How long does wax heat up in a wax melter? Depilation with warm wax at home


How to melt depilatory wax at home

When women begin to master the method of wax hair removal, they are often faced with two questions: how to melt wax at home, and how to wash off the wax after depilation? Not knowing the answer to this question can lead to unpleasant consequences and reduce the effectiveness of the procedure to a minimum.

Using a wax melter

The waxing procedure involves the use of hot, warm or cold wax. If everything is simple with a cold composition (it is applied on special strips and all you need to do before use is warm it up in your hands), then in order to do hair removal with a hot or warm product, you need to warm it up.

This wax is sold in jars, cassettes or cartridges; each package contains instructions on how to properly heat the product and to what temperature, which is important, because if the mixture is heated too much, you can get burns; if it is too little, the wax will not be able to remove effectively excess hair.

To melt wax, it is best to use a special device called a wax melter. According to reviews, it is not necessary to chase a branded model (for example, Beurer); the simplest Chinese device is quite suitable for these purposes. It should be noted here that a branded device not only has additional features that can facilitate the procedure, but also provides a warranty and a service center, while cheap devices in the event of a breakdown will be more difficult to repair due to problems with spare parts.

A wax depilator is designed to heat the wax placed in a cartridge to the required temperature (each device has its own characteristics, so you need to study the instructions), and then apply a thin, even layer to the skin, which is difficult to do on your own. At the same time, the device provides protection that protects the skin from burns.

Microwave and steam bath

If you can’t get a wax melter, don’t despair; the product can be heated at home without the use of special equipment. To do this, it is enough to have a microwave; if you don’t have one, you can make a water bath. You should arm yourself with a bowl, a cosmetic spatula and a special thermometer, with which you can determine the temperature of the heated mass.

To melt the wax in the microwave, you need to put the jar in the oven, having first completely removed the foil. The heating time largely depends on the amount of product and the set temperature (the exact parameters that need to be set are usually indicated on the packaging). In most cases, it takes thirty to sixty seconds to heat the wax to the desired warmth.

If you don’t have a microwave at home, you can melt the wax at home in a water bath, and in this way you can also melt a solid piece that is sold in briquettes or granules. If you need to heat up hard wax, you need to cut it into small pieces or grate it, put it in a container, then fill a large pan with water and place the container with wax in it. In this case, you need to make sure that the amount of water does not exceed the wax level.

After this, put the pan on the stove, turn up the gas to maximum and leave to heat, carefully ensuring that moisture does not get into the melting mass, otherwise during the procedure the product may cause a burn and the quality of hair removal will be worse. As soon as the water boils, turn the heat to low and continue heating for five to ten minutes, making sure that the mixture does not boil. The wax melting process will be completed when all its particles are converted into a homogeneous mass.

Before using the product, you need to check its temperature, otherwise you may get burned. It should be kept in mind that the higher the temperature of the mass, the more painless the procedure. It is believed that the optimal temperature for hot wax is from 42 to 45°C, for warm wax – from 35 to 37°C.

In order for the mass to be at the same temperature, it must be mixed well, moving from the center to the edges (this can be done already during melting, when the product begins to melt). If the thermometer shows the desired temperature, before applying, you need to apply wax to the inside of your wrist and make sure that the warmth does not cause discomfort.

How to withdraw remaining funds

Usually, during wax removal, the product is not completely removed from the skin, and particles remain, which shrink as they dry out, cause irritation and cause bruising. Getting rid of the frozen mass is not easy, since ordinary water does not remove it; on the contrary, it compacts and becomes harder.

Before you begin the procedure, you need to ask how to properly remove wax from your body. It should be borne in mind that it must be removed as soon as the wax strip is removed: if you delay, it will not be easy to do. To do this, after each removal of the strip, you must carefully examine the skin.

To remove the maximum amount of wax from the skin in one go, during epilation you need to press the wax strip as tightly as possible to the skin. In this case, most of the product will be removed along with excess hair. It is the insufficient contact of the mass with the skin that is the reason that the wax is not completely removed. The product must be applied in a thin layer and ensure that it is even: this will make it easier to remove the wax strip from the skin.

