Removing damage by cleaning a person with a knife with a conspiracy. Independent rituals, conspiracies and prayers from the evil eye and corruption


This book presents very strong conspiracies and rituals from seven healers of Russia. The power of these words has been tested by thousands of people. Those who were overcome by illness and adversity, whose soul ached for children and loved ones, who suffered from lack of money. Conspiracies will definitely help you, become hope, support, sometimes salvation ... Protect yourself from damage and the evil eye, protect your property from theft, attract prosperity and good luck, gain wealth and succeed in life, find a loving and faithful life partner, maintain harmony and peace in the family, speak water for various needs - all this will be within your power!

A series: Magic can do anything!

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by the LitRes company.

Conspiracies to remove the evil eye and damage

Very often people suffer from various misfortunes - and ill health torments them, and lack of money, and loneliness. Appeals to doctors, psychotherapists, attempts to improve the situation on their own - all this does not give any results. Constant complaints about fate, as you understand, do not help either. And it seems to a person that he is in a vicious circle of despair and there is no way out. And it does not occur to him that all his sorrows are not at all the machinations of an evil fate, but the result of damage, the evil eye. Indeed, even these words in our time - the time of high technology and atomic energy, seem to be something overgrown with past, fabulous, unreal. Meanwhile, both damage and the evil eye not only exist, but also cause a lot of trouble to many people.

What is it?

What is spoilage

The manifestations of spoilage are diverse, but always fatal: these are protracted illnesses, and prolonged painful lack of money, and troubles at work, and love troubles - in a word, spoilage is when everything is bad. And not by itself, but by someone's evil will. After all, damage is always the result of targeted magical actions. Damage is always directed, it itself will not fall on a person. That is why it is terrible: after all, in order to “spoil” a person, evil forces, negative energies are involved, therefore people who have been spoiled feel longing, sadness, fear, and despondency. Corruption decomposes not only the body - that would be half the trouble, but also the soul, in which case one should not expect that everything "will pass by itself." Fortunately, there are reliable ways to remove damage.

What is the evil eye

The evil eye is similar to damage, but still it is not the same thing. The fundamental difference is that the evil eye is an involuntary action. Someone looked unkindly, said rudeness, got very angry at the same time or envied ... And he didn’t want to cause harm, but he had enough strength so that the thought of his bad person touched. You can jinx both in person and at a distance, although in the first case the negative effect will be stronger.

Most often, people who are beautiful and prosperous are subject to the evil eye, and those who are energetically weakened for any reason, which happens when they are sick or very tired, easily fall under the evil eye.

In its action, the evil eye is much weaker than damage, but it can also cause a lot of trouble.

How will we work with damage and the evil eye

To remove damage and the evil eye will have to work hard. The work will take place in three stages:

the first thing to do is to determine if you have damage;

if this trouble really touched you, the second step will be to remove the damage with the help of special conspiracies;

and then, in the third stage, you need to put protection from evil, so that nothing like this will happen to you in the future.

So, let's first find out if you are really damaged.

Signs of spoilage

For no apparent reason, the temperature rises. There are no manifestations of the disease, except for a temperature above 39 ° C. After a while, the temperature also suddenly drops and does not rise again. This is the first signal indicating damage.

Unreasonable diarrhea or vomiting, which, like a fever, quickly goes away on its own.

Fear. A person who previously did not suffer from any phobias begins to be afraid of the dark, heights, closed spaces, or something else inexplicable.

Chill or trembling without illness or fever.

Protracted disease, not amenable to appropriate treatment, or diseases following one after another.

A chain of bad luck, troubles, misfortunes.

Melancholy and maeta, nightmares, bad forebodings.

A person experiences an insatiable mental anguish, and he himself does not know why and suffers, unable to cope with his incomprehensible illness.

Signs of the evil eye

The signs of the evil eye are not as obvious as those of damage, but they can still be detected.

Burning in the eyes, as if a speck had got into the eye, though there was nothing in the eye. Eyes watery, there is a fear of bright light.

A series of minor troubles and minor ailments is also a sign of the evil eye. If a major loss or serious illness speaks of damage, then the little things, from which there seems to be little harm, but life is sickening, are the evil eye.

Loss of strength, feeling of heaviness in the whole body, drowsiness and sluggishness.

Minor family quarrels and disagreements that happen “from scratch” are a sign that someone envied your family happiness and jinxed it.

If something breaks in the house all the time, this also speaks of the evil eye.


No appetite or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger.

Irritability, constantly bad mood.

Infertility, sexual impotence.

Ways to detect damage and the evil eye

If one or more of the above signs poison your life, then you have good reason to suspect that you have been spoiled or jinxed. However, suspicion is not certainty.

And to know for sure, our healers shared with us the right methods for identifying these ailments. Here they are.

Ways to detect damage and the evil eye from Maria Bazhenova

How to find out about damage with a pin

Pin the pin on the clothes so that it is as close to the heart as possible. People around her should never see her. The head of the pin should be directed perpendicular to the surface of the earth, that is, with the ends pointing towards the earth and sky. When pinning, they say the following:

Save me on the road, Lord, from evil people and unkind thoughts. Amen, amen, amen.

Do it before the road or just leaving the house. When you return, you must definitely consider the pin. If it is unbuttoned - the evil eye, lost - damage.

How to find out about spoilage with an egg

This is the surest way to find out about damage. In the same way, damage is removed.

Take a glass jar, fill it with water and carefully break a raw egg into it so that the yolk does not spill! Hold the jar above your head, then bring it to the back of your head, to your forehead, to your chest, to your groin, to your feet. At each of these places, hold the jar for five minutes: this is necessary for the egg to absorb all the evil that poisons you. Close the jar and place it at the head of your bed overnight. In the morning, carefully study what happened to the egg and water. If there is spoilage, then the egg will turn black, and the water will become cloudy. If not, the water will remain clean and the egg will not change in any way.

Revealing the evil eye with charcoal

In order to find out for sure if there is an evil eye on you, you need to take a cup of water and, crossing yourself and the cup, with the words “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!” lower three coals into the water (you can use burnt matches), and then pronounce the following conspiracy:

Holy water, not recruited by me, was recruited by the Most Holy Theotokos herself, to wash the Christian race, to help from the evil eye. It’s not me who washes, it’s not me who washes away, the Mother of God washes away, everything that is thought, and thought, and let loose, and narrowed - you won’t be here, you won’t live here, the servant of God (name) will not be destroyed. Amen.

If the coal sinks, and the patient does not feel anything special during the test, then the disease is not from the evil eye or damage. But if the coal floats and swirls, and the patient begins to yawn and stretch, he was jinxed.

Detection of the evil eye in the eyes

It is necessary to look long and hard into the eyes of the patient. If the eyes are shifty and restless, then someone has jinxed him. In this case, you need to do a special ritual twice: the first time - “for a young man” (a month that has just been born), the second - “on malicious days”, that is, in the last quarter of the next month.

During this ceremony, you need to put the patient at the window, press with both hands, first on the head, then on the shoulders, and then on other parts of the body (as it will be convenient). At the same time they read the plot.

I crush, I crush the blackness, I linger, I expel, I crush. Come out the blackness, come the light. Run away from the eyes, run away from the black evil eye, go around the servant of God (name), stay. My hand is strong, the noise is heavy, go the evil eye far, in an open field, a hundred hills, there is a grave mound, filthy. In that hill you live, and the servant of God (name) does not know grief and illness. Amen.

Casting on the evil eye - water test

Pour clean water into a deep saucer, put it on the head of the one you are checking for the evil eye.

Pour the melted wax from the candle into the water. At the same time, you need to say:

Water pours, fire rages, wax melts, trouble pours out.

Next, see what kind of wax figure turned out. If this is a horse, a man, a flower - the prognosis is favorable, nothing bad happened to the person being tested, but if the figures look like a bed, a coffin, a grave, then the person was jinxed and urgent action needs to be taken.

How to find out for yourself if you have been jinxed

You can also independently find out if you have been jinxed. There are two ways to do this.

In the morning, take a piece of stale bread, hold it in your hand for 1-2 minutes, trying not to think about anything at this moment, and throw it into a glass of water that has stood for at least a day in your room. If after 1-2 minutes the bread went to the bottom, then you were jinxed.

Instead of a bread crumb, you can burn a match and throw it into a glass of water. If you have an evil eye on you, then after 1-2 minutes the match will sink to the bottom.

Ways to detect damage and the evil eye from Praskovya Belova

Definition and removal of spoilage in children

For these purposes, wax casting is also made. They just say different words. The child sits on a chair, which is placed on the threshold, melted wax (not paraffin) is poured over his head into a cup of water, a plot is read:

Mother, white birch, you are standing in an open field, a wide expanse. You don’t hear, you don’t see any noise, no uproar, no squeak, no heather, no whisper, no slice, no yawning, no dear relative, no scattered light. So that the servant of God (name) does not hear, does not see any noise, no din, no squeak, no heather, no whisper, no lomotitsa, no yawning, no drink, no dear relative, no scattered light. Amen.

By the wax figure, they will find out if there is damage. Any figurine that looks like a cross, a coffin, a grave, a church, indicates that there is damage. In this case, the water into which the wax was poured is given to drink and wash the child.

Rolling out the egg

You need to take a raw egg, always from a domestic chicken. The egg is taken in the right hand and the following words are whispered over it:

Roll the testicle, from right to left, from west to east, from north to south, from the most pure angel to the dark demon. Tell the whole truth about the servant of God (name).

Then they begin to roll out a person with a testicle - they roll it around the body in circles, always clockwise. It takes a long time to roll out, there is no need to rush. First they roll around the head, then circles on the chest, stomach, back, legs, feet. As you roll out everything, you need to take a saucer and break the egg. If it is of a normal color, if the yolk has not spread, everything is in order. And if the egg is dark, cloudy, the yolk spreads - there was damage and treatment is needed.

Determining spoilage with water

If it's hard to say something on wax, try this very simple method.

You need to take water from a stream or a key. Water must be alive, that is, not boiled, not purchased, not tap. In extreme cases, melt water can be used.

We put a vessel with water (not metal and not plastic) in the room where the test subject sleeps for damage and the evil eye. We leave for a week (best of all from Sunday to Sunday). We look at the water. If it remains clean, fresh - everything is in order with the person. If the water has become cloudy, an unpleasant odor has appeared, or it has become covered with a film, it means that there is an evil eye or spoilage.

Pouring wax

This is a very simple and true way. You need to take a candle, always a church one, and a bowl of water (it should not be metal, it is better to use dishes made of glass or clay). Pure spring water is poured into this vessel.

Next, the one they want to check should put their hands (fingertips) there and sit like that for several minutes. Then they take a candle, light it, drive it around the person’s head, next to the chest, stomach, legs, and then start dripping wax into the water from this candle.

Drops, freezing in water, take on a different shape, which you need to think about, turn this way and that, take a closer look and determine what it resembles.

Cross- this is a sure sign of corruption. Moreover, damage is strong, imposed by an experienced sorcerer. Only confession, communion and conspiracy treatment for six months will help from it.

Crown(crown, circle) - also a sign that damage has been imposed on the family, husband (wife), a love spell or lapel has been made. Removing this damage is also not easy. It takes patience, time and special conspiracies, which you will find below.

Dog or wolf muzzle- if this spilled out, damage is imposed on your health. Such damage is best removed with charmed water.

Polka dots- small individual droplets that can stick together, or can float separately, mean damage to poverty. That is, you will have small money (coins, pennies), and not bills. This damage is removed, and then they make a conspiracy for a wallet or money that they carry with them without exchanging, because this damage easily sits on a person, which means that special protection is needed.

Long threads- they say that this is damage or the evil eye, which means that all your troubles come from one of your relatives or close friends. Take a closer look at those around you. If you find a person who may wish you harm, do not take revenge, in no case do harm to him.

The easiest way to remove such an evil eye is to go to church and light a candle for the health of this person. And protect yourself with the help of special conspiracies.

Ways to detect damage and the evil eye from Serafima Trapeznikova

Ritual to identify negative influences

You will need a bucket of water (in this case, any water will do), four church candles, an aspen twig (it must be cut from a tree, you cannot pick up a dead branch from the ground) and a plate.

The ritual can be carried out independently, or you can invite an assistant.

Any time of the day will do, but you need to start the action at the beginning of the hour.

First you need to put an aspen twig on a plate and set it on fire. When it burns a little, put out the flame, and divide the resulting ember into three parts.

Then the one who is checked for the presence of damage and the evil eye is put on a stool, a bucket of water is placed in front of him, and candles are attached crosswise along the edges of the bucket. You need to light candles one at a time and in a certain order, while sentencing.

The farthest candle opposite the patient is lit first, with the words:

Stand before me, show yourself in the water.

Then a candle, which stands immediately in front of the patient, while saying:

Do not circle over me, reflect in the water.

Now to the right of the patient:

At the right hand stands my angel.

And finally, the candle on the left hand:

Oshuyu is the devil, frowns at the angelic face.

Now you need to quickly throw the coals into the water and carefully watch what happens.

If the coals sink, and strong circles go through the water, there is witchcraft on a person.

If the coals have surfaced and the water is calm, everything is in order.

If you find out that there is witchcraft, try to determine whether it is damage or the evil eye. To do this, use the signs that we listed above.

Conspiracies that remove damage

And now we turn directly to conspiracies that help remove the evil eye and damage. If you are convinced that you have been negatively affected and you need help, carefully study this section and choose the most suitable conspiracy for yourself. Be very careful, removing damage is a slow, painstaking job. In addition, it takes a lot of strength - both physical and mental, but in the end it gives much more than it takes away.

If you do not need it, feel free to skip to the next section of the book.

Conspiracies from damage and the evil eye from Maria Bazhenova

How to remove spoilage

We talked about strong rituals for removing spoilage with water and an egg. They are suitable for any damage. But if you know how the damage is induced, then you can apply special methods.

There is a type of damage that is caused more often than others. This is a wrecking mess. If it is induced, scandals begin in the family: for example, a wife cannot talk calmly with her husband, any conversation turns into a scandal, and the voice turns into a squeal. This can happen between other family members, but between spouses most often.

Buy a live fish and cut off its head in one fell swoop, and while it is still moving its mouth, say:

The fish is a creature of God, the Lord created you mute, you are alive, you couldn’t speak, and the dead died, you didn’t say a word. Every creature of God, every one has its share. To moo a cow, a dog to lie, a nightingale to sing, a hare to cry, and a servant of God (name) to be silent and pray to God. While the servant of God (name) prays to God, everything will calm down with her. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong conspiracy against corruption

You can speak at any time. You can also write on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow, or you can talk into the water and then drink it.

Peter and Paul, chief apostles, close and protect me, the servant of God (the name of the rivers), with your robe imperishable from the evil of man, from dashing thoughts, from black, from black, from white, from rusovo, from the priest, from the priest, from the black , from the black vestry, from the simple-haired girl, from her own thought, the servant of God (name), from her own thought. And to my words, the key and the lock. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy from damage brought to the family

However, in the family there are disagreements of a different nature. It happens that people do not scandal, do not scream, but there is no warmth in the relationship. For different cases of family damage, you can try such a conspiracy. You need to buy 12 candles and light after 12 at night. A prerequisite is that the sky must be starry. Ask your mother or grandmother (the oldest woman in the family) to read this plot. But if you are not sure that they will understand you, it is better to read for yourself.

Lord, Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without Beginning, and thou hast spoken with Your pure lips, that without Me you cannot do anything. Lord, by faith in my soul and heart, spoken by You, I bow down to Your goodness: help me a sinner! to her, the work that I begin about You, to complete it myself in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Extinguish the candles one by one and immediately go to bed.

How to protect a newborn from the evil eye

Small children are most susceptible to the evil eye, they have a very weak protective field, so it costs nothing to “break through” it: any careless look, an extra word - and the child begins to worry, sleeps badly, cries for no reason.

Here are some simple rules to help you protect your newborn.

Kuma, that is, the godmother of the child, needs to take a piece of coal (you can burn an ordinary match in a saucer) and throw it over your left shoulder at the crossroads. So she will protect her godson.

Do not show the child to relatives for a month. Who can stand it for how long, of course, but strictly remember that strangers cannot look at a sleeping baby, and generally do not let him look at him for too long.

Do not praise or allow others to praise your child.

Arrange for relatives to "acquaintance" with a new family member when he is awake. You can not show the child for the first time when he sleeps.

Yes, and the mother, too, should not look at the child for a long time, admire when he sleeps.

Removing love spell

A love spell is the same damage. She does not bring happiness to anyone, because, as you know, you will not be forced to be nice. A sign of such damage is a painful state, when it is bad with some person, but even worse without him.

To remove such damage, you will need a black and white thread (15–20 cm long), as well as a chicken bone (breast, in the form of a slingshot).

Begin to act on any day of the flawed moon. Light a candle (of any color, preferably white, brought from the church). Soak both threads with an infusion of St. John's wort (weed can be bought at any pharmacy). Wrap white thread on one of the arcs of the slingshot, and black thread on the other. Take the bone at both ends - with your right hand for the part around which the white thread is wrapped, and with your left hand hold the end of the bone with the black thread. Hold it so that its middle is above the flame of the candle and the cinder of the candle settles on the bone.

Speak the spell:

Rogatin, rogatina, you didn't swear at me. Either it doesn’t bitterly sit on you, then from me everything superficial-carrying on you passes. Damage to the left, evil eye to the right.

Break the bone in half. Tell:

What is broken will not stick, what has died, will not grow together, and the servant of God (name) will never converge with the servant of God (name).

Notice how it happened. If the upper part of the bone went to the bow with a black thread, then you really had a magical effect on you, which you just got rid of. If the part of the bone with a white thread turned out to be larger than the other, it means that the witchcraft effect did not have the proper effect on you or it did not exist at all, and your depressed state was caused by something else.

But in both cases, you must bury the bone fragments in different places as far apart as possible.

In the meantime, read:

As these bones are apart, so are we apart. As these bones do not converge, so you and I will not meet on the same path.

This will be enough to get rid of the uncertainty of feelings and spiritual tension.

Removing the evil eye of children

These methods can treat the evil eye only in children who are not yet seven years old.

1. Say, washing the child and pouring water on the floor or on the ground:

Water from the dome, grief from the baby. Where did it come from, where did it go. Whoever attacks a child with malice, to him back with a writhing. Amen.

2. Say, rolling a raw chicken egg over the baby's body:

The chicken laid an egg, not a simple one, a charmed one. I then roll the testicle on the crown, on the head, on the shoulders, on the back, on the arms, on the breast, on the tummy, on the ass, on the legs, on the soles, on the whole white body. I roll the testicle, I wind all the damage on it. I throw an egg into the fire, I return evil to the evil one.

Then throw the egg into the fire and burn or fry in a pan until black.

And you can break it into a glass of water, squeeze the shell in your hand in one fell swoop and say this:

I'm not crushing the shell, I'm crushing your ailments. I crush, I crumble ailments from the servant of God (name). Amen.

The egg is poured into the sewer or buried. The shell is burned or buried.

3. Leaning over the sleeping baby, they say:

I will rise, I will bow, I will pray to Nicholas the saint. Nikola the Wonderworker, Bishop of the Worlds of Lycia, the saint of the whole world, the pastor of the seas, the patron of the lands, the Angels of God know Nikola, put hot candles on Nikola, put gingerbread eve on Nikola, and I pray to Nikola. The servant of God (name) has strayed away from all kinds of lessons. I prayed to you about that servant of God (name), save him and have mercy, and stay with him everywhere, pray to the Lord and drive away from him all the fears of the night, all the dashing days. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy from the evil eye and damage during cradle

It happens that the child can not, and the mother takes him in her arms, wears, cradles. Now is the time to help the child with a conspiracy. While lulling the baby, say:

I will become blessed, I will go crossing myself from door to door under mother Mary dawn, under the red sun, under warm clouds, under curly haze, under the whole moon of the Lord. Under warm clouds, under curly haze stands Mother Apostolic Church.

In this Church there is a golden throne, behind this throne sits the Most Holy Mother of God, the Mother of God, holds her Son Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Son of Mercy. I will enter this Church blessed, cross myself, pray to God from the desire of my zealous heart and come closer to this throne, bow lower, ask from the desire of my zealous heart:

- Isi Mother Most Holy Theotokos, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, save and have mercy on the servant of God's baby (name), shoot you rekit, retiza, yabednik, yabednitsa in a zealous heart, in the lungs, in the liver, pass their hot blood through the damask stone, let me, a chain-link (name), to the servant of God's baby (name), remove all hits, tributaries, thinness from a violent head, bring lessons, prizes, sorrows, illnesses, remove 12 relatives, 12 thin people, deadly ulcers from it, remove from it blond hair, blond eyebrows, from clear eyes, from scarlet buttocks, from arms, from legs, remove from her violent head, from the lung, liver, from hot blood, withdraw from the whole body into the skin, from the legs into the fingers, from the fingers into nails, from nails to the open field, from the open field to the blue sea. Whoever taught me and undereducated me, spoke all the words, be all my words full, even, strong, sculpted, stronger than stone, better than a damask knife. I’ll lock it with a lock, lock it with a key, go along the steep bank, throw the key to the bottom, grab the beluga pike, put it under the left rib. As spring water rolls in the blue sea, does not return, so would the servant of God with (name) sickness, the pain would fall off and not return, they would dry up, wither away, wither away, smaller than a poppy seed, they would dry day with the sun, night with a month, for the outcome of all 24 hours. It would not be from century to century. Amen.

