Toasts with meaning. Beautiful toasts, original toasts, cool toasts, beautiful toast.

February 23

P pronounce beautiful speeches behind festive table- this is a whole science that needs to be learned. Even with a great desire, it may not be possible to pronounce the first time beautiful toast, which will interest everyone sitting at the table and concentrate their attention on the speaker himself. Very often anxiety gets in the way, and some people simply lack the ability to formulate their thoughts beautifully and correctly. In this case, beautiful toasts can come to the rescue. In this form folk art hidden is a very large and deep wisdom that is relevant at any time. A beautiful toast can be chosen specifically for a specific occasion, then it will sound appropriate and become a bright accent of the entire holiday, and guests will definitely be interested in where such beautiful words come from.

Get up and pour a full cup in the morning,
Do not grieve about the untruth that reigns in the world.
If justice was the law in the world,
You wouldn't be the last one in this world.

My advice: always be drunk and in love.
To be dignified and important is not worth the trouble.
Not needed by the almighty Lord God
Neither your mustache, friend, nor my beard!
It's good if your dress no holes.
And it’s not a sin to think about your daily bread.
And everything else is not needed for nothing -
Life is more valuable than wealth and honors of all.
Before you were born you didn't need anything
And having been born, you are doomed to need everything.
Only after throwing off the oppression of an insatiable body,
You will become free, like God, rich again


The escape of despondency-crime grows in the soul,
Until the entire book of pleasure has been read.
Seize the joys and drink wine greedily:
Life is short, alas! Her moments fly by.


For our lives we'll reach the bottom,
Although it's worth a penny.
In this world there is a trap at every step.
I did not live even a day of my own free will.
They make decisions in heaven without me,
And then they call me a rebel!
All that will happen: both evil and good - in half -
The eternal law has prescribed for us in advance.
Every step is destined in heavenly tablets.
There is no point in us suffering and being sad.
What good is our prayers and incense?
Only those who do not end up in hell will go to heaven.
What will be destined for someone's birth -
Before the beginning of creation, God approved!
“We must live,” we are told, “in fasting and labor.
As you live, so you will rise again! »
I am inseparable from my friend and a cup of wine -
So that you can wake up at the Last Judgment.
Leaves of the tree of life given to me
In the winter cold they also burn in the spring fire.
Drink wine, don't worry. Follow the wise advice:
Drown all your worries in sparkling wine.


Whether you are a caliph or a market beggar,
Ultimately, everyone has the same price.
So drink wine! It contains the source of immortality and light,
It contains the blossoms of spring and past summers.

And warm sun rays
And women's joyful smiles,
When the light in nature is so unstable,
Pour champagne into the glass!


Oh, if I were stagnant! -
The elderly rake sighed.
- And then there is such a recession,
That I’m not happy about my love!
So that we don't know peace,
During the years of this stagnation!

Hurry up to love everyone,
For everything is transitory and perishable.
Hurry to love everyone,
For people pass by like a dream...
What is there to groan, what is there to gasp,
It's better to throw away the stack.

Don't envy someone who is strong and rich.
Sunset always follows dawn.
With this short life, equal to a sigh,
Treat it as if it was rented to you.
Instead of gold and pearls with amber
We will choose another wealth for ourselves:
Take off your clothes, cover your body with old clothes,
But even in pathetic rags - remain a king!
Since your mind has not comprehended the eternal laws -


Dispersing the blood through the veins,
Came to us through the distance of centuries
Toast of Siberian old-timers,
Old people's wishes:
So that there is something strong,
May things go sourly!
To drink!
To eat! I wish I could!


Let the spruce groan, let the blizzard cry,
Let the darkness of night outside the window,
And here it is as bright as the sun of the south.
Friends, my hot toast to you!


When we pick up a glass,
When there are such roses all around,
It’s as if he squeezed the sky in a fistful,
It's like mimosas are blooming!


