The scheme of seating children at three square tables. The layout of the children at the tables during meals


Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2010 N 91 Moscow "On the approval of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working regime in preschool organizations"".

Registration N 18267.

In accordance with the Federal Law of March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, N 14, article 1650; 2002, N 1 (part 1), article 2; 2003, N 2, item 167; 2003, N 27 (part 1), item 2700; 2004, N 35; item 3607; 2005, N 19, item 1732; 2006, N 1, item 10; 2006, No. 52 (part 1) article 5498; 2007, No. 1 (part 1) article 21; 2007, No. 1 (part 1) article 29; 2007, No. 27, article 3213; 2007, No. 46, article 5554; 2007, No. 49, article 6070; 2008, No. 24, article 2801; 2008, No. 29 (part 1), article 3418; 2008, No. 30 (part 2), article 3616; 2008, N 44, article 4984; 2008, N 52 (part 1), article 6223; 2009, N 1, article 17) and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 N 554 "On approval of the Regulation on the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Regulations on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 31, Art. 3295; 2004, N 8, Art. 663; 2004, N 47, Art. 4666; 2005, N 39, item 3953), I decide:

1. Approve the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours in preschool organizations" (appendix).

2. Enact the said sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations from October 1, 2010.

3. Since the introduction of SanPiN, consider the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working regime in preschool educational institutions" approved by the decision of the Chief State Sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation dated March 26, 2003 N 24 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 8, 2003, registration number 4392).

