Symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother what to do. Lactostasis in a nursing mother: symptoms and treatment

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Probably, everyone faced such a nuisance when you feed and feed your baby, and everything seems to be fine. And in the morning, bam ... A full breast of milk has become hard as a stone, burns with fire, and putting the baby on does not help, because the milk comes out in a thin stream at best. If you are faced with the listed symptoms, then you must immediately begin treatment, lactostasis in a nursing mother (this is the name of this dirty trick) is not a joke. If you think “Ah, it will resolve itself in a couple of days”, you will lose time and eventually you will end up in the hospital with the so-called “milk fever” (). And then goodbye breastfeeding indefinitely. Want to leave your favorite baby without milk? No? Then read carefully and remember.

What is lactostasis

Lactostasis in a nursing mother is simply the stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary gland. That is, a curdled cork is formed, which prevents the free exit of milk. Normally, this should not be the case. Therefore, such a condition is a small pathology that occurs in almost everyone during breastfeeding and, if measures are taken in time, is quickly eliminated. This is most often due to incomplete emptying of milk in the breast during feeding. The baby does not eat everything that the mother produces.

If the baby has no problems with appetite, he eats everything that is offered, milk stagnation happens because the nursing mother does not have the experience of putting the baby to the breast (if she is, for example, primiparous) or for reasons beyond the control of the woman. Lactostasis is such a harmful attack that it can appear monthly, even in mothers with a second and third child.

Therefore, when there is a feeling of fullness in the chest, pain or a feeling of petrification when palpating, it is necessary to urgently begin prevention. If you do not get rid of this condition in time, there is a risk of fever and the development of mastitis with emergency hospitalization.

Causes of stagnant milk

  • The main reason for the stagnation of milk during breastfeeding is the incorrect position of the mother and baby. Incomplete capture of the nipple and areola leads to cracks and uneven emptying of the breast. In some ducts of the mammary gland, milk stagnates and thickens, plugs appear that interfere with the free circulation of milk.
  • Long break between feedings.
  • Mom's breast augmentation surgery.
  • Condensation of milk during the hot season also provokes the formation of milk plugs.
  • In overweight women, the fatty layer presses on the milk ducts and interferes with the free circulation of milk.
  • Frequent pumping or hyperlactation (for example, if you drink a lot of lactogenic tea), when the baby is not able to suck everything.
  • Wearing a tight and uncomfortable bra. Underwear should support the chest naturally, not press or pull. Ideally, get a special bra for nursing mothers.
  • Lovers of sleeping on their stomachs are also at risk.
  • Hypothermia and chest injuries.
  • Physiological features of the structure of the mammary gland, for example, a flat nipple or narrow milk ducts.

Often appearing lactostasis is not a reason to stop breastfeeding ahead of schedule, especially if you do not plan to do so. Just analyze your specific situation and eliminate the cause, most likely the attack will no longer make itself felt.


How to determine that a nursing mother has milk stasis? The first thing you should pay attention to and what is typical for lactostasis is discomfort and pain in the chest for no particular reason. Pay attention to the following symptoms and signs of lactostasis:

  • the formation of white dots on the nipple;
  • swelling, swelling, burning sensation and fullness in the chest;
  • pain and tightness in the chest, similar to lumps;
  • possible hyperemia in the area of ​​compaction;
  • the chest hardens and it is very difficult to drain it.

Doctors note that an increase in body temperature in the initial stages of the disease, namely with milk stagnation, is not observed. If a fever begins, this indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process in the body. And if there is an admixture of pus, blood in the milk, there is a strong increase and redness of the chest - immediately see a doctor, this is mastitis!

What to do with lactostasis in nursing

Lactostasis is successfully treated at home. A nursing mother needs peace and proper rest, the right underwear. A bra needs a quality and comfortable, correctly sized. Otherwise, a constantly pinched breast will regularly provoke milk stasis. Also, the mother needs to know about self-help in such a situation. There are many options: breast massage, self-cleavage, frequent application of the baby and compresses ...

Attachment of the child

Your baby can overcome the stagnation of milk and help with lactostasis if he works qualitatively on his mother's breasts. Start feeding with a sore breast and try to get the baby to empty it as much as possible. If for some reason the child did not cope with the entire portion, strain the rest yourself or use a breast pump. After all, successful treatment of lactostasis lies precisely in the good emptying of the gland. Attach the baby often and on demand. Then the milk will be produced as much as the baby needs, he will suck out the breast completely. And this is the best prevention of lactostasis.

Massage and pumping

If feeding the baby does not bring relief, and the breast has become hard from stagnant milk, then another way to self-help with lactostasis is breast massage and pumping. Massage should be done gently, in circular motions to the center of the sternum. Just do not be zealous with breaking up lumps, all movements are soft and smooth so as not to injure tissues and not stretch the skin. Otherwise, in addition to one problem, you will get another - mastoptosis or "spaniel ears". Properly performed massage with lactostasis helps to break up lumps and free the ducts from curd plugs.

Before performing the massage, it is advisable to warm up the chest under a warm shower or apply warm wet towels.

Pumping will help facilitate the movement of milk through the ducts. It is best to do this by hand, to do this, grab your chest so that the top finger is above it, and the other four are under the chest. Expression is performed with gentle radial movements towards the nipple. When expressing properly, the streams of milk will be strong. If it is not possible to perform the procedure manually, use a breast pump. But it is important to stop the procedures as soon as you feel better. And then you get a vicious circle: pumping - excess milk - pumping ...

Is it possible to apply compresses

For the treatment of lactostasis, therapeutic applications (compresses) and wraps are widely used. But still, without consulting a doctor, such manipulations should be carried out with caution. Because doing, for example, a warming alcohol or vodka compress for lactostasis is not the best idea.

