - an institute that designs ports. At first he worked there as a programmer, so now he is very good at computers. Then he became the head of the department, and then the director of production.

Now dad has his own company, Marine Construction and Technology. He manages the design and calculation of the cost of construction of port facilities, berths, passenger terminals in St. Petersburg, Sochi, Novorossiysk, Murmansk and other port cities. There are few such specialists in our country.

Dad often travels on business trips in Russia and abroad. He loves his job because it involves solving complex problems and finding unexpected options and solutions. Dad can tell a lot about ships, ports and the history of navigation. I am proud of my dad and his profession.

Khvatskin Lenya, 4th grade

Dad and I.

My dad and I are like two peas in a pod. We also have a small "inconsistency". For example, dad loves tomatoes, but I categorically do not eat them; my dad has bad electricity, and with the help of a diagram I can explain how the microphone works. Dad is always willing to play with me. For example, board games. Our favorites: Scrabble, a game that I myself came up with - “Dinosaurs. Eat, migrate, live” and “EVO. Age of dinosaurs. Sometimes we do do stick fights. We even have armor! Yes, yes, you didn’t mix it up: dos-pe-hee! "Take" - animal masks with enlarged holes for the eyes and nose. "Kolchuga" - tight jumpers that we tie around the neck by the sleeves. "Shields" - pillows tied to the left fart. Also on the unprotected right hand, in which we hold sticks, we put on two gloves - one on the other. And sometimes we do some crafts together - for example, a gift for mom or paper models of some beautiful building that we saw abroad.

Dad almost every summer, sometimes even during the winter holidays, organizes a family trip to some country for us. On some walks and excursions we go only with dad, without mom. In a way, this is even more convenient - we can only outline the path, but basically go as we please. And sometimes dad takes me to places related to Jewish history, culture and religion.

Silina Anastasia, Grade 2

My father's profession.

My dad is a paleontologist. In the caves of the Urals and Bashkiria, he is looking for the bones of extinct cave bears. These bears lived 40 thousand years ago.
My dad washes the collected bones of bears, covers up the cracks and tints them with paints. Then he assembles the skeleton of a bear from the finished bones. The height of the skeleton is more than two meters.
Dad's exhibits are taken by museums around the world and private collectors.
What an amazing dad I have!

Vasya Samulevich, 4th grade

My dad's talents.

My dad works as a cabinetmaker. He can cut down a tree, saw it into boards and make anything out of them; carved doors, beautiful stairs, oak furniture decoration table, armchairs, chairs. He can come up with all sorts of beautiful things. My dad has his own workshop. He works there on machine tools or cuts wood with special tools - chisels. My dad shows me his tools and teaches me how to use them. I can handle a hammer, a planer, a saw, an axe, a small grinder, a jigsaw, a drill. Here are the things my dad did.

Podkokho Vladislav, 5th grade

"Together with dad..."

I love spending time with my dad. We love to travel to different places. For example, summer fishing. When we arrive in the forest, Rostik and I run to collect dry branches, there are a lot of them to collect! We fold branches and light a fire. Then we take out fishing rods, put worms on them, throw them into the water and wait. Dad and I put mugs on pike. To do this, we sit in a boat and sail further from the shore.

My dad can do a lot: light a fire with the first match, quickly set up a tent and even cook soup! And he imitates the voices of different birds.

Dad loves not only summer fishing, but also winter fishing. Sometimes he takes us with him. It was very interesting! At first we walked for a long time on thick ice. The snow was thin, the ice was not. The frost was strong. When I looked at my footprint in the sun, it sparkled and sparkled. The wind made waves on the snow. It felt like a small ocean was raging. Dad took out drills, gave one to me, and began to drill ice with others. It was not very easy, but together we managed fishing was a success!

But dad is not only a good fisherman, he is well versed in cars, he can do everything around the house, he always helps mom.
I like the way my dad draws. He is especially good at military equipment, both ancient and modern. He is fond of history and interestingly tells us about the war. And in the evenings we like to play chess with him and talk.
What a wonderful dad I have!