G. Onishchenko

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN

VI. Requirements for equipment and its placement in the premises of preschool organizations
6.1. The equipment of the main premises should correspond to the height and age of children, take into account hygienic and pedagogical requirements. The functional dimensions of the purchased and used children's (preschool) seating furniture and tables (dining and educational) must comply with the mandatory requirements established by technical regulations and/or national standards.
Premises of kindergartens of a compensating type are equipped depending on the implementation of a qualified correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils.
6.2. Dressing rooms are equipped with wardrobes for outerwear for children and staff.
Equip wardrobes for clothes and shoes with individual cells-shelves for hats and hooks for outerwear. Each individual cabinet is marked.
In locker rooms (or in separate rooms) conditions must be provided for drying children's outerwear and shoes.
In the dressing rooms it is possible to install racks for toys used on a walk.
6.3. For examination and dressing of children of early toddler age, the dressing room is equipped with changing tables, work tables and chairs, a washbasin, and a wardrobe for mothers' clothes. It is necessary to provide a separate room for breastfeeding children.
In the dressing room for young children, a place for mothers to feed their children should be equipped with a table, chairs, footrests, a washbasin and a wardrobe.
6.4. In group playpens for children of early toddler age, it is recommended to install a group arena measuring 6.0 x 5.0 m in the bright part of the room with a fence height of 0.4 m, with the long side parallel to the windows and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from them. children crawling on the floor allocate a place bounded by a barrier, install slides with a ladder no more than 0.8 m high and a slope length of 0.9 m, bridges 1.5 m long and 0.4 m wide with railings 0.45 m high.
Near the pantry, it is recommended to install changing tables and special tables with retractable chairs for feeding children 8-12 months old. A container with a lid for dirty laundry is installed near the changing table.
6.5. In group rooms for children 1.5 years and older, tables and chairs are set according to the number of children in groups. For children of the senior and preparatory groups, it is recommended to use tables with a changing tilt of the cover up to 30 degrees.
6.6. Chairs must be complete with a table of one group, which must be marked. The selection of furniture for children should be carried out taking into account anthropometric indicators according to table 1.
For the organization of board games for children, it is allowed to use window-sill tape and training tables.
6.7. For children 1.5 - 3 years old, a sports corner should be provided in group rooms.
6.8. When equipping a group, the following requirements are observed:
- tables for classes of senior and preparatory groups are installed near the light-bearing wall with the obligatory left-hand illumination of the workplace;
- for left-handed children, individual workplaces are organized with right-hand lighting of the workplace.
Tables are set up as follows:
- four-seater tables - no more than 2 rows, taking into account the provision of side lighting for the maximum number of children;
- double tables - no more than 3 rows;
- the distance between the rows of tables should be at least 0.5 m;
- the distance of the first row of tables from the light-bearing wall should be 1 m;
- the distance from the first tables to the wall board should be 2.5 - 3 m, while the viewing angle should be at least 45 degrees.
6.9. The working surfaces of the tables should have a light-colored matte finish. The materials used for lining tables and chairs must have low thermal conductivity, be resistant to warm water, detergents and disinfectants.
The size of the wall board is 0.75 - 1.5 m, the height of the lower edge of the wall board above the floor is 0.7 - 0.8 m.
Chalkboards should be made of materials that adhere well to writing materials, clean well with a damp sponge, be durable, dark green or brown in color, and have an anti-reflective or matte finish.
When using a marker board, the color of the marker should be contrasting (black, red, brown, dark tones of blue and green).
Educational boards that do not have their own glow should be provided with uniform artificial lighting.
When using an interactive whiteboard and a projection screen, it is necessary to ensure its uniform illumination and the absence of bright spots of light.
When organizing classes, children are seated taking into account height, health, vision and hearing. Children suffering from frequent colds should be seated away from windows and doors, children with hearing loss and myopia - at the first tables corresponding to their height.
6.10. Preschool organizations use toys that are harmless to children's health and meet hygienic requirements for children's products, which can be subjected to wet processing (washing) and disinfection. Soft stuffed and latex foam brushed toys for preschool children should only be used as didactic aids.
6.11. To display filmstrips, standard projectors and screens with a reflection coefficient of 0.8 are used. The height of the screen suspension above the floor must be at least 1 m and not more than 1.3 m. Showing filmstrips directly on the wall is not allowed. The ratio of the distance of the projector from the screen and the distance of the audience of the first row from the screen is presented in Table 2.
6.12. To watch television programs and videos, televisions with a diagonal screen size of 59 - 69 cm are used. The height of their installation should be 1 - 1.3 m. When watching television, children are placed at a distance of no closer than 2 - 3 m and no further than 5 - 5 5 m from the screen. Chairs are installed in 4 - 5 rows (based on one group); the distance between the rows of chairs should be 0.5 - 0.6 m. Children are seated according to their height.
6.13. In separate rooms or in separately allocated places, it is possible to organize corners and rooms of nature, a phyto-garden, a phytobar and others. When organizing them, the following requirements are met:
- animals and plants must be safe for children and adults;
- sick, aggressive and unpredictable animals in their behavior, as well as poisonous and thorny plants are unacceptable;
- animals are accepted with the permission of the veterinary authorities (registration, timely vaccinations, hygiene procedures);
- it is unacceptable to accept stray animals;
- Animal cleaning and plant care are carried out daily and only by the staff of the preschool organization. Children can water the plants.
The nature room is equipped with hot and cold water supply, sewerage, racks for storing equipment and food. Animal food should be stored out of the reach of children.
Placement of aquariums, animals, birds in group rooms is not allowed.
6.14. In newly built and reconstructed preschool organizations, it is necessary to provide separate sleeping quarters as part of the group.
Bedrooms are equipped with fixed beds.
Beds for children under 3 years old must have: length - 120 cm; width - 60 cm; the height of the fence from the floor - 95 cm; a bed with a variable height from the floor - at the level of 30 cm and 50 cm.
It should be possible to reduce the height of the side railing by at least 15 cm.
The length of the stationary bed for children aged 3 - 7 is 140 cm, width - 60 cm and height - 30 cm.
The beds are arranged in compliance with the minimum gaps: between the long sides of the beds - 0.65 m, from the outer walls - 0.6 m, from heaters - 0.2 m, between the headboards of two beds - 0.3 m.
To avoid injury to children, stationary bunk beds are not used.
6.15. In existing preschool organizations, in the absence of bedrooms, according to the project, it is allowed to organize daytime sleep for children of preschool groups in groups on folding beds with a hard bed or on transformable (pull-out, roll-out) one-three-level beds.
New types of beds should be harmless to children's health.
When folding beds (cots) are used, each group room must have a place for their storage, as well as for individual storage of bedding and linen.
6.16. In existing preschool educational organizations, in the presence of dormitories according to the project, dormitories are not allowed to be used for purposes other than their intended purpose (as group rooms, rooms for additional education, and others).
6.17. Children are provided with individual bedding, towels, personal hygiene items. You should have at least 3 sets of bed linen and towels, 2 sets of mattress covers per 1 child.
6.18. Toilet facilities are divided into a wash area and a sanitary unit area. In the washroom area, children's washbasins and a shower tray fenced with a transformable fence with access to it from 3 sides for hardening procedures are placed. Toilets are placed in the area of ​​sanitary facilities.
For a shower tray, the installation height is 0.3 m. The shower tray is equipped with a flexible hose with a shower head located above the bottom of the tray at a height of 1.6 m.
6.18.1. A toilet for toddlers is equipped in one room, where 3 washbasins with hot and cold water supply for children are installed, 1 washbasin for staff, a cabinet (rack) with cells for storing individual pots and a drain for processing them, a children's bath, utility closet. Pots must be labelled.
Storage of disposable diapers in rooms with high humidity is not allowed.
6.18.2. In the toilet of the younger preschool group in the wash area, 4 washbasins for children and 1 washbasin for adults are installed, with hot and cold water supply with a mixer, 4 children's toilet bowls.
6.18.3. In the toilets of the senior and preparatory groups in the wash area, washbasins with hot and cold water supply for children are installed at the rate of 1 sink for 5 children, 1 washbasin for adults, children's toilet bowls or at the rate of 1 toilet bowl for 5 children. Children's toilets are installed in lockable cubicles without constipation. The size of the cabin for the children's toilet should be 1.0 x 0.75 m, the height of the cabin fence - 1.2 m (from the floor), not reaching the floor level by 0.15 m.
6.18.4. When designing and reconstructing preschool organizations in senior and preparatory groups, separate toilet rooms for boys and girls should be provided.
6.19. For carrying out hygiene procedures (washing) for children of toddler and younger preschool age, shower trays with a shower net on a flexible hose should be provided.
6.20. When children stay around the clock, it is recommended to equip bathrooms for washing children, equipped with shower cabins (baths, trays with hot and cold water supply with a mixer).
6.21. For children of younger preschool age, the installation height of washbasins from the floor to the side of the appliance is 0.4 m, for children of middle and older preschool age - 0.5 m.
6.22. Toilet bowls are equipped with child seats or hygienic pads made of materials that are harmless to the health of children, allowing them to be treated with detergents and disinfectants.
6.23. In existing preschool organizations, it is allowed to equip a sanitary facility for staff in the children's toilet room in the form of a separate closed toilet cabin.
6.24. In the toilet rooms, wall or hanging hangers with individual cells for children's towels and personal hygiene items, utility cabinets, and a cabinet for cleaning equipment are installed.

