The abduction of the Snow Maiden or the New Year's tricks of evil spirits. Scenario for the New Year: "New Year's incident of forest evil spirits


Municipal budgetary educational institution Tambarskaya basic comprehensive school Tisulsky district of the Kemerovo region

Primary school teacher: Frolova L.N.

Toadstool Mukhomorovna
Baba Yaga

Father Frost
Snow Maiden.

Song "Russian winter"

Music sounds

Goblin enters the hall, groans, groans, rubs his back.


Oh the weather is cold

The wind is howling

All my bones hurt

The loin is aching.

I'll die in the wilderness

I'm alone

And no one will know

Where is my grave.

Kikimora appears.


Hey hello! What's unhappy?

What did the blockhead hang his own?

Know that the disease has overcome?


You would have taken, godfather, for the case.


I'm in the forest - the first doctor,

And a sorceress, and a pharmacist!

You have become, Leshy, not your own.

You know you're hurting your head.

Soon the holiday - New Year,

And you are full of worries.


Oh, don't say godfather

So there was no mind

And now quite jelly

Here from here to there.

(points to his head)


Oh, now, now, hearty!

Drink the potion - everything will pass. (gives a mug)

Goblin (trying).

Well, crap!..


This potion

It will save you from everything.


What are you making the potion out of?


From leeches and tails!

I add cockroaches

From birch leaves.

And also dried

I put crushed fly agaric.

I bring everything to a boil.

It's better than jam...

From any blues will pass.

Celebrate the New Year with joy

Youth will come again.


Whats up? Amanita crushed?

Le-ekarsha ... fucking louse! ..

Here, contact such a "scientist" -

You will die before your time!

Though in my brains jelly

Come on, get out of here quickly!



You really became not yourself

Attention! Attention! Says the radio station of forest dwellers. There are a few days left before the New Year. All the inhabitants of the forest get ready for the meeting of important guests: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Toadstool Mukhomorovna and Kikimora run in.

Toadstool Mukhomorovna.
Did you hear? Get ready to meet important guests! And we, then, so-so? They also found important ones for me - this old man and the girl Snegurochka. Si-si-si, la-la-la!
Who is spreading such rumors throughout our forest kingdom?
Toadstool Mukhomorovna.
Who else - if not a magpie on the tail brings their filthy news. It’s even insulting: are we worse than them, or what? Why am I not a Snow Maiden, and Leshy - not Santa Claus?
The new year is coming, and I want to do some dirty trick.
Toadstool Mukhomorovna.
Kikimora, you are our most-presamay inventor of dirty tricks! Think.
You know? I must invite my relatives - Baba Yaga and Leshy. With them, we better come up with, then we are evil spirits.

They run away. Music sounds. The leader comes out.

Hello guys! Have you heard the news that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will come to visit us soon? (Guys answer). This news was brought to us by a magpie on the tail and said that all the forest dwellers were already preparing for the meeting. And what is a holiday without jokes, smiles, fun and kind, good friends?

Music. The buffoons are running.


2 buffoons:

Hello girls and boys!
Also all parents
Welcome now!
For the New Year's holiday
We invited you.
1st buffoon.
Greetings, friends, all of you!
Let smiles, dances, songs
Sound in a circle now.
2nd buffoon.
We wish you fun
And great mood!
1st buffoon.
frolic in Russian dance,
Play, have fun!
2nd buffoon.
How about we play now?
1st buffoon.
No, let's dance.
We don't want to stand still
We will dance with you together.

1st buffoon.
You guys are great
Dancing from the heart!
2nd buffoon.
We are happy to congratulate you all
Happy New Year at this hour!

1st buffoon.
We have such a beautiful tree. Do you know everything about this green beauty and Santa Claus?
2nd buffoon.
And we will check this now. Answer our questions only "Yes" or "No".
1st buffoon.
Is the trunk good for our Christmas tree?
Was it made from a double barrel?
What grows on the tree? Buds?
Tomatoes and rugs?
Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?
Is he friends with the Snow Maiden?
Well, the correct answers are given to the questions. You all know about Santa Claus. Let's relax, sing, play and dance together.

(Children read poetry)


Came back to us today
Christmas tree and winter holiday.
This New Year's holiday
We waited impatiently.


Frequent forest, blizzard field
Winter holiday is coming to us
So let's say together
“Hello, hello New Year!”


We celebrate the holiday again

Happy New Year!

Near the fluffy Christmas tree

Let's start the round dance again.


Hurry up to visit us

Dance in the bright hall,

Sing, play games

The music is calling us!


Windows decorated with Santa Claus

And he brought snowdrifts in the yard.

Snowflakes are falling, a blizzard has begun,

A fresh wind blew on a large spruce.


With songs and laughter we ran into the hall,

And everyone saw a forest guest.

Green, beautiful, tall, slender.

It glows with different lights.


Hello, our Christmas tree,

Hello New Year!

Let everyone have a Christmas tree

Dance and sing!


They leave.
Fantastic music sounds, Mukhomorovna and Kikimora appear from behind the Christmas tree.


Mukhomorovna, but the guys took us for their friends.

They are not even afraid of us.


And they don't pay attention to us.

Poems are read


The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree
For Mukhomorovna.

: Mukhomorovna:

And together we are for the New Year
They came with Kikimora.

uh - uh - (dancing) They came with kikimora.


My name is Mukhomorovna
And I don't cry about it.

Has a hat and a broom
And Mukhomorovna in addition.

U-uh-uh- (they dance to the music from the cartoon "Grandma-Hedgehogs").

And Mukhomorovna in addition.

The phone rings

Toadstool Mukhomorovna.

Oh, the phone is ringing, no way this is our main.
Ha ha ha. What's happened?
Toadstool Mukhomorovna.
New Year is coming soon. It is necessary to spoil the holiday, but we forgot all the dirty tricks. Tell me, help me, your snake majesty.
Help? Ha ha ha, I'll help you. Have fun, and steal the Horse, without it the New Year will not come.
Toadstool Mukhomorovna.
Here is the head!
Baba Yaga.
One! And how it works!
Well, what's the deal?
Baba Yaga.
This is where cunning is needed. (Turns to the guys). Guys, have you seen the Horse? She didn't come here?

The guys answer.

Toadstool Mukhomorovna.
We'll go meet her, and you're having fun without us, a holiday after all. (They run away).
Baba Yaga.
Oh, remember the golden childhood.
What do we do?
Baba Yaga.
Play, have fun guys!
Well, the task! Oh, I know one game. Shall we play?
Oh look, make no mistake.

They play the game.
And it's cold outside

Well, everyone took up the nose!

There is no need for us to beat the buckets,

Come on, everyone took their ears,

Twisted, turned

Here are the ears warmed up.

Knocked on the knees

shook their heads,

Patted on the shoulders

And sunk a little.

And then what?
Baba Yaga.
Next, we will light the tree.
Christmas tree? For what?
Baba Yaga.
That's how it's supposed to be. At the feast, the tree should be lit.
Well, it's supposed to be, it's supposed to be. (Pulls out matches.) Oh, sorry, it was a good tree.
Baba Yaga (takes away matches).
What are you? Guys, tell me, how do you light a Christmas tree? What words should be said? That's right, "Herringbone, burn!"

Buffoons enter.

1st buffoon.
Who is trying to light the Christmas tree here without Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?
2nd buffoon.
Yes, this is Baba Yaga and Leshy! Have you decided to spoil the holiday again?
Baba Yaga.
No, what are you, are we capable of such a thing?
We wanted to sing a song with the guys, but you interfered.

