An important public holiday is approaching - the Day of the Constitution of Russia. Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - day off or not? How many days off on constitution day

New Year

December 12, 2017 is a day off or a working day in Russia. An important public holiday is approaching - the Day of the Constitution of Russia. For many Russians, an important question is: is December 12 a day off or a working day in the country? The answer is known.

Despite the fact that Constitution Day is a public holiday, December 12 is a working day in Russia. It should be noted that a number of years ago, Russians officially took a break on this day, but since 2005, Constitution Day has not been a day off. Therefore, on December 12, 2017, as in previous years, residents of the country will return to work.

It should be noted that December 12 is a non-working day only if it coincides with a calendar holiday - Saturday or Sunday. This year this day in December coincided with Tuesday, which means it is a working day.

When is this holiday held? Russian Constitution Day is a public holiday celebrated in our country on December 12.

How is the celebration going? The program of events for the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is quite extensive. On this day, solemn meetings, concerts of professional and amateur art groups, exhibitions are held; the streets of cities and villages are decorated with flags and banners.

Schools and universities organize law lessons, thematic presentations, round tables, class hours, meetings with veterans, poster and drawing competitions. Students are introduced to the state symbols of our country and the Constitution of the Russian Federation, they instill love for the Motherland and patriotism.

Let's talk about the history and other traditions of the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation, the site writes. The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1993, the Constitution was adopted in Russia by popular vote, which personified the advent of the time of democracy, freedom and openness in our country.

According to the Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation" and "On a non-working day on December 12", the holiday was given the status of a state holiday. This day was a holiday for a long time.

In December 2004, the State Duma adopted amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the Russian holiday calendar was changed. Constitution Day has ceased to be a day off, and the holiday itself is now ranked among the memorable dates in Russia.

It has a long history in our country. In the Soviet Union, Constitution Day was celebrated on December 5, when the 1936 Constitution of the USSR was adopted. In 1977, the date of the celebration was moved to October 7, when the new Constitution of the USSR, the “Constitution of Developed Socialism,” was adopted.

The Constitution - the fundamental law of the state - is the core of the entire legal system of Russia and determines the meaning and content of other laws. It establishes the state system, the fundamental rights and freedoms of Russian citizens, determines the form of the state and the system of higher state authorities.

For a citizen of the country, it is necessary to know the Constitution and follow the laws established by it. It is important that people from the school bench begin to realize themselves as full-fledged citizens of the state, be aware of their rights and obligations.

Holiday calendar: weekends, non-working days in 2018, 2019 (production calendar)

The production calendar of holidays for 2017, 2018, how we rest next year for the New Year holidays and not only ...
Every year we have a rest according to the approved calendar of holidays. This calendar of holidays is approved annually by the President of the Russian Federation. Due to minor shifts in the days of the week, the holidays themselves shift each time.
It is worth noting that every year, despite the fact that sometimes the holidays fall on weekends, we rest approximately the same number of days a year. The thing is that there is an unspoken rule that if a holiday falls on a day off, then adjacent working days become days off, in the same amount as the number of holidays that fell on a regular weekend.

January 1 - 8 - New Year holidays; #
January 7 - Christmas; #
February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
March 8 - International Women's Day;
May 1 - Spring and Labor Day;
May 9 - Victory Day;
June 12 - Day of Russia (a short working day for Monday June 11 was moved to June 9, June 11 is a day off);
November 4 - National Unity Day. (since the public holiday falls on a Sunday, the public holiday is moved to Monday 5 November)

Holiday calendar for every day

Calendar of holidays for every day, the most beloved and common in Russia. The # in the calendar list below indicates public holidays that are public holidays.