It's funny to worry about petty intrigues.
Since God in heaven is always great -
Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment.
How long will you mourn and grieve, Friend,
Lament that life is slipping from your hands?
Drink intoxicating wine, indulge in pleasures,
Having fun, complete the destined circle!


Fill the rustling of years with the murmur of alcohol,
Because, as one poet said,
There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will,
Which, unfortunately, doesn’t exist either.


If your head is full of smart thoughts,
but you can’t say a toast,
Don't be upset: you may just be a fool.
Here's to the wise men, whose heads are filled with beautiful nonsense!

A lonely traveler walked along the steppe.
Suddenly he sees a group of cheerful people sitting
and invites him to join them.
He came and stayed. But he didn't like these people.
And the traveler went further. He walked and walked and saw again:
Another group sat around the fire with guitars.
He was also invited to sit.
Having accepted the offer, he again realized that they
are not suitable for his rebellious soul.
I moved on. And... in the steppe he was torn apart by jackals.
So let's drink to this
what if someone doesn't like our company -
let the jackals tear it apart!

A log has been thrown across a mountain gorge.
And local residents scurry back and forth along this log.
But for tourists who come to these regions,
Such a crossing inspires fear.
In this case, an instructor is always on duty at the bridge.
He himself carries tourists along the log one by one
and takes one ruble for it.
One day the thought occurred to him: to earn money
two rubles each, i.e. carry two at once.
And so he took on two tourists
and set off. But the burden turned out to be too heavy.
He stopped in the middle of the log. Thought:
- Why the hell do I need... an extra ruble?
So let’s drink so that we too sometimes think:
Do we need an extra ruble?

There was a goat on the mountain.
An eagle flew across the sky, saw a goat,
grabbed it and flew on.
A hunter was standing on the ground, saw an eagle and shot.
The eagle fell like a stone onto the grass, and the goat flew on!
So let's drink so that our eagles are not killed,
but the goats did not fly.

The more we search for the meaning of life,
the less of it there is in our lives.
And vice versa. Rejecting the meaning of life,
we fill our lives with more meaning.
So let’s not look for adventures on our own heads!

Erich Maria Remarque sits in a rocking chair
and reflects on life:
"No, life was not lived in vain. I wrote several
good books, I am known all over the world, I fought
with fascism... But still Hemingway writes better than me!”
Hemingway is standing on the deck of his boat at this time.
in the Caribbean Sea, a pipe in my mouth,
waits for a big fish and thinks:
"Damn it! I lived like a real man!
Worked like an ox, fought against fascism,
I had a lot of fame, money, women,
I hunted elephants and rhinoceroses... And yet...
And yet Platonov writes better than me!”
Friends! Let's drink to beautiful, good envy!

The Indian king was bathing in a bathhouse.
The barber shaved his head.
Suddenly he brought the razor to the monarch’s throat and said:
“Give me your daughter as my wife!”
The king was amazed and frightened and promised
fulfill his request.
Coming out of the bathhouse, he asked his chief adviser:
- How did he dare to seek my daughter’s hand in marriage?!
- Apparently, he had a treasure under his feet,
That’s why he’s so impudent,” the adviser replied.
They dismantled the floor of the bathhouse, and it turned out that
that underneath it is full of gold and silver.
Let's never raise a toast
for the rich bastards!