It is clear that learning such a long conspiracy is not easy. It can be read quietly in a singsong voice from the sheet. If by the end of the conspiracy the baby does not calm down, it can be repeated, but no more than three times.

Removing the evil eye with water

It is necessary to take water from three different sources. Previously, they took from three ice holes or three wells. Now, of course, no one has wells near the house, and it’s far from the hole, so I advise you to take water from the tap in the kitchen, from the tap in the bathroom and purchased water. Just keep in mind when you go to the store for water, do not greet or talk to anyone. Do the same when you carry all the water, prepare it for the ceremony. It is better that only you and the person you want to save from the evil eye are at home. All the water is poured into a bucket or bowl and poured over the victim of the evil eye (if you remove the evil eye from yourself, water yourself). Take your time, scooping water, take the ladle wide to the side. You need to pour 3 times. And say a conspiracy when you draw water, for each scooping:

Mother water! In the name of the Holy Trinity, give from three wells of holy water for purity, for lightness, for health to the servant of God (name).

The remaining water must be poured into a glass, lowered into a few coals, salt, a piece of clay (any). To this water you need to say the following:

I salt, blacken, torment, torment, I speak the servant of God (name) from drifts, from drifts, from far-fetched, from fortune-telling, blown by the wind, from a swirling man, from a bald grandfather, from a Kiev witch, from an evil eye. Zarya-zaryanitsa, you rise in the evening, the night extinguishes you, so the servant of God (name) would rise and go out, sickness and corruption, all kinds of sickness and black sorrow. As fire is knocked out of white stone, gray flint, so would all sorrows, all drifts, drifts, far-fetched, loosened, guessed, planted knocked out, thrown out, carried away to where people do not live, dogs do not lie out of the servant of God (name) the birds don't sing. My word is strong, locked with seven locks, my tongue is the key. Amen.

After that, the water must be poured into the street or into the sewer.

Removing the evil eye next

This method is useful to you if you know who sent the evil eye on you. It is not easy to find such a person, you never know the circle of envious people. But it happens that someone very clearly hates you, weaves intrigues against you, slanders, spreads gossip. Such a person, even if he does not want to, can jinx you. It is against his strength that the following conspiracy is used. There is one difficulty here: you will have to get some earth, sand or snow from his trail. A tiny pinch is enough. When you get home, put what you managed to collect in a glass of water and read the following conspiracy over it:

Following the trail of the servant of God (the name of the one who jinxed you) was my fierce misfortune, her longing-mayata was her name, it came on his trail, filled him with my slaves. Your word will return to you, longing will turn to you, turn away from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Removing the evil eye with wax

Pour water into a jar (you can take any, but only clean, drinking). Drink a little water, and throw a pinch of salt into the remaining water, light a candle and hold it over the jar so that the wax drips directly into the water. Baptize water with the words: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then remove the candle wax from the jar and discard. They used to throw it into the oven, now I advise you to collect the wax in paper, wrap it, bandage it, bury it somewhere. And over the remaining water, say a conspiracy:

Lord Jesus Christ, by Your Life-Giving Cross, save me and save me from all evil, from illness, from sorrow, from damage, from the evil eye, from hypocritical praise, from a simple-haired woman, from a long-haired girl, from a witch and a hater, and an evil envious . Amen.

Removing the venomous gaze

It happens that it is difficult to look a person in the eyes due to the fact that his gaze is caustic, unpleasant, heavy. You need to beware of such a look, and if you already encounter it, it is better to read the plot right away. Read three times:

The month has three beautiful sisters, three clear stars: one Taurida, the other Stepanida, the third (name).

When pronouncing the words, run your hands over the body from head to toe, at the end of the hand, be sure to wash it.

Conspiracy from Chemeri

In the old days, spoilage, which was accompanied by diarrhea, nausea and weakness, was called "chamer". To save a child from such an ailment, there is a special conspiracy:

Chemer, hellebore, go from the belly, from the veins, joints, from the spinal column, go where you came from, into the open field, into the wide expanse, there is love for you, there you adornment, there you admire, there you show off, and (name ) good health. Strongly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Seal of loneliness

The seal of loneliness is awarded to both men and women, but most often - men. They say about such people - they are unlucky: everything seems to be with them - they have appearance, intelligence, and money, but there is no betrothed. It happens that even at the wedding itself, everything suddenly goes wrong. If this happens several times in a row, be sure: this person was marked with the "seal of loneliness." This damage is not dangerous either for life or for health, it happens that they live with it until old age. As a rule, former rejected lovers induce damage: “neither to me, therefore, to anyone,” they argue. But the damage is not strong, it can be removed with the help of a casting. By the way, she will show if there is damage. Remember how to cast? Take a saucer, hold it over your head and pour the wax from the candle into it. See what form the wax takes. If it even remotely resembles "1", then there is no doubt about damage - it exists. After casting, do not forget to burn the wax on fire and read the plot:

Water pours, fire rages, wax melts, trouble pours out. Burn, wax, burn, my misfortune, burn, my loneliness. Go to hell, don't get anyone. Lord, forgive me a sinner, as I forgive my enemies and adversaries. Release my sins as I release them. I burn someone else's sin, I burn my misfortune. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Removal of the birth curse

A family curse is inherited from ancestors. It can act up to the seventh generation, that is, seven generations of your family will be cursed. The purpose of such a curse is to destroy, to exterminate the entire race.

In the clan on which the curse lies, the most inexplicable things happen: sudden deaths, strange illnesses, devastation. With a birth curse in the family, there will definitely be sick people suffering from dementia, failed personal lives, infertility, depravity, early deaths of children and men, and many relatives have a difficult character. All this is a sign that not everything is in order in the family. It is difficult to deal with such damage, but it is possible.

The first remedy for a generational curse is unction. This is a church ceremony, which is usually performed in the church during Lent, but can also be performed on demand. It is aimed at cleansing a person from all sins, including those unknown to him (in which he cannot confess simply because he does not know), as well as cleansing from the sins of the family.

You can try to remove the curse with the following rite. It is performed strictly on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday at 12 am. The time of the moon is not earlier than the 17th lunar day until the 29th-30th lunar day. By the night of the ceremony, prepare 3 candles and church water.

Place a mirror with candles in front of you. Behind me is another mirror. You need to undress, leaving only a shirt (for men, a T-shirt and swimming trunks). Light candles and read by memory!), looking into your eyes, without looking up and preferably without blinking (although it will be impossible for everyone to fulfill the last condition - it's okay, just try to blink less if this condition is completely beyond your power):

I look into clear eyes, I'm not afraid of anyone. No demon, no enemy, no evil man. The Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, Mother of God is with me. That is not a mirror in front of me, then the shield of God is before me. It’s not a mirror behind my back, it’s God’s shield in front of me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will defend myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind me, the Mother of God in front. Amen.

You wash yourself immediately in front of a mirror with holy water prepared in advance (a small basin will also need to be prepared in advance), wipe yourself with the clothes that you are wearing without taking them off.

Look in the mirror for as long as you want. The candles must burn out. While they burn out, it is not necessary to be near them.

On the first Sunday after the ceremony, you must go to church and put 12 candles: 3 - the Mother of God, 3 - Jesus Christ, 3 - the Holy Spirit, 3 - Panteleimon the Healer. Thank them for breaking the curse.

Removal of centuries, or damage to loneliness

Age, or damage to loneliness, always has a witchcraft origin and is not given to anyone from birth. Only a person with special knowledge and great witchcraft power can bring such damage. Sorcerers often, at the request of other women, induce such damage on a happy rival, with the aim that she would be lonely in life and could not enter into marriage. But even if she manages to get married, family life will soon end in divorce. Often very beautiful, smart, bright women become victims, but after inducing such damage they become “invisible” to men. This damage can be removed in two ways.

This method is equally good for getting rid of age and from the seal of loneliness. It must be performed on the waning moon on the women's day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday) for women and on the men's day (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) for men.

Do not eat meat for a day. Prepare a head scarf (for a man - a handkerchief).

Lay out on the table the icon of the Mother of God, the icon of Jesus and any other saint close to you, candles, matches, consecrated salt (preferably Thursday), holy water, a saucer, at the bottom of which there is a small cross (but not your own, but a new one); put scissors, a spoon and a piece of candle wax aside.

Sit on a chair in front of the table. Pour holy water in a saucer, pour a pinch of salt there, light the candles in front of the icons, and throw a match in the saucer.

Speak like this:

I will get up, the servant of God (name) early in the morning, I will go out at dawn, I will go to the church of God. A formidable angel stands at the church of God, doesn’t let me, young, go: you are not married in the church, you are crowned with dashing people, with evil tongues, go to the open field, in the open field the green oak, under that oak the Mother of God is resting, she will remove from you a lonely crown, will give God's grace. I will go to an open field, in an open field a green oak, under that oak the Mother of God is resting. I will bow, I will pray to the Mother of God: Most Holy Theotokos, take off the cursed crown from me, give God's grace! The Most Holy Theotokos took off that crown, gave grace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wet your right palm in the saucer and run it around the circumference of the scalp in a clockwise direction. Repeat 3 times.

Then cut off the ends of one strand of hair with scissors. In a tablespoon over a candle, melt the wax and put your hair there. Pour it all into a bowl of water.

Put a handkerchief on your head (the man just puts a handkerchief on his head) and wear it for about an hour.

All day you need to fast (do not eat meat, sweets, alcohol). Wax poured into water should be buried near the house. During the week, you need to visit the church and light 12 candles for any saint, as well as donate ⅕ of your monthly income to the church or monastery. Take a vow of innocence.

Keep a strict fast (let me remind you: a strict fast is 12 days of bread, water, lean fish). On the 13th day, take the slandered peas to three crossroads (on foot) - 12 handfuls. The slander for peas is as follows:

Foremother Eve ate from the sinful tree, Adam saw, wept, an angel flew in, drove them out of paradise. We were together in paradise, and on earth we were together. So I am young with my beloved, I will be together, no one will separate us. Married by the Lord, sealed with the seal of God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Leave 4 handfuls of peas at each intersection.

Removing the crown of celibacy

This is a very common corruption, and it only affects girls. She reminds me of centuries. But if the century does not give a woman the opportunity to marry, then the crown of celibacy eradicates the very desire in the girl to become someone's wife. With the crown of celibacy, the girl will fiercely hate anyone who proposes marriage to her. And in the end, a woman remains single - while she may even have children.

Explicit dislike for the opposite sex, as a rule, speaks of damage of this kind. The woman herself can feel it only at the age of forty, when "the train has already left." Another sure sign is the unhappy female share of the mother, sister, aunt - family members on the female line. In this case, the following method will help.

Scatter dry peas (about half a kilogram) on the floor and walk barefoot on it, saying:

God created the heavens and the earth, and created man, male and female, you created them. Adam and Eve, do not eat from the tree, eat from the tree, separate your soul from paradise. Eve did not listen, ate from the tree, separated her soul from paradise. The soul is separated from paradise, Adam and Eve are inseparable. As Eve was given to Adam, as Adam was given to Eve, so the Lord will give me a husband, for a blessed life, for eternal love, crowned by the Lord God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Peas need to be collected, lifting one pea with your hands, put in a box, put under the bed and left there for 12 days. Every day, going to bed, you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy. And on the 13th day, boil the peas, pour water into the street, and throw the peas to the birds.

Conspiracies from damage and the evil eye from Praskovya Belova

From glaring (envious) people

This conspiracy is learned by heart, read to oneself, very quietly, if you meet a person whom you are afraid of, whom you know that he is jealous of you, or one with whom you are simply unpleasant to meet. If it is very difficult for you to learn the text of the conspiracy, you can rewrite it, but always with your own hand. Roll up a piece of paper with a conspiracy into a tube and, tying it on a cord, hang it around your neck under your clothes (preferably next to a pectoral cross).

In the city of Jerusalem, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos herself slept and spent the night at Christ's throne. And she had a terrible, terrible dream. They crucified Christ on a vitriol tree: they nailed his hands and feet with nails, put a hoop on the head. Whoever recalls that dream, the Lord gives as a keepsake. He goes on his way, he takes him with him, he will not be killed by a thunderstorm, a dashing person will not find him, and the beast will not come across. God bless.

Quick conspiracy from the evil eye

This conspiracy is pronounced as soon as they feel an unkind look or an incomprehensible malaise. You can speak anywhere, at any time, only one condition: you need to look at running water. A river, a stream, or just water that flows from a tap will do. If you suddenly feel on the street that you were jinxed, someone looked bad, muttered something after you, was rude and you felt unwell, buy a small bottle of water as soon as possible, pour water on the ground and say the words of the conspiracy. At work or at home, you can also simply pour water from a glass into a bowl or into another glass. In order to quickly pronounce this conspiracy at the right time, not to lose precious time and not to let the evil eye “cling” to you, to act in full force, you need to memorize it or carry it with you written down on a piece of paper.

Lord God, bless! The water is water, the red maiden, as you flow, you wash the red banks, the yellow sands, the foam and the roots, the wastelands are frequent and the stones are white; so wash with the servant of God (name) parables and lessons, and monokos and slander, windmill fractures, from faces and from braids, and from clear eyes, and from black eyebrows, from a white body and from a zealous heart, from frisky legs and from white hands Key and lock to my words.

A conspiracy to close the mouth of an evil person or sorcerer

They say this conspiracy three times on a church candle, which must be extinguished immediately after.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Clothe yourself in the sky, cover yourself with clouds, gird yourself with the belt and strength of the Most Pure Theotokos and her holy angels. Holy Mother of God, with your saints angels, help me your sinful servant (name), and block my adversary's mouth, so that they cannot speak evil against me. My angels and saints are with me, the sun is at my right hand, the month of my left is the servant of God (name), the stars are on my head. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to cut off damage and avert any trouble

Outlining three times with a knife the one whom they want to save from damage, they read the following words above the water:

From the Holy Spirit, from the seal of Christ, from the Savior's hand, from the honest cross, from the Mother of God of the sealing castle! Guardian angel! Save his soul! Strengthen his heart! The enemy is Satan, depart from him, from the servant of God (name). And Jesus Christ himself, come to the servant of God (name). Holy Mother of God! Holy Mother of God! From the servant of God (name), save and cleanse all sickness, all sorrow, all weakness, all evil spirits of swear words and your dashing thoughts, parables, lessons, commotion, slander, thoughts and guards from the servant of God (name), from a violent head, with clear eyes, from sugar lips, from arms and legs, and from mighty shoulders, and from white breasts, from a zealous heart, from a brown liver, from lungs and from a drake, from forty veins, from forty compounds, from forty veins of the undersides, from the head and from the body, from the body to the legs, from the legs to the soles, and from the ground in the cheese, to the dark forests, beyond the blue seas to the rich peasant, not without a burp of beer to drink - forever. Amen.

The knife, with which the patient is outlined three times, is placed at the head of the head. Water, over which a conspiracy is pronounced, they drink it and wash it. If after this the patient falls asleep, do not disturb him until he wakes up himself.

From the evil eye to the maetu

There is such a kind of evil eye when a person begins to toil: he does not find a place for himself, rushes about, as if blindly looking for his own path in life - he does not stay at any job for a long time, he cannot get along with anyone, and even he cannot sit in one place for a long time, It's like someone is pushing him all the time. Usually such an evil eye is imposed on young men. This conspiracy is read on the shirt of such a restless person:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The servant of God (the name of the one who suffers from maeta) will become blessed, and I will go to cross myself, I am forgiven by my father and blessed by my mother, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard gate in the distance into a clean field under the east side. A fiery river flows, and there is a copper bridge across the fiery river, and a copper man rides on his copper horse with copper felt and copper stirrups. And the servant of God (name) will pray to the Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos and the copper husband: oh, you, copper husband, why do you ride across the fiery river along the copper bridge, and go, copper husband, to the servant of God (name) on your right shoulder, and from the right to the left, and from the left under the right bosom, under the left bosom, and from under the left into my heart womb, and into the hot blood, and the black liver, and into seventy joints and at seventy lived and under the right egg. And you yourself, a copper man, take out from the servant of God (name) all sorrow and illness, and all sorts of parables and prizes, and mowing, and slander, light-headedness; and you yourself, a copper man, ride out on a horse, and feed your horse and look out for your eyes. Yes, in an open field, a black man rides to meet and carries a damask sword, and reaches a black stone and cuts a black man with a damask sword into four parts, and spreads it on four sides, and scatters it with violent winds across an open field, through a dark forest. So, if the servant of God (name) would have scattered all sorrow, slander, mowing, lightheadedness across the open field, through the dark forest, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After the ritual, the patient must certainly wear this shirt. And after healing, you can’t throw it away, but when it becomes worthless, it’s best to give it to the poor at the church.

Conspiracy-washing from the evil eye

This conspiracy is an excellent way to wash off any evil eye, even the one that you have been wearing for more than one month.

You need to wash yourself in the evening before going to bed with water, to which the following words have been spoken:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From where did it come to me: from the violent wind, from the great weather, from the word of the accursed, from the long-haired woman, from the simple-haired girl, from the peasant, or the heretic, from the old man, or the wizard, from the old woman, from the sorceress; and when it came to me, whether it was the middle of the night, whether it was the middle of the day, whenever it came, then come down. Amen.

Daily evening cleansing spell

This conspiracy is recommended to be used every day during the evening wash. After all, every day we meet with many people, therefore, we constantly run the risk of being subjected to the evil eye or damage. Therefore, such an evening ritual will never hurt. It is very simple: you need to draw water into a jug and say words to it, and then wash or pour this water over.

The servant of God (name) stood up, blessed, went crossing himself, from the hut through the doors, from the courtyard through the gates and went out into the open field: in the open field there is a blue sea; on that blue sea there is a quiet backwater; on that one, in a quiet backwater, a gray goldeneye floats; on that gray goldeneye, neither water nor dew holds. Also, no lessons, no prizes, no dashing slander, no windy shots and no nightly commotion would hold on to the servant of God (name). Forever and ever, amen.

From the evil eye that calls various diseases and ailments

The evil eye affects a person in different ways. It happens that luck turns away, money goes away, but most often the evil eye causes protracted illnesses, minor injuries that follow one after another, constant colds and ailments. By the way, night aching pain in the legs, which not only adults but also children so often complain about, is most often a sign of the evil eye. Well, of course, if it is not a consequence of varicose veins or arthritis. So, from the evil eye, which hits health, the following conspiracy will help.

Rocks, bites, pinches and aches, sorrow and illness, where did you come from, go there from the servant of God (the name of the rivers) to the tit bird on the heel.

Female conspiracy from corruption

This conspiracy can only be used by women. To do this, you need to go to the river bank, take off your headscarf, spread it on the bank, kneel on the headscarf, cross yourself and say the following words three times:

Sea, sea, take my grief.

After that, the scarf is rolled up and thrown into the river.

A conspiracy from loneliness and black longing

This type of damage is different in that a person who is overcome by melancholy and laziness sincerely believes that he himself is to blame for this, constantly reproaches himself for this, thereby adding to himself torment. And his fault is not here, since he simply underwent damage. The following ritual will help against such an ailment.

You need to take a sheet of paper, draw a cross on it and write the words of the conspiracy inside this cross.

The cross is the cross. A man was born - the cross was hoisted up, and Satan got in touch. God be glorified in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Roll the paper into a tube, thread a thread through it and wear it on your chest without removing it. You can sew into the hem of the shirt, but such a shirt should be worn almost all the time. After washing, you need to make a new piece of paper with a cross and a plot.

Conspiracy from fear

Fear is a special kind of evil eye. He does not allow a person to live in peace, he looks like an inner demon, which all the time holds his hand and whispers: “Don’t do it, don’t take it, it won’t work, you won’t cope,” and it happens that this demon starts saying nasty things about relatives and friends: “ This one does not love you, that one wants your death ... ”It is difficult to live with fear. Therefore, if you are constantly tormented by doubts, suspicions, fears, try this conspiracy.

They say it over water, or over wine, or over oil: they wash themselves with water, drink wine, and draw crosses on their foreheads, wrists and ankles with oil.

I will become, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut through the doors, from the gates, I will go out into the open field, under the east side, under the white day, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the frequent stars, under the morning dawn, under the evening dawn. I will stand on the ocean-sea under the white day, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the morning dawn and under the evening dawn, - I will stand with my eyes to the east, my backs to the west, I will submit and pray: you don’t eat, pike, neither rust, nor swamps and no fish abyss. Suck it up, bite it, under the gray stone, throw the servant of God (yamrek) pinches, and aches, and lessons, and mowing, prizes and commotion, and shelters, and bone crushers, and a stir from the heat and steam, from a laudatory word, from a father’s thought and from mothers, from a simple-haired girl, from a black-headed woman, from a puffer-toothed peasant, from an old man, from a young man and from an average one, from the whole baptized world; in arms and legs, and in clear eyes, in molars and in mighty shoulders in a zealous heart, in 77 veins, in 77 joints without a single vein - and so the servant of God (name) be my words strong and capacious and conspiratorial sharper build a saber, a sharp knife, and with my words a key and a lock, a strong conspiracy, a key into the water, and a castle uphill.

A conspiracy from the evil eye or damage that is brought to the house

Our home is like a second skin for us - another protective shell. And if the house is bad, then it’s hard for us. This property is often used by people who cause damage. Therefore, the house must be protected and after the arrival of an unfamiliar or unpleasant person, clean it.

