New Year's holiday scenario for the youngest children. “Visiting a fairy tale” or New Year for the little ones


Olga Rice
New Year's holiday scenario for the little ones

New Year's holiday for the little ones.

Children enter the hall to the music, look at the Christmas tree, and stand in a circle.

What the the holiday is coming to us?

New Year is knocking on us!

U New Year's Christmas trees green needles

And from top to bottom - beautiful toys,

Balls and magic lanterns hang on the branches,

And beads, and snowflakes, and blue pieces of ice,

The branches are strewn with fluffy snow...

We will sing a song to our Christmas tree!

Round dance « Small Christmas tree» .

Oh, guys, look at what a beautiful bell hanging on our Christmas tree! Probably this bell magic: if you call them, come to us holiday fabulous guests will come. Children: Yes!

The host rings the bell and the Snow Maiden enters.

Hello my friends!

I came to see you holiday I.

I will play with you.

Songs to sing and dance.

Look guys at us holiday The Snow Maiden has arrived - the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost!

Dear Snow Maiden!

Do us such a favor,

To make the tree light up.

Sparkled, played,

It shone with lights!

Light up with bright lights, green beauty,

Illuminate our faces with your radiant light!

The kids really like your bright toys.

Green, fluffy, burn, burn, burn!

The lights on the tree come on.

Christmas tree game:

If you need to turn off the lights on the Christmas tree,

Then let’s blow together on the pine needles.

Children blow on the Christmas tree, the lights go out.

I'll tell you a big secret: repeat everything after by me:

“As soon as the heels are stomped, the lights come on!”

Children stomp, the lights on the Christmas tree light up. 2-3 times (sat down)

Snow Maiden:

Guys, look how beautiful the snowflakes are on our Christmas tree.

Snowflakes fly

And show me your dance.

Dance of snowflakes

Snow Maiden.

Well, my friends, to make it more fun, let's invite some more guests?

I see you have a magic bell. Can I call the next guest? (bell rings). Bunny appears on the screen.

Hello guys!

I ran to you from the forest

On a crispy snowball.

I'm very afraid of Chanterelle,

The sly red-haired sister.

Don't be afraid, Bunny, calm down, little coward!

On our Happy holiday, all the guys are kind, cheerful, no one will hurt you.

Well, I’m staying with you, I’m not afraid of the kids!

I will play with you, sing songs and dance. Can?

Of course, Bunny, stay! How pretty, white, fluffy you are! Do you want us to dance for you?

Bunny. I will be very happy.

dance "Bunny"

How fun, how fun, how joyful it is all around!

And today we are all friends let's call a holiday!

The Snow Maiden rings her bell. Chanterelle appears.

Presenter: Oh, you cunning cheat! I decided to catch our bunnies too!

What are you, what are you! I came to you to play.

I heard from the wolf

AND little bunnies

That Christmas tree holiday

Today with the guys.

I, Lisonka - sister,

I'm proud of my tail

Came to have fun

On big holiday.

Guys, let's sing a song for Chanterelle!

We’ll stand near the Christmas tree and start our own round dance,

Let's congratulate everyone on the New Year and sing a song together.

Children perform "Christmas tree"

Snow. I wonder who else the magic bell will bring to visit us?

The Snow Maiden rings her bell. The Bear comes out.

Guys, who recognized me?

I am Mishka, I missed you.

I'm shaggy, club-footed,

I slept sweetly in the winter in the forest.

But I heard children laughing

And he got up quickly.

I'm tired of sleeping in a den, I want to walk my legs!

The bear wants to dance

The bear wants to play!

"Dance with Rattles".

Well done boys. But someone on our the holiday is not enough.

Probably Santa Claus.

We need to call him.

The name is Santa Claus

Santa Claus comes out to the music and says hello

He is surprised by the Christmas tree and the dressed-up kids.

Happy New Year to everyone

I wish you joy and happiness

Holiday fun and joy

Happy New Year to everyone, everyone, everyone.

Snow. Grandfather Frost, we have already been waiting for you. Dance with the guys.

