Victoria tattoo in Latin. Tattoos in the form of names: beautiful fonts for inscriptions

New Year

Before tattooing the name of a loved one on your body, you should think about whether you are really ready to wake up every morning with a tattoo that will remind you of a specific person. If, after a series of similar thoughts, you still have not given up on your idea, the next step is to carefully select a place for the tattoo.

If a tattoo with a name is not your first experiment in body art, then you should choose a place that harmoniously combines with other tattoos on your body. Try to fill your body with tattoos symmetrically and evenly. If a tattoo with a name is your first tattoo, then we will recommend you a number of suitable locations. Guys might consider places like:

Girls should pay attention to such places as:

  • Forearm;
  • Small of the back;
  • The area below the navel.

Original ideas

Today, you won’t surprise anyone with an ordinary trivial inscription on your body. The tattoo subculture requires maximum effort from a person in his creative expression. But where do you get inspiration? It's simple - we offer you several interesting tattoo ideas that may give you an unusual idea:


Famous people often “sin” with tattoos with their names. We present to you a list of popular people who have names tattooed on their bodies:

  • Ireland and Hailey Baldwin have their last names tattooed on their middle fingers.
  • Nicole Richie got her last name tattooed on her neck.
  • Zoe Kravitz has the name Lola stamped on her wrist.
  • Lena Headey has her husband's and child's last names tattooed on her wrist.
  • Katy Perry emblazoned "Jesus" on her wrist.
  • Chanel Iman got her name tattooed on her neck.
  • Nikki Reed got the name of her ex-boyfriend from Russia “Luchny” tattooed on her body.
  • Kelly Osbourne's body is decorated with the extravagant inscription "Jack".

Tattoos with names are more popular today than ever. If you are susceptible to fashion trends and decide to immortalize a name that is important to you on your own skin, we will help you choose the location, font and concept of the future design. Many people choose the names of children, loved ones, parents, and even dogs as tattoos. Let's figure out what sacred meaning such an image carries, and what aesthetic solution to choose.

Reasons for choosing this type of tattoo

The individual meaning of tattoos is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It all depends on the owner of the name that you are going to put on your skin.

  • The choice of the name of a child, parents or significant other has a special, emotional and sensual connotation. This is a confirmation of strong feelings of respect and admiration, because you will receive an image with a name, overcoming pain.
  • A tattoo with a name containing personal initials hints at narcissism and self-satisfaction.
  • Depressive feelings of self-torture. More often it is expressed in combining the initials of deceased people with various pictures.

Esotericists claim that name tattoos can charge a person with the emotions that arise when he mentions the owner of the chosen name.

Tattoo location

If some designs already exist on your body, they can be supplemented with initials or letters that will look harmonious with the overall design. If you are contacting a tattoo artist for the first time, and have not yet decided on the future location of the tattoo, then the most popular according to the rating are:

  • the inner side of the hand (children’s names are often placed here);
  • biceps (in this indicative place, brutal guys place tattoos with the names of girls, rather for everyone to see, or their initials);
  • wrist (for especially close or loved ones);
  • lower back (female expression of feelings, but used much less frequently);
  • Feet;
  • ankles.

What you should know before going to the salon

Tattoos are an option for modernizing the body, which has a “long-lasting” effect. That is why you should study some of the subtleties of choosing an image. A tattoo is what you will fall asleep and wake up with every day, so do not give in to temporary desires or the advice of others. Think carefully before taking such a step.

The name of a loved one is a kind of oath of fidelity, and a woman’s name on the hand is a recognition to others that you have found the one. If you still decide to get initials, then it’s better to let it be a tattoo of a child or parents, and for the rest it’s better to use safe ones. Speaking about the font, we note that it is possible to apply a personal tattoo in the form of a simple word, or you can turn one word into a whole work of art. Particularly popular are beautiful tattoos in Latin or Chinese, used to convey the meaning of one's own name.

