Proper nail care. Nail care at home

For a wedding

A woman's body needs care every day. It is important to maintain well-groomed hair, skin, nails. Nails are an indicator of health in a woman's body, so you need to pay attention to how the properties of nails change over time and maintain health at the proper level. Nails need careful and regular care: in the cold season, they are especially vulnerable. Salon manicure procedure, although common, does not always have an affordable price. In addition, visits to the salon occur irregularly: the nails remain without care for at least 2-3 weeks. It is important to learn how to care for your nails yourself, at home. With proper skill, a manicure will turn out no worse than a salon one, and the nails will look beautiful all the time.

The first step to the beauty and health of nails is proper nutrition.

It's no secret that a woman's age is determined not by her face, but by her hands. Therefore, maintaining hands and nails in a beautiful and well-groomed condition is not a whim, but a necessity. Healthy nails delight with an even pink color, without inclusions. They are strong, elastic, they have no signs of foliation. Proper, balanced nutrition can ensure the health of nails. It should contain a maximum of useful . Among the trace elements important are magnesium, manganese, iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium and iodine.

The use of vitamin A strengthens the structure of the nail plate, prevents. It is found in vegetables and fruits of red and orange colors, as well as in herbs (dill, parsley, spinach). A huge amount of vitamin A is present in fish oil.

Vitamin B is responsible for the rapid growth of nails. The body receives it by eating potatoes, beans, wheat grains or seaweed.

Nail health is more dependent on magnesium. It will provide a beautiful, healthy nail color. You can find magnesium in cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet. Manganese is found in legumes, garlic, nuts, apricots and other foods.

Calcium takes over the elasticity and hardness of nails. It is found in fish, seeds, seafood, milk and derivatives.

Iron rich apples, red fish, legumes. This microelement is responsible for the structure and shape of nails.

If a woman is inclined to use gelatin-containing products (jelly, jelly, marmalade), then she is lucky: gelatin has a positive effect on the joint fluid, from which nails are partially formed.

Due to the rhythm of modern life, a person is not able to maintain the daily requirement of a vitamin in the body at the proper level. Help in this will be a complex of multivitamins, which are sold in a pharmacy.

How to take care of your nails at home

An incorrectly done manicure carries a lot of unpleasant consequences: delamination of nails, burrs, breaking off of overgrown tips. Therefore, before proceeding with a manicure at home, you need to consider some rules:

  • On average, a manicure lasts 2 weeks. It is possible to do it more often, but it is not recommended, since there is a possibility of damage to the soft tissues of the cuticle
  • Manicure accessories must be sterilized after each procedure. welcome
  • Shaping the nail plate with a nail file is a priority. This is due to the fact that the nails for the procedure must be dry. You need to file your nails in one direction.
  • Metal files injure soft nail tissue: use of glass or plastic files is recommended
  • Soften cuticles with special cosmetics
  • Move the cuticle from the nail plate to the nail bed with an orange stick
  • You should not use inexpensive varnishes, from them the surface of the nails turns yellow and loses elasticity. The use of base colorless varnish coatings will prevent yellowing of the nails.
  • Nail polish remover, and varnishes containing acetone in their composition should leave the cosmetic bag - they dry out the nail plate and destroy its top layer
  • It is recommended not to paint problematic nails with colored varnishes. If the need for this is still present, then painting should be carried out 1 time in 10 days
  • It is important to apply moisturizer to nails and cuticles every day, before going to bed. Hand cream should be applied with a high fat content.
  • When performing work related to water or the use of chemicals, it is mandatory to use household rubber gloves. Hands are recommended to be lubricated with glycerin cream
  • Hand washing should be carried out with water, the temperature of which does not exceed room temperature. Hot water is harmful to the skin of the hands and nails (the fatty protective film is washed off)
  • The use of nail masks and herbal baths will have a positive effect on the health of the skin of the hands and nails.
  • The use of lemon, cranberry and currant juices is recommended to improve health and strengthen nails at home.