D. M. Of course with pleasure

Dance: All the guys dressed up

Ved. Sit down, grandfather, listen to the poems.

1reb: Hello New Year's holiday

Christmas tree and winter holiday

2reb: All my friends today

We'll invite you to the Christmas tree.

3reb: This New Year's holiday

We waited impatiently.

Snow. D.M. But do you have a hundred in your bag?

D.M. And now in just right

There are gifts for you

I'll untie my bag

I'll show you everything that's there

They hand out treats with the Snow Maiden, say goodbye and leave.

Publications on the topic:

We continue the culinary theme: Today we are preparing a fruit salad. My daughter Stasenka helps me. 1. Study the recipe and select the fruits: 2. Us.

Consultation for educators “Art activities for the little ones in kindergarten” Visual activity is a specific figurative cognition of reality. And like any cognitive activity it has.

Lesson notes for the first junior group of kindergarten “Road rules for the little ones” The purpose of ECD: To form in children an understanding of the rules of the road. Objectives: - Reinforce some traffic rules with children.

All babies love their mothers very much and try to help them. What do mothers do most often? Getting ready to eat. That's why we are with the nursery children.

Have you decided to celebrate the New Year with your friends and their children aged 2-3 years?

We offer to organize a holiday for the children that they will surely remember.

6.Now let’s sit back and watch puppet show . And it doesn’t matter if you don’t have special glove dolls, and the screen is an ordinary sheet. Even ordinary dolls, soft toys and soldiers can become the main characters of your performance. And don't forget that toys should interact with the audience. Let the kids answer questions about where the gray wolf ran, or suggest answers to riddles for the heroes of your fairy tale. The performance should last 10 minutes.

7. Serve treats . Something light: cookies, fruit, juice.

8.And now you can play snowballs with cotton wool or dance to New Year's songs.

9. Arrived in time for the holiday Ded Moroz and Snegurochka - hooray! We dance with them around the Christmas tree and present gifts.

Now the children are busy and the parents are relaxing :)

Happy holiday, good mood and happy New Year!

There is a decorated Christmas tree in the hall. Under it 5 boxes from small to large (three boxes white with a red bow, two boxes red with white bow)

Each of them contains attributes for dancing.

Girls in white dresses with a red belt, boys - a white shirt, a red bow tie, a red cap.

Attributes : white plumes according to the number of girls, red mittens according to the number of children, foam snowballs with a diameter of at least 12 cm

Children enter the hall holding hands and enter into round dance:

"Christmas tree, balls, firecrackers"

1 Presenter:

We are starting a children's ball

Fun, noisy carnival

In the program of our songs, dances,

Of course, Santa Claus will come!

And with the Snow Maiden at the Christmas tree,

He will join us in a round dance.

Everything is ready, the children are assembled,

Let's start the holiday!


What kind of guest has come to us?

So elegant and slim,

All covered in toys, all covered in needles,

This is a festive...

Children: YOLKA

1 Child:

Hello, forest Christmas tree, silvery, thick,

You grew up under the sun and came to us for the holiday!

2 Child:

You have brought joy to the children, we will celebrate the New Year with you,

Let's sing a song together, let's dance merrily!

A song is being performed"Christmas tree" (beads glitter on the Christmas tree)

1 Presenter:

Our Christmas tree is a surprise to everyone: both slim and big.

Let's sit quietly and look at her from afar.

(Children sit down)

1 Presenter:

Every time on New Year's Eve

A fairy tale is coming to visit us.

Along snowy paths

The fairy tale goes unseen.

Exactly at midnight (ding-ding-dong)

You will hear a quiet ringing.

This fairy tale came into the house

Hush, here she is.

To the music "Song of the Snow Maiden"

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden :

Hello my friends! I congratulate you all

Happy new year, happy new yearnew snowy weather!

Hello kids!

Girls and boys!

Happy New Year to you guys!

I am the Snow Maiden! Are you happy to see me?

I came from a good fairy tale,

Today there will be games and dancing!