On February 15, in the secondary school No. 215, in honor of the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland, first-graders gave their dads an unusual gift - their essays “My dad is a wonderful father!”, which surprised all dads, grandfathers, mothers, grandmothers present at this holiday.

The kids, who studied at school for only 5 months, wrote words of gratitude and gratitude to their parents. With their children's declarations of love to dads, they moved everyone present at this holiday to tears.

We offer you excerpts from these works!

Nemolochnova Tatyana Vladimirovna, primary school teacher

I'm proud of my dad! He is smart and talented, tall and handsome, very strong, sweet and well-mannered, alluring and dexterous, courageous and purposeful. I am like dad in that we sit the same way and walk the same way.

My dad is different from others in that he is hardworking. Dad works a lot. Whatever is asked of him, he always does. He loves to help everyone and is always ready for anything. Dad knows how to build everything. He also loves to relax. When I grow up, I will take care of my dad and help him with the housework in everything.

Dad loves our whole family: mom and us, because we are his children. My dad loves my mom very much. And mom loves dad. She buys him clothes and shoes. Well, in general, everything. Mom and dad love to talk together and watch TV together.

Mom and I always see goodness from dad. Our dad is kind, affectionate, polite and does not offend anyone. He buys gifts for the whole family and arranges all sorts of surprises for us.

Dad, thank you for playing with me and buying me everything I ask for: toys, food and other things.

My dad loves me and he feels my love for him too. Together with dad, we love to kindle a fireplace and watch TV. My dad loves to play with me. He often plays with me at something and helps me in everything. My dad also likes to teach me everything. I want dad to continue to always help me in everything, play with me and buy everything for me.

I love my dad and affectionately call him "daddy" and "daddy". I'm good with my dad! And without dad, you can’t play, you can’t work out, you can’t do anything.

Semyon Sagalovich, 7 years 3 months

My dad loves my mom and me more than anyone in the world.

Mom chose my dad because he is handsome, smart, hardworking, affectionate, attentive, not greedy. Dad does not feel sorry for mom money. She doesn't even ask him about it. Mom respects dad. She treats him well and does everything for him. Dad needs mom to cook meals, wash clothes and watch movies together. Dad helps mom around the house. Mom and dad are friends. They never quarrel. The three of us with dad and mom are walking on the street. Once they took me to the lake.

I love my dad because he treats me well, treats me politely and affectionately calls me "Sunshine". I love to call him "Daddy". When I was little, he carried me in his arms, taught me to crawl and walk.

My dad is handsome, well-mannered, funny, diligent, sensitive. He is respectful by nature. I look like my dad with hair, eyes, hands, lips.

I respect my dad because he is strong. He likes to play sports with me, play catch-up. He goes skating with me. Teaches me how to play chess. Always helps me to do some crafts. Together with dad, we play my favorite games on the computer. I like to ride a snowmobile with him, play different games at home. We also like to play hide and seek with dad. First, he will hide somewhere in a big place, and then when he gets out, he makes a funny face. Dad, thank you for playing and walking with me. I love you!

My dad is not greedy, he treats me to everything delicious. Buys me sweets, marmalade, caramels, chocolates, magazines, coloring books and small toys.

My dad can write well and drive a car. Dad does all sorts of good things for me. He helps me and our family. I love and adore him. He is very sweet and kind.

Without a dad, I feel bad, sad, bored, sad, not fun. Without it, I have a bad and sad mood. I need dad in order to cook for us, eat with him, tidy up my room, take a walk together, go up the hill. And also when mom is not at home to talk to me. I always ask how he is doing at work.

I take care of my dad and want him to be happy. I will always protect him, even when he is old. I will treat it myself.

I want dad to always play with me and we often walk with the whole family. I'm going to teach him how to make a snowman. I dream that my dad always treats me with care.

My dad loves and respects me. I feel his love. Dad does not wish harm to anyone and will always share everything he has with others. He is the best dad in the world!

My dad needs me to have someone to do homework with and someone to play with.

When you have a dad, it's good!

When I become an adult, I will need a smart, caring, handsome, strong, courageous husband. Also, to be able to drive a car. He was not greedy and always helped people. I will teach my children to treat grandparents well. Even better, I will teach them to cook soup for their grandparents, buy them new clothes and shoes.