Age list of children.

The composition of children in the same group is heterogeneous in age, and the difference can reach up to a year. Educators should take into account the age of each child in the group, since the difference in age affects the characteristics of the individual approach to each of the children. For some children, the active phase of the crisis is in full swing, for others, the crisis ends, they gradually become more contact and manageable, and therefore can feel more productive and comfortable in a team. A simple age list can help prevent very serious problems in the group.

The scheme of seating children at the tables.

It is she who helps to choose the right furniture for height, to plant children, which is the prevention of violations of posture and vision. To secure a place for a certain period, there is a scheme for seating children at the tables, which, as necessary, is adjusted depending on changes in the physical condition of the children in the group.

Grid of educational activities.

The grid of educational activities helps to systematize work with children during the current month. According to the requirement of SanPiN dated 20.12.2010 No. 164 on the maximum allowable amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the younger and middle groups does not exceed 30-40 minutes, respectively, and in the senior and preparatory 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous and educational activities - at least 10 minutes.

Ekaterina Gorbacheva
The layout of the children at the tables during meals

In the middle group of MBDOU d. from No. 3, according to sanitary standards, each child has his own place for tables during meals. Places assigned to children are reflected in seating patterns at tables during meals, which is adjusted as necessary depending on changes in physical condition group children. There are many options on the internet schemes, but I never found one that really met all my requirements. I present to your attention my arrangement of children at the tables during meals.

On scheme the most important moments:

Quantity tables, (All tables are numbered) ;

Furniture group (in accordance with the table of SanPin norms);

On each a list of children is written on the table sitting at table;

On table and the chairs are pasted with a geometric figure by which children can navigate, find their chair (in my case it is a circle, a square, a rectangle, a triangle and a rhombus in two colors - purple and orange).

During the year I transplant children, change as tables and places and neighbors table.

tables and chairs are adjusted in height in accordance with SanPin standards, to all tables organized convenient passage.

I hope my diagram will be helpful.. If someone needs scheme, I can email. mail. Write!

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To secure a place for a certain period, there is a scheme for seating children at the tables, which, as necessary, is adjusted depending on changes in the physical condition of the children in the group.

Grid of educational activities.

The grid of educational activities helps to systematize work with children during the current month. According to the requirement of SanPiN dated 20.12.2010 No. 164 on the maximum allowable amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the younger and middle groups does not exceed 30-40 minutes, respectively, and in the senior and preparatory 45 minutes and 1.5 hours, respectively. In the middle of the time allotted for continuous educational activities, a physical education session is held. Breaks between periods of continuous and educational activities - at least 10 minutes.

7. Perspective plan for the year.

By the beginning of the school year, the teacher draws up a long-term plan that helps him systematically solve the tasks set, using effective methods for this, individual work with children and work with parents. Long-term planning is preceded by a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the state of upbringing and educational work in the group, the identification of its strengths and weaknesses, the definition of urgent tasks for the upcoming academic year.