To do this, they take water (but not holy), pour it into a basin, baptize it 3 times and say the following words:

I will get up, blessed, go, crossing myself - from the hut with doors, from the canopy with gates, into an open field, to the blue sea. In the Okyan-Sea, the navel is sea; on that sea navel - a white stone Olatyr; a white bird sits on a white stone Olatyr. That white bird flew through cities and suburbs, through villages and suburbs, through villages and villages; that white bird flew to the servant of God (name) and sat on the threshold. Yes, she pecked out with an iron nose, scratched with damask claws, with white wings she waved away the prizes and slander, and heavy illness, from distant veins of the camp, from the whole human camp; that white bird carried away the prizes and slander, and all the sickness beyond the blue sea, under the white stone, under the sea navel. Wake you, my words, strong and firm in the key and lock forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from debt damage

The name of this type of damage speaks for itself: a person lives “in debt” all the time, no matter how hard he tries to correct this situation.

The words of the conspiracy are slandered with money that repays debts.

Money-money, run along the road, in an open field, there are oak tables, scolded tablecloths on the tables. You dine, you feast, you bestow. Tables, gifts, feasts, I do not persuade you myself, I call on the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, help, help persuade the money to be set on the true path, from a black eye, from a gray one, from a joyful one, from an envious one, from a filthy one to protect. To this day; to this hour, according to my verdict.

A conspiracy if they jinxed a job or business

If everything went smoothly, and suddenly trouble after trouble at work, and any business suddenly stopped going well, you may have been subjected to the evil eye.

In this case, it is good to speak a burning candle. Speak the words and extinguish it as soon as the last word is spoken. Then bring it to work or where your business went wrong, light it up and now let it burn out to the end. A charmed candle will burn out all witchcraft.

Lord Jesus Christ, Lady Mother of God, Mikhailo Archandel, Gavriilo Archandel, Gregory the Brave, Mykola the luminary, saint of Christ, I, (name), a servant of God, I will pray and submit to you, holy luminaries, I will pray and submit: come and help me words, and put me, a servant of God (name), a tyn, an ogorot of packing, damask, stone from the sorcerer, from the sorceress, from the edun, from the unity, from the red maiden, from the young young woman, there would be no punishment and torment in the tynu and in garden. Holy luminaries, take sharp bayonets, poke, throw for tyn and for the garden. I, the servant of God (name), will take the key and the lock, and I will become the servant of God (name), I will lock that tyn and lock it tightly tightly; I will lower the key into the blue sea. How could this key not be over the blue of the sea, so I, the servant of God (name), would not have any punishments, no puffs, no anguish in the day with the sun and in the night with the moon, with the morning dawn, with the evening dawn and all days and hours, and on Wednesday, and on Friday, and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from chain damage

So called damage, which causes a chain of failures. In order to remove it, you need to take incense, light it up, put it in front of an open window or window. As the smoke reaches up through the window, you must quickly utter the following words.

God bless, true Christ! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The porter, the sorcerer, the porter and the sorcerer on the blue sea cannot sip white foam, the sea depth cannot be measured, the heavenly height cannot be identified, I, the servant of God (name), live forever, do not spoil and do not let any damage. Lock me, the servant of God (name), from the porter and from the sorcerer, from the porter and from the sorcerer, and from every dashing person with a strong lock, an iron key, and I, the servant of God (name), will let go of this key in the Okyan-sea. When a porter or a sorcerer, a porter or a sorcerer sip white foam on the blue sea, they recognize the depth of the sea, they measure the entire heavenly height - and then I, the servant of God (name), cannot be spoiled forever and ever. Amen.

From damage to her husband

If a woman was abandoned by her husband or began to walk “to the side” and a check for damage confirmed her presence, this should be done.

You need to take your husband’s pectoral cross (if he is unbaptized or does not wear a cross, you need to buy a cross in the church or make it yourself from two crossed pine branches; they need to be plucked from a tree, and not picked up from the ground) and say the words of a conspiracy on them. The cross must be given to the husband or secretly sewn (hidden) into his clothes, linen, bed. You can hang a cross on top of his photo and store at home so that no one sees.

The conspiracy is this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I, the servant of God (your name), will become blessed, I will go crossing myself, on God's affairs, on God's path, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates - into an open field. As in the open field of Akiyan the Holy blue sea; in Akiyan the Holy Blue Sea is white Zlatar stone. As in the white Zlatar stone there is a golden chair, on a golden chair sits St. Mary; Saint Mary is holding golden scissors; she, holy Mary, circumcise, the Holy Spirit shears and circumcised from the servant of God (husband's name) prizes, lessons, glass and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, vered, heartache, dashing damage and talker - from the bones, from the brain , from the eyes, from the zealous heart, from the black liver, from the hot blood. From the servant of God (husband's name), holy Mary and from me, servants of God (your name), damage and mowing, prizes, glass and morning lessons, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight - to dark forests and dry forests, over mosses and over the swamps, and over the rotten logs, on the recumbent skyskirs, she herself says: how can those rotten logs and recumbent logs not be green, not be parables and corruption, prizes and mowing, and lessons, showcase and morning, afternoon and noon, evening and midnight, witchcraft and witchcraft from now on and forever, the servant of God (husband's name) has been confessing for a century, the most pure Mother of God, the Altar Mother of God. And I forgot the language of the word, the servant of God, and he put that word in front of everyone.

How to remove damage from the garden and house flowers

If suddenly your landings were overcome by worms, caterpillars and other evil spirits, despite the fact that the neighbors are all right, you can think of damage. To get rid of it, do so. They kindle a fire on the site, take 12 pine branches (they need to be brought from the forest) and throw one at a time into the fire, each time, throwing a branch, they say a plot. The charmed ashes are collected and diluted with water (a glass of ash in a bucket of water). Water the garden with this water late at night. And the words are:

Do not hit, cherz, do not eat the fields sowing gobins, winter. Gray worm and white, and small, and kosteniki, go you, worms, to the setting of the sun, to the green oak tree, to the aspen leaf. If you don’t go, but don’t order this, worms, from sowing winter fields, I will lower birds on you - iron wings, and damask legs: they will take you, a gray and white worm, and a small one, and bones, your subgenus will not be. And you go, worms - do not wait for this - with this winter is healthy, and sowing the winter root hardens you stones and flint, and bitter pitch and sulfur.

Conspiracy from a commotion

Trouble damage is imposed in a crowded place or during an important event, when everyone is fussing, in a hurry, and nervous. At such a moment, spoiling or jinxing a person costs nothing. From such damage there is a special conspiracy-protection.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. God bless, true Christ. I will get up, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the doors through the doors, along the frequent ladder, to the wide street, to the east side, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the frequent crayons of the star, under the brown cloud. There is a great sea on the eastern side of the Okiya. In the middle of the sea is a great island. There is a stone church on that island; in that church the golden throne is holy. Baba Salmanida sits on that golden throne. I, the servant of God (name), come to the Okyan Sea, to the great island, to the stone church, to the golden throne, to Baba Salmanida, who twisted Jesus Christ himself, swaddled in swaddling clothes, twisted with a silk belt, threw an imperishable robe-shirt, commotion I shot both daytime, and nighttime, and evening, and morning, and midnight, and Wednesday; with her right hand and imperishable robe, she plowed from her white face, from clear eyes, and from the lung, and from the liver, and from the popliteal veins. Neither early in the morning, nor late in the evening, neither in broad daylight, nor in the middle of a dark night, just as water does not hold on to the fist, so the commotion on me, the servant of God (name), would not hold. As a gray goose swims in the water, and shakes it off - it's all dry, so you, commotions, dry up, dry up; as the dew dries on the grass with ants, so you, commotion, dry, dry up; as fire goes out from water, so do you, commotions, go out, go out. Go, you commotions, beyond the dark forests, beyond the black mud, where people do not go, they do not ride horses, dogs do not run, and free birds do not fly - into green moss, into quicksand, into a sinkhole. Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracies to remove damage and the evil eye from Serafima Trapeznikova

How to appease, calm the baby if he was jinxed

The baby was capricious for no reason, whimpers, does not take his breast, does not want to sleep - most likely, the reason for this is the evil eye. What to do? Get plenty of water, best of all - in a large bath. While the water is being collected, take a handful of dried mint leaves, half a teaspoon of valerian root, a handful of chamomile flowers. Mix herbs and pour boiling water over. Let stand for ten minutes under the lid, and then pour the infusion into the bath.

Dip the baby in the water and read the plot:

She herself carried, she gave birth, she herself accepted the burden. I myself, I myself deliver all the secrets, all the ghosts, all human conversations, motherly, fatherly bad thoughts from a violent head, from clear eyes, from a white body, from a zealous heart, from a lung, from a liver, from seventy-seven veins.

After the bath, do not pour water on the baby, but immediately wrap it in a towel.

A conspiracy from a headache caused by damage or the evil eye

Pour water in a saucer, read a plot over it, take out a clean handkerchief, dip it in water and wipe your face and hands with it three times.

The prince came not from the wind, not from the sun, from a dashing man. He is looking for a nest-place on the mountains of Shataeva, on the swell of zybaeva. The servant of God went to the blue sea, to the white stone. There sits an old, seasoned man, in the first hand - a gilded eye: he sews and sews all the prizes, all the prizes, windy fractures. Amen.

A conspiracy from corruption that brought bad luck

You should go to the running water, to the stream, river or spring, put your hands down or substitute under the stream and say these words:

Morning Dawn Daria, Vespers Dawn Marina, fresh spring water flowed along the stump, along the root, washed the song-root, gray stone. Just wash away from the servant of God the prize-winners, all persuasion, mother's thoughts, father's thoughts. As water dries up on a pebble, so dry up, wither in your hands and cheeks, from your lung, liver, from a zealous heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen!

And then repeat three times:

Be, my words, strong, firm, negotiation, non-negotiation, hush up, lay down the keys-locks. Keys to the water, locks to the bottom, keys to the water, locks to the bottom.

A conspiracy from witchcraft that brought illness with it

To help a patient whose cause of illness is damage or the evil eye, it is necessary that a woman close to her (mother, wife or sister) draw living water. Alive means natural, not the one that flows from the tap. To do this, you need to go to the river or to the spring. You need to collect water in a bucket or bottle with the words:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And then close the water in a bottle or bucket so that no one sees it until you bring it home. At home, pour water into a deep bowl and read the plot over it:

River-maiden, water-nurse, bless the water to take not for the sake of cunning, not for the sake of wisdom, but for the sake of the health of the servant of God (name); and now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

As it gets dark, the patient should be washed or wiped with this water.

Secret removal of damage and evil eye from loved ones

If the person on whom there is damage refuses to remove it, you can do it secretly from him. To do this, pour water into a glass, cross it three times, then fold your fingers with a pinch, as for the sign of the cross, dip them into the water three times and sprinkle water on the patient while he is sleeping, and repeat the conspiracy words:

All pains, all sorrows, go with the servant of God (name), don’t get hurt, don’t take a bite, don’t snuggle. As stallions jump in the field, jump, still, servant of God (name), jump and jump.

Conspiracy to evaporate black witchcraft

This conspiracy, if possible, must be performed in the bath, but if this is not possible, it does not matter either, do it at home. After you take a steam bath or just wash yourself, pour over cooler water, over which you need to read the conspiracy three times in advance:

The parish came neither from the wind, nor from the sun, from a dashing man. Looking for the prince of a place, a nest; the servant of God (name) went to the blue sea, to the white stone; there sits an old seasoned man, in his right hand - a gilded eye: he spits and blows all the prizes, all the prizes speak. Bytte, my words, firmly, firmly, sharply. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

River conspiracy to remove all witchcraft

This plot is special, summer, it is performed while swimming in the river. Going into the water, read the plot.

Water-water, Earthly queen, as you serve God and the king, so serve the servant of God (name) for ease, for health, for God's mercy. As you feed, tear, cut, save stumps, roots and scrapes, so wash off, rinse from the servant of God (name) all the lessons, mowing, aches, pinches, and commotion, and windmills of change - from the ears, from the nostrils, and from the clear eyes , from pieces, from brains, from all pillars, from far away joints, from far away he lived, so that the servant of God would not suffer, not toil either in the wind, or in the old, or in the full moon, or at any time, or every holy hour. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

River water will wash away all evil from you and carry it away.

A conspiracy if you can't in the morning

A man got up in the morning, but he was in no mood, and he couldn’t wake up in any way, and he didn’t want anything. And I slept like - but I still want to sleep. The following conspiracy will help remove such an evil eye:

I will get up, blessed, go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, under the east side. Birds will be far away, they call, they cry, they swallow, they swallow lessons, they are all unclean souls. From the body is hot, the zeal of the heart and frisky feet of the servant of God (name).

Removal of damage and disease with a twig

Break off a fresh twig from the tree (never pick up a twig from the ground!). Put the patient on the bed, walk along him and lightly tap on his body with a twig, pronouncing the words of the spell.

I’m cutting, carving, driving, driving out lessons, mowing, pinching, aches and commotion, roll off the servant of God (name), fall off - from the white body, from the zeal of the heart. From clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from spotted veins, from popliteal joints. And fire these arrows, and hernias, relatives, commotion over cattle, over Goths, across all marshes, spotlessly, without a return.

Read the plot three times, after which the twig must be broken into small pieces and thrown away.

Cleansing the house with salt

This ritual will help cleanse the house of damage and the evil eye. Sprinkle a handful of salt on a saucer. In the evening, place the icon of the Mother of God in front of this saucer and light a church candle. Then read the conspiracy over the salt three times, extinguish the candle, and scatter the salt around the house and leave it overnight. In the morning, salt must be collected with a new broom and scattered outside the window in the wind. During the night, evil will be absorbed into the salt and leave you with it.

From the black eye, from the blue eye, from the white eye, from the yellow eye. To a dashing eye - salt in the eye, to step over an unclean spirit. You, uncursed eyes, unbaptized eyes. Don’t walk on the sides, don’t prick the sides, don’t rush to see, don’t cramp your breath. You, whirlwind, windy, lively, playful, eye-catching reason, don’t walk on bones, don’t break bones, don’t shy away, don’t cramp your breath. You, the cause of the vortex, wind, I will scatter you, the cause of the vortex, I will cut you down. I don’t leave Tama, don’t walk on the bones, don’t break the bones, don’t hide the appearance, don’t cramp your breath. Here's to you, eye, salt on the eye.

Removal of damage by consecrated objects

Everything brought from the temple of the Lord: candles, incense, holy water or consecrated oil - has a special power. And if you add an old conspiracy word to it, this power increases many times over. This property is used in the following plot.

Take a piece of incense and read a plot over it in the evening in complete darkness. The next day, carry it with you all the time, and burn it in the evening.

I will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from doors to doors, from gates to gates, I will go out into an open field. In an open field I will look in all four directions. In that eastern side there is an ocean-sea, on this ocean-sea there is an ocean-island, on this ocean-island there is a red maiden. The red maiden has seventy knives, seventy knives and seventy borage. I will pray to this girl and submit:

Oh, you, red girl named Nastasya, give me seventy knives, seventy knives and seventy beetroot, take the disease out of God's servant - from hands, feet, from a white body, from a zealous heart, from double water.

Eyelids to eyelids, from yin to eyelids. Amen to my words.

Conspiracy-lapel, if you know who caused the damage

If you know who spoiled you, you need to act like this: take some thing from the person who “spoiled” you. If this is not possible or difficult, just give him something to hold in his hands under any pretext. The longer he keeps the offered thing, the better. After that, you need to go to the water: to the river, to the lake or to the pond and throw this object into the water, while saying the following words:

Like Spiridon the solstice, turn the red sun and moon, just joke, turn away from the servant of God (name) jokes, creatives, devilishly destroy. To an old sorcerer, an old sorceress, a heretic, a heretic, a wizard, a sorceress, an old sorcerer, an old sorceress - I would meet them in front, I shoot from behind with the wind, with a whirlwind, with God's grace. Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from damage to the full moon

This plot is read only with a full moon. Well, if you have the opportunity to go outside or at least to the balcony. If you can't, then stand by the window so that you can see the moon. The light in the room should be turned off and three candles should be lit. Pour water into a bowl, throw in three pinches of salt, stir. Draw water with three large spoons and say:

Voditsa runs, dream assistant,

Runs and runs, washes the coast,

Gray stones, white roots.

Wash away the near-sighted ureki,


Male and female

Nasun, rest in peace

To good health.

Then take water in your mouth and pour it on the back of your right hand. Move your hand over your face 3 times in one direction, 3 times in the other. And then splash the remaining water onto the ground over your left shoulder.

A conspiracy that removes spoilage that prevents pregnancy

In the evening, when it gets dark, light three consecrated church candles and put them on the table. Put a mirror between them and read the plot:

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors, from the doors with gates. I'll go, I'll go to the open field. There is a blue sea, on the blue sea there is a blue stone, under the blue stone there is a toothy and gluttonous pike - copper cheeks, iron teeth, beaded eyes. Eat, bite, eat from the servant of God (name) lessons, bites, flashes, commotion and all envy. On that stone sits a blue peasant, a blue hat, a blue shell, a blue boot, a blue belt and a blue axe. Cut, chop from the servant of God (name) flashes and turmoil, all mournful relatives, and internal: flint, heart, bone, brain, vein, inguinal, knee, finger, eye, mouth, ear, tolen, hair, at the dawn, at the dawn of the evening, and in the middle of the day, and on the old, and on the block of the month, and on the whole hour, and on every day of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Then look in the mirror, then turn it over and hide it until the morning. Blow out the candles and go to bed immediately. The main thing after the ritual is to remain silent and not talk to anyone.

A conspiracy against spoilage before going to bed after failures

If you had a bad day, some kind of trouble happened, then before going to bed, in order to remove heavy thoughts and drive away longing, you need to read the conspiracy, because longing and sadness, difficult emotional experiences make it easier for damage to access you. To protect yourself from it, when you lie down in bed, cross yourself three times and say these words:

From a brown eye, from a blue eye, from a green eye, from an angry look, take fears and fears, evil eyes and damage from the servant of God (name) into the desert, away from people. Let her stay there and not pass on to anyone. I lock with three locks and three keys. Be, my words, true. Amen.

Washing with a spoon from spoilage

This ancient rite is able to remove the most skillful damage for good luck. Pour water into a ladle and put it in front of the holy images for the night, it will be very good if you light the lamp. In the morning, draw water from a ladle with a spoon, pour it into your palm, wash your face with this water and say:

As water runs off spoons, so lessons run off the servant of God (name).

A conspiracy to cleanse from corruption

After the usual washing in the bath or in the shower, do not dry yourself with a towel, but walk all over your body with the backs of your hands and, shaking off water from them, repeat the conspiracy words:

Water does not hold on fists, so do not hold lessons on me.

Removal of spoilage by silver

Silver is a well-known remedy against evil, with its help you can speak from corruption.

Take exactly three grains of salt and throw them into a glass, put three silver things (spoons, rings) in the same place. Fill all this with about half the water, close the glass with your palm and turn it back and forth, while reading the plot:

Just as nothing holds on spoons, so the lessons would not hold on to the servant of God (name). It came with the wind - it went with the wind. It came from the forest - went to the forest. It came from the people - it went against the people. It came from the earth - it went to the earth.

Water must be poured over the left shoulder on the ground. Silver items to wear with you for a week. The damage will come down.

Conspiracies to remove the evil eye and damage from Alevtina Krasnova

From evil words thrown into the wind

It happens that people do not want to spoil the business, but spoil it. This is what happens when an evil word is spoken in a strong wind. So even a person who is friendly to you can inadvertently jinx it. If your business went awry in windy weather, then it happened. To correct the situation, you need to wait for a new wind and read into the wind three times:

I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from gate to gate, into the open field, towards the east, towards the east side. Under the east side is an island. On this island there is a throne, on this throne lies Adam's head. She is silent, does not slander, does not speak. No day, no night, no midnight. So my enemies will be silent, do not raise slander on me, a servant of God, do not envy black envy, do not throw evil words into the wind. And if they think evil of me, a servant of God, so the Lord will protect me, as I pray to him: the chosen Voivode and Lord, hell to the Winner! Like get rid of eternal death, praiseworthy I will describe Thee, Thy creation and servant; but as if you have unspeakable mercy, free me from all troubles, calling: Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to remove the evil eye from insincere praise

Immoderate and insincere praise is also a common cause of the evil eye. Every time after you have been praised too much, in the evening at home, brew yourself tea from 12 herbs. These herbs can be anything. For example, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, elecampane, birch, thistle, nettle, raspberry leaves, black currant leaves, yarrow, shepherd's purse, burdock. You can use other herbs of your choice. Black or green tea leaves are also considered herbs. Take just a pinch, pour boiling water over it and say the plot 12 times:

Envious eyes, hearing ears, lying lips, retreat, turn away, get off the servant of God (name), go back to where you came from. I am not persecuting you myself, the prayer of the Most Holy Most Pure Mother of God is persecuting you. O Most Holy Most Pure Virgin Lady Theotokos! Refuge and intercession wake me, Merciful, and enlighten my mind with the dawns of Thy light. And I pray not only for myself, but also for the people who come to Your intercession. Keep the Church of Your Son in goodness, and protect me from the evil slanders of the enemy who rise up against her. Send Thy help in the apostolate to our archpastors, and keep them healthy, long-lived, rightly ruling the word of the truth of the Lord. As a shepherd, ask God your Son for jealousy and vigilance for the souls of the verbal flock handed over to them, and the spirit of reason and piety, divine purity and truth descended on them. Ask the same way, Mistress, from the Lord, those in power and the city governor, wisdom and strength, judges - truth and impartiality, all who flow to You - the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love. I also pray to Thee, Most Merciful, to fall our country with the shelter of Thy goodness, and deliver me from natural disasters, the invasion of foreigners and internecine discords, and all who live in it, in love and peace, will live a quiet and serene life, and the blessings of eternal prayers having inherited yours, they will be able together with you to praise God in heaven forever. Amen.

