The secret of the Hollywood smile - how to learn to smile beautifully? The charm of a smile ... How to learn to smile beautifully? How to match a smile to your face.

For a wedding

A person's face is unique and there are no two completely identical faces in the whole wide world. Different nationalities and cultures have their own individual standards of beauty. Measures of the attractiveness of the human appearance are so different that sometimes “beautiful” among Europeans is disgusting among African tribes, and vice versa. But the "language" of a smile is understood all over the globe.

Smiling is a response to kindness, happiness, or an expression of positive emotion. Even the wildest tribe in New Guinea smiles and understands the meaning of these mimic actions.

It is surprising that the most ordinary and inexpressive face, smiling, becomes softer and more pleasant. It is not necessary to smile at "all 32" to charm others. Remember the famous masterpiece of painting from under the brush of Leonardo da Vinci. His Mona Lisa barely raised the corners of her mouth, but in general her image has been captivating a curious viewer for many years.

Is it possible to learn to smile beautifully?

The best critic is yourself, and the best adviser is the mirror. Everything can be learned. Including a beautiful smile. There are courses and trainings on the art of smiling. It can be noted that a person with a wide smile seems good-natured and conducive to communication. If you are a representative of the beautiful half of humanity, then you have heard a lot or even have the power of a charming smile in service.

An interesting fact is that people who smile often and openly receive wages 15% more than closed and pessimistic employees. Pay attention, the ability or not the ability to smile stretches from deep childhood.

School photos show how the child will grow up. But even if you grew up as a calm and phlegmatic person, and with the flash of the camera you try to hide your teeth and lips, then we suggest listening to a few tips to smile without complexes and do it beautifully.

Learning to smile

  1. Stand in front of a mirror. Take a close look at your lips. Rough and cracked lips cannot be attractive. Perform cosmetic procedures right in your bathroom. Do a light peeling with a toothbrush, then lubricate with a nourishing cream.
  2. A beautiful smile is when only the top row of teeth is visible. By applying a series of gymnastic exercises, you can achieve the best result. You can train anywhere, in the elevator, at home in the bedroom, taking a shower.
  3. Try taking selfies. When you are by yourself, you can pose, fool around, try to smile and take various pictures. Looking at yourself from the outside, it will be easier for you to see your strengths and weaknesses and work on your mistakes.

A beautiful smile has always been appreciated, because it helps both in personal life and in solving business issues. It is worth noting that the aesthetics, attractiveness and attractiveness of smiling lips is in direct connection with symmetry, which can be difficult to achieve. Usually people do not pay attention to facial expressions and muscle work, as a result, the lips are asymmetrical, the smile turns out to be crooked and therefore seems strained and / or unnatural.

How to learn to smile with the help of special exercises

You may find the word "exercise" repulsive and strange in this question, because it already suggests a rehearsed smile. Don't be afraid, this is just the beginning. In addition, think about actors, singers, models - they have to smile at the camera with or without reason, for example, during filming or a photo shoot, when a beautiful smile is part of a well-thought-out image. Celebrities constantly rehearse both poses and smiles, and at the same time, for most stars in public, all this turns out to be absolutely natural. Which celebrity smile do you think is the most contagious, sweet and beautiful? Try to repeat the smile you like. But the site reminds that it is quite possible that you will have to make your own adjustments to it, thanks to which the smile will suit your face.

1 . To learn how to smile beautifully, first you need to practice in front of a mirror. As a rule, if the lips and mouth in a smile are skewed, this is immediately noticeable. Of course, to fix this, you need to make a lot of efforts. When a person smiles only slightly, twenty muscles work at the same time, and during a wide smile, forty are involved at once.

2 . The easiest exercise that will have an impact on the learning process is the delay in the successful shape of the lips. It is necessary, looking in the mirror, to choose a variant of a beautiful smile and fix the muscles of the face in this position. Then, with fingertips, press on the edges of the lips and hold for 7 seconds, then release. This exercise must be done five times in a row, pressing and releasing the edges of the lips.

If you want to learn how to smile beautifully, then you need to repeat this exercise twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Do not be lazy, especially since even such a smile, specially reproduced by you after waking up, according to psychologists, programs you for a good mood. A smile is a very powerful tool for influencing both others and yourself. No wonder the old Japanese proverb says: The strongest person is the one who smiles ».

During the exercise, it is important to ensure that the smile remains beautiful. In the event that it is distorted or disappears altogether, it is necessary to re-give the lips an ideal shape and fix it. Continue training from the beginning and repeat until the moment when you can complete the entire complex with a beautiful smile on your face.