Baths for nail care at home

An effective and inexpensive method for caring for nails at home -. The following compress helps to strengthen the nails: mix 25 grams of glycerin with 5 grams. alum and pour 70 ml of water into this mixture. Apply gruel on hands every day for 2 weeks. If desired, the course of procedures with a compress is repeated every one and a half months.

For severe problems with nail delamination, the best treatment will be salt baths. You will need natural sea salt without cosmetic ingredients. In 0.2 liters of heated water, you need to dissolve a teaspoon of salt. Keep your hands in the bath for 20 minutes. The procedures are carried out every day for two weeks, provided that nail treatment is required. For prevention, it is enough to use a salt bath once a week.

Iodine bath indicated for nail plates in need of strengthening. To make the composition, you need to dissolve 6 drops of iodine in 200 ml of water, the time your hands are in the water is a quarter of an hour. The treatment course includes 2 repetitions of 14 days. The break between repetitions is a week.

Rubbing vitamins A and E will help moisturize the cuticles and the top layer of nails. You can buy them at the pharmacy: they are sold in a blister pack, inside which oil balls are packed. In addition to rubbing vitamins, the following bath is recommended: mix warmed liquid honey, olive or linseed oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Add a chicken egg, previously beaten in a blender or by hand. Dip your fingertips into the resulting mixture, after a quarter of an hour, rinse with a little hot water without soap. Dry the surface of the hands and rub the oily cream into the skin. The cream is also applied to the nails.

To give the nails natural beauty, a bath with the following filling is suitable: pour 4 teaspoons of chopped chamomile with water (0.2 l), let it boil and cook for another 5-7 minutes after that. As soon as the mixture has cooled, you need to strain it and add 0.1 l of fresh currant juice there. The procedure time is 20 minutes. After drying your hands, grease them with cream. Essential oils have excellent properties for strengthening the nail plate. You can use: bay oil, jasmine, lavender, rosemary, grape seed oil, orange, and others.

Nail health masks

  1. A mask of red pepper strengthens the nail plate, but if not properly prepared, it causes burns to the skin of the hands. You can make a mask as follows: pour ½ tablespoon of ground red pepper into 10 ml of boiled water and add a non-greasy hand cream. Heat the resulting mixture and, after cooling, coat the nails with it. The mixture should be warm. The procedure time is 15 minutes. Remove the used gruel from the fingers with olive oil.
  2. Peel the potato and chop it in a blender along with a fresh leaf of white cabbage. Add sour cream or cream 10% - 2 teaspoons. The procedure time is 15 minutes. Remove the mixture from your hands with a cotton swab soaked in warm milk.
  3. Make a mixture of 2-3 drops of iodine and 50 ml of olive oil (you can use grape seed oil or ylang-ylang). Add 4 drops of lemon juice. Warm up. Soak your fingers in the oil mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse with water.
  4. Grind a leaf of white cabbage and 1/4 banana in a blender. Add 1/2 tablespoon of cream and honey. Mix. The time for the procedure is 25 minutes. Remove with a cotton swab soaked in milk at room temperature.
  5. Brew herbs of burdock, chamomile and St. John's wort root in 0.2 liters of water. Leave for 15 minutes, strain and use to treat nails. The procedure time is 15 minutes 3 or 4 times a week. For prevention, the procedure is carried out 1 time per week.
  6. Pour 10 ml of grape seed oil, 2 drops of rose oil and 3 drops of orange oil into a bowl (eucalyptus oil - 3 drops, and lavender oil - 5 drops are suitable). With daily use before bed, the mask can strengthen nails and restore a glossy shine.
  7. Mix ½ tablespoon of olive or almond oil with 2 drops of your favorite essential oil (your choice: patchouli, sandalwood, bergamot, etc.). Rub into the nails with circular massage movements. This mask will whiten yellowed nails and give them shine.
  8. For strengthening and rapid growth of nails, you can carry out paraffin therapy. The procedure is easy to perform, suitable for home use. The necessary components are sold at the pharmacy.
  9. A mask of thyme and lemon oils (mix 1:1) will lighten the nails and prevent delamination.
  10. A mask of lemon and eucalyptus oil in a ratio of 1: 1 will restore transparency to the nails.
  11. To relieve cuticle inflammation, a mask of essential oils of rosemary, sandalwood and tea tree oil is suitable (mix 2 drops each). Together with medical procedures, it is recommended to apply special gels containing vitamin E and calcium to the nail plate.

