Updo hairstyle for graduation. The most beautiful hairstyles for prom: photos of simple hairstyles for hair of any length


Prom is a grand event where every graduate wants to look amazing. But a chic dress is nothing without the appropriate makeup and hairstyle. This article contains photo and video instructions for creating the most amazing prom hairstyles for long hair for girls, which are divided into several conditional categories for ease of searching.

Loose hair

Prom hairstyles with loose hair are always a win-win option. They go with different outfits. With their help, you can create any image - romantic, puppet, bold, bright, daring or, conversely, gentle and modest. Hair can be curled into curls, completely loose, partially gathered, decorated with braids, flowers, a diadem or a wreath.

Gorgeous voluminous curls

  • Raise the hair and stab at the crown, leaving a small part at the neck.
  • Curl one strand into a curl, let it cool, comb it, divide it into parts, style it beautifully and sprinkle it with varnish.
  • Do these actions with all the hair, moving from the bottom up.
  • Lastly, a bang is formed and a diadem is installed.

Loose hair, decorated with a voluminous rose from bundles

  • Separate a strand of medium thickness at the crown, collect it in a tail, scroll it inward and fluff the resulting bundles.
  • Take the next two strands on the sides and do the same with them, and then again, so that at the crown you get a beautiful volumetric texture of bundles.
  • Divide each ponytail in half, twist into a bundle and lay beautifully on the back of the head, twisting around the base and forming a rose.
  • The ends of the remaining free hair can be slightly curled.

Collected hair

If you want to show the world your beautiful neck and chiseled profile, or the neckline of the selected outfit contributes to this, then you should pay attention to one of the collected prom hairstyles below.

Romantic image

  • Make a small ponytail at the back of your head and put a bagel on it.
  • Wrap the tail around the donut so that it is completely covered with hair.
  • Curl the hair around the tail with a curling iron.
  • Carefully comb each curl, dividing into small curls.
  • Lay each curl on a bagel and stab, starting from the back of the hair, and then on the sides.
  • Leave a few curls free on the face.

Exquisite curl hairstyle

  • It is done according to the same principle as the previous hairstyle, only the tail should be done not at the back of the head, but at the crown.
  • And the curls should not be laid randomly, but in a strict sequence, while forming round curls from them.


Beams have always been popular with beauties. And all because they look great with evening dresses, add sophistication and chic to the image. In addition, the hair collected in a bun does not climb into the face and does not interfere during the holiday.

Chic bunch "Bouquet of roses"

  • It is necessary to collect a high tail at the crown and fasten a bagel to it.
  • From the outside of the donut, sew an artificial strand, twist it around its axis, forming a rose and stab it.
  • Do the same steps around the entire circumference of the donut.
  • Divide the native tail into several parts, form the same roses from them, placing them in the center of the resulting circle of artificial flowers.

Chic bunch "Bouquet of roses" - 2nd version

  • It is done in the same way as the previous beam, only instead of a donut, a roller is used, which is located on the back of the head.
  • Strands are sewn to it and flowers are formed.
  • Lastly, a wave is created from the hair.

Unusual low beam "Wave"

  • The hair is divided into separate strands and pinned up. A tail is made from the middle part, which is then wound on a roller, straightened and fastened.
  • Each strand is individually attached to the roller, previously divided into small parts with hairpins.
  • All strands intersect with each other so that a beautiful wavy weave is obtained.


Contrary to the misconceptions of some ladies who consider it an exclusively everyday hairstyle, its complex variations are suitable for any special occasions, even such grandiose ones as graduation. And long hair is a great material for chic prom.

Exquisite voluminous braid to the side, decorated with curls

  • Curl your hair into big curls.
  • Separate a strand at the back of the head under the bulk of the hair, comb and braid a voluminous braid, which is laid on its side.
  • Comb the upper part of the hair, except for a few strands for bangs.
  • Lay beautifully and secure, forming a voluminous crown.
  • From the rest of the curls, make beautiful round curls and fix them throughout the braid.
  • Put bangs and straighten your hair.

Luxurious elastic braid

  • All hair is combed to one side, a small strand is separated at the temple, from which a ponytail is formed, scrolls inwards, and the resulting flagellum fluffs up.
  • On the sides of the first tail, two strands are separated, from which the tail is also made, scrolled, fluffed.
  • Such manipulations are done with all hair, only you need to move obliquely, forming a braid of elastic bands.
  • Weave to the tip and decorate the braid with flowers.

Greek styling

Over the past few years, all kinds of Greek styling have become very popular, in which hair can be collected, loose or decorated with a hoop or wreath.

  • Comb the top strands and lay them beautifully, forming a voluminous crown.
  • Take the extreme side strand, twist it into a bundle, fluff it and stretch it to the other side.
  • Take the same strand from the back, twist into a tourniquet, fluff and stab from the opposite side.
  • Do this three times.
  • Separate the central strand, braid a braid from it and fluff it.
  • From the remaining hair, form bundles and lay beautifully along the entire length of the braid.