I want the world of screams not to be known
So that the sorrowful groan is not heard,
I want people to forget quickly
Screams born from the horror of wars.
My toast: May they always be distributed
The sonorous cries of newborns.
My toast: so that the world can hear
Songs of happy people, songs of lovers.
Risk and Prudence meet. “Listen,” says Risk, “let’s join the company and fly to the Sun. " - "So we will burn! " - "No, we flew to the moon, it makes no difference. " - “The difference is no less than between us: you are talking nonsense, and I am talking sense."
Let's drink to prudence and competent risk-taking!
By court decision, the young robber was placed on desert island. Not a bush, not a tree, not a living creature. One camel is nibbling thorn grass. The robber adapted to milk her, and then, driven to despair by loneliness, decided to use her instead of a woman. The camel turned out to be patient. But while the robber was carrying stones, she stood, and as soon as he climbed the built pyramid of love, she immediately took a step forward. The robber was forced to rebuild the pyramid, and again to no avail.
This went on for several weeks. The unfortunate man no longer thought about anything other than solving the deadlocked problem with the camel!
And then one day, after a strong storm, a robber rescues a young fisherman. She was indescribably beautiful. Having recovered from the shock, as a sign of gratitude she offered to her savior:
- Ask for whatever you want!
Throwing a glance towards the camel, the robber joyfully exclaimed:
- Be kind, hold this animal!
Let's drink to timely reorientation!
Let's drink to the spirit of optimism and love of life that I met here! In such a beautiful environment as here, you begin to feel that the clock is fragmenting life too finely, and you want to exclaim: “Stop, just a moment! You are wonderful! »
Let's drink to the wonderful moments of our lives!
Scorpio's wife fell ill. It was necessary to urgently deliver the medicine. Scorpio ran along the road. He ran and ran and found himself on the bank of a flooded river. I saw the Frog and asked to be transported to the other side. “I’m afraid,” answers the Frog. - You'll sting me! " - "How can I sting you if I urgently need to get medicine for my sick wife! - “Okay, sit down,” said the Frog. Scorpio sat on the back of the Frog, and they swam. In the middle of the river, Scorpio finally stung the Frog. “But what are you doing,” cried the Frog. - You promised not to sting! " - “I can’t help it,” Scorpio responded. - That's how shit I am! »
The frog drowned, Scorpio too, his wife died.
Let's drink to the fact that the character of everyone present here at the table is directly opposite to the character of Scorpio!
It's funny to worry about petty intrigues.
Since God in heaven is always great -
Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment.
How long will you mourn and grieve, Friend,
Lament that life is slipping from your hands?
Drink intoxicating wine, indulge in pleasures,
Having fun, complete the destined circle!
For our lives we'll reach the bottom,
Although it's worth a penny.
In this world there is a trap at every step.
I did not live even a day of my own free will.
They make decisions in heaven without me,
And then they call me a rebel!
All that will happen: both evil and good - in half -
The eternal law has prescribed for us in advance.
Every step is destined in heavenly tablets.
There is no point in us suffering and being sad.
What good is our prayers and incense?
Only those who do not end up in hell will go to heaven.
What will be destined for someone's birth -
Before the beginning of creation, God approved! “We must live,” we are told, “in fasting and labor.
As you live, so you will rise again! »
I am inseparable from my friend and a cup of wine -
So that you can wake up at the Last Judgment.
Leaves of the tree of life given to me
In the winter cold they also burn in the spring fire.
Drink wine, don't worry. Follow the wise advice:
Drown all your worries in sparkling wine.
Having filled the mugs, let's not split hairs
And let’s make the first toast like this:
- Let it be good for good people
And according to their merits it’s bad - for all the bad ones!
Let's pour some more and remember the saying,
Worthy of loudly boiling rivers:
- Let childhood be short, like a moment,