1st buffoon.
And now it's time to invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to us.
2nd buffoon.
Smart favorite

We are all looking forward to the holidays.

Our dear snow maiden,

Smart, beautiful

We will invite you to visit us.

All: Snow Maiden!

The guys call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Father Frost, Snow Maiden appear

Snegur.: Just before the New Year

From the land of snow and ice

Together with Santa Claus

I'm in a hurry to visit you here.

Everyone is waiting for me for the holiday,

Everyone calls Snegurochka.

Father Frost.
Hello guys! (Guys answer).
Sounds dumb for now.
Come on, one more time. Hello guys!
Now your answer is not bad.
I was a little deafened by him.
I was with you a year ago
Glad to see you all again.
I see, they have grown up, they have become big.
Did everyone recognize me?

The guys answer.

Snow Maiden.
Hello guys!
If the cold is in the yard,
All trees are in silver
The Christmas tree is blooming with lights...
Father Frost.
So it's New Year's Eve!

Snow Maiden.
Only song, dance, joke
And a funny joke
Can you wake up the tree?
Enter the New Year with her.


Snow Maiden.
Let's play an interesting game with the guys.
What the Christmas tree is decorated with, I will call the guys.
Listen carefully and be sure to answer.
If we tell you right, say "Yes" in response,
Well, if suddenly it's wrong, boldly answer "No".
Multi-colored crackers?
Blankets and pillows?
Marmalades, chocolates?
Glass balls?
Are the chairs wooden?
Teddy bears?
Primers and books?
Colored beads?
And the garlands are light?
Snow from white cotton wool?
Backpacks and briefcases?
Shoes and boots?
Cups, forks, spoons?
Candy shiny?
Are tigers real?
Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?
Well done boys!
Father Frost.
Okay, you're having fun. Did everyone come to our party?
Snow Maiden.
Oh, grandfather, I completely forgot, we invited the Horse to our holiday. Guys, have you seen her? What could have happened to her?
Baba Yaga.
What could have happened to her? Little one, lost in the woods.
Lost, lost.
The horse has been stolen! All these are tricks of evil spirits!

Baba Yaga and Leshy are hiding.

Father Frost.
Ah, that's it! Yes, I'll freeze you now!
Baba Yaga.
No need, no need.
We won't be anymore.
Father Frost.
I ask you to immediately release the Horse and bring it to the holiday. And so that you don’t do something else, I send with you our good friends and helpers - buffoons.
Father Frost.
Oh, I'm sad, guys.
Snow Maiden.
Grandpa, don't be upset. Now the Horse will come, and we will continue the fun holiday. In the meantime, let's guys have fun with our Santa Claus

Father Frost.
Thanks for making the old man happy.

Enter Baba Yaga, Goblin, Kikimora, Toadstool Mukhomorovna, Horse, buffoons.

Baba Yaga.
Here, Santa Claus, your Horse, safe and sound.


Hello guys, I was late, sorry, they kidnapped me and took me through the forest for an hour. During this time I have made new friends, and they are not evil at all, forgive them.
Father Frost.
Well then, I'm sorry. On New Year's Eve, no one should be angry and quarrel.
Snow Maiden.
Then we continue our holiday!
1st buffoon.
Our Santa Claus is tired of standing, he wants to dance for us.
Father Frost.
Hey guys, move your feet with us!

Snow Maiden.
And now, guys, I'll tell you a secret. Santa Claus has magic gloves. If someone touches them, that desire will surely come true. Grandpa, let me play with your mitten. We will pass it in a circle, and you will catch up.
Father Frost.

The game is being played.

Father Frost.
Good for you guys
But it's time for us to leave.
See you soon, goodbye!
Learn, grow and may the New Year
It will bring you success and joy.
Snow Maiden.
We leave, but friends remain here,
Let songs and jokes ring until the morning
Among kind faces and lights.
May the holiday give you today
Loyal, good friends.

See you again.

Compiled by:

primary school teacher

Frolova Svetlana Vladimirovna

New Year's tricks of evil spirits








Children sing the song "Little Christmas Tree"

BABA YAGA: (loudly scolding Leshy). Yes, hurry up, your spruce legs! After all, we are late, we won’t have time, Leshy tease you!

Goblin: It's like this, but will it bother me if I myself am the Wolf? Are you crazy Yaga?

BABA YAGA: Be quiet, bite your tongue! I’m not Yaga for you now, but the Snow Maiden! And you are not Leshy, but Grandfather Frost. Did you remember? Look, do not confuse, otherwise Kashcheyushka will punish you!

Goblin: (Notices children). Oh, children! ... It seems they have come ?!

BABA YAGA: Attention, let's start the operation! Follow me (to the children). Hello kids, girls and boys! (referring to Leshy). Yes, say something.

Goblin: What if I don't know what to say?

BABA YAGA: Then at least repeat after me!

Goblin: Hello kids, girls and boys!

BABA YAGA: Santa Claus and I came to you for a holiday .

Goblin: Santa Claus and I came...

BABA YAGA: (Pushes Leshy to the side). Think what you say! Tell me why we've come!

Goblin: We came to take away the staff from Santa Claus, because it is magical and will fulfill all our desires.

BABA YAGA: Don't listen to him, don't listen! Santa Claus is joking! He overheated in the sun, his temperature is high! (referring to Leshy). Imagine that you are sick.

Goblin: Oh, it hurts me! Oh, it hurts! (grabs at different places).

BABA YAGA: You see, guys, how bad grandfather is, he will melt now. We urgently need to sing him a song about winter. Stand in a circle, join hands, let's go and sing a song. Sing Grandpa!

Goblin: What about singing? I don't know the songs!

BABA YAGA: Sing what you know! If only about winter, about frost!

Goblin: OK! Musician play!

Leshy sings the folk song "Oh Frost, Frost ...".

Goblin: Good, what a song, it takes right to the soul! ...

BABA YAGA: Well, Santa Claus has recovered, he won’t say more nonsense, but he will amuse you! (referring to Leshy). Hey, wake up! It's time to light the tree!

Goblin: Christmas tree? For what?

BABA YAGA: It's supposed to be! So that the tree burns on the New Year's holiday!

Goblin: Well, it's supposed to be - it's supposed to be. What is it to me? (Pulls out matches.) Burn it, burn it! What a pity, it was a beautiful Christmas tree!

BABA YAGA: ( Takes the matches from Leshy). What are you? Guys, at least you will explain to him how to light a Christmas tree! ... You see! Words! “Christmas tree, burn!” ... Come on, let's all try together! Three-four! ... Oh, what if not amicably? I'm alone and I can shout louder than you! One more time!

Baba Yaga organizes children for chanting. After several attempts, the Christmas tree manages to “light up”.

BABA YAGA: Oh, I saw it, Grandpa! And without any matches! Well, come on, keep playing!

Goblin: What am I going to play? You made this mess, you play now!

BABA YAGA: Yes, I only know one game - hide and seek. And there's nowhere to hide.

Goblin: And I only know one game - muddles. I confuse everyone in the forest.

BABA YAGA : So try to confuse the children. Try, try! And I'll look .

Goblin: Well, hold on guys! Listen carefully, answer in chorus and try not to get confused in the answers!

New Year's Eve

He ate sweets and jam.

He lived on the roof, poor thing,

His name was ……… (Cheburashka, Carloson)

From the blue stream

The river starts.