Features of language selection are as follows:

  • Arabic script is suitable for tattooing large areas of exposed skin. For example, the entire length of the forearm.
  • Chinese and Japanese characters are best placed on vertical stripes. The best place is the spine area.
  • The larger the font of the name tattoo, the more space is needed for the result.
  • On graceful female hands or ankles, it is better to use a lettering with a thin font.

Original ideas for personalized tattoos

If you don’t want to blend in with the crowd, but want to get an original body decoration, here are a few original ideas for your attention.

  • Floral motifs. The tandem of letters and flowers is quite traditional, but does not lose its relevance. We advise men to use it, thus immortalizing their love for a girl on their skin.

  • Matters of the heart. Symbiosis with the image of a heart. For especially dear and close people. This is how male names are designed, but for them they choose a symbolic, cartoonish picture of the heart, rather than an organ with atria and ventricles.

  • The hit of the season is tattooed wedding rings. At the same time, after the wedding, both husband and wife have each other’s Latin or Russian names on their fingers. Quite nice and very promising.

  • Animalism. This type of decor will decorate any tattoo. More often, girls choose to decorate their name with butterflies or cats, and at a certain age (17-20 years old) they can choose a more aggressive tattoo theme. Boys' names are traditionally decorated with a hunt theme or dragons.

Features of applying children's names

The birth of a child, both for mother and father, is a long-awaited and exciting moment. Out of emotion and happiness, couples decide to tattoo the initials of their newborn. Before making a responsible decision, read a few recommendations.

  • Don't rush your hike. Weakened after childbirth, a nursing mother should under no circumstances put her health at risk by getting a tattoo. If you decide to immortalize a portrait, then do it no earlier than a year after birth. The baby's appearance should be formed at least a little.
  • Such tattoos of initials do not bear any karmic imprint on fate; mothers almost never regret the manipulation performed for the glory of their beloved child.

  • There is no need to assume that a body drawing of a young mother is something vulgar and provocative; it is just an attempt to show her youth and attractiveness.
  • A larger tattoo with the addition of a foot print, pacifier or dice with letters instead of dots can be applied to the shoulder or to the heart area (for men).

  • For an experienced tattoo artist, applying even a proportional and natural portrait of a child with a signature will be a feasible task.

  • Alphanumeric variations of tattoos will include the pet’s date of birth. Subsequently, they can be supplemented with the birth of other children.

  • The baby's name, stamped on the parent's body in a foreign dialect, remains popular among salon clients. Hebrew, Japanese and Chinese, Arabic script - the more unexpected the language, the more interesting.

A tattoo on the chest helps bring family members closer together and indicates the closeness of the relationship.

Tattoo names of celebrities

Even world stars from the impregnable Hollywood Olympus have had “lovely names” tattooed on their skin more than once.

  • Mariah Carey's husband inked her name on the back horizontally in the area of ​​the shoulder blades.
  • Tattoos of Pink's initials and that of her beloved racer Hart are on her wrist, back and even stomach. There are 5 images in total.
  • The history of Angelina Jolie's tattoo is not so cloudless. She had to name her husband Billy Bob for a long time after the breakup.

  • David Beckham loves to show off photos of his children's tattooed initials on the social network Instagram. Let us remind you that the football sex symbol is also the father of 4 children, whom his wife Victoria gave birth to.

  • tattooed the name of her daughter Marusya on her arm.

  • I tattooed a reminder of my son Bogdan on the crook of the elbow of my right hand. The star simply adores her firstborn, and declares this in every possible way.

Whether or not to apply a personalized tattoo to your body is a purely personal decision. Remember that sometimes your relationship with a person can change dramatically, and the procedure for removing pigment from the skin is quite painful. Be that as it may, consult a dermatologist, choose a trusted and experienced tattoo artist in a tattoo parlor in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, and decide in advance on the expected result.

Video: Tattoos with names - photos of finished works

People take their choice of body design seriously. Each sign, element, symbol can tell about the character, interests, and values ​​of the tattoo wearer. By applying a tattoo with a name, a man wants to emphasize his feelings for his child or his beloved. Every day the inscription will remind him of his promise to love and care for a loved one.