Usually, the package contains special wipes along with the product, with the help of which this problem can be easily solved at home. Immediately after removing the strip, wipe the skin with it, after which not a trace of the wax will remain.

If you run out of wipes, you need to make sure you have a rich lotion for sensitive skin at home. It is sold in the form of a spray or in a regular bottle and can be easily found on the shelves of a cosmetic store. Apply the lotion immediately after removing the wax strip from the skin.

If lotion is not available, you can use vegetable oil. To do this, you need to warm it up a little, dip a cotton swab in the warm solution and wash off the remaining wax. Rub the skin with oil until the skin feels clean. Vegetable oil can replace a very greasy cream, with which you can not only remove wax, but also soothe skin irritated by hair removal.

Waxing is an effective way to get rid of unwanted hair. This procedure is in demand among both women and men. But not everyone has the opportunity to constantly visit the salon to remove excess hair. In this situation, waxing can be done at home. You just have to buy the product in the store and melt it yourself.

If you decide to carry out the waxing procedure at home, then you need to know how to melt the wax correctly. There are three main ways:

  • in the microwave;
  • in a water bath;
  • using a wax melter.


The easiest way to melt wax is in the microwave. You do not need to monitor the fire by constantly stirring the composition. In addition, using this method does not require much time. To melt wax in the microwave, use the following instructions:

  1. Place the product in a container that can withstand high temperatures. If you have wax in a cartridge, then you don’t need to use additional dishes.
  2. Set the time to 2-3 minutes. This is usually enough for the wax to melt.
  3. After the microwave has turned off, carefully check to see if the wax has melted evenly. This can be done by stirring it with a spoon.
  4. If you notice lumps or clots, microwave the wax for another 1-2 minutes.
  5. Once the product has melted, remove it and leave it for a few minutes to cool to your desired temperature (33-36°C is considered optimal for use).

It is important to remain nearby while the microwave is on. Watch the melting process through the glass so as not to accidentally overheat the composition. If you notice that the wax begins to boil or change its color to dark brown, then immediately turn off the microwave.

Water bath

Melting wax in a water bath is a little more difficult, but you will be able to control the entire process. To use this method you will need:

  • pot;
  • a container in which the wax will melt (it must withstand high temperatures, for example, clay dishes);
  • gas or electric stove;
  • spoon for stirring.

The heating process itself proceeds as follows:

  1. Take half a pan of water.
  2. Place an open container with wax granules or disks in it.
  3. Place the pan on the stove and wait for the water to boil.
  4. Reduce heat to low. Stir the wax constantly until it is completely melted. This usually takes 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Leave the melted product to cool to the temperature you require (33–36 ° C is considered optimal for use).

Attention! Never leave wax unattended on the stove while it is on.

Video: how to melt wax

Wax melter

If you plan to resort to wax depilation at home quite often, then it is better to purchase a special apparatus for melting wax - a wax melter. It is usually used in beauty salons, because it is easy to use and also allows you to heat the product to the optimal temperature.

There are different types of wax melters:

  • Cassette. The easiest way to work with them is at home. Simply insert the wax cartridge into the wax melter and turn on the device. The optimal time for kindling will be indicated in the instructions (usually no more than 20–30 minutes).
  • Canned. These models are used in salons, because a significant amount of wax can be melted in such a machine at a time. This is necessary when you are treating the bikini area or legs. But even at home, using a canned wax melter is quite acceptable. Simply pour wax granules into the machine, and then set the desired temperature (indicated in the instructions). After 20–30 minutes, the wax will be ready to use.
  • Combined models. This type of wax melter is much more expensive because it combines the functions of a cassette and a can device. It should be used according to the instructions for the previously described options (depending on which kindling method you are going to use).