Then strain the drink and drink it. It is best to do this before bedtime.

Conspiracies to remove damage and the evil eye from Natalia Sytina

Removal of the century

We have already talked about what a century is, now you can familiarize yourself with the conspiracies of Natalia Sytina, which help get rid of this kind of damage.

This ritual is performed in the bath. Before the ritual in this bath, no one should wash for three days. Before bringing a woman who has been spoiled there, in the bathhouse you need to sprinkle everything with holy water, especially the corners and the place under the shelves. After the victim of damage in this bath, a man must wash himself. If for some reason you cannot go to the bathhouse, do the ritual in the bathroom. To do this, thoroughly wash your bathroom and the bath itself. Then open the door and ventilate the room. Put hot water into the bath, close the door and close all the cracks well. Then you need to take three basins, pour water into them and speak it. From each basin, water is poured in turn on the head and the whole body of the corrupted. She should dry herself with a new towel, which should then be given or presented to some man. No one can talk about this ritual. And you need to whisper to the water like this:

By the Grace of God, Madam Most Holy Theotokos. Pour water on me, cold streams, hot streams, take away what you yearn for. My lips are not kissed, my breasts are not pardoned. Drain the century to the end, to the wedding crown. God's water flows down, it does not return up. So my sadness will go away, it will not be asked back. Key. Lock. Language.

You need to ask a friend or girlfriend for a part of the wedding clothes left over from the wedding (veil, dress, gloves). Only you can’t talk, come up with some reason for such a request. In extreme cases, you can buy some detail of the bride's wedding attire from your hands, from an ad or in a thrift store, you can do it the simplest, inexpensive one. But make sure that the thing was really used on the wedding day: a new or unused item will not work. Next, this little thing needs to be soaked in water and left for a couple of hours (it is not necessary to wet it entirely, it is enough to lower a small section of the thing into the water). Then with the water in which the wedding dress lay, you need to wash your feet and say:

The archangel was unction, the people gathered; they look and wait, the bride and groom will come. Bring me, Archangel, mine too. Amen.

After the damage is removed, for about a week the woman remains very vulnerable to all sorts of misfortunes, bad news, perhaps even illness. Therefore, she needs additional protection. A special report will help you with this.

Every morning, waking up and washing, looking in the mirror, you need to say the following:

A hateful, evil word, like an arrow from an enemy, struck me in my heart. With Jesus' help, with the Most Pure Mother of God, I will cover myself with invincible hope. With an honest prayer I will remove, I will find Holy help. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy to remove the spell on eternal loneliness

You can recognize the spell of eternal loneliness like this: a woman cannot get along with anyone. Maybe she was married, and more than once, and has children. But it is not possible to arrange your personal life in any way. Such damage can be removed in this way.

A woman must buy a female bird, and one must take a variety that can easily survive without human help, if released into the wild. Such a bird can be bought at the bird market or in a pet store, its price and size do not matter.

At midnight, you need to cover the cage with a new scarf and drive a lit church (certainly wax) candle over it. Circle counterclockwise 12 times, while whispering like this:

Just as you fly to yourself, you don’t know troubles, you build a nest, so I, the servant of God (name), fly everything, with a sweet twitter, don’t know troubles and needs. I will open the window, fly to the sun. I will open the seal from my feet, from my hands, from my head and from a warm heart. Amen.

After burning the candle to the end at any icon. Leave the bird under a scarf all night. In the morning, a little light, you need to take the cage outside and open the door towards the rising sun. Then leave without looking back. The handkerchief on the same day must be presented to some stranger woman (you can give it to someone at the church). He will not do her any harm, so do not be afraid and do not doubt.

As a rule, in life after that everything gets better within a couple of months, although the first changes will be noticeable almost immediately. It can be a feeling of lightness, clarity of thoughts in the head, inexplicable joy.

Conspiracies to protect against damage and the evil eye

Now that you have got rid of damage and the evil eye, you need to take the next step - to establish reliable protection against such misfortunes for the future. It is always easier and more effective to protect yourself in advance than to get rid of ailments.

Protective conspiracies from Maria Bazhenova

Conspiracy on nails, hair and footprint

This powerful effective conspiracy will reliably protect you from the evil eye of money. It is pronounced by cutting the nails on the hands and feet.

No one can spin my hair, no one can steal my fingernail, no one can take out my trace, no one can leave my luck. Whoever encroaches on mine, the thunder will rumble and the lightning will break, the eyelid will lie in a layer and tremble like a dog. Amen.

Wrap the cut nails in paper, add a pinch of dust from your shoes and one hair from your head, taken from the comb. All this must be buried in the ground on the same day and this place must be crossed three times 3 times.

Salvation Conspiracy

Read before sunrise:

I will go, blessed, from the hut with doors to the canopy, from the canopy to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gate, under the red sun, under the open field, the holy church of God stands in the open field, and the royal doors themselves dissolve, the servant of God (name) himself speaks from sorcerers, from sorcerers, from sorceresses, from sorceresses, whoever thinks bad luck of me, he counts woods in the forest, sand in the sea, and stars in the sky, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Protection from the evil eye with water

The words of the conspiracy need to be spoken into the water, then moisten your forehead and hands with it, drink a little, and pour the rest over the threshold.

Remember, Lord, King David and his meekness. King David, Queen Fomaida, Queen Stepanida poured water, washed their face, praised Christ, they put up defenses for me, a servant of God (name). There is a defense from earth to heaven, to the Kingdom of Heaven. Michael the Archangel himself carries guard, the Most Holy Theotokos gives rest. Lord, save and have mercy. Amen.

Protective conspiracies on the threshold of the house

Damage is often directed at the threshold of the house, in which case it is worth you to cross the “spoiled” threshold, and the damage will cling to you and spread to the whole house. Therefore, it is useful to learn how to protect the threshold of your home. There are several ways to do this.

On Friday at noon, take three pinches of salt from a wooden salt shaker with your left hand and throw them into a bucket (basin) of water. Wash the threshold with this water three times, while saying:

Salted with salt, soaked with water, salt does not rot, and damage does not stick to my house. Turn away, roll back, turn back! Get out, I didn't call you. Amen.

Pour out the rest of the water at the pedestrian crossing.

Take a broom and mark the threshold three times, saying each time:

I sweep away sorrows, illnesses, ailments, damage, lessons, superficial evil eye, bringing. Threshold metenny, God blessed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to protect the house

Take a white candle and a sharp knife. Make 7 notches on the candle with a knife at the same distance from each other so that you get a carved candle. Light a candle. Let the candle burn down to the first notch on the first day of the ritual, while you can do your housework, then put out the flame and leave it until the next day. Light the candle again the next morning, and let it burn until the next notch. On the 7th day, after the candle has burned down completely, take the cinder, wrap it in paper with the text of the plot and hide it at home in a safe place.

There is a temple, not built by me, arranged by God, erected by all the saints. St. Nicholas dug the pit, St. Athanasius paved the floor, St. Paraskeva the roof of the wing, St. Michael the Archangel cut the windows, St. Kirik laid the threshold, St. Simeon fixed the door. My house stands like a temple of God, protected by the saints, prayed by God, the earth is its support, the sky is its roof, the Protection of the Mother of God is its protection. Lord Jesus Christ, come, help, defend this temple from all evil. Queen of Heaven, protect everyone in this house from all sorrow and quarrel and evil slander. Amen.

Protection from the evil eye with water and iron

Pour ¾ of water into a glass, dip 3 spoons (any) into it. Stir the water with each spoon in turn, scoop it up, lift the spoon up with the wide part so that the water runs down the handle into the glass.

When the water flows, say:

As a spoon does not grow, so it does not grow (name).

Having drained the water from three spoons and saying these words 3 times, you need to take a glass with your left hand, pour water into your right hand, wash your face or let the person you remove the evil eye wash from.

Bread amulet

Take a small piece of black bread, stick a leaf with a charm there and close it with bread crumb so that the leaf is not visible. Then dry the bread and store it so that no one will find it.

Bread and wine, and the life-giving Lord! With this bread I seal my dwelling, I block it with bread, I consecrate it with bread, I protect it with bread. The Bread of the Lord Body, just as Satan will not attack the Lord Jesus Christ, but will perish, so the enemy will not attack my house, the thief will perish, the adversary will be crushed, the hater will strangle himself, the envious will go blind, and every evil thought will be scattered before this bread, like dust before the face of the wind . Bread dries, and my enemy will die. Amen. Amen. Amen. (Speak on the loaf of bread and put it behind the icons.) Protected my hand-written, my words are cut down forever. Stand at home, do not attack the enemy. Amen.

From uninvited guests

Write down one of the two amulets on a piece of paper and hide it well in the hallway.

1. I will defend myself with the Lord, I will cover myself with the Holy Protection. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Mother of God, cover my house with your Holy Veil, so that the uninvited, unexpected, unexpected guest, coming from a foreign side, a foreign spirit, carrying a bad one, will not see it. Cover the roof, cover the walls, cover the threshold and the gate. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

2. I roll round logs, I roll away from the house, rolls, linings, mortgages, butts, slanted eyes, lacerations, all troubles, all misfortunes, all evil: witch's obsession, evil thought, damage, infection, unclean spirit, passer-by sorcerer , dashing visitor. What I write, I will not erase, I write forever at home a talisman. Amen.

Conspiracy from evil people

I walk across the open field, seven demons with half-spirits meet me, all black, all evil, all unsociable. Go you, spirits with half-spirits, to dashing people. Keep them on a leash so that I am safe and sound from them along the way and the road, in the house and the forest, in the lands of strangers and relatives, in the land and in the wild, at lunch and at a feast, at a wedding and at dinner. My conspiracy is long, my words are strong, whoever refutes the word, and so be it in everything, in spirit, in goodness, as it was said in advance.

housewarming conspiracy

When moving to a new house or a new apartment, they bring in a cat, saying:

Here you are, master, a furry beast to a rich yard.

A conspiracy to avert any trouble

Buy a candle in the church and light it at midnight for the new month and read:

I am overshadowed by the bright month, I am swaddled with God's robe, I will be marked with the Holy Cross, I will drive away the unclean force with the power of the Cross. Amen.

You have to speak 3 times. In the morning, bury the melted candle at a pedestrian intersection.

From deceivers of all stripes

This conspiracy is good for all cases of possible deception, which is not uncommon now.

Take a coin or banknote of any denomination, tie it in a clean handkerchief or rag, say this:

I worship the Lord, I will pray to the Archangel Michael! From dashing people, with an evil heart, I defend myself with the thoughts of blacks, I will deny myself from uninvited guests. So that money would not be taken away, they would not fool their heads, they would not make a fog, they bypassed me, a servant of God (name). Amen.

Put the knot in your bosom and carry it with you for 3 days and 3 nights.

Conspiracy from evil gossip

If gossip and unpleasant conversations give you a lot of trouble, you need to pick herbs and say the following words to her:

Dry, grass, dry, enemy tongue, dry, bad word, dry, evil spirit. Amen.

After that, the grass should dry out, and when this happens, it must be thrown to the gossips, then they will forget about you.

Protective conspiracies from Praskovya Belova

Conspiracy-protection from the evil eye for a child

After a walk, during which your baby was paid attention, or after visiting guests, when the child was praised a lot, it must be washed. In this case, you need to sentence like this:

Lord God, bless, Father! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I persuade az, a servant of God (name), a needle, a pin, a way and iron, a body in a turnip; bone in water. The water is still, the star is clear. Neither from werewolves - flowers, nor from a stone - a fruit, nor from a servant of God (the name of the one who could jinx, or simply without a name, if you suspect a stranger in the evil eye), no ore, no blood, no pinch, no disease, no some burden. Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy so that they do not slander and sue without guilt

Very often, an unfair court verdict is the result of damage. As a result of such damage, people see a person as if in a distorted mirror and cannot see him in his true form, and therefore cannot judge him objectively. A special conspiracy helps to protect against such damage. They say it in smoking incense and fumigate a person with this incense before a visit to the court or to some other instance, where they should form an opinion about him.

Holy Mother of God Mary, where has she been, where has she spent the night? - I spent my time in the city of Gladishche, I had a dream about Jesus Christ, how Jesus Christ was torn to pieces, his blood was shed, burned with fire, they wrote in golden letters, they remembered about the Lord God Jesus Christ. The myrrh-bearing woman remembered, spread this dream all over the world and all over the world. Whoever knows this dream, let him read it three times, he will know, get rid of all troubles - from the unquenchable fire, from the judgment that does not judge, from the unsinkable sea, gets rid of eternal torment. Forever and ever. Amen.

Silent conspiracy from corruption

This conspiracy is never spoken aloud, which is why it is called dumb. It protects against any witchcraft, as it has a very strong effect. You need to execute it as follows.

The letters below must be carefully rewritten on a piece of paper. Not a single mistake or blot can be made. If you wrote something wrong, you need to start all over again. In no case should you mutter under your breath what you are writing, and generally speak while rewriting the plot.

T, t, m, d, c, s, c, H, c, s, e, s, t, c, r, o, b, t, m, d, c, s, c, H, d, a, s, d, m, p, t, d, s, p, P, s, t, n, b, i, k, n, n, d, d, p, i, p, I, r, p, P, s, t, n, b, H, e, k, n, i, n, I, r, e, E, m, c, I, d, i, i, n, c, m, k, h, i, t, m, I, r, p, P, s, b, 3, p, t, p, t, s, i, b, p, t, h, y, p, t, c, I, d, c, d, d, p, i, p, O, e, t, p, P, d, k, t, n, s, m, l, i, k, t, h, in, p, in, n, p, O, p, t, (name). Amen.

A sheet with a plot is sewn into the edge of the outerwear.

Protective water for baby

To protect a small child from any random unkind looks, you need to wash him every morning with charmed water. It is very easy to make it. You collect water for washing in a basin or jug ​​and whisper a short conspiracy over it:

Grandmother Solomonidushka, a saint of Christ, as she washed Christ, kept pace with Christ, so wash this baby (name), reduce it from parables and prizes, from human negotiations, from a killer whale, from a woman-eye, from a man-kosmach. Amen.

You can wash the baby with the same water if he suddenly screamed a lot, and they also give it to drink from a spoon at night if the baby is not sleeping.

Conspiracies from witch's arrows

This is a special kind of damage. Lead her like that. They take a needle, stick it with an ear into a wooden stick and slander a special black conspiracy. Further, this needle with a wand (a witch's arrow) is thrown to the one they want to spoil. And since that time, troubles have been pouring on a person one after another. Such damage also has a bodily manifestation - a slight tingling in the chest on the right. If the arrow is made on the disease, then any ailment will be accompanied by a sharp prick or cut.

It is not easy to get rid of the arrow. The easiest way is to find it and take it out of the house, and then burn it. But the one who does damage, as a rule, hides the arrow very well, often it is buried under the threshold of the house, laid in the wall. But in this case it is still possible to help - by conspiracy, he is able to neutralize the arrow.

To do this, take a needle and a stick. We stick the needle with the eye into the stick.

I, the servant of God (name), will stand, bless me, go, cross myself, and I will go out into the open field. In that open field, I will face east, my spine to the west, and I will look, I will look to the east. A red-hot arrow flies from under the east side. Where are you flying, red-hot arrow? From what are you born, red-hot arrow? And not from the wind, and not from the vehor, and not from the violent cloud, and not from the forest, not from the forest, and not from the water, and not from the water. You come out, red-hot arrow, from the servant of God (name), glass, and crystal, and sand. You go out on steel, on iron and on cow's butter. You, red-hot arrow, do not bend, do not break, come out and freeze. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protective conspiracies from Serafima Trapeznikova

A protective plot that is read after visiting a crowded place

We went with the child to a place where a lot of people are crowding, which means that at home, just in case, read the conspiracy over the baby. It is suitable for children of all ages.

All the prizes and all the prizes, dashing slanders, one’s own thought, but a stranger’s thought, and a windy thought - all 40 thoughts are from the servant of God (name of the child).

Sleep protection for baby

To protect your baby from dark forces, which are especially strong at night, sing these words while rocking him to sleep.

Growth baby, yes water is flowing, yes to sleep, yes to rest, but to God's great mercy, but don't listen to people singing, dogs barking, chickens cocooning, roosters crowing. Sleep, yes you can, sleep, yes you can.

And then say the following conspiracy:

Mother Solomanida washed the true heavenly Christ, put on her golden robe, she showed us the way, sinners.

If the baby has not fallen asleep sweetly by that time, but most likely it will, read again:

Growth baby, flowing water, to sleep, but to rest, but to God's great mercy. Amen, amen, amen.

Full year protection

This conspiracy is read over a sleeping baby on Holy Week on Maundy Thursday.

As a little child lived in the mother's womb, did not see the white light, the red sun, so live in the whole white world; do not believe in knocking, or in thunder, or in dog barking, or in marten laughter, or in magpie tickling, or in a black-haired girl, or in a young fellow passing by. Where it came from, go there; from the wind it came, go there; it came from people - go there; don't go back.

Protective plot before going to a crowded place

Before going to any crowded place, take care of protection from the evil eye. Take a red ribbon or a thin belt and say the words of the conspiracy on it three times, and then tie it under your clothes.

On the blue sea there is a plated stone, under that plated stone lives a grandmother, a seven-haired girl, a simple-haired woman, refuses from the parable, from the cutter, from her thin thought.

A conspiracy that is read over a baby if he goes somewhere without a mother

Before letting a child go somewhere without a mother, you need to protect him from possible negative impacts. To do this, put the baby to sleep, take a needle and circle it around him, and read the plot. Then hide the needle so that no one can find it.

I’m building a garden around this servant of God’s baby (name) from earth to heaven, I’ll cover, damask, iron, stone, so that they don’t take prizes, prizes, human slander, people are strangers and father-mothers have bad thoughts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And you can also give the baby a special amulet to protect him from the evil eye. Take a red woolen thread and say protective words on it:

Just as an iron craving is not afraid of anything, nothing sticks: neither water, nor fire, so nothing would stick to a baby.

Tie a thread around the child's wrist, and make the knots stronger so that he does not untie himself.

Protective plot over children's things

It is possible to make the child's things protective, so that neither a bad look nor an unkind word can break through this protection. When hanging the washed things of a child, read the ancient conspiracy, tested for centuries:

How to eat, speak, decide for us the servant of God's baby (name). So that no place hurts and does not ache. Not in the day, not in the night, no hour, no little minute. From birth to prayer, from prayer to the cross, from the cross to the crown, from the crown to the life of the end, the tomb of the ring. I didn’t change the words, but the fathers, the Lord’s wise men, changed. They took my words sharper than a saber and a knife.

Protective plot for a hard day

If you have a difficult day ahead, then while washing, repeat:

Lord God, bless! Bless, Lord! And all the Saints, bless: Svirskaya, Nevsky, Makhovenskaya and Serilskaya! All Saints, bless me, the servant of God (name), and take care, save everything: and so that I don’t get sick, I don’t know any illness, so that no one stares at me, or spoils, or drows. Amen.

Protection from the evil eye while sleeping

When you go to bed, especially in those places where strangers can see you - on a train, for example, then by all means read such a conspiracy before going to bed.

The servant of God (name) lay down to sleep under the seal of Christ, Bogoroditsky Castle; and the enemy is Satan, get rid of me! Three pages are written in our Christ: Ivan and Marya and a friend of Christ, Ivan Boguslov. I go to bed with Christ, I am baptized with the cross. The cross is on me and the cross is in front of me, the cross is an angel with me. The cross is the guardian, the cross is the savior and the cross is church beauty and the cross is the deliverer from demons. Glory to the angels. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy-protection from unpleasant people

Unfortunately, most often it is not in our power to choose with whom to work. If there is an unpleasant person in your team, if someone is jealous of you, you need to constantly protect yourself. To do this, this conspiracy will come in handy, you can read it quietly in the morning when you come to work. The same applies to an unkind person who came across to you in a company, at a party or somewhere else - you can protect yourself from him like this:

Chur, my thought, chur, my thoughts, chur, my opinions of the soul and body, of the left knee. Whoever thinks, salt and sand in the eyes, milk on the tongue, and a sharp knife in the heart.

And maybe so. When you are alone, plug your ears with your hands and repeat aloud 3 times:

As an evil person, a sorcerer, a heretic crawls into my ears, so nothing will happen to me.

Conspiracy from an eye-catching girlfriend

A good spirit is on the ground, an evil one is underground.

After pronouncing the conspiracy three times over your left shoulder, spit, put your hands in your pockets, put your fingers in the fiddle and point them to the ground.

Salt Talisman

Before leaving the house, pour a little salt on the top of your head with the words:

Just as salt does not come, does not grow, so you, servant of God, do not come, do not grow.

If, after returning home, there is a feeling of excessive fatigue, your head is spinning, your mood has completely deteriorated, draw a handful of water directly from the tap and say the same words over it, only replace “salt” with “water”, but wash yourself with this water.

Protective talismans

Often in the old days they read conspiracies for sharp objects - for needles and pins - since ancient times, people knew that they had the power to ward off evil and evil spirits.

Use an old recipe, take a needle without an eye or a pin and say conspiracy words on it three times. And then stick it into the hem from the inside when you are about to leave the house, especially if you have to visit crowded places.

Move away from the servant of God (name) to cracks, to swamps, to dark forests, to violent winds from a white face, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes. Amen.

Workplace Protection

You can protect not only your home, but also your workplace. On Sunday evening, fill a clear glass with water. Take a pinch of salt with your left hand and pour it into your right palm. Read the plot above the salt, and then dissolve it in water.

