Craft from plasticine on paper, autumn. Master class on plasticineography “Autumn Landscape” and panel “Autumn Tree”


DIY autumn crafts from plasticine in elementary school

Plasticine master class on the theme “Amazing Autumn”.

Stepanova Oksana Yurievna, teacher of additional education, MBOU DOD Arts Center, city. Salavat
Purpose: This work can be done individually or with a group of children 8-10 years old and older. It is recommended for teachers, interested parents who want not only to teach their child something new, but also to enjoy joint creative activity.
Target: Learn to sculpt “Autumn” from plasticine, conveying the characteristic structural features and coloring.
- teach how to use various sculpting techniques (rolling, flattening);
- develop creative thinking, imagination, fantasy, sense of color;
- cultivate perseverance and the desire to complete work;
- strengthen the skills of sculpting from several parts;

- plasticine;
- stack;
- A-4 format cardboard;
-scissors, ruler, pencil, PVA glue;
- board.
Making plasticine crafts on the theme of autumn is always interesting and exciting. Today I suggest you make a craft from plasticine on the theme “Amazing Autumn”.

Autumn gives miracles,
And what kind!
The forests are depleted
Gold hats.
They sit on a tree stump in a crowd
Red honey mushrooms,
And the spider is such a trickster! –
The network is pulling somewhere.
Rain and withered grass
In the sleepy most of the night
Incomprehensible words
They mutter until the morning

Step by step description:

Step 1. For the craft, we used materials such as plasticine, modeling board, stacks, cardboard, scissors.

Step 2. On cardboard we draw a circle with approximately a radius of 15 centimeters. We will need part of the circle.

Step 3. Glue half the circle together to form a cone.

Step 4. Cover the cone with any color of plasticine.

Before making a head, the children wrote their wishes on small pieces of paper and hid the piece of paper in a ball, after which they sculpted the head.

Step 5. We prepare leaves for the Autumn dress. We make a ball, make an oval out of it, flatten it and give it the shape of a leaf. The veins on the leaf can be cut with a stack, or you can print it with a leaf from the tree.

Step 6. Autumn is like a magician, she paints the trees in different colors. We will also decorate her dress with colorful leaves. Prepared plasticine parts can be mounted on a cone. It's best to start from the bottom of the cone. We continue to the very top. The cone can be covered with plasticine, and for younger children you can simply attach the leaves to the cone.

Step 7 And then we’ll stick on the eyes, nose and mouth, then mold a hairstyle out of yellow plasticine and stick it to the head. Then make 2 hands.

We all know that autumn brought Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin a sea of ​​inspiration. But not all of us understand that inspiration does not always mean writing poetry. It extends to all areas of creativity: fine arts, dance, music.

Little ones can also feel the urge to create and draw, especially if they have great materials and templates on hand and a lot of great ideas in their heads.

Plasticineography is a wonderful hobby for a child, because one of the most interesting materials for a child is plasticine. You can create your own figures and entire paintings from it. To make the drawing three-dimensional and come to life, it is enough to use a little plasticine. Even if the child does not yet know how to create three-dimensional figures and sculptures, plasticine will help to create wonderful works - from ordinary plasticine flagella you can make a beautiful autumn tree, or even an entire autumn forest. Let's sculpt and enjoy!

Plasticine painting is the most modern type of visual activity. It allows the child to master the volume, make the picture in relief and, due to this, more expressive and lively.

When all the trees outside the window become truly colorful, you just want to capture the beautiful landscape and transfer it to a sheet of paper! Or cardboard, because it is denser and better suited for creating a unique autumn applique or panel.

In general, if you want to write poems about autumn - write, if you want to draw autumn landscapes - draw, sculpt autumn trees - sculpt and enjoy the process!

Plasticine must be chosen based on some important criteria:

Gallery: plasticine applications Autumn (25 photos)

How to inspire children to create?

Helps keep children interested stand on the theme “Golden Autumn”. Schoolchildren often make crafts from plasticine. If the crafts are planned to be done at school, then there will be no problems with this.

A great way to showcase other work for inspiration is to presentation. You can use beautiful pictures of landscapes, poems by famous poets and stories of writers about this wonderful time of year in your presentation. The presentation must be decorated with drawings and applications from other children on the theme “Autumn”, so that the children feel the magic that Mother Nature brings. A presentation can not only get children into the mood for work, but also inspire them to create masterpieces.

Crafts from plasticine on the theme "Autumn"

Application "Autumn landscape" do-it-yourself

Before you start sculpting, help your child wash and dry their hands thoroughly and prepare the following materials:

This craft does not require templates. By following the step-by-step master class, you can create a magical autumn picture:

Such a picture will be an excellent work for a children's craft fair or material for presenting the possibilities of children's creativity.