January 1-5 - New Year (New Year holidays)#
January 7 - Orthodox Christmas #
January 13-14 - Old New Year
January 25 - Tatyana's Day - student holiday


February 14 - Valentine's Day. St. Valentine's Day
February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day #
2nd Sunday of February - Aeroflot Day


March 1 - World Civil Defense Day
March 8 - International Women's Day #
2nd Sunday of March - Day of workers of geodesy and cartography
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day (Irish holiday)
3rd Sunday of March - Day of workers of housing and communal services and consumer services
March 27 - International Theater Day


April 1 - April Fool's Day
1st Sunday of April - Geologist's Day
April 12 - Cosmonautics Day
2nd Sunday of April - Air Defense Troops Day
3rd Sunday of April - Science Day


May 1 - Spring and Labor Day (International Workers' Day) *
May 7 - Radio Day
May 9 - Victory Day #
May 12 - International Nurse Day
May 17 - International Telecommunications Day
May 18 - International Museum Day
May 28 - Border Guard Day
Last Sunday in May - Chemist's Day


June 1 - International Children's Day
June 8 - Social Worker Day
June 12 - Day of Russia (Day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the Russian Federation) #
1st Sunday of June - Ameliorator's Day
2nd Sunday of June - Day of Light Industry Workers
3rd Sunday of June - Medical Worker's Day
Last Sunday of June - Youth Day
Last Saturday of June - Day of the Inventor and Innovator


1st Sunday of July - Day of Marine and River Fleet Workers
2nd Sunday of July - Fisherman's Day, Russian Post Day
3rd Sunday of July - Day of the Metallurgist
4th Sunday of July - Trade Worker's Day
Last Sunday in July - Navy Day (Neptune Day)


August 2 - Day of the Airborne Troops (Day of the paratrooper)
1st Sunday of August - Day of the Railwayman
2nd Saturday of August - Athlete's Day
2nd Sunday of August - Builder's Day
August 15 - Archaeologist's Day
3rd Sunday of August - Air Force Day (Aviation Day)
Last Sunday of August - Miner's Day


1 September is the day of knowledge
1st Sunday of September - Day of Oil and Gas Industry Workers
2nd Sunday of September - Day of the Tanker
3rd Sunday of September - Day of Forest Workers
September 27 - Tourist Day
Last Sunday of September - Engineer's Day


October 1 - International Day of Older Persons
October 2 - International Music Day
1st Sunday of October - Teacher's Day
2nd Sunday of October - Day of Agricultural Workers
3rd Sunday of October - Day of Food Industry Workers, Day of Road Workers
October 14 - International Day of Standardization. Cover
October 24 - International Day of the United Nations
Last Sunday of October - Day of Road Transport Workers
October 31 - Halloween (All Saints' Eve)


November 4 - National Unity Day of Russia #
November 9 - World Quality Day
November 10 - Police Day
November 16 - Marine Corps Day
November 17 - International Students Day
November 19 - Day of the Rocket Forces and Artillery
November 21 - Day of Tax Authorities, Accountant's Day
November 26 - World Information Day
Last Sunday in November - Mother's Day


December 1 - World AIDS Day
December 12 - Constitution Day
December 20 - Day of the Worker of State Security Bodies
December 22 - Energy Day
December 25 - Catholic Christmas
December 31 New Year #

The # symbol on the calendar above marks public holidays that are official days off in Russia.

Of course, there are actually many more holiday dates than listed here. Each of the professions has its own holiday, which can be found in the section "Professional holidays", there are also "Religious holidays", "Social holidays". As a result, if you look, then every day - today has more than one holiday. Whether this is good or bad is a big question, because in one case, the constant extravaganza in the form of continuous holidays dulls the feeling of a holiday, on the other hand, there is always something to celebrate.
And yet, despite the abundance of holidays, even today, we would recommend that you choose significant dates for you, we recommend that you observe the measure, so to speak, which will allow you to live fully and not be bored!

Despite all the vanity of vanities and our sometimes detachment from nature, that is, not every day we can cling to her bosom, yet we are an integral part of it and depend entirely on it! This means that we should not forget about the important and vital, that is, about those dates when in our country, and in the world, it is customary to at least partially remember what we should think about every day, hourly and minute by minute. This is about the protection and protection of our environment and nature in all its manifestations. And since our site is congratulatory, which means it deals with significant dates, then of course we could not ignore the Ecological calendar of the year, which will be presented here!