My angel, my archangel, my savior, save me, save my soul, strengthen my heart. Enemy Satan, get rid of me. I have three sheets, all written, the first sheet is Jesus Christ himself, and the other sheet is Mother Mother of God, the third sheet is Michael the Archangel, gracious father. I call him to me, I withdraw the enemy from myself. I will get up with a cross, I will go with a cross, I will go to bed with a cross. Amen.

Pour water into a bottle on Monday morning and take it with you to work. Come early and, while there is no one, sprinkle the charmed water in the corners and wipe all the objects with it.

Protection from someone else's unkind look

It happens that somewhere on the street, whether in transport, in a store, you suddenly feel an unkind, heavy look on yourself. Then, upon returning home, you must immediately draw water into the ladle, if possible - spring or well (it will be stronger), in extreme cases, it will do from the tap. Wash yourself with this water, saying three times:

It came from the forest - duck into the forest and go. It came from people - duck on people and go. It came from the wind - duck into the wind and go.

At the same time, make sure that water gets back into the bucket. After performing the ritual, drain it over the left shoulder - best of all, outside, and if it's frosty or bad weather, you can also go into the bath, just make sure that it flows away without a trace.

Conspiracy-obstacle for the envious

It happens that you are talking with a person, and everything seems to be fine, he says good words and smiles kindly, but it is felt that his thoughts are completely different, he is either jealous, or he harbors a grudge and actually does not want good. In this case, do not worry, talk to him calmly, and when he leaves, immediately read the old conspiracy. So protect yourself from evil, and neither damage nor the evil eye can get to you.

Sorcerers, heretics, salt - in balls, iron - in the teeth. Their words are locked, and the keys are thrown into the sea. Amen.

Protective plot on the nascent moon

This conspiracy is read as a warning against possible damage or the evil eye. It is good if the oldest woman in the family reads these words. Moreover, it is necessary to speak late in the evening, under the nascent moon - at this time a woman has a special power, and her words carry a huge magical charge.

I will get up, blessed, go, crossing myself, from the hut with doors, from the courtyard with gates, to a wide street, to God's light. I’ll be illuminated by God’s light, I’ll turn around in a cloud, I’ll stumble with small, frequent stars. As you can’t decide the month, you can’t count the scarlet stars, so the servant of God (name) can’t be corrected, spoiled - neither the fair-haired, nor the heavy, nor the single-married, nor the big-married, nor the one-eyed, nor the two-eyed, nor the simple-haired wife, nor the smooth-haired girl, neither the lad, nor the fox maiden. Whoever thinks evil of the servant of God (name), salt - in the eyes, and tar - on the tongue, rags - on the teeth. Be, my words, strong moldings. Age after age amen.

How to protect windows from the penetration of evil

Pour water into an earthenware cup and prepare the salt. Pick up a pinch of salt three times, pour it crosswise into the water and repeat three times:

Black black salt in the eyes.

After that, you need to spit in the water.

Walk around the house and sprinkle each window with this water, saying:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Get out with (name) slanting eye!

When the water runs out, spit three times over your left shoulder. Don't wipe the water off the windows, it should dry on its own.

Protection from any damage and evil eye for women

This is a great way to protect yourself from damage. Put 3 small safety pins under the icons overnight. In the morning, put them on your right palm, cover with your left and read the plot three times:

As thirty-three sorcerers will not be able to undo these pins, so they will not be able to conjure me.

Pin the pins imperceptibly to the hem.

And here is another conspiracy on a pin:

I'll stab myself, I'll splinter myself. I'll study it myself, I'll answer it myself.

Pin it to your clothes, and no evil eye will be terrible for you.

Conspiracy before an unpleasant meeting

If you have an unpleasant meeting and it is impossible to avoid it, protect yourself in advance.

Take any metal object (wire, nail), slap it with your right palm 3 times and repeat three times:

Just as nothing sticks to an iron crucible: neither water nor fire, so to me.

Protective conspiracy against damage to health

In the evening, when it gets dark, turn off the light and place four candles at the four corners of the table. Take four large identical spoons. Pour water into a flat bowl, scoop it up with spoons, pour it back into the bowl and say:

Just as nothing sticks to water, so that the twig does not stick to the servant of God (name).

Protection against spoilage while bathing

This conspiracy is done while swimming. Best of all on the river - running living water will wash everything away and carry it away. But you can read this conspiracy in the bath.

Immerse yourself entirely in the water, pour handfuls of water on yourself and say:

I will stand, blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut through the doors, from the yards through the gates. I will go out under the red sun, I will put on the red sun, in the back of my head - a bright moon, I will stumble with clear stars. A river of fire flowed from east to west. There is a stone bridge across that fiery river. The Most Holy Mother of God walked along that stone bridge, carrying Jesus Christ himself in her right hand, and an iron staff in her left hand. The stone bridge pokes. Like you, a stone bridge, there is no wound, no blood, no pinches, no aches, no tumors, no burdens, so the servant of God (name) has no wounds, no blood, no pinches, no aches. Be, my words, strong on new and old, on the blocking of the month, on all peaceful days, and in the sun, and in the moon. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protection against damage to clothing

Take your everyday clothes, put the icon of the Savior on it, cross the thing three times and read the conspiracy word over it.

Jesus Christ walked along the road, collecting water from the forest, dew from the grasses of a slave for good health: from a spectator, from an evil eye, from blue, from black, from his chatty tongue.

Put it on in the morning and take it off and wash it in the evening.

Protection from the evil eye and spoilage for three days

In the evening, take 3 pinches of salt, pour on a clean, light handkerchief and read the plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. On the sea, on the ocean, on an island in Buyan, there is a latyr-stone. On that stone, on that latyr, Klimant sits - the Pope of Rome, Basil of Caesarea, they pull a tight bow, they put an arrow on a red-hot arrow, they say to the arrows: God's (name) uryoki and mowings came out; cut out with sharp knives; red came - red, go away; blue has come - blue, go away; white came - white, go away, from a gray-haired woman, from a black-haired girl, from a red eye, from blond hair. The key is in the sea, the castle is in the roti, forever and ever. Amen.

Wrap the salt in a handkerchief and carry it with you all the next day, and put it under the icons at night. You can carry this salt with you for 3 days, and then you need to start talking again.

The "return of evil" conspiracy on the sorcerer who caused damage

This conspiracy is read when they know for sure who caused the damage and sent the disease. You will need either a few hairs of this person, or a piece of matter from his clothes, or some thing that he held in his hands. You need to take this item, mix it with a pinch of dust from the threshold of the person who fell ill from damage, and with five pieces of church incense.

Anyone who undertakes to remove damage must put it all in a censer or in an iron bowl and set it on fire so that it smokes. And walk with a censer around the patient and read the plot three times.

I smoke, I smoke all the prizes, prizes, dashing slanders, windy fractures and my bad thought. Be, my words, strong and capacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As everything burns out in the censer, the ashes should be dispelled by the wind.

A conspiracy to protect the household from damage and the evil eye

In the morning, go outside (preferably in the forest or in the park), turn to the sun and read the conspiracy words:

I'm starting to swear words. Spiridon-solstice! Like a red sun, you turn the sky and earth, a bright moon, just like a red sun, unscrew and turn away from me, servants of God (name), all sorts of jokes, tricks, devilish jokes. An old old man, an old old woman, a young young woman, a young young man, a red maiden, a young young woman, an old sorcerer, an old sorceress, a young reckless woman. An old old man, an old old woman, a young young woman, a young fellow, a red maiden, a young young woman, an old sorcerer, an old sorceress, a young likhodeyka - they would be shot from behind, met from the front with the wind, with a whirlwind, with God's mercy from now on and forever. From whom you came, go to that.

Morning conspiracy-protection before an important matter

This conspiracy is read only after getting out of bed, in the morning before a responsible business.

I will stand, blessing, I will go, crossing myself. In an open field, blue sea, blue sea - a blue stone. A girl sits on this stone, speaks: “All slander, prizes, human slander, get away from the servant of God (name) from bones, from blood, from clear eyes, from a zealous heart. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Cross yourself three times and boldly take up your work.

Protection from an evil person

If during a conversation you feel that evil is coming from the interlocutor, cross your arms over your chest, and when he leaves, quietly say after him:

What you come with, go with what you bring, take it away.

So everything unkind that a person let loose on you will follow him.

A conspiracy for food so that no one jinxes it

I will become a servant of God, I will go from door to door, from the hallway to the hallway, I will go out into the open field and I will come to the ocean-sea. In the ocean-sea lies Zlatyr-stone. Under this stone is a pike-glotuha. As this pike-glotuha fattens and robs rivers and lakes, and small springs - I would have robbed and devoured the urchin and the spoiled one from me, the servants of God (name), and so there would be no diseases or lessons in far away joints, no winners. And so there would be neither in a zealous heart, nor in clear eyes, nor illness, nor lessons, nor prizes. In the name of the Father and the Son. In my words, amen.

Protective conspiracies from Alevtina Krasnova

So that competitors do not bewitch business

Read this conspiracy if you know that you have strong envious competitors. You need to read the plot on all business papers that you sign. If this is difficult to do (for example, there is someone nearby), then you need to say a conspiracy on the pen with which you sign these papers. Speak on the pen every day, in the morning.

Lord Jesus Christ, Most Holy Theotokos, I pray, protect the Angelic and Archangelic forces, protect them from the corruption-sorcerer. I take the holy cross, deny myself, dissuade from the sorcerer and sorceress, from black and red, from white and fair-haired, from the simple-haired girl, from the cigarette-rolling woman, from every sorcerer's villain. Through the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, through the prayers of the holy saint of God Diodorus, Lord, save and protect me. O reverend and venerable Diodora, our Father! Help us, the servants of God (names), walk the path of life savingly: enlighten our darkened souls with the dawn of God-given grace, repel passion, weaken from sinful chains, deliver us from the sorrow and from all evil, and grant us salvation, but we call you salvation completely : rejoice, reverend Diodora, our father; Rejoice, strong adamante and terrible demon to the banisher and conqueror; Rejoice, our coming (home), bright kindness. Make us worthy of all joy and the Kingdom of Heaven to be partakers, now and ever and forever and ever.

So that competitors do not jinx it

Before meeting with competitors, read this conspiracy:

Behind the mountains of Zion lies the desert of Gerikhon, in it people of salt stand, their mouths do not open, their eyes do not see, their ears do not hear. These salty people cannot speak, lie, see, or hear. So my envious enemies could not say anything bad about me, nor lie, and they would not see or hear my deeds. And just as not a single person can bite off his nose and suck out his eyes, so they can’t mutilate and spoil me (name), and neither a wind-borne ulcer, nor a pestilence sting could infect. Be, my words, strong and molded, and be united not in an agreement and negotiation. With those words of mine, lips and teeth lock, tongue is my key. And I will throw the key into the sea, stay the castle in the company. I threw the key into the blue sea, and the beluga pike came up, picked up the key, went into the depths of the sea and carried away the key. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Cross protection from damage and all harm

If you suspect that someone is very jealous of you and can damage or somehow harm you, stand in front of the icon in the morning, be baptized as often as possible and read the plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Give me, Lord, for this day of the Lord a great defense - the Life-Giving Cross. I am afraid of the cross and I will be saved by the cross, I will wash myself with spring holy water, dry myself with a cross towel, I will swaddle myself with the veil of the Lord. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Of old, you were a shameful instrument of execution, now the sign of our salvation is forever revered and glorified! How worthily I can, unworthy, sing to Thee, and how dare I bow the knee of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! In that shroud of God I swaddled, in which the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos of Christ God the True swaddled, rocked in the cradle. In that shroud I am swaddled all over, in that cradle I will abide forever. For this sake, morning, and evening, and noon, I glorify Thee, the blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of Him who has blossomed on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of perfect love and all my deeds and my paths will overshadow Thee May I magnify Him who is nailed to Thee, for the sake of my sin, the Lord my Savior. Amen. Lock me up, O Lord, and seal my body, my mouth from evil deeds, from evil people, from a heretic, from a heretic, from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a fast eater, from creeping snake, from seething fire, from a sharp knife, from a toothed sickle , from fire, from flames and from evil people. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protective conspiracy from someone else's malice and envy

This plot is read with a strong east wind. You need to get up in the wind and read the conspiracy on a piece of paper:

On the holy land, in the city of Jerusalem, the holy Archangel Gabriel walks with twelve angels, with twelve cherubim, with twelve seraphim. And they sing the holy Archangel Gabriel with twelve angels, with twelve cherubim, with twelve seraphim, they sing the glory of God. From that voice of the Archangel, the voice of the angelic, cherubim, seraphim, demons fall, devils fall, all unclean words fall. So it would be from the servant of God (name) all enemies-enemies retreated, subsided, fell silent and withered, and withered, and extinguished, calmed down during the day with a red sun, calmed down at night with a clear month, and frequent stars, during a storm, during a whirlwind, during the morning dawn of Mary, at the evening dawn of Maremyan. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then tear the piece of paper with the plot into small pieces and throw it into the wind.

A conspiracy so that the work is not jinxed

This plot is read at work. You need to stand next to the door. The condition is that no one should see or hear you. To do this, come to work before everyone else or wait until everyone leaves. Stand in the doorway, face the exit and read the plot three times:

I, the servant of God, will stand up, facing the world of God, with my back to work. I will be baptized, I will pray, I will defend myself from enemies. I went to the Palestinian countries, to the holy city of Jerusalem, to the holy Mount of Olives. Under the holy Mount of Olives flows the Jordan River, it flows into the Ocean Sea. An iron bull stands on the ocean-sea - copper horns, pewter eyes. You, iron bull - copper horns - pewter eyes - take out of the servant of God (name) all damage and horse evil eye. Pick it up on the horns, throw it into the ocean-sea, into the white small pearls, into the yellow sand, into the printed sazhen. Stomp so that she can neither get out nor swim out. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Protective conspiracies from Natalia Sytina

Conspiracy on the cross for protection

From two hairs tied crosswise, make a cross. Read the plot 4 times on it and wrap it in a piece of paper. Then this piece of paper must be stuffed into a shoe, walked like this until dark, and then burned on an open fire.

Cross cross cross. Man was born, the cross was raised, and Satan was bound, God was glorified. We will be alive, healthy, with God's protection. In the name of the Trisagion Trinity, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How not to be jinxed

It happens that envious people read you to praise. Such praise can easily jinx and take away happiness. Therefore, in order for the evil eye not to work, it is necessary, when someone begins to praise, bite your tongue and mentally send his words back. Better yet, say this to yourself:

Chur, my thought, mind, my flesh, mind, my wild, dashing thought. Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy on the cross line

You can protect yourself from the evil eye and an unkind word by mentally drawing a line between you and the ill-wisher. So you separate yourself from him and do not let him (her) do his dirty work. It should be spoken like this:

And as you, the threshold, lie across, so their words will go across, they will take me away.

Protective conspiracy on the beam

If you came to the house of an envious friend or to visit where such a woman may be present, be sure to say the following conspiracy, best of all when you drink something. At this time, you need to look at any transverse strip that separates you from the envious person: a beam on the ceiling (mattsa), a pattern on the carpet, floor, back of a chair, armchair, sofa, wardrobe, etc.

Mother mother, run across, help save my happiness, save me from an adversary and an evil word.


There are situations when you need to personally meet and communicate closely with people who are unpleasant to you and, as you think, can harm, jinx them in word or deed.

The most effective and simple defense against someone else's evil eye is to separate yourself from an unpleasant person. The best way to do this is a plot-wall. Imagine a wall, for example, made of thick glass. Your task is to imagine how it is: matte or shiny, the sun is shining somewhere on it, and you hear the person talking to you somehow deafly, as if from another room.

In a word, draw this wall in your imagination as realistically as possible.

As soon as a clear picture has formed in your head, say the words of the conspiracy:

White eye, gray eye, red eye, black eye! Joyful uryoks, envious uryoks, go to clean fields, to green meadows. In clean fields, in green meadows, there stands an oak bell-bearer: on that oak the birds of the Yar are singing the songs of the Lord. Do not go to hear the songs of the Lord, Jesus Christ himself will come. Holy Lady Mother of God. He will take (your name) uryoki from me, carry him into stumps, into swamps, into rotten logs. And now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

* * *

The following excerpt from the book 7777 conspiracies from the best healers of Russia (M. Astapova, 2015) provided by our book partner -

The most common pin, as it turns out, is a very powerful magical attribute of many rituals. It is often used as a personal protection.

The charmed pin is especially strong - it is recommended to hang it even for newborn babies.

Perform a ritual with a candle to get rid of the evil eye. Its color and shape is unimportant. Light the wick and, when the wax begins to melt, drop it on the head of the pin with the words:

“A sharp needle-pin, pierce evil with a point, send it away. In the flame, the word is conjured, in damask steel the deed is fixed.

Pin your new talisman to your clothes and keep it close by.

This conspiracy will definitely help you remove damage and cleanse karma.

Stepanova's conspiracy from damage

The great Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova conducts a very effective rite against any witchcraft interference. It suits absolutely everyone.

A conspiracy from Stepanova from corruption helps in cases of light magical attacks and in more difficult situations. It can be pronounced over water, which should then be washed:

“Evil - grass, good - beauty! I'll take black magic into the forest! I'll water the bush, let it drink! From the Servant of God (name), let evil go into the earth!

Magic words will save you from envious looks and evil intentions of ill-wishers.

Conspiracy on water from damage

If you feel that some changes have taken place inside you, most likely you have become a victim of a black magician. To get rid of the evil eye, you will need conspiracies to remove damage.

A spell that is pronounced over water is considered especially strong:

“Deliver me, servant of God (name), from a one-woman man, a bigamist, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your eyes, from your thoughts, from the counter, from the fleeting, from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from their eyes, and from their thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen"

Pour the charmed liquid over your head and let it dry on its own.

This conspiracy is needed to remove damage and put powerful protection for the future.

Conspiracy from mortal damage

There are times when a person who has become a victim of an evil sorcerer does not understand what is happening. His health is getting worse and worse. The night does not bring rest, and every morning getting out of bed turns into torture.

Incessant headaches, heart spasms, depression… All these are signs of deadly damage that must be dealt with immediately. Otherwise, soon the forces will completely leave you.

Let's find out how to remove the damage by conspiracies and forget about the problem forever. Here is a strong conspiracy from the evil eye and corruption:

“Water flowed from a krynichka through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a heretic, from heretics, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhus and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, damage, from melancholy longing thorns, prickly, oppressive, sour, fresh, met, transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent (here you need to baptize water and say): and in the city of Jerusalem, before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Elijah. the prophet with his golden rod strikes demons with holy fire-flame, Jordanian water. I call you with a passionate fire - I expel you: get out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, from the greens, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the intestines, from the hands, from the legs, outlived, outlined, from the fingers and joints. You won’t be here, you won’t drink pure blood from a born, prayerful baptized servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen"

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,site author

Interesting on the topic:

Let's take a closer look at the plot from the evil eye and damage to read on the water - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

A special conspiracy to get rid of the evil eye is a powerful magical effect that will allow you to get rid of alien negativity. These are fairly simple magical rites, but you should only perform them if you are sure that you are suffering from the evil eye.

The evil eye is a direct impact of negative energy that affects a person at the informational level. The effect of this type of damage may not appear on a person immediately, for example, if you are in good vitality and you are overwhelmed with positive energy, you will be able to resist negativity for some time.

Holy water is called water taken in.

Most often, they become victims of the evil eye.

However, sooner or later your mood will begin to change, you will begin to feel a significant decrease in physical strength, you will find a gap in your energy field through which life energy leaves you. From this moment, the evil eye begins to act, and if it is not removed in time, it can cause significant damage to your health.

What are the signs of the evil eye

There are several main signs that allow you to determine that a person has been damaged or has been influenced by the evil eye.

  • The first and most striking sign of the evil eye is a sharp deterioration in human health. If you feel or see sudden signs of weakness, apathy, frequent dizziness and malaise in another person, and doctors cannot find the cause of such problems, most likely you are dealing with induced negative energy.
  • Another important symptom of damage and evil eye are nightmares. From such bad dreams, a person will wake up at night in a cold sweat and will not be able to distinguish reality from sleep for some time.
  • The evil eye can also cause a variety of life troubles, from conflicts at work and difficulties in business, to a break with a loved one.
  • If all your plans and hopes suddenly collapse, for no apparent reason and without the ability to correct what happened.
  • If you have a deep sense of guilt that you cannot get rid of.

A simple ritual for self-removal of the evil eye

This is a fairly well-known ritual that has already managed to prove itself well. It is great for removing the evil eye from yourself or a loved one on your own.

You need to wait for the sunset, sit down at the table, put a glass of clean water in front of you, as well as a matchbox and nine matches. Now light a match, hold it in front of you or in front of the purpose of the ritual and, looking at the fire, pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Pure heavenly blood, save you the servant of God (name), save from every evil eye, from the bad hour, from the male, from the female, from the joyful and childish, from the hated and slanderous, from the evil and negotiation. Amen. Amen. Amen".

When the match burns down to your fingers and you feel the warmth of the fire, drop it into the prepared glass of water. Now light the second match and repeat the words of the conspiracy again. Thus, you will have to burn all the matches prepared and read the plot nine times.

Now look carefully at the matches in the water, if none of them sank, then the evil eye is not the cause of poor health and the answer must be sought from traditional medicine, if from 1 to 4 matches sank, then the evil eye really took place, but the ritual will definitely help take it off.