DIY application “Autumn tree”

To create a wonderful autumn craft, you you will need:

So, let's start creating an autumn masterpiece. No templates are required for this craft. You need.

Irina Parinova

Stages of work completion:

1. Let's prepare the necessary materials.

2. Prepare the background (reception "infusion of one color into another") for the earth we mix yellow, orange, green colors plasticine and apply to cardboard, spreading it in a thin layer at the bottom of the sheet. Surplus plasticine remove using stacks.

3. To create a sky background, mix blue and white colors plasticine and apply, spreading it in a thin layer on the top of the sheet. Surplus plasticine remove using stacks.

4. Then we start sculpting the trunks trees. From pieces of brown plasticine roll up a thick long one "sausage"- trunk tree. For branches we roll out "sausages" more subtle.

5. Attach the barrel tree per leaf, flattening it a little, thereby making the trunk wider at the bottom at the base of the trunk. This way we make several trunks trees and attach them to the sheet, depicting a forest.

6. To the trunk tree attach thin branches.

7. Next we produce "golden decoration" trees - crown. For this we need plasticine yellow and orange colors. Mixing ( "pouring") one color with another we get an unusual color autumn foliage. From plasticine of the resulting color, pinch off a small piece and roll it with two fingers (thumb and index) small balls, then knead them into a circle, fold the edges inward and get a leaf.

8. We stick leaves to our branches trees.

9. We supplement the work with a flock of flying migratory birds.

10. Work on the autumn painting is finished, all that remains is to place it in a frame.

Oh, here’s an option for making a pano « autumn tree» in technology plasticineography.

PANNO« autumn tree»

Materials and tools:

A sheet of white cardboard;

- plasticine;

Pencil (plain, brown);

Board for working with plasticine;

Leaflets (factory);

PVA glue;

Paper napkin.

Stages of work execution.

1. Let's start with a preliminary sketch in pencil tree and horizon lines on a sheet of white cardboard.

2. Then we start laying out the trunk and branches of our tree. To do this, roll thin brown sausages. We begin to lay out the contours of the trunk and branches.

3. To depict the bark tree We roll up thin flagella and bend them randomly in different directions.

4. Attach our curved flagella to the trunk tree, thereby depicting the bark tree.

5. Using glue, glue it onto the branches of our tree leaves and create a background of the earth. To do this, mix yellow and orange. plasticine, roll small balls and place them at the bottom of the sheet, placing them close to each other.

6. To create a sky background, mix white and blue plasticine. Roll small balls and place them on a sheet, placing them close to each other.

7. Finished work panel« autumn tree» place it in a frame.

The works will serve as excellent interior decoration and children's creative exhibitions.


Photo gallery

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"Miracle Bird"


Publications on the topic:

Theme: "Butterfly" Purpose: To arouse interest in the world around us. Reinforce techniques for working with plasticine. Continue to teach children to use the.

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Master class for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Miracles of plasticineography” Outline of the master class Topic: Plasticineography is a fun and useful activity for children. (for preschool teachers) Purpose of the master class:.

The work was done using plasticineography technique. Painting. Miniature. The craft is made on a quarter sheet of blue cardboard. First of all, we roll it up.

Plasticine is a unique material; with its help, fine motor skills are best developed in children. Caregivers, teachers, as well as parents very often use plasticine in joint creative activities with their children. It is very easy to get children interested in this type of creativity, because plasticine is paint that can be touched and crushed in your hands. Apply plasticine to paper, cardboard or glass and get an applique, mix one color with another and in the end you can get an absolutely incredible shade, and most importantly, you can mold anyone from plasticine or use it to fasten parts from natural materials for other crafts. In our article we will focus on applications that are easily made from plasticine, also on the interesting theme of “golden autumn”.

We make an application from plasticine on the theme “golden autumn” for the little ones

In kindergarten, plasticine appliqué should not be very complicated, and little time should be spent on it so that children do not lose interest in it. Often it is a small tree

Required material:
  • Sheet of paper or cardboard
  • Multi-colored plasticine
  • Pencil

First of all, as usual, we make a blank: you need to draw one or several trees with a pencil, now we will make a birch. If drawing is not your thing, you can download a template, for example, this one:

In the process of kneading plasticine, you must tell your child about trees, what a wonderful time of year autumn is and how many things you can do with your own hands, using its gifts. Since we will be making leaves on our tree with our fingers, at the same time we need to explain to the child why the leaves are different colors and sizes. To form a leaf, tear off a small piece from the plasticine, roll it between your palms, giving it the shape of a ball, and press it to the paper. If the plasticine does not stick immediately, be sure to help your child.