And let youth last for a whole century!
And for the third time we move the circles together:
- Friend of honor, drink to the bottom! Not half!
Let the sad news pass us by,
And the sons will survive... Amen!
The philosopher Plato was asked:
- You traveled a lot by sea. What was the most surprising thing that happened to you during these voyages?
“The most surprising thing every time,” Plato answered, “was that I eventually landed safely on the shore.”
Let us drink to those who have sailed for a long time on the stormy sea of ​​life, successfully overcoming all the storms and waves.
To be honest, everyone comes into the world with a bag - to wander around the world for happiness. And we walk along roads, straight and roundabout, and seek our happiness.
But the wise Bible says: “The Kingdom of God is within us,” that is, the source of happiness lies in our soul.
So let's drink to ensure that this source flows in full swing!
On the door of one law office it was written: “We serve war participants and disabled people out of turn,” and next to it was written: “We serve participants in the Battle of Kulikovo for free. Today is the 600th anniversary of this historical event. »
Yes... it was a long time ago. As I remember now... we went out onto the field... looked to the right - fuck you! Look to the left - you're in trouble! They looked ahead - honest mother, it’s impossible to count!.. But they prevailed. Let's drink to our victories!
A poltergeist appeared in one house - a voice was talking to everyone. And the people fell upon this miracle, suspecting nothing. But the fact is that the poltergeist was well informed and in the most accusatory manner.
For example, he said to someone coming in: “Well, Petya, your eyes are cracking with conscience: you’re sticking your tongue out at your mother-in-law from behind... Hello, hello, Vasily Ivanovich! Your eyes are cracking with conscience: you steal at work... Ah, Kolya is a heartthrob! How many women do you twist your head and promise to marry? Their eyes are cracking with conscience.” Some of those who entered were stunned and speechless, and some began to make excuses, saying that their eyes were cracking from conscience, but their hearts were rejoicing. Some, especially those who were skilled in the science of life, immediately took a penitential pose, bowed and said: “I am a sinner, father, I am a sinner! “Then the group of exposed people united and enthusiastically shouted to the new arrival: “Well, are your eyes cracking from conscience?” “They’re cracking, they’re cracking,” the poltergeist confirmed... From this story it is clear that everything
We are not without sin.
I drink to our enemies! Let them have everything: a luxurious house, antique furniture, a swimming pool with mineral water, rooms covered with Persian carpets, an American telephone with software control, and let this phone call only: 01, 02, 03!
There is no doubt that life is inexhaustible for invention. unpleasant surprises, amazing with the variety and originality of designs. For example, sitting Friendly family at the table he drinks some tea, fills himself with anecdotes and does not think about the vicissitudes of life, and suddenly - whether you laugh or cry - the wooden floorboards of the old house break and the neighbors from the second floor fall onto the table, however, without any damage to themselves. Hello, our respect to you... Can you imagine the expressiveness of the scene? Or suddenly a black cat crosses the road, you worry and are late for a date. Thus, the main property of life is to throw in all sorts of malicious surprises. What remains for us? Be patient with them. For our resistance to the vicissitudes of fate!
I raise a toast to good mood. I charge your glasses with goodness, laughter, fun, optimism, cheerfulness, friendship, love for each other and all loved ones. After the first drink maybe slight dizziness. You will want to hug each other. After the second glass, lightness and fun will come. You will want to become the hero of today's holiday and invite the most beautiful, most charming girl to dance. After the third glass you will want to fly, rise above everyone. And you will feel good. But I warn you: after the fourth glass you may fall under the table.
I charge your glasses with health, vigor, success!