2 Presenter:

Snow Maiden, look at the miracles, your eyes widen

Under the fluffy Christmas tree the boxes are standing

Bright, shiny with a surprise for the guys.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, do you like surprises?

I'm to I'll come to the box and say the magic words.

Takes a small box

`Ene-bene, three, two, one! Open up for us!`

Here magic bell.

He gives smiles and laughter.

Happy New Year bell

Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone!

Let's play with him.

Stand in a circle, I’ll give you a bell, that’s what it is. that's my call

(rings the bell while the children are being organized for the dance)

A game "with bells"(1 box)

The teacher sings:

Children are running, cheerful children.

They run, frolic, and can’t get enough of playing.

(children run on tiptoes to the music, waving their arms)

The teacher rings the bell and says:

1. The bell rang and he ordered people to wave their hands.

2. The bell rang and he ordered people to stomp their feet.

3. The bell rang and he ordered everyone to spin.

4. The bell rang and ordered people to dance merrily.

(children perform movements according to the text)

2 Presenter: (takes the box , shows to the Snow Maiden)

Here another box, and the filling is naughty,

Let's open it quickly and let's play the game!

Snow Maiden :

I know what children love -

Skis, sleds and skates.

And, of course, everything in the world

They love to play...


Put on your mittens

Let's frolic now.

Are you all ready, kids?

The game begins.

A general dance is performed"Snowballs". (2 boxes)

Snow Maiden : Well done, my friends, I’m happy with the holiday.

(Children sit on chairs)

Snow Maiden :

Guys, do you know

What holiday is approaching?

Children in chorus:

New Year!

Snow Maiden :

Does anyone know what New Year is?

A game "what is new year"

What is New Year?

Round dance around the Christmas tree?


Laughter, fun, dancing?


Feeling like a fairy tale?


And there are gifts under the tree?


And when is it really hot outside?


Are the candles on the cake blown out?


When does Santa Claus come?


And does he bring you gifts?


1 Presenter:

Well done boys! Everything they said was correct!

Snow Maiden:

And this wonderful box , knows how to dance deftly.

Look what is now prepared for you!

(sultans for snowflakes)

1 Presenter:

Snowflakes are flying towards us, they want to dance.

Snow Maiden : Get the snowflakes here quickly. Let's please your guests.

The dance of snowflakes is performed(3 boxes)


1 Presenter : Guys, do you hear, tick-tock, tick-tock. What is this?

2 Presenter:

I'll go to the box I'll see what's lying there.

(looks in, takes out)

This is a clock.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, these watches are not simple, but magical, New Year's!

When they strike 12 times,

So the hour will appear

Our beloved Santa Claus!

He will bring a cartload of gifts!

2 Presenter:

Oh-oh-oh, but the watch doesn’t work! What to do now! Now the New Year will not come, and there will be no holiday, no gifts...

Snow Maiden :

Wait, we’ll try to fix the watch ourselves, we need to start it!

The game "Clock" is played.

Children are divided into two halves. One half, at the command of the Snow Maiden, says"Tick", the other - "Tak" . First, the Snow Maiden commands randomly - tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, etc. And then, repeating after the Snow Maiden, the children show how they turn the keys and repair the watch.

After that "time is running right"- tick, tock, tick, tock. The game ends with the striking of the clock.


Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost :

Hello my friends!

I searched the whole city.

Finally found you!

It took me a long time to get there, were you all tired of waiting for me?

(children's answer)

Greetings to all viewers - your parents!

(waves to parents on camera)

And you, my dears, obedient and mischievous!

(turns to the tree)

Oh, yes, the Christmas tree, it’s simply amazing how elegant and beautiful it is!

I've been to all the gardens - I've never seen a better Christmas tree!

To make the tree burst into flames, I will use in words:

“Surprise us with your beauty, Christmas tree, light the lights!”.

The tree doesn't light up.

Father Frost :

What's happened? (runs around the tree)

Father Frost :

Come on, Christmas tree, smile!

Come on, Christmas tree, wake up!