Toasts for all occasions

Everything in our life is changing every day, and it is impossible to resist this, and it is not necessary! Moreover, many of those events that we meet day by day are pleasant and desirable. We are talking about holidays and special dates. Here is the time to prepare for such an event thoroughly and accordingly, that is, to think about it and make a worthy speech. So, so that you don’t have to invent something special, we suggest you use the toasts from our website.
This is where you will find toasts for every day, for every occasion. at the same time, toasts will please with their significance, charisma and meaning not only you, but also all the guests present at an important event. That is why be sure to look into each of the sections of the site, so as not to be left out of the lot during the important moments of the celebration.

Choose a picture - an idea for what you can drink! Funny Perky Fun Like wow so Wow Cool! They'll figure it out!

Holidays in January

January has a lot of holidays. These are the post-New Year holidays associated directly with the new year, for example, the old new year and the holidays that fell into the month of January historically. Moreover, in January there are many religious, political and simply historical holidays. All, or rather the most significant of these dates and holidays are given in our section "Holidays and dates in January". If you are interested in exactly what these days are and why they are significant, then be sure to go to this section.

Holidays in February

The February holidays still keep everyone and everything in good shape. After all, they are not so insignificant and invisible. Each of you will name the most popular holidays in February. The first significant holiday is Valentine's Day, or as it is also called St. Valentine's Day.
But the second important date in February is Defender of the Fatherland Day. It also has a second name, just February 23rd. In fact, there are much more holidays in February. And you can get acquainted with all these holidays in our category.

Holidays in March

You will immediately say offhand the most important holiday of March! It is, of course, International Women's Day. Indeed, with spring, not only nature comes to life, streams run, the sun warms, but our feelings begin to melt like wax candles. And first of all, this is connected with the beautiful and beautiful ... And that is why the first thing that comes to our minds in March is the holiday of all girls, women, grandmothers!
In fact, in March and many other holidays, professional and religious ...

Holidays in April

In April, the sun no longer tickles the nose, but really warms. You can walk more and more. This means that the most valuable holidays are those that can be spent on the street and all together. As a rule, the most important Orthodox holiday falls in April, namely Easter. On this holiday, they organize a procession, a service and, of course, do not forget to decorate Easter eggs and bake delicious Easter cakes!
Actually, in this month, despite this great holiday, everything goes on as usual. That is, in April there are many professional dates that also do not go unnoticed.

Holidays in May

Here it is a truly warm spring month - May, a harbinger of a hot summer, hot days, warm nights. When each of us will taste the warmth, will spend a lot of time outdoors and traveling, and just enjoy life without the cold...
That is why the May holidays seem especially joyful, warm, and bright to us. However, even if we discard the onset of the warm season, it cannot be said that the holidays in May are not important. Let's remember the most popular of them. Already on May 1 we are met by a holiday - the day of peace, labor, spring. May 9 - Victory Day. These holidays are important for the country and for everyone at once. And in May, there are many professional holidays: the day of the border guard, librarian, freelancer ... You can find all these holidays in our category.

Holidays in June

The first month of summer pleases us with the day of our country, the Day of Russia. This is a significant public holiday, which is also a day off. Therefore, everyone knows about it! Someone on this day really stands up for the successes of our country and praises our difficult and thorny special path in the world among other powers. And someone just spends this summer day for the benefit of themselves and their families. In any case, the holiday turns out to be for the good and for joy!
And besides, the warm season for our country is already a holiday that is with us every day until autumn!

Holidays in July

So the hottest month of the year is already taking the reins of the year in order to drive flying summer days, to give us unforgettable moments of sun, warm rain and summer holidays. And apparently, since summer itself is not a bad holiday, there are not so many holiday dates in the summer months. Rather, they are not as significant as the autumn dates and other seasons.
Here you can highlight the day of the kiss, the day of the baptism of Rus', the day of trade ...
Of course, there are still many other dates in the month, but it is these holidays that seem to us the most significant on a general scale for our country and for our society. Therefore, be content with what you have and just enjoy every moment! Moreover, many have vacations in the summer, which is also a big holiday!