This song was sung loudly

Three funny ……… (Piglet, Little Raccoon)

He plays a little

For passers-by on the harmonica.

Everyone knows the musician

His name is…………… (Shapoklyak, Crocodile - Gena)

He was a cloud of rain

Went home by five.

And of course I loved honey,

This is Gena…….. (Crocodile, Winnie the Pooh)

Goblin: Look Yaga, oh. Look, Snow Maiden, what smart children are here! Oh, I'm afraid we won't see the staff, again. Everyone here is so smart and attentive...

BABA YAGA: Would you talk less and think more!

Goblin: I'd love to, but it doesn't work! I have brains in my head - WOODEN! But I have good hearing. Now I hear someone coming...

The Snow Maiden and Petrushka enter the hall. Seeing them, Baba Yaga hides behind Leshy.

SNOW MAIDEN: Hello guys.

If the cold is in the yard,

All trees are in silver

Christmas tree blooms with lights

So it's New Year's Eve!

Petrushka and I came to wish you a Happy New Year. We came specially early to prepare a meeting with Grandfather Frost.

PARSLEY: Oh, look, Snow Maiden, and it turns out that he is already here ... (Points to Leshy). Hello Grandpa! But how did you manage to overtake us?

Goblin: And I did not manage anything, I have always been here.

PARSLEY: Grandpa, you didn’t come alone, you also brought guests! Who is hiding behind you?

BABA YAGA: ( It comes out from behind Leshy) I dropped my mitten here!

PARSLEY: (Sits on the floor in surprise) Oh, two Snow Maidens!

SNOW MAIDEN: I don't understand anything! Who you are?

BABA YAGA: Now you will understand! One two Three!

Baba Yaga and the goblin tear off the costumes of the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus.

PARSLEY: This is Baba Yaga and Goblin! Save!!! (covers face with hands).

BABA YAGA: Grab her! Knit her! Drag her!

LESHIY: (Pointing to PARSLEY). Will we take this?

BABA YAGA: What's the use of him! He's still an idiot. And for the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus will give us a staff and give it back! Let's run!

baba yaga, Goblin they run away, taking the Snow Maiden with them.

PARSLEY: Ah ah ah! Do not touch me! Don't hit me! (Opens eyes). What, they already left? And where is the Snow Maiden? ... What have I done? I didn’t save it, I didn’t see it, they stole the Snow Maiden! What to do? Whom to call? You have to tell Santa Claus everything! Guys, where is Santa Claus? There is no? And here?... But he hasn't come yet! So, you need to call him. Let's do it! To make it louder, the girls will yell "Grandpa"! and the boys will yell "Frost"!

Petrushka rehearses first with the girls, then with the boys. After the rehearsal, he asks everyone to shout their words at the same time. The children are screaming.

PARSLEY: No, something is wrong. And it's not clear! Let's do it the other way around: the boys shout "Grandfather!" , and the girl shouts "Frost!". Well, all together!

Children comply with the request.

PARSLEY: Again, it's not clear! And if you shout not individually, but all together? "Santa Claus come soon!" Let's try! Together! Three four!

The children are called Santa Claus. Solemn music sounds. Santa Claus enters the room.

FATHER FROST: Who is calling me so loudly? Who wants to see me? Ah, it's you guys! Hello! Happy holiday to you!

PARSLEY: Oh Grandpa! No time for holidays now, no time for fun! Trouble, trouble happened, grief, bitter!

FATHER FROST: Wait, Petrushka, don't rush! Explain what happened?

PARSLEY: Stole, Stole, Stole! And I did not see, did not save! The Snow Maiden was stolen, your granddaughter!

FATHER FROST: Yes, misfortune, and who dared to do such a thing.

PARSLEY: Guys, tell me who kidnapped the Snow Maiden! Baba Yaga and Goblin!

FATHER FROST: Ah, that's it! For a long time we have been living in the same fairy-tale forest, but I did not expect such deceit from them. Not otherwise than Koschey the Immortal instigated the forest evil spirits ... Well, nothing! They couldn't go far. Guys, can we find the perpetrators? (Children answer). Let's return the Snow Maiden (Children answer). Then attention! Memorize the words and repeat the movements after me and parsley .

The game "If we hold hands"

At the last repetition of the game, Koschei the Deathless and the goblin with a white flag in his hand enter the hall.

LESHIY: He-ge-gay! Santa Claus - red nose! Koschey the Deathless himself wants to see you! Get out to negotiate!

FATHER FROST: That's the way things are! The evil spirit itself has come to us! Well, let's listen to what Koschei will say, find out what he has in mind!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Listen Everyone! I am Koschei the Immortal, the most cunning and treacherous of all fairy-tale villains, I kidnapped your Granddaughter, Snow Maiden, Grandfather Frost! Do you want her to come back to you for the holiday?

FATHER FROST: Guys, do we want to see the Snow Maiden among us again? (Children answer).

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Well, I agree to return it. But not just like that, but for a ransom!

PARSLEY: Look what you found! Yes, I am now for you, yes we are now for you ... with one left, and then with the right, ... and then ...

FATHER FROST: Wait, Petrushka, swing your fists! Let's try to make things right in the world. So what do you, Koschey, want for the Snow Maiden?

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: For a girl, I want a little. I'll get her back if you give me your magic staff!

PARSLEY: Father Frost! Don't give up! They will do this with a staff!

FATHER FROST: But what about the Snow Maiden, do you think she is languishing sweetly in Koshcheev captivity? What do you guys think? ... The main thing is that everyone is alive and well, and with magic - we'll figure it out later! ... I agree Koschey! Here's my staff! But first, give us back the Snow Maiden!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: This business! Goblin, remember our agreement, bring them the Snow Maiden .

LESHIY: I remember everything, ha-ha-ha, I will do everything, ha-ha-ha! Oh, let's deceive the simpletons now! (He leaves and soon returns with Baba Yaga dressed as a Snow Maiden) Here she is, your granddaughter, give me the staff!

PARSLEY: Santa Claus, it seems to me that this is not our Snow Maiden, not real!

FATHER FROST: I agree with you, let's check it out! Snow Maiden is that you?

BABA YAGA: I am Grandpa, I am dear. Your granddaughter Snow Maiden!

FATHER FROST: Since you are my granddaughter, then show how you can play fun games with the guys!

BABA YAGA: Yes, easily, grandfather, easily red-nosed! (Affectionately addresses the children) Children, stand in a circle, we will dance! (Roughly) Well, quickly, to whom did you tell! (Affectionately) Don't you want me to come back to you? Do you think I'm not real?... Nothing works! Children are not like that!

FATHER FROST: Not good, Koschey turns out! Well, if we agreed to conduct an honest exchange, then we must honestly fulfill the condition!

BABA YAGA: Well, okay! Well, take your Snow Maiden! But she will not be able to play with these children.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Goblin, bring her! Let him show his skill!

Goblin leaves, and soon returns with the real Snow Maiden.

SNOW MAIDEN: Oh, how glad I am, friends,

New meeting with you!

All I feel now

Do not express in words!

FATHER FROST: What words can't say

You can tell in verse!

SNOW MAIDEN: That's right Grandpa, let's call the kids and tell the rhymes

(Students recite poems)

PARSLEY: Well, is everything clear to you now? The Snow Maiden showed herself.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Hey, don't forget, the Snow Maiden - to you, the staff - to us!