Why do you get tattoos with children's names?

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

Recently, the demand for name tattoos has been gaining popularity. Movie and show business stars like to have a picture on their body with a child’s name.

Among them, the most famous:

1 Sylvester Stolone– chose a place on his right hand to declare his love to his three daughters.

2 Angelina Jolie– depicted on her beautiful body the names of her relatives and adopted children.

3 David Beckham– got four tattoos in honor of each of his children.

4 Ksenia Borodina- Decorated her left hand with the inscription Marusya, in honor of her beloved daughter.

5 Sergey Lazarev tattooed the letter N on his neck - the initial of his son Nikita.

The prevalence of this type of tattoo is associated with the desire to always remember your beloved children, to carry them not only in your heart, but also symbolically in the form of names on your own skin. Not everyone will decide to tattoo the name of their beloved, because it is unknown whether they will be together until the end of their days. Parents love their child all their lives, regardless of their age and distance from their home.

VIDEO: Tattoo with name

Tattoo with a name, examples of photos of finished tattoos

In this section of the catalog we invite you to look at photos of tattoos with a name in a wide variety of options.

Fathers and mothers often combine a name tattoo with a small symbolic design. This could be a baby's footprint, a palm print, or a date of birth.

Some parents worry whether a tattoo with a name will affect the future fate of the child. In fact, There are no restrictions or warnings in this matter.

The only thing worth thinking about is about the mention of the baby's name associated with the death of the baby during childbirth. A woman needs to think about whether she wants to constantly hear questions related to her tattoo and remember the tragic events of her life.

You will also have to take the choice of tattoo location seriously.

Choosing a place on the body and style of inscription

Having decided to make a tattoo with the child’s name, all that remains is to determine the location of its application. Open places on the body that are visible to strangers are chosen by parents who want to tell everyone around them about their love for their children. For those who prefer not to advertise their feelings, inconspicuous, hidden areas of skin are suitable.

Popular places for tattoos with children's names are:

  • wrists;
  • the outer side of the arm from the elbow to the hand;
  • upper neck;
  • area under the heart;
  • collarbone;
  • part of the back between the shoulder blades.

Sometimes, instead of the full name, they prefer to depict initials. The letters look beautiful framed in swirls, hearts, and decorative elements. The original solution would be to choose a name in Latin, Chinese, Sanskrit hieroglyphs.

When choosing a font, take into account some features:

1 For small areas of the body, such as the wrists, thin openwork lettering is preferable.

2 Gothic fonts will require a lot of space, so they are often selected for the back, shoulder blades, and lumbar area.

3 Hieroglyphs are traditionally depicted vertically, they are placed along the line of the neck to the shoulder blade, to the right or left down from the spine.

Men's tattoos with children's names are often different from women's. They prefer hidden places on the body to show warm feelings, express love and affection. Some “star” fathers, such as Pavel Volya, shockingly demonstrate their paternity by depicting whole portraits of your kids.

Tattoo with a girl's name

Applying a declaration of love to your body needs to be approached thoroughly. When dedicating an inscription to his beloved, a man should be sure that he can have warm feelings for her all his life. Much can change, but the girl’s name will remind you of her for many years.

The initials of your beloved will look original in foreign languages: English, Arabic, Chinese or Japanese. It is better to double-check the subtleties of the translation first. Men prefer to depict girls' names on the shoulder, chest, and the outside of the wrist.

For those who prefer strict lines, come t style minimalism. Women's names surrounded by flowers, inscribed in a heart, and decorated with a crown look impressive. Men who devote a significant space on their body to a name tattoo can depict it in the form of hieroglyphs surrounded by bamboo branches.

A tattoo with a name written next to a fading, gothic rose is most likely a reminder of a loved one who is no longer alive. You should not write the initials of a living partner in this style, even as a sign of sadness about parting with him.