Alisa Volchkova, 7 years 9 months

I have a super-dad, because he loves his children very much.

Dad has a pretty face. He is handsome! And I look like him. My dad is the most handsome, the strongest and the smartest! He's also so funny and always makes me laugh! In general, a cool and kind dad!

He loves me very much and never hurts me. My dad is kind to me. Always kisses me. He loves me and gives me flowers. Dad does me good, and I love him for it. Dad teaches lessons with me. I read it to him and then I retell it. Dad loves it.

I listen to my dad and love him very much. I always protect him and kiss him. He is very good and fun with me.

Dad buys me sweets and various sweets. Knows how to cook food. When my mother is not at home, he cooks potatoes, pasta and soup for me. He is a hero, my dad!

We need dad to earn money for us and to make sure that no one at home indulges. He also takes care of all of us, and about my mother, and about Van, and about my grandmother and about me.

I wish dad that he does not waste time in vain and manages everything everywhere.

Together with dad, we love to play with toy trains on the children's railway. I love working with my dad on the computer. Dad knows how to play football with his friends. I saw it. And he plays hide and seek with me. He also knows how to play other games.

Mom and dad are friends. Therefore, they got married in order to live together and take care of each other. They have a strong love from the heart. Dad needs mom. He gives her flowers because she loves him.

My mother loves her husband, my father, very much. They kiss together. Dad knows how to dance waltz with mom. Gives her good and beautiful gifts. Mom loves dad because he is handsome and gives her flowers.

I'm good with my dad. So that he does not get bored and not sad, I play fun games with him. Dad must be protected so that nothing happens to him, and that he will always be my dad.

Anna Romanova, 7 years 6 months

I address my dad like this: "daddy, daddy, daddy." I'm glad to call him that. I generally get on well with him. My dad calls me Igorek, Igoryosha, Igoryanych. He treats me kindly. He never yells at me or hits me. Proud of me and the fact that I'm a good student.

Dad can cook, clean, lift weights, drive a car, make everything and earn money. He also knows how to take care of his family.

My dad is different from other dads in character. Unlike other dads, he is kind, affectionate, cheerful and joyful. Everyone respects him.

And dad looks like this: tall, handsome, strong, smart and very hardworking. I think he is the best of all dads! He and I are identical in person. I have the same brown eyes and black hair as my dad.

I love and appreciate my dad. He feels it and understands that I will do everything for him. When I grow up, I will always help my dad, take care of him, buy everything for him.

I love my dad because he feeds me, clothes me and loves me.

My dad always takes care of me. I see goodness from him. My dad does this for me: he buys clothes, toys, books and everything for school. I want to thank my dad for taking me to another country. I need my dad so that he can bring me up, feed me, buy fashionable clothes and protect me.

It's good to have a dad because he does everything for our family. I feel bad without my dad. I take care of my dad and I want him not to die. If he gets tired, I help him.

I want my dad to be even better. I dream of flying with him on an airplane to other countries.

My dad needs me to be affectionate, kind and help him in everything. I'm cool for dad. Dad loves me, appreciates and protects.

My dad loves all our good family and takes care of us. More than anything, dad loves silence, peace and relaxation.

I love doing crafts with my dad, making things, playing all sorts of games, for example, football. I like to do anything with my dad, especially to talk about something.

When I grow up, I will treat my wife with tenderness. I will work for her. I will protect her. I will take care of my children and take care of them. I will do everything good for them: buy them clothes and all sorts of toys. I will teach my children how to treat my dad. And that you can’t laugh at old grandfathers.

Igor Marchenko, 8 years 1 month

If my dad were alive, I would treat him well and be proud of him. Dad used to be a master of sports in swimming. He knew how to drag loads, collect hammers, knives and all sorts of things.

My dad was different from other dads with kindness. He repaired pipes and furniture for everyone. Everyone respected my dad for that.

For my mother, my father bought jewelry, and toys for me. He also bought perfume for his mother and gave her his love. Mom chose my dad because he was strong, handsome and very, very smart. My mom loved dad. She cooked his meals, washed his clothes and looked after him. Dad helped mom wash the dishes, clean the house and go shopping. Mom and dad loved to walk together. My father loved my mother very much.

