Educational toys for children 4 5 years old.


If at an early age, children rather simply master different skills and actions with objects, then at the age of 4-5 years, a real children's game becomes obvious to everyone. In the game, the child develops comprehensively: physically, emotionally, intellectually. A five-year-old child is already a preschooler for whom it is important to learn to think logically, establish relationships, follow the rules, and find solutions to various problems. Toys in this process play a very important role, because with the help of them the child models the future "adult" reality, gets the necessary experience for himself and just enjoys the process of playing. This article is a rating of the 20 best toys for boys and girls 4-5 years old.

10 toys for girls

Girls start playing "daughters-mothers" quite early. This interactive baby can not only be rolled in a stroller or swaddled. Baby Bon doll "knows how" to twist water, eat porridge, pee in a pot, blink, move arms and legs. In addition, you can purchase various accessories for the doll, from clothes to diapers. Playing with such a doll, the girl learns to take care of the baby, "training" the instinct of caring for a helpless creature. During these games, the girl is already beginning to prepare for the main period in her life - motherhood.

  • 2. Easel

Drawing for a child of 4-5 years old is not just a way to pass the time. This is an integral part of the development and knowledge of the world around us. Drawing on an easel allows the child to feel like a real creator. There are a lot of options for easels: floor and table, with a surface for drawing with markers, crayons or paints on an attached sheet of paper. Most models combine several functions. Drawing on an easel takes some getting used to, as it has some nuances compared to drawing on a horizontal surface, but children easily overcome all barriers.

  • 3. Blocks for learning to read

At the age of 4-5 years, many children already know the letters, so you can move on to the next stage - learning to read. For such kids, there are author's methods of teaching reading, with the help of which in a playful way you can teach a child to put letters into syllables, and syllables into words. Zaitsev's cubes and Chaplygin's cubes have proven themselves well in this topic. Both methods are suitable for home learning, but they differ from each other: syllables are written on Zaitsev's cubes, and individual letters are written on Chaplygin's cubes.

  • 4. Dance mat

  • 5. Needlework kits

Now, when manual labor is becoming less and less, girls simply need to be introduced to needlework. Needlework kits are convenient because in one box there is an instruction and all the necessary materials at once. In specialized stores, you can choose a set for every taste: weaving bracelets from rubber bands or beads, creating hair accessories, jewelry, cross stitching and much more. In addition to the development of fine motor skills, handicrafts train perseverance, accuracy, develop the ability to sit patiently at painstaking work.

  • 6. Sets for story games

In the role-playing game, the child plays situations familiar to him from "adult" life. For girls, there are wonderful play sets on the theme of household chores: kitchens, kitchen utensils, washing and ironing, cleaning. An excellent option would be sets for story games in the profession: a set of a doctor, a hairdresser, a cash register and children's scales for playing in the store.

  • 7. Board games

Board games have always been popular with children. In addition to the well-known lotos and dominoes, there are now a huge number of games that develop different abilities. For example, expressive girls always really like the board game "Activity". The game involves several participants, each of whom needs to explain a word or concept using pantomime, a picture or synonyms. This game contributes to the development of imaginative thinking and emotional sphere.

Puzzles have not lost their popularity for a very long time. If kids assemble puzzles from 2-3 elements, then children 4-5 years old are already able to assemble pictures from many details. Collecting puzzles is a meditative activity, it is very calming. In addition, in the process of this lesson, attention, imaginative thinking, hand motor skills develop. Assembling a picture from individual parts involves almost all mental operations.

  • 9. Kits for creativity

Of course, it is the creative component in such sets that is a little lame, because the child does not create anything new, but acts according to the instructions, but, nevertheless, such sets are very loved by children. They allow rather not to develop creativity, but to work out some skill and specific actions. Depending on what the child gravitates towards, these can be kits for creating plaster figurines, sand paintings, stained glass drawings, etc. Some sets contain blanks: photo frames, piggy banks, wooden figurines to be decorated. Having worked out certain skills on a ready-made set, the child can safely proceed to his own creations.

  • 10. Soft anti-stress toy

Soft toys with a special "ball" filler literally do not want to let go of your hands. Such a toy can be crushed and squeezed in every possible way, it is very soft, pleasant to the touch and never loses its shape. The effect of this toy is extremely positive: the removal of psycho-emotional stress, the release of emotions, and in addition to this, the development of fine motor skills.

10 for boys

Moms take note!

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  • 1. LEGO constructor

The constructor is a versatile and very useful toy. Games with the designer contribute to the development of fine motor skills, imagination, engineering thinking. An excellent option for a boy of 4-5 years old are Lego constructors and their analogues. Such constructors are produced in series, so you can choose them according to themes and plots: pirates, knights, etc. From the details of the designer, you can build entire cities, not limited to the manufacturer's instructions. Usually this activity does not leave adults indifferent, so the whole family is involved in Lego construction.