FATHER FROST: Well, Koschey, a deal is more valuable than money! Hold my staff! Just look carefully, there is a huge power hidden in it, whether you will be able to cope with it - I don’t know.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Finally! My dream came true! Now I am omnipotent! Now my wish will come true!

BABA YAGA: No mine, mine first! It was I, one might say, who risked her life, dressed up in all sorts of costumes, cheated and deceived! I deserve to be the first to fulfill my wish!

LESHIY: What about me, have you forgotten? Yes, without me, you would not have succeeded at all! You would get lost in the forest and the Snow Maiden would run away from you. Give me the staff!

BABA YAGA: No to me! I'm supposed to be older, I'm the oldest!

LESHIY: And I am the most wooden, the most unhappy.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Shit, unclean! You can do everything! Say, Yaga, what do you want?

BABA YAGA: I want to look 300 years younger and become a hand-written beauty.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: (Strikes the staff on the floor) Well, be your way, young Baba Yaga!

BABA YAGA: Oh, yes, I will do it in one minute! Well, blindfold me! Goblin, Koschey help!

Baba Yaga starts catching children and does not catch anyone.

BABA YAGA: Fu, not a real staff you have, Santa Claus! He can't do anything!

FATHER FROST: Did you hear the condition? You didn't make it on your own, and now you're blaming someone!

LESHIY: Now my wish, mine! I can fulfill any condition!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: So tell me, what do you want?

LESHIY: I want a new home for myself!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Let the staff fulfill the desire of Leshy!

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Oh, you, and also the evil spirit is called, look what desires you need to make. Hey staff, I want all people in the world to forget all the good and kind words. Do it.

(Staff: “I won’t put any conditions on you. Just see for yourself what happened)

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: Yep, got it out! He obeys my will. Well, children, listen to me and answer loudly, in unison. If I sneeze, what will you say (Children answer: Be healthy!)

And if Petrushka gives candy?

What will you say when you meet an old friend?

And when will you say goodbye?

Well, thank you guys for the answers?

Ah, nothing works! Take your staff, Santa Claus! It's not magical for you!

FATHER FROST: Here you see how to make bad and insidious desires. And now my wish! Please, evil spirit, become kind and dance a round dance with us.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS: (Changed voice) Oh, please. I love to be kind .

BABA YAGA and Goblin: And we have become kinder, can we celebrate the New Year with you in a round dance?

FATHER FROST: That's great, let's sing!

(Song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest")

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give gifts.

NEW YEAR'S TALE "Tricks of evil spirits in the NEW YEAR"

Picture one.

Hut of Baba Yaga. On the wall are portraits of Koshchei, Miracle Yudo, Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga (sits at the table, dreams and sings):

Good, I'm good
Yes, I'm badly dressed.
Doesn't marry them
Girl (me means) for it!

I had one fiancépoints to the portrait of Koshchei)– rolled off to the sea. He called on a mobile phone that I should meet some foreigner. And what will I do with it?

Oh, how I have everything running! (looks in the mirror)Yes ... People say that beauty is a terrible force.

(Knock on the door). Well, the guests have arrived!
Goblin and Kikimora appear.

Sing together: They came to you for an hour.
Hello! Hello! Firework!
Meet Yaga, rather us,
Your friends are coming!

Goblin (dancing)Well, old woman, cool are we off?
Baba Yaga : Fu-you, well-you, bast shoes are bent! Who complained. Oh-she-she! Oh-she-she! It became interesting to live in the forest: continuous

Fun. Yesterday, for example, Koschey called, the villain drove off to the Canary Islands. It's cold, you see, he's in the woods!

And Miracle - Yudo swamp there, went on a circumnavigation. He's probably floating on his belly. me too

Floating teletubby! What's going on! Ugh!

Kikimora: And why did you stay here? We wanted to come and congratulate you on the holiday, but you haven't started it yet.

Baba Yaga : Yes, I was told to meet a foreign guest! And I wanted to fly to Paris, to the fashion show, on my motor

It's called a stupa.
Goblin: Oh oh oh! Motor! I'm turning gray! (laughs, trying to hug Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga: But but but.
They go here, foolishly toil,
Grandma is being touched.

Goblin : What's your name, beauty?
Baba Yaga: Well, it begins! (Knock on the door)

Well, everything, have fun and wake up. The foreigner complained. Be gone, evil spirit! I went to get ready for the party.
Kikimora and Leshy leave. Spiderman appears.

Spiderman: (kisses Baba Yaga's hands) Hello, girl! That's from her name?

Baba Yaga : Get out, evil spirit! Stay, pure spirit!(baptized ) what passions! I saw all sorts of wickedness, but such

First. What are you talking about, scarecrow?

Spiderman A: I have a foreign guest. My name is from Spiderman.

Baba Yaga: So you're not a woman and not a man?! Wake up, unfortunate! Come on guys, get out! Look who complained!

Kikimora and goblin enter.

Spiderman :I am Spiderman.
I'm scary and terrible
And it's very dangerous.
Do not come to me!
I will squeeze my paws tightly
You will be in darkness.

kikimora : You won't scare us! And anyway, what kind of disgrace is going on? Came to our forest some and right


Goblin : Well, get out of our forest and into your skyscrapers. Walking fear! We are the masters of the forest here!

Kikimora: Go away!

Spiderman. You don't really scream. Mine is not afraid of you. I will entangle the taiga with my web, and you, a relic of the past, and

You won't be able to poke. We will be the new owner of the forest here!

kikimora : Let's start scaring him!
Leshy: I'm afraid.
Kikimora: Well, let's get away!
Goblin: Isn't that scary?
kikimora : No! You won’t catch up with us and you won’t kill us. (They stand in a ninja stance, scream furiously to the song "Tatu".)
Baba Yaga: Syts, why did they disperse like March cats! I'll deal with him myself. Go for a treat, and we with it

Let's chat, so to speak, in Russian, in our way.
Yaga rolls up his sleeves, Kikimora and Goblin leave.

Spiderman : You are such a wonderful girl. I will sing you a Russian romance. For a very long time I studied Russian language and this romance. (singing)
The night is short. All gone for now.

We'll dance together tonight.
Come on, where's your hand?
Even though I don't know you at all
And in America, my dear home,
I want to hug you
I want to enjoy
At Yagi, under the window, dance the night together.
So just say a word...

Baba Yaga: (fanning, flirting) Bewitched me completely, oh, what am I saying! Oh! ( starts to hiccup)
Spiderman: (aside ) Well, that's it, I got hooked! (Turns to Baba Yaga) My darling, my baby, baby!

Do you want me to take you far, far away? You will live in a high house, swim in the pool, ride

The best resorts. Agree?

Baba Yaga: I agree, my ugly one. You bewitched me with Russian romance. Take me, sir, I'm your Snow Maiden forever!

Spiderman: I'll take you away, but there is one condition: we must take hostages - in English - "snow girl".

Let her become an American girl, in short, a snow girl. I love you!

Baba Yaga : I agree with everything. Let's steal the Snow Maiden, she spoils everything for me here. I'll take a broom, and we'll sweep her paths -

She will come to us herself.

Spider Man : You are such a wonderful girl!

Baba Yaga: Yes, everyone notices me!
They leave. The light goes out. Change of scenery.

