Confronting dark forces. Good and evil, confrontation between dark and light forces

For children

Today, there is a lot of talk about various conspiracies, world government, dark forces and other organizations that control our planet. The range of this information is quite wide, from a financier conspiracy to an alien invasion. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? New information, books, articles, revelations appear quite regularly, especially in recent decades.

It is not the world government that controls us, it is we ourselves who do not want to control our lives.

Some believe, some reject, some are afraid, some don’t pay attention to all this, people’s reactions are quite varied. How many people, so many opinions. But, nevertheless, since an event occurs, it means that someone needs it for some reason. Let's try to figure this issue out.


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1. You yourself know very well that in the world of low vibrations nothing is accidental, and even the tests sent down to people during this Historical period of the Quantum Transition are also not accidental and are now for many people the most difficult test of their entire lives, on which the future of humanity depends .

2. We must remember that man is not only a fractal particle of the Creator, he is also a part of humanity! Therefore, people’s attitude to current events, or rather, their division into “wheat” and “tares”, is a process of purification before meeting the Creator! However, this cleansing is very important for humanity, because in any case, man, as a separate Divine Essence, is important not only for the Creator, he is important (for humanity) as one of the parts from which the human mosaic is composed.

3. Therefore, My Messages are very important not only for the People of Russia, but also for all humanity, for today, now it will become clear what humanity is and what part of this multi-level human space will very soon form the ARMY OF LIGHT, and what part will now be completely open - the army of Darkness!

4. This confrontation not only continues, but will also intensify, taking on completely different, more sophisticated forms of struggle between Light and Darkness!

5. The division of people into “wheat” and “tares” - as I said, an already open division - will simply shock them, because until quite recently no one had the right to demonstrate their involvement in one or another Divine force!

6. There was a complete ban on this, since open confrontation, and therefore a simplified choice for people of their path in Eternity, was not expected, because open confrontation between the forces of Light and Darkness really contributes to the manifestation of a person’s predisposition to one of these Poles!

7. Never before have the forces of Darkness been so confident of their impunity! Now, completely fearlessly, They not only allow themselves to be revealed, but also allow themselves to reveal all the methods of influencing Co-, corrupting his pride and selfishness with naked lies and promises of untold riches - all that I or My warriors will never offer him!

8. Therefore, if suddenly there is inappropriate behavior of a person who just yesterday was a model of purity and friendliness, then this means that the games of the Dark Forces in obligations and goodwill are over forever!

9. Under the pressure of circumstances of the Historical moment of transition to New Monads, I showed and am still trying to show people “who is who,” but I do it very quickly, because there is absolutely no time left to think, and for a person to figure out who is in front of him, takes too long!

10. People have been buying false goodwill, and therefore false promises, for so long that, strange as it may sound, they can no longer independently distinguish the “wheat from the chaff”! People have formed a stereotype of a kind, open person, the creation of whose image is so “sinned” by the Dark Forces!

11. In order for people to see the light, so that they tear the veil from their eyes, I create additional stressful situations for people, forcing them all to make their own choices, because now people have been given the RIGHT OF FREE WILL, and no one can stop the process of UNIVERSAL SPIRITUAL EPILIES!

12. People’s stress is associated not only with natural disasters, but also with the confrontation between the forces of Light and Darkness, and this, as I told you, will be not just OPEN, but a real battle in which the strongest will win! Therefore, it is very important for Me what the warriors of Light bring, for the forces of Darkness have always prepared for such confrontation very carefully, observing the strictest discipline!

13. In the army of Light there was and is not such total discipline, because all particles of the Creator were GRANTED THE RIGHT OF FREE WILL, which does not imply dictate on My part!

14. The dark forces, with the full connivance of the people of Light, almost always won this historical confrontation due to strict discipline and concentration of their efforts on the most important area of ​​the confrontation.

15. Now we have to pay for the nobility once shown to the people of Darkness, for this turns into additional exams for them for FAITH.

16. I have long been telling people that the time has already come when true FAITH will require determination and the ability to say “NO” from them!

17. Understand, I am not calling on people to stoop to the level of animal people, but I am talking about how important it is for them to have their own firm position, and if the Dark forces (and this will definitely happen) put pressure, then the people of LIGHT are simply obliged to demonstrate to Them their RIGHT OF FREE WILL!