Photo gallery: types of devices

Cassette wax melter is easy to use
Canned wax melter is usually used in beauty salons
The combined wax melter has a temperature regulator, as well as independent buttons for turning on and off the cassette and can heaters

Video: how to melt wax using a wax melter

Whatever method you choose, be extremely careful when melting wax at home. Before you start depilation, check the temperature of the composition. Follow the instructions for melting the wax: in this case, you will definitely achieve the desired result from the procedure without causing negative consequences.

Waxing is a popular method of removing body hair. Three main working methods can be used: with cold wax (purchase strips completely ready for use), with hot wax and warm. The last type is the best option, which is less painful than the cold method, and eliminates the likelihood of getting burns, unlike the hot method. Using warm wax in a container with a special roller means convenience and accuracy of use, which are combined with high efficiency. There are several simple ways to heat up wax in a cartridge.

Application technique

Using such a device for depilation at home saves time; the hair removal procedure is quick and accurate. How to use:

  1. Clean and dry the skin well.
  2. Warm up the cartridge.
  3. Apply warm product along the hairline in an even layer.
  4. Place a fabric (paper) strip on top and carefully straighten it so that there is good adhesion to the hairs on the body.
  5. Remove the strip with a sharp jerk in the direction against hair growth.

Important! For good application and speed of the procedure, the wax must be well heated.

How to reheat?

There are several ways to melt the wax and bring it to the required temperature:

  1. Using a wax heater specifically designed for this purpose.
  2. In a water bath.
  3. In the microwave.

Water bath

This method requires two metal containers that can be placed on the stove:

  • the first is slightly larger in size than the cartridge;
  • the second is of such a size that a smaller container fits into it.

Heating procedure:

    1. Pour water into a large container.
    2. Bring water to a boil.
    3. Place the package with the composition in a smaller container.
    4. Place the smaller container along with the cartridge in boiling water to melt in a water bath.
    5. Heat to desired consistency and temperature to melt the wax.


This is the easiest way to heat the wax in a cartridge, which can greatly facilitate the heating process itself.

Execution order:

  1. Install the cartridge into the heater.
  2. Place the heater in the base (if provided for by the design).
  3. Turn on the device for heating.
  4. In a quarter of an hour (or less), the cartridge will be evenly heated.

The advantages of this method include uniform heating, no wax leakage, and the possibility of using a thermostat. To find out whether the contents of the block are warm enough, you can check the free movement of the work roller. The disadvantages of the method include the need for additional financial costs - the purchase of a wax melter.


Microwave heating is often chosen by beginners for its simplicity. Technique:

  1. Place the cartridge in the oven.
  2. Set a timer for 20 seconds.
  3. If the wax is not warmed up, you can apply it several times for another 10 seconds, checking the heating temperature.

The disadvantages of this method of heating wax include:

  1. The composition in the cartridge cools quickly and requires additional heating every few minutes.
  2. It is difficult to find a position for the cartridge in the microwave so that the contents do not leak out. In a horizontal position, leakage is possible, and in a vertical position, there is a high probability that the cartridge will fall and the wax will leak out.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Roller application allows you to perform depilation conveniently and quickly. Despite the obvious advantages, there are also some disadvantages associated with the need for heating.


Wax cartridges have many advantages:

  1. Fast application.
  2. Ease of use, even on your own.
  3. Reasonable price.
  4. Guaranteed application of a thin and uniform layer.
  5. There are several ways to warm up a cartridge.
  6. Clean hands, no splashing.
  7. The package can contain a composition of any consistency.
  8. The rollers on the cartridge can be of different sizes (narrow or wide) depending on the size of the body area being treated.


The disadvantages and application features include the following:

  1. Cartridges are very convenient to use, but not for all areas. They are best suited for the following areas: limbs and torso. Wax in such a container is least suitable for the bikini area, where it is inconvenient to use.
  2. For good application, the depilatory composition must be warmed up. If you don’t have a special wax heater, you’ll have to tinker with the heating.
  3. If you use this method of hair removal regularly, it is advisable to additionally purchase a special device - a wax heater.
  4. If the wax overheats, you can get burned.

Using warm wax is considered one of the best options. Applying the composition using a cartridge is a quick process that allows you to carry out the depilation procedure as efficiently as possible.