Holidays in August

This is the last month of summer, which means it's time to take stock. The very results of the work that we did this summer. It is not for nothing that religious holidays associated with the harvest begin in August. This is Bread Spas, Honey Spas, Apple Spas.
The holidays of August are holidays for those who have worked hard, those who reap something, and not just remember the passing summer.
Also, how can one not remember the Airborne Forces Day in August, many are looking forward to this holiday in order to hear and learn something new from what can be done by an unreasonable person in the guise of a person, hiding behind slogans that only such people can do something special . And sometimes that is exactly what happens!
Of course, in August, the holiday of the Railwayman's Day is immediately remembered. Our country is large and there are many people of this profession in it!

Holidays in September

September has just begun and bam, already a holiday. Everyone is waiting for this day in their own way. Someone with special zeal wants to plunge into studies in order to communicate with peers and comprehend the wisdom of sciences, while someone is waiting for him with a certain hopelessness that there is nowhere to go.
But in any case, remembering the holidays of September, September 1, the Day of Knowledge, immediately comes to mind. This day is always beautiful, significant, and also significant.
In addition, this month, only at the end of the month, there is also a holiday for all those who prepare children for school, namely teachers of preschool institutions.
From religious holidays, you can remember the dates of many saints, whether it is the day of the Apostle Bartholomew, the prophet and God-seer Moses, but there is nothing supernatural and great in this month!
So religious people can spend their strength and bright feelings on enhanced school homework with their children, especially after the summer this is relevant.

Holidays in October

Well, the time of the year is coming, and the warm seasons are already behind and the season is coming - it's a charm of the eyes. October will delight us with such holidays as the Day of the Elderly. We don’t know to what extent the holiday was chosen in accordance with the season, that is, it seems like elderly people and autumn, everything is intertwined, everything converges. It only remains for us to say that this holiday is famous and obviously respected. After all, this is the date!
Also in October, the day of the criminal investigation, the day of the customs officer and other professional holidays.
As for religious holidays, by analogy with September, there is a certain lull here, that is, there is nothing special. There are some saints' days, but this is not particularly important.

Holidays in November

The cold season is coming, which means that we all want to cuddle closer to each other, plunge into the atmosphere of warm family warmth, friendships and gatherings. The holidays are already taking place more and more at home, and their significance is no longer so important, because it is unlikely that you will be able to go on a full-fledged picnic.
Actually in November the most important public holiday is National Unity Day. Which only confirms our words that everyone wants unity, but not everyone succeeds.
On this day, everyone also rests and most spend it at their own discretion, having time to take a walk, but there are no serious colds yet. In the month, of course, there is a professional holiday for a bank employee, RHBZ troops, KVN day ...

Holidays in December

Well, what holiday we are waiting for this month, no one needs to say. Moreover, we are waiting for him not only for a month, some of them are waiting for him all year. right as soon as the New Year passed, so immediately many are ready to celebrate it again. But miracles do not happen, which can be for the better, because then the significance of the New Year holiday would have come to naught. So, the most important holiday of December is the New Year.
Also in December, the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Day of the Lawyer, the Day of the Power Engineer. There are plenty of power engineers in our country, so the holiday is very popular.
Of the religious holidays, you can celebrate the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and simpler than Nikolos, Klaus, and even simpler than our Santa Claus! So everything points to the celebration of the main date of the year, and everything else is on the way!

The Constitution Day of the Russian Federation has been celebrated since 1994, when its date was determined - December 12th. On this day, only a year earlier, the Constitution was adopted, which is still in force today.