18. Understanding the complexity of a person’s perception of the ongoing confrontation, I force the forces of LIGHT to be more active when people form a COLLECTIVE PRIMARY CONSCIOUSNESS, because now, receiving blows, it is impossible not to respond to them! For every attack of the Dark forces, it is necessary to have a counterargument from the forces of LIGHT!

19. The LIGHT forces must UNITE SPIRITUALLY, because the time “X” has come - the time of the Great CONFRONTATION, when the intrigues and lies of the Dark Ones will be clearly manifested (visible) in every person who has not chosen his own path to the Truth, determining his attitude to the structure of the Universe.

20. If people of LIGHT need My Help to AWARE of their strengths, then rest assured, I will give them as much strength as they need for the victory of Light over Darkness!

21. It is important that people finally understand that My POWER on Earth is at the same time their PROTECTION from the attacks of Dark forces, and this means that people must have not only HOPE, but also CONFIDENCE in the VICTORY of the forces of LIGHT!

22. I will provide people with My Knowledge, and My MESSAGES will not dry up until I Myself feel that the people of LIGHT are already completely ready for CO-CREATION, which means that in their development people have finally risen to the heights of the Co-Creator’s Co-Knowledge !

23. I ask you, do not miss your last chance to take the road leading to Light, purification and exaltation, and those troubles that sometimes tear your heart are an additional test of FAITH for you!

24. The TIME of historical CHOICE has come, and it is already final, and the people of LIGHT will have to say “NO” to the forces of Darkness, who, using forbidden techniques, conquered the territory of LIGHT with complete impunity, outplaying the people of LIGHT and forcing them to renounce their inner thoughts!

25. Now the forces of Darkness will have to make room in the Planetary space in favor of the forces of LIGHT, which are beginning to line up into CLUSTERS OF COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, thereby only confirming the approaching POINT OF TRANSITION of people to New high vibrations!

Revelations to the People of the New Age

CALL, 12/29/21; ...Consider it happiness to carry a lamp among the dark and evil.

I, 112; ...When the blacks surround you and close their circle, there will be only the path upward, to the Lord. Then you will feel that the Lord is not somewhere far away, but a silver thread above you, just stretch out your hand! You can meet without the help of blacks, but more often only a besieged person reaches for the silver thread and only in trouble learns the language of the heart. You need to feel the Lord and Guru in your heart!

C, 215; There is no need to be afraid of dark attacks. Lots of dark antics, but they're like branches of torches. I affirm the fate of the dark ones as opponents of the Light, but I Call to unity, and this will be a great experience.

C, 226; ...The dark front is using all measures to penetrate among our ranks. Let us not tire of drawing attention to the need for attentiveness to the smallest details. Learn how to listen and look around. Not only the tricks of the dark ones can be heard, but also bells and other cosmic signs. They indicate the tension of the atmosphere, Our closeness and remind us of the Hierarchy. There is no need to be embarrassed if the bells and strings do not sound loudly, there are many reasons for this. They can also be heard by some who do not yet need to hear these calls of Battle. That’s why I’m paying attention to the most details now. It is very useful to study these small breaths of nature.

MO, Part 1, 142; One demon decided to put the holy hermit in a hopeless situation. To do this, the demon stole the most sacred objects and presented them to the hermit with the words: “Will you accept it from me?” The demon hoped that the hermit would not accept the gifts and thereby betray the sacred objects, but if he accepted, he would enter into cooperation with the demon. When this terrible guest made his proposal, the hermit did neither one nor the other. He rose up indignant and with all the strength of his spirit ordered the demon to throw objects to the ground, saying: “Dark spirit, you will not hold on to these objects, you will leave destroyed, for my command has been revealed from Above!” This is how it is necessary to drive away the dark ones, and when confidence is strong in the Hierarchy, no dark force can hold back the flame of the spirit. Let us not consider these legends unnecessary. Demons are diverse, and every worker of Light endures attacks.

N, 123; should be reasonable about the existence of dark forces. It would be ignorant to deny them, but it would also be harmful to be timid when mentioning them. Urusvati saw their faces from disgusting to beautiful. They know how to surround themselves with radiance and offer various benefits.