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Beautiful toasts are most appropriate at a crowded gathering, when the hero of the day is a well-known person, and it is clear in advance that all the events that happened during the celebration will be discussed at least several days after the end of the holiday. They will be good also women's holiday– Mother’s Day or March 8th, because it’s not without reason that they say that women “love with their ears.”

In verse

  • I wish you to visit a fairy tale today,
  • May your eyes shine with happiness!
  • To catch you a golden fish with a seine
  • And so that she can conjure kisses for you!
  • So that you can make any wish
  • And it should be fulfilled right away in the early morning!
  • So that the fish turns out to be the real one,
  • She waved her shiny tail goodbye!
  • So that you can wish for anything you want,
  • And so that it comes true immediately, day or night!
  • I’ll raise a glass to everything and drink it all in one gulp,
  • I don’t mind wishing anything for you!
  • There are many guests at your feast!
  • There were a lot of toasts from your friends!
  • I'll raise a glass to your patience,
  • Because I’ve never met you more patiently!
  • I wish you more perseverance in life,
  • So that there is no adversity, deception, pretense,
  • Respect from people - young and old,
  • And catch the happiness of enormous growth in the palm of your hand!
  • Let it be big, like three watermelons,
  • And it will save you from embarrassment in life!
  • Pour your glass full, we'll drink to it!
  • Behind your big a heart that shines with light!
  • This toast is for you!
  • Holiday - a man is born!
  • I drive away all misfortunes,
  • Let's drink to your happiness!
  • So that it doesn't run away,
  • To lie next to each other,
  • Smiled at you
  • Good luck to you in your destiny!
  • Well, I’ll say a toast, I’m modest!
  • Happy B-day! Peace and health!
  • Brightness, kindness, victories!
  • And let there be light in your soul!
  • There is warmth and affection in the heart!
  • There is magic and a fairy tale in life!
  • At work - only luck!
  • The only way! No other way!
  • Happy birthday congratulations
  • We've got you today!
  • Let them not deceive you
  • Life is a friend, fate is a matchmaker!
  • May your path be
  • Light, thorny,
  • Over your head
  • The sky will be clear!
  • You better pour it
  • Full glasses,
  • We drink to you
  • Life was not enough!
  • Birthday is sacred!
  • Celebrate, so celebrate!
  • Let life not suck!
  • Here's a drink for this!
  • Let everything go well in fate,
  • Longevity awaits you
  • And from now on let you
  • Only one stroke of luck!
  • May success come to you
  • And will stay with you
  • But the soul does not cry bitterly
  • This life is not easy!
  • Happy jam day, sweet day!
  • It's good that we live!
  • I want to drink to my life!
  • Always stay afloat!
  • For difficulties to be encountered,
  • But as little as possible!
  • So that they can be overcome
  • Wisely, serenely!
  • On your birthday
  • I wish you love!
  • My toast to love now!
  • I'm pouring wine!
  • May love be nearby
  • And close people!
  • Passion boils the blood
  • And let there be happiness!
  • I wish you a wise head
  • And strong coffee and tea.
  • And fresh halva in the refrigerator,
  • The soul so that it doesn’t miss its loved ones.
  • I also wish you drunken joy
  • And be in harmony and peace with yourself,
  • So that no one frightens you with war,
  • It's peaceful to live in an apartment.
  • May your heart be joyful,
  • Let it beat hundreds of thirds!
  • I'll raise a glass for you
  • And I will hug you very tightly like a brother!
  • I wish you children
  • Smiled at dawn
  • They gave me the mood
  • And they would love you very much.
  • And I want to be you
  • In the soul of a youngster,
  • To love cartoons
  • And love candy.
  • To rejoice in every little thing,
  • Sleep sweetly at night!
  • We raise our glasses,
  • May fate take care of everything!

In prose in your own words

I wish you easy life paths, joy and May thunderstorms. So that God himself protects you from nonsense. May you feel cozy and comfortable at home. So that there is meaning in life and a dream, and the sun's rays warmed! Let's drink to this, strong wine. May all your dreams come true. And to make them come true, dream more often!


I wish that I don’t have to ask God for repentance! May you live in care, love and harmony. Various disasters passed you by. May every day be fine for you. Don’t have enemies, don’t meet boors. Love all your relatives, especially your mother! And let your home be cozy. I think all your guests will support me! Let's pour strong drinks quickly, let's drink together for making my wishes come true!

There lived love, harmony, respect, affection, kindness and mutual assistance in the world. They walked around the world and visited different houses. But mostly they went into the house good people who strive to help other people. And to those who lived according to their conscience. Now I want to raise a glass to all these wonderful feelings visited the home of everyone sitting at the table. Let your life be bright, rich and interesting!

A chrysanthemum was blooming in one garden. Each of its leaves was incredibly beautiful. Each of its petals was fragrant and had beautiful shape. Many people came to admire this chrysanthemum. Many chrysanthemums were jealous of this chrysanthemum. After all, they were less lush and attractive. I want to drink to you being a lush chrysanthemum, the most attractive and charming. Let everyone admire you and not be able to take their eyes off you!