Sometimes a couple in love decides to consolidate their declaration of love in the form tattoo with initials in place of a wedding ring. Some even draw rings, writing the first letters of their partner’s name into them. Such a couple holding hands looks beautiful and romantic.

Other ways to confess your love with a tattoo

Sometimes, a couple who wants to record their oath of fidelity in the form of a tattoo does not want to limit themselves to inscriptions. An alternative sign of mutual love would be paired tattoos. A guy and a girl get identical designs on certain parts of their bodies.

The most popular areas of the skin for such a symbol are the ring fingers. On them, lovers often depict:

  • wedding date;
  • infinity symbols;
  • Celtic ring design;
  • key and lock;
  • sun and moon;
  • swans;
  • heart with wings;
  • crowns;
  • a puzzle that folds when you connect your fingers.

Wanting to apply a larger design, the couple chooses for it wrist area. Tattoos should be in harmony with each other, forming a single image when a guy and a girl hold hands. The following are good options for this:

  • birds;
  • small animals (mice, cartoon characters, lizards);
  • halves of the heart (must be connected);
  • dolphins;
  • female and male silhouette;
  • a phrase that can only be read by joining your wrists.

In this case, we are not talking about hidden meanings and multifaceted meanings; it is clear that the best way to capture love for a person is to get a name tattoo. Today, such tattoos are made with the names of loved ones, children, parents, friends and even pets. This is a way to reflect on your body the memory of a loved one or a life situation associated with a certain person. Name tattoos are appropriate on any part of the body. Often name tattoos are made on the chest, placing the name of a loved one closer to the heart. It is also popular to get names tattooed on the hand or wrist. Many mothers and fathers get tattoos of their children's names on their bodies as a sign of deep love and affection that overshadows other feelings and emotions. Loving parents believe that a tattoo with the child’s name helps strengthen emotional ties with him and gives the feeling that the baby is always close to them. Various fonts are used to write names in tattoos. Some parents also sign the child’s name under the tattoo – an autograph; the artist outlines and stylizes the child’s handwriting to create an image filled with deep meaning for the parent. Name tattoos on the hand look beautiful, made in an unusual way, decorated with curls, dashes and underlines. An original idea could be to get a name tattoo in a foreign language. In addition to children's names, tattoos with girls' names are also popular. This is how men express their love and affection. For the owner of such a tattoo, it becomes a reminder of a dear person who is always with him. Our artists have repeatedly performed tattoos with names, so we invite you to look at various options for performing this tattoo plot on the body below on the page.

Tattoo nameshave gained great popularity today. Most often, these names belong to the children, parents and lovers of those people who are planning to get a tattoo. If there are already tattoos on the body, then the next one with the name should be placed harmoniously in relation to the other. If a tattoo with a name is the first, then there are several popular places.

About tattoos with names

Whose name should you choose for the tattoo?

Before you tattoo someone's name on your body, think twice. In this case, you should not succumb to fashion or the advice of friends. After all, with a tattoo you will wake up throughout your entire life, and it will remind you of the person you should care for and love.

Most often, the names of children with whom you want to be close throughout your life are chosen for such tattoos. But the older children get, the less time they spend with their parents.

Popular places for name tattoos

Tattoos of children's names are most often placed on the inside of the arm. As a rule, they don’t add anything else besides the name, choosing a beautiful font. Very often, people write a name in Japanese or Chinese in the form of hieroglyphs, where the meaning of the name is deciphered.

For girls they love, guys most often get tattoos with names on the outside of the arm, or more precisely, where the biceps are. In addition to the name, additional elements are used in the form of a heart, flower, or wedding rings.

Various Name Tattoo Ideas

Some people create a simple tattoo with a name, while others try to make it original. For example, in addition to the child’s name, they also make a sketch of a hand or foot print.

Tattoos with initials, a portrait of a person, or a choice of an interesting name are also in demand.

Tattoos have been around since ancient times and always attract attention. Before getting a tattoo, you should think several times about what it should mean and what meaning it should carry, especially for tattoos with the name of a loved one.