Other options

The above categories are the most popular among graduates, but there are several more options for prom hairstyles for long hair, which should be given special attention: High styling - bouffant is always used as the basis.

  • Hairstyles with a diadem, a wreath and a rim - can be combined with both collected and loose hair.

  • Retro style styling always looks unusual and stylish.

  • All kinds of hairstyles with hair bows look cute and extraordinary.

  • Unusual and extravagant hairstyles will help you stand out from the crowd and be the center of attention throughout the holiday.

Graduation is the end of one chapter in the book of life and the beginning of the next, which you need to enter beautifully. This means that everything should be perfect - from the tip of a varnished nail to each individual hair in the hair.

Video hairstyles for prom for long hair

High bun of curls

Beautiful voluminous braid of rubber bands

Greek tail


Graduation ball is a solemn event that almost every girl awaits with trepidation. I would like to note such an important celebration of graduation from school and the transition to adulthood as memorable as possible. Students prepare for graduation together with their mothers, and often with their grandmothers. And this pleasant fuss reminds of the rehearsal before the wedding, starting with the choice of a prom dress, makeup and ending with the definition of a beautiful hairstyle for the prom.

It is about prom hairstyles that we want to talk to you in this article. The right choice of hairstyle for graduation is the key to 60% of the success of the entire festive look. We have collected for you various options for prom hairstyles, depending on the length of the hair. We will reveal to you the secret of how to choose the right hairstyle for graduation, what it depends on and what are in trend today. And also collected the most charming children's prom hairstyles for young princesses graduating from kindergarten.

The variety of hairstyles is impressive today and you can really get confused. How to choose that one perfect hairstyle? After all, if the hairstyle does not match the dress or your type, then it will rather play a minus than adorn you. Therefore, you should carefully consider every detail of your image and experiment in advance with different examples of hairstyles and makeup for graduation.

And now, the prom dress has been chosen, the place for the prom has been determined, it remains only to put the image together. What hairstyle for prom? Where to begin? What is right for me? We will help you deal with all these questions.

Although there are no hard and fast rules for choosing a hairstyle for prom, it is still worth paying attention to how it will be combined with your dress. This is the first thing to consider. So, if your prom dress has a style with an emphasis on the neckline (open shoulders, a pronounced openwork pattern, etc.), then you do not need to cover it with hair so as not to overload the image. Prom hairstyle should complement the dress. Pay attention to high hairstyles or a beautiful tail. An elegant bun for graduation or apdo options is perfect. For prom hairstyles for long hair, options are well suited.

Loose curls are ideal with a good length of hair and a simple cut of the dress. After all, graduates are young girls who are beautiful in themselves and it is very important not to overdo it with this beauty, so as not to add extra age.

Another aspect to consider when choosing a prom hairstyle is the type of face.

  • Round face shape

With a round face shape, you should choose hairstyles with asymmetry, large waves, prom hairstyles with oblique bangs, high buns and graceful tails. Forget about the thick wide bangs and voluminous curls near the face - this will only increase your cheeks. Avoid straight hair parting.

  • Oval face shape

But graduates with an oval face type, on the contrary, should choose voluminous hairstyles for themselves. All kinds of curls and curls are your friends. 2019 is a combination of curls with openwork weaves. Do not do high hairstyles without bangs, eliminate the parting and do not straighten your hair. Keep the natural volume of the hair and the effect of naturalness in the hairstyle. Two Dutch braids with an asymmetrical parting will look gorgeous.

  • Triangular face shape

With a triangular face shape, girls should also pay attention to romantic curls twisted from the middle of the hair length. All classic hairstyles are perfect for you. These are variants of bundles and apdos. Pay attention to retro prom hairstyles that are relevant this year. Graceful curls, styled in a certain way, as from the 40s, can give the image a stunning look. Forget about short bangs and too smooth hairstyles. With your face shape, you should balance the shape. Complete your prom hairstyle with delicate hair accessories.

  • Square face shape

Girls with a square face shape should choose elegant, softening oval faces. Do not resort to prom hairstyles with short bangs. If you want to make bangs, then your option is oblique bangs with a cascade near the face. You can achieve it by releasing a few strands from your hair. So you create the effect of careless lightness, romance and grace.

Looking at the 2019 hairstyle trends, we can see that the trends towards all things natural and natural in the hairstyle continue. Prom hairstyles are no exception. And if it was once fashionable to make fundamental hairstyles with a lot of hairspray and they looked more like competition works of hairdressers, today beautiful hairstyles for prom are an interweaving of styles in a lightweight form. Namely: a mixture of lightness and freedom of boho style with ethnic braids and classic hair twists.

