Tattoo on a naked body. Tattoos on the female body: seductive or nightmarish? Male look


It's summer outside, and the girls are naked with might and main, demonstrating their bodies to the delight of the world and the sun. And on them a variety of tattoos bloom in lush color. We wondered if tattoos please the male gaze?

The debate around tattoos on women's bodies does not stop, and there are a lot of opinions. It's no secret for our regular readers that we love tattoos, because from time to time we share with you our enthusiasm for this art and delight our subscribers with compilations of sexy tattooed girls. But today we decided to go through several forums and find out how men feel about tattoos on the female body.

"Don't like it because:

b) most often bad taste

c) if the girl is beautiful, why spoil the body with this?

“A tattoo is good and beautiful if you do it as part of self-expression, and not a tattoo for the sake of a tattoo. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl."

“In August, I went to Greece with a girl, she is Asian, slim, pretty, busty. Suddenly she wanted a tattoo. We went to a tourist tattoo parlor, but she did not like any of the finished drawings. In a restaurant, having dinner in nature, I asked her about her interests and dreams. On the phone, I drew an approximate idea of ​​​​my idea of ​​\u200b\u200bher tattoo. She appreciated. She even liked it. Exactly an hour I was tormented in the tattoo parlor with the "designer" in Photoshop, because they themselves did not want to draw, they offered ready-made prints. She got a tattoo, it hurt, just above the ankle, now she is happy, all her friends responded positively. So… yeah, a nice little tattoo in the right place is very, very attractive.”

“Any tattoos spoil the natural beauty of a girl.... It's like coming to a beautiful lake, start admiring its pristine beauty, and driving closer, see floating cigarette butts in the water, broken glass and other traces of "cultural" recreation.... So it is here - what is natural is also beautiful, then you need to be able to emphasize and appreciate. And those girls who agree to get a tattoo simply do not know how to express themselves and do not know all the value and beauty of Naturalness. Most often, these are just weak-willed, "momentary" desires to look supposedly individual .... But 10-15 years will pass, and already here they will be asked how to remove tattoos painlessly and without a scar.

“Personally, I perceive a tattoo on a woman as a rotten apple.”

“This is real bullshit. The one who makes a tattoo is psychologically people with a weak will. Slaves. It's just the fashion to make them, that's all. Imagine for a moment that you walk all your life in one dress, so it will be with a tattoo. It will be much more difficult to remove. It is more pleasant to look at the body of a woman, which is from nature.

“Some tattoos really turn me on. There is a subconscious desire to touch. And if part of the tattoo is hidden by clothing, then interest flares up in earnest.

“It is important to accept the whole person. If a girl decided to get a tattoo, then she had her own reasons for this. The tattoo is not only her choice, but also a part of her. So you either accept it or you don't."

“Tattoos look erotic on erotic women. If a woman does not attract my attention, like men, then a tattoo will not change anything. And if it attracts, then in principle, too little. A woman with a tattoo often gives the impression of accessibility or even venality (only an impression - please don’t run into it), this, probably, is where the eroticism lies. Previously, prostitutes used to get tattooed with a lily on their shoulder... Otherwise, everyone is free to do whatever they want with their skin.”

“I personally like tattoos on the female body, I even really like them. Naturally, since they emphasize the appearance, it would be desirable to see them on a beautiful female body.

It is also important that female tattoos fit into the female image. There must be a special elegance that ensures that the tattoo itself does not spoil the ideally created female body by God.

For some, says British photographer Alan Powdrill, our skin is not just a body part of the body, but a canvas on which to draw anything.

Covered is his photo project about people whose bodies are completely covered with tattoos. By the way, Alan himself has no drawings on his body.

1. “I was 17 years old. I hid my first tattoo from my parents for many years. By the time they found out, they already knew this was going to be my life." Philip, 27

3. "I started at 51, my father had already died, and my mother did not say anything, because by that time she had dementia." Graham, 58

5. “I get asked every day about my tattoos. Good tattoos are expensive, cheap tattoos are bad tattoos.” Izzy, 48

7. “Kiss tattoos are my favorite. It hurt a lot, but I like to show my love for this group.” Kimmy, 29

9. “My tattoos are a part of me and I will love them at 80 too.” Victoria, 37 years old

11. “I will stop only when I die.” Andrew, 32

13. "After I got Crohn's disease, tattoos give me confidence." Peter, 38

15. "It hurts wildly, but I wouldn't trade my appearance for anything in the world." Ansal, 46 years old

17. “I don't know when I'll stop. As long as there is room, I will fill it. Michelle, 53

19. “I like being middle-aged, having a good job, surrounded by heterosexuals, and having a tattoo on my chest that reads “No way, f***!”. Bill, 59

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