This legal document contains all the laws and norms of modern society. It consists of two sections, the first section includes 9 chapters, and the second one talks about conclusions, transitions and amendments to the constitution. These chapters carry information about the state structure, human rights and freedoms, about the President of Russia, the judiciary and the prosecutor's office, and many other aspects of the structure of society. The Constitution itself is not a law, but the basis for legislation and has the highest legal force, that is, it is undeniable and is implemented regardless of other factors. It was on it that all the presidents of Russia swore an oath. This holiday is celebrated throughout the state, as well as by compatriots abroad.

Will we rest on December 12

And yet, is the Constitution Day of Russia in 2017 a day off or not? In 2004 holidays and weekends were changed, and since 2005 it has ceased to be a public holiday on which everyone rests. Now, on the Constitution Day of Russia 2017, we both rest and work - this day was moved from the list of days off to memorable dates.

Despite the exclusion of Constitution Day from the "red days of the calendar", Russians continue to celebrate this day. On December 12, a variety of events are held. Schools conduct additional social studies lessons, in which children are told about the constitution, its legal aspects and the history of the adoption of this most important law. In higher educational institutions, as well as in places of work of the population, various information meetings and corporate parties are held. Representatives of the authorities hold ceremonial meetings, including at the highest level. Also, various amateur concerts, performances and similar events can be held in schools, universities, theaters and other institutions, the main purpose of which is to convey information about the importance of the Constitution to the younger generation. But it is not only important for children and young people to instill patriotism and provide access to legal knowledge - adults, too, should sometimes be reminded of the value of human rights and freedoms and other provisions that are spelled out in the Constitution and the implementation of which is protected by it.

Despite changes in legislation, in the minds of people, somewhat due to the force of habit, May 2, November 7 and many other dates, including the Russian Constitution Day 2017, are holidays. In 2017, this memorable date falls on a Tuesday. Activities dedicated to law for children, youth and adults will be held in various localities. Various youth forums, thematic exhibitions, conferences, concerts and other entertainment and information events are held at the city level on this day. In past years, schoolchildren and students on their own prepared exhibitions, performances and speeches for December 12, telling about the 1993 Constitution, the referendum at which it was adopted and other issues related to it. December 12 is not a public holiday in 2017.

This year, 2017, with the support of the government at all levels, is unlikely to lag behind previous years, and young minds will again sort out the basis of legislation for themselves and others. And the Constitution Day and the days following it can be spent with benefit, both for yourself and for your family.

Even, it would seem, quite recently, December 12 was an all-Russian holiday, a small respite in work, which gave strength to finalize before the New Year holidays. Now a lot has changed.

The Constitution Day of the Russian Federation has been celebrated since 1994, when its date was determined - December 12th. On this day, only a year earlier, the Constitution was adopted, which is still in force today.

This legal document contains all the laws and norms of modern society. It consists of two sections, the first section includes 9 chapters, and the second one talks about conclusions, transitions and amendments to the constitution. These chapters carry information about the state structure, human rights and freedoms, about the President of Russia, the judiciary and the prosecutor's office, and many other aspects of the structure of society.

The Constitution itself is not a law, but the basis for legislation and has the highest legal force, that is, it is undeniable and is implemented regardless of other factors. It was on it that all the presidents of Russia swore an oath. This holiday is celebrated throughout the state, as well as by compatriots abroad.

Will we have a rest on December 12?

And yet, is the Constitution Day of Russia in 2017 a day off or not?In 2004, holidays and weekends were changed, and since 2005 it has ceased to be a public holiday on which everyone has a rest. . Now, on the Constitution Day of Russia 2017, we both rest and work - this day was moved from the list of days off to memorable dates.

Despite the exclusion of Constitution Day from the "red days of the calendar", Russians continue to celebrate this day. On December 12, a variety of events are held. Schools conduct additional social studies lessons, in which children are told about the constitution, its legal aspects and the history of the adoption of this most important law. In higher educational institutions, as well as in places of work of the population, various information meetings and corporate parties are held.