Such compresses at first alleviate the condition, but subsequently provoke a stronger stagnation of milk by blocking the synthesis of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for removing milk from the body. With lactostasis, it is forbidden to make compresses based on camphor oil. Camphor inhibits lactation.

A rather ambiguous opinion is caused by a compress prepared using the drug Dimexide. With lactostasis, it is good because it has an anti-inflammatory effect, but it is absorbed very quickly. And even if you make a compress on one breast, the drug will be present in the milk of both, and a few minutes after application, the milk will start to smell. Well, this drug does not affect the health of the child in the best way.

Of the pharmaceutical drugs, magnesium is widely used. Magnesia is generally called a "hot injection" and is used to dissolve stagnant formations. According to mothers, a magnesia compress does an excellent job with hard areas of the chest, dissolves them literally overnight.

And the best and safest for the health of the baby are natural compresses. With lactostasis, absorbable compresses based on honey are prepared. Possessing amazing therapeutic properties, cooked honey cakes cope with milk stagnation during lactostasis without compromising the health of the baby. The options for making cakes are varied: they are prepared with the addition of flour, onions, and aloe juice. But the main ingredient is honey.

Cabbage leaf with lactostasis

The most budgetary and popular among nursing mothers in the fight against lactostasis are folk remedies. For example, a cabbage compress has long been famous for its ability to dissolve any inflammatory processes. Cabbage leaf is able to reduce swelling during lactostasis, lower the temperature in the affected area of ​​​​the chest. A cabbage leaf compress helps with the initial stage of lactostasis. And before you make a compress, the cabbage leaf must be slightly beaten off so that the juice comes out of it. Therefore, you need to choose them directly from the central part of the fork, where the most juicy and fleshy ones are hiding. Prepared leaves should be placed over the chest and fixed with a bra. You can still use honey as a fixative, in general there will be a double benefit.

Will ointments help?

In the treatment of lactostasis in nursing, ointments are sometimes used. They are applied locally, only on the areas of compaction and gently rubbed until completely absorbed. But the choice of ointment from lactostasis should be approached with caution. During lactation, you can not use many medicines, so it is worth giving preference to herbal remedies or drugs that are allowed during breastfeeding.

For example, Traumeel ointment or gel with lactostasis is good because it has a natural composition. It includes extracts and extracts from medicinal plants, as well as minerals. This ointment relieves swelling, has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

But it must be used very carefully, since the composition, although natural, is very multicomponent. And since the ointment is well absorbed into the skin, all these substances enter the mother's milk. And it is not known how the baby will react to such a herbal bouquet.

Sometimes Vishnevsky's ointment is recommended for lactostasis, but smearing the chest with this drug is contraindicated, because it is prescribed mainly as an antibacterial agent for the treatment of purulent wounds, boils and skin abscesses. And we are talking only about the stagnation of milk. In addition, the ointment has a very specific smell that will get into the milk and with one hundred percent probability the baby will not like it. And later he may refuse to breastfeed altogether.

Levomekol ointment is prescribed, the active ingredients penetrate deep into the skin and have an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. But at the same time, the components of levomekol do not enter the blood and milk. Therefore, you can use it during breastfeeding.

With lactostasis, doctors most often prescribe troxevasin. It has no particular side effects. The gel relieves swelling, pain and discomfort in the chest. However, its effect is cumulative, so therapy can last up to two weeks.

It is not recommended to use Progestogel ointment for the treatment of lactostasis. This is a hormonal drug that includes progesterone. This hormone blocks prolactin receptors, which leads to inhibition of lactation.

How to bring down the temperature with lactostasis

If you do not respond in a timely manner to the primary signs of the disease, after a few days, lactostasis may already be with a temperature. With milk stagnation, the temperature rises to a maximum of 37.4 degrees - 38 degrees and does not require antipyretics. But if the mother is experiencing discomfort, it is permissible to drink a tablet of paracetamol or ibuprofen. At temperatures above 38 degrees, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps a bacterial infection has developed at the site of blockage of the ducts and a nursing mother will need urgent medical or surgical treatment.

How medicine can help

Nobody canceled hardware methods and physiotherapy to eliminate such a nuisance. Moreover, you can always have some devices at hand at home, for example, darsonval. With lactostasis, this device is able to dissolve stagnation and break up the resulting lumps. Local darsonvalization is a method of high-frequency electrotherapy, in which problem areas of the body are affected by pulsed rapidly decaying current. During the procedure, blood circulation is activated, the functional state of various organs and tissues improves.

Physiotherapy for lactostasis (for example, ultrasound or magnets) is ideal for all mothers. It acts locally and does not harm either her or the baby, does not affect the quality and quantity of milk. But any physiotherapy, whether it is darsonval at home or treatment of lactostasis with ultrasound in a local clinic, can only be started after ultrasound diagnostics in order to exclude tumors and mastopathy.

Among other things, doctors can prescribe medication.

Antibiotics for lactostasis are prescribed as a last resort, if it lasts more than 3 days. To prevent mastitis, doctors prescribe amoxiclav or amoxicillin tablets.

The drug Dostinex with lactostasis is prescribed if the disease has developed as a result of hyperlactation. Treatment with Dostinex is carried out only as prescribed by a doctor and in a strictly recommended dose. Otherwise, you can generally terminate breastfeeding ahead of schedule, since the drug inhibits lactation.