They will ask, can the hierophants of evil approach Our Towers? Of course they can, although such approaches are painful for them. Fury carries them far away. We must sometimes resort to strong shocks to drive away uninvited visitors. With such discharges we defeat the dark ones who approach Our Brothers. You can remember the special currents that you smell at night. They can be healing and also protective. Aspiration towards Us can strengthen such currents. Foreign influences can cause breakthroughs in the protective network, but Our currents are hastening.

C, 228; It is no honor if anyone is tempted by the dark ones. It is no honor if one cannot speak against dark tricks. Let's not think that the attackers' tricks will decrease. It is wrong to think that unshakable peace will ever come. Every shock is just a testing touchstone. So you need to wait for each oppression, like tension for a jump.

MO, Part 1, 114; There is no need to be surprised by the dark entities crowding around. If you found a lion in your flower garden, there would probably be a commotion in the house. For the dark ones, you are the very lion in their garden. They spent a lot of effort to grow their thistle, and suddenly an uninvited lion appeared. Really, sometimes it’s a pity for all the labors of misanthropy. And yet the absence of doubt is stronger than all the dark snares.

MO, Part 1, 225; In the midst of the battle, you can have a moment of rest and reciprocity. You felt like prickly currents. It is not the currents themselves that are barbed, but the resistance with which the earth’s layers are full. These demon arrows are blocking the sun. We must strengthen all energies, and therefore reciprocity is especially necessary.

MO, Part 1,426; The ability to outline a circle of dark, crawling things will help to establish your fearless gaze. You can prevent the dark ones from approaching you by repeating My Name - Mantram. So let us understand why humanity is responsible for the words spoken.

MO, Part 1, 414; ...All over the world the forces of darkness are onslaught. Will the good forces really fight with each other on their fists?! The manifestation of heart pain, of course, comes from the thoughts sent. A doctor would call it a spasm of the aorta, but would not take into account what external causes are important. Is it really possible to see only the effects without seeing the causes?

MO, Part 3, 267; The paths of the dark forces show their snares where the dark forces sense instability, but each plan of the dark forces can be easily destroyed, freed from those who do not resist evil.

MO, Part 2, 13; ...It is a mistake to neglect the dark forces. Very often their victory lies in such negligence. People very often say: “You shouldn’t even think about them.” But you should think about everything that exists. If people are rightly protected from thieves and murderers, then all the more must they be protected from murderers of the spirit. You need to evaluate their strength in order to better resist. Lv. bravely visited the dark ones, she saw their different degrees and, by her courage, turned to them. Indeed, there is such a degree of courage when the power of darkness is already silent. Indeed, it is impossible to convince the dark ones, but you can paralyze them and significantly weaken them, which is why it is so important to treat darkness actively. From dead dust dust is generated. To keep the house clean, they stock up on different brooms; when a scorpion is found in the house, it is immediately removed.

Lv. I saw a harmonious assembly of the dark ones, and many congregations could learn from such harmony. Correct Lv. spoke as Our messenger, there is great power in this statement. There is no need to restrain strength when the spirit knows what the weapon is. The dark ones deliberate especially intensely when they see that events are not in favor of their master. The Light Forces prevent them from destroying you. It would seem that it is not difficult to destroy peaceful people, but on top of all the dark riches there is the power of the spirit.

N, 122; …The forces of darkness are well aware of how many powerful emanations emit from objects of art. Among the onslaughts of darkness, such emanations can be the best weapon.

The forces of darkness seek to either destroy objects of art, or at least turn the attention of humanity away from them. It must be remembered that a rejected work, deprived of attention, cannot radiate its beneficial energy. There will be no living connection between the cold viewer or listener and the closed creation. The meaning of translating a thought into a work is very deep, in other words, it is an attractive magnet and collects energy. This is how each work lives and contributes to the exchange and accumulation of energy.

N, 259; ...We can admit that the forces of darkness are united and vehement in their attacks. But this is not surprising, for they defend themselves and know their finitude. In addition, the fighting techniques themselves are not the same. We are ready to take all the arrows into the shield, but we will end the fight by sending only one. We know that where there is unity, there is victory.

We suggest you remember that more than once the genies built temples, but it never happened that Our Brother served the darkness. Peoples of all centuries remember legends about the servants of darkness forced to serve the Light.