  • 2. Radio-controlled dinosaur constructor

The dinosaur constructor, which, after assembling and installing the motor, is able to move itself, has already become very fond of the boys. During the assembly process, you can try different combinations of parts, using fantasy and imagination. The very work with the designer develops fine motor skills and logical thinking.

At 4-5 years old, the boy is already able to comprehend the intricacies of remote control, so the machine on the remote control is sure to delight. Such a toy perfectly develops coordination of movements, reaction speed and spatial thinking.

  • 4. Railway

Despite its age, this toy still has not lost its relevance. It will be very interesting for any boy to first build a railway, and then watch how the train moves along it. By the way, toys usually involve several options for movement patterns, so that a child can develop design skills by choosing one or another pattern.

Any boy loves auto racing very much, so the auto track will definitely appeal to you. You can play with such a toy both in a group and alone. Building a track is a fun activity that develops design skills. Playing in a team is accompanied by rivalry, and this is a very important experience for a child: to accept victory and loss. A huge plus of such a toy is that it is able to displace a computer game, because real races are much more interesting.

  • 6. Table hockey or football

Another great alternative to computer games is table football or hockey. The rules of these games are quite simple, and the benefits are simply huge. In addition to the sports component - excitement and competitiveness - such games develop the vestibular apparatus, reaction speed, and motor skills.

  • 7. Board games for boys

Boys are very interested in logical board games in which you need to find the right paths, make decisions, and look for ways out of dead ends. Very suitable for a boy of 4-5 years old will be the games "Pathfinder Gingerbread Man" and "Hide and Seek Pirates". These games contribute to the development of spatial, logical thinking, cognitive abilities and even hand motor skills.

  • 8. Sports corner

At the age of 4-5 years, boys are very mobile. It is better to direct their activity in a peaceful direction, especially since the child himself becomes interested in testing the capabilities of his body: climb a rope, pull himself up on a horizontal bar, hang on a "Swedish wall". The most important thing is to make the sports corner safe: securely fasten and put mats on the floor. In the minimum version, the sports corner should have rings, a rope ladder, a wall bars and a horizontal bar. If the budget and space allow, the corner can be equipped with a slide, swings and other "chips".

Children's synthesizer is a great toy for introducing a child to music. You can start playing by numbers (you can find notes of songs written in numbers on the Internet), and eventually get to musical notation. The advantage of the synthesizer is that it reproduces not only the sounds of the piano, but also allows you to use other sound options.

  • 10. Twister

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 6 minutes


For a 4-5-year-old baby, two or three toys are already not enough. A cozy children's microworld of a baby at this age is created not only from cubes and pyramids, but from a wide variety of toys that allow you to assign roles, “reign” in your world, learn little things and try yourself in new tasks. What toys for this age are the most useful and interesting today?

Toys for toddlers 4-5 years old - these are board games, and plush animals, and radio-controlled toys, and designers, and much more. The main thing is that they organize, educate, discipline the baby, stimulate his development, develop social skills.
Your attention is the rating of the popularity of toys for children 4-5 years old, based on the reviews of parents.

8 best toys for girls 4-5 years old

  • Interactive baby doll Baby Bon

A toy that looks like a real baby. One of the latest achievements of the German "wizards"-manufacturers. This baby doll can not only blink and cry, but also drink from a bottle, pop porridge from a spoon, move arms / legs, dirty diapers and even go to the potty. A dowry is attached to the baby doll (or bought separately) - from a pot and clothes to strollers / cribs, dishes, furniture, first-aid kits, etc. Use of a toy: a girl learns to care for a baby, learns to take care and patronize (albeit a toy creature). The interactive baby doll develops the child's imagination and allows him to feel a little more mature, he is a kind of "training" through the simulation of situations from life. Playing mother-daughter is the "foundation" for the development of maternal instinct and family traditional attitudes in the child's mind. Approximate price - 2500-4000 rubles.

  • Table easel

Universal thing for the development of the child. It is advisable to choose an easel with the ability to draw with crayons, paints, etc. With several working surfaces, with the possibility of holding large sheets of paper, with compartments for felt-tip pens and paints. Such an easel easily folds into a nice suitcase and is carried without problems by hand or in a car. The kit usually contains a lot of useful gizmos - from stencils to the drawing tools themselves. The benefits of such a gift are undeniable - the development of creative thinking, fine motor skills, self-organization, etc. The approximate price is about 2000 rubles.