Prevention of milk stasis

If you have ever encountered this unpleasant problem, you are unlikely to want to repeat it (and this, as we already know, is quite possible). Therefore, the best treatment is the prevention of lactostasis. To prevent milk stasis, follow these tips:

  • you need to choose a comfortable bra;
  • before feeding, if possible, take a warm shower and knead the chest;
  • frequent and correct attachment of the baby, feeding on demand will help you avoid lactostasis;
  • feed the baby alternately from each breast (one feeding - one breast);
  • do not express unnecessarily, the baby should empty the chest as much as possible;
  • pumping is acceptable if the interval between feedings is more than 4 hours;
  • change the position of the baby more often;
  • at the first signs of incipient milk stasis, apply the baby more often to the overcrowded breast.

Lactostasis is not a reason to stop breastfeeding prematurely. Trouble can be dealt with in a few days, so the best prevention is an attentive attitude to your health. And it is important to remember that the best helper in the fight against adversity (if it still made itself felt) is your baby.

Almost every breastfeeding mother, especially after the first birth, is faced with a very annoying problem - lactostasis. A painful condition is fraught not only with unpleasant symptoms, lactostasis leads to a violation of the baby's feeding regimen and quite serious consequences for the woman herself.

That is why every woman during pregnancy should know the symptoms and methods of treating lactostasis during breastfeeding.

What is lactostasis?

Breast lactostasis is the incomplete emptying of one or more milk-synthesizing zones of the mammary gland. Lactostasis can develop in one or simultaneously in both mammary glands. Under the influence of factors more often associated with improper breastfeeding tactics, congestion in the chest develops.

Failure to empty the stagnant lobe for several days leads to the formation of a plug in the lactiferous duct from curdled milk. The accumulation of milk leads to an increase in pressure inside the lobules, which provokes an inflammatory reaction and inhibition of its further production. Milk through an extensive vascular system is absorbed into the bloodstream and causes "milk fever".

Causes of lactostasis

Lactostasis occurs when there is a discrepancy between the volume of milk production and its outflow. Often, congestion in the chest occurs after the birth of the first child: the milk ducts are not sufficiently developed, and the woman has not yet gained the skills to properly attach the baby to the breast. Symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother occur for the following reasons:

  • Nipple pathology - flat nipple and cracks that make feeding difficult;
  • Insufficient emptying of some lobules due to improper attachment of the baby to the breast;
  • Incorrect feeding tactics - a “bad” habit of squeezing the areola with your fingers like “scissors” to remove the breast from the newborn’s nose;
  • Incorrect position of the breast during feeding - difficult emptying of the lower lobes with a large sagging mammary gland;
  • Hyperlactation, sometimes provoked by too frequent pumping - the baby cannot suck out all the milk;
  • Irregular breastfeeding;
  • Switching to complementary foods from a bottle, from which the nutrient mixture flows out with less effort - often in such cases the child is simply too lazy to suck on the breast;
  • Insufficient fluid intake, leading to thickening of milk;
  • Compression by a tight bra, in a dream lying on the stomach;
  • Injury to the chest, hypothermia;
  • Stress, lack of sleep, disproportionate physical activity.

The disease already after 2-3 days makes itself felt with unpleasant symptoms of lactostasis. The first signs of developing milk stagnation:

  • Localized breast swelling - palpation of compacted foci;
  • The venous pattern on the skin of the glands becomes more pronounced;

If the situation worsens further:

  • Bursting soreness when palpated, intensifies after feeding (sucking the baby gives a signal for even more milk production);
  • "Milk" fever - the temperature during lactostasis rises to 38ºС;
  • Sometimes the skin over the stagnant area turns red, but often hyperemia indicates an aggravation of the situation and the development of mastitis.

Treatment of lactostasis in a nursing mother at home

Without missing the first symptoms, lactostasis is quite easy to cure at home. The basic rule is to start eliminating congestion immediately when the first painful signs appear.

What can be done at home?

  • Correctly apply the newborn to the breast. With a weak sucking reflex, it is necessary to express the remaining milk.
  • Breastfeed more often. Apply the baby so that his chin or nose is directed towards the stagnant focus.
  • Breast massage with lactostasis - gentle circular movements directed to the center (sternum). Particular attention is paid to compacted areas. Strong pressure is prohibited!
  • The outflow of milk improves with the preliminary application of dry heat (not hot) to the breast, taking a warm bath / shower. Not possible when the temperature rises!
  • After 20 min. after feeding, apply cold to reduce the inflammatory reaction. Duration - no more than 15 minutes.
  • Adequate water regime. Excessive fluid intake can provoke hyperlactation, insufficient (less than 1 liter), on the contrary, will cause milk to thicken. A larger volume of fluid consumed is necessary for hyperthermia.
  • After decanting "to the last drop", be sure to attach the newborn. A special type of breast sucking by a small child is the best way to evacuate the remaining stagnant milk particles.
  • Drugs for lactostasis - Traumeel ointment (comprising only medicinal plants that are safe for the child), Malavit solution. Light rubbing with ointment quickly eliminates inflammatory manifestations (swelling, redness), and has an analgesic effect. These funds are the best prevention of mastitis with lactostasis.
  • No-shpa tablets for spasm relief are a safe drug during breastfeeding.

Special rules

  1. You can not refuse to feed a sick breast. This will only worsen the situation and provoke.
  2. One, high-quality pumping can completely eliminate congestion in the mammary gland.
  3. A temperature of 38ºС and the absence of improvement within a few days is a serious reason to urgently consult a doctor in order to avoid the development of mastitis.
  4. Alcohol compresses usually initially relieve symptoms, but later provoke even stronger lactostasis by blocking the synthesis of oxytocin - the hormone responsible for the evacuation of milk.
  5. Camphor ointments strictly prohibited! Camphor strongly inhibits lactation.
  6. Traumeel, taken in the form of tablets and injections, is absorbed into the bloodstream and can be dangerous for a newborn. In such dosage forms, the drug is used only by doctor's prescription.