Prevention of nail disease.

If the nails have changed: the nails began to exfoliate, crumble, or the color of the plate has changed, you should immediately consult a doctor. Such signs indicate the development of a fungal disease. To make nails less susceptible to fungal diseases, you need to know that it is strictly forbidden to use other people's personal belongings. Having your own towels and slippers in common areas (baths, swimming pools) is a prerequisite for prevention. You can use antifungal varnish.

The appearance of a woman is her dignity. All girls strive to be beautiful and want to catch the admiring glances of others. To look good, you first need to learn how to take care of yourself. Every part of the body needs careful daily care, from the heels and toes to the face and hair. Hands and nails are no exception. Their well-groomed and healthy appearance will not go unnoticed.

The question of how to care for nails at home arises for everyone, since in salons such procedures cost a lot of money. And there is not always enough time for such trips. Yes, and sitting on your favorite sofa, it is much more comfortable to conduct your own beauty sessions. But in order for all this to bring only benefit to your hands, you need to know all the subtleties and rules of home nail care. You should also have small health knowledge in this domain.

What can the nail plate tell about

Nails do not always look healthy and strong. For many, they flake off. Some people break often. Some complain about the appearance of white spots. All this is not happy and needs treatment. The color of the nail, the shape and its surface can tell what is missing in the human body.

By these signs, you can understand what health problems a girl has, and what exactly needs to be cured. Proper nail care at home depends on the listed ailments.

Nail care rules

There are many ways to make your hands irresistible. With the right approach, they will always be look young and well-groomed. You just need to periodically devote time to yourself and your nails, performing simple procedures. The main rules for nail care at home:

As you can see, nail care at home does not cause many problems. You just need to give them a little time and not run until difficulties arise. To do this, there are a large number of recipes for all kinds of nail care.

Useful recipes for healing hands

Baths, even at home, are equated with spa treatments. They are very useful and very easy to use. The main thing is to follow these steps step by step:

Everything is pretty simple.

Soap solution and olive oil

  • A soapy bath is recommended for severe nail delamination. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Ingredients: 1 cup sea salt and 1 cup water mixed with liquid soap.
  • A solution with olive oil perfectly softens hardened cuticles, strengthens nails well and makes hands very tender. The procedure takes 15 minutes. Only half a glass of warm olive oil will come in handy.

Vitamins and iodine-salt bath

  • A solution with vitamins used for brittle nails. Keep your hands in it for 20 minutes. After taking out your hands, you just need to get them wet with a towel. Mix ¼ cup of warm sunflower oil with 3 drops of iodine and vitamin A in the amount of 5 drops.
  • An iodine-salt bath is suitable if a girl has brittle and weak nails. You need to steam your hands for 15 minutes. Mix 3 tablespoons of salt mixed in 1 glass of warm water and 1 teaspoon of iodine.

Sea salt solution

This mixture not only strengthens the nail plate, but also softens the hands well. Steam for 5-10 minutes. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of salt and a glass of warm water. If you love the smell of essential oils, then you can add a couple of drops of any, at your discretion.

Lemon juice with chamomile and beer

  • Recipe with lemon juice for those who have yellowed nails and rough hands. Dip your hands in it for 15 minutes. Ingredients: half a glass of warm vegetable oil, a little lemon juice.
  • A recipe with beer and chamomile is used to brighten and strengthen the nail plate. Keep your hands in it for 15 minutes. Ingredients: 1 glass of warm beer, 1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers.