  • Cubes "We read easily" (Chaplygin's cubes)

A very popular educational toy, with the help of which many kids have already quickly and easily learned to read. If your toddler already knows the alphabet, but still can’t cope with reading words, then such cubes are your magic wand. Especially in front of the school, to which there is very little left. The author's technique is to master the principle of reading through the game. It usually takes 3 days for the baby to start putting letters into words. Approximate price - 2500 rubles.

  • dance mat

Such a toy is designed for children from 4-5 years old and up to ... infinity. There are many options - rugs on a hard and soft base, with a connection to a TV and a computer, with and without a microphone, on batteries and from the mains, etc. On one rug (the simplest, with a minimum of functions), you can simply dance, repeating the movements from the screen . Another mat can be supplemented with a karaoke function, automatic shutdown, etc. What is the use? Advantages - the sea. This is the good mood of the child, and physical development, and excitement, and the development of a sense of rhythm, and the desire to improve their skills (the program sums up and reports how perfectly the child danced). It's a way to keep the kids busy (distract their computer) and get them moving, it's an excuse to have fun with friends and save a fortune moms and dads leave at entertainment centers. You can dance on your mat for free and any day. Approximate price - 1000-3000 rubles.

  • Set for weaving bracelets from rubber bands

There are many types of such sets, as well as companies that produce them. From ordinary multi-colored rubber bands, with the help of a special hook and small pendants for baubles, a child can create both simple bracelets and complex ones - almost works of art. Such "folk art" is extremely popular today, and even mothers are happy to knit these bracelets with their daughters. Weaving methods are in the instructions, and the child can easily master them himself. The advantages of the toy: the development of fine motor skills, perseverance, imagination, the acquisition of new skills and just a pleasant pastime. The approximate price of a large set is 1000-2000 rubles.

  • Antistress soft toy

Pleasant to the touch, cute, with a special filler - these toys just ask for your hands. It's impossible to break away. In addition to the aesthetic, such a toy has a fantastic therapeutic effect: special filler granules relieve mental stress, develop fine motor skills, calm the nervous system, etc. The approximate price is 500-2000 rubles.

  • Puzzles

A lot of puzzle toys have been invented today, but the popularity of puzzles is not falling, but growing. The benefits of puzzles: the development of logical and imaginative thinking, the development of mindfulness, memory, fantasy, color perception, fine motor skills, etc. Approximate price - 200-1500 rubles.

  • Set of a young sculptor (creating figurines from plaster)

An entertaining and rewarding process that any creative girl will love. Serious skills are not needed, every child will cope with the creation of figures. You just need to pour the gypsum solution into the finished forms (which mom will help prepare), wait for it to dry and then paint the figures to the best of your imagination and desire. If the set contains magnets, then the painted figures can be attached to the refrigerator. Benefit: the development of imagination and fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, patience. Approximate price - 200-500 rubles.

8 best toys for boys 4-5 years old

  • Lego

According to the reviews of moms and dads, this toy remains out of competition. Both children and parents participate in the assembly of the famous designer, with the same pleasure assembling, designing, rebuilding structures from multi-colored parts. The reason for the popularity is the advantages of the toy: a wide choice - thematic and plot, versatility (you can choose a designer for any age), the development of fine motor skills, color perception, creative and engineering abilities, high quality toys. Approximate price - 500-5000 (and above) r.

  • Remote control car

Also one of the "bestsellers" for many years. Modern models of cars, and even capable of moving "on their own", delight every boy (and every dad). Playing with such cars turns into an exciting competition in which the child develops thinking, reaction, coordination of movements, etc. The approximate price is 800-4000 rubles.

  • Railway

This toy was invented a long time ago, but even today, in the days of tablets and iPhones, it remains at the peak of popularity. Well, does at least one boy refuse the opportunity to be a machinist? Such a toy will not only give the child hours of calm and exciting pastime, but will also help in the development of fantasy, spatial thinking, fine motor skills, and creativity. Approximate price - 1500-4000 rubles.

  • twister

This game is bought both for hyperactive kids and quiet lazy ones who cannot be made to move. A game that is useful in every sense - for physical development, for developing a sense of balance, coordination, social skills, dexterity and flexibility, for relieving tension, etc. Twister delights all players, and most importantly - time passes not only fun, but and with benefit! Approximate price - about 1000 rubles.

  • Dinosaur constructor (radio-controlled)

A novelty on the market of designers, already loved by all lovers of dinosaurs and designers. 3in1 toy: constructor, interactive toy and dinosaur. A dinosaur assembled by a child from a bright construction set will be able to move independently, thanks to a motor built into its body and a control panel. Such a toy will benefit the baby in the development of fine motor skills, ingenuity, accuracy and perseverance, attentiveness. Approximate price - 700-800 rubles.