A woman’s impeccable appearance is spoiled by unwanted hair on her body. Wax hair removal has gained popularity due to the convenience of the procedure and the result – smooth legs.

In a beauty salon, the procedure is performed by a cosmetologist. But if a woman decides to carry out the procedure on her own, she needs to know how to handle hair removal wax and how to heat the wax in a cartridge at home.

Benefits of waxing

Not only the female gender, but also the male gender prefers to perform waxing. Benefits of the procedure:

  • not only unwanted hairs are removed, but also dead epithelium, as a result the skin is renewed;
  • Most wax products contain special additives that soften and nourish the skin;

To carry out depilation at home using wax, it is necessary to properly prepare the mass for hair removal, heating it to a viscous state.
  • provides a long-lasting effect, and with the additional use of sprays for slower hair growth, you can forget about depilation for 1.5 months;
  • inexpensive method, the procedure is easy to use, the raw materials can be purchased at any specialized store, wax hair removal services are provided by most beauty salons;
  • after several procedures, the follicles become thinner and softer.


The raw materials for the procedure differ according to several criteria, the main one of which is the melting point.

According to the melting temperature, wax is divided into:

Warm-up method

Many forums and articles are devoted to the topic of how to heat wax. By heating the wax in a wax melter, the process is greatly simplified. You need to look at the packaging to what temperature the manufacturer recommends heating your product, and set the temperature setting on the device. When the wax in the wax melter warms up to the desired temperature, the device will give a sound signal or the light will go off. The notification depends on the device model. All latest models of wax melters have a built-in temperature sensor. It allows you to maintain the desired temperature of the contents of the cartridge throughout the entire procedure.

You don’t have to worry about heating the wax in a cartridge at home if the container comes with a special powered wax melter.

If you decide to heat the raw materials in the microwave, you need to remove the packaging, remove the foil from the walls of the cartridge, and set the timer for 1-3 minutes. The time varies depending on the amount of raw materials being heated and the power of the microwave. Then the contents of the container are thoroughly mixed and applied in a small amount to the wrist. This will allow you to understand whether you can get a burn and determine the consistency of the raw material. If necessary, you can reheat the raw materials in the microwave for about 10-15 seconds. After each warm-up, do a test on your wrist. The heating or cooling process does not affect the quality of the wax product, so there is no need to worry about overheating.

How to heat wax using a water bath? Heat in the same way as in a microwave oven. The difference is that for mixing and temperature testing you do not need to remove the container from the bath. The method is available; to heat it up, you only need a container of water, which needs to be put on fire. The wax cartridge is placed in a container filled one third with water and placed on low heat. There is no need to bring it to a boil.

The wax in the cartridges is heated if it has a liquid consistency and a temperature that is comfortable for the skin. Melting time depends on the packaging. If the cartridge has thick walls, it will take longer for the contents to heat up.

Before application, apply a degreasing lotion to the skin. It is necessary to apply wax according to hair growth, and tear it off against growth. After finishing the session, apply a soothing cream to the depilation area.

How to remove wax

Wax is difficult to wash off. The easiest way would be to purchase a special product. It can be bought in a salon or specialized stores. The cosmetic composition easily removes product residues without the appearance of an oily sheen. The disadvantage is the strong smell.

Other methods:

  • lotion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • fat cream;
  • water and soap.

When women begin to master the method of wax hair removal, they are often faced with two questions: how to melt wax at home, and how to wash off the wax after depilation? Not knowing the answer to this question can lead to unpleasant consequences and reduce the effectiveness of the procedure to a minimum.

The waxing procedure involves the use of hot, warm or cold wax. If everything is simple with a cold composition (it is applied on special strips and all you need to do before use is warm it up in your hands), then in order to do hair removal with a hot or warm product, you need to warm it up.

This wax is sold in jars, cassettes or cartridges; each package contains instructions on how to properly heat the product and to what temperature, which is important, because if the mixture is heated too much, you can get burns; if it is too little, the wax will not be able to remove effectively excess hair.