The second picture is in the forest.
Music sounds, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden : The stars shine brightly in the sky,
And the forest is so dark.
Went down the wrong path
And she's to blame

Spider-Man appears, hides behind a tree, followed by Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga: (in a whisper ) Here she is, the Snow Maiden. Now we are grabbing it. Correctly, we cleared the path: right into the hands came.
Spider Man : ABOUT! Yes! Beautiful... no. We don't need strength here, we need cunning.
Baba Yaga : Hello, Snow Maiden! Hello beauty! Are you not cold?
Snow Maiden: No, Grandma Yaga.
Baba Yaga: What are you doing alone in the woods at this time? Who are you looking for?
Snow Maiden a: I got lost, went the wrong path, missed Santa Claus. Oh who is this!?
Baba Yaga: Where? I do not see. It seemed to you.
Snow Maiden: (walks up to the tree) There he is! Who are you?
Spiderman: I am boyfriend. I came to Russia for the Christmas holiday, Russian means to call you to America. Hello girl, do you agree or not?
Baba Yaga: She agrees, she agrees! And do not argue! It's time to visit their Santa Claus and get to know each other. Take it under the white hands and let's go, let's fly on my motor!
Snow Maiden : No! No! What are you doing? I need a holiday. Let me go!
Baba Yaga : Don't argue, honey. You will bathe in money - dollars!

Spider Man : Oh, I'm freezing. Get your engine ready to fly.
Enter Kikimora and Goblin.
Together : What else is this?
Kikimora. We did not expect dirty tricks from you Yaga.
Goblin . Yes, we didn’t wait, we were going abroad! And don't be ashamed, Russian woman!
Baba Yaga. What do you mean, I decided to check why an overseas guest was sent to our forest, and I personally conducted a special investigation.
Kikimora. Well, guess three times what we will do with you now?
Spider Man . Well, why such rudeness, let's sit down at the negotiating table and discuss everything at the highest level.
Goblin. Yes Yes Yes! By all means! Nakosya, bite! ( Shows a figure).
Kikimora: You will be a weaver in our forest.
Baba Yaga : Robots, let's put him in his bag and away. Let us not interfere.
Snow Maiden . Thank you for saving me from this scarecrow, but I'm in a hurry to go to school for the holiday, maybe you and me will go to have fun.
Baba Yaga : Of course, dear. But what is the New Year without Santa Claus?
Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is already a little light, he was in a hurry to go to school for the holiday, maybe he got lost?

Baba Yaga: And you push him, honey, push him.

Snow Maiden: I'll run quickly, I'll hurry my grandfather.

Baba Yaga: Hey, Kikimora, fool!Write down a dispatch soon.

Prick up your ears, Goblin!

(Goblin sits on the floor, starts scratching his ear with his foot.)

Yes, not legs in hands - ears!

We will destroy the holiday at school.

Well, write it down. (Dictating) Barmaley.

Let him discover

The smartest and smartest

The kids at this school.

Scratches in pockets


Kikimora: candy!

Goblin: coins!

Baba Yaga :( twirling a finger at the temple) Collect firecrackers!

Kikimora: Fi, firecrackers!

Baba Yaga: Yes, firecrackers!

We'll put them in a pile in the hall,

Let's wait slowly

We can do dirty tricks to everyone!

Christmas tree, holiday - all the cover!

Goblin: (stunned ) Well, granny, a terrorist! Made porridge cool!

Baba Yaga: (knowing your worth ) Barmaley would not have messed up! Send mail immediately!

And now let's call my girlfriends, witches, and - to school for a holiday!

The light goes out.

The third picture is at school.

Music sounds. Evil takes the stage. A dance composition of Leshy, Kikimora, Baba Yaga and Witches is performed. To the music of "Venus" gr. shock blue.

Baba Yaga: Hey gay! Here I am! And my family is with me!

Two guys appear.Hey, granny, we would ask

So that evil spirits are here -

And neither spirit nor foot!

Baba Yaga: You, robyaty, do not make noise,

And first ask me

Say hello to the kids!

Goblin, damn you!

Say hello to the children

Their teachers!

(Clears her throat, she starts to say hello)

And Yagusya sends greetings to mothers and grandmothers!

Goblin: Hello, all honest people!

kikimora : Meet the New Year with you

I decided with my grandmother

And she made a beautiful outfit!

Goblin: I sewed my trousers

And ironed all the laces!

And there's still time

Eat a jar of jam!

I licked everything to the bottom! (dreamily remembers)

Kikimora: (indignantly ) Well, thirsty! Well, hey! Ate jam on the sly.(Starts chasing Leshy. Baba Yaga separates them)

Baba Yaga: To know, robots, I taught you in vain for a whole year,

So that here there is no scandal and no fights!

Here is a holiday!

kikimora : We need a holiday - even now! Songs, dances - everything for you!(Witches sing ditties)

Stretch the furs, harmonica!

Hey, play, play!

New, new year meeting,

Sing, don't talk!

1.Very soon will come to us

This new, new year

Oh let's sing and dance

Let's wave our skirts!

2. Leshy moss is all overgrown,

Why not Santa Claus?

And I won't be a fool

And I'll go to the Snow Maiden!

3. I'm on a new, new year

I'll make a sandwich

And not to be eaten

Glue to the tablecloth!

4. When I'm tipsy,

I'm flying on a broom

And when I'm sad

I'm jumping on a chair.

5. People love the Christmas tree

Dress up for the new year

Every house has a tree

But this is only here!

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden appear.

Father Frost: Hello kids!

Snow Maiden: Girls and boys!

Father Frost : All your family friends

Again we are glad to see

With you, the holiday is more fun

Your laughter is the best reward!

Suddenly, Barmaley rushes into the hall with a roar, he scares the audience and goes on stage.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, trouble! Barmaley is coming here!

Father Frost: We didn’t have enough Barmaley for a complete scandal!

Baba Yaga: What are you, grandfather, do not be afraid! Don't worry about anything! He is a calm Barmaley!

Goblin: Well, think about it, it will scare the children a little with a slingshot!

Kikimora: Well, once someone has a chocolate bar, Well, there will whistle, yell ... So it's nothing! Yes, it’s not for him to stir up the whole people!

Goblin: He's on a mission!(Gets slapped on the back of the head by Baba Yaga)

(Barmaley appears on the stage, sings, evil spirits dance) F-ma “The Island of Bad Luck».

I'm a terrible prankster! Villain from Africa!

I am terribly bloodthirsty, robber Barmaley!

No need for chocolate, no need for marmalade

And give me only little, little children to me! Haha!

Barmaley : Ba! All familiar faces! Keep having fun!

Today I received a task from intelligence, kids!

Familiarize yourself, Santa Claus, what kind of news I brought!

(Gives Santa Claus a piece of paper, at this time Baba Yaga shows him that he is not doing something, a fool and a dumbass!)

Santa Claus: (reads) "Agent Barmaley to arrive at the party without delay..." So you're late!

Barmaley :( inventing on the go)Leshy detained me!

Goblin (indignantly): We saw the impudent! I've been here since the beginning!

Father Frost :( keeps reading) "... on a holiday to school, to identify smart children ..." Well, where is the continuation?

Barmaley : I tore it from excitement, chewed it and ... ate it, my stomach ached.

Baba Yaga ( unable to bear the hopeless stupidity of the "accomplice"):And what about Santa Claus!

You would have taken it to the UN!

Goblin( lamenting and betraying vile designs): That's it, we can't see firecrackers!

What are we going to blow up?

Father Frost: So, if, evil spirits! Grandma, are you "stuck"?

Baba Yaga (contritely):Oh, ruined lunch! Trust the fool!