  • Autotrack

All the boys know about tracks and auto racing. And the children's auto track is an opportunity to arrange races right in your room. The version of the race track and the functionality (+ equipment) of the autotrack depend only on the size of the parent wallet. Such a toy successfully competes with computer games, which is its main advantage today. Do you want to distract your child from computer racing? Buy him a car track - let him develop his design skills, learn to work in a team, get used to healthy competition, and get acquainted with the principles of a fair fight. To make the interest even higher, you can purchase an auto track with cartoon characters that your child loves. Or with reduced replicas of real tracks and cars. Approximate price - 500-5000 r, and above.

  • Volumetric puzzles (3-D)

Unique toy, colorful, exciting and useful. If ordinary puzzles can only be assembled, disassembled and put away in a box until the next time, then three-dimensional puzzles are an opportunity to continue the game with a structure already created from puzzles. Benefit: the development of fine motor skills, the basics of architecture, color perception, perseverance and attentiveness. From fragments of the toy, not a flat picture is created, but a bright three-dimensional figure that can be used for playing and even for decorating the interior of a children's room - knight's castles, skyscrapers, ships and planes, etc. Figures for story games are often attached to such puzzles. Approximate price - 500-3000.

  • Synthesizer for a child

Now there is no need to clutter up the room with a real piano, modern synthesizers solve this problem. Pluses from the synthesizer - the sea. This is the development of musical taste and hearing, a great start for professional music lessons, training programs, ease of use, the ability to record your own melodies, adjustable volume and headphones (so as not to drive your neighbors and household crazy), the ability to take the instrument with you on a trip, and much more. Approximate price - 1500-6000 r

The age of 4-5 years is the most favorable for the comprehensive development of your baby. Choose not just popular and bright, but educational toys. Let the games do the trick!

A huge amount of children's products can confuse the most experienced parent. There are so many things around - dolls, cars, plush bunnies, robots and designers! However, you can’t buy all the wealth from the shelves, but you want to buy the best, most interesting and most unusual toys for children 4-5 years old.

At this age, children are still “greedy” for various shiny objects, but more and more often they demonstrate commitment to certain hobbies - their favorite cartoons, fairy tales, and individual characters.

Also, parents can already set the main vectors for the development of the child - drawing, music or sports. We offer a rating of the best toys for girls and boys.

At the age of four, young princesses and little protectors are fond of various games. If before the child (regardless of gender) liked to play ball or dig in the sandbox, now, with houses and other "female" toys.

Children's dollhouses

This is the cherished dream of every girl. Sales of such toys are kept at a consistently high level, since these are perhaps the best gifts for a 5-year-old baby for the New Year, name day, birthday.

Toy houses for dolls are at the same time an unusual detail of the interior of children's rooms, educational toys, and an important element of role-playing games.

If you have not yet decided to buy this toy for a child, then check out the positive qualities of a dollhouse:

  • it improves communication skills, since the baby quite realistically perceives the game situation, communicating with dolls, entering into different roles, which can develop speech, logical thinking and intelligence;
  • it helps to get used to living conditions, since the future hostess in an unobtrusive form learns to clean, cook, decorate an apartment;
  • it helps to improve the fine motor skills of the child's fingers, since many details of clothing and furniture are small in size;
  • it improves interpersonal relationships with sisters and girlfriends, since these educational games can be played by the whole company.

Such dolls regularly get into all sorts of Top 10 best toys of 2016, and they usually end up in very high places.

Interactive babies are very reminiscent of real newborn babies, which is even more liked by girls who simply love to play mother-daughter.

The chrysalis closes her eyes when tilted, cries when she is “upset”, goes to the potty, some models even smack their lips when sucking on the bottle.

The girl will be able to feel like a mommy when she starts to change diapers, feed the baby doll and take care of him with the help of numerous accessories.

According to many parents, Baby Born dolls are the best toys for girls of 4 years old, because the possibilities of such baby dolls amaze even the most spoiled babies.

So, depending on the price, these children's educational toys are capable of:

  • “nap” (open and close eyes);
  • drink a mixture from bottles (porridge is included with the doll);
  • suck on pacifiers;
  • express various emotions (laughter, tears);
  • do "potty" things;
  • move limbs;
  • splash in the bathroom.

Another advantage of the interactive toy is the numerous game developing accessories, among which the following accessories stand out:

  • baby doll scanner, which will allow the child to turn into a real doctor for a while and put the correct medical “diagnosis” on the toy;
  • wash basin, which is distinguished by naturalness - water flows from the faucet, making characteristic sounds (the set consists of a towel, a brush and a glass);
  • interactive bath, which has special effects - sound, backlight;
  • white interactive horse, which moves its limbs, "prancing", neighs, if you scratch it behind the ear;
  • strollers- walking and for sleeping - will appeal to a child who loves to rock lyalek and walk with them on the street.