When he was alive, he loved me very much. He bought me sweets and fruits. He took me on sports horses, took me to the zoo, rode me in his car. Dad was proud of me because I was the first to swim in the swimming competition. Together with my dad, we loved to play football.

Even a lot of time has passed since that moment. My dad did so many good things for me. Treated me like an angel. He called me "Savushka". I called my dad "Daddy handsome" and daddy.

I loved my dad, followed him and kissed him. When dad did something, he always needed me to bring tools and serve everything. My dad loved and knew how to work. He was industrious.

Dads are needed to raise their children. And I need a dad to raise me. It's very good to have a dad. He buys everything. And without a dad, it's so bad and boring. I am grateful to my dad for buying me clothes and toys.

My dad was tall and tough. In general, a strong man and a dodger. And by nature - good, well-mannered, affectionate. I look like my dad in my eyes, nose and ears.

Dad played with me, took me shopping, bought trips for me and my mom. My dad and I loved to go to the sea together, to the entertaining carnival. Thanks to dad for organizing all kinds of Christmas trees for me and buying gifts. And most importantly, my father loved my mother.

When I grow up, I will be a good husband and father. I will protect my wife. And so that she will always be good and beautiful, I will buy her jewelry. I will buy toys for my children and take them to Christmas trees. I will teach them to ride a bike and play football.

I will try to make my children grow up obedient and smart. I will teach them to love my old mother.

Saveliy Petrov, 7 years 9 months old

My dad loves our whole family and we love him a lot. Thank you dad for doing so many good things for us. He is kind and takes care of everyone. I need my dad to help put away toys, buy clothes and play with me.

Dad loves me very well: strong, brave, bold. I feel it in my heart when he hugs me. Dad needs me to love me, teach lessons with me and buy toys for me and my brother.

My dad is good, smart, strong, brave, brave, cool. My dad plays football with me. Sometimes, when he has free time, he rides with me down the hill. Walks with me to the store. Buys me everything I ask, good and different. I love my dad because he walks with me and rides in a car.

I like my dad. I love him very much. He is good and hardworking. Never offends anyone. I look like dad in my eyes, face and figure.

My dad loves to work. He knows how to make money. Still knows how to be good. He brings me different gifts: sweets, chocolates.

Together with my dad, I love to teach lessons. I like to walk with him on the street, go to the forest, to the park and watch different animals there. It is interesting to play tennis together. I like to go to the bathhouse with my dad and swim there. It's great to pour cold water with dad.

My dad is different from other dads in size, shape, height, eyes, different feelings and courage. I respect my dad for helping me with everything. He also likes to help his mother.

My mom needs dad to go to the store and carry heavy shopping bags from there. Dad takes care of mom and helps her with everything. My dad liked my mom because he is handsome, good and brave. My dad needs a mom to love him.

If dad gets old, I will take care of him, I will obey him, I will earn money for him, I will help him in everything, I will always love and protect him very much.

When I grow up, I will behave well in my family. I will always love and protect my wife. I will not scold my children, but I will love them very much and buy them a lot of toys. I will never hit my children. I will feed them deliciously and play well with them. I will try to make sure my children never cry. I will visit my parents with my children.

With all my heart I wish my dad good, love, joy, peace. For everything in his life to come true. May he never get sick and live long. To be kinder, stronger and even stronger loved our family.

Danil Dembinsky, 6 years 7 months

I think that when I was not in the world, then my father and mother were bored without me. Now my dad is playing with me. Teaches me to be smart. He educates me to be good. Speaks to me. It always cools the room so that I don't feel hot. He looks at me kindly and does not get angry. And I try to be good for him. He calls me "son" and nothing else.

I love to ride downhill with my dad. I like to play snowballs with him, go shopping, watch movies together, fix something. When dad is busy with something, I like to play near him. I love my dad and he loves me.

Dad is good with me. If I don't exist, then who will help him?

All dads work very hard and for a long time. And, of course, they all get tired. My dad gets very tired at work. You can see it when he comes home. I always wait for my dad from work. When I open the door to the hallway for my dad, he immediately feels my love. And I see that he loves me and misses me.

