A story about your closest friend. Composition “A story about my friend (description)


I want to tell you about my friend, his name is Sasha. We've known each other since an early age. We went to kindergarten together, and now we study in the same class and attend the football section.

Each person looks different. And my friend is no exception. Sasha is quite tall and fit. Of course, because he is a future athlete! He has dark, slightly curly, short hair. The nose is straight, pointed. The eyebrows are wide, and the eyes are brown and very expressive. Sasha's look is serious, and sometimes even stern. But at the same time, the smile is charming and kind, and the laughter is very contagious.

In clothes, Sasha prefers a sporty style, but, of course, she wears a uniform to school.

Alexander is a very friendly and open person. Together with him it is always fun and interesting. In addition to training, we walk, play, come up with exciting activities. In winter, for example, we like to go to the skating rink, play hockey.

Of course, sometimes we quarrel, but it quickly passes. If I need any help, Sasha is the first to rush to the rescue. He is a true friend.

Essay description of a friend on behalf of a girl for grade 7

I want to tell you about my friend, her name is Olya. We've known each other for a long time. Were in the same group in kindergarten. Now classmates

And we dance together.

Each person has their own distinctive features. And my friend is no exception. Olya has very long and beautiful blond hair. And when it dissolves them, everyone is just delighted. She is short, but slim and athletic, thanks to her love of dancing. Olga's eyes are grey-blue, her eyebrows are thin, her skin is fair, and her cheeks are ruddy. Facial features are soft and smooth. Her smile is very perky, and her laugh is contagious. She dresses well, loves to wear dresses. But, of course, he goes to school in uniform.

Olya is a very friendly and open person. Together with her it is always fun and interesting. In addition to dancing, we walk, play, come up with exciting activities. In winter, for example, we like to go to the skating rink.

Of course, sometimes we quarrel, but it quickly passes. If I need any help, Olya is the first to rush to the rescue. She is a true friend.

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Topic (essay) in English on the topic "My friend / My friend"

Andrew is my best friend!

I have a lot of friends. Most of them are classmates. My best friend called Andrey. He is fourteen. He lives with his parents not far from the school.

Andrey has a lot of hobbies: he likes to play the computer, to read detective stories, to collect butterflies. He likes animals, espesially cats. He has got a cat Lastik at home.

Andrey has short, light hair and gray eyes. He is quite short and rather thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. He is helpful and honest.

Andrew is very popular. He is a helpful person and every time he tries to do her best to help somebody when he has problems.

Andrey is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some drawbacks - sometimes she is a hurly-burly boy, a bit stubborn. But still like him as she has a good sense of humor and pleasant to deal with.

We spend much time together - watch video or listen to the music, walk or go to the cafe discussing all sorts of things. Our friendship helps me feel strong and sure of myself.


I have a lot of friends. Most of them are my classmates. My best friend named Andrew. He is fourteen. He lives with his parents near the school.

Andrei has many hobbies: he likes to play on the computer, read detective stories, collect butterflies. He loves animals, especially cats. He has a cat Eraser at home.

Andrew has short blond hair and gray eyes. He is rather short and rather thin. He always manages to be cheerful, energetic, full of life and energy. He is helpful and honest.

Andrew is very popular. He is a helpful person and every time he tries to do his best to help someone when someone has problems.

Andrei is very attentive to his parents. Of course, he has some flaws - sometimes he is a dubious boy, a little stubborn. But still I like his good sense of humor and it's a pleasure to deal with him.

We spend a lot of time together - watching videos or listening to music, walking or going to cafes, discussing anything. Our friendship helps me feel strong and confident.


The story is one of the forms of creative work for schoolchildren. It can be called a kind of composition, but at the same time, when creating a text of this kind, it is necessary to take into account some features.

Story Features

As in other cases, the specifics of the story, in the first place, will be related to its theme. Based on it, one of the types of speech will be selected:

  1. Narration.
  2. Description.
  3. Reasoning.

Most often, stories are of the first or second type. In our case, when you want to write a text about a friend, you should stop at the description. This will help not only to correctly recreate the portrait of a comrade, but also to characterize his human qualities, interests, etc.

Features of the description consist in the use of a large number of high-quality adjectives, sentences with homogeneous members, participial constructions and such expressive means as epithets, comparisons, metaphors. The emotional coloring of such a text is usually narrative, but there are also exclamatory sentences in it.

An example of a story about a friend

A friend is a person you can rely on in any trouble. This is someone who knows how to keep secrets and enjoy your victories as if they were his own.

My best friend's name is Ilya. We have known each other for many years, went to the same kindergarten, and then went to first grade together. He knows everything about me. And I am pleased to realize that there is someone in the world who will always come to the rescue.

Ilya has beautiful blue eyes and dark hair. His face is very kind and open, it is immediately clear that he is a good person. My friend is small, he was even teased at school because of this. But it doesn't matter how tall you are, it's much more important to be honest and brave, and Ilya is just that.

My friend has many different interests. He loves to watch movies and we often do it together. We especially like films about superheroes who save the world. We also go swimming and basketball together. And on weekends, our favorite pastime is to walk in the park.

I really appreciate my friend and I hope that we will never quarrel!


In order to write a story about your friend, you must first draw up a plan. Plan example:
1. Who is my best friend.
2. What connects me with my friend.
3. Why I appreciate my friend and our friendship.
Now, according to the plan, you can write something like this story.