This device was included in our rating of the Top 10 best toys of 2016 for its many advantages - it gives the child a lot of positive emotions, provides optimal physical activity, which is very necessary for modern children who sit in front of the computer.

Interactive dance mats are designed for a child from five years old and even adults. Such educational toys can be bought in various variations - on a hard or soft base, but they are all made of anti-slip material, on which a special pattern is applied.

In these children's toys, manufacturers build in special sensors that respond to touch. Such dance mats are connected to a computer, TV or set-top box.

Gifts in the form of a rug will appeal to every child, because you can have so much fun with him!

To develop dancing skills, first choose the simplest levels so that the baby does not get confused in the legs.

Then you can make the task more difficult, and even invite the child's girlfriends to have a competition to see who can dance whom. After a while, you will see some "shocking" steps from the baby.

Among the advantages of these entertainment devices, the following important advantages are distinguished:

  • it is enough to buy one dance platform to use it with the whole family: for a child it is a toy for development, for a mother it is a weight loss simulator;
  • if the child leads a sedentary lifestyle, then such children's educational toys will come in handy;
  • for a shy child, such interesting toys are a reason to invite friends to visit him in order to play and strengthen friendly relations;
  • a child who loves dancing does not have to go to entertainment centers, because you have a completely free dance attraction at home.

The easel is the best toy for awakening creative skills, which was included in our Top 10 rating of developing play tools.

Children's psychologists advise to purchase such furniture from the age of three, because it is then that the child begins to awaken a craving for drawing and creativity.

By design, easels are divided into two types - desktop and floor. The latter are more common, but desktop sketchbooks have a significant advantage - compactness.

If you decide to buy this useful toy for your child, then you should first familiarize yourself with its main varieties:

  • one-sided easels- This is the basic classic version of fixtures for art. For a child, bright models are made of plastic or modest in design made of wood. More expensive boards have a small shelf or table for art supplies (chalk, paints, felt-tip pens);
  • double-sided easels contain two work surfaces and are therefore suitable for families with two small children. Usually they are more massive, so they are not always suitable for small children's rooms, but they offer more room for creativity;
  • multifunctional models, on which a young artist can draw with a marker, chalk, paints, attach magnets to them, they are usually made of aluminum, which is coated with a special composition. Such easels are the most common due to their ease of handling and numerous opportunities for the child;
  • "growing" easels grow up with the owner. In order not to buy higher easels for a grown child, it is better to purchase a model that is adjustable in height. For example, the length of the legs can be increased from 74 to 110 centimeters. Like other varieties, such educational toys are equipped with trays or pencil cases for art supplies.

Modern girls are less and less engaged in needlework, so creative kits are essential, as they interest the child in a certain type of activity.

The child, having made beautiful beads on the model of a teddy bear or weaving beautiful beads from beads, transfers the acquired skills to more complex activities, creating independently and gaining new skills.

In stores, you can buy kits for modeling, embroidery or weaving, which are designed for small children who do not have special knowledge.

The task of adults is to tell how to create the most interesting and fashionable creations, and if you still praise the child well for the result, then he will continue to want to do needlework.

In specialized departments of children's stores, you can pick up the following toys for girls of 6 years old, dedicated to needlework:

  • weaving with beads;
  • sewing doll clothes;
  • embroidery;
  • pom-pom crafts;
  • modeling;
  • burning out.

Such educational toys contribute to the improvement of creative skills, mindfulness, perseverance and imagination. And the child will be able to create cute and fashionable little things.

Girls at this age love to play stories familiar to them from their mother's life.

Manufacturers, knowing this, produce a wide variety of sets for role-playing games, introducing girls to numerous professions and household chores. The most common educational toys of this kind are presented below:

  • - with him, the child will simply imagine himself as a cook and cook delicious breakfasts and lunches for his dolls;
  • Hospital- many girls want to become nurses or doctors, so such toys will delight them, because now it will be possible to cure their favorite doll;
  • Shop- the best idea for a child who needs to be taught how to handle money and go shopping;
  • Trumeau- useful to every little coquette, which will be happy to spin near the mirror and try on various outfits.

Board games

Board games have numerous advantages, but they have no disadvantages at all. In such toys, girls are able to hone fine motor skills, develop the emotional sphere, learn perseverance, and all this happens easily and unobtrusively.

At this age, board games are designed both for independent pastime and for collective interaction. Such desktop toys are aimed at the development of such mental processes and skills as:

Jigsaw puzzles is also a board game that is included in our Top 10 list of the best entertainment for girls.