Subject to all the recommendations for the treatment of lactostasis at home, the pain stops already for 2-3 days, at the same time, pumping should also be stopped. The redness of the skin can last for several more days, until all the processes of milk formation and outflow are normalized.

Only a qualified specialist, a gynecologist or a mammologist, can determine the line between lactostasis and mastitis that has begun. Often this is done by ultrasound examination of the mammary glands.

To eliminate milk stagnation in the chest, the following can be prescribed:

  • Ultrasonic massage - gives excellent results.
  • Intramuscular injections of Oxytocin for 30 minutes. before feeding - reduces postpartum bleeding, but can provoke cramping pain in the uterus;
  • Antibiotics - only if serious is diagnosed. The priority indicator when choosing a drug is the minimum effect on the newborn.

Complications of lactostasis

  • Uninfected mastitis is a more pronounced sign of milk stagnation. The temperature is above 38ºС.
  • Infected mastitis, especially with nipple cracks - intoxication, hyperthermia up to 39.5ºС, throbbing chest pain, diffuse skin hyperemia.
  • Abscess - the formation of a purulent sac, requires surgical treatment with the installation of a drainage system.
  • - can be diagnosed several years after mastitis has been improperly treated. Chronic cysts are accompanied by fibrosis of the glandular tissue.

Prevention of lactostasis

  • Studying the rules of feeding, the first symptoms of lactostasis in a nursing mother and how to eliminate them even at the stage of pregnancy.
  • Free feeding - attaching the baby on demand. You can not tear the baby from the breast ahead of time.
  • The correct position of the child during feeding, supporting the breast with a hand without compression.
  • A breastfeeding mother should sleep on her side or back.
  • Loose underwear, lack of squeezing bones in the bra.
  • Exclusion of injuries and hypothermia.
  • The introduction of complementary foods from a spoon during normal lactation.
  • Expression of milk residues every 2-3 days.
  • Treatment of cracked nipples.
  • Complete nutrition and drinking regimen.
  • Sufficient rest - lack of sleep and accumulating fatigue leads to hypolactation.

Lactostasis itself does not threaten the health of a nursing mother and is easily eliminated on its own. However, delaying congestion is fraught with mastitis, which is often treated surgically. That is why it is easier to prevent the development of inflammation and prevent stagnation of milk.

Lactostasis in a nursing mother is a common problem in the postpartum period. Often, a woman in labor misses the moment when you can manage on your own and restore proper lactation. Knowledge about the causes, preventive measures, methods of treatment of lactostasis will help a woman avoid a serious complication - mastitis.


The main cause of lactostasis is the blockage of the milk ducts. Failure of the mammary gland, as a result of which the outflow of milk is disturbed, occurs as a result of the influence of external and internal factors.

Internal reasons:

  • Swelling of the gland tissue, which sharply compresses the milk ducts;
  • The duct can be clogged with dense particles that are formed from milk components;
  • Cyst, the contents of which are represented by milk.

External factors:

  • Direct trauma to the gland, which a woman can inflict on herself. This can be due to improper pumping, strong squeezing of the nipple and areola, damage to the skin with long nails.
  • Clothing that doesn't fit properly and constricts the chest, such as a bra or blouse.
  • Rare feedings - if a woman is too lazy to get up at night to feed her baby or skips feedings during the day, reassuring herself that the baby is sleeping, then she is not hungry. It must be remembered that children under 2 months old can sleep for a long time on an empty stomach, and the mother’s unwillingness to feed on time will lead to weight loss in the baby and lactostasis. If the newborn sleeps for more than three hours, it is necessary to wake him up and attach him to the chest.
  • The inability of the mother to properly attach the child to the breast;
  • Anomalies in the development of the baby's jaw, which lead to poor grip of the areola and trauma to the gland.

Important! The main culprit of lactostasis is a violation of feeding technique.


When the mother does not properly attach the baby, he is not able to capture the areola and sucks out milk by pressing and biting the nipple with his gums. Naturally, delicate skin is injured, covered with cracks, in some cases a candidal infection (thrush) joins, all this leads to redness, peeling and swelling of the areola. As a result, the next feeding turns into torture for the mother - the child captures the injured skin, there is severe pain, burning.

The pain reaction leads to a reflex vasospasm, the secretion of milk decreases or stops altogether, and its outflow also decreases. Under the pressure of the edema, there is a slight release of milk into the surrounding tissues, which leads to an inflammatory reaction. The mammary gland swells, increases in size, becomes hot to the touch, there are pulling pains that can spread to the shoulder, under the shoulder blade, to the stomach area, and the temperature often jumps.

In addition to pain, lactospasm is facilitated by excessive accumulation of milk with a small outflow (with rare feeding or high milk production that does not meet the needs of the baby). The alveoli of the gland stretch to the limit, edema develops, and milk production drops.

The clinical picture of lactostasis

How can a woman suspect lactostasis? The first sign is severe pain in the gland. It can be shooting, pulling, aching - each woman describes individually.

With the defeat of the nipple and alveoli, dryness, redness of the skin, pronounced edema are noted. The nipple is sharply enlarged in size, when you try to touch or express milk - a sharp increase in pain.

The pain may radiate to the arm or shoulder on the side of the lesion, to the thoracic spine (simulating an attack of osteochondrosis). In the presence of thrush, women experience a feeling of intense burning and tingling before, during and after feeding, which extends to the spine.

The mammary gland increases in size, sometimes there is a bilateral increase - with the defeat of both glands. The skin of the organ is hot to the touch, compacted. The seal may be localized or spilled.

Attempts to express are extremely painful, during the procedure a woman can sweat drastically, become covered with cold sweat, sometimes dizziness is noted - it all depends on the patient's vegetative-vascular status.

When lactostasis is running, temperature is added - a dangerous sign that may indicate the transition of the process to mastitis.