Monthly work plan.

To specify and correct educational and educational work provided for by the long-term plan, the educator uses calendar plans in his work. For the convenience of using the plan, the teacher divides it into two parts: the first and second half of the day.

In the morning, the educator plans: conversations, individual and joint activities, reading fiction, morning exercises, finger exercises, articulation exercises, didactic games, instilling cultural and hygienic skills, a walk, weather observation.

In the afternoon, the teacher plans: invigorating gymnastics, conversations, individual work, experimentation, role-playing and didactic games, a walk, work with parents.


Each educator should study his pupils, monitor the peculiarities of their development. It is necessary to study in the system and constantly. To do this, there are maps for diagnosing the knowledge, abilities, skills of children for all types of activities and summary tables of the results of the children's assimilation of the program.

The educator should carry out diagnostics at the beginning and end of the school year, which will give him the opportunity to compare the results of the children's assimilation of the program and timely correct cognitive processes in the direction of the child reaching age norms.

The scheme of interaction with the family.

The work of the educator will not be complete; if he has no contact with the parents of the children. It is necessary to acquaint parents with the training program, the goals and objectives of education, to study the best practices of family education, to acquaint parents with the life and work of a preschool institution. Work with parents should be carried out purposefully, systematically and include individual and collective forms: conversations, parent meetings, consultations, leisure evenings, exhibitions, open days, etc.


The educator is obliged to get acquainted with innovations in a timely manner, replenish professional potential, improve pedagogical skills, putting into practice new educational technologies. The teacher should keep a notebook on self-education, writing in it the name of the literature studied, the title and author of the article that interested him, indicating the pages with the most significant information. Next, you should discuss with colleagues what you studied at a pedagogical meeting or teachers' council.

No. 44. Types and types of classes in the preschool educational institution.

Forms of organization of training



Allows you to individualize learning (content, methods, means), but requires a lot of nervous costs from the child; creates emotional discomfort; uneconomical training; limiting cooperation with other children.



The group is divided into subgroups.

The bases for a complete set: personal sympathy, common interests, but not on levels of development. At the same time, the teacher, first of all, it is important to ensure the interaction of children in the learning process.


Work with the whole group, a clear schedule, a single content. At the same time, the content of training in frontal classes can be an activity of an artistic nature.

The advantages of the form are a clear organizational structure, simple management, the possibility of interaction between children, the cost-effectiveness of training; disadvantage - difficulties in the individualization of training.

5. Reveal the structural components of the learning process.

Yu.K. Babansky in the structure of the learning process identifies the following components:
1) target; 2) stimulating and motivational; 3) meaningful;
4) operational and effective; 5) control and adjustment; 6) evaluation and result.
These components reflect the entire process of interaction between the teacher and students from setting the goal of learning to analyzing its results.
The target component of the learning process is the setting by the teacher and the acceptance by the trainees of the goals and objectives of studying the topic. The stimulating-motivational component of the learning process reflects the teacher's measures to form cognitive needs, stimulate the motives of educational activities, and interests. The content component of the learning process is the content of learning, determined by state educational standards, programs, textbooks and teaching aids. The operational-effective component of the learning process reflects its procedural characteristics, forms, methods, means.
The control and adjustment component of the learning process involves the control of the teacher and self-control of students in order to establish feedback and adjust the course of the learning process. The evaluative-effective component of the learning process combines the assessment by the teacher and self-assessment of the learning outcomes by the trainees, establishing their compliance with the goals set, identifying the reasons for their possible discrepancy, and setting goals for further activities. All components of the learning process are closely interconnected.

6. Describe the organization of the learning process in a preschool educational institution.

In kindergarten, frontal, group, individual forms of organized learning are used.

The individual form of organization of education allows individualization of education (content, methods, means), however, it requires a lot of nervous costs from the child; creates emotional discomfort; uneconomical training; limiting cooperation with other children.

Group form of organization of training (individual-collective). The group is divided into subgroups. The bases for a complete set: personal sympathy, common interests, but not on levels of development. At the same time, the teacher, first of all, it is important to ensure the interaction of children in the learning process.

Frontal form of organization of training. Work with the whole group, a clear schedule, a single content. At the same time, the content of training in frontal classes can be an activity of an artistic nature. The advantages of the form are a clear organizational structure, simple management, the possibility of interaction between children, the cost-effectiveness of training; disadvantage - difficulties in the individualization of training.