We use different colors, simultaneously explaining to the child that in the fall nature pleases us with a variety of colors and colors.

Be sure to praise the child in the process of creativity, and if suddenly the child is already tired and the work is not finished yet, it is better to put it aside or leave it in this form, otherwise you can discourage the child’s interest in any kind of creativity. We got a nice little tree.

Necessary materials:
  • Small sheet of cardboard
  • Plasticine
  • Stack or toothpick
  • Board for plasticine

First we will make the trunk and branches of the tree. We roll sausages out of brown plasticine and glue them to cardboard.

Then we roll balls from plasticine of bright autumn colors, then give them an oval shape, flatten them and glue them to cardboard. The result was tree leaves. Now, using a stack or a toothpick, we make veins on the leaves. At the bottom of the applique, if desired, you can make autumn grass. To do this, you will need to smear the rolled plasticine sausages in that place on the cardboard. The result is such autumn beauty.

In 1st grade, children already want to learn a lot of new things, they feel older and, accordingly, believe that they can do more, so creative work should be more difficult, so you can add natural materials to plasticine and start creating. Let's look at an example of such an application.

We will need the following materials:
  • Sheet of white cardboard
  • Plasticine white, yellow and blue
  • Sawdust of different colors, twigs, as well as beans, peas and various seeds: watermelon, sunflower, pumpkin, cone scales

Let's prepare the base. Draw a horizon line on a sheet of white cardboard.

  1. Then we take plasticine and draw the sky and earth with it, add clouds to the sky. We make the earth yellow because we are drawing autumn. We try to apply plasticine in a thin layer so that the application is not very heavy
  2. Now we need some sunshine. Let's make it from peas
  3. We make a wedge of cranes from sunflower seeds
  4. Now we will make trees using the twigs we have stored for this.
  5. Watermelon seeds will be useful for leaves
  6. It was the hedgehog's turn. We will make it from pumpkin and sunflower seeds
  7. Let's make mushrooms from beans, pumpkin and spruce scales
  8. Add sawdust to make grass

And we admire the finished work!

2nd grade students can already create a whole picture, which will later serve as a gift for parents or teachers.

For the lesson you will need to prepare the following materials:
  • Cardboard sheet
  • Plasticine
  • Board for plasticine
  • Stack

We take plasticine of autumn colors - red, yellow and orange. We roll out sticks of the same thickness, for example, 3mm. Their lengths must be different!

  • Each stick must be twisted into a spiral to form a shell
  • From the resulting shells we form the crown of a tree
  • We make the trunk of our tree from brown plasticine, also forming sticks
  • After the barrel is ready, you will need to trim the bottom with a stack
  • At the bottom of the composition we place sticks of red, yellow and orange colors, giving them a waviness. They will depict fallen leaves

For a more complete picture, let's make a frame:

For elementary school students, you can give a presentation about autumn, read poems and excerpts from works. Our poets and writers loved autumn very much, so there is no shortage of works on autumn themes.

Video lessons of various ideas on the topic of the article

Good afternoon everyone. “So autumn has come, our garden has turned yellow, the leaves on the birch tree are burning golden”... Reading it becomes a little sad, although the fact is undeniable that at this time of year nature becomes truly magical and indescribably beautiful. It is also autumn that gives us a generous harvest of vegetables and fruits, berries and mushrooms.

And it’s great if you have the opportunity to go out into nature at this time to walk through the autumn forest and breathe in the fresh and already cold air. And if you also have children, then turn your walk into a treasure hunt: collect bright and carved leaves, acorns and chestnuts, interestingly shaped cones and pebbles, and other natural materials. And then, when you come home, save all this natural beauty in crafts.

So I slowly but surely brought you to our topic. In this article we will create again, and again on an autumn theme.

Today for you I have collected all the new homemade ones, from zucchini, from acorns and cones, as well as from other things. So hang in there, there will be plenty of ideas for inspiration and creativity!

DIY autumn crafts for kindergarten and school (all new items)

If you're ready, then it's time to start viewing original and new works. Look what composition I found. It depicts a fragment from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”. Notice how many different materials are collected in one craft. There are painted cones, pebbles, leaves, and even beans. The house can be built a little simpler. We have already discussed options for their manufacture in previous articles.

This is a very simple job for which you will need moss, squash, twigs and leaves. Toys from Kinder Surprise are used as inhabitants of a forest clearing.

Here is an excellent decoration made from roses, but not real ones, but from yellowed leaves. Rowan berries, small cones and other attributes complement the entire composition.