Herbal bath and vegetable

  • Herbal bath is suitable for exfoliating and brittle nails. Lower your arms for 15 minutes. Mix 1 tablespoon of mint and string with a glass of boiling water. The mixture must be infused for 10 minutes.
  • Vegetable - eliminates cuticle cracks, moisturizes and strengthens the nail plate. Duration time - 15 minutes. You need to prepare an equal amount of juice from raw potatoes and cabbage.

Nourishing masks for nails

A very popular, useful and effective spa treatment that requires attention. It takes a minimum of time, but brings noticeable results. Such procedures can be alternated with baths.

Pepper and iodine

  • Pepper mixture is used to combat brittle nails. Its efficiency is quite high. You need to apply it on your hands for 5-10 minutes. Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of nourishing cream, 1 teaspoon of hot pepper.
  • An iodine mask is simple to perform, but not inferior in performance. Perfectly strengthens the nail plate. You just need to lubricate the nails with iodine at night.

Salt, iodine, paraffin and wax

  • One of the quick-acting mixtures is the iodine-salt mask. Makes nails strong and healthy. It is necessary to add a few drops of iodine and 1 tablespoon of sea salt to a glass of warm water.
  • If the nails grow very slowly, then wax or paraffin masks are suitable. Only a melted remedy will come in handy. You need to dip your hands in it and wear it like gloves for at least a few hours.

Olive oil and gelatin

  • For a mask with olive oil, you will need 1 cup of oil and lemon juice in the amount of 2-3 drops. It is recommended to leave this mixture on your hands for the whole night for the best effect.
  • Gelatin is a pretty useful product. You only need to dissolve 0.5 tablespoon gelatin in a glass of boiling water and lower your hands into the cooled mixture for about 15 minutes.

Masks from vitamins and jojoba oil

  • A mixture of vitamins A and E works wonders. It is enough just to mix them and rub the nail plates. You can carry out the procedure at least every day.
  • Jojoba oil has extensive medicinal properties. It is necessary to rub it into the nails at night.

lemon wedges

  • Suitable for brittle and exfoliating nails. You just need to insert your fingers into the cut slices of a ripe lemon.

Recipes for the beauty and health of nails there are quite a few. All have their own properties and advantages. Any girl can find suitable solutions for baths or masks. All this is very easy to do at home, so every beauty can cope with spa treatments at home.

Every woman must know how to take care of her nails, because they are her calling card. Undoubtedly, it is better to order such care in the salon, where a professional master will select exactly what you need for your hands. The cost of such care depends on the procedures used and the level of the salon.

How to properly care for nails?

  1. To remove varnish, it is better to buy a product without acetone. Typically, these liquids are enriched with useful vitamins, which guarantees gentle care and gentle cleansing.
  2. With regular manicure, it is worth paying attention not only to the nail, but also to the cuticle. It is best to perform such a manicure in the salon, where the master will do everything exactly and correctly.
  3. To protect your hands from the negative effects of low temperatures and strong winds, wear gloves during the cold season. When working in the garden or in the country, use protective gloves. The same goes for any use of household chemicals, which are very damaging and dry to the hands. Therefore, do laundry, wash dishes and clean the house only with rubber gloves.
  4. Use a nourishing or moisturizing hand cream regularly. And it is better to choose the cream that provides comprehensive care for the skin of the hands and nails.
  5. It is worth visiting the salon a couple of times a week to order professional care, which includes paraffin baths, nourishing masks, massages or medical procedures, if required.
  6. No less important for nails is your proper nutrition, since certain vitamins (for example, groups A, B, E) are needed for the beauty and strength of nails.

By the way, the appearance of the nails can be judged on the state of human health. So, white transverse lines on the nails indicate problems with the digestive system. And dark longitudinal grooves indicate an excess of iron in the body.

