Gifts for 20 years of marriage. twenty years of marriage

For a wedding

In the life of every person, a number of significant events take place, among which the main place is given to the wedding and its anniversaries. Along with small dates from the day of marriage, anniversary ones are also celebrated, such as twenty years of marriage. Such a celebration has its own name, traditions and features.

What is the name of the anniversary?

Time-tested relationships become stronger and more valuable for each of the spouses, so the anniversary of marriage is always a holiday. And the 20th anniversary of family life is a serious anniversary, which has its own symbolic name. The twentieth wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. Such a comparison was not chosen by chance, but was based on the characteristics of this material. The essence of the analogy is that porcelain is a very expensive and valuable material, but at the same time it is quite fragile. In light of this, relationships in a couple are considered priceless for each of the spouses, but even despite such a large number of years lived together, from careless handling they can break into small pieces, like porcelain.

In addition, according to some experts, this particular period in married life is one of the turning points in which romance was replaced by everyday life. To strengthen feelings, it is worth remembering the old times, and the celebration of the anniversary will be a great occasion for this.

There is another version of why the twentieth anniversary is called porcelain and what it means. In this case, it is generally accepted that all the porcelain sets given to the newlyweds for the wedding have become unusable for 20 years, so it's time to update the appliances and replenish the collection of family kitchen utensils.

However, whatever the reason for the name of the twentieth anniversary, a memorable date from the day of the wedding will be a great opportunity to gather all dear and close people at the same table, arrange a fun celebration and celebrate the anniversary, adhering to old traditions, which will bring a lot of positive emotions, and if you believe the signs , then happiness and well-being in the house.


Having decided to celebrate the anniversary, adhering to the canons and signs, it is worth figuring out how to celebrate and spend this day according to centuries-old traditions. One of the most important signs for the twentieth anniversary of family life is the need for a tea ceremony using porcelain dishes. On the table there must be various pastries, cake, pancakes and other sweets, the preparation of which is entrusted to the children of the "newlyweds".

Expensive and beautiful dishes should be the main decoration of the evening, so some relatives or friends try to present their present to the spouses in advance. The use of a new service on the anniversary becomes a symbol indicating the rejection of the past in favor of a happy and wonderful future together.

In addition to tea drinking, the festive table should contain a variety of dishes in abundance, where a special place is usually given to hearty meat treats for invited guests. According to signs and traditions, the husband should get the game for the anniversary.

In the realities of modern life, it can be problematic to implement such a task, so the way out of the situation is that the husband simply adds the purchase of meat or poultry to the list of his obligatory tasks based on the established menu for the holiday.

Cooking a meat dish is entrusted to the hostess, who is obliged to use an old family recipe for this. Ideally, you should use the basics of oriental cuisine, since such a tradition is rooted precisely in the east.

As traditional drinks, healthy non-alcoholic teas, compotes and juices should be present on the festive family table, while the presence of alcohol will be minimal. A good omen for a porcelain wedding would be to decorate the table with a white tablecloth, which the wife embroidered with her own hands. Such a thing, according to the signs of the celebration, will ensure the entry of exclusively positive energy into the house.

It is considered obligatory to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of living together in the circle of your children, since it is the children who are the successors of the family. According to signs, if a man and a woman meet each other on their twentieth anniversary, then they have a great chance of creating a strong union in the future.

Following the signs, the "newlyweds" should wear dresses in bright colors for the celebration, thereby indicating their bright and sincere feelings. Sometimes the spouse even puts on a wedding veil for a porcelain wedding.

It is necessary to invite the closest relatives and friends of the family to the holiday. We should not forget the honorary witnesses who attended the marriage ceremony twenty years ago. However, the number of guests should still be kept small in order to preserve the atmosphere of family comfort at the celebration. As a rule, the organization of the event and the script for its holding are entrusted to the children of the couple.

Invitees must also follow a specific holiday dress code for the anniversary. According to signs, guests must appear in the most light-colored strict outfits.


Wedding anniversary gifts are designed to give spouses even more positive emotions on this important day for them. Therefore, for each guest to please the husband and wife with his gift will be an important duty. The choice of a suitable thing or object should be made based on the symbolism of the celebration - porcelain. Tea or coffee sets, unique in their beauty, can be easily purchased at any specialized store, and a spectacular gift will demonstrate the guest's special disposition towards a married couple. A more modest, but no less attractive and worthy gift can be a figurine made of the same material or a personal set of cups for a husband and wife.