Father Frost: Is it possible to spoil the New Year's holiday?! How? Firecrackers! Friends, know that they cannot be blown up! Punish evil spirits!

The evil spirit begs not to be punished.

Barmaley : Oh, don't! We are good guys!

Father Frost: Okay, forgive me for the last time, and next time I’ll freeze it! You will know how to bully!

There are many wonderful holidays

Everyone comes in their turn

But the best holiday in the world -

New Year!

Snow Maiden : May the New Year, as a welcome guest,

Solemnly enter your house,

Fun, joy and happiness

Bring it along with you!

Sing a song together. Star Factory-3 Happy New Year!

1st white snow covered everything,
2nd Everything that was, was and has passed.
Let's leave in memory what we can't forget
1st What we are happy with, what we will live with.
3rd New days are coming,
4th New stars will light up in the sky,
Everything that has not happened, wait, and everything will come,
(Together) It will come true, like in a fairy tale, this New Year.

Happy New Year, Dad! Happy New Year, Mom!

We wish you happiness, country!
Happy New Year, congratulations to you, friends!
From Moscow to Bam, Peter and Kama

Santa Claus laughs
The new year will begin
There will be a lot of happiness
Happiness has not passed.
Let's gather together
Let's smile together
Let's say Santa Claus
What is good for us.

You laugh, happiness in your eyes
And snowflakes melt on your lips.
I am your snowflake that love gives
Everything will be like in a fairy tale
This New Year.

Happy New Year, dad! Happy New Year Mom!
Happy New Year, congratulations to you, friends!
From Moscow to Bam, Peter and Kama
We wish you happiness, country!

Everything that didn't happen
Wait and everything will come
Everything will be like in a fairy tale this New Year.

Happy New Year, Dad! Happy New Year, Mom!
Happy New Year, congratulations to you, friends!
From Moscow to Bam, Peter and Kama
We wish you happiness, country!

Happy New Year, dad! Happy New Year Mom!
Happy New Year, congratulations to you, friends!
From Moscow to Bam, Peter and Kama
We wish you happiness, country!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

New Year's fairy tale for high school students in three scenes.

2 Russian grandmother: There is another marvel in the world where they dance so beautifully! Here we should start dancing.

Cold: I'm ready! Right now.

Santa Claus: Your wish is easy to fulfill. I have a wonderful dance teacher One-two-threes.

One-two-threes: I'm the starter of the big navagodny skate! Music please! (Heroes dance).

We will now go to the right - 1-2-3, and now we will go to the left - 1-2-3. Bistro to the Christmas tree will meet - 1-2-3. We will also disperse quickly - 1-2-3. We quietly sit down - 1-2-3. And let's get up lightly - 1-2-3. Dance our legs - 1-2-3. And slap your hands - 1-2-3.

Cold: Enough here already to shake old bones, I want to go on tour! New Year is just around the corner, I'll be late for the holiday abroad, I won't see any entertainment.

1 Russian grandmother: This shtozh for the “tour” is like this: is this a beast or a man?

2 Russian grandmother: This is how the youth of taperich calls traveling in the guardian manner “tour”!

One-two-threes: Oh-la-la! Everything will be in the best view, as I am a big connoisseur of the New Year's dance and the traditions of the whole world! But it’s bad form if you don’t know how to dance this dance ...

All heroes and children perform a common dance to Turkish music in different languages.

Santa Claus: Well. It's time to go on tour. Let's start with America, because I am a frequent visitor there on New Year's Eve. (The wizard casts a spell. Moving sounds are heard.)

Children in one class perform a cowboy dance.

1 Russian grandmother: The other day on TV at 21.00 on STS, you know, the Japanese were shown. They say that they do not celebrate the New Year at midnight, but at sunrise, with the first roosters in our opinion. Oh, they dance, I tell you, they are beautiful! And dragons are toothy!

Children from another class perform a Japanese dance to the music of Vanessa Mae.

Draft: But in the south, in the hot south, the sun shines all year round. And everyone is dancing, everyone is having fun when they celebrate the New Year.

Third grade children perform the popuas dance.

One-two-threes: I dare to suggest that some people are already tired and would like to wet their throats with some kind of drink. On this occasion, such a funny incident from my life ... I really liked one Greek dance. But I could not understand why he had such strange movements. And I've been to Greece. I saw the Greeks squeezing juice from grapes. They pour the berries into a large barrel, the samya climb into it and trample the grapes with the feet. And in order not to fall, they hold each other by the shoulders. And they do it to the music. Hard work turns into an incendiary dance of Sirtaki.

Fourth grade children perform a Greek dance.

Cold: I liked all these countries, but there is another marvelous country where there are many, many different monkeys. I want to go to Brazil!

All children sing the song “In the distant Amazon”.

The heroes are sad.

Cold: Everything seems to be great. But for some reason I want to go home, sneeze, cough.

Draft: And I would like to go home, freshen up, ventilate ...

Both Russian grandmothers:And we will soon be showing “Blue Light” on TV.

Santa Claus: Yes, and it's time for me to see my brother Santa Claus.

Wizard: Well, have it your way! (Focus "Santa Claus")

To the music of “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Father Frost: I invite everyone to the New Year's holiday today. I want everyone to laugh, so that dreams always come true. All for me, kids, it's time for us all to play!

The heroes hold relay competitions: “Run on ice floes”, “Catch the dragon's tail”, “Best jumper” on hops, relay race on “skis”.

Father Frost: Run well and have fun. Cheeks flushed, eyes lit up.

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, you have a little rest, there is a long road behind you. And we will return the strength to you with this playful song.

Children sing the song “All the Week” to the melody of the song “Komarovo”.

1 couplet:

We will decorate the Christmas tree with colorful balls.
Miracles will come to visit us, and then together we will ask:
“Why is it noisy in the hall, and so many kids”?


All week, until the eighth, we will rest again.
With us together this time will be a good Santa Claus!

verse 2:

All week until the eighth we will rest again,
Let's go skiing, let's go ice-skating.
We will send telegrams to everyone, Happy New Year to you.
We will prepare gifts for everyone, put them together in bags!


All week, until the eighth we will rest again.
We want the New Year to continue in our school!

Father Frost: What did you think? I'll give you candies, loafers? And the guys who sang so well the whole holiday will not get anything? No, next time you will know how to hooligan!

Snowman: Santa Claus, and the Christmas tree is sad. The lights don't burn.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, it's time to light the Christmas tree!

Father Frost:

We will fix this now.

Let's make all the fires burn!

For many years I live in the world

And I haven't seen much.

But such a wonderful Christmas tree

I have never met!

Come on, tree, wake up,

Come on, tree, come to life,

Come on, tree, 1, 2, 3,

Light fabulous burn!

The song sounds on the motive of the song "Weather in the house" - all the participants of the holiday sing.

What is the forecast? Snow or blizzards.
What does the New Year bring to us with you.
Let's try to answer with you
And let “HOROSCOPE” help us in that


The most important thing is the weather in the classroom
Most importantly, our friendly class.
There is me and you, which means
Good luck awaits us all friends. (2p. 2 times)

May the New Year bring us good luck.
Let it bring smiles, away sadness.
We wish you only happiness
We wish you all peace and kindness.


Whatever the year, friends, for all of us.
We want it to bring joy to all of us.
May there be only happiness in everyone's house,
Smiles, joy will be only there.