Hairstyles for graduation 2019 imply youth, freedom and creativity. The trend is also graceful retro hairstyles in a modern interpretation. Take a close look at our hairstyles for graduation, the photos of which are presented below.

The average hair length is the most common among girls and is ideal for experimenting with prom hairstyles. Try different bundle options. It can be a high bun with elements of a braid or even two braids. A low bun looks very gentle and will be a great option for prom hairstyles for medium hair. Also, you can perform a complex ponytail - this is practical, which will keep its perfect shape for the whole evening.

Check out our selection of prom hairstyles for medium hair. You will certainly find among them the only correct one.

In order to visually see how to make this or that hairstyle for graduation, we have attached a photo with step-by-step instructions. Just click on the "Open Gallery" button and explore the detailed hairstyles.

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It seems that the owners of long hair are the easiest to cope with the choice of hairstyles for prom. However, there are so many things to take into account: so that the hairstyle does not overload the image, so that it does not look too simple or too complicated, so that it goes well with the dress, etc. But - it is always beautiful and noble. We advise you to choose mixed hairstyles, in which the hair will remain loose, but with elements of beautiful weaves.

In our selection you will see French braids, fishnet braids, beautifully styled in hair flowers, ponytails, combined with Hollywood waves and other options.

In addition to examples of beautiful prom hairstyles for long hair, we have prepared a photo step by step. These photo instructions will help you cope even with complex weaves. And you can achieve the perfect prom hairstyle for long hair by doing it yourself. Open the gallery and take a closer look at each example.

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5. Stylish prom hairstyles for short hair

If you think you can't do anything with short hair, you're wrong. As with a good length of hair, there is a wide variety of examples of what beautiful can be done. These are unusual hair styling, at the sight of which it will be difficult to even say that this girl has short hair. You can arrange a bob haircut with romantic braids or hair knots. An excellent hairstyle for graduation will be a braid-waterfall, as well as a braid-rim. The best options for prom hairstyles for short hair are in the photo below.

Of course, our prom hairstyles for short hair were not without detailed photo schemes. After all, not only do you like the hairstyle, it is important to understand exactly how it is done. Interested? Then click the "Open Gallery" button below and explore hairstyles.

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Graduation party is a special event that does not leave anyone indifferent. It is on this day that educators, teachers and parents can once again emphasize what a colossal work has been done, how much patience and knowledge they have invested in their graduates, and graduates can show all the beauty and strength of their efforts. Choosing a hairstyle for prom requires a special approach. It should harmoniously complement the evening look, emphasize the individuality and beauty of the face. Today we will talk about fashion trends, reveal the secrets of stylists and show in the photo a lot of interesting, bright and elegant ideas for evening hairstyles.

How to start choosing a hairstyle

Hairstyle is an important element of the evening look. She should not attract too much attention with her fury and eccentricity, combined with modest decoration, her task is to decorate the graduate and complement the outfit he has chosen, the dress.

Unlike last call hairstyles, graduates can use sophisticated options. But do not forget about the lightness and naturalness of the image, these criteria are still leading, unshakable in today's fashion.

What to consider when choosing hairstyles for prom:

  • No cardinal changes in the evening look. For example, if you were quiet, gentle, meek all the time in school, dyeing your hair in bright colors, a new ultra-short haircut is not the best option to stand out. Stick to an image that will not go against your character traits.
  • The hairstyle is chosen after the outfit. This is its essence: a hairstyle is an addition to the image, and not the basis.
  • When choosing a styling, consider the length, structure and thickness of the hair.
  • Please note that simple hairstyles, decorated with a headband or a sophisticated diadem, bow or flowers, look more elegant and interesting. This trick is relevant for those who do the styling at home, without the help of a professional.
  • Do not forget about the type of face when choosing styling. It should give the appearance of harmony, hide angular or curvaceous forms, emphasize the beautiful lines (features) of the face. For example, it is not recommended for chubby beauties to make a smooth bun at the crown, as this will open up plump cheeks. In this case, it is better to play with curls or use a voluminous pile in styling.
  • In an evening hairstyle, you can safely combine large curls with weaving, a bun with weaving. The styling will only benefit from this, and the girl will look like a model from the cover of a magazine, like from a picture.
  • Visit the hairdresser 1-2 weeks before the scheduled celebration to update your hair, cut off split ends and trim your bangs. Haircuts are not recommended a few days before graduation. It takes a little more time for the hair to “sag down” and the haircut to look more natural and harmonious.

Attention! Don't be afraid to experiment. A few days before the solemn event, perform a trial styling: if the hairstyle option does not work, there will be time to choose a more successful one.

Here are some bright, elegant, bold and trendy hair styling ideas for graduates.