CALL, 29.5.21; …Teach others by revealed deeds, but you should not blame others for their actions of ignorance. There are many dark ones - you need to forgive. Their spirit is barely visible.

N, 240; ...Often people fall into despair from persecution and injustice, let them understand that their presence has caused chaos. A strong leader will understand that it is better to turn out to be a disturber of chaos than to become an unmanifested part of this mass. Using life examples from all centuries, one can point to many clashes between chaos and great individuals, and one can observe what a great influence these workers left on the masses.

The Thinker constantly reminded that the fury of chaos is the highest recognition of the doer.

N, 288; ...One should not attribute everything to the forces of darkness, otherwise they will seem like giants. Isn't it better to check what exactly is rejected by humanity, and what seems especially sweet to it? Let us divide science, philosophy, art and physical culture along this line and see how the division shows the disease of humanity.

MO, Part 1, 608; Don't be embarrassed by the sight of demons. Pity for them is sharper than a fiery sword. You can deflect the most daring attack with pity. The beast cannot bear the gaze of pity, but attacks when it senses the thrill of fear. Verily, fear is evil. But evil in its nature is insignificant, for it is ignorance. They could often be convinced that the inventions of evil are ignorant. So stock up on a chest of pity.

My naive thoughts about good and evil (don’t take it to heart).
“The eternal struggle between good and evil, you need to come to terms with it - it will always be like this.”

These philosophical statements wander in the minds and are imposed by the media. I believe that this is much more misinformation than the truth. This is of course my subjective opinion.

Yes, the struggle between dark and light forces exists, but it is not equal.
For example, who will win a strong tiger or a reasonable person? Of course, a reasonable person, but if a person turns out to be not reasonable enough and makes mistakes, the tiger will defeat him. But it's stupid to compare them. The struggle between good and evil, light and darkness occurs in approximately the same way. Light and dark forces are in different planes. But since the process of social development is the same for everyone, somewhere these planes intersect. But it’s unlikely that this can be called the Universal Struggle; these are rather exceptions to the rule.

"Society lives by the laws of the jungle - survival of the fittest."
In nature, does the strongest win? Not really. If, for example, tigers eat all the herbivores, they will have to eat themselves, as a result they will die out. Ecological balance reigns in nature - the best survive, but in the right quantity, which leads to an improvement in the qualities of both predators and herbivores, etc. With the “balance of good and evil” in our society, the only condition for the normal existence of the “dark” is the destruction of the “light”, and the best representatives - the worst survive, which leads to the degeneration and death of not only light, but also dark forces. For example, the revolution of 1917, an allegedly popular revolution led to the slavery of the people, and the destruction of the aristocracy, intelligentsia, everything progressive, and the terrorists who survived began to destroy each other. After the death of Stalin, the general intellectual weakening of the communists was obvious: the feeble-minded Khrushchev, then the sugary Brezhnev, then the sick and dying Adropov and Chernenko, and only the young and completely sick remained - Gorbachev and Yeltsin. What are the fruits - chaos and degradation in almost all spheres of society. And this happens to a greater or lesser extent all over the world.

Dark forces are creatures (too early to call them people) who are stuck in a transitional state between the animal stage and the rational stage, but at the same time are well socially adaptable. Here are the prominent representatives in the Bible, the tribe of Levi. What does the Bible tell us about the father of the Levites? I wonder why the Levites became priests? We read what Jacob said about his son Levi,
Life 49:5-11:

5 Simeon and Levi are brothers, their swords are instruments of cruelty;
6 Let not my soul enter into their council, nor let my glory be added to their assembly, for in their anger they killed the man and, at their whim, cut the sinews of the calf;
7 Cursed is their anger, for it is cruel, and their wrath, for it is fierce; I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel.

Let us think today - Simeon and Levi were murderers and even their father, Patriarch Jacob, did not want to bless them. But the Levites are still the ruling clan of the Jews. I can guess how Levi managed to do this. It was the heirs of Levi - the Pharisees and scribes - who crucified Christ. And it was to them that Christ said,
John 8:43-45:

43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you cannot hear My words.
44 Your father is the devil; and you want to do the lusts of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks his own way, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

"There is a balance of light and dark forces."
Even our psychological perception reacts when we watch movies, fairy tales - the victory of good is natural, the best, the worthy win, but the victory of evil is absurd. After all, what will happen if evil wins - darkness, chaos, degradation, death. No, normally there can only be a victory of good forces, and not balance. Why does our consciousness accept the idea that there is an eternal struggle between good and evil, there is a balance of light and dark, etc.?