Appear d. and l. To the music "Wow, full, the box is full"

Together: Full - the saucepan is full -
Enough to fill everyone's stomach!
Take food, Yagushechka ....

Brownie: Yaga take a treat(looking for Yaga)
Goblin : Where is the foreigner? Nowhere. Where did they go?
Brownie: Well, I think there's something fishy here.
Goblin. No matter what happened. You are smart with us and you decide how we should continue to be.
Brownie . UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuI I think what are you fighting about?
Goblin. What are you kidding? What can you think about?
Brownie . Oh, trouble friend, this spider wants to take everyone to his America, they want to send our party to hell.
Goblin. That's right, they'll take everything away from us soon.
Brownie. We need to save Yaga.
We sit down and develop a plan, first of all, disguise. Agree?
Goblin. Agree.
Brownie . Meeting point?
Where we meet there and meeting.
Goblin. How are we going to disguise ourselves?
Brownie . Let's wear masks
Goblin. Oh, and you are a talented infection. But this is a wet business, just like a raid on wolves ... Oh, I'm afraid.
Brownie . I'm with you, because they are afraid of us, why because we are a gang.

Ludmila Solopova
The scenario of the New Year's holiday for children "Tricks of evil spirits"

Target: create a joyful, cheerful mood, cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other, develop the ability to work in a team, develop thinking, imagination, develop emotional responsiveness children.

Hall decoration: Christmas decorations, in the center - an elegant Christmas tree.

Materials used and equipment:

Costumes for characters; musical equipment, foam rubber snowballs, a chest for gifts.

Characters: Presenter, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Goblin.

Program progress:

plays new year song"Wonderful New Year holiday» . The presenter enters the hall, the guests are already in the hall.


Again holiday we celebrate

Happy New Year

Everything in the hall is elegant and new,

The lights burn and shine.

The beautiful Christmas tree is standing!

Grandpa has bells on his sled.

None of you can hear: "Somewhere close do not ring?".

Oh, I'm seriously worried, where are you GRANDFATHER FROST?

We have been waiting for grandfather for a long time, maybe we will call loudly?

The children and the leader of the choir call GRANDFATHER FROST.

The sound of a staff is heard, and Baba Yaga, Leshy and Kikimora enter the hall to the magic music.

Baba Yaga: I am Baba Yaga, bone leg,

The jet broom quickly informed me.

I'll scare you all!

Wow! How evil am I!

kikimora: I am forest kikimora,

I'm stupid and good

With Leshim, with Baba Yaga

We are in the same company!

Goblin: I am also a resident of the forest

And I live under a pine tree.

I have no other joy

How to do bad things to people!

Baba Yaga: Goblin, look here!

You see again, as always - we stood together in a round dance

And celebrate the NEW YEAR!

Goblin: And the kids, look, they didn’t get smarter, they didn’t grow up,

Didn't study. Didn't try -

just hanging out on the street!

presenter: What kind of bullies say such lies?

Our kids are smart, check it out right now!

kikimora: I already know everything about them, and another big question-

Will he come to holiday to these children Santa Claus?

Goblin - I think that, hardly, he is in no hurry to you,

So put on your coats and run home.

Presenter - What are these things?

It's time to kick you out!

Where can you see children running from the Christmas tree?

Baba Yaga - Do not argue with me, but listen to them yourself -

How do you wake them up in the morning?

Approached them ten times!

Leading - What kind of nonsense is this?

Is this true kids?

Children no!

Leshy - Yes!

Kikimora - And the trouble is with the teeth,

too lazy to clean them, as always.

Host - I'm Better I will ask the children:

"Do you brush your teeth?".

Goblin - No!

Baba Yaga - And students forget diaries,

and how there are seven pieces of deuces -

so lose them completely!

Presenter - That's so wonderful! That's it!

This is true. Children?

Children: -No!

Goblin: - Yes!

Baba Yaga: - Well, how do you help?

They just nod at each other:

“You are today, not me, now it’s your turn. "

Presenter - Children, do you help the school from an early age?

Children: -Yes!

Goblin: - No!

Presenter - Weaved tales here!

Our kids are smart

don't be late for class

love to help school

Yes, and study for five!

All clean as one

and visit us today

Santa Claus is coming! And while he's driving, let's play a game "Not really!"

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?

He comes at seven sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

Wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?

Will bring gifts to everyone, right?

The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?

It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the tree? Cones, right?

Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?

There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of the cold, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

Leading: Well the answers are given to the questions,

You know everything about Santa Claus.

And that means it has arrived it's time:

All waiting for the kids

Let's call Santa Claus together.

The children's name is D. M., he does not come out.

Leading: Guys, let's sing a song to him.

Children sing a song "Father Frost"

Santa Claus enters.

Father Frost. -

I hear. I hear you guys.

I am a gray-haired, ruddy grandfather

me, guys, many years!

In January and February I walk the earth.

As soon as I get out of bed -

blizzards rise.

How I shake my sleeve -

everything will be covered with snow.

But now I am very kind

and I'm friends with the guys.

I won't freeze anyone.

I won't catch anyone!

And what is this evil has gathered here?

Leading: They wanted us spoil the holiday.

Father Frost: Do not be this - get out in a healthy way!

Baba Yaga, Goblin and Kikimora (together): Let us stay!

Santa Claus: - Well, okay, so be it, just don’t interfere, play with us!

The game is being played: Snowballs (B-Ya, Goblin and Kikimora play with the children)

Father Frost: I see everyone has gathered for holiday, only my Snow Maiden is not there, and yet she is earlier than me on holiday left.

Presenter - And, really, where is she? Maybe she got lost? Let's call her?

Children and all guests call the Snow Maiden

Santa Claus - The Snow Maiden does not hear us. And what without her holiday? Do you have to cancel Christmas tree?

Leading: -No, D. M. The guys prepared a song for the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden will hear us and come.

Children sing a song "Snow Maiden".

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden:

Hello my friends!

To all the girls, to all the boys

I confess now

What I miss so much

And glad to see you.

You broke up with the school

Business is over.

Holidays are fun

Winter brought you

And a Christmas tree New Year's,

And a friendly round dance.

And you are happy today

Celebrating the New Year!

Snow Maiden: Wait! Wait!

You look at the tree:

She stands sad

The lights don't burn!

Father Frost: Well, then what are we talking about?

We need to light the tree.

Let's say together:1,2,3-

Our Christmas tree, burn!

Snow Maiden: Our Christmas tree is good festive and beautiful dress.

I invite all guests to dance.

Music game "Stand up children, stand in a circle"

(to the motive of the song "Good beetle" from the fairy tale movie "Cinderella")

1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle,

Get in the circle, get in the circle!

Clap your hands

Spare no hands!

Jump like bunnies

Jump and jump, jump and jump!

Now sink

Don't spare your feet!

2.3a we will take hands

Hurry, have fun

And raise our hands up

Let's jump above everyone!

We put our hands down

We stomp our right foot,

We stomp with our left foot

And turn our heads!

The game is repeated 2-3 times, the children, together with the Snow Maiden and the presenter, sing and perform movements according to the text.

Snow Maiden: Well, we had fun, Santa Claus, the children prepared poems for you.

Children read poetry

1st child:

Happy New Year!

With winter snowy weather

With clear days

With skis, skates,

With a white blizzard

WITH Christmas tree.

Congratulations kids -

All girls and boys!

2nd child:

We are gathered here today

They got up together in a round dance.

Brings a lot of joy

Every time we have a New Year.