The main form of organizing training in a preschool educational institution is directly educational activities (GCD). Directly educational activities are organized and conducted by teachers in accordance with the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution. GCD is conducted with children of all age groups of the kindergarten. In the daily routine of each group, the time of the GCD is determined, in accordance with the "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the working hours of preschool educational organizations."

Directly educational activities are organized in all areas of educational work with children: familiarization with others, speech development, musical education, fine arts, design, the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, and physical culture.

When conducting directly educational activities, it is allocated three main parts.

First part- introducing children to the topic of the lesson, setting goals, explaining what children should do.

Second part- independent activity of children to fulfill the task of the teacher or the plan of the child himself.

The third part- analysis of the performance of the task and its evaluation.

Requirements for the organization of directly educational activities

Hygiene requirements:

direct educational activities are carried out in a clean, ventilated, well-lit room;

The educator constantly monitors the correct posture of the child,

Prevent overwork of children in the classroom.

provide for the alternation of various types of children's activities not only in different classes, but also throughout one lesson.

Didactic requirements

precise definition of the educational tasks of GCD, its place in the general system of educational activities;

· creative use of all didactic principles in unity during GCD;

determine the optimal content of GCD in accordance with the program and the level of training of children;

· to choose the most rational methods and techniques of teaching, depending on the didactic goal of GCD;

ensure the cognitive activity of children and the developing nature of GCD, rationally correlate verbal, visual and practical methods for the purpose of the lesson;

Use didactic games for learning purposes (board-printed, games with objects (plot-didactic and dramatization games)), verbal and game techniques, didactic material.

· systematically monitor the quality of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

Organizational Requirements

· have a well-thought-out plan for conducting GCD;

clearly define the purpose and didactic tasks of GCD;

Properly select and rationally use various teaching aids, including TCO, ICT;

Maintain the necessary discipline and organization of children during the GCD.

Do not mix the learning process with the game, because in the game, the child to a greater extent masters the ways of communication, masters human relations.

GCD in preschool educational institutions should not be carried out according to school technologies;

GCD should be carried out in a certain system, connected with the daily life of children (knowledge gained in the classroom is used in free activities);

The organization of the learning process is useful for the integration of content, which allows you to make the learning process meaningful, interesting for children and contributes to the effectiveness of development. To this end, integrated and comprehensive classes are held.

Currently, the following classification of activities with preschool children is widely used.

54. Features of the psychological and pedagogical diagnosis of preschool children.

Psychological and pedagogical examination begins with a conversation with the child, which is aimed at establishing emotional contact. During the conversation, the general stock of knowledge and ideas of the child about the environment, orientation in time, space, emotional characteristics are revealed: contact, interests, favorite games and activities. When selecting methods for the diagnostic examination of preschool children, it is necessary to take into account the psychological age-related neoplasms: the level of development of perceptual actions; visual-figurative thinking; leading activity - gaming, as well as typical activities - design and drawing. The main parameters of the mental development of a preschooler can be considered: the acceptance of a task; understanding the terms of the assignment; ways of performing (chaotic actions, trying on, purposeful tests, practical trying on, visual orientation); learning during the examination; relation to performance. When diagnosing the features of the cognitive sphere of preschool children, special tasks are used that are carried out in the form of a "learning experiment", as well as tasks that allow you to identify the level of formation of knowledge and skills. (Methods for studying the cognitive activity of preschoolers are widely described in the specialized literature). Analysis of the performance of tasks allows us to assess the nature of the child's activity: whether he understands the practical situation as problematic; analyzes the conditions; can independently find and use auxiliary items to achieve the goal. Various methods are used to examine a child's motivational readiness to study at school: observation during various types of children's activities, conversation. The main indicators of the state of the emotional-volitional sphere of a preschooler are: possession of the rules of behavior; the ability to adequately respond to the assessment of the completed task, the ability to evaluate their work; ability to overcome difficulties. In general, characterizing the main tasks of diagnostic activity at preschool age, we can say that it is aimed primarily at obtaining information about the level of mental development of children, identifying individual characteristics and problems of participants in the educational process. The choice of tools for diagnostics is carried out depending on the range of developing tasks to be solved. In diagnostic activities with preschool children, it is mandatory: Examination of children of the second younger group (3 years old) to determine the level of mental development and build an individual development trajectory of the child. Diagnosis of pupils of the senior group in order to determine the level of mental development for the organization and coordination of work in the preparatory group. Diagnosis of pupils within the framework of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council (PMPk) of the preschool educational institution, in accordance with the regulation on PMPk. Diagnosis of psychological readiness for schooling of children of the preparatory group. Additionally, at the request of parents, educators, the administration of the preschool educational institution and personal observations, an in-depth diagnostics of the development of the child, children's, pedagogical, parental teams is carried out in order to identify and specify the problems of participants in the educational process.