If there are more than 5 matches at the bottom of the vessel, you are dealing with a strong curse and to remove it you will have to repeat the whole procedure the next day. If there are no fewer sunken matches, you will need to use a stronger magical rite, or seek help from a professional sorcerer.

After that, the person from whom you need to remove the eye should drink one sip of water from four sides of the glass, saying: “Lord help, Lord forbid. Amen".

The remaining water must be poured out into the street through the threshold or from the window.

Conspiracy against the evil eye

The ritual with the conspiracy about the grandmother Salomonida is a strong magical rite that will help you from any form of evil eye or corruption. Conspiracies in which the above-named character is mentioned make up a whole layer in healing practices.

Grandmother Salomonida is considered one of the strongest healers of antiquity, she treated from the evil eye, from envy, saved envious people from evil deeds. For the first time, this rite was published back in the 15th century, and since then it has not only not lost its power, but even today continues to show extremely high efficiency.

If you want to rid yourself of the evil eye, you need to read the plot in a dark room all alone, if you need to heal another person, you need to read in his presence. Words:

“There is a great sea in the east, a wide sea, a deep sea. A great island stands in the middle of that sea, and on it is a stone church. In that church stands a holy throne of pure gold, and the grandmother of Salomonides sits on it.

The servant of God (name) will come to that island in the middle of the blue sea, will come to the golden throne, and to the very grandmother Salomonida, who swaddled Jesus Christ himself, wrapped him with a silk belt, threw an imperishable robe on his body. Take off you, grandmother Salomonida, from the servant of God (name) all the evil eyes, all the commotion, spoiled, night, evening, morning, mid-baptism, and midnight.

Just as water cannot be held in one fist, so the evil eye cannot hold on to the servant of God (name). As a gray goose swims in the water, but swims up, but shakes off the drops and remains dry, so the commotion, and the evil eye from the servant of God (name) will come down, dry up. As the dew dries on the morning grass, so will the commotion, and the evil eye dry on the servant of God (name).

As fire goes out from water, so the power of the evil eye will go out, but it will go away. Bring on the evil eye, and commotion beyond the dark forests, black in the mud, where not a single person goes, where a horse does not go, where dogs do not run, where birds do not fly. Go to green moss, go to quicksand swamps, and stay there, but stay forever. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual to establish the evil eye

With the help of this simple magical rite, you can find out if the evil eye really affects you, as well as who became its culprit. After waiting for the next Tuesday or Saturday, kindle a fire, take garlic peel, salt and alum in your right hand, run this hand over your body from head to toe and say 6 times a magical plot:

“Lord God, save your servant (name) from the evil eye, from evil people who were born on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Thursday. Protect from neighbors on the right and left, save from spiritual earthly things, from all living things, from everything visible and invisible. Amen".

After saying the last words, smack your lips as if you are kissing someone and throw the entire contents of your right hand into the fire. Carefully watch what form the alum has taken, if nothing obvious has been made out, then there is no evil eye on you, if they have become like a person, then the person has become the cause of your problems. In the case when alum becomes like an animal, evil spirits are the cause of bad luck and bad health. Depending on the indicators, you need to choose a further ritual.

Rite with holy water

In order to remove any evil eye or damage from yourself, you need to take holy water from the church and utter the words of the conspiracy on it:

“Bless, Lord God, all the Orthodox people, and me too. All enviable eyes, let the holy water wash away from me, all the hateful looks, the looks of men, women, girls. Thought, promised, guessed, whispered, stuck on, forged, let all the envy take in the holy water from the servant of God (name). May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, holy water should be used daily for morning and evening washing. In addition, you need to sprinkle water on all your clothes, bedding, corners and walls in the house, as well as the workplace.

Ritual with coals

To remove the evil eye from yourself, you need to lower three coals into the water one by one and say:

After that, you need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy over the water:

“Mother Voditsa, you wash all the shores, all stones and sands with yourself. Instead of all the shores, all the stones, and the sands, wash the servant of God (name), wash away all the evil eye, yes spoilage, all lessons, yes prizes, all sorrows, and bodily illnesses, all thinness, yes anger. Bring you, mother-voditsa, everything bad from the servant of God (name) for the wide fields, for the quicksand swamps, for the aspen forests. Let all evil go. Yes, never come back. My words are true, my will is strong, everything will come true, what I said. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

You need to wash yourself with charmed water every day in the early morning, and also sprinkle all the walls in the house with it.

Charmed water removes damage and the evil eye

If you feel that ailments are harassing for no reason, but you will find out that the enemy is spoiling you with black witchcraft, then hurry to read the conspiracy from the evil eye and damage to the water in order to cleanse your body and spirit. Just don’t look for the evil eye on yourself every time you stab or itch somewhere: from water, spoken for no reason, it will be useful, as from an illiterate deputy. But this water will do as much harm to you as a doctor with a diploma bought at one time cannot do.

What has been said against the water has great power and can be cleansed from the word of everyone, dropped in anger, or said on purpose. If someone has caused damage and jinxed it, all the water will take off and turn back, multiplied a hundred times.

  • Prayer from the evil eye and damage to holy water.
  • A conspiracy for well water to get rid of the evil eye.
  • Conspiracy from spoilage on melt water.

Prayer from the evil eye and damage to holy water

Go to the church for the service and stand it completely. If it gets really bad, you can leave: it often happens that a person who is spoiled in church walls is unbearable to be. Sorokoust about your health, order, and when you leave the church courtyard, do not forget to cross yourself.

At home, take holy church water and pour it into an opaque vessel. Light a candle and read a prayer three times on that vessel, and baptizing yourself with a candle, and water:

“Lord, our Father, have mercy on me, a sinner, and all sinners with me. Bless me, your daughter, and all your children with me. I hope for Your mercy and help, help my body regain strength and power. Shield from the enemy with Your hand, help cleanse my soul from evil and sin. May the water, blessed by You, wash away slanting looks and bad deeds from me. Save and save me, Your servant (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

With this holy water enchanted every day, wash your face both in the morning and in the evening. Bless her, having sprinkled your house, all your clothes and a sleeping place.

A conspiracy for well water to get rid of the evil eye

For this conspiracy, well water is needed, no other will do for the future. If there is no well of your own, ask good people. It is a sin to refuse water, and they will not refuse you for a good cause.

As you get water, so on the waning moon and read over it, repeating three times in a row:

Pure water “In the bowels of the holy land, the waters of the stream carried grace. These waters lay deep, these waters ran far. Small streams grew into stormy ones until the slave (name) was found. As they found the suffering-sick, they immediately foamed-boiled, from the top of the head to the feet of the slave (name) was doused, every lesson and the evil eye was washed away from the slave (name). Just as nothing sticks to the water, so the evil does not stick to the slave (name). Amen".

You need to pour this water over yourself from head to toe, whispering like this:

“I wash off everything alien from myself, I return it to the owner. Amen".

After the rite of such damage should go away. And now you need to take a closer look at your acquaintances: the bad should spread to the one who spoiled you.

Conspiracy from spoilage on melt water

It’s good to help and that water can that lay with snow near your house. To be cured of an ailment, collect a small bucket of snow and take it home. Let it melt quietly, but don’t look into the bucket every time you pass by, but don’t try to make snow with water as soon as possible.

As the snow melts into the water, whisper to it seven times:

“This water lay in the heavens under the feet of God. The Lord Himself sent that water under the threshold to me, but punished me to cleanse. Let the evil from the forehead of the servant of God (name) be washed off, removed from the eyes and not kept on the lips. With God's blessing and strength. Amen".

After the conspiracy, wipe your forehead, eyes and lips with water. And pour the rest of the water over the threshold.

From the evil eye and damage, water will heal, and in advance it will protect from evil, so that it does not become attached again. Any conspiracy from the eye of a worm on a waning moon must be read: the word of the enemy, along with the moon, melts and has less power. Pray for the one who offended you and tried to call trouble on you. For forgiveness has great power and is able to bring happiness to everyone.

Conspiracies from damage and the evil eye to water, which you can read yourself

The use of water in magical rituals is a proven technique. Water is used for many rituals. If we take the traditional eastern religions, then water is also actively used there, for example, various rituals are common in Hinduism, in which it is used in combination with various mantras.

One way or another, the scheme of the technique is almost always identical: a certain ritual text is taken and pronounced over the water. Sometimes charmed water can be used to cleanse an object. Here again you can recall the most elementary example - Christian consecration, where holy water is used.

How does she remove the evil eye and damage?

As you know, water is a carrier of information, that is, water may indeed contain certain information, or rather, certain properties. In fact, scientists are now developing technologies that will allow information to be stored using the structures of the crystal lattices of water. In addition, there are many studies on the topic of their formation.

If water changes between different phases, then the crystal lattice changes its own structure. Thus, melt water acquires a structure that differs from non-melt water, although we can talk about identical water.

If we talk about removing damage and the evil eye, then here we are back again to encode certain information.

Actually damage or the evil eye are also certain information messages that act on the subtle planes and can be introduced into your subtle bodies and consciousness. If a negative message has taken root in your current existence and has become a part of your personality, you may experience inconvenience, discomfort, illness and trouble.

In order to remove the damage, you just need to clear your information fields from messages received from outside or overwrite the existing information. Imagine how someone before some significant event inspires you with negative thoughts, calls you a klutz, makes you nervous in every possible way and you lose self-confidence. Then your friend encourages you and you again take a healthy look at the situation and gain confidence in yourself.

The removal of the evil eye or damage by water works in approximately the same way, only at other levels. Sometimes you may even be aware of the presence of the evil eye or damage and try to counteract somehow, but obsessive thoughts may not let you go and continue to annoy you. When you use charmed water removal, your sensations change and you begin to feel normal again.

charmed water

To read conspiracies, your clear confidence in their effectiveness is enough. You just need to have the exact confidence and unwavering intention that you put into your cleansing ritual. Of course, in addition to this, you need to read conspiracies in a normal mood, first calm down and have a more or less good mood.

In addition, we note some more details regarding the choice of water and the conspiracy itself. You need to concentrate on the ritual, put away all unnecessary things, turn off the TV and phone.

So, it is best to use melted or spring water. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to use tap water, although even here it is advised to either leave the water for about seven days (so that the information is erased) or make melted water out of it simply by freezing and thawing it.

Regarding the choice of conspiracies, you should choose, so to speak, to your liking. Sometimes you yourself can easily feel which plot is better for you to hear and is more understandable. You should not repeat conspiracies that are completely incomprehensible to you or simply do not like.

It is best to memorize the plot by heart (and it is useful, since you can always use it in the future) and not peep into the paper when reciting. You should take a vessel with water with both hands and look at the water, as if telling a conspiracy to the water.. You speak in a low voice and seem to share a secret, moving to a soft whisper.

Thus, you transfer the plot into the water and establish the desired connection. It is best to recite in a quiet and clean space.. If you want to do this in the city and without anyone disturbing you, do it early in the morning or in the evening when there is no noise and fuss.

What conspiracies to read for yourself?

In this ritual, you need to drink the charmed water, so take at least the drinking option. Stand on a clear day under the sun(you can do it in front of the windowsill), put water under the rays and say:

“As the sun shines on you, so good people will surround me. And whoever thinks to do me harm, he himself will run into him.

After that, drink water.

This ritual is best done at dawn on spring water. The text is read three times:

“Spring water, clean water, get rid of me, the servant of God (name), help me from ailments, protect from damage and protect from the evil eye. I will take your strength for myself, I will take your purity for myself. Amen!"

This conspiracy read in front of a glass of water seven times:

“Mary the Virgin walked and wandered through the dungeon, washed, cleansed, healed stones and roots, cleanse me like that, a servant of God (name) from the evil eye and corruption, from evil eyes, protect from the evil word. My word is strong, my will is unshakable. Amen!"

After that, you pour water on the top of your head, and do not wipe the water that ended up on the floor. This conspiracy removes the existing evil eye and protects in the future.

The next option is also read over the water, but you can use this ritual daily until you completely get rid of the evil eye. It is read over a basin or bucket of water, bending low:

“Deliver me, servant of God (name), from a one-woman man, a bigamist, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your eyes, from your thoughts, from the counter, from the fleeting, from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from their eyes, and from their thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen."

After that, you pour yourself with charmed water.

You can use this conspiracy when washing:

“I will become blessed, I will go crossing myself, from gate to gate, into an open field into the ocean sea. On the ocean, there is a golden chair; Saint Nicholas sits on a golden chair, holds a golden bow, pulls a silk bowstring, lays a red-hot arrow, begins to shoot lessons and prizes, begins to shoot the father’s thought and mother’s thought and brothers of the thought, all the people of the thought, sallow, oppressive and zhomuchy; from the girl from the blackhead, from the ugly cross. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. King of the earth, king of the sea, king of heaven, save and have mercy on the servant of God (name) from the evil eye and from a dashing person. Amen."

Rituals for a child

Many of the previously noted water conspiracies can also be used for a child. For example, you can first speak water, and then give the baby a drink or wash it with water, depending on the instructions.

Here is a pretty powerful conspiracy that will help you make well-read water, which is then given to the child to drink:

“The queen-voditsa, the red maiden, rolled, fell. From the Jordan, the river washed the steep banks, beat the roots, gray stones. Wash, cleanse the slave (name) from a violent head, from clear eyes, from fair-haired braids, from the blush of the face, from a zealous heart, from the spinal bone, from the middle part, from the veins, from the joints. Lessons and vices, both envious and joyful, and meeting from the front, and looking from the side, and catching up from the back, and the old old people, and the young young women, and the girl’s son, and the girl’s daughter, say goodbye, bless. I send you a slave (name), where the sun does not shine and the month does not shine, golden mosses, rotten decks, not by itself, but by the Lord, and Jesus Christ, the Mother of the Most Pure. Amen."

This option will require a basin of water and 3 or 5 or 7 spoons (melchior or silver) that are clamped in one hand. Over the basin they draw water into spoons and again pour it into the basin and read: “Just like water from spoons, so all the evil eye, lessons, fears, commotion will come down from the servant of God (name of the child!”

After this, the child is washed with charmed water and wiped with his own hem of clothes. It is best to do before going to bed, when you put and wash your child before going to bed.

For water and matches

This option is used not only to remove the evil eye or damage, but also to establish powerful protection. A match is lit in front of a glass of water and the half-burned one is thrown into the water, saying the text: “As this match burned down, so will the one who dares to jinx me burn.”

After that, a church candle is lit and a little wax is dripped into a glass, and the water is left to store for three days and then poured out.

Strong prayer

The most powerful prayer is the prayer veneration of the cross, which is actively used in church services and by many believers.

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His face. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy they say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected his strength the devil, and who gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Evil eye conspiracy

Protection from the evil eye was a common thing for our great-grandmothers. Bright ribbons were woven into the tail of the cows (so that they milked and did not get sick), a silk thread was put on the baby’s wrists and conspiracies were read from the evil eye and damage, even special patterns were embroidered on the towels to protect the young family. You will learn how to protect yourself from household damage and envy with the help of conspiracies and prayers from our article.

Conspiracies against the evil eye and damage to a pin

An ordinary metal pin is one of the most common modern amulets against the evil eye, envy and household damage. However, in order to ward off the evil eye, you must first conduct a small ceremony by reading a conspiracy from the evil eye on a pin. You can choose one of the following options:

  • light a wax candle;
  • when it melts, drop a little wax on the pin eye, reciting the spell: “I pierce the bad with a needle, send it from (the name of the person who will wear the pin) down. I conjure with iron, but fix with fire!
  • pierce a large onion with a pin and say: “The bow is my fighter, I pierce trouble-thinness, I take away anger and blasphemy from (name), protect it, protect evil. Amen".

Rowan conspiracy:

  • pick 3 rowan berries;
  • when they dry up, you need to string them on a pin and say: “The rowan berry is red, and (name) is clean. Amen".

After performing any of these rituals, you need to pin the pin from the inside to your clothes. If the protection is lost, do not panic - it means that she took the negative with her. You just need to attach a new pin, because you already know how to speak it from the evil eye.

Strong conspiracies from the evil eye to water

Water is often used in various rituals, because it is it that is able to receive and store energy, including protective energy. On water, conspiracies and prayers are traditionally read from the evil eye and against damage.

1. This conspiracy is aimed at removing the evil eye.

  • read the prayer “Our Father”, then read the conspiracy on the water: “You are the water of the Jordan, created by God. You flow from under the dawn, you clear meadows, banks, flints, white stones. Cleanse, mother water, the born, baptized servant of God (name) from all evil, disease, from all evil spirits and hatred. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".
  • repeat three times.

2. A ritual with spoons will help prevent trouble. This conspiracy can be used to remove the evil eye from a child (including a newborn) and from spoilage:

  • pour about ¾ of clean water into the container;
  • dip 3 clean spoons there (best of all - from silver);
  • Stir the water in turn with each spoon;
  • scoop up some water, raise the spoon above the container so that the liquid is glassed down the handle, back;
  • say: “As a spoon does not grow, (name) will not grow just like that”;
  • having done this with all the spoons, take the container in your left hand and drain the water into your right, washing the face of the child with it.

3. A plot on water with nettles to remove the evil eye:

In addition, remember that one of the most powerful prayers from the evil eye, which is used in almost all rituals, is Our Father. Reading it in the morning and in the evening, you protect yourself from evil forces, even if you are not a believer.

A bird flies over the seas, a beast runs over the forests, a tree runs into a tree, mother earth into its mother earth, iron into its mother ore, so the evil eye - black sickness fled into its mother tartarara, into the pitch darkness, and ran would not return back, but the person (name) would be alive and well.

I will be you, the evil eye - a black sickness, submissive to my speeches, I order you to be carried away by a bird across the seas, dragged into the forest by a beast, lay the mother earth in your Mother in the cheese earth, shackle iron in your Mother ore, and you will have great grief, and the person (name) is alive and well. I close my words with a great word, it also closes all ailments with half-ailments, all evil eyes with half-evil eyes, all diseases with half-illnesses, all ailments with half-ailments, all spoilage with half-damage, and I close my great word on a person (name) from the evil eye - black sickness to this day, to this day, and for the rest of his life.

Conspiracy from the evil eye of the sorcerer

First you need to get a piece of rope or at least a thread from a church bell (you can ask the ringer in the church chapel), then soak it at midnight in holy water, throwing thistle grass into it. After that, you need to drive the rope through the holy water and read the plot:

I call into the circle of the evil sorcerer-sorcerer, eye-catching and importunate. Here, evil spirit here, sorcerer, here, sorcerer, drink holy water, listen to what I say. Here is my request for you, here is my order for you, here is my order, damn son: drink and eat not the blood of a servant of God (servants of God) (name), but his illness, his black disease that you brought, you brought, you sent him with his evil eye. Do not drink for twelve months, but for twelve days, or rather, for twelve hours, twelve minutes of the Lord from this hour of my command. I remove your witchcraft spell, eye-searing suffering. What is thought is done, said, whispered, watched from the threshold, from the window, from the wind, from the water, from the Earth, from the golden-domed church, from the churchyard of the cross, from dawn, evening, night, from singing coal, from stove ash , from cold gray ash, from hot sparks, from curly smoke, from grass and roots, from the hands of an old il Young witcher, a sorcerer, a sorcerer, from an eye-catching healer, envious of the requests of relatives by blood of strangers. From this day, from this hour, from the Lord's time, so that the servant of God (servant of God) (name) stands (a) not to a sick bed, not to the grave with his face, but to a long and healthy age with a crown. To me, an evil and eyed sorcerer, sorcerer, healer. Remember my words, lock my deeds from your deeds, Satan's arrows. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

A conspiracy from the evil eye of an envious sorceress

There is a white-stone church, golden domes, painted icons, lace fences, silver bells. A cursed, sorcerous, witchy, ocular power approached, cursed the soul of the servant of God (servant of God) (name), lit a candle, spoiled the body, took the power, beauty, peace. Come, Lord, help the slave (slave) (name), he (she) will bow, pray, ask for health. God's servant (slave of God) (name) souls of peace, heart of joy, feet of playfulness, life and long blessed years.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. God's orders, all sorts of infections, not the evil eye, no sorceress-sorceress, black witch, from now on and forever, do not spoil the servant of God (servant of God) (name), do not put in a coffin, do not break health, do not jinx it. The word will be strong, the punishment will be eternal. Amen.

A conspiracy to remove the evil eye of an envious person

The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect from me a black look, envious, evil, damned, human, witchcraft, bestial, a sign of hell. I ask for the first time. Amen.

The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect from me a black look, envious, evil, damned, human, witchcraft, bestial, a sign of hell. I ask for a second time. Amen.

The night is black, the mirror is dark, reflect from me a look of black, envious, evil, damned, human, witchcraft, bestial, sign, hellish. I ask for a third time. Amen.

You need to read the plot, after taking two mirrors. They put one in front of themselves, the other behind them, after which they light two church candles and read the plot, directing their eyes into the mirror. The time for pronouncing the conspiracy is midnight.

After reading the smoothed conspiracy, the person needs to wash himself with holy water, baptize himself with a lit church candle and let it burn out to the end. Wax that has dripped from a candle must be collected, placed in a linen bag, tied with a strong knot, hung around the neck and always carried with you (from the evil eye).

A conspiracy from the black evil eye that is made for death

I, the servant of God (name), did not come to visit, but brought death to me. I received it here, and I return it here. I would, the dead, sleep in a dead sleep, My disease, black evil eye, guard the dead evil eye, put damage in the coffin, lock it up, don’t get up, don’t return the eyed, evil, black disease. Forever and ever. Amen.