Treatment of lactostasis

The pathological process is quite painful and often the nursing mother refuses to feed the baby, believing that this will help normalize the condition of the gland. But refusal to feed - a mistake that will lead to inflammatory changes in the organ (mastitis).

The first rule of treatment is frequent application. The more often the mother feeds the child, the faster the milk ducts will restore their work and the secretion-outflow balance will return.

An important point is the change in positions for feeding. New feeding - a new position, which will ensure complete emptying of the gland. You should start from a position when the baby's head is heading towards the seal. Since stagnation is more often formed in the armpits, feeding in the “ball” or “from under the arm” position is carried out at least 2-3 times a day.

Provisions for effective milk removal:

  • Cradle - used in cases where the seal is located in the upper lateral or lower central section of the chest;
  • From under the arm - milk is removed from the upper central and lower lateral sectors;
  • Lying - upper and lower sections.

By alternating these positions, it is easy to achieve complete removal of milk from the breast. It must be remembered that for a good outflow, the mother's calmness and her desire to continue feeding are necessary. Before taking the baby, it is necessary to provide comfortable conditions - prepare a pillow under the back, a bench under the feet.

If during feeding the mother feels pain - you need to check the grip of the areola. You can not pull the breast out of the baby's mouth! To painlessly force him to let go of the breast, you need to gently insert a clean finger between the breast and the lips of the child - the vacuum will be broken and he will release the nipple.

After that, slightly squeezing the areola and nipple between the fingers, again direct it into the baby's mouth, making sure that he captures as much of the areola as possible. At the same time, his mouth is wide open, and his lips are turned outwards.

As the breast becomes empty, to ensure a more complete emptying of the organ.

To help the baby to drain the stagnant breast, you need to carry out the following activities:

  • Take a warm shower before feeding. Direct jets to the affected gland, you can lightly tap on the chest with your fingertips;
  • Gently rub the chest with a terry towel;
  • After feeding, apply a cold compress to the diseased gland.
  • It is necessary to reduce the amount of liquid, remove spices and spicy dishes from the diet.
  • If the baby is not allergic to herbs, then the mother can drink tea with chamomile or calendula - they have a mild antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Of the folk methods for the treatment of lactostasis, the cabbage leaf should be especially noted. Its use at home really helps to remove stagnation. After feeding, a woman puts a pre-frozen sheet on a diseased gland, puts on a bra and walks with such a “compress” for 2-3 hours.

What if the mother for some reason can not feed herself? In this case, she will have to express milk on her own. The main thing is not to apply force to the organ, since trauma to the delicate tissues of the gland is fraught with hemorrhage into the alveoli, the development of inflammatory changes and mastitis.

  • Before pumping, you can also take a warm shower and lightly rub your breasts.
  • Be sure to lightly tap on the organ, this will open the milk ducts. You can shake the gland slightly - this also stimulates the outflow of milk.
  • With clean, dry hands, it is necessary to take the gland correctly: the left hand with fingers under it, supporting, and the right palm on top. You can try another option: four fingers of the right and left hands under the mammary gland, and the thumbs on top and they are pumped.
  • You can express while sitting, but it is better to stand up and lean slightly over the container - this will facilitate the discharge of milk. It is important to remember that it is impossible to remove milk to the last drop - this stimulates its additional flow. It is enough to extract enough milk to feel relief in the gland.
  • If you cannot remove the milk yourself, you can use a breast pump. It is important to choose the right size. It is better to purchase a device from a trusted manufacturer, for example, Medela. A high-quality breast pump will allow you to quickly and painlessly drain your breasts.

Laktostasis and treatment by a doctor

The treatment of such a delicate problem in Russia is carried out quite aggressively. Often, doctors unreasonably prescribe antibacterial drugs, as well as drugs that stop lactation (bromocriptine, cabergoline).

The prescription of antibiotics leads to refusal of breastfeeding, since most of the drugs pass into breast milk. And after drugs that stop milk production, there are great difficulties in restoring lactation - more often it becomes impossible.

But in the conditions of the clinic there are excellent auxiliary methods - ultrasound and magnetotherapy. The use of these methods helps to reduce inflammation and swelling, normalizes the vascular tone of the gland, relieves spasm and restores the outflow of milk.

Prevention of lactostasis

  • Frequent feeding of the baby - now the “on demand” mode is gaining momentum. If you feed like this, then stagnation of milk can be avoided.
  • Alternate positions for feeding.
  • Calm emotional atmosphere at home, no stress.
  • Lubrication of the skin of the breast after feeding with olive oil or panthenol - this will soften the nipples, accelerate the healing of cracks.
  • Mandatory thorough breast care: it is necessary to wash the skin, remove excess milk, monitor the condition of the skin, change the bra more often.
  • If possible, it is better to use special liners for the breast, which quickly absorb milk. However, they need to be changed frequently to prevent bacterial growth.
  • After feeding “on demand”, there is no need to additionally express the breast - this will stimulate an increase in lactation.

Lactostasis can and should be stopped as soon as possible. A child is the best treatment and prevention of this pathology.

If you can’t cope with the problem on your own during the day, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

Milk stasis during breastfeeding is a very common occurrence and is called lactostasis. It occurs due to stagnation of milk in one or more ducts. Doctors say that lactostasis is very dangerous, as it can lead to a disease such as mastitis or even oncology. Any of the nursing mothers at least once went through this unpleasant disease. Many mothers are interested in how to identify the first symptoms of the disease and what to do in order to carry out the correct treatment. This article discusses in detail lactostasis in a nursing mother, the symptoms and treatment of this disease.