But for a porcelain jubilee, it is not necessary to be limited only to sets or other utensils. As a gift for a man, you can present an ashtray, and for a woman, pick up a chest for storing jewelry. An original and fashionable item for a family present can be porcelain fondue, which diversifies the usual menu and will be appropriate for an anniversary.

For a spouse who works in the office or has his own personal office in the house, you can choose an engraved office set as a gift. On sale you can even find porcelain cufflinks that will surprise and delight your spouse.

It will be much easier for a woman to pick up a present for her anniversary, since a lot of various decorative porcelain items for decorating a home are on sale in abundance. Symbolic gifts for a married couple include a gift in the form of an angel figurine, which, in fact, is a woman in any family.

Among the unusual and symbolic gifts for the twentieth anniversary, one can single out a gift certificate for a trip to a Thai massage parlor or a visit to a Chinese tea ceremony.

A mandatory addition to the gift will be a bouquet for the wife. For an anniversary, it would be more correct to opt for white flowers. Most often, lilies are given to a porcelain wedding, which, according to signs, are a symbol of fidelity. An alternative to lilies can be a bouquet of white roses, which will complement any, even the most modest present.

The main and most important gift for the 20th anniversary is considered to be a sign of attention from the children of a married couple, their presence and respect shown to their parents will certainly bring comfort and well-being to their homes. Kitchen sets and services, bedding sets, blankets, household appliances, decor items and even a samovar can be a wonderful present from children to parents.

Since children know better than anyone else what their parents dream of, for a porcelain wedding, you can fulfill their most cherished dream or give them the opportunity to go on a romantic trip together.

Among the handmade gifts, children can come up with a family wall newspaper or a photo collage that will help remember every year that a husband and wife spent next to each other. And pleasant and warm words addressed to parents will complement the gift made with all my heart.

Invited friends can give the “newlyweds” a joint gift or choose a separate one for each. In addition to symbolic porcelain products and objects, you can present spouses with a large wall mirror in a porcelain frame or paired medallions. A good option for an anniversary present would be a beautiful birthday cake with figurines or inscriptions, a set of board games, a piggy bank, etc. In some cases, a cash equivalent gift would be appropriate.

On the anniversary, it is also customary for spouses to exchange gifts. It can be morning coffee served in bed, or a porcelain mug with a sincere congratulatory inscription. For a spouse, you can opt for jewelry with elements of porcelain, and, of course, a bouquet of flowers.

As a gift to each other, a romantic trip to the homeland of porcelain - to China can be made.

How to celebrate a celebration?

It is customary to celebrate an anniversary on a grand scale, so in addition to family parties or dinners, quite often the celebration is held in a restaurant or outside the city. The guests are usually relatives, close friends and children.

An excellent option for holding a celebration would be to rent a banquet hall, the menu and scenario of the event are coordinated in the restaurant. To give the atmosphere a festive atmosphere, you should think over and complete the decoration of the room in advance, whether it is a home holiday or an anniversary with dinner at a restaurant.

It is considered good form to create and send out invitations to the anniversary, such a move will help give the celebration more significance. Anniversaries on this day are the main persons on the holiday, to whom all attention should be riveted, as to the king and queen. An evening tuxedo for a man and an elegant dress for his wife will help to emphasize the status.

  • Solemn congratulations from children, which may include memories from past years or fascinating stories that parents told and have already forgotten. Then you should say a toast and give a gift for the wedding day.
  • You can organize a competition on the topic of composing a congratulatory or comic quatrain about "newlyweds". Guests can be divided into teams, where each side will come up with a congratulatory song that they will perform for the spouses.
  • Husbands and wives can be invited to take part in competitions by offering them, for example, to remember how to swaddle a newborn or try to guess the thoughts of their soul mate. And the prize will be a birthday cake decorated with angels or swans.

Anniversary celebrations can be moved outdoors if the season and weather permit. A good option would be a joint trip to the countryside or to the country, where you can also decorate a room or a street gazebo to organize a holiday.

And any of the options for holding a solemn day should be completed with a joint tea party from a porcelain service with a wedding cake.

A romantic dinner alone or a trip is also a great option to celebrate your 20th wedding anniversary.

In order to preserve the memory of this memorable event, it is worth inviting a professional photographer who will hold a thematic photo session or even make a film. For a photo shoot, you can organize a separate trip to the studio or hold it at the venue of the celebration - at home, outside the city or in a restaurant.