Come on, Christmas tree. one two Three,

Shine with the light of joy!

The tree doesn't light up.

Father Frost :

Something doesn’t work out, and our Christmas tree doesn’t light up.

Snow Maiden :

Guys, let's all come together let's say:

One two Three

Shine Christmas tree!

Santa Claus knocks with his staff and the lights on the tree light up.

Father Frost :

Start the round dance!

After all, that’s what the New Year is for!

A round dance is being performed_______________________________

Father Frost :

I'm an old man, guys, I'm many years old!

But, as soon as I come to the Christmas tree, I immediately start the games!

Who wants to play, well, it's time for us to start!

Dance-game "Santa Claus - rosy cheeks"

Father Frost : We had a lot of fun playing.

And not at all tired.

Command now to everyone I'll give:

“Get to your places quickly!”

Who will respect Grandfather?

And will she tell him poetry?

Children read poetry

Father Frost :

Well, thank you, friends!

They amused me.

Snow Maiden :

We have only one grandfather leftmagic box, the biggest one. We won't be able to open it without you.

Father Frost :

And I’ll go up to the box and say the magic words

And you clap your hands and stamp your feet

Says the magic words:

“Snow, snow, snow! Ice, ice, ice!

Miracles for the New Year!

Staff, help staff, put everything in order!

Snow Maiden :

What's in the big one? box What will make the guys happy?

Santa Claus takes out gifts.

Snow Maiden :

These are gifts for our kids!

handing out gifts to children.

Father Frost : Well, that's all, we have to say goodbye

Goodbye kids, Happy New Year to everyone, everyone!

Santa Claus says goodbye and leaves.

Christmas tree for the little ones

Children freely enter the hall to the music and look at the Christmas tree.

Snow Maiden
Hello duckling guys. My name is Snegurochka. I am the granddaughter of Grandfather Frost. Look how beautiful it is here, how elegant our Christmas tree is. And you are all so cheerful and elegant.

Come closer to the tree
Look above, below.
How many toys are there on her?
Cones, stars, firecrackers.
We came to the Christmas tree
And they brought fun.

Guys, let's play with the Christmas tree and blow on the snowflakes. Children blow on snowflakes.

We played with the Christmas tree, and now let's dance around it.
Slicing “Small Christmas tree”

To the clearing, to the meadow
A snowball is falling quietly.
The ducklings went out for a walk and were glad that so much snow had fallen. You can make a slide and build a snowman. They got together and made a snowman. (Applique of a snowman.) They invited him to the holiday.

Snowman runs in (adult)

Sweeping away the snow with a broom,
The snowman is walking, walking
And blows snowflakes.
Are you guys afraid of frost?


What if your hands get cold?

We'll clap.

What if your feet get cold?

We'll drown.

I brought snowballs for the holiday, let's play snowballs with you.

Snowball dance.

Snow Maiden.

Thank you, Snowman, for the laughter and fun.

Music is playing.

Snow Maiden.

Near the Christmas tree today the fairy tale begins.

A bun appears on the screen.

Snow Maiden
Adults and children know
Once upon a time he lived in this world,
In a good fairy tale there is a bun.
And here he is in a hurry, my friend. (Takes the bun.)

Puppet theater "Kolobok".

Kolobok (sings) )
I'm a funny bun
Gingerbread man ruddy side.
I'm drunk on sour cream,
I'm cold at the window.
I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten
Today is the boys' Christmas tree.

Hello nice little bun.
Where are you going, my friend?

I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten,
Today is the boys' Christmas tree.

I haven't eaten at all since morning,
Now I'll eat you.

Whatever you are, don’t rush.
The kids are waiting for me.
Come to the children's Christmas tree,

Well, thank you, I'm very glad
I’ll come to the kindergarten Christmas tree.

Hello, nice bun.
Where are you going, my friend?

I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten,
Today is the boys' Christmas tree.

Maybe I'll eat you
I haven't eaten for three days.