I have many acquaintances and good friends. But there is one person in my environment - my best friend, this is my neighbor, Andrey. We have been friends with Andrei since childhood, we went to the same children's school and now we study at the same school.

My friend is also interested in sports, we especially like hockey and swimming. We often walk together and do homework. During the holidays, Andrei and I often go to the cinema.

I really appreciate my friend, because he is very kind, brave and sympathetic. Andrey has shown himself to be a true friend many times. I hope it will always be like this, because true friendship is a gift.

Everyone knows the proverb: "A friend in need is a friend." I heard it many times, but I did not think that I would ever truly understand it. I have a friend Oleg. He is fourteen years old. He is an ordinary thin teenager with a short haircut. Only his eyes are remarkable: they are very unusual, like a cat's almond-shaped and green. When I look at Oleg, it seems to me that he narrows his eyes cunningly, as if he wants to joke or ask an unusual question in order to understand and find out everything. Oleg is a stubborn chess player. He also has a third adult rank in swimming, but he does not like to be reminded of this. Only occasionally uses this skill: sometimes he argues with the guys who will be the first to swim to the other side of the pond, or he will say that he will sit under water the longest. And usually wins! But this is not the main thing in his character.

Last year we ran together to swim in the river. I'm not a good swimmer, but I've never admitted it to anyone. Oleg offered to swim to the other side of the river. We swam, and for some reason I was frightened and silently began to sink. Oleg saw this and quickly pulled me out. He saved me, and after that we became stronger friends. Then he taught me how to swim properly and how to play chess. If I'm behind in my studies, or I don't understand something, Oleg always helps me. In our free time, my friend and I like to play football or hockey, read an interesting book, exchange opinions about an interesting movie, or play chess. He is not very fond of computer games, which I am fond of. But this does not interfere with our friendship. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

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It is human nature to strive for companionship and friendship. Throughout life, everyone meets a lot of people, and everyone will agree that it is easier to go through life with someone.

You can be acquainted with many people, but only some of them can be called a true friend. With such a person it is easy and reliable. You can share sorrow and joy with a friend. Over time, an understanding may come that this person is getting closer every day. When talking about friendship, the image of a true true friend often comes to mind. Let's talk about friendship and friend in English.

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  • Introduction

You can start a story about your friend with the story of your acquaintance:

I met my friend Andrew in kindergarten. Even though we were in different groups, we often played together during walks outdoors. He always shared his toys with me, and so did I. It turned out that we lived near each other. After kindergarten we went to study at the same school.

I met my friend Andrei in kindergarten. Although we were in different bands, we often played together during outdoor walks. He always shared his toys with me, and I with him. It turned out that we live close to each other. After kindergarten, we went to study at the same school.

You can start the story with an expressive or interesting statement about a friend, and also try to explain their meaning:

According to Aristotle, friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Indeed, a man shares his life with another person and they walk together through life side by side.

According to Aristotle, a friend is one soul that lives in two bodies. Indeed, a person shares his life with another person, and together they live one life, walking along the path of life side by side.

  • Main part

In the main part, you need to dwell on your friend in more detail. Here you can talk about how you met (if the story was not started from this), describe the appearance and character of your friend. Here you can talk about everything that comes to mind, but try to highlight the most important.

My best friend "s name is Andrew. We" ve been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school but in different classes. Andrew has got blue eyes and blond hair. He is taller than me. He is cheerful and he is slow to take offence. Andrew doesn't allow anyone to insult other people. We have a great deal in common, we listen almost to the same music and we regularly play table tennis after school. Andrew is a sociable, kind and modest person. Sometimes he is witty, but his jokes are never wicked. We always find interesting topics to discuss. Very often we visit each other at home. We can always help each other with homework, and we usually play computer and video games together.

My best friend's name is Andrew. We've been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school, but in different classes. Andrew has blue eyes and blonde hair. He is taller than me. He is funny and hard to offend. Andrew won't hurt anyone. We have many common interests, we listen to almost the same music, we go to the table tennis section together after school. Andrey is sociable, kind and modest. He is often witty, but his jokes are never mean. We can always find interesting topics for communication. We often go to visit each other. We can always help each other with homework and we often play computer games and consoles together.

You can also tell in more detail about the traits of a person that make friendship real and indestructible, talk about what you like most about a friend.

I can safely say that Andrew is my best friend. He has an amazing sense of humor and he can easily make me laugh even when I have a bad day. He is as good as his word. Andrew is also good at keeping secrets. I like that he is a reliable person and he always supports me. We try to help each other. Of course we sometimes can argue or quarrel, but not for too long. We try to forgive each other.

I can say with confidence that Andrew is my best friend. He knows how to joke well and make me laugh when I'm in a bad mood. He always keeps his words. Andrew also knows how to keep secrets. I like that he is reliable and always supports me. We always try to help each other. Sometimes, of course, we can argue or quarrel, but not for long. We try to forgive each other.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, you can sum up what life has become with the arrival of a friend, highlight the most valuable and dear qualities of a friend.

I cannot imagine my life without Andrew. I appreciate our friendship and the fact that we are trying to help each other, and that we can talk about everything. Our friendship makes me happy.

I can't imagine my life without Andrew. I appreciate our friendship and the fact that we try to help each other, we can talk about everything in the world. Our friendship makes me happy.