Daily care

  1. Before you take care of your nails, it is better to make a bath with sea salt or based on medicinal herbs. After the procedure, the nails will soften, and it will be easier to cut and file them. In this case, you need to move from the edge of the nail to its center.
  2. After that, you can polish your nails with a special nail file.
  3. Now we start processing the cuticle. To soften it, it is better to use a special solution. Castor, almond or apricot oil mixed with a couple of drops of lavender oil is also suitable.
  4. All burrs must be cut off. The cuticle is removed or pushed back with a wooden stick.
  5. To align the nail plate, use a varnish base.
  6. On top of the base, the varnish of your choice is applied in two layers. Remember: you can apply the next layer only after the previous one has completely dried. A glossy fixative is applied over the varnish. It will not only add shine to the nails, but also extend the life of the manicure.
  7. After the varnish has completely dried, you can use a hand cream.
  8. Once a week it is useful to do an oil mask on hands and nails. To do this, the oil composition is applied to the hands, cellophane or fabric gloves are put on. The mask must be worn throughout the night.

salon care

How to care for fingernails, masters in salons know best. As a rule, they are not limited to one manicure. For high-quality proper care, you need to do baths or masks for hands and nails at least once a week.

In the arsenal of salons there is a wide range of procedures that allow you to restore beauty and youth to your hands, as well as ensure proper regular nail care. Only a specialist can choose the right procedure, based on your wishes and the condition of the nails and hands.

So, in the salon you can order:

  • paraffin bath for hands;
  • baths with sea salt to strengthen nails;
  • relaxing massage for hands and nails;
  • baths with essential oils;
  • herbal baths;
  • nourishing masks for hands and nails;
  • therapeutic masks and hand baths;
  • baths for nail growth;
  • restorative procedures for the nail plate.

The most popular salon procedure is the paraffin bath. It allows you to improve the condition of the hands and nails after the first execution. Paraffin therapy makes the skin of the hands soft and silky, improves blood circulation and lymph flow, which helps to remove toxins from the skin and provides nutrients. All this has a positive effect on the condition of the nails.

How to care for extended nails?

Extended nails need special care:

  1. Such a manicure must be protected from mechanical stress, as well as various damage.
  2. Hands with extended nails should not be washed in very cold or, conversely, in very hot water. This is due to the fact that a sharp jump in temperature is very harmful to artificial nails.
  3. Such a manicure requires regular visits to the salon to correct the shape.
  4. If you want to remove varnish, then buy a product without acetone. Otherwise, you risk damaging the surface of the artificial nail.
  5. Even artificial nails require regular care for the cuticle area, which is best left to the master.

If you don’t know how to properly care for your hands, it doesn’t matter, our masters will perform all the necessary procedures for caring for your hands and nail plate, as well as make a high-class manicure. To order services, you need to contact us at the phone number listed on the site.

Good afternoon, our wonderful readers! With the advent of spring, when everything around is blooming, everyone wants to look especially good.

During the winter, the body depleted its reserves, and their acute shortage manifests itself in many ways, including in the condition of the skin of the hands and nails. They become brittle, delaminate, and this, of course, spoils both the appearance and mood. You can visit a beauty salon and make artificial nails for yourself, but, of course, they cannot be compared with natural ones.

We will talk about how to determine which vitamins are lacking in our next article, and today we will talk about nail care at home, time-tested recipes. You will learn 25 of the most effective and at the same time completely uncomplicated recipes for baths, masks and essential mixtures for hands and nails.

How to make baths

Baths for hands and nails are one of the most common ways of care. However, even this seemingly simple enough matter has its own nuances, which everyone who decides to start putting himself in order at home needs to know.

Before implementing this or that recipe, be sure to pay attention to the duration of the procedure, regularity, frequency, as well as recommendations to use additional cosmetic products (for example, emollient cream) after the procedure or, conversely, refuse them. The main thing is to know for sure whether this bath is designed for skin, nails, or both.

How to make a hand mask

Hand masks are no less popular than face and neck masks. This is explained by an instant and lasting effect, however, a long and lasting result can only be achieved by observing the following rules:

  • almost any mask requires a number of procedures;
  • it should be done 2-3 times a week, preferably at bedtime (unless it requires washing off after a short period of time);
  • wash off the masks preferably with warm water, avoiding the use of soap and other cosmetics;
  • the effect will be much more noticeable if you put cotton gloves on your hands;
  • unless otherwise specified in the recipe, after rinsing, apply a moisturizer to your hands.