“The eternal struggle between good and evil, we must come to terms with this, it will always be like this.”
From philosophy to reality, what are the dark forces? Is this the dark part of the Universe, something insanely black, absolute evil? No, this is a philosophy propagated by dark forces. In fact, dark forces are real murderers, swindlers, maniacs, tyrants, thieves, robbers. And it doesn’t matter what is in their hands: a knife or an army, magic or science, religion or the media - their essence does not change, you don’t need to be an academician or a philosopher - you can see by the fruits if you turn on your brains and don’t listen to the media, etc. .sources that are constantly black are called white. And it doesn’t matter what title they have, or what position they hold: criminals, maniacs or lawyers, doctors, scientists, priests, ministers - they are birds of a feather, animals with the rudiments of reason. And their methods have not changed for thousands of years: it is either suppression by force, or deception, manipulation of consciousness. If you have read the Bible, try to look at it from the side of those who wrote it (dark forces): in the Old Testament or the Torah you can see vivid examples of how these methods were used by the patriarchs and the Lord God himself, and the New Testament is an example of the manipulation of consciousness, how from light to make dark - from the light teaching of Jesus Christ liberating from slavery, a dark religion is made, suppressing the consciousness of freedom-loving peoples. They killed Christ, but they tell us that it was we who killed (the perfect murder), earlier in the Old Testament they had to justify themselves that God told them so (it was not a perfect murder, which is why the New Testament appeared). They say that you have to come to terms with it, after which they kill millions of people with impunity (it’s a shame that they used the highly spiritual Jesus Christ, who did not kill anyone or teach anyone to kill, but rather sacrificed himself) to justify it. It’s okay, the main thing is to believe that life begins after death, thus they help us find eternal happiness - everything is just for us, they are just servants of the people. Judaism, Christianity, Islam, fascism, communism, and many others, despite differences in ideology, have the same color, the color of the blood of millions of killed and brutally tortured people.

A passive position of humility is very beneficial to dark forces. And it always surprises me that slavish humility is opposed to pride and aggression. Yes, this is so - precisely from the position of the dark forces, because they are the predators, and everyone else should be sheep. This is pride - not to be a sheep, not to kneel, not to obey orders - how is it possible to be in such a humiliating position? If you don't think, turn off your brain! I don’t remember exactly how Machiavelli wrote: if you have a religious people, you don’t need strict laws and troops to govern these people - they themselves strive to live according to the laws.
No, overcoming slavish humility people can think, develop, improve themselves and the world around them - and only then will people become reasonable, because they will recognize the real laws of the Universe, those that really exist, and not dictated from a burning bush, a cloud or an armored train. But real humility is the humility of animal instincts, when you don’t lie like they lie to you, don’t kill like they’re killing you, don’t steal like everyone else steals, don’t become an alcoholic like everyone else is - this is only possible when people want to become rational beings, to rise above the animal instincts in themselves and in others.

The dark ones start and... lose.
There cannot be an equal struggle between the dark and the light also because the dark forces have the property of self-destruction. Their thoughtless desire to rake in everything and more leads to the fact that the belly bursts, life on the planet dies - the Bible, the media and Hollywood films have already prepared us for this. I will not explain for a long time why life on our planet is dying, you don’t have to believe me - the ecology is deteriorating, the soil is poisoned, schizo-democracy is being imposed, Hollywood shapes the idea of ​​the world, society is degrading, and science and medicine and power are corrupt. And the apocalypse is predicted. Is this how it should be? Yes, it should be so, but according to the dark forces. Our misfortune is that we have long been broken and controlled by dark forces, therefore we are part of their system and will voluntarily self-destruct, some even with a humble smile. Because, thanks to the centuries-old efforts of dark forces, we have already degraded and turned into animals - sheep with a blank look, grazing in a field with genetically modified grass, and waiting for a kick to determine in which direction to move.