I am kind to my dad. I call him "Daddy" and I serve him everything. I love my dad because he helps me with everything.

Dad, thank you for letting me sleep with my mom.

Dad is the best in our family! He is good, kind, funny, hardworking, handsome, smart, tall, big, secret. My dad knows how to weld pipes and fasten wheels to his car. Sometimes in my "childhood" something breaks, my dad will always fix everything for me. He is a good dad. He knows everything and helps everyone. Dad loves me very much, even I can't do that!

Dad helps mom to cook, put things in order, celebrate the New Year and birthdays.

Mom loves dad and I love him too. She cooks very good and tasty food for dad. Then we all eat it together. Dad needs my mom so he doesn't get bored. Dad, thank you mom is good with you.

Dads are needed in the world to protect everyone. Our dad loves his family because his family is good. Without a dad, it's very bad and scary. I protect my dad so that he does not die and that he is not killed. I will always take good care of my dad because he is my dad!

Daniil Satovsky, 7 years 2 months

My dad is kind to me. He calls me: "the sun, the hare, the kitten, the bear, the clever girl, the charm." My dad is affectionate, caring, nice, smart, brave, proud, assiduous, balanced, black-haired. And he differs from other dads in that he is handsome, kind and good. I look like my dad with eyes and eyebrows.

I want dad to always remain as handsome and never die. I also want to wish him happiness. I love my dad very much and he loves me. I need a dad to love me and mom. I like to go shopping with my dad. He buys me ice cream, sweets, chocolates and gives me money. I bought a beautiful collar for my cat. My dad loves me and often gives me good gifts. He gave me a down jacket, a big doll, 53 baby elephants, tigers, and a beautiful bouquet of roses for my birthday.

In the summer, together with dad, we like to walk in the park. At the dacha we throw cones with him. We also help grandma and grandpa in the garden. At home we play hide-and-seek, checkers, chess. I love driving with my dad. I believe that if I didn’t have a dad, then I wouldn’t have anyone to play with. Dad is good, but dad is bad. I dream that my dad always plays with me and walks.

I know that dad likes to help me with my studies. Mom helps to cook every time. Thank you mom for choosing such a hardworking dad.

Dad knows how to lift the bar and me with the cat Boris. Thanks to dad that he loves me and mom and Bosey. I love my sweet daddy very much, because he is a sweetheart. My dad will never hurt anyone.

I love my dad and take care of him. If he comes home tired from work, I clean the bath for him, and my mother cooks delicious food for him. When my dad has finished eating, I clean up after him. I always protect my dad and worry about him. For his birthday and New Year's, I gave him bears.

When I grow up and have children, I will love them very much. I want my husband to be handsome, kind, affectionate and, of course, hardworking, like dad.

Dad needs me so he can love me. When I grow up, and if my dad gets sick, I will take care of him. I will also buy sausage and medicine for him.

My mom loves my dad. She treats him with respect and kindness. He lovingly calls him Igorek, Igoryosha. She cooks a delicious roast for him. I am very glad that mom loves dad. She loves him for all the good things he has done in her life. Recently, dad gave mom delicious perfume and a large beautiful bouquet of different flowers. He takes me and my mother to different cities. My mom needs my dad because she loves him. I know that my dad will never leave us.

Mom and I love dad, and dad loves both mom and me.

Polina Osipova, 8 years 2 months

Dad loves life, the whole world and our whole family, which gave him happiness. Dad loves us very much - his children. He takes care of us. We love, appreciate and respect our dad. We need him to complete our family and make our lives joyful and full of love. My dad is kind. He loves everyone. Always cares and worries about relatives, relatives and friends. Appreciates and respects everyone around him. He has a pure heart and a kind soul. Dad is affectionate, gentle, caring, good, benevolent, patient, understanding, joyful, entertaining, skillful, accurate, hardworking, skilled. I'm glad I have it! My dad is the best in the world! He helps me do my homework and collect my portfolio. He likes to play computer games with me. We play and have fun together with dad. He loves to play with me. I also love it when my dad and I play with a cat. Sometimes in the morning we go to "Mega" and "Carnival". I like to read, write, solve examples, go on trips, relax with my dad. I love to go with him to the store for CDs, for magazines, for books, for toys, for gifts. My dad allows me everything. It would be nice if dad would devote even more time to me. And so that we go for walks together as often as possible.