53. The originality of education in different age groups of kindergarten.

The high rates of development of preschool children, including their mental development, require the differentiation of education in different age groups. At the same time, the originality of training is manifested in the main components of the educational process: its content, structure, methods and forms of organization.

In the first year of life, the main tasks are:

The development of the child's sensory, i.e., the formation of sensations and perceptions: visual, tactile, auditory;

Development of subject actions;

Development of movements;

The development of children's speech.

In the process of solving these problems, under the teaching influence of adults, children need to form the ability to recognize objects, understand adult speech, and actively use some sound combinations and first words. The process of teaching children of the second year of life is becoming more purposeful and systematic. During the training, the same tasks are solved as in the first year of life. However, the orientation of children in the environment becomes more specific. Children learn to distinguish and name objects of the immediate environment, highlight some, especially vividly presented qualities, recognize plants, and perform various actions with objects.

The whole process of the formation of ideas takes place in inseparable unity with the mastery of speech. An important section of training at this stage is musical education and the development of basic movements. In a word, the content of teaching children in the second year of life acquires a versatile direction. It provides the first orientation of children in the world around them, the development of their speech and the formation of initial cognitive and practical skills and abilities.


Early age is a very important stage in the life of a preschooler. From the moment of birth to the end of the junior preschool age, the child manages to do a gigantic job: he learns to handle various things around him, walk, establish emotional contact with loved ones (parents, older brothers and sisters, teachers of junior preschool institutions), understand his native language, acquires initial skills communication.

It is very important that by the end of this period the child already feels himself as an independent person, and not just a part of the surrounding reality. The concept of "I myself" is already available to him. In the structure of the learning process for children of this age, parts aimed at solving two problems are clearly distinguished:

Orientation of children in new objects, their properties and actions with them;

The subsequent development of representations and actions.

To solve the first task, an adult uses viewing (observation) of objects, pictures and showing actions with toys and objects, accompanying all this with a clear name and explanation. In the course of observing and perceiving the mode of action, children are encouraged to actively use the word. In kindergarten, such classes are held with small subgroups 2-3 times during the day.

At the same time, the organization of independent activities of children with objects and toys continues. At the same time, an adult continues learning, if necessary, uses both a “joint” action - with an object, and a demonstration of the action, accompanying them with a word. However, it is necessary to support and encourage the independence of children. The initial display of actions with the object is carried out fractionally - the display of one of the operations is accompanied by the organization of the child's actions. Then a holistic display is possible with subsequent adjustment of the child's independent activity. As a result, by the beginning of the third year of life, children develop the elementary foundations of initial learning skills: acting on the instructions of adults, master the content offered to them.


Education of children in the period from 2 to 4 years provides for:

Further development of orientation in objects and phenomena of the immediate environment, the formation of clear ideas about their properties. Mastering the first elementary knowledge systems based on the establishment of simple connections between objects and phenomena of reality;

Further improvement of sensations and perception, the formation of knowledge about the system of sensory standards and the ability to use them in various types of productive activities;

Formation of the initial skills of educational activity, i.e. the ability to accept the task, listen and hear an adult, answer the questions posed;

The development of children's speech, i.e., the further expansion of vocabulary and the development of coherent speech.

The content and education of children 3-5 years of age becomes versatile. This is the development of ideas about the work of adults, about plants and animals, about inanimate nature, and the mastery of quantitative, spatial and temporal ideas. The training program includes the development by children of simple methods and techniques, the formation of skills in visual and artistic activity.

The development of elementary labor skills continues - in self-service, household work. In addition to all of the above, it is very important at this age to instill in the child the basic skills of a hygienic culture. Children need to be explained how important daily care of their body is (bathing, mandatory washing of hands before meals and after each walk), careful attitude to clothes, toys, proper behavior at the table.


The originality of the content of education, the peculiarities of the cognitive activity of children (the primary importance of visual-figurative and visual-effective thinking), the presence of large individual differences in it determine the nature of the learning process, its methods.

Educational classes in the first younger group of the kindergarten, as in the younger groups, are organized with subgroups and have a playful character. The division of children into two subgroups is associated with the need for direct communication between the teacher and each child.

The structure of the lessons provides for the alternation of showing methods of action with their performance by children, the combination of listening to the speech of the teacher with the active speech activity of children.

The content of each lesson, the volume of mastered ideas and actions are small. When children are introduced to objects or actions, two or three signs, two or three stages of action are included. The tasks of teaching children of primary and secondary preschool age are to further develop the skills of cognitive activity. As in the first younger group, visual and practical methods are used in teaching children of the second younger group:


Examination of paintings and demonstration of video films;

Game method;

Various exercises.