There are many treasures on earth. There are diamonds, there is gold, there are emeralds. For some, oil is a treasure. I want to toast that your treasure is not what glitters, but what makes you feel happier. Let love fill your heart, may care surround you. Let the beauty of your soul inspire wonderful deeds. For the treasure of your life!

One wise old Georgian said:

If you want to be happy for one day, get drunk.

If you want to be happy for a week, get sick.

If you want to be happy for one month, get married!

If you want to be happy for one year, have a mistress.

If you want to be happy all your life, be healthy, dear.

Beautiful toast

As I fill my glass, I mentally measure out to you all the full measure of all the best things in life! I would like to propose a toast to everyone gathered here today, to our great mood and our common joyful holiday!

Toast original

We all strive to be strong, persistent, purposeful. Life usually bends to those who are stubborn. Let's drink to those moments when she indulges us and gives us chances for luck as a reward for past achievements

Beautiful toast

Dear sister, I congratulate you on beautiful day when everyone looks at you with admiration. You are basking in the rays of happiness and fun.: Champagne is sparkling: friends and girlfriends toast in your honor. May this magical holiday state be with you always. I wish you health, success and fulfillment of your dreams!

Cool toast

Happiness to you, newlywed friends,

Joy and brightest days!

You are now a family, and by law

Both of you belong to her.

You will have joys and troubles,

You have to experience everything in life,

But keep your course only for victory!

"Bitterly!" - You, but do not know sorrow!

Original toast

For the young and for the young

Pour wine and vodka!

And then, having just taken a sip,

Let's yell, guys: "Bitter!"


Glory, glory to the newlyweds!

Honor and glory to the young!

Have a bright and successful life

We wish them from the bottom of our hearts!

Let love inspire you,

Friendship makes hearts happy!

Let dreams know no barriers,

Happiness will never end!

Cool toast

WITH legal marriage Congratulations

And we wish you a lot of happiness!

We are talking seriously now.

Let a million beautiful roses

Lies along the whole big path,

What will be destined to pass.

And let the fire of great love

It burns without going out.

Life is easier to get through with love.

Everyone knows about this.

Achieve agreement on everything.

Live for many years.

Always respect each other.

Love and advice to you!

Interesting toasts

Well, goodbye to reason, we'll see you tomorrow.

Let's drink to the fact that no matter what we drink at any cost.

Let the life-giving moisture spill over the periphery of the body. Amen.

Let's drink to those on board. Those who are overboard will get drunk themselves.

The day was not wasted. Let's have a drink this evening too...

Beautiful toast

Now the hour of farewell has come,

Graduation day!

Let it be an event

Festive, bright, cheerful!

School years will be remembered

Friendly atmosphere!

There will be a happy future

Personal life and career!

Beautiful toast

Here's your year of study behind you...

And the first takeoff, and the first fall...

And this evening we wanted

Do you remember every moment...

While you are together, in class, still close...

And there is a long, difficult path ahead.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

Ask for forgiveness - for something!

May this evening be with you again

The moments of the first meeting flash by.

And the first friend, and the first love -

I remembered everything on this farewell evening.

Original toast

Today on this May day

Please accept our congratulations

For your loyalty and love,

For your dedication to your work!

We have known you for so many years,

And you know everything about us.

How good it is to be with us

You are smiling now! You are so extraordinarily kind!

And today it is no coincidence that we

Let's say thank you for everything together,

Everyone knows if you need something,

You did not allow refusal,

They always helped us with everything!

Let's not talk today

Banal words, stock phrases,

We wish you good health!

We love you very, very much!

Anniversary toast

I will now congratulate the hero of the day,

Of course, I will send him a toast.

As you see stars falling in the sky,

Know that grains of happiness are still flying towards you.

Just open the doors of your house for them,

Let all the happiness of the world into your home.

With him, love will come to you,

Let's drink so that the hero of the day moves forward towards his dream.