I am very proud of my dad and respect him. I love my dad because he loves me. I'm glad I have such a wonderful dad! He needs me for love and to have someone to tell everything he knows. You can learn a lot from your dad. My dad is well versed in cars, in TVs, in computer games, in hockey, in football, in airplanes, in the seas, in the stars, in constellations, in houses, in the world around us, in people and animals, in things and shoes, in food, and also in Russian and mathematics. Dad likes to learn everything about new brand cars. What are their capabilities, speeds, engines and interiors.

I am very similar to my dad in my eyes, eyebrows, character and the fact that I am calm. Dad loves me and I love him. He cares for me tenderly. Gives me comfort. He always makes me laugh, makes me laugh and asks interesting questions. Dad loves me because I love him. He feels my love because of how I spend my time with him. I read car magazines to him, I watch TV with him, I help him choose wheels, I go out with him, I respect him.

When I grow up, I will love my dad even then. I will take good care of him and help him. I will try to spend more time with my dad, see him often, communicate more and provide him with everything he needs. I will help him with housing and will celebrate all the holidays with him. I will try to make sure that he lives well, happily, joyfully and that he is satisfied with this. I want my dad to always be healthy.

My future husband should be well-mannered, polite, affectionate, caring, sensitive, hardworking, athletic, smart and like my dad. I want my husband, as a protector, to take care of our children with him. Also to love and appreciate me. Together we will teach children to respect our parents. We will explain to them that it is impossible to offend the elderly, but we must love them, help them and take care of them. You can learn a lot from old and smart people.

I am very glad that my mother chose our father. She loves him, and he loves her. Mom and dad are always and everywhere together. Dad needs mom because it is easier, happier and more confident to live with her. Dad needs mom's support, affection, love, care, valuable advice and help. Mom and dad love me and my brother, and we love them. They gave us life.

Our family is the most important thing for me. It is more precious than any gold and any money. Both my mother and my brother and I are very happy with our dad. We are happy because we are all together. I want our family to always have a lot of happiness, love and joy.

Dad, thank you for your love, affection, care and warmth. Thanks again for my mother, for my brother, for yourself. I love you, appreciate and respect you. You are the best dad in the whole wide world and in the whole universe!

Daria Chistyakova, 8 years 8 months

I am proud of my dad and the fact that he was in the military and fought. My dad is a colonel. He knows how to endure everything. I'm surprised he's so strong. He endured even the strongest - it was fourteen days to be without me.

Dad used to play football and was a goalkeeper. He has a bronze medal. Dad is proud of me and also that I am smart, kind, beautiful, well-mannered and always understand his punishment.

My dad has many friends. I can't even count how many there are. They are all kind. They learned from my dad to be kind, help the poor, pity them and support them in difficult times. Everyone loves and respects my dad, because he is smart, strong and kind. He spares nothing for others.

I am like my dad in face, character, thoughts, talent, love for learning, for history, for the computer, for animals, for others, for nature and for my mother. A little bit more, we are similar in appetite. Every five minutes we want to eat with him. This is so funny and good. We still have the same love for each other.

My dad knows how to think well with his head and show tricks. Knows how to understand what I feel. Knows how to calm me down, pity and make me laugh. Able to speak beautifully, write in printed and written letters, solve very difficult problems and examples. He knows how to play bowling, football, tennis. Able to swim, skate, run fast. Can read Russian and English. Well, just a super dad! And he teaches me this.

My dad is cheerful, cultured, big, good and hardworking. Likes extreme. By nature, he is affectionate, sweet, well-mannered, joyful. He is not greedy and not mean. He cares about money for his family. He pities everyone. Never offends anyone and does not mock anyone.

My dad knows how to save money. He figured out how to teach me this. No need to buy something new, because you can do it yourself. And it will be better than in the store. This turned out to be true.