You can create such a wonderful house from melon or pumpkin. And build a fence from twigs. Add some grass and your craft is ready.

At first glance, the example below may seem complicated, but if you look closely, you will see that this is not the case at all. Just collect more natural material and you will succeed.

How do you like the idea of ​​making such natural watches? I think it's just great!

I also really liked the following options for making autumn bouquets. Agree, they are very elegant and stylish.

If you have decorative pumpkins, then don’t rack your brains and arrange them in a bouquet too.

So the hedgehog will not leave anyone indifferent. By the way, the muzzle can be sewn from a gray sock, and thorns-cones can be glued on top.

These cute ones in autumn leaves are very easy to make. I am sure your child will be happy to make such a product.

Well, the level is more difficult. I think this hedgehog was made by a professional. Therefore, only school-age children can recreate such a craft.

Well, the mushroom is the master of the forest. Such a serious old man). Very beautiful work.

A selection of works for kindergarten and school on the theme “Gifts of the Golden Autumn 2018”

Let's look further. And if you came to this article, it means that you are a big fan of creative things, or, even most likely 100%, you have children who go to kindergarten and school. And they received an assignment for home - to make an autumn craft with their own hands. And since you are a responsible parent, you are happy to help your children.

And then I come to the rescue, throwing out ready-made options. All you have to do is choose and repeat!

Here is a job for children in kindergarten. Perfectly develops imagination and hand motor skills. Plus, the materials for crafts are all simple and accessible to everyone.

Here's a fruit fantasy. Also an easy option. Any preschooler or schoolchild can do it.

How do you like this cute apple caterpillar? Or maybe your child would like to make it from walnuts? Or maybe he’ll just make chicks out of apples! Any idea is worthy of your attention.

But the turtle came to visit. Take a small pumpkin and squash and make round holes. Insert cucumbers into these holes. Draw or glue eyes. All is ready!

Here is a beautiful snail. By the way, I already talked about it in some article. Well, from the photo you can see that everything is done in an elementary way.

You can always build a kolobok like this, well, this is when you have absolutely no time or you forgot about the task).

Here are more variations with faces. White cabbage is an excellent material for creativity.

Judicious weirdos are driving a car. All you need to do is take plasticine and small fruits such as potatoes, onions, apples and pears. Well, the eggplant acts as a wheelbarrow.

Look what kind of stroller you can make from a watermelon. But the baby is made from white and Chinese cabbage.

Well, pumpkin carriages are always in fashion. Only they can be cut and decorated in different ways.

Well, the firebird simply amazed me. I wonder if anyone else can recreate it?!

Crafts from cones on the theme of autumn: we do it quickly and beautifully

Of course, pine and fir cones are fertile materials for children's creativity. So many interesting things can be created from them.

Usually the cones themselves are taken as the basis, and improvised materials complement them. Here it is important how the fantasy works.

I bring to your attention the following works. They can act as separate completed crafts, or as complementary elements of your product.

  • “Plasticine hedgehog;

  • "Kitties";

  • "House for the Owl";

  • "The Owl and the Owls";

  • "Beautiful Swans";

  • "The Spiny Hedgehog";

  • "Fawn";

  • “The bears went for a walk”;

  • “So autumn has come”;

  • "Autumn Wreath".

Simple autumn crafts from paper and plasticine for children in kindergarten

The easiest products are probably those that can be created from ordinary paper and plasticine. These materials are available in every home where children live. And there are plenty of options for making works on autumn themes. Let's take a quick look at some ideas of creation.

A popular and widespread technique is appliqué. You can make a whole picture in this style, and don’t forget about origami to get a voluminous work.

Here, by the way, is folding colored paper. It turns out to be an excellent composition of paper leaves.

I also liked the idea of ​​a living tree. And what a great way to design the foliage. Just cut into arbitrary shapes and glue, cool!

Another fun and bright applique made from children's hands.

Cute hedgehogs that are so easy to make. The well-known paper accordion will help you).

Don't forget about the birds. And complement the products with natural materials.

Well, you need to paint plasticine pictures from plasticine. Oh, and children love to do this kind of work.

How do you like this one made with baskets of vegetables, just super!

I found a real masterpiece. And the rain comes and the leaves fall. You can use it instead of plasticine.

Well, autumn fairies. The result is a cheerful composition.

And this work causes a lot of applause. Bravo to the author!

The squirrel is no less original; you can make other forest dwellers instead.

New autumn pumpkin crafts

If you have decided exactly what material you want to make a product from, then this is very good. After all, very often pumpkin is such a material. Many people like to make various souvenirs and home decorations from it.