Whatever you are, don’t rush.
The kids are waiting for me.
Come to the children's Christmas tree,
We will celebrate the New Year together.

I'll definitely come
And I’ll bring the teddy bear.

Hello, nice bun.
Where are you going, my friend?

I'm in a hurry to go to kindergarten,
Today is the boys' Christmas tree.

I also want to dance
Near the Christmas tree, jump.

Come with me.

They didn't forget me, little bunny,
I was invited to the Christmas tree. (Jumps.)

Oh, what a bunny here!
How I want to eat a bunny.
I'm looking at you now, obliquely,
I'll take you home.

Fox, let the hare go!

We have to go to the Christmas tree.

Forgive me, friends,
Here's a little bunny for you, take it.

Let's forgive the fox, friends?

Today you can't quarrel.

For the sake of our friendship,
Let's all dance! (The heroes are dancing.)

Snow Maiden

Children, look who is coming to visit us?
Children come to the window and see Santa Claus.

Let's call him to us.

Children (called Santa Claus)
Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

Snow Maiden
Grandfather Frost is walking along the street.
Frost scatters over the branches of birch trees.
He walks around shaking his white beard.
He stamps his foot, only a crash comes out.

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost
Hello, duckling guys, were you waiting for me?

We waited!

Father Frost
And I was in a hurry, I wanted to be in time for your Christmas tree.
Happy New Year! Congratulations to all the children and all the guests.

Oh! I'm frozen! I wish I could warm up a little!

Ducklings, let's dance.

Dance with Santa Claus.

Santa Claus sits on a chair under the Christmas tree.

Children, tell me a poem about the New Year!

At the entrance, on the site
I collected the snow with a shovel.
At least there wasn’t a lot of snow, Alina
I made the Snow Maiden.
I put it in the corridor,
And she... melted!

To our Christmas tree, oh-oh-oh,
Santa Claus has come alive! Kirill
Beard, beard!
And there's a star on the hat!
There are specks on the nose,
And daddy's eyes!

Dad decorates the Christmas tree
Mom helps dad.
I try not to interfere, Lera
I help help.

Soon, soon New Year!
Soon Santa Claus will come.
There's a Christmas tree behind you, Yarik
Fluffy needles.
He brings us gifts
And he asks us to read poetry.

Santa Claus praises, gives gifts to children and says goodbye to them.

New Year is a holiday from childhood, the most magical and most beloved. Naturally, we, as parents who adore our children, want to give them a fun, bright and unforgettable performance that will forever remain in their memory.

At the same time, you need to take into account that the youngest children may not like a holiday that is too noisy. But everything can be fixed, and if you show your imagination, the little ones can become full participants in the New Year’s celebrations.

So, a holiday for the little ones. Where to start?

First of all, you need to decide on organizational issues.

The place for the celebration should be spacious. If this is one of your rooms, then it should be cleared of unnecessary things. This will give children the opportunity to concentrate on the action taking place and not be distracted by outside objects. For example, for toys that, as you know, everyone will need at the same time, and the same ones.

The ideal option would be to rent some small cafe, previously decorated by caring parents in New Year's style.

An important factor in the success of this event is also the timing of its holding. As you know, children aged 2-5 years have their own specific diet and sleep patterns.

Therefore, the time must be selected so that during the holiday no one wants to eat or sleep. Here it would be advisable to consult with the children's parents.

Considering the age of our little fidgets, the duration of the holiday should not exceed 1-1.5 hours. After all, it’s better to end the holiday on a happy note than to wait for the hysterics of tired guests.

As for the table. Treats, of course, are needed, but the simplest ones. For example, multi-colored fruit jelly, cookies, Barney-type biscuits, juices (preferably with straws to avoid spilling cups of liquid on yourself), sweets. Of course, some mothers may be indignant: “What candies for children under 3 years old?” But this is a holiday! You also don’t eat harmful Olivier every day.

The theme of the holiday must be determined in advance. In our case, this is the theme “Visiting a fairy tale.” Having previously sent invitations to parents, you need to indicate in them the expected dress code of the holiday.