Bun, bow or updo

The bun in recent years is a reflection of elegance and femininity, so it is ideal for a prom. There are many styling ideas: from a smooth bun to compositions with braids and curls, decorated with fresh flowers, ribbons, bows or unusual hairpins of amazing beauty.

A high hairstyle means moving the volume up. It can be a bundle or a voluminous shell. Such styling slightly opens the shoulders, décolleté, demonstrating the beauty and sophistication of the dress, visually lengthens the neck. High hairstyles are ideal for dresses with an open back. As a result, such techniques make the image romantic, feminine and elegant.

We propose to consider Best Assembled Prom Hairstyles:

For girls with short hair (bobs, elongated bob), stylists offer to wind elastic, small curls, make a side parting, lift the curls up and fix them with invisibility. Leave a few curls around the face to give the image extra lightness and playfulness.

We offer another option for high styling for girls with a short haircut. In this case, the maximum volume is created from above, with an approach to the forehead. It looks very stylish and elegant, especially in combination with a strict dress.

For owners of medium length hair, you can try a wavy or smooth bun. It is recommended to decorate it with a bow, beautiful hairpins or a hairpin.

Pay attention to how expensive, sophisticated the bundle with the diadem looks. Undoubtedly, such a graduate will be able to compete with a Hollywood actress or even the queen herself.

Long-haired beauties have a lot of amazing ideas. Try combining the bottom bun with weaving. This option looks gentle, feminine and will suit almost any outfit.

Bows and ribbons woven into a bundle look advantageous, youthfully naive. It is only important to choose a bow to match the evening outfit.

Hairstyles with a diadem, flowers and a rim

Luxurious tiara, headband, hairpin - a simple but effective way to decorate any styling. Loose hair, careless curls, a bun or a French braid in combination with these accessories look more impressive, bright and sophisticated.

The following photos will showcase some successful styling ideas using fishnet hairpins and tiaras for hair of various lengths.

Headbands are often used in hair styling in the Greek style. Such images look feminine, with sophisticated elegance, tenderness and grace.

For those who lack tenderness and romance in an evening look, stylists advise turning to flowers. Small branches, single flowers, large or small elements - your choice depends on the styling and length of the hair.

Braids, tails and weaves

Weaving is used as a win-win expression of grace, femininity and style. Braids can be done on their own or in combination with a ponytail or a bun. In any case, it is fashionable, beautiful and feminine. Besides, Braids are a great way to hide thin and sparse hair. The only caveat is that they are recommended for strands below the shoulders.

The French braid gives the image a light romance, ease. Looks spectacular, but not always suitable for a classic dress. You can decorate weaving with beads, ribbons, flowers. We offer some worthy hair styling ideas for prom with weaving.

Two braids on the sides, softly framing the face, are also relevant this season. This hairstyle is also called in the style of "Daenerys", but this styling option is intended exclusively for long-haired beauties.

Tails. Every year this hairstyle is gaining more and more popularity. It is simple and unusual at the same time, fashionable and light. Please note that the tail can be located at the top or bottom, but it must be voluminous and airy, as in the following photos.

A braid is often used to decorate a hairstyle, as its separate element, and not as a base. It is enough to collect the curls in the tail, and braid the French braid on the side.

"Fishtail" - this type of weaving is also used in styling for graduation celebrations. Again, it is not necessary to braid all the curls, it is enough to separate their upper part and weave. Just do not forget to fluff up the braid at the end, because tight, strict elements are now out of fashion.

"Waterfall" - this hairstyle occupies a leading position in popularity. Recall that this is a type of styling loose hair using weaving. It looks feminine, gentle, neat and fits almost all outfits, it is quick and easy to perform.

Complex, intricate weaves have been losing popularity in recent years, so they are rare. But we still managed to find a few successful options.

Decorated with bows, ribbons, hairpins

Bows are always associated with school years, childishness and spontaneity, which is why they are often decorated with prom hairstyles. An important point their color should harmoniously echo the outfit.

Bows can be used not only for long and medium length hair, they will also fit girls with short strands. A small bow on the left or right will add playfulness and coquetry to the image, soften external features, and add originality. Here are some examples:

Ribbons are decorations for long hair, but they rarely look harmonious with classic dresses. They can decorate a bun or a French braid. Again, match the ribbon to the outfit so that there is no color contrast. For dark-haired beauties, snow-white and pastel shades are relevant, and dark colors can also be used for light and blond curls.

Hairpins with rhinestones, iridescent stones and beads are the perfect accessory for any celebration. This decoration is suitable for any styling. Note, with the help of a hairpin, even an ordinary tail will look stylish, unusually beautiful. Take note, if you can't visit a professional to do your prom hair, don't be discouraged, but go to the store to buy a festive hairpin.

There are countless options for hairstyles decorated with hairpins, and each of them looks bright, romantic, unique and, most importantly, always fashionable. Curls laid to one side and decorated with a hairpin are a great option, they look luxurious, elegant and irresistible.