A conspiracy from any evil eye - witchcraft, envious, dead

Behind the blue sea, the Khvalynsky Sea, in the middle of the ocean-sea lies Buyan Island. On that island of Buyan there is an oak tree, under that oak tree seven elders live, neither chained nor bound. An old sorcerer, a witch, an evil, envious person came to them, directed the darkness of a black, evil, envious, witching evil eye on them.

Take you, elders, three iron goads, prick, chop the black, evil, Envious, witchcraft look into seventy-seven parts. Across the blue sea, beyond the Khvalynsky Sea, in the middle of the ocean-sea lies the island of Buyan, on that island of Buyan there is a house, and in that house there are iron caddies, neither bound nor shackled. Collect, elders, black, evil, envious, witchcraft evil eye in iron caddies, in silk snares from the servant of God (servants of God) (name).

Beyond the blue sea, beyond the Khvalynsky Sea, in the middle of the ocean-sea lies the island of Buyan, on that island of Buyan sits the bird Tagan, with an iron nose, with copper claws. You, bird Tagan, sit by the house where there are iron caddies, and in the caddies there is an evil, black, envious, magical evil eye, in silk snares. Sit tight and tight, don't let anyone in, drive everyone away, bite everyone. I speak with this conspiracy of a servant of God (servant of God) (name) from a black, evil, envious, witchcraft evil eye to this day, to this day, to this Minute, to this century. And be, my conspiracy, long and strong. Whoever breaks it, let the formidable bird Gagan fly at him and send a black, evil, envious, witching evil eye. My word is strong forever and ever. Amen!

Conspiracy-prayer from the evil eye

I will pray to the Lord God, bow to the holy environment, for the servant of God (servant of God) (name) I will pronounce the evil eye from the body and soul. The Mother of God walked, carried a golden hoop, began to think and wonder how to remove the evil eye from the servant of God (servant of God) (name). I'm reprimanding you, I'm reproaching you from a curly head, from clear eyes, from smooth shoulders from a ruddy face, from a wide heart, from scarlet blood, from yellow bone, from blue veins, from all veins, from a straight back, from a strong waist , from a living belly, from the bladder, so that you don’t stand here, the evil eye, don’t prick in your ears, don’t dry your body and don’t bring down the servant of God (servant of God) (name), don’t drive into the coffin. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To pronounce early in the morning at dawn, standing in front of the window or going out into the street (into the courtyard), turning to face the sun.

After saying the prayer, you need to cross yourself three times and wash yourself with holy water.

Security conspiracy-prayer from any evil eye

I bowed (a) my head on the holy crucifix and bowed (bowed) to you, all power, visible and invisible, and crushed the head and body of the obedient, hurting from the evil eye. You now, Lord Lord, deign to contemplate your servant (servant) (your) (name), who bowed his (th) head before You, crush my pain, my infirmity, heal from the evil black evil eye. Amen.

Vervain Conspiracy

I plant vervain deep in the ground, I plant a hair from my head, I water it with holy water, I save my head and body from the evil eye and ailments. As the verbena goes deep into the ground, so all the eye-catching pain, all the evil ailments leave Mine. Amen.

First, plant vervain in the ground mixed with the cut hair of a person who has suffered from the evil eye. Read the plot, pouring water over the vervain from the head.

Green tea conspiracy

Mighty God, with mercy building everything for the salvation of the human race, visit Your servant (name), calling the name of Your Christ, heal him from the evil eye, from every ailment of the flesh and soul, forgive sin and sinful temptations, and every attack, and every invasion is hostile create far from Thy servant. And raise up from the bed of sin, and build it into Your Holy Church, healthy in soul and body, and with good deeds glorifying the name of Your Christ with all people, as we send glory to You, with the Beginningless Son, and with the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy on a tree and a knife

Yes, I cut off the cut, I cut it, I cut it, I cut it, I cut the look black, envious, the evil eye is hated, vicious, burning with the sharpest knife. Just as a bar disappears from a point, from damask steel, from iron, so the burning evil eye disappears and disappears from a white body, from a white bone, from red Meat and red blood and a clear head from now on and forever. Amen!

When reading the plot, you should circle the figure of the patient with a bar and christen him with a table knife three times.

After reading the plot, you should wash the patient with water and drink this water for three days.

A conspiracy from the evil eye to natural forces

Mother river, holy water, you wash steep banks, yellow sands and white-flammable alatyr stone. Do not wash your steep banks, yellow sands, white-burning stone, wash the whole evil eye from the servant of God (name), all damage, all pain, all ailment. Return his little head to its former clarity, healthy strength to the body and brave courage. Carry you, mother fast river, with your rapids, with your blue wave, the evil eye from him, his pain and illness into the blue Sea, into the cold ocean, into the eternal ice. How not to flow back to you, so the ice does not melt. My conspiracy is long, like an endless ocean, My conspiracy is strong, like eternal ice.

Conspiracies from the evil eye in the bath

I speak water, I wash it with water. I sweat, and then I drive away the evil eye from myself. As water always spills on the ground, so the evil eye from the head, from the whole of My body is subdued.

First you need to go to the bath and sweat well. Read the plot while dousing with water.

I will get up in the bathhouse, I will pray to God, I will sprinkle my whole body with holy water. I will not have a fierce, black, envious, witchcraft evil eye, no damage, pain and illness. Holy water, be for the benefit of God's servant (name). Protect and protect him from the evil eye for all eternity. Amen!

Pronounced in the bath.

A conspiracy from the evil eye on fire

As this candle burns, so my mouth speaks the truth. I, a baptized slave (name), surround my body with fire, wash it with holy water, save me from every evil eye - I cure all the sickness from myself. As this candle goes out, the whole evil eye will go away and the corruption in the heat of the moment will go far: over the high mountains, over the dense forests, over the seas-oceans, and quicksands, and distant rivers, and smelly swamps; and the wood goblin, witches, sorcerers will remain there. The fire of a church candle, heal me from the evil eye.

First, you should light a church candle and, when reading a plot, drive it over the head of a smoothed person.

Sacred conspiracies-prayers from the evil eye

Oh, Most Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the inseparable Trinity, look kindly at Your servant (name), obsessed with a black evil eye; forgive him all his sins; give him deliverance from the evil eye of the fierce, healing from the disease; return to him health and bodily strength; give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that he, together with us, brings grateful prayers to You, the All-Generous God and my Creator. Holy Mother of God, by your all-powerful intercession, help Me to beg Your Son, My God, for healing from the evil eye of the servant of God (name). All saints and angels of the Lord, Pray to God for His smoothed servant (name). Amen.

Lord Almighty, the enemy of our souls and bodies, humble and exalt, punish and still heal! Visit Thy servant (name) with the evil eye of the sick with Thy mercy, stretch out Thy muscle, full of healing and healing, and heal him, raise him from his bed and weakness, deliver him from the evil eye. Forbid the spirit of infirmity, leave the evil eye, black corruption, all disease, all fire and shaking, and if there is sin or lawlessness in it, weaken, leave, forgive Your for the sake of humanity. To her, Lord, spare Thy creation in Christ Jesus, our Lord, with Him, blessed be Thou, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Your Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, wash myself, cross myself, go from door to door, from gate to gate, go under the blue sky, under the red sun, under the bright moon, under the morning dawn, under the vegerny dawn! I will go to the ocean.

On the ocean-Sea stands a golden throne. Mother Mother of God sits on a golden throne with angels, with archangels: Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Elijah the man of God, cherubim, and seraphim, and all the Power of heaven! I will pray to them, I will worship them. Where did people lose good health, why did they get the evil eye? Find people health and protection from the evil eye! Go and look for, calm and comfort all ailments and pains, remove the evil eye black, unkind, witchcraft, envious. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

He slanders on holy water, which then should be washed daily.

Vodichka-Queen, you run away from the Kingdom of Heaven, 113 of the Lord's Paradise, wash away all the sands and smokes, wash off the evil eye-damage from the servant of God (name), the evil slander of the Sorcerer, the envious, the lover, the evil person, longing-dryness, all ailments and pains . Amen.

Take, black coal, from the servant of God (name) everything bad and evil, the evil eye: damage to the fake from smoke, from heat, from the wind. Take off everything that flew into the pipe and into the crack, recover through the open hut door. I, the servant of God (name), without cunning, without wisdom, with good deeds and God's, with fire and fire, the evil eye from my body, from my soul, my house forever and ever. Neither winds-wind turbines will harm, nor torrential rains will moisten. By the power of thunder, heavenly, I remove, I send from myself all the evil eye black, unkind, all damage is pretense, all ailments are sick, all the pains are aching from all organs, the body is white, the heart is hot, the scarlet blood is running. Met on the servant of God (name) the evil eye is neither human, nor witchcraft, nor bestial, nor diabolical, nor devilish. Where did you come from, black evil eye, go to that! Amen!

First you should open the door and take three birch embers. Read the plot, lowering the coals into the water, three times, spitting over your left shoulder.

Then you should close all the doors and windows in the house, go around it with a lit church candle and, having crossed yourself, read the following plot:

Holy hut, you stand in a holy place, I close the windows, close the doors and all your cracks with a pure life-giving cross - from all evil spirits, from an envious person, from a slanderer, from an Evil person and spirit, from diseases, from ailments, from human grief. It is not I who dissuades, the Mother of God dissuades with the power of her Prayer and the life-giving cross. Amen!

Spells from spoilage and disease

The patient is given to eat a piece of bread, over which one of the following spells is first pronounced:

God bless! Jesus Christ is walking along a desert road with his apostles. Apostle of Jesus Christ, come back, look at the servant of God (name), and the prank in the head and heart, calm down, and the servant of God (name), appear healthy in the world. Amen.

To every evil person: dashing, corrupt and contemplative - salt in the eye, hot sand, scorching fire. Any born person cannot recognize God's creatures, clouds cannot be opened, cannot be unlocked, frequent stars cannot be beaten or plucked, dawns cannot be crossed with an ax, Young Moon cannot be pushed away, not unlocked - so I, the servant of God (name), cannot be spoiled by anyone , do not mutilate age to age, from now to age. Be, My words, all fully negotiated for all eternity, from now to eternity. Heaven is the key, earth is the lock

Come out of the id of the servant of God (name), who has the cross of our God, the life-giving cross, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Gospel. Get out of the servant of God (name), get out of his soul, Thoughts, passions, desires and actions. Get out of your heart and eyes, mouth and ears. Get out of all the blood, skin and hair. Get out of the servant of God (name) and his whole body. Where did you come from, go there. What you bring, then bring it. Put it in your footstool and give it to the one who created it. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

The patient is given a piece of bread to eat, over which a spell was cast.

Spells to remove damage

1. Cover the table with a clean tablecloth, put an ordinary egg in the middle, read the spell three times:

I'll put it in an egg, and I'll burn the egg. I burn in it spoilage, evil eye, dryness, brokenness, sips, mugs, hives. Daytime business, nighttime business, windy and windy business, take the fire upon yourself. Fire and ash, free Me from evil. Key, lock, threshold. Amen.

2. A dead wasp is tied in a black cloth, thrown into a corner in the bath and a spell is cast.

The wasp's flight was interrupted alive, its trace disappeared, and there is no damage. Just as that wasp does not come to life, so the servant of God (name) will not die from the evil eye and corruption.

Evil eye spell

Black eye, burst once, gray eye-hater! Save, Lord, the servant of God (name) for every day, for every extinction, from a black eye, from a hated eye, from a joyful eye.

To remove the evil eye from a person, it is necessary to tie a dead wasp in a black cloth, throw it in a corner in the bath and cast a spell. Pour water into a cup, put in a corner, say the prayer "Our Father". After that, bow three times, blow crosswise, utter a spell, sprinkle water on the smoothed person, and wash yourself with it for three days.

Spell from the evil eye

Holy Spirit!

Sprinkle with water!

Get out of trouble!

Take off all the dirt!

Take off every evil eye!

For a century not for an hour

This moment, now!

Filth, perish!

Amen! Amen!

So that damage does not stick and no one jinxes it. While taking a bath, pour water from a jug on yourself and say a spell several times.

Prayers for deliverance from corruption

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of Our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the honest and life-giving Cross, the holy Archangel Michael of God and other heavenly powers of the disembodied Holy Prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lycia. The Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, Abbots of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, Wonderworker, Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia, saints and righteous. Godfather of Joachim and Janna and all Your saints, help us, the unworthy (name), deliver us from all the libel of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcery and crafty people, may they not take us any harm.

Lord, by the light of Your radiance save us for the morning, for the afternoon, for the evening, for the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Who thought and did, bring their evil back to hell, for Yours is the Kingdom and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In some cases, with severe damage to a person, a healer or sorcerer can help. In this case, spells are additionally used. A healer or sorcerer should put a person in the middle of the room, sprinkle him with spoken water and read:

In the forests of untrodden, dense quicksands, there is a house. An old woman lives in that house. Take away, elder, all the evil that you sent to the servant of God (name). As troubles, misfortunes and illnesses leave the servant of God (name), let them return to the one who sent them. I speak bodily pains, spiritual anguish. I send to the one who is to blame for everything. May the servant of God be freed from evil misfortunes, the fetters on his hands and feet will disappear! Amen.

I will get up, blessed, go, crossing myself, from the hut to the gate from the gate to the road, under the red sun, under the blue sky. I will take a straight road to an open field where the holy church stands. In the church of that servant of God (name) prays to the Lord, asks to protect him from sorcerers, from warlocks, from sorcerers and human evil. Whoever brings evil on him, all evil will return to him. Amen.

Conspiracies to get rid of the evil eye

I'm standing on an island, surrounded by the sea. The water became agitated and opened a small island for Me. On the island is a stone, a young woman sits on a stone. She has been given great power. As she holds a bunch of injuries in her hands, she would take the evil eye from the servant of God (name). Have pity, Young Lady, deliver us from human malice, evil eye and corruption. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The conspiracy should be pronounced at sunset for at least 7 days in a row.

Mother, intercessor, deliver, heal the servant of God (name) from the evil eye and corruption. How I would live happily if it were not for human evil. Help, mother, Blessed Virgin Mary, cover us with an invisible veil, protect people from evil and unkind eyes. Amen.

By the word of God, I drive out the evil eye and damage from the servant of God (name). As the day is clean and bright, so the life of God's servant (name) will be Clean and bright. Neither the slander of a sorcerer, nor the look of an unkind and envious person will harm him. I am the harm that was done, may it be returned to the one who sent it. Let the dashing people fear the word of God. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

A person affected by the evil eye must be placed in the middle of the room. Sprinkle it with holy water, lash it several times with a willow plucked on Palm Sunday. Then it is necessary to read "Our Father" (three times) and "May God rise again" (three times), and after that - a spell three times.

Conspiracy from damage

Before you read the spell, you need to go to the bathhouse, take a good steam, then stand on the broom with which you steamed and say the spell:

Lord, bless this white day. I will take the servant of God (name) in white hands and speak to her, the servant of God (name). Come out, all the evil spirits, servants of God (name), you do not care about the servant of God (name). I will give the servant of God (name) spring water and silk grass. Leave you, all the evil spirits, from the crow-crowing, from the magpie-chirping, from the dog-launya, and you leave the servant of God (name), from the bones, joints, from her insides, from her ribs, all members and lived. Come out to the springs, swamps, where there are no birds and the falcon does not fly.

But if you go into an open field, where the falcon is, where the birds fly, you will enter into cattle, into a migratory bird, and you will go along the winds, along the whirlwinds. Winds, whirlwinds, take it from the servant of God (name), from all her limbs and joints, and take it to the black ridges, and hit her in the trampling ridge, so that the wind does not endure and the whirlwind does not blow out: the evil spirit will disappear and die.

A conspiracy from bodily sickness and from all damage and the evil eye

On Mount Alian, on Mount Abraminsky, the Most Pure Lady, the Mother of God, how she gave birth to Christ, the One Lord, and there was no sorcerer, no sorceress, no heretic, no heretic, no male sex, no female, no childish and no girlish - not to jinx and not spoil either a black or a white, or a deacon, or a priest, or a strange person, or a passable Kalika. Protect Your servant (name), Lord, by the power of the holy cross, as Your servant (name) was honestly born, baptized, confessed, communed, married.

Conspiracy to get rid of damage

Before casting the spell, it is necessary to imagine the face of the subject who is suspected of inducing damage. On a piece of paper, you need to draw a human figure and sign it with the name of the suspect. If the spoiled one has no assumptions about the culprit of his illness, the word “sorcerer” should be written on a piece of paper. Then the paper is burned with spell words.

Your eye is evil, your tongue is evil,

They entered, into me, to my home.

You struck a terrible blow to me,

I'm on fire all over.

You brought misfortune to the house:

I'm like a cart without wheels

But evil is on fire now

And you are no longer afraid of me. Amen!

I speak with my word the threshold of my house. Oh, you, the deeds of the gray-haired devil and the Young devil, do not go, deeds, along this threshold, do not set up your nets, do not weave and do not hum against the servants of God (names). From east to west - I, from west to east - I, and on all four sides my work. As I said here with my slander, so I firmly ordered: here people should drink honey, and do not shed tears from this hour. Amen.

As these candles burn, so my lips speak the truth; and I, the servant of God, was baptized (name), I cover this threshold with my veil and wash it with holy water. I will go along the floorboard to the mother river, to its water, I will turn to her: “Oh, you, Mother River, your banks are wide, the stars are reflected in you, The moon and the sun bathe, wash themselves from human eyes. Wash the hut of the servants of God (names) from witchcraft from the herbs of the grave, dry from the hair of a cat dog, and from iron needles, and from the earth from the deceased, and from water from washing, and from any whispering; from black and white / from gray and red, from evil witches and shameless rivals and from their heels, and from bare legs. My answer is stronger than slander - do not debug, do not adjust. What I said here, what I ordered with my own business, so be it. When the manure becomes honey, then My affairs will be disturbed by another. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

A conspiracy from damage to the house (according to N. Stepanova)

On the first Sunday of the month they tear aspen branches. They are steamed on Monday in a bucket. A plot is read over it 12 times:

Mother of God, remember your home,

Where were you born, where did you live and rest,

I got up in the morning with a prayer.

Where did you eat? Where did you drink? Where was the sign waiting?

Bless my home for salvation

From any bad damage to deliverance.

For the sake of your shelter, help me.

My house, Mother of God, bless.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

With cooled water, windows, doors, floors, thresholds, and porches are washed one after another. Water is carried to the crossroads. This must be done in plain clothes. On the way, be silent, do not answer greetings.

A conspiracy to remove damage from the house (to establish harmony between spouses)

Have mercy, Most Holy Theotokos, intercede for us sinners. Be merciful, cover with the incorruptible robe of your soul our sinners, your servant (name) and your servant (name), in this world, give them, Mother of God, love among themselves and advice to live in antiquity and love. And so that they now and forever live in council and, as the water is cleared in the river, so the servant of God (name) would be cleansed to her husband (name) in days, and in nights, and in hours. Where are you, the river, flowing, eternal glory to you, and to those (the names of the husband and wife) - eternal life in love and harmony together. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy to remove damage to loneliness

A woman should go to the bath, knowing that before her and after her, different men (not relatives) washed and will wash in it.

You need to collect three basins of water and read the plot on the water:

God's water - Ulyana, My blush - Maryana. My lips are not kissed, My breasts are not Milovan. I wash off my age, I put on my wedding crown. God's water - Ulyana, my blush - Maryana. Let them see it married, they want to marry themselves. Key. Lock. Language.

Wash the woman from each basin in turn, wipe with a new towel. After the bath, a woman with a towel would approach a masculine tree (poplar, oak, maple, etc.) and hang the towel on a twig. She left silently and without looking back, did not tell anyone anything.

Buy two wedding candles in the church. Come with them to the wedding, after wrapping them in a scarf from someone else's eyes. Keep them in front of you throughout your service. Say to the candles:

Go, dear, to the church threshold. On the way (name, for whom they ask) whom he will meet, and here he will get married. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Take the candles with you. Walk all the way in silence, do not talk to anyone. For a week after the ceremony, burn wedding candles every evening. If everything is done correctly, then the damage will be removed.

From the wedding, bring some clothes for the newlyweds - a shirt, dress, veil, etc., put in a basin and wash. Wash your feet with this water, saying:

Peter took unction, the people gathered: they look and wait, the bride and groom will come. Bring me, Peter, my share. Amen.

A conspiracy to salt from evil spells and the evil eye

At sunset, pour one tablespoon of salt into a shallow dish. Place a lit church candle on the table to your right. Sit comfortably, hold your hands over the dishes with salt and, looking at the burning flame of the candle, read the plot three times:

Violent winds, carry away evil spells into dense, distant forests, fast waters, drown them in deep water, their red, clear sun slept. Evil spells, dashing words, slanting glances, hateful thoughts, get away from me, servant (a) of God (name). Let it be so not for a day, but forever.

Pour salt into a paper bag and put it on the windowsill for three days. Then bury it in the ground or throw it into the water.

A conspiracy to remove the evil eye (according to Vladimirova)

On the first day, whisper into the water:

You, water, water!

Fulfill my will, fill everything with yourself.

Magic and charms, warmth and coolness

Remove the evil eye from the servant of God (name),

To make bathing a delight.

Wash away the anger with black water of conspiracy,

The servant of God (name) is purer than spring water.

My will is with you, My word is a spell.

Enemies - curse!

An infusion of centaury, hops and elecampane is brewed (1:1:2). Whisper at him:

You, forest grasses with trots untrodden,

From untrodden meadows from impenetrable thickets!

Give your strength to a good deed, to the naked body of a servant of God (name).

Keep my will, remove the evil eye from the servant of God (name)!