Dad, thank you very much for teaching me everything as a child. Thank you for your support in my performances and concerts.

My dad is different from other dads with a smart, cheerful head, love for his child and, of course, for his wife.

When I grow up, I will take care of my dad like this: cook for him, make the bed and buy things. I will spend all my money on it. When dad gets old, I will never be rude to him.

When I become an adult, I will need a husband who loves to eat, sports, animals. I also want him to be smart, inquisitive, educated, cultured, neat, strong, hardworking, cheerful, kind and cheerful. Basically like my dad. I will treat my children kindly. I will explain to them that their old grandparents are my mom and dad. I will teach my children to respect them and help them. And I myself will buy medicines for my elderly parents and take them to the hospital.

My mother chose dad as her husband because they have been together since the age of twelve. He was already kind even then. He loved animals, helped the old and the poor. He hoped that when he grew up, he would be smart and teach his children what he himself could do. And so, when dad grew up, mom chose him.

Mom loves dad very, very much. Treats him with respect and kindness. Take care of him and feed him. Treat him gently. And my father loves my mother dearly. Sometimes it happens, of course, that they quarrel, but their quarrels quickly stop. They are great with me and understand that you can’t quarrel in front of children. I'm glad I have such understanding parents. In our family, there is always peace, peace, friendship and, of course, a great cheerful mood. I feel good that I have parents - such important family members.

Dad and mom love to clean the house, cook food, eat together, prepare holidays for me, choose a gift for me, watch TV, talk, discuss various things. Mom and dad love almost everything the same. They do a lot together, which means their love. But most of all together they love me.

Dad needs mom to cook him food, wash and iron clothes, and help in all sorts of adult affairs. And most importantly, that she loved him and cared for him. Dad worries about mom when she is sick. If something doesn’t work out for mom, dad will quickly find a way out of the situation and immediately all mom’s problems are solved. He gives his mother various gifts.

Mom needs dad so that he can replace her in household chores when she is not at home. My dad does it once and again and you're done! Mom sees only good things from dad. Dad is renovating the house. Dad is so hardworking!

Having a dad is great and wonderful! Because mom is always at work or busy with something. And with whom to talk and watch TV? With whom to walk and jump who is taller? With whom to teach lessons and exercise? And if there were no dads, then the children would have no one to play with and no one to go shopping with. When mom gets sick, with whom to go to the pharmacy for medicines for her? It's bad without a dad. What to eat when mom is not? With whom to go for delicious?

I need a dad to help me in everything and take care of me. I love my dad and respect him a lot. I see a lot of happiness and goodness from him. I always treat him with respect, love and joy. I treat my dad in a good way and never joke with him in a bad way. I never hate him.

At home, I affectionately call my dad like this: "Good dad, cool dad, super dad, champion, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, great talent, smart, well done, dad of the year." My dad is the best dad in the world and in the whole world! For me, he really is "Dad of the Year."

Dad needs me so that he can be proud that I'm a good student. And so that he can sometimes rely on me in difficult times. And so that he would not be bored, I can both amuse him and make him laugh. He also needs me in order to have someone to love. My dad loves me more than anyone in the world, because he must at least love someone. That's why he loves me. I am dearer to him than anyone, because I am his only daughter.

I take care of my dad. I never want him to go to work. I miss him every second. I always call him. I want my dad and I to always be there. We are always together on weekends. When he is at home, I do not leave him and do not take my eyes off him. I always want to save money to spend on my dad.

My dad feels my love, because I always turn to him with good wishes, and sometimes with good advice. I help prepare meals. Sometimes I cook food for him. I never regret anything for him. My dad is a wonderful person!

I wish dad happiness and health. So that he lives for a long, long time and waits for my children, his grandchildren. And, of course, that they listen to him. He had only good moments in his life. I managed to do everything I planned. So that all daddy's dreams come true.

My dad loves me deeply and deeply. He is always very upset when I'm not around. I know that he loves me more than anyone in the world. No regrets for me. He never offends me and does not wish me bad. When I am upset or offended by someone, he will always take pity on me. I appreciate it. Sometimes, when I work around the house and try, my dad praises me.