Or, an ordinary low bun with a hairpin looks more harmonious, attracts attention with its simplicity and at the same time luxury, charm. Additional mystery and romance in the image is what a graduate needs.

Curls, curls, waves, loose hair

Hair at all times personified strength and beauty, and long curls are one of the most important criteria for the attractiveness of a girl. Loose hair always looks amazing, bold and does not go unnoticed by strangers. The only nuance of today's fashion is that curls should look natural, disheveledness and slovenliness in the image are not allowed, the lock fits one to the other, complementing each other.

Hairpins or weaving are used to decorate loose curls. At the same time, the curls should be soft, large, in the style of Hollywood waves, but not elastic spirals.

You can use curls for girls with a short haircut. Side parting, raised bangs and twisted ends are the perfect composition for a classic dress.

For beauties with hair below the shoulders, you can complicate the hairstyle by weaving.

Hollywood waves look great, decorated with a bright hairpin with rhinestones and pebbles.

To create a romantic and feminine look, the Malvina hairstyle is suitable. Please note that a small bouffant is made in the upper part, which is fixed with invisibility, the rest of the hair is twisted with a curling iron. To complete the hairstyle, you can use a hairpin, ribbon, a small bow.

Ideas for the simplest and most spectacular hairstyles

You can make a hairstyle for girls at graduation with your own hands, without resorting to the help of a professional. We pay attention the speed and ease of its implementation does not mean that the image will look simple and discreet. We will teach you how to do your prom hairstyle step by step.

The lower bundle of a braid, decorated with an original hairpin, looks soft and interesting. It will take 5-10 minutes to complete, no more. Make a small bouffant at the crown, then weave all the hair into a regular braid or using the fishtail technique. Twist the braid from below, forming a bundle, fix with hairpins. At the end, release a few strands from the face, decorate the hairstyle with butterflies or small flowers.

Another version of a wavy bunch with weaving, which looks romantic and does not require long styling. Roll your hair into curlers or a curling iron. Divide them into 3 parts: two side and back. Collect the back of the hair in a lower bun; in some cases, you can make a small bouffant at the crown. Weave braids from the side strands and fix them at the back, above the bun. Decorate with a beautiful hairpin, hairpins.

The following styling option looks original and fresh. Let your hair down, make a side parting, wind it on large curlers, an iron or a curling iron, fix it with varnish. Light bouffant will help to add volume at the crown. Then, from one side, braid a small “spikelet”, fluff the braid.

High bun or ponytail with a bow made from your own hair looks original and bold. To perform, collect a high tail, put on a roller and fix with an elastic band. Divide the hair around the bun into 2 parts: braid a braid from one and lay it around the bun. Use the second part to make a bow. The bow is made simply: divide the hair into 3 parts. From the side strands, make the sides of the bow, and from the rest of the hair, braid the braid and lay it in the form of a flower in the center of the bow, fix it with a hairpin.

Air bun with diadem, headband or bow- styling option for the laziest. Your task is to make an airy, careless bun; before that, it is recommended to wind the hair. Decorate your hair with a diadem, a crown, a small bow or a beautiful hairpin.

Light diagonal braid- Easy styling for a romantic, feminine look. You need to select 3 strands at the left temple, braid them in the direction of the right ear, gradually adding part of the hair to each turn. At the end, fluff the weave, and you can hide the tip of the braid, fix the styling. For decoration, use small flowers or a beautiful hairpin.

The following styling option will help you turn into a Greek goddess and look amazing at the prom. Let your hair down, starting from the ends, twist it on a ribbon, a special elastic band. Secure the hairstyle with hairpins, release a few strands from the face and twist them. Make a bow from the ends of the ribbon.

"Flowing Waterfall"- this styling looks gentle, incomparable, delightful and ideal for graduation. Please note that the hair must be long. Make a side parting, and twist the ends into large curlers, curling iron, iron. Select a few strands in the forehead area and weave a small braid around the head. Do the same actions on the other side of the parting. Lay both braids and fix.

Wind long hair on curlers or a curling iron, separate the upper part, do a little bouffant. Gently style the hair at the crown, fix with varnish. At the end, decorate with an openwork hairpin, bow.

Hollywood curls- a trend that movie stars successfully use. You need to make a side parting, wind your hair on large-diameter curlers and style the curls one to one. Lay the strands on one shoulder, fixing at the back with hairpins and a beautiful hairpin. If you do not have bangs, you can visually lift the curls near the forehead.

Hairstyles with bangs

Owners of bangs a week before the prom need to trim it, put it in order. What women's hairstyle with bangs to choose for the prom, some fresh and trendy ideas, the answers to these questions await you in the following photos.