Everyone knows that after childbirth, the process of the appearance of breast milk in a nursing mother occurs on average on the 3rd day. Before that, a woman secretes colostrum, then milk. This process is accompanied by a slight swelling as filling occurs. In the first days of feeding a child, doctors recommend pumping. This can be done with special breast pumps or manually. Breast milk is divided into two types: anterior and hind. If you do not express milk in time, then it stagnates, because the child is still quite small and cannot fully empty the chest.

“In the early days, you must definitely express to prevent stagnation.”

The concept of lactostasis, the main symptoms and causes

Among women who breastfeed their children in the first years of life, the disease lactostasis is very common: what is it? From a medical point of view, this can be described as a process of blockage of the milk ducts, as a result of which the movement of milk stops and the inflammatory process begins. As is known from the anatomical structure, in the breast of a woman there are from 15 to 25 milk ducts. During lactostasis, milk accumulates in one or more of these channels. With lactostasis, the symptoms of milk stagnation for all women are the same: edema forms, pain appears in the area where stagnant milk is located. This disease can occur when feeding a child of any age, as well as with breastfeeding of the second or subsequent children. When milk stagnates, some women consider stopping breastfeeding altogether.

The causes of lactostasis can be very diverse:

  1. First of all, the violation of the order of feeding. Too many women prefer to feed more often from the same breast, simply because it is more convenient for them. But it is precisely for this reason that stagnation of breast milk occurs in another.
  2. Temporary restriction of suckling for the child. Many women do not want to just sit and wait for several hours while the child sucks milk and therefore forcibly interrupt this process after a while. Because of this, the duct is not completely freed and stagnation occurs again. It is important to remember that the process of emptying the breast for each child is different: 20 minutes is enough for someone, and someone can spend several hours behind this process.
  3. Feeding in one position. It is very important to change the position, because when feeding in one position, only certain areas in the breast are emptied, and when lactating, it is important that the emptying of milk occurs evenly.
  4. Wrong application. Young mothers, due to their inexperience, do not know how to properly attach the baby to the breast, so he takes only the nipple into his mouth, but should the entire peripapillary area. It is because of this that women often experience cracked nipples.
  5. The woman expresses herself very often. Previously, doctors recommended pumping as often as possible to improve the flow of milk. But you need to forget about it! The breast produces as much milk as the baby consumes. Thus, with frequent pumping, its amount increases, the child does not completely empty it and breast lactostasis occurs.
  6. A sharp refusal of the child to take a breast or adding complementary foods to the diet. In this case, too, there is an accumulation of excess milk, which leads to blockages of the milk ducts.
  7. Wrong linen. It is very important to choose a comfortable bra, it provides proper breast support and does not squeeze the ducts.
  8. Many young mothers can simply catch a chest cold. In this case, in nursing mothers, the milk channels are narrowed, the milk does not move well in the mammary gland and its blockage is formed.
  9. Wrong posture for sleeping. Breastfeeding mothers are strongly discouraged from sleeping on their stomachs. Since it is in this position that there is strong pressure on the chest, milk stagnation occurs.
  10. Constant stress. Do not forget to resort to the help of relatives, especially in the early stages of breastfeeding. Due to constant lack of sleep, stress, increased physical exertion, a narrowing of the ducts in the chest can occur, which over time will result in lactostasis.

  • soreness and swelling of the chest;
  • redness at the site of stagnation;
  • breast hardening;
  • poor flow of milk.

Further, the body temperature rises, soreness appears when walking, redness of the area on the chest intensifies. If there is a jump in temperature to 39, this is a very dangerous symptom and can lead to mastitis. Therefore, it is very important to identify the first symptoms in time and get advice from your doctor. Any understanding specialist will first send a woman to undergo an ultrasound examination of the breast. Next, we will look at how to remove milk stagnation from nursing mothers, what to do if the problems could not be avoided.

What is lactostasis? This is the process of stagnation of milk in the milk ducts. In the diagnosis of lactostasis, the causes of the occurrence are as follows: improper attachment to the breast, a long period of time between feedings, sleeping on the stomach, stress, etc. Lactostasis is the main symptoms: soreness in the chest, hardening of a certain area, fever.


When there was a stagnation of milk in a nursing mother, what should I do? If a woman is faced with lactostasis, treatment is carried out in several stages. First aid for lactostasis will be provided by a gynecologist. If a woman understands that milk stagnation has occurred, first you need to contact the nearest medical facility. After the examination, the doctor will determine the degree of the disease and select the correct treatment. If it is not possible to immediately contact a specialist, a woman is interested in what to do with stagnation? So many mothers are interested in how to treat lactostasis on their own? This is a very complex process, only an experienced specialist can provide correct treatment. In case of untimely treatment to the doctor, you can wait for mastitis.

On the Internet, you can find various photos of women who are faced with this problem. This will help you better be sure that you still have milk stasis.

How to deal with stagnation will tell the gynecologist in more detail. It is possible to cure lactostasis at home. First of all, it is recommended to take antipyretic drugs, they will reduce the temperature and relieve pain a little. It can be Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Panadol.

Be sure to apply the child as often as possible to the painful breast, try to stretch hardened areas and regularly express stagnant milk.

Important! Pumping should be carried out until the chest is relieved, but not until it is completely empty. This can lead to even more stagnation.

Very effective in the treatment of lactostasis in a nursing woman is massage. It can be performed both independently and with the help of an experienced massage therapist.

For self-massage you need:

  • wash your hands thoroughly and lubricate with oil or baby cream for better gliding over the body;
  • massage not only on certain areas of the chest, but around the entire perimeter;
  • identify "stagnant" areas;
  • gently knead the hardened areas with gentle massage movements, while decanting milk;
  • after a massage session, a cool compress is applied to the chest to slow down further milk production.