Representatives of the authorities hold ceremonial meetings, including at the highest level. Also, various amateur concerts, performances and similar events can be held in schools, universities, theaters and other institutions, the main purpose of which is to convey information about the importance of the Constitution to the younger generation. But it is not only important for children and young people to instill patriotism and provide access to legal knowledge - adults, too, should sometimes be reminded of the value of human rights and freedoms and other provisions that are spelled out in the Constitution and the implementation of which is protected by it.

Despite changes in legislation, in the minds of people, somewhat due to the force of habit, May 2, November 7 and many other dates, including the Russian Constitution Day 2017, are holidays. In 2017, this memorable date falls on a Tuesday. Activities dedicated to law for children, youth and adults will be held in various localities. Various youth forums, thematic exhibitions, conferences, concerts and other entertainment and information events are held at the city level on this day. In past years, schoolchildren and students on their own prepared exhibitions, performances and speeches for December 12, telling about the 1993 Constitution, the referendum at which it was adopted and other issues related to it.December 12 is not a public holiday in 2017.

This year, 2017, with the support of the government at all levels, is unlikely to lag behind previous years, and young minds will again sort out the basis of legislation for themselves and others. And the Constitution Day and the days following it can be spent with benefit, both for yourself and for your family.

The New Year traditionally began with a shock holiday. How to force yourself to work after the holidays is one of the most popular queries on the Internet today. The best way to get in the mood for work is to think about the good, that is, that this is only the first weekend of the new year. Ahead of us is waiting for another 112 days of rest.


The holiday limit for this month has been exhausted, only Saturdays and Sundays remain.


New Year's holidays will remind you of yourself. Due to the fact that the holiday on January 1 fell on Sunday, the day off was moved to February 24. As a result, we are waiting for 4 days of rest - from 23 to 26. On February 23, we recall, Russia celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day.


The first month of spring did not give us coincidences in the form of transferring holidays that fall on weekends, so we rest, except for Saturdays and Sundays, only on
Wednesday, March 8 International Women's Day.


No holidays, but there is a nice bonus from May. May 1 - Spring and Labor Day falls on Monday. April 29 and 30 - Saturday and Sunday. Accordingly, it turns out 3 days off in a row, why not spring break?

In addition to Spring and Labor Day, there is another holiday this month - Victory Day, which this year falls on Tuesday. But hello again from the New Year holidays, which saved us an extra day of rest. Christmas fell on a Saturday, so the day of rest was moved to Monday, May 8th. As a result, we rest 4 days in a row - from the 6th to the 9th inclusive.


June On June 12, we celebrate the Day of Russia, this year it will happen on Monday, respectively, we get three days off in a row - Saturday 10th, Sunday 11th and June 12th.

June 25 will be Uraza Bayram, but the holiday falls on Sunday. Local holidays, unlike federal ones, if they coincide with weekends, are not transferred, so there will be no additional days of rest in June.


There are no holidays. 21 working days and 10 days off.


Residents of Tatarstan, unlike residents of other regions of Russia, will have one more day of rest in August due to the Day of the Republic, which is celebrated on August 30. This year it will be Wednesday.


Tatarstan residents, as well as residents of 8 other regions of Russia, where a large number of Muslims live, September will bring an additional day off. September 1 is a non-working day in honor of the Kurban Bayram holiday. It falls on Friday, respectively, taking into account Saturday and Sunday, we expect three days off in a row.


There are no additional days off - 22 working days and 9 "Saturdays-Sundays".


This month there are two holidays at once - the Day of National Unity and the Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan. But this does not mean that we will rest twice as much. National Unity Day November 4 coincides with a non-working day - Saturday, respectively, the day off is postponed to November 6 Monday.

November 6 is the Constitution Day of the Republic of Tatarstan, but since from September 2016 holidays coinciding with weekends are not transferred in the republic, there will be no additional day of rest. As a result, we rest four days in a row from November 4th to November 6th inclusive.


There are no holidays, but December 30 and 31, falling on Saturday and Sunday, will increase the New Year holidays in 2018.