Creative, unusual and bright options

Brightness, eccentricity, unique courage of the character of individuals, stylists also recommend expressing in a hairstyle. The following styling options will help graduates look moderately bold and irresistible:

  • two high beams look quite playful and unusual. At the same time, they can be decorated with ribbons, bows. Run small bunches on the crown, and wind the remaining curls;

  • big bows made from your own hair - another compromise solution for bold fashionistas;

  • no less bright look retro styling, decorated with beads. Do not forget about bright makeup and stylish outfit;

  • a rose made of your own hair, or a complex interlacing of strands, looks skillfully and original. Please note that this styling option is a real creation of the master, do not try to repeat it at home without experience and special skills;

  • You can express your own uniqueness, individuality of character with color. It is not necessary to use resistant paints, it is enough to purchase ink, crayons in bright colors;

  • using braids of an unusual, asymmetrical shape, size, you can create an equally brilliant and original image in the style of a cosmic princess, an unearthly beauty.

Hairstyles with false tails, bows, hair extensions

For those to whom the length of the curls does not allow to recreate the chosen hairstyle, stylists recommend using false hair, chignons, hair bows. An equally bold step is to build up strands before the triumph. The main thing is the choice of false hair to match your own hair, so that they do not differ a bit, creating a single image.

As a rule, false tails and hair extensions are not hidden in buns, but, on the contrary, demonstrate all their beauty in such styling options:

Trends in recent years on the example of star children

It's time to look into the lives of celebrities, because they are considered by many to be style icons. What hairstyles were preferred by celebrity children at the prom, look at the following photos.

Femininity, tenderness and romance in the evening look was chosen by Alexandra, the eldest daughter of the Russian singer Slava. Please note that the curls gathered at the back visually lengthen the neck of the graduate, demonstrate the young beauty and charm of the girl, the perfect figure, grace and, of course, the exquisite outfit.

Naturalness, tenderness in the image was preserved by Lily-Rose, the daughter of the famous Hollywood actor Johnny Depp. A charming flesh-colored dress was complemented by careless and airy curls.

The daughter of the Russian tennis star Yevgeny Kafelnikova did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate beauty and style by choosing careless curls decorated with a golden rim for graduation to a bright, original dress.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the chic hairstyles of star parents, which can be safely noted by future graduates.

As you can see, modern fashion does not tolerate "oak", varnished curls, only naturalness, romance and tenderness.

Men's hairstyles for graduation

Not only girls are worried when choosing a festive outfit and hairstyle, for guys this day is no less disturbing. We offer some important tips from stylists on choosing men's hairstyles:

  • guys with long hair fit cascading haircuts with uneven, profiled tips. This will give shape and lightness to the image;

  • bold and extraordinary personalities choose asymmetrical hairstyles with elongated bangs. Using special tools, you can experiment with styling bangs;

  • a haircut in the style of "military" will give a special charm and confidence to its owner;

  • asymmetrical, slightly tousled bangs, shaved temples - this is a popular grunge haircut. Suitable for guys who can boast of thick hair;

  • undercard haircuts are an opportunity to emphasize bold, confident character traits. Such guys do not remain in the shadows, but only in the center of attention of beautiful ladies;

  • shaved zigzags, lines on the hair - this is an option for the brightest, brutal personalities.

Do not be afraid to experiment with a hairstyle, because there is still time for experiments. Only in this way you can choose the best, most harmonious, chic and original styling that will reveal all your dignity and charm. And the advice of our experts and photos of hairstyles for graduation 9, 11 class will make this solemn moment the most colorful and memorable!

Useful videos

Top 5 do-it-yourself prom hairstyles 2018.

Hairstyles for graduation attract attention.

Preparing for the prom at school, every young girl is looking for a unique look, including an evening dress, makeup, hair, manicure and accessories.

Very often, the most difficult thing for graduates is choosing the right hairstyle. The not always liked prom hairstyle in the photo becomes an ideal option to complete the image. After all, you need to take into account the shape of the face, and the type of hair, length and even color.

Therefore, if you want a really chic and unique graduation hairstyle, it is better to trust the experts. Although the fashion for prom hairstyles 2020-2021 is quite diverse and there are several options for prom hairstyles that could be done at home.

The most fashionable, stylish and beautiful graduation hairstyles, the photos of the novelties of which we will show you below, are collected so that you, dear graduates, can decide on the type of future hairstyle for graduation 2020-2021 and explain to the master in advance what you definitely do not want to see at your place on the head.

The 10 most popular options for elegant hairstyles for school prom in new solutions will find their fans who want to repeat one of the options to complement their own image for the prom.

Have you already chosen what style your prom hairstyle will be? The most beautiful and fashionable prom hairstyles for 11th graders of the 2020-2021 season:

Delicate prom hairstyles "Malvinka"

A simple and very delicate hairstyle with loose hair and front strands gathered back will look very harmonious with a prom dress. Suitable for medium to long hair.