After that, it is imperative to give the baby a breast so that he sucks the rest of the milk on his own. This type of pumping can be done 2-3 times a day. The correct massage technique in the treatment of lactostasis in nursing mothers is as follows: carry out in the supine position, gently move from the bottom from the breast to the nipple, pressing a little on it. After the massage, it is allowed to take a warm shower.

  • cabbage leaf. It must be washed well and pierced in several places to extract juice, applied to the painful area. Change sheet every 30 minutes;
  • honey compresses. It can be applied to a cabbage leaf or mixed with flour to a dense state. Apply several times a day;
  • curd compresses. It should be slightly cooled, apply for 15 minutes.

Treatment of lactostasis can be effectively supplemented with various ointments. Among them, Traumeel is very popular, it helps to relieve soreness and inflammation in the chest. It is recommended to apply 5-6 times a day. In no case should alcohol compresses be used, since heat only enhances lactation. Many young mothers struggled with lactostasis by using camphor oil compresses, resulting in an aggravation of the condition.

Remember that in the treatment of lactostasis, you need to put the baby to the chest as often as possible, especially at night. It is at night that the child sucks out not only the “front”, but also the “hind milk”.

“If lactostasis does occur in a nursing mother, then first of all it is necessary to consult a doctor, then regularly massage and express breast milk, apply the child to the painful breast as often as possible.”

Stagnation prevention

Those women who have ever faced the problem of milk stagnation know that this problem can be prevented. Prevention of lactostasis is carried out as follows:

  1. When feeding, use the correct postures, for this you can consult with a breastfeeding specialist.
  2. Perform the technique of proper attachment to the chest.
  3. Feed your baby on demand, not strictly by the hour.
  4. Do not pump after feeding, as this will lead to excess breast milk.
  5. Wear proper and comfortable underwear.
  6. Choose the right position for sleeping.
  7. Maintain daily breast hygiene.
  8. Avoid hypothermia, various stressful situations.

If an excess of milk is observed during breastfeeding, then lactostasis in nursing mothers, the symptoms and treatment of which we examined in the article, cannot be avoided. It should be noted that the treatment of lactostasis is mandatory, if you start this problem, you may encounter a more dangerous disease, such as mastitis. A woman can get rid of the stagnation of milk on her own or with the help of a doctor. With the diagnosis of "lactostasis", it is better not to delay the treatment. Having discovered the first symptoms of blockage of the milk channels, you should not delay treatment. And remember that we are not fighting this problem alone, but together with the child.

After childbirth, an inexperienced mother faces many difficulties. They are not always associated with the care of a newborn. Failure in diet and feeding technique cause milk stagnation. Many women encounter this problem 1-2 times during the entire period of breastfeeding, some several times a month. Why does lactostasis occur in a nursing mother? How to prevent it and what to do if milk stagnation has already occurred?

What is lactostasis

Breastfeeding specialists at courses for expectant mothers report that lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the breast) is easier to prevent than to cure. In class, they show how to drain the breasts and how to massage to get rid of congestion. After all, not a single primiparous mother is insured from him. Structural features of the mammary glands, feeding errors can lead a woman to lactostasis again and again.

For the first time, lactostasis can occur even in the hospital, when milk begins to arrive intensively. The breast increases, becomes heavier, hardens, pain appears - this is a normal process that affects all nursing mothers. At this time, the baby needs to be fed, trying to give both breasts at once. Before application, pain and congestion are removed with a light massage and a warm compress. After a while, lactation normalizes, and the body will begin to produce as much milk as the baby needs.

Causes of lactostasis

Doctors note such causes of lactostasis that occurs in a nursing mother:

  1. Decaying unnecessarily. When a mother thinks that the baby is not suckling well and the breast should be completely emptied, she begins to express after feeding. Then there is the threat of lactostasis. The production of milk in a nursing mother depends on the needs of the child. The more it is sucked out, the more it returns. The portion expressed the day before will be superfluous next time, causing breast overflow. The baby does not need so much milk and he will not cope with the devastation. You will have to express again and a vicious circle is formed, threatening lactostasis.
    When you can't do without pumping, you can pump a little before feeding in order to soften the breast. The resulting milk can be frozen. It will come in handy in the future, when mommy needs to go away for a while. But it is impossible to express to the last drop.
  2. Prolonged absence of HB. The cause of lactostasis can be a long walk, a long trip to the doctor, missed feeding. It is necessary to find a secluded place (a hall, a nursing room in a hospital, a corridor, a bench in a park) and feed the baby. When going somewhere, you need to think about this option and wear comfortable underwear.
  3. Holding the breast during feeding. A caring mother can press her breast with her finger so that the baby can breathe freely during sucking. This should not be done. The ducts are compressed and clogged.
  4. Incorrect application technique. The baby, not capturing the areola entirely, sucks only the nipple and cannot fully absorb the breast. As a result, he will lose strength, remain hungry, and mom will suffer from lactostasis.
  5. The bra is not the right size. Rigid bones, narrow shoulder straps, squeezing the breasts lead to stagnation of milk in a nursing mother. If, after removing the underwear, traces are found on the body, the underwear is changed to a looser one.
  6. Chest injury. If, before pregnancy, the mother had operations on the mammary glands, it is necessary to carefully monitor the overflow of the breast and, at the first signs of lactostasis, immediately get rid of it.
  7. Psychological condition. Stress, increased physical activity, lack of sleep have a spasmodic effect on the ducts. The outflow of milk worsens and stagnation occurs.