Correct me - where am I wrong?

The First Great Assa, the Great Battle of the Forces of Light and Darkness, arose for the reason that Belobog did not allow Chernobog to make the Ancient Knowledge available in the Light Worlds accessible to the Pekel World. The great battle engulfed many Lands of the Worlds of Reveal and Navi.

Belobog, having united the Light Forces, defeated the hosts of the dark worlds. To prevent the forces of darkness from penetrating into the Lands of the Light Worlds, the Protector Gods created a Boundary separating Light and Darkness. The boundary was laid across the Lands in the World of Revealing, in the World illuminated by yellow Stars and Suns, including our Yarila-Sun.

Through the efforts of Chernobog, part of the Ancient Knowledge nevertheless ended up in the lower worlds. Some realities of the worlds of darkness, having acquired Them, began to ascend along the path of the Light Forces - along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development. However, they did not learn to distinguish between Good and Evil.

Therefore, low-lying forms of life tried to impose their power in the palaces of the Svarog Circle bordering the world of darkness, which included the Halls of Mokosh (constellation Ursa Major), Rada (constellation Orion) and Race (constellations alpha and beta Leo), as well as one of the Arms of the Galaxy Swati, where our Yarila-Sun is located.

The ancient name of our planet is Midgard-Earth (Middle City, Middle World, Middle Garden). It revolves around Yarila the Sun, which is included in the constellation Zimun (Ursa Minor) as the eighth star. The constellation Zimun is located in the Galactic Star System called Swati (there is no analogue in modern astronomy).

The Swati Galaxy has the appearance of a left-sided Swastika cross - Kolovrat. At the bottom of one of the Swati Arms is the constellation Zimun. Yarilo-Sun is called Trisvetly, as it illuminates three Worlds: Reality, Nav, Rule.

In the Hall of the Race there is a system with the Golden Sun (beta Leo). On the Earths of this Solar System there is biological life similar to life on Midgard-Earth.

The clans of the Slavs and Aryans, living on the Earth in the Golden Sun system, also call their Sun the Dazhbog-Sun, and the Yaril-Great Sun, since it is brighter in its light emission, larger in size and mass than the Yarila-Sun.

One of the Earths revolving around the Golden Sun is Ingard-Earth. Its orbital period is 576 days. Ingard-Earth has two moons. The Greater Moon with an orbital period of 36 days and the Lesser Moon with an orbital period of 9 days.

Midgard-Earth in very distant times was at the intersection of eight Heavenly Space Paths that connected the inhabited Earths in nine Star Systems of the Light Worlds, where only our Ancestors lived - the Aryans and the Slavs.

Therefore, in ancient times, our Ancestors were the first to populate Midgard-Earth, where only flora and fauna existed,and there was no human form of life.

Moreover, Ingard-Earth from the Golden Sun system in the constellation beta Leo is the Ancient Cosmic Ancestral Home of the majority of Slavic-Aryan Clans who moved to Midgard-Earth.

The Forces of Darkness, having entered into battle with the Forces of Light, strive to take possession of the natural resources of the Lands from the Light Worlds, and then to destroy the Lands themselves (as they are no longer needed).

Since any Earth revolves around “its” Sun (Star), the destruction of the Earth inevitably leads to a violation of the harmony of the entire solar (stellar) system and, in the long term, to the destruction of the Sun (Star) as a source of Light.

For example, now it's Summer 153 37 8 (as of 2011) from Assa Dei (the battle of the Light Gods with the forces of darkness near the planet Dei), as a result of which the fifth planet Dei in the system of our Sun was destroyed.

Instead, between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter there is now an asteroid belt. At that time, two moons revolved around Deya: Fatta and Lutitia.

All this led to the beginning of a new Great Assa, during which the forces of darkness were expelled from all the Lands of the World of Revealing, which were located in the Halls of Mokosh, Rada and Race.

As a result, only through the World of People living on the Earths in our Sleeve of the Swati Galaxy, it became possible for the ascent of dark Spirits and Souls along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development.

Our Midgard-Earth, located in the middle between Light and darkness, began to occupy a particularly important role. That is why the confrontation between Light and Dark Forces, in which people from different Worlds, Lands and Nations are participating, is now concentrated on it.

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