For the first time, experiments are used as one of the methods based on children's mastery of individual search actions. More often the teacher resorts to verbal methods:


Reading children's books;

For the first time, conversations begin.


As a rule, by the time they reach senior preschool age (6-6.5 years), most children have formed intellectual opportunities for studying at school. This is manifested in the fact that preschool children significantly increase the possibilities of mental activity. They are quite well oriented in the surrounding reality. At this stage, it is important to form skills such as the desire to learn as much as possible about the world around us and be able to systematize the knowledge gained, as well as clearly explain the result of the knowledge gained.

It is necessary to encourage the ability of preschoolers to perform simple practical and theoretical tasks, achieve a visual goal, follow the teacher's train of thought, and learn the general rules for constructing practical and theoretical tasks. Of great importance is the desire to develop creativity and imagination. It is important for a preschooler to understand that he is moving to a more complex stage of social relationships, where he will be assigned the role of not a pupil of a kindergarten or circle, but a student. This role requires more complex forms of communication (personal, business) and a more serious attitude to their duties.

In children of older preschool age, the arbitrariness of cognitive processes (memory, attention) increases significantly, basic mental skills and mental operations (comparison, analysis, generalization, classification, etc.) are formed. All this allows you to significantly improve the learning process, expand its tasks.

Further orientation of children in the world around them, the accumulation of ideas about the objects and phenomena of the surrounding life;

The task of further improvement of cognitive processes, i.e., the purposefulness of analysis, comparison, broader generalization, etc.;

Formation in all children of the main components of educational activity;

Education of cognitive interest as a motive for learning activities.

In older groups, the content of children's mathematical representations becomes more complicated. In unity with the process of knowledge formation, speech is taught. Coherent speech develops, phonemic perceptions are improved as a prerequisite for mastering literacy, children master the expressive means of their native language.

Teaching various types of artistic activity involves the development of a figurative vision of the environment, skills and abilities to convey it in artistic activity.

52. The specifics of the use of teaching methods in working with children of preschool age.

Education methods

- ways of interrelated activities of adults and children, aimed at achieving the educational goal.

Teaching methods

- a set of ways, ways to achieve goals.

Reception training

- part of the method, a separate step in the implementation of the method.

In preschool pedagogy, a classification of teaching methods is adopted, which is based on the main forms of thinking (visual-effective and visual-figurative).

Visual methods and teaching techniques

1- Observation - the ability to peer into the phenomena of the surrounding world, to notice the changes taking place, to establish their causes.

Types of observations: short-term and long-term; repeated and comparative; recognizing character; for changing and transforming objects; reproductive nature.

2- Demonstration of visual aids (objects, reproductions, filmstrips, slides, videos, computer programs).

Visual aids used to get acquainted with the environment: didactic pictures, united in a series; reproductions of paintings by famous artists; book graphics; subject pictures; educational films.

Showing ways


Sample display.

Verbal methods and teaching techniques

1- The story of the teacher.

The story achieves its goal if: the teacher sets an educational and cognitive task for the children; the main idea, thought is clearly traced in the story; the story is not overloaded with details; its content is dynamic, consonant with the personal experience of preschoolers, evokes a response and empathy in them; adult speech is expressive.

2- Children's stories (retelling of fairy tales, stories from pictures, about objects, from children's experience, creative stories).

3- Conversation.

According to didactic tasks, there are: introductory (preliminary) and final (summarizing) conversations.

4- Reading fiction.

Questions (requiring ascertainment; inducing to mental activity);

Indication (integral and fractional) ;



pedagogical assessment;

Conversation (after the excursion, walk,

viewing filmstrips, etc.).

Game methods and teaching techniques

1. Didactic game

2. An imaginary situation in expanded form: with roles, game actions, appropriate gaming equipment.

Sudden appearance of objects;

Performance by the educator of the game


Guessing and guessing riddles;

Introduction of competition elements;

Creation of a game situation.

Practical teaching methods

1- Exercise is a repeated repetition by a child of mental or practical actions of a given content (imitative-performing nature, constructive, creative).

2- Elementary experiments, experimentation.

Elementary experience is the transformation of a life situation, object or phenomenon in order to reveal hidden, not directly represented properties of objects, establish links between them, the reasons for their change, etc.

3- Modeling is the process of creating models and using them to form knowledge about the properties, structure, relationships, relationships of objects (D. B. Elkonin, L. A. Wenger, N. N. Poddyakov). It is based on the principle of substitution (a real object is replaced by another object, a conventional sign). Object models, subject-schematic models, graphic models are used.