So, the premises have been found, the time of the event and the menu have been agreed upon with the parents, and invitations have been sent out.

As for the holiday itself. Of course, you can invite animators, but it will be much more expensive, and it puts parents within certain limits.

Therefore, it is proposed to create the atmosphere of a fairy tale with your own efforts. As noted above, the theme of this holiday is “Visiting a Fairy Tale,” so our kids will be the main characters in the action. But parents themselves can try themselves in the role of presenters, for example, Bunny and Snowman.

Of course, the climax of the holiday should be the appearance of the long-awaited and beloved by all children, Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Scenario for a children's party

Children and parents are seated at tables. The Bunny and the Snowman come into the center of the hall.

Good afternoon to you, naughty girls,
Both girls and boys!

Snowman(addressing the hare)
Where do you see children here?
Look around quickly!
A fabulous gathering of people!
We are looking forward to the holiday!

Oh really, look:
Here is Malvina at the door,
Here is the Fox, the Prince and the Fairy.
Start the holiday soon!

Yes, we really are tired of waiting.
Come on, Christmas tree, light up!

The Christmas tree lights up and everyone claps their hands joyfully. The melody of the song “A Christmas Tree was Born in the Forest” plays in the background.

Come on, fairy-tale people,
Who will tell me what awaits us?
That's right, let's do it together:
A glorious holiday - New Year!

I can't wait guys
Get to know each other soon!
Come on, who came to visit us?
Introduce yourself quickly!

The bunny takes turns leading the children by the hand to the Christmas tree.

Who is this? Chanterelle?
How cute she is!
Red color suits my sister.
Did you take the wolf with you?

Here is our funny little wolf,
He's not scary to me at all
Look how nice he is
In our fairyland.

Who else do I see?!!
Hat has come to us too!
And what a basket!
Did you bring us some pies?

What kind of naughty girls are these?
Well, you, namesake, are fast!
I didn’t have time to come to the holiday,
I'm so glad to kiss Lisa!

But what a wonderful Giraffe!
What kind of visit is it from a fairy tale?
Well, of course, we know -
"Good Doctor Aibolit."

Here is the Dog from this fairy tale,
I've come to celebrate the New Year,
How sweet and affectionate he is,
The fur is like delicate silk.

Royalty too
They paid us a visit.
It's a pity, Princess Nesmeyana,
The prince will definitely make everyone laugh!

And here comes the Fairy, our miracle,
She brought us together here,
There will be competitions, fads,
Let's say a loud "Hurray"!

We have gathered here today,
To celebrate the New Year!
And now, so as not to freeze,
Come on, dance, everyone in a round dance.

To the song “The Little Christmas Tree is Cold in Winter,” the presenters and the children lead a round dance.

Competition 1 “Winter fishing”

To play, you need to prepare a real New Year's ice hole: let it be a hoop to which you need to attach fabric. Or, it could be a box (such as a TV or refrigerator box), an old playpen, a large bag or suitcase, or just an area fenced off with tape or rope. In addition, you need to first buy small gifts (keychains, pencils, erasers, small toys, magnets), which need to be packed in miniature boxes and attached to each with a wire hook or loop.

Come on, kids, everyone here!
We have trouble with magic,
Santa Claus decided to go fishing
But I only caught failure.

He gifts for you
I dropped everything into the hole at once,
I need to help my grandfather
And get gifts!

Each assistant is given a “fishing rod” - it can be replaced by any stick with a hook at the end. At the presenter’s signal, the music turns on, and the children begin to pull the boxes out of the “ice hole”, crocheting the loops. We need to wait until each of the children picks up at least one gift, and then turn off the music. This is a signal that the “fishing” is over, and the children can open their gifts.

Well done!
How they helped my grandfather:
They caught the fish together
And we received gifts!

Competition 2 "Snowballs"

For the competition you will need “snowballs”, two small buckets of different colors, scoops according to the number of participants.
Children are divided into teams, a captain is selected, who is given a bucket, and all players are given scoops (or spatulas).
"Snowballs" scatter on the floor of the room. At the signal from the leading Snowman, the music is turned on and the competition begins.