Let me remind you that we have already talked in detail about what pumpkin crafts you can make with your own hands. So I don't want to repeat myself again. I have already shown you all the new ideas for creativity from this vegetable. If you missed it, check out the information here.

Well, now let’s look at the stages of making a new craft called “Chicken and Baby Cockerel.”

Chicken and baby cockerel

You will need: pumpkins, leaves, tape, scissors, wooden skewer, plasticine (modeling mass), hairspray, gouache, brush, water.

Manufacturing process:

1. To make the chicken, take one large and one small pumpkin.

2. Using tape, glue autumn leaves on both sides of the large pumpkin.

3. Now connect the large pumpkin with the small one, using a wooden skewer.

4. Also decorate the chest and beard from leaves. The tuft can be made from a bud of the seeds of a southern tree, or molded from plasticine. Form the beak from modeling mass.

5. Blind the eyes and decorate the head with manufactured parts.

6. Make a tail from the leaves and attach it with tape.

7. Paint the beak red. Or make it right away from red plasticine. Spray the entire piece well with hairspray.

8. Make the cockerel from a small outstretched pumpkin. Just paint it with gouache. Use plasticine or modeling clay to form eyes, a beard and a beak.

9. Create a backdrop and display our pumpkin crafts.

Unusual crafts made from acorns and natural materials on the theme of autumn fantasy

I cannot ignore the products that can be made from acorns and natural materials. Again, there are a lot of ideas. In general, look and judge for yourself.

Small acorns can be used to make a large acorn. Such a voluminous craft will work.

Or take chestnuts and make these funny characters.

You can also make a miniature topiary like this. Both natural material and acorns are present here.

The simplest snails, I think kids will like this kind of creativity.

And here are chestnuts and small shells. The result was funny animals.

See how you can create an entire composition from ordinary corks and acorns.

Well, how do you like this hut? What amazing crafts you can make!

And look what other mischievous little people can be made from various scrap materials.

And creative works that combine all natural materials. I arranged them in an interesting way and it turned out to be an exhibition panel.

Autumn craft from vegetables and fruits “Mushrooms”. Step-by-step master class

It’s no secret that, of course, at all competitions and exhibitions, the leading places are occupied by creations made from vegetables and fruits. Do you remember how many interesting ideas I already gave you about this material? Today I want to offer two more works with a detailed explanation.

Mushroom meadow of vegetables

You will need: potatoes, tomato, dill, dry leaves.

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut mushrooms from potatoes as shown in the picture. Boil them in water until half cooked.

2. Then take a flat plate and cover it with leaves, decorate the edges with sprigs of dill.

3. Place the mushrooms in the clearing. Also make a fly agaric, but make the hat from a tomato, and draw white circles with mayonnaise or toothpaste.

4. Make a potato stump and insert a sprig. That's all. Simple, fast, beautiful and original.

Fun mushroom made from fruit

You will need: apple, pear, currant, gooseberry, cabbage, knife, plate, board, toothpicks.

Manufacturing process:

1. Make a stem for a mushroom from a pear, and a cap from an apple. Also, from the remaining piece of apple, cut out the palms and legs and pierce them with toothpicks.

2. Connect these parts together. Then make indentations in the pear for the eyes and nose.

3. Insert the berries into the indentations for the eyes and nose. Cut out the mouth and make and insert a tongue from the cabbage. You can also cut a fringe out of cabbage and tuck it under the hat. Place the resulting mushroom on a beautiful saucer.

Making DIY crafts from zucchini for school exhibition

From such a vegetable as zucchini you can perform various works of any level. At the same time, getting this vegetable will not cause any difficulty. Zucchini is a pliable and unpretentious material. Therefore, it is 100% suitable for making crafts.

I would like to invite you to watch the video story. And maybe you will make and choose zucchini crafts from this video.

Ideas for autumn crafts in the aquarium style

And finally, a couple of original works, all made from the same familiar materials, but on a marine theme. Take a look, I think you will like this idea too.

Autumn leaves are mainly used in crafts. And they make fish out of them.

In this product, fish were made from walnuts, and grass and shells were also added.

This is how delicious it turns out if you also sprinkle the bottom with cereal.

And here comes the goldfish, a fish for all the fish!

Here is another variation of the aquarium.

Or this idea with the inhabitants of the seabed.

Well, and also work with fish from leaves, stones and plasticine.

As you can see, in addition to the usual work, you can always create something new and interesting. But don’t forget about old ideas. After all, in any case, handmade crafts always turn out special. And the autumn theme allows you to create endlessly! That's all for me. Bye bye.