These popular toys are relevant in 2016 and will remain in demand for many, many years to come.

Indeed, with puzzles, the girl will be very pleased to feel almost like an architect, creating unusual “buildings”.

Such an activity is necessary for the development of attention, thinking, manual motor skills.

Board puzzles should be selected according to age. So, for a two-year-old, a toy of two or three parts is suitable, but for babies 4-5 years old, something more exciting is needed.

For example, manufacturers offer a puzzle mat with which a child will consolidate knowledge of colors, learn to solve simple arithmetic examples.

For most mothers, the word "sand" has an association with public sandboxes and dirty palms. Because of this, mothers do not really like this material, but the kids simply adore it.

Child psychologists, on the other hand, believe that sand games are the best gifts for small children, since sand and clay are the best educational materials for a child.

The best options for sand activities are to buy a child:

  • kinetic sand kit (imitation of wet material);
  • multi-colored sands for needlework;
  • children's sandboxes for the apartment.

Anti-stress toys rightfully occupy a place in our Top 10 most unusual toys for young ladies.

Such funny crafts have numerous advantages, because when playing with them, girls:

  • relieve stress;
  • cheer up;
  • develop fine motor skills.

Such effects are provided by a special filler - polystyrene granules, which do not exceed a millimeter in size.

Toys for boys, of course, are somewhat different in appearance, design and purpose. Most often, boys get various children's weapons accessories, cars, a railway and toys that are controlled using a remote control.

Such entertainment will definitely help develop the most necessary male character traits for the baby.

Lego constructors

Lego bricks are extremely useful desktop toys that help improve fine motor skills, imagination, and such a complex type of visual-figurative thinking as engineering.

Such toys are produced by the Lego manufacturer in whole series, so that parents can choose a variety of stories for their child - about pirates, knights, miners, drivers, etc.

From Lego, a young engineer will be able to build a huge city, focusing not on instructions, but on his own imagination. In addition, after looking at such a tower, many adults also join in the construction, contributing to the creation of an unusual Lego structure.

We list the 10 best Lego models that are suitable for 5-year-old boys (the rating, of course, is rather arbitrary):

Such toys are a real breakthrough in 2016, and many parents consider them to be shocking and unusual.

The dinosaur robot behaves like a pet, because at the first connection, like a small animal, it is insecure and interested in the situation in the house.

The little owner will even be able to teach him to give a paw! The set includes special plastic leaves that the dinosaur will chew with pleasure.

Such toys can at least to some extent replace fluffy animals if a child is diagnosed with an allergy to wool and skin particles of pets.

In addition, the robot dinosaur teaches the child to treat future pets well, because if you do not take care of him, the dinosaur will become quite aggressive.

The only drawback is the high cost of an interactive toy.

The most unusual and at the same time traditional toys for boys are radio-controlled cars.

Such children's products are the best gifts for restless children aged 4-5 years, both in 2016 and, of course, in the future.

Small maneuverable cars or, on the contrary, solid trucks will appeal to both quiet boys and restless tomboys.

At this age, the child can already understand the principle of remote control, which is why a car on remote controls in one hundred percent of cases will cause genuine joy and even euphoria in the crumbs.

In addition, such toys perfectly improve the coordination of movements, speed of response and space-time thinking.

Children's "railroad" toys are a special category of play equipment, which includes a wide variety of models: from a small steam locomotive to an almost adult electric locomotive on rails.

Since the kits contain many small parts, they should not be purchased until the age of four.

When choosing a railway, you should pay attention to the following important characteristics of the toy and the child:

  • Equipment. Various sets include locomotives, wagons, the railway itself. Also on sale are special models that are controlled remotely.
  • Age limit. Typically, such play sets are suitable for children over four years old, although there are toys for younger children.
  • Hue. Children's locomotives for four-year-old tomboys are usually painted in pleasant colors, but for older children it is better to purchase more realistic models.
  • Materials. Well-known manufacturers monitor the quality of the material, focusing on the safety of children's goods. For four-year-olds, plastic locomotives are recommended.

What it is? An autotrack is a construction, which is a kind of highway, whose parts children can arrange as they please.

Manufacturers of such toys offer many additional game accessories that will complicate the track and make entertainment even more fun and dynamic.

By purchasing a highway, you can supplement it with such elements as:

The main "highlight" of such toys is that several players can compete in the skill of driving a small racing car.

Board sports will give the child excitement, a huge amount of happiness and a lot of pleasant moments. It's no secret that the boys love to drive the ball in the notch, and the puck - in the winter.

What about the off season? Correct the situation and please your baby with a chance to play football at any time of the year.

Table toys are:

  • large enough field for entertainment;
  • volumetric or contour figures of football players or hockey players;
  • lots and lots of excitement;
  • the chance to play anywhere and anytime.