3rd child

We are not afraid of bad weather,

The coldness of Mother Winter.

A blizzard will howl outside the window,

But we won't be bored.

4th child

came to us

Funny holiday -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to a round dance,

This New Year holiday!

5th child

He will give songs, fairy tales,

Everyone will be swirled in a noisy dance!

Smile, wink,

This New Year holiday!

Happy New Year

All who come to this hall!

6 child. What kind of miracles are miracles? In the hall there is a Christmas tree - beauty A wonderful day is coming, Hello New Year holiday.

7child All on holiday invites Our cozy bright hall The tree stands here sparkling Hour for the holiday has come

8 child. Will be on holiday our candy toys, balls of golden color. Gifts, flickering colored lights, Stars, snowflakes, garlands of flags.

9 child A Christmas tree in its golden pockets Hid a lot of different sweets And handed us thick branches Like a hostess meets guests!

Father Frost: Thank you friends, now let's play.

Conducts the game: "I will freeze".

Baba Yaga, during the game, hails a bag,

Father Frost: There are gifts how not to be

Oh, I love to be generous

You run to the chairs

And sit quietly.

I'll take a bag for you too

I will distribute gifts to everyone.

(looks for bag)

Oh, where's my bag?

Snow Maiden: And here is your bag grandfather.

(open, and there is different garbage.)

Father Frost: I don’t understand anything, but where are the gifts?

Snow Maiden: Probably Baba Yaga took our gifts!

Baba Yaga appears, drags a bag, groans.

Baba Yaga: Forgive Santa Claus, take your gifts.

D.M .: Why did you feel so ashamed?

Baba Yaga: Yes, not very ashamed. It just turned out to be a painfully heavy bag, I could not carry it away. Well, forgive me. Will you give me a gift?

Father Frost: Well, forgive her, guys? (Yes).

Shall we give her a present? (Yes).

Here, get a special gift for you - a symbol of the year "Cockerel".

Baba Yaga: Thank you guys, thank you Santa Claus.

Father Frost: Well, Snow Maiden, let's distribute gifts.

Give gifts to everyone

Father Frost:

That's New Year's holiday

It's time for us to finish!

Lots of joy today

I wish you kids.

To grow big

So that you do not know worries.

Snow Maiden:

And we are with Santa Claus

We'll be back in a year!


Sounds like a melody new year song. All participants say goodbye to the guys, leave the hall.

0 New Year's tricks "Unclean" forces.

Russia, Samara region, Elkhovsky district, with. Elkhovka

Before. "Fairy Tale" GBOU secondary school


Fakhertdinova Oksana Nikolaevna

New Year's tricks of "Unclean" forces.


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Koschei the Deathless


Leading:I invite everyone today

for the Christmas tree feast

And let the songs sound today -

there is no more wonderful Christmas tree!

Let only laughter be heard here

I invite everyone, everyone, everyone!

Hey guys, hurry up, run to the gym as soon as possible.

Let's start, start the New Year's carnival!

Dance "White Snow"

Child: Opens the New Year

fairy doors,

Let him enter this room

The one who believes in fairy tales.

Let him come into this house

The one who is friends with the song.

Let's start the winter holiday

There is none more wonderful!

Child:Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

New joy for all!

Let them ring under this vault

Songs, music and laughter!

Child:Everything is ready for the holiday:

Dance, a lot of jokes.

Louder music ring

These holidays!

Leading:Friends, let's go today

Let's welcome the New Year with a smile

And we are under the Christmas tree

Let's start a fun round dance!

Round dance "Winter fun"


Child:A beautiful hall shines today

It sparkles with many lights.

And our New Year's round dance

Calling the children kindly.

Child:What a beautiful Christmas tree

Look at how she dressed up.

Christmas tree dress of green silk,

Bright beads glitter on the chest.

SONG "How good it is!"

Leading:How good it is for us to have fun now,

At the elegant Christmas tree, sing and spin.

What surprises await us today?

Perhaps from a fairy tale guests will come to us?

What will happen to us - no one knows

But how interesting! Ah, how interesting!

(At this time, the lights go out in the hall. The music is mysterious, fabulous, first gaining volume, and then goes into the background. The first character of the fairy tale, the Snow Maiden, comes out).

The telephone on the stump rings. The Snow Maiden picks up the phone):

(Soundtrack "Phone Ringing")
- Hello!
The voice of Santa Claus on the phone (voice from behind the stage):
- Hello granddaughter!

Snow Maiden:
- Hello Dedushka Moroz! I've been waiting for you in the fairy forest. Have you forgotten that today we need to go to a holiday with the guys?!

Father Frost:
- What are you granddaughter! How can you forget that! After all, this holiday happens only once a year. I will definitely come to the guys, I’ll just be a little late, and you go, I’ll catch up with you.

Snow Maiden:
- Okay, grandpa. (hangs up phone)
- I'll hurry to the holiday to the guys.

The Snow Maiden goes backstage.

Shouts and hoots can be heard behind the scenes.

Baba Yaga:
- Yeah! Gotcha!!! Come on the left!
- Surround!
Baba Yaga:

- Knit him!

- Grab the bag!

They go out into the hall.

Baba Yaga (wiping sweat from forehead):
- Wow, you did it! The cat will be happy! Br-r-r-r-…
Kikimora (rubbing his hands):
- We stole Santa Claus and a bag of gifts! Now we will have a holiday, but the guys will not! Hee hee hee ... And there Koschey himself is thundering!

Sounds music "our Koschey"

The evil spirits are watching with their right hands raised to their foreheads for the appearance of K. Immortal.

K. Immortal: So, everyone's attention! New Year's Eve!

Baba Yaga (surprised):
- What's on our nose?

K. Immortal (laughs):
- You have a wart on your nose, but normal people have a new year on their nose!

Kikimora (surprised):
- And here they have (points to the guys in the hall) what is on their nose, huh?
(runs into the hall at 2-3 m to young spectators).

Baba Yaga and Kikimora begin to feel themselves and each other by the noses, as if they are looking for where the new year is. The search turns into a game with the guys in the hall (they are looking for the new year on the noses of young spectators).

K. Immortal:

Darkness! The same expression is this: New Year is on the nose! So the holidays are coming soon!

Kikimora (pretty):
- Holiday mean? A holiday is very good, I love holidays ...

K. Immortal:
- Yes, but children love the holiday too! And I can't let them rejoice and have fun! Report!

Baba Yaga:
- I report. Thanks to my able leadership, the operation was a success. Santa Claus was neutralized and taken prisoner, we hid the bag with gifts in a safe place.

K. Immortal:
- And where is Santa Claus?

kikimora: he sits, my dear, in a tower where even mice are afraid to enter, and not like Santa Claus's helpers.

K. Immortal: you are faced with the task of disrupting the children's holiday, spoiling the mood.

Baba Yaga: We will be the first to arrive at the holiday to the guys, I have a jet stupa with a broom! Let's get there faster than the wind!

K. Immortal: Let's go to the tree! Onward to the holiday!

Joyful robbers, led by Koshchei the Deathless, run off the stage.

The Snow Maiden appears on the stage.

Snow Maiden:
Hello! My friends!
Everyone calls me Snow Maiden
And on the Christmas tree
Everyone is looking forward to it!
The children all came to the Christmas tree
The guests are here, but here's the question:
Where does our cheerful
Good Santa Claus?
It's time for him to come
He got stuck on the way
Santa Claus, ay, ay!
Hear, I'm calling you!