Alternatively, the hair can be twisted into light waves, and a bow or flower can be made from the pinned strands.

Elegant prom hairstyles low bun 2020-2021

For graduates who have chosen a fitted “fish” type, a hairstyle with a low bun is ideal. you can do it a little to the side so that the hairstyle is immediately visible.

Actual today, both a smooth and careless version of a hairstyle with a low beam. Parting in the middle is definitely not needed, and it is better to lay the bangs on its side.

Beautiful prom hairstyles with a high bun

The most popular and sought-after hairstyle for graduation 2020-2021 can be safely called in a casual way with strands released.

This hairstyle looks very stylish and youthful, and also has a large number of options, which means that there cannot be two identical “bunches”.

Fashionable graduation hairstyles 2020-2021 with fleece

Beautiful bouffant hairstyles can be with loose or gathered hair without bangs. Such styling is ideal for thin hair, as it gives volume.

This method of adding volume to hair is used in different types of hairstyles, and if earlier the bouffant was perfectly smoothed and varnished, today the bouffant is made more natural. Hairstyles to one side, a bun, braids and even a tail look very harmonious with a fleece.

Stylish prom hairstyles with a ponytail

One of the most stylish and youthful hairstyles for long hair that can be done at graduation in grade 11 is a high ponytail.

A small bouffant and an even tail will emphasize the sexuality of the image. For a more romantic version of the hairstyle, the curls in the tail can be twisted and the bangs laid to the side.

Romantic graduation hairstyles 2020-2021 with weaving

For young graduates of grades 9 and 11, graduation hairstyles with all kinds of weaving options will be ideal. Such options will always be relevant and look perfect.

You can make your favorite bun from braids, collect two braids inside out in the original styling, or complement your loose hair with a “French waterfall”. All hairstyles are very cute and romantic as you can see in the photo.

Chic prom hairstyles with jewelry

If last season natural flowers were popular decorations for prom hairstyles, today stylists offer to decorate hair with elegant combs, tiaras, thin wreaths.

When choosing decorations for your prom hairstyle, pay attention to the decor of your dress. If there is a lot of it, then the decorations in the hair should be minimal and it is desirable to match.

Moreover, finding a suitable decoration for a hairstyle is quite simple today, due to the huge number of options with pebbles, pearls, flowers, feathers, beads, etc.

Luxurious graduation hairstyles 2020-2021 with curls

If you have gorgeous long hair, you may not need to collect it, but emphasize its beauty with luxurious curls. The only condition for such a hairstyle is that the curls must be alive, that is, the styling products must be invisible.

In fashion, both light Hollywood waves and more twisted curls. Having given volume at the roots, the front curls can be taken back, or stabbed on one side.

Attractive prom hairstyles with a braid

Braid your hair for prom? Yes, yes, even an ordinary spikelet with a fleece and loose strands will look chic and very attractive in combination with an evening dress.

Today, masters of hairdressing will offer you a lot of braid options with different weaving techniques. Among them, you are sure to find the perfect prom hairstyle.

Refined prom hairstyles 2020-2021 shell type

There is little left of the shell hairstyle we are used to today. Thanks to new techniques and ideas, this hairstyle is enjoying a renaissance in the incredibly beautiful and intricate versions that can be seen in the photo.

This type of graduation hairstyle is possible on hair of different lengths. If a bagel is often used for a hairstyle, a special roller can be used for a shell.

Beautiful ideas for incredibly chic prom hairstyles 2020-2021 - new photo

In the life of every girl there are events that are remembered forever, one of them is the prom. Young ladies prepare for it for a long time, with special trepidation they approach the choice of image, evening dress, accessories, dreaming of becoming the queen of the ball. Hairstyles play a special role in creating the image. The choice of hairstyle largely depends on the length and thickness of the hair, as well as the shape of the face.

The perfect prom hairstyle for medium hair 2018 photo

Prom hairstyles for medium hair suggest styling with waves or curls, which refers us to the romantic and gentle image of a young aristocratic lady. You can collect your hair in a bun, leaving a few curled and sprayed strands in front. And hairdressers are also advised to think about the option of asymmetric styling - for example, when one ear is open, and the second is hidden under bouffants or complex curls on the side. Or, finally, you can part your hair in the middle and blow-dry it so that the strands frame your face.

High hair styling is one of the best medium hairstyles for prom. Today, combined hairstyles paired with curls and braids are very popular. Hair bundles look original. Complement such styling with a wide variety of hair accessories. There are some favorites here, though. For example, hairstyles with curls are most often complemented by original natural flowers. But strict and concise hairstyles of the "shell" type can be supplemented with a silk ribbon.

If you want to create a luxurious look, then voluminous braids are indispensable. This is the opinion of not only leading designers, but also stylists. This year, they offer to pay attention to combined hairstyles, which surprise not only with complex elements, but also with a rather complicated technique. For medium length hair, stylists offer several options at once.