To melt wax, it is best to use a special device called a wax melter. According to reviews, it is not necessary to chase a branded model (for example, Beurer); the simplest Chinese device is quite suitable for these purposes. It should be noted here that a branded device not only has additional features that can facilitate the procedure, but also provides a warranty and a service center, while cheap devices in the event of a breakdown will be more difficult to repair due to problems with spare parts.

A wax depilator is designed to heat the wax placed in a cartridge to the required temperature (each device has its own characteristics, so you need to study the instructions), and then apply a thin, even layer to the skin, which is difficult to do on your own. At the same time, the device provides protection that protects the skin from burns.

Microwave and steam bath

If you can’t get a wax melter, don’t despair; the product can be heated at home without the use of special equipment. To do this, it is enough to have a microwave; if you don’t have one, you can make a water bath. You should arm yourself with a bowl, a cosmetic spatula and a special thermometer, with which you can determine the temperature of the heated mass.

To melt the wax in the microwave, you need to put the jar in the oven, having first completely removed the foil. The heating time largely depends on the amount of product and the set temperature (the exact parameters that need to be set are usually indicated on the packaging). In most cases, it takes thirty to sixty seconds to heat the wax to the desired warmth.

If you don’t have a microwave at home, you can melt the wax at home in a water bath, and in this way you can also melt a solid piece that is sold in briquettes or granules. If you need to heat up hard wax, you need to cut it into small pieces or grate it, put it in a container, then fill a large pan with water and place the container with wax in it. In this case, you need to make sure that the amount of water does not exceed the wax level.

After this, put the pan on the stove, turn up the gas to maximum and leave to heat, carefully ensuring that moisture does not get into the melting mass, otherwise during the procedure the product may cause a burn and the quality of hair removal will be worse. As soon as the water boils, turn the heat to low and continue heating for five to ten minutes, making sure that the mixture does not boil. The wax melting process will be completed when all its particles are converted into a homogeneous mass.

Before using the product, you need to check its temperature, otherwise you may get burned. It should be kept in mind that the higher the temperature of the mass, the more painless the procedure. It is believed that the optimal temperature for hot wax is from 42 to 45°C, for warm wax – from 35 to 37°C.

In order for the mass to be at the same temperature, it must be mixed well, moving from the center to the edges (this can be done already during melting, when the product begins to melt). If the thermometer shows the desired temperature, before applying, you need to apply wax to the inside of your wrist and make sure that the warmth does not cause discomfort.

How to withdraw remaining funds

Usually, during wax removal, the product is not completely removed from the skin, and particles remain, which shrink as they dry out, cause irritation and cause bruising. Getting rid of the frozen mass is not easy, since ordinary water does not remove it; on the contrary, it compacts and becomes harder.

Before you begin the procedure, you need to ask how to properly remove wax from your body. It should be borne in mind that it must be removed as soon as the wax strip is removed: if you delay, it will not be easy to do. To do this, after each removal of the strip, you must carefully examine the skin.

To remove the maximum amount of wax from the skin in one go, during epilation you need to press the wax strip as tightly as possible to the skin. In this case, most of the product will be removed along with excess hair. It is the insufficient contact of the mass with the skin that is the reason that the wax is not completely removed. The product must be applied in a thin layer and ensure that it is even: this will make it easier to remove the wax strip from the skin.

Usually, the package contains special wipes along with the product, with the help of which this problem can be easily solved at home. Immediately after removing the strip, wipe the skin with it, after which not a trace of the wax will remain.

If you run out of wipes, you need to make sure you have a rich lotion for sensitive skin at home. It is sold in the form of a spray or in a regular bottle and can be easily found on the shelves of a cosmetic store. Apply the lotion immediately after removing the wax strip from the skin.

If lotion is not available, you can use vegetable oil. To do this, you need to warm it up a little, dip a cotton swab in the warm solution and wash off the remaining wax. Rub the skin with oil until the skin feels clean. Vegetable oil can replace a very greasy cream, with which you can not only remove wax, but also soothe skin irritated by hair removal.