Dad not only pities me, but also respects me. Gives me a good mood. Makes me laugh and amuses, plays with me. Helps me to do different crafts. My dad loves me and teaches me everything. He is very clever. Thanks to my dad, I have fresh ideas in my head.

I love spending time with my dad. Play bowling, tennis, football and other board games with him. I love going to the ice town with him, riding horses, exercising and exercising. I love talking with my dad, studying and reading. I like to ride with him: on a carousel, in a car, on a bicycle, down a hill.

In the store, dad himself chooses the most expensive gift for me. Buys me sweets, CDs, cartoons, toys, clothes, cosmetics. She dresses me nicely. Buys me things for school and everything I need for my birthday. Takes me for walks on weekends. Treats me well.

Now I dream about my dad buying me a kitten, a new Lego set and a little pink pony. I want him and me to go on trips more often and for him to ride horses for me.

I like to have lunch with my dad in a cafe or at home. When friends come to me, he feeds us all. And I like it - to eat delicious with friends and with dad.

I love dad very much! He calls me: "Daughter, Zhenechka, beauty, needlewoman." It's so nice to hear that!

In life, dads are needed so that children can not worry if their mother gets sick. I need my dad to play with me when my mom is at work. He helps my mom heal me when I'm sick. Once he cured me himself. I had a temperature of 39 and 9. He cooled me down and quickly cured me. And if I'm cold, he warms me. When I get sick, he always heals me himself, treats my wounds. In the morning he always walks me to the bus.

From dad I see only goodness, immeasurable by anything. Probably, only I have such a caring dad.

My dad is a wonderful father! He loves me so much and deeply. At the fathers' championship, he would take first place because how to love, respect, appreciate your children and how to deal with them. He would be recognized as the most ideal father. Such dads should be erected monuments! I don't doubt it.

Evgeniya Krotenko, 7 years 4 months

You probably liked these touching and sincere stories of first-graders about their dads. We are waiting for stories about our dads and from your kids! Send stories and photos and they will definitely appear on the site so that everyone can get to know our wonderful u-dads!


Every morning at our house starts about the same. Through my sleep, I hear my father and mother getting ready for work. Get up soon for me. So do not want! Parents wonder how they can get up so early. But my dad wakes up before my mom. After some time, he wakes up his mother, be sure to kiss her. From this moment begins the daily life in our family.

Our family is dad, mom, older sister, grandmother, me and dog Ricky. But I want to tell you about my dad - Sergei Alexandrovich Nechaev. He is 44 years old. He works at the Kola Nuclear Power Plant as a leading engineer - the head of the group for the operation of technical training facilities of the training unit.

Dad is valued and respected at work by his colleagues. And his female colleagues even consult with him on everyday issues, because he is very smart and talented, strong and kind. He is fluent in English without an accent, which is noted by his foreign colleagues.

My dad has an incredible sense of humor, sometimes we all just “die” together from laughing at his jokes. At the same time, my father teaches me such qualities as courage, responsibility, determination, courage. True, I have not succeeded, but still ahead.

I love to play with my dad and the dog, it can be very noisy and fun.

My dad, like a real man, doesn't talk about love, he makes it. We know and feel it. He knows how to protect our family, solve all problems quickly, but at the same time he is very worried when someone is in trouble. My dad knows that being a father is a responsible mission, but for him it is not at all boring and quite doable.

Dad loves mom very much, he can’t live a day without her, even when she goes to the store, after half an hour she is already worried and calls her. He often gives her flowers. Sometimes they quarrel, but dad is always the first to reconcile, because he does not know how to pout and be offended for a long time. Outwardly, dad seems harsh, but by nature he is kind and gentle.

Dad and I are similar in appearance - we have the same brown eyes, gait and even some habits. We like to watch TV together and discuss books and films about the war. Sometimes mom says that we talk to dad in an alien language.

My dad and I love to travel and visit different countries. Dad taught me to swim, dive, play billiards.

I like to go shopping with my dad for computer disks with games, magazines, books.

My dad loves to give us gifts, and at the same time he manages to give them a month before the event, but he can’t give them on the day of the holiday.

My dad is the biggest and most important person for me. I want him to never get sick and live long.