3 . The next exercise, after you have learned how to create a smile in front of the mirror, is a little test. It is necessary with a charming position of the lips to close your eyes for 30 seconds. After the time has passed, you need to check whether or not you managed to keep a beautiful smile. It is necessary to achieve a result when it remains on the face unchanged. Did you succeed? And now a small, simple secret from the magazine "Name Woman": think about what success you have already achieved and how beautiful you are, praise yourself. This will help to smile not only on your lips, but also light a smile in your eyes.

Key components of a beautiful smile

The main thing in the beauty of a smile is its naturalness and sincerity. If there is no positive attitude, then even the ideal position of the lips will not correct the situation. In this regard, a good mood is on the same level with training. Believe me, a rehearsed smile can be made relaxed, but completely sincere.

In order for the exercises to bring results, performing them, one must think about the good and joyful moments of life that passed easily and positively. For example, it could be a big cash reward at work, or a hug from a loved one, a child's laughter, a compliment from a stranger, or the purchase of a long-awaited item. Such emotions give a sincere beautiful smile. If there are no such moments, then you need to fantasize. Some people who learn to smile beautifully create a special sound background during the exercises - turn on their favorite perky melody or even an audio recording of a good comedian.

As NameWoman already noted, learning to smile is very important not only for the beauty of the face, but also for success in life. The German psychologist Birkenbill strongly recommends using a smile in the following cases:

- Before and during a telephone conversation. By the way, this is a great opportunity to train a beautiful smile. By activating the necessary facial muscles, you will create a special microclimate of conversation, charge yourself and even feel that it was transferred to the interlocutor. Yes, he will not see your smile, but he will hear it. The practice of smiling can give you a very close result. before writing a letter or message, both personal and business correspondence.

Our charm consists not only of manners and gestures, but also of the ability to build our gestures and smile beautifully. They say that an ugly smile can spoil the whole idea of ​​​​even a very good person, and this is true.

How to learn to smile beautifully?

Have you noticed that in some people a smile is attractive, while in others it does not evoke reciprocal emotions? Believe me, a smile is not always a gift of nature, sometimes you have to learn to express your feelings, hold back a wide smile, or, conversely, try to show your snow-white teeth to the maximum.

A beautiful smile is not always a demonstration of teeth, sometimes a smile looks much nicer with tightly closed lips.

If you do not know how to smile beautifully, then you can use our tips.

  1. Take a close look at your smile in the mirror - if your gums are exposed while you smile, then try to moderate your ardor, especially if your teeth are large or long. Try to smile in such a way that your lips only open your upper teeth - you should not even stretch your lips into a long smile.
  2. If the mouth is large, then you do not need to completely stretch your lips in a smile - just a hint of a smile is enough, let there be a mystery, goodwill and sincerity in it.
  3. Another rule of a beautiful smile is its symmetry - often we have one corner of the lips lowered down much more than the other. When we smile, this disharmony is more pronounced and spoils the smile. Sometimes there is such a manner - to smile sideways, you should know that such an oblique smile causes rejection in the interlocutor and is perceived as ironic or unfriendly.

In fact, every person, and even more so a woman who is an actress by nature, usually has a lot of smiles in her arsenal that are intended for different people and for different situations. They have been worked out for years, do not misfire and make a woman irresistible. If you don’t have the habit of rehearsing smiles in front of a mirror, then start doing it - such exercises are not only useful for communication, but also develop the muscles of the face and make it very expressive and emotional.

Find exercises to train a symmetrical smile, or do those that linguists do, fixing in memory the correct symmetrical position of the lips. Simultaneously with the exercise, create a certain positive background for yourself so that the smile is filled from the inside with positive emotions.

If a woman has uneven or yellow teeth, then her smile suffers for two reasons - due to embarrassment and due to the fact that defects in a careless smile become obvious to others. Of course, beautiful teeth cost a lot of money, but this sacrifice will pay off handsomely - wearing braces or whitening your teeth can make your smile simply irresistible.

Everyone wears braces today: from young schoolgirls to adult respectable ladies.

There are many ways to correct the color of the enamel: professional teeth whitening, using special whitening strips, pastes and caps - an experienced dentist will identify the degree of the problem and choose the right method individually.

Of great importance for a beautiful smile is the condition of the lips - if the lips are flaky, then a smile can lead to the formation of cracks, painful sensations. Lip care in such cases includes the use of lip balms, honey masks and natural vegetable oils.