The main signs of lactostasis

Symptoms of developing lactostasis are recognized quickly:

  • swelling inside the chest and palpable seals;
  • drawing pain when pressing on the chest;
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​stagnation;
  • when decanting, it is noticed that milk does not splash from one duct, but barely noticeably drips;
  • after feeding comes relief;
  • the temperature rises to 37.5 degrees under the armpit from the side of the chest, where stagnation has formed. If the temperature rises higher, this is a dangerous condition with lactostasis, threatening purulent inflammation. With such symptoms, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

The difference between lactostasis and mastitis

Mastitis in lactating women occurs if lactostasis is not treated in a timely manner. The disease occurs with improper and rare attachment, infection of nipple cracks, decreased immunity. The chest becomes hot, increases in size, begins to hurt badly. The attached pathogenic infections affect the mammary glands, causing purulent inflammation. Symptoms of lactostasis differ from mastitis in terms of general, local signs, and the intensity of the course.

Mastitis is characterized by:

  • a sharp deterioration in the well-being of a nursing mother (the appearance of a headache, lethargy, drowsiness, fever up to 38 C);
  • the chest turns red, swells, shines, acquiring a bright red color. When feeling and in a calm state, pain is felt;
  • milk is separated with great difficulty;
  • after pumping, relief does not occur;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

Treatment methods for lactostasis

When the process is not exacerbated, lactostasis is treated at home. In the first 2 days of the formation of stagnation, special attention should be paid to the chest, using all possible methods. The main task is to drain lactostasis and, having freed the ducts from the milk plug, restore the outflow of milk.


It is best to dissolve lactostasis can baby. It is applied to the sore chest more often than usual. Night feedings are especially valuable. With a small blockage, the child will quickly cope and after 1-2 days the outflow is completely normal. But it happens that sucking causes pain.

Then feeding is facilitated by straining:

  1. Warm shower. Heat stimulates milk flow and improves milk ejection. A jet of warm water is directed to the chest. You can take a bath, lying in it for 10-15 minutes. It will relieve fatigue and stress, warm the chest and help eliminate congestion.
  2. Careful light movements in the area of ​​​​lactostasis will help soften lumps and seals. Palms can be lubricated with oil or baby cream. It is important that they do not get on the nipple and areola. Breast massage with lactostasis will relax the muscles, stimulate the release of milk and accelerate the discharge of the milk plug. Movement should not cause pain and injure the skin. Smooth strokes, rubbing, kneading are carried out from the tops to the nipple. This will help move the milk through the milk ducts. Massage is done on the back and forearms. It can be done by a husband or relatives. In this case, the back is massaged in a sitting position, slightly bending over. Then they start pumping - see breast massage during stagnation.
  3. Milk is expressed in a small amount to relieve pain and must be applied to the baby's chest. This sequence of decanting is observed 2-3 times a day.


A hormone that regulates many processes in the female body during pregnancy and lactation. When it is not enough, the doctor may prescribe the drug Oxytocin, which promotes lactogenesis. The muscles of the mammary glands relax, and the outflow of milk improves. The dosage and course of treatment is determined by the doctor, based on the severity of lactostasis and the condition of the nursing mother.


It is prescribed for the combined treatment of lactostasis. It is an antispasmodic that dilates arterial vessels, reduces pressure, and eliminates pain in a problematic chest. Perhaps treatment with tablets and the introduction of intramuscular injections.


In compresses for lactostasis, add Vishnevsky ointment, vaseline or camphor oil after consulting a doctor. They have an antimicrobial effect. The composition of the ointment includes alcohol, phenol and xylene, which cause severe irritation of sensitive skin. These funds must be used with caution.


Treatment of lactostasis with ultrasound is an alternative method to tablets and ointments, which allows you to painlessly, quickly and safely get rid of seals in the chest. Ultrasonic vibrations thin the milk and increase blood flow.

Folk remedies

Many breastfeeding mothers do not know which doctor to contact with high fever and palpable lumps in the breast.

With lactostasis, consultation with the attending gynecologist or mammologist is necessary.

But when a doctor is unavailable or the symptoms of lactostasis are not pronounced, mommy can treat at home within 1-2 days after the onset of signs of stagnation. If folk methods turn out to be powerless, it is impossible to postpone the trip to the doctor.

  1. cabbage leaf- a common way to treat mastitis and lactostasis. The cabbage leaf is washed, cut in several places or crushed with a rolling pin to release the juice. Honey will help improve the effect. A cabbage leaf smeared with honey is applied to the affected area, fixed and kept on the chest for 3 hours. Then apply fresh.
  2. Chamomile decoction- prevents the development of lactostasis and purulent mastitis in a nursing mother. 2 tbsp. l. dried flowers are brewed with a glass of boiling water and wait an hour. Pieces of tissue soaked in warm infusion are applied to the nipple. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day.
  3. honey cake- With lactostasis, honey cake is considered a popular remedy. Raw onions are cut into small pieces and mixed with honey 1:1. A little rye flour is added to the mixture and the dough is kneaded. The resulting cake is attached to the problem chest and worn constantly, changing it 3 times a day.
  4. Can you bake an onion?- In a warm form, apply to the problem area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest. Wear before feeding, then change to a new one.

Preventive actions

Prevention of lactostasis is quite simple:

  • feed the baby in different positions, alternately giving the breast. There are 3 main poses: in the arms of mommy, lying on her side, feeding from under the arm (see the poses in the pictures);
  • do not make long intervals between applications, feed the baby on demand;
  • if the baby is sleeping, and the chest begins to hurt and burst, the baby can be fed in a dream by carefully putting the nipple into the mouth. He will definitely start sucking, eat, and then fall asleep again;
  • do not wear tight synthetic underwear. You need to purchase bras for nursing mothers, made from natural fibers with wide straps, without hard protruding seams and stones. They perfectly support the chest, without constraining the mammary glands;
  • sleep during the day with the baby, putting aside household chores. Stress, unrest and overwork should not be allowed during this important period;
  • consume no more than 3 liters of liquid per day, including first courses, milk porridge, juices;
  • eat fully.