Stylish hairstyles for graduation for short hair 2018 photo

Many girls with short hair believe that it is impossible to make a stylish prom hairstyle out of such a length, however, this is not the case. Gathered back curls with several strands released are a win-win option for any look. Beautiful curls of various shapes and sizes can be created using modern tools such as stylers, irons, curlers or curling irons. When creating such a hairstyle, it is important to maintain the volume, which is done with a pile and fixed with varnish. Various accessories in the form of textile flowers, stone hairpins or headbands will be an ideal complement.

For owners of short hair, styling in the form of a “light mess” can be a suitable option for prom. It will look no less stylish and will complement any look from a romantic diva to a fatal lady. Styling is done after shampooing, when a little foam or gel is applied to slightly dried hair, after which the strands are disassembled by hand and fixed with varnish.

In the new season, after the show of the Valentino collection, hairstyles with braids of various types of weaves have become a trend again. A beautiful and sensual "basket" or "wreath" decorated with wild flowers, a voluminous braid will always look stunning even on short hair.

Prom hairstyles for long hair 2018 photo options

A real hit of hairstyles for prom 2018 promises to be hairstyles for long hair, which are various versions of braids. Yes, yes, you heard right - it is all kinds of braids that will become relevant for graduates in 2018. This is the good old French braid (“spikelet”), and the braid braided by the so-called “waterfall”, and the interlacing of curls in the form of a mesh pigtail. All these numerous weaves are recommended to be decorated with a brilliant spray and all kinds of accessories - for example, hairpins with a fancy head, a diadem.

Ponytails can also be recommended for long hair, as this type of hairstyle has been seen quite often in recent fashion shows. Curl the tail with curls, combine it with a fleece, decorate with ribbons and hairpins.

Hairstyles with loose long hair always look stylish and beautiful, but there are a lot of them and it is really difficult to choose your own option. This year, stylists recommend choosing hairstyles with luxurious curls, as well as small curls that look very bright and at the same time flirtatious. On the basis of luxurious curls, you can create a hairstyle in a retro style. To do this, it is enough to make a voluminous bouffant of hair at the crown, as well as collect side strands of hair.

Beautiful hairstyles with flowers 2018 photo fashion new ideas

Flowers in the hair look gentle and fresh. They can be both artificial and natural. However, remember that natural flowers tend to wither. Flowers can decorate almost any evening hairstyle. You can even not do your hair at all, but simply decorate your hair with buds.

But this category requires a separate chapter, because. flowers are the eternal symbol of freshness and eternal youth. Currently, the most popular hairstyles with fresh flowers. Why not try it for you too? But before you bring your idea to life, you should carefully consider everything: whether the flowers will be combined with the dress, whether the oval of the face will shade. In general, flowers in a prom hairstyle are not as simple as they seem at first glance.

A wreath is the brightest accent of your image! It can be made in the form of a diadem, or round, it can lie on the forehead or hair. And you can make an accented wreath on the side. Also, wreaths of fresh flowers at graduation can be discreet - and consist of small buds, greenery or gypsophila bundles. And they can be bright and bold (like their mistress) - then they are made from flowers of rich shades, with large heads, complemented with greenery (or without it), branches, ribbons and other decor.

Exquisite hairstyles with a diadem for graduation 2018 photo ideas

For many years now, the diadem has been an essential attribute of solemn hairstyles for long hair. This chic accessory can not only complement, but also radically change the hairstyle, from ordinary and everyday, turning it into an evening and elegant one.

The variety of diadems, their shapes and options, today is simply amazing. But the most popular are still the classic triangular, as well as tiaras in the form of wreaths. Such analogues of a real crown are worn in two main ways: either inserted into the hair like a rim, or put on the forehead in an “elven” or “retro” style. In addition to the aesthetic effect, the diadem can play a fixing role in the hairstyle.

The tiara is amazingly combined with any form of hair styling and all kinds of braids. However, there are small nuances here too: a diadem worn on the forehead goes better with smooth and even curls, light waves and simple braids; a tiara worn like a headband is suitable for more voluminous, voluminous hairstyles. It is not recommended to use a diadem in complex, frilly hairstyles.

Hairstyle Hollywood curls for prom 2018 photo news

According to many professionals, curls, waves and curls are the best choice for a prom. A hairstyle with curls looks very feminine and fits both long evening dresses and short cocktail dresses. Perfect curls for graduation are a reality, you just need to practice doing the chosen hairstyle in advance and follow the advice of stylists.

Stylish prom curls are easy to create with a cone curler. Following the instructions, you can make real Hollywood curls: the hair is treated with a thermal protective agent, then the hair on the head is divided into three parts - temporal and occipital. The curls begin to twist, starting from the back of the head, using cone-shaped tongs.