Makeup is also very important for a smile - if the lips are thin, then they are “lost” during a smile. Therefore, it is necessary to draw a clear outline and use natural shades of lipstick.

A beautiful smile is worth learning all the subtleties and putting them into practice - you will see how your life and mood will change!

Have you ever noticed how hard it is to choose a good shot from all the ones you have? And all because often your smile looks forced and unnatural. Some people choose not to smile at all in a photo, which makes their faces look grim and stern. It turns out that you can learn to smile beautifully. Use some of our tips and then no one will be able to take their eyes off your radiant face in the photo.

If you want to learn how to naturally smile in a photo, you need to relax your facial muscles before you pose. And in order to relax the muscles of the mouth area, while no one sees, do this exercise several times: put the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth.

If you notice that the word “cheese” said during the shooting does not have the desired effect, and your smile in the photo seems too forced, replace this word with another containing a drawl “e”.

Mentally laugh at yourself before you start taking pictures. Remember the funniest episode in your life, and your smile will definitely come out natural.

What is the idea of ​​a person?

People like to smile not only in photographs. In everyday life, a smiling charming person is conducive to communication, he is open to other people and has success in interpersonal relationships. Taking a look at a stranger, people notice how he is dressed, draw a psychological portrait in their imagination, translating sign language, judge education and upbringing by the manner and style of the dialogue.

However, a positive impression can be crossed out at once by an ugly smile. Indeed, in society it is important not only to look good, to have good manners, but also to be able to smile beautifully. Thus, a smile is considered as the most important and final touch in the formation of self-image.

How to hide defects in appearance?

To know for sure what other people think of you, smile and carefully examine your smile in the mirror. If you notice that this exposes your gums too much, don't open your mouth too wide. Learn to smile with the corners of your mouth, slightly opening your upper teeth. Believe me, the breadth of a smile does not always indicate the sincerity of its owner. Do not stretch your mouth to the end even if you have large teeth or a large mouth. Let your smile wear a light shade of mysterious benevolence.

Not all people nature has awarded symmetrical facial features. So, if you notice the distortion of the corners of your mouth in your smiling reflection, rehearse several options for a smile and remember the position of the lips in the most successful cases. Otherwise, it may seem to people that you are slyly grinning, twisting your mouth a little to the side.

Smiling trains facial expressions

The more often you smile in front of the mirror, the more mobile your facial muscles will become. In addition, this exercise will give you confidence and good mood for the whole day.

Correct defects in teeth

And, of course, in order to smile beautifully, you must have an invaluable arsenal consisting of two rows of even and white teeth. The curvature of the teeth will be corrected by braces, and the yellowness will be corrected by a special diet, whitening gels, strips or caps. If something does not suit you in the state of your teeth, visit a qualified dentist, he will select an effective method of correction and whitening. Of course, the help of a specialist will require considerable financial costs, but investments in your own health and beauty will pay off handsomely in the future.

Lip condition, make-up

A beautiful smile cannot mean flaky, dry, chapped lips. Remember about regular moisturizing, hygiene products, masks and nourishing balms. Men can simply lubricate problem lips with cream. Moisturizing lips is especially important in the frosty and windy season.

If a woman has naturally thin lips, then she will have to give up bright lipstick. In this case, the smile visually divides the mouth into two thin strips, and this is not very beautiful. That is why ladies with thin lips need to use natural shades of lipstick or shimmery gloss. You can also use a little trick: use a contour pencil 2 tones darker than the main one, pushing both the upper and lower borders of the lips by 2-3 millimeters.

No wonder it is often said that a smile is the best curve on a woman's body. This is the main tool of politicians, public figures and people who enjoy attention. The ability to build a beautiful smile lays the charisma of a man and the charm of a woman, but not everyone has the ability to smile stunningly from birth. However, learning to laugh and smile is entirely possible.

How to understand that your smile is beautiful and natural?

A natural smile is easy to distinguish from a forced smile if the person has not worked on their facial muscles and has not trained to smile in front of a mirror. Each of us at least once faced with a situation where there is no reason to smile, but it is worth smiling out of politeness.

To understand whether your smiling face looks open, you need to turn to your thoughts: in the case when you are gloomy in your soul, it is unlikely that the joy on your face will not be strained. In order for a smile to be charming and open, you need to think about the things that cause it in a normal situation, and if you do this often, then a natural smile will become a habit, and your mood will improve from pleasant thoughts.