Gifts in the form of a table hockey box are ideal for an active little boy. You can put a small game on the table, and a larger set can be put on legs in the room or even taken outside to play in the fresh air.

Board games

The boys will like the logic board toy, where you need to make the right decision, look for a way out of the impasse.

In addition to logical thinking, a boyish desktop toy will contribute to the improvement of cognitive abilities, fine motor skills.

Among the games for boys, toys such as:

Sports corners

Four-year-olds and five-year-olds are extremely mobile and dexterous, like monkeys, so it is necessary to direct their energy fuse in a peaceful direction, for example, install a mini-sports complex in an apartment.

Additionally, you also introduce the baby to sports activities and exercises.

Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises most often does not allow you to "swing", you should choose universal designs. Children's sports corners may consist of:

  • Swedish wall;
  • rope;
  • rope ladder;
  • gymnastic rings;
  • horizontal bar.

But if a child gradually gravitates towards a certain sport, then his room should be equipped with specific sports equipment.

For example, for boxers and karatekas, a pear is required, which would correspond to the age and level of physical activity. With its help, the child will practice blows.

Is it easy to instill a taste for music in a child? It is not difficult, however, if you do it with ease, unobtrusively, consistently. For training, a keyboard instrument is suitable - for example, a synthesizer.

Very simple models are suitable for three-year-old crumbs, for older children, manufacturers offer the functions of “notes”, mixing, listening to melodies.

The positive qualities of children's synthesizers look quite weighty:

  • they have a good effect on the psychological and emotional state;
  • compact;
  • multifunctional - it is possible to adjust the volume and rhythm, etc.

To choose the right synthesizer for a child, you do not need to focus only on the cost. Purchase products from a well-known manufacturer, the product must be safe - without sharp corners, environmentally friendly. The keys must be securely fastened, and the design itself must simply stand firmly “on its feet”.

Created in the 60s in the USA, it has not lost its charm, spontaneity and liveliness even in 2016. Having fun with such a rug is a great idea for a child and even an adult.

What is its meaning? From two to four participants can play such fun at the same time, in addition, a leader is needed, spinning the roulette wheel and calling the player which part of the body should be placed on a circle of a certain color.

The entertainment continues until the only player remains in an upright position, and the other participants are on the floor.

The basis of the game is oilcloth with multi-colored circles, which you need to stand on.

The difficulty lies in the following point - it will be extremely difficult for a child to put limbs on circles, since other players will interfere with him, through which he will have to stretch with all his might.

For example, many young princesses prefer sports toys or radio-controlled cars to beautiful long-haired dolls. And the creative boy will be happy to draw on a children's easel.

Four or five years is perhaps the best period for the comprehensive development of young children.

The crisis stage of three years has already passed, the next - seven years - is not soon, so the baby is ready to acquire new skills and abilities. And properly selected games and popular toys will help the child develop harmoniously in accordance with his individual characteristics.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on raising children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, by no means do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Commodity abundance, including in children's goods stores, sometimes baffles. Everything around is so bright, tempting! But you can’t buy the whole store, for a child you want to choose something really necessary: ​​interesting and useful. All these criteria are met by developing 4-5 years.

Age Features

Before talking about what children like to play at 4-5 years old, it is important to understand what features are characteristic of this age. Toddlers still pay attention to bright objects, but their interests are becoming more narrowly focused. Each of them has their own hobbies, favorite cartoons and fairy tales, characters and heroes. In addition, it is already possible to determine the priority direction for future development: where parents should make their efforts. Maybe it's music? Dancing? Drawing? Or swimming? Or football?

The most useful educational toys for children 4-5 years old

An ideal toy is one that teaches a child something new, it is not necessary to count or read: it is also important to move correctly, play some scenes with your favorite characters. Development goes simultaneously in several directions: intellectual, creative, emotional and social. The child learns to fantasize, communicate, find a way out of different game situations. This cannot be taught in class. This is known only in the game.

Young architect

If your child is interested in creating figures from the designer, consider yourself lucky. Studying with tiny details, a preschooler develops his own. Thinking about how to create a single whole from disparate particles, improves synthetic and analytical mental functions. In the future, this hobby will help him quickly master mathematics, it is easier to cope with writing. In addition, the ability to assemble figures according to the instructions trains the skill of repeating the pattern, and the ability to come up with something of your own realizes creativity.

The children's designer can be anything: wooden, metal, magnetic or plastic. Each variety has its own characteristics, but the above properties are inherent in all of them. The block constructor of the "Lego" type stands apart. Kits can include from several tens to thousands of parts. At the same time, they are universal: from a pair of ships, for example, you can build a castle, and from a car - a spaceship.