Yesterday it was winter-winter,
There was a lot of snow,
We made snowballs
You were offered to collect them.
Who will collect them more?
He will take the prize for himself!

Each child, using a scoop, must lift the “snowball” and bring it to his team’s bucket. It is necessary to agree that you can take only one “snowball” at a time and only with a scoop without the help of a second hand.
The competition continues as long as the music continues. As soon as the melody ends, all players return to their buckets, and the Snowman counts how many “snowballs” each team has collected and announces the winner.

Our kids are smart
Oh, there are so many snowballs here!
Let's count where there are more of them?
And let's clap our hands.
Congratulations to the winners,
And we will give them all prizes.

Small prizes are also appropriate here.

By the way, snowballs can be made from paper, cotton wool and starch as follows. A sheet of white paper needs to be crumpled into a tight ball, which then needs to be wrapped with cotton wool. Next, the resulting “snowball” is dipped in starch and laid out on oilcloth until dry.
If you don’t have time to make “snowballs,” they can be replaced by ping-pong balls, padding polyester rolled into lumps (you can wrap it in gauze for density), white pom-poms, or even crumpled foil.

Competition 3 “Catch-up”

The presenter-Bunny puts a large mitten on his hand. It can be made specifically for the holiday (an ordinary mitten covered with rain, beads, etc.).

The rules of the game are the same as in regular tag: at a signal, the children run away, and the leader, in this case Bunny, must catch up and show off the kids with his magic mitten.

And now, my dear ones!
Let's play tag
The one I'm catching up with
He will rest under the tree.

The “greasy” children sit under the Christmas tree, and the last and, therefore, most dexterous child is declared the winner.

After this competition, you can take a break so that the children can rest, drink juice, and have a snack if desired.

Well, kids, have you had a rest?
We are waiting for you at the Christmas tree,
Grandfather Frost is coming to us
With the Snow Maiden now!

So that they don't get lost
In our fairy forest,
Let's call them loudly together,
Santa Claus! Awww!

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden enter the hall to the cheers of the children.

Father Frost:
Hello my guys!
Fairies, Princes and Animals!
I'm incredibly happy to see
This fabulous parade!

Snow Maiden:
It took us a long time to get to you,
We tried to choose gifts,
To bestow upon you all,
And, of course, praise.

Father Frost:
For the whole year, dear ones,
You have always been obedient
And you ate the porridge to the bottom,
“Thank you” was always said.
The toys were removed without any problems,
They didn't lick the cream off the cake.
We didn’t run screaming through puddles,
You wore mittens in cold weather.

Snow Maiden:
Were always good!
Is this true?
Let's say - “Yes!”

Father Frost:
Because you were obedient,
I want to reward you generously,
On your magical sled, children,
I'll take you for a ride!

Snow Maiden:
And these sleds are not simple,
They have gold sleds,
Your wish comes true, like in a fairy tale,
You just need to close your eyes.

The kids take turns sitting on the magic sleigh, make a wish, close their eyes, and Santa Claus rolls them in a circle.

Father Frost:
I won't hide it from you,
I really love poetry.
Make your ears happy soon
With my youthful memory.
Maybe someone will sing me a song?
I will be very happy too.
Well, what if he dances,
The joy will be a hundredfold!

Father Frost:
The time comes to part,
We must leave you.
But there's no need to be upset
We will come to you again and again.

Snow Maiden:
Let's sing and have fun
We're next year
And now we need to go,
Congratulations to more people!

Father Frost:
We wish you farewell
Be obedient in everything!
Let your wishes come true
We'll come next year!

Together with all the heroes, the children dance the final cheerful round dance around the Christmas tree.

So that both children and parents have memories of the holiday, it is proposed to make a collage of photographs of little fairy-tale characters.

The article was posted on our website as part of the inter-portal competition "Things for All Hands"

P.S. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the girls who kindly provided photos of their babies for this material.