The infusion is poured into the bath. Accepting it, you need to say:

I bathe in herbs, get rid of the evil eye.

On the second day in the church, put a candle in front of the icon " Trinity and pray. You need to make or buy a talisman from a hare skin, consecrate it with holy water and carry it three times over a burning candle with the words:

You, a lump of hare's hair, revive, accept the soul of a domogo,

Become a talisman, stand as a drummer!

Keep the keys to the house - you know the business.

Save the servant of God (name) from the evil eye,

From damage, envy and the evil eye!

Removal of drunken spoilage

To discourage a person from alcohol, you need to do the following. Have a monk exchange money without telling you why you need it. On them to buy three apples in different places. Feed apples to three pigs, whispering:

The pig eats, but does not drink vodka. So the slave (name) will not drink vodka. Amen.

Removal of damage (according to Vladimirova)

Light 5 candles in a dark room with curtained windows. Light the juniper and birch coals so that the smell comes out. Bring the icon "Trinity". Take a cup of baptismal (holy) water. The person from whom the damage is removed must sit with a scarf thrown over his head, at the four corners of which knots are tied. Read the plot, bypassing the corrupted one three times:

God works in mysterious ways,

They brought the servant of God (name) to my porch.

I'll take off the damage, than I can, I'll help.

I won't stain my hands with gold or silver!

I take Hope, Faith, Love as a friend.

Subject to my will, obedient to my word

Forces of heaven, forest, earth!

God is the judge if I lie.

Nature, heal! God help!

Then remove the scarf, untie the knots, and say:

I untie the knots, I remove the damage, I close the Mouth of the evil sorcerer!

The person from whom damage is removed must pray with burning candles, drink a cup of baptismal (holy) water. The person participating in the ceremony should thank the spirits for their help in removing corruption from the servant of God (name). On the second day, they burn branches and coal again, put a lit candle in front of the icon of the Virgin and read a prayer to the Virgin. Cahors is poured into the goblet and they say:

As the blood of Jesus is red, so the wine took on its color.

I give all my strength to wine to remove damage from the servant of God (name).

From the servant of God (name) damage, like a crown of thorns, I will remove,

I will remove the black forces with a crucifix.

My word is strong, my will is strong,

The powers of heaven are with me forever!

Let the spoiled drink a sip of wine, pour the rest of the wine on the coals with the words:

The power of wine is given to the servant of God (name), As the coals go out, so the damage will disappear with fire to distant lands, blue-eyed lakes.

On the third day, tie a black ribbon on the forehead, remove the silver cross and put on a witch's necklace. Light 2 black candles in front of the icon of St. Nicholas and cast a spell:

And you are a sorcerer, and I am a sorcerer, I take your power, I do not risk it.

I am sending your black cinders, my servants are faithful, look.

I am not inferior to you by my strength, I easily remove your spells!

You ruled the ball, I did not know, you took gold,

I am a servant of God (name) suffered.

Pay with your life, even turn into Satan.

According to God's will, there will be a court, do not defeat me and the sorcerer!

The necklace is removed and immersed in a goblet of water. They throw water over the threshold, put on a silver cross, cross themselves three times and spit over their left shoulder. In the evening, put a bag of hops and lemon balm under your pillow and drink an elixir for prophetic dreams.

Elixir recipe: white mistletoe - 1 part, mint - 1 part, marin root - 1 part, hemp - 1 part; 1 tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 100 ml of vodka and infused in a dark place for 10 days. Take 20 drops at night for no more than 3 nights per month.

Before going to sleep say:

Whom the spirit of darkness helped, Name him to me and reveal in a prophetic dream.

A conspiracy from spoiling young people at a wedding

And Christ went through distant heavens, on which Christ leaned, was baptized on four sides. Baptize My bodies and words, carry my bodies and words from the dawn to heaven, under a damask stone, under a damask stone, there are sorcerers and sorceresses, viritniks and viritnitsa. Whoever spoils Gavrila or Domna will drink the blue sea, devour the yellow sands, at our Senate, at the Jesus Prayer, at the coal heat.

The plot is pronounced over water. They wet their heads with charmed water, wipe the body and water the bride and groom.

Prayer-conspiracy to get rid of corruption

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of Our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the honest and life-giving Cross, the holy Archangel Michael of God and other heavenly powers of the disembodied Holy Prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, Saint Nicholas, Archbishop of the World of Lycia. The Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, the Abbots of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, the Wonderworker, the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their Mother Sophia, the holy and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all the saints. Yours, help us, unworthy (name), deliver us from all the libel of the enemy from all evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcery and crafty people, may they not take us any harm.

Lord, by the light of Your radiance, save us for the morning, for the afternoon, for the evening, for the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Who thought and did, bring their evil back to hell, for Yours is the Kingdom and the power, and the glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracies from damage

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will wash myself with honey dew, I will dry out in the sun, I will pray to the King of Heaven, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos: she gave birth to Christ and swaddled in swaddling clothes, also close and protect me, the servant of God (name), with silk shrouds, silk belts, with his Holy Spirit from the Evil sorcerer, from the sorceress and from all the evil of a person, from evil blood, from evil thoughts, from evil industry. I will still submit, the servant of God (name), to Elijah the prophet: you are the light, Elijah the prophet, a fiery carriage and a fiery chariot, you pull hard, shoot accurately, kill the enemy and adversary and scorch with fire so that I, the servant of God (name), do not spoil , not to conjure either a witch, or an evil dashing person, or evil blood and an evil thought, a thought that is met and respected, and for a drink and a hedgehog in a feast, in a conversation, in any mortal fun. Still I will submit and pray to the Savior-keeper: and you observe, save, all-merciful Nicholas of Mozhaisky, Izosimus and Savvaty the Solovetsky wonderworkers, Tikhon the Monk, John the Baptist, John the Friend, John the Conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster and all the power of heaven, put an iron tyn near Me, the servant of God (name), from earth to heaven, from and to eternity, so that I, the servant of God (name), do not spoil, do not conjure, do not look and do not see, and do not hear at the feast, during conversation, in every fun and forever and ever, from now on and forever, amen, amen, amen, forever and ever amen.

The Mother of God walked across the bridge. Nikolai Ugodnik Elijah the Prophet John the Theologian meets her.

- Where are you going, Mother of God?

- I'm going to wash my nerves, blow out my eyes and expel bitterness from the servant of God (name). From his head, from his arms from his legs, from his belly, from his heart, from his liver, from his greens, from his spleen, from his uterus (“from the uterus” is read only for women), from his ovaries, from his bladder, from his neck, from his spine, from blue veins, from red blood. The Savior with the Cross, the Savior is the winner over evil spirits! Go away, unclean spirits, to all four sides. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Come out, unclean spirit, from the servant of God (name). From the head, from the hands, from the abdomen, from the intestines of the heart, from the stomach, from the liver, from the spleen, from the uterus (“from the uterus” is read only for a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the whole organism. Go, pain, to where the grass does not grow, where the wind does not blow, where the sun does not warm. Go to the abyss, to the bottom! Amen. Amen. Amen.

I'm not flying, I'm not talking, but the Mother of God. She heals, washes, speaks, calls the Lord God for help with Angels, with heavenly powers, with the Lord's dawn, with the evening star.

Michael the Archangel came from heaven, carrying a life-giving cross on his head. He put this Cross on a stone Bridge and fenced it with iron bayonets, locked it with thirty-three locks and everything was under one key. And he gave the key to the Most Holy Theotokos in her right hand. No one will open the locks, no one will spoil the servant of God (name) either in housing, or at a feast, or on the way. I walk during the day under the red sun, at night under the clear moon.

Damn Satan, get away from the servant of God (name) for a thousand roads, for a thousand fields, where cattle do not walk, where people do not go. I am here - a holy path in a holy place and fenced by the Holy Spirit. Lord, save and save the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

God bless. An angel walked from the throne to the royal gates, in the Khvarin fence, there is a table on a steep mountain, and Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary stands on the throne and holds a sword and saber over the sick (name). He kills with a sword, cuts with a saber (this phrase twice). Put, Lord, the heart on the failure Place, strengthen, lock the gate more firmly, the keys into the water. Amen, amen, amen. Chuchuy, Chuchuy, Chuchuy, come out of the servant of God (name) from the inside, stomach, shoulders, from the eyes. If you don’t come out good, then you’ll go bad: Saint Yuri will come, overtake him with a scourge, Saint Yegoriy will come - he will stab you with a spear, and Saint Michael will mark with a whip, burn him with fire, and scatter your ashes all over the wide world. Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, seven-shot, shoot with your seven-arrows and cut with four damask knives (here, cut water with a knife three times in the form of a cross) in the servant of God (name) all pains, all sorrows, inflows, capes, clamps, nets, keels, podtelki, chepozhu , weakness, headache, insomnia, bezdreminnitsa, all pains, all sorrows, sadness, melancholy, sadness, calm down, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary with all the saints forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen.

Water flowed from the krynochka through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a heretic, from heretics, from scientists and those born from children and infants, from typhoid and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, damage, weeping longing, prickly thorns , oppressive, sour, insipid, met transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent. Here it is necessary to baptize water and say: in the city of Jerusalem, before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ himself, Elijah the prophet, with his golden rod strikes demons with holy flame, Jordanian water. I call you with a passionate fire - I expel you: Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, voice, from the violent head, white bone, from red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach, from the kidneys, from the liver, from the greens, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the intestines from the hands, from the legs, from the veins, from the skin, from the fingers and knuckles. The jester you do not be pure blood do not drink from the begotten, Prayer baptized servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracies to remove damage from the house

Walking, servant of God (name), a clean field, a clean valley, a clean path and a clean path. There is a hut, it is clean, but unclean, in it the woman herself is clean, but dirty. I'm going to bring cleanliness, and harass dirt. I will wash it off with holy water, I will burn it with a holy candle, go, smoke, to the valley.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Most Pure Virgin Mary, may there be cleanliness in this hut. Amen.

I speak with my word the threshold of this house. Oh, you, the deeds of the gray-haired devil and the devil of the Young, do not go, deeds, along this threshold, do not pour sickness and anxiety here, do not set up your nets, do not weave and do not buzz against the threshold of the servant of God (name). From east to west - I, from west to north - I, and on all four sides is My work. As I said here with my slander, so I firmly ordered: here people should drink Honey, but do not shed tears from this hour. Amen. Amen. Amen.

As these candles burn, so my lips speak the truth, and I, a baptized servant of God (the name of the Master), wash this threshold with holy water. I’ll go along the floorboard, to the mother’s river, to her water, I’ll turn to her: “Oh, Mother River, your wide banks, the stars are reflected in you, The moon and the sun bathe, they are washed from human eyes.

Wash the hut of the servant of God (name) from witchcraft from dry grave herbs, from dog hair and cat hair, and from iron needles, and from earth from the deceased, and from water from washing, and from all whispering. My answer is stronger than slander, and you can’t fix it, and you can’t fix it. What I said here, that I ordered it with my own business, so be it. When the sulfur in the ears becomes honey, then another Master will disturb My affairs. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from damage (according to N. Stepanova)

Take a broom, with which three people soared before, with names like those of “spoiled”. Take his photograph, put it on the floor, whip it with a dried broom, saying:

Bes, go to the east side

No to you, demon, go-come

Neither in a dented vein, nor in the crown, nor in the forehead,

Not in the eyes, not in the mouth, not in the ears,

Not in the heart, not in the hands, not in the frisky legs.

Go to the open field

You don't have to be anymore

In the servant of God (name). Amen.

From now on, you will not be in prison,

Do not wear chains, do not drag shackles,

The key won't lock you

They will not bury in the prison pit.

My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Amen.

A conspiracy from damage from the "devil's dozen" (according to N. Stepanova)

At night from the 12th to the 13th, 12 minutes before midnight, 13 church candles are taken. They put them on the table. Light the 13th, read:

Thirteen imps, thirteen imps,

Baker's dozen.

Devil's army, you can't take me!

Go to the dark forests, to the stone mountain,

In the devil's backyard.

There are oak tables, wooden beds,

There you will live forever,

And I will live with the twelve apostles.


Repeat every 13 years for those who are associated with this number (born, some negative event occurred).

Conspiracy from damage to the cemetery

Before leaving the house, tie a knot in the middle of the towel. Wash and dry with one end of the towel. Returning from the cemetery, untie the knot.

Removal of damage made to death

Stand at the cemetery gates when they are being taken to bury the dead. Wipe your face and hands with a stolen handkerchief, read a plot on it. Leave the scarf there. You need to read only for a waning month, so that the disease does not add, but goes away. You need to stand not outside the gate, but in front of the entrance to the cemetery.

I did not come to visit, I brought my death. Here she was half-dead, here she was returned. And you, the dead, sleep in a dead sleep, guard my illness, put damage in the coffin, lock it up, sleep, don’t get up, don’t return the illness. Amen.

In this world, almost anyone can provide energy impact on another. And the impact is not always favorable. Someone believes in the presence of sorcerers and witches, someone does not, but even the most ordinary person, without suspecting it, can, as the people say, “ jinx» another, simply envying him or getting very angry. After all, each of us has a biofield and energy and they are all different in strength. It happens that a person with a strong energy, offended, it’s just not good to look at you, how evil eye you are provided. How does it manifest evil eye? What are its symptoms? How, in this case, conspiracies from corruption and conspiracies from the evil eye can help you?

Usually evil eye manifested by a sharp deterioration in well-being, relationships, affairs, or both. The person who jinxed may change character and behavior. Usually evil eye"Hits" in that sphere of life where a person is not all stable and good. But evil eye is one of the milder forms of negative energy impact. Much more difficult is the situation with damage and curse. Corruption it is always applied to a person knowingly, a variety of means and methods are used for its effect, from which sometimes the hair stands on end. Inducing damage, a person gives a lot of energy and strength, while, of course, not without support from the dark forces. Miss with spoilage and curse almost impossible. Corruption will not affect only that person who has a powerful energy protection. If damage And evil eye have already reached their goal, and you have disappointing guesses about this, then the response will help to reflect the negative impact energy impact - conspiracies for protection from evil eye and damage! With protective conspiracies, you can be sure of a favorable outcome of the situation. When you start reading conspiracies for protection that can ward off any damage from you, you will surely see retribution from those who sent it to you. The process of cause-and-effect relationships and the law of conservation of energy will work. With the powerful energy of the conspiracy, you will push the negative energy of corruption back to its supplier.

Conspiracies from evil eye and damage is read on the waning moon!

Strong protective conspiracies against corruption (charm-charm)

Read this strongest conspiracy from corruption with special respect and reverence!

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. I, the servant of God (name), will be blessed, I will wash myself with honey dew, I will dry out in the sun, I will pray to the King of Heaven, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos: she gave birth to Christ and swaddled in swaddling clothes, also close and protect me, the servant of God (name), with silk shrouds, silk belts, with your Holy Spirit from an evil sorcerer, from a sorceress, and from all the evil of a person, from evil blood, from an evil thought, from an evil industry. I will still submit, servant of God (name), to Elijah the prophet: you are light, Elijah the prophet, a fiery carriage and a fiery chariot, you pull hard, shoot accurately, kill the enemy and adversary and scorch with fire so that I, the servant of God (name), do not to spoil, not to conjure either a sorceress, or an evil dashing person, or evil blood and an evil thought, a thought that is met and prestigious, and for drink and for a hedgehog in a feast, in conversation, in any mortal fun. Still I will submit and pray to the Savior-keeper: and you observe, save, all-merciful Nicholas of Mozhaisky, Izosimus and Savvaty the Solovetsky wonderworkers, Tikhon the Monk, John the Baptist, John the Friend, John the Conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster and all the power of heaven, put an iron tyn near me, the servant of God (name), from earth to heaven, from age to age, so that I, the servant of God (name), do not spoil, do not conjure, do not look and do not see, and do not hear at the feast, during conversation, in every fun and forever and ever, from now on and forever, amen, amen, amen, forever and ever, amen. The most powerful conspiracy from corruption.

Conspiracies from damage to death

If every day you feel worse and worse, your strength leaves you and suicidal thoughts begin to arise, you may have been cursed to death. This powerful conspiracy will help you!

“Water flowed from a krynichka through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a sorceress, from a heretic, from heretics, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhus and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, damage, from melancholy longing thorns, prickly, oppressive, sour, fresh, met, transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent (here you need to baptize water and say): and in the city of Jerusalem, before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Elijah. the prophet with his golden rod strikes demons with holy fire-flame, Jordanian water. I call you with a passionate fire - I expel you: get out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, from the greens, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from the bladder, from the intestines, from the arms, from the legs, outlived, outlined, from the fingers and joints. You won’t be here, you won’t drink pure blood from a born, prayerful baptized servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen".

Vintage conspiracies from damage and the evil eye on the grandmother Solomonida

The grandmother of Solomonida is one of the strongest, well-known healers of antiquity. Her miraculous healings and protective spells were legendary. The conspiracy below from the evil eye, very ancient, is believed to have come to us since the 15th century.

Read this plot in a dark room and all alone.

“There is a great sea in the east, a wide sea, a deep sea. A great island stands in the middle of that sea, and on it is a stone church. In that church stands a holy throne of pure gold, and the grandmother of Solomonides sits on it. The servant of God (name) will come to that island in the midst of the blue sea, will come to the golden throne, and to the very grandmother of Solomonida, who swaddled Jesus Christ himself, wrapped him in a silk belt, threw an imperishable robe on his body. Take off you, grandmother of Solomonida, everything from the servant of God (name) evil eye evil, all the turmoil, spoiled, night, evening, morning, mid-baptism, and midnight.

Just as water cannot be held in the fist of one, so on the servant of God (name) and evil eye can't hold on. Like a gray goose swims in the water, but swims out, but shakes off the drops and remains dry, so are the commotions, yes evil eye from the servant of God (name) they will descend, dry up. As the morning dew dries on the grass, so do the commotions, yes evil eye dry on the servant of God (name) will be.

As fire goes out from water, so does power evil eye fade away, let it go. Come on you evil eye , yes, commotion beyond the dark forests, black in the mud, where not a single person goes, where a horse does not go, where dogs do not run, where birds do not fly. Go to green moss, go to quicksand swamps, and stay there, but stay forever. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A powerful conspiracy to holy water from all corruption

Take holy water in the church and say the following words to it:

“Bless, Lord God, all the Orthodox people, and me too.

All enviable eyes, let the holy water wash away from me, all the hateful looks, the looks of men, women, girls.

Thought, promised, guessed, whispered, stuck on, forged, let all the envy take in the holy water from the servant of God (name).

May it come true what is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After conspiring on water, wash your face with it in the morning and evening, and you can also sprinkle whatever your heart desires (clothes, corners of the house, bed or workplace).

The strongest ancient protective conspiracy against corruption

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. This conspiracy is not for an hour, not for a day, not for a month, not for a year, but for the whole century and for life, amen, amen, amen, over amen, amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From God, holy miracle workers, reverend fathers and martyrs in the sea, and the sea is indignant from the clouds, rising from the sea to thirty fields of cursed, unclean spirits, damned demons, visions of the devil. Asking them about them, the holy miracle workers, the venerable fathers and martyrs Nifont and Maroth, Cyprian, Justinia, Conon of Isauria and Dimitry of Rostov spoke to them:

"What kind of damned demons did you come by the prayer of Christ?" Izhe rekosha: "We are cursed and unclean spirits, children of Satan, the prince of hell." And the saints and great wonderworkers and reverend fathers and martyrs asked the rest, and said to them: “Why have there come unclean spirits?” They are rekosha:

“They came to torment the Christian human race, break bones, mind and sense of smashing, betraying illnesses and ailments, doing dirty tricks and harm, hurting the heart, pushing into anguish and sadness, relax everything, take away possession, act various intrigues, destroy and lead to death who walks without prayer, drinks, eats and takes what he takes, and who attends feasts and weddings, that is our slave and house, we move into that, we live nesting, into that we are planted and sent by sorcerers.

And these holy miracle workers will pray: “Do not torment the human race, do not break bones, do not break the mind and feelings, do not betray diseases and ailments, do not do dirty tricks, do not hurt your heart, do not go into anguish, but go into the abyss of hell, into the earth empty, and live there from now on and forever. Amen ".

At the present time, there are many types of conspiracies. And it is very difficult to understand which one to use.

This can help sorceress Praskovya Ivanovna. She gained a lot of experience working with conspiracies for most of her life. Praskovya's grandfather was a sorcerer white magic and passed on knowledge to the still young Praskovya.

During her long life, Praskovya helped more than one hundred people who are grateful to her to this day. The situations in which the healer had to work were also varied. This gave great experience in working with all sorts of conspiracies for get rid of problems and improve life.

Witch Doctor Praskovya Ivanovna is able to help anyone who needs her help, who is tired of difficulties and hardships. To everyone who wants to change their life, Praskovya wishes not to deviate from the decision made, and you will definitely find good luck and prosperity.

you forget what it is debt and credit problems, quarrels in the family, failures. Praskovya Ivanovna writes a conspiracy individually for each person and his specific life situation. Therefore, it is very important to tell your story as openly and honestly as possible in order to achieve the maximum result.

Together with the plot, you get a prayer to enhance the effect. It is imperative (!) to follow the instructions that Praskovya Ivanovna sends with each plot. All instructions are built individually to your life situation, because all the problems and life difficulties of all people are different. You need to decide for yourself that you need to change your life, turn it in a happy direction and follow your goals. You must be prepared for the changes that await you. Realign your energy and your thoughts to receive the blogs of life. Forget about doubts and become happy. Any questions you can ask on Praskovia Ivanovna's website.