The number of assembly options for such a designer is almost limitless. This is the whole world! In addition, Lego sets include characters: people, animals, household items or weapons for them. And this already gives the child the opportunity to use them to build a plot, a role-playing game. Little people are divided into good and bad, perform some actions, live their lives. Attentive parents, having watched their baby play, can draw conclusions about what is happening in his soul, what he is interested in, what he is worried about. Perhaps this will help them direct the development of the child in a more correct direction.

Board games

What educational toys for children 4-5 years old can still be looked at? What will enjoy the same success with kids? Of course, board games! Modern parents often underestimate the importance of such a pastime with a child. It would seem that the movement of chips on the card or children's loto can give such an important thing? The most important thing that a child receives in the process of such games is the ability to lose and not give up. When he observes victory and defeat over and over again, not only for himself, but also for the rest of the participants in the entertainment, he gradually gets used to the idea that failure is not the end. Success will surely follow. The kid will carry this thought through his whole life, it will help him in various adult situations many years later.

As for intelligence, board educational games for 5 years do not leave him aside either. Even throwing a die and moving a chip, the kid learns to count, evaluate his position on the field in relation to other participants. The same children's loto or domino trains attention, reaction speed, logic, memory.

Movement is life

Development should be comprehensive, so you should pay attention not only to the psychological component of this concept, but also to the physical one. Gross motor skills are no less important than fine motor skills, because it is strength, dexterity, self-confidence. Sports games are the best way to develop motor skills. Inventory for them can be anything: from a soccer ball to a bicycle.

Within the framework of an apartment or a small house, it is difficult to arrange a sports corner. And for with a horizontal bar, you can always carve out a place against the wall.

An excellent choice for indoor would be, for example, a dance rug. It will not only allow children to relieve tension in the dance, but also help develop attention, quick decision-making, communication between the brain and the body. After all, the child simultaneously has to move, follow the commands of the system and quickly respond to them. The competitive element of the game will add adrenaline and allow the young dancer to feel the excitement of rivalry and the sweetness of victory.

Role-playing games

Children at this age comprehend the social side of life. They observe how people around them and in the family communicate, try on different roles. Girls often begin to show interest in "educating" dolls. "Daughters-mothers" along with "tea drinking" are always popular with five-year-olds. The boys build military bases, play soldiers, firefighters, policemen and bandits.

Sets for story games are as diverse as children's fantasies: dishes, dolls with houses, household items, sets of superheroes and fairies, monsters and characters from your favorite cartoons. Costumes and accessories are worth a special mention: girls transform into sorceresses, boys into soldiers. In the game, children build relationships, interact based on their roles: “I am a mother, you are a daughter,” and then vice versa. In turn, they depict evil and kind, kids and parents, strong and weak, etc. This is a training of the emotional sphere necessary for adult life.

Musical toys

Creativity or the ability to create, to create something new, also needs to be paid attention. And if the children's designer develops logic in the best possible way, then paints, plasticine and musical toys are indispensable for aesthetic development.

You can instill a love for the instrument in your child long before you send him to school. In this case, the baby will already imagine what a piano (or flute, guitar, accordion) is, how it is played. Small analogues of musical instruments awaken the main thing in a child - the desire to learn music, master notes, and come up with melodies.

Learning languages

Some parents introduce the study of a foreign language into the child's developmental program almost from the cradle. Scientists argue about how appropriate this is, but those who wish remain. It is unlikely that, despite all the efforts of parents and teachers, a Russian-speaking four-year-old will be fluent in English or Chinese. All that is needed at this age is just an introduction.

In order for the baby to realize that the objects around him can be called differently, for example, in English or German, you can give him a toy that names, say, body parts in a foreign language.

Play together

Whatever educational toys for children 4-5 years old you choose in the hope that with their help the child will instantly grow wiser, remember the main thing: the thing itself will not teach the baby anything. To achieve a result, an adult also needs to make an effort. At first, play with the child together, show him how to use the game, perhaps return to it more than once.

Children love it when parents participate in their entertainment. Mothers and daughters arrange a tea party for dolls. Fathers and sons are building military bases. All educational games for 5 years old will be effective only if parents are interested in this.

Among other things, being close to their kids, adults teach them something else: to communicate, to understand the interlocutor, to agree on the rules and follow them, not to treat loss as a tragedy, to believe in victory and strive for it. Give your child a chance to show their initiative. Let him come up with a new game plot, tell the background of the situation in which the characters found themselves.

And, of course, you should choose educational toys carefully, taking care of their safety. An unpleasant smell of plastic or lagging paint, as well as small parts that strive to fall off and get lost, are a reason to choose something else.