Hand massage is of great importance

In any self-respecting beauty salon after a manicure, hand massage is a mandatory and incredibly pleasant (any woman will agree with this) procedure. At home, this pleasure should not be abandoned either, especially since it is very useful. The procedure restores blood circulation, strengthens the muscles and thus improves the condition of the hands and nails. For this procedure, you can use creams, lotions and essential oils. After the massage, give the handles a little rest, do not strain them right away.

The most effective recipes

Using the proposed recipes, do not forget about the individuality of the skin. If peeling or irritation occurs after application, use should be discontinued immediately.

And if you are looking for an instant effect, whether you prefer modern cosmetics or a combination of products, then there is an excellent product for strengthening nails: the coating with the effect of reinforcing nails " Nail Armor". It is easy to apply and dries quickly, forming a film with fine fibers on the surface of the nail and making the nails stronger and harder. Try it, you won't regret it.

Not every woman manages to visit a beautician's salon to get a manicure. The fact is that such pleasure will always require material and time costs. But even a high-quality and professional manicure will not be able to hide weak and groomed nails. Therefore, it is mandatory to have daily care so that the nails look healthy and neat. Let's talk in this article about how to take care of your nails at home.

Nails are a kind of "mirror", which reflects the state of the whole organism as a whole. Therefore, what is useful for the proper functioning of the human body is also recommended for the good condition of the nails.

  1. If you want to have healthy and shiny nails, then you need to eat right. In the daily diet, dishes containing vitamins, trace elements and gelatin must be present. Preference should be given to carrots, aspic, marmalade, jelly, seaweed, liver, avocados, green vegetables, fish and dairy products.
  2. Nail care at home must be supplemented by the use of nourishing masks. To do this, it is recommended to take any nourishing cream enriched with vitamins D, A, E, and rub it into the fingertips and cuticles. This procedure is recommended to be done daily for three weeks. Such a massage will improve blood circulation and soften the skin around the nail.
  3. Hand nail care must be supplemented by the fact that a manicure should be done every two weeks. If there is no opportunity to visit the salon, then it is recommended to do this procedure yourself. Its technology is not complicated, but it must be borne in mind that after and before each procedure, all instruments must be treated with undiluted alcohol in order to exclude the possibility of infection.
  4. Carrying out proper care of toenails or hands, in no case is it recommended to use metal files, as they damage the nail plate very much. It is recommended to replace it with plastic or glass.
  5. You can use not only purchased drugs, which are sometimes very expensive, but supplement care with the achievements of traditional medicine.
  6. It is necessary to regularly make a variety of baths. Baths with the addition of sea salt, olive oil, iodine, etc. are best suited for this. It is recommended to apply them in a course, at least three times a week and for several months. With this approach, the effect will be noticeable in two weeks.
  7. Every woman wants to look beautiful, so well-groomed and beautiful nails must be varnished. His choice must be approached very carefully. The most important rule is that it should not contain acetone, which makes the plate brittle and rough. Weakened and thin nails can be painted no more than once every ten days.
  8. When doing a manicure or pedicure, pay special attention to the processing of the cuticle. In accordance with the classical technology, it is cut off. But the latest trends in the field of cosmetology are as follows: it can not be removed, but simply pushed back with a manicure spatula deep into the nail bed.
  9. If the profession is related to the fact that you need to constantly do something with your hands, then it is recommended that you take care of your nails as intensively as possible. To whiten darkened plates, you can use lemon or lime juice. It should be applied daily after the bath for two weeks. As a result, the nails will become pink again, and the cuticle will become soft.
  10. Nail care at home should be carried out in accordance with the principle of systematicity. Only regular work on them will be the key to well-groomed and beautiful hands.

beauty recipes

Nail care at home should include alternating the following recipes:

There are a large number of recipes that will help ensure nail care at home. For the best effect, it is recommended to constantly change recipes and apply them regularly.