The most charming smile is considered symmetrical. If you go to the mirror, make your smile as beautiful as possible and look closely, then the asymmetric details will become visible, and they can be completely corrected - that's when the smile can be considered beautiful. If you do this periodically, then over time you will be able to smile charmingly, and an even and symmetrical smile will become a habit. Anyone can learn this.

Smile Rules

Perfect smiles from glossy magazine covers are the result of models working on themselves. It is enough to follow simple rules in order to learn in the same way, and then turn out well in photographs or simply delight others with your wonderful mood without internal negativity, do not be ashamed of yourself and your joy.

Facial symmetry

The first rule of a good smile is the symmetry of the smiler's lips. Slight asymmetry of the face is normal and characteristic of a person, but it is simply impossible to get rid of it.

Training in front of a mirror, which allows you to achieve symmetry, will help to make a beautiful smile, and the simplest exercise - an unnaturally wide stretching of the lips - will bear fruit in a month.

Dental condition

The second rule is to keep your teeth white. In order to look charming, your teeth should be snow-white and well-groomed, and you need to take care of them with a quality toothpaste.

The third rule will be highly specialized, but necessary for a beautiful smile, professional teeth cleaning. Over time, plaque and tartar build up on the teeth, so the removal of deposits becomes a very important task. Professional cleaning is worth at least twice a year (this is also important for dental health).

Lips and makeup

The fourth rule is healthy eating. The color of the skin of the face depends on the right food - when it is healthy, the joy on the face is seen much brighter and more natural. When using cosmetics, you can achieve the same effect, because blush and eye shadow palettes will favorably emphasize not only the cheekbones and curves of the face, but also the lips.

The fifth rule is the well-groomed skin of the lips. Pharmacies sell a huge amount of balms and lotions, medicines for colds and weathering.

How to learn to smile attractively?

Any skill, including the ability to maintain a perfect smile, is achieved with diligence and time. Beauty lies in the details, and the components of the charm of any woman who enjoys attention are such aspects as the control of facial muscles, the use of cosmetics and a positive attitude, good thoughts.

Special exercises

Photographs are one of the reasons that push women to work on themselves, because everyone wants to look beautiful in a photo with a smile with teeth, and the words “I have bad teeth, and my smile is ugly” can be heard from the fair sex quite often. In order to achieve a perfect smile, or to make it wider, you need to find “your” shape, that is, sit in front of a mirror and, by controlling your facial muscles, determine which shape suits you best.

After the ideal option is found, you need to press your fingers on the edges of the lips and, counting to seven, release them, and then start the process again. This exercise is done about five times, with variable fixation and relaxation of the lips, but the main condition is to maintain a beautiful smile on the face during the exercise. So you can achieve the perfect proportions of the lips.

There are other exercises:

  • Stretch your lips as wide as possible for 15 seconds and, relaxing them, repeat. Do 10-15 times.
  • Draw a whistle with your lips and relax them. Do 15 times.
  • After inhaling the maximum volume of air, exhale it through tightly compressed lips for 20 times.

Cosmetic aspect

Make-up also plays an important role in the beauty of a smile. The manifestation of joy on the face can be spoiled by inappropriate or poor quality lipstick, the dark tones of the shadows will make the face darker, which is why the expression of joy will not look so open.

A beautiful and perfectly matched lipstick will hide all the small imperfections of the lips and make the teeth look more advantageous. So, for example, it is not recommended to use purple and brown shades - they set off the teeth, and they no longer look so white.

Ability to enjoy life

As has been repeatedly mentioned, the most charming smile is considered sincere, and it directly depends on the positivity of a person, his ability to laugh, enjoy life and inner happiness. In order to smile beautifully, you must always think about the good, even when it is not enough in life. Sincere good emotions will cause a happy smiling face, which, in turn, will create many new pleasant memories.

Male and female smile - are there any differences?

If we talk only about anatomical aspects, then the difference between a male and female smile lies in the structure of the lips. In women, they are more plump and located higher, due to which they reveal more teeth, and this makes the girl more open.

The smiles of women are more mysterious, and it is quite difficult to read their emotions. One can say almost for sure what the grin of the stronger sex hides. From the movement of the eyebrows when smiling, its location to the interlocutor depends: when they are raised, the man is ready to listen, and if they are lowered, then, on the contrary, he is going to stand his ground. If the smile comes out crooked, then the man feels uncomfortable and nervous, and if he smiles without blinking, and his eyes widen, this may indicate danger emanating from him.