The choice and combination of teaching methods and techniques depends on:

Age characteristics of children (in the younger preschool age, the leading role belongs to visual and game methods; in the middle preschool age, the role of practical and verbal methods increases; in the older preschool age, the role of verbal teaching methods increases);

Forms of organization of training (the teacher chooses the leading method and provides for it a variety of techniques);

Equipment of the pedagogical process;

Personalities of the educator


Means of education

- a system of objects, objects, phenomena that are used in the educational process as auxiliary.

Classification of educational means

(L. S. Vygotsky, I. P. Podlasy, P. I. Pidkasisty, V. I. Loginova, P. G. Samorukova)

Means of material culture

- toys, utensils, environmental items, TCO, games, clothes, didactic materials, etc.

Means of spiritual culture

books, art, speech.

Phenomena and objects of the surrounding world

- natural phenomena, flora and fauna.

learning tool

- this is a material or ideal object that is used by the teacher and students to assimilate new knowledge

The choice of teaching aids depends on:

Regularities and principles of training;

General goals of training, education and development;

Specific educational objectives;

The level of motivation for learning;

The time allotted for the study of a particular material;

The volume and complexity of the material;

The level of preparedness of trainees, the formation of their training skills;

Age and individual characteristics of trainees;

Type and structure of the lesson;

Number of children;

children's interest;

The relationship between the teacher and children (cooperation or authoritarianism);

Logistics, availability of equipment, visual aids, technical means;

Features of the personality of the teacher, his qualifications.

Types of children's activities (in accordance with GEF DO)

in infancy

Direct emotional communication with an adult,

Object Manipulation

Cognitive research activities,

Perception of music, children's songs and poems,

Physical activity

Tactile motion games

in young years

Objective activities and games with composite and dynamic toys;

Experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.,

Communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult,

Self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.,

Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poetry, looking at pictures, physical activity;

for preschool children

Game activities, including role-playing, playing with rules and other types of games,

Communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers,

Cognitive research (research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them,

Perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household work (indoors and outdoors,

Construction from different materials, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials,

Fine (drawing, modeling, appliqué,

Musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments)

Motor (mastery of basic movements) form of activity of the child.

51. Didactics as a special branch of pedagogical science.

The effective organization of education requires a comprehensive scientific substantiation of the content of education, training and upbringing, the study of their patterns, principles, forms and methods. This is done by a special field of pedagogical knowledge - didactics.

Didactics (Greek didactikos - teaching) - a branch of pedagogy that develops the theory of education and training, upbringing in the learning process

The subjects of didactics are:

1) determination of the purpose and objectives of training;

2) determining the content of education in accordance with the requirements of society. This refers to the content of scientific material that students must learn, and certain practical skills that they must master during their time at school;

3) revealing the patterns of the learning process based on its analysis, the implementation of special search and experimental work;

4) substantiation of the principles and rules of learning based on the identified patterns of learning;

5) development of organizational forms, methods and techniques of teaching Didactics is designed to acquaint teachers with the methods and ways of teaching students, with the help of which it is possible to achieve the goals of the learning process;

6) providing educational and material base, teaching aids that a teacher can use in the learning process

Didactics studies the learning problems that are characteristic of all subjects, abstracts from the peculiarities of the methodology of teaching subjects

The task of modern didactics is to ensure effective education, spiritual enrichment, development of the child, his activity, talent, creativity, ability to acquire new knowledge independently, to create conditions for its self-realization.

This, according to Lozova, is facilitated by the following methodological approaches to the educational process:

48 Curriculum of preschool education - a technical normative act, is included in the structure of the curriculum documentation of the educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the curriculum). The curriculum defines the goals and objectives of the study of educational areas, their content, the time allotted for the study of individual topics, types of children's activities, recommended forms and methods of education and training. The content of the curriculum for preschool education has been developed in accordance with the Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education of January 13, 2011, educational standards for preschool education. The structure of the curriculum of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the curriculum) includes "Explanatory note", "Characteristics of the physical and mental development of the child", "Content of preschool education", "Indicators of the development of the pupil", applications, a list of recommended literature.

the first block is “Content of preschool education”, which defines the goals and objectives of studying educational areas, their content (basic component, i.e. the minimum mandatory content of education, and the super-basic component, i.e. content in excess of the content established by the educational standards of preschool education educational areas), differentiated by

age groups of pupils;

the second block is “Implementation of the content of preschool education”, which determines the time allotted for studying the content, types of children's activities, recommended forms and methods of education and training.