For more wedding anniversary gift ideas for your husband, see below.

What to gift:

Having lived in a legal marriage for exactly 20 years, the couple celebrate a major anniversary - a porcelain wedding. Such an interesting name for the wedding anniversary was not invented in vain. Over the long years of living together, relationships cease to be fragile and vulnerable, they become strong, strong. It is these qualities that real porcelain is famous for.

The name of the anniversary speaks for itself. Questions about what to give for a porcelain wedding usually do not arise - of course, porcelain. However, when you come to the store for a present and see a lot of items in the windows, you can get confused by the wide selection. Parents may not like the souvenir, the husband will not like cups with a beautiful pattern. That is why the choice of a present for an anniversary must be approached with responsibility.

Traditional porcelain wedding anniversary gifts

Usually, having received an invitation from relatives or friends to celebrate the 20th anniversary of living together in the family circle, the question comes to mind: what to give a wife and husband for a porcelain wedding? Naturally, the most popular option is porcelain products or dishes.

Here is a list of the most traditional gifts for friends or parents:

  1. Table porcelain service for 6 or 12 persons with flat and deep plates, tureen, gravy bowls. Such an anniversary gift will be appreciated by parents or close relatives, who often gather numerous family members at the festive table. This service is also the first thing experienced saleswomen advise the husband when he asks about a gift for his wife for a porcelain wedding.
  2. A tea set consisting of cups, a teapot, a jug for cream and other elements of the tea ceremony. Mom, aunt or colleague who loves to chat in the company of numerous friends at the kitchen table will be delighted with this present.
  3. Large vase with drawings or patterns. Such a souvenir can be given to a husband, neighbors or distant relatives, complemented by a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers and a wish for happiness in marriage.
  4. The original figurine, hinting at mutual understanding in the family. It can be in the form of two swans, a couple in love, a bride or groom, a humorous image of a wife and husband. Such a gift for a porcelain wedding is given to friends, former classmates, close relatives. You can give the wife and husband one figurine or choose a different one for each, depending on the interests of the spouses.

All these traditional porcelain products first of all come to the mind of those invited to the wedding anniversary and are purchased for the anniversary. Usually, the presentation of such souvenirs is accompanied by wishes to the wife and husband for a happy future life together and hope for the celebration of subsequent dates.

Gifts for 20 years of marriage to a husband or wife

The spouses themselves, celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary, also choose souvenirs for each other on the anniversary of the wedding. For many years lived in perfect harmony, the husband and wife become aware of what thing will please a loved one, so choosing a present is easier for them than for friends or relatives.

The husband usually comes up with the idea to buy a porcelain wedding anniversary:

  • service;
  • sets of dishes;
  • figurine with beautiful inscriptions;
  • clock decorated with angel figurines;
  • jewelry box;
  • vase for flowers.

Wives make more original gifts:

  • ashtrays for smoking husbands of an unusual shape;
  • mugs with funny inscriptions;
  • personalized plates, cups, where the name of the husband and the wish of happiness in life together are beautifully engraved.

It is not necessary to give porcelain items to a wife or husband - let friends choose them. You can buy what your loved one has long wanted: fishing items, kitchen utensils, household appliances, gold jewelry or souvenirs for your husband's car. The main thing is that the gift on the 20th anniversary of marriage should be from the heart and many years later reminded of this important event.

Porcelain wedding anniversary gifts for parents from children

Usually, a married couple celebrating their 20th anniversary of marriage has enough grown-up children. They try to congratulate their beloved parents, choosing interesting presents. Gifts for a porcelain wedding from children do not have to be expensive - you can make them yourself.

The choice of porcelain products is welcome as symbols of such a happy life for many years, but if mother and father want a specific thing, you can and should please them with it.

Parents can give:

  • convenient sets of cups, plates;
  • service with a beautiful pattern;
  • bed linen, pillows, warm blanket;
  • blanket or bedspread on the sofa;
  • something from household appliances at the request of the mother;
  • pieces of furniture or kitchen utensils needed in the household;
  • electric kettle or samovar;
  • tablecloth, curtains.

It is better for children to know what thing their parents need more, because the name of the wedding does not oblige you to select only porcelain souvenirs. You just need to pack the present beautifully, wrapping it in beautiful paper, choose a card, and don't forget about the flowers for your mother on her wedding anniversary. Any parents will like just attention from their sons or daughters, kind words and assurances of love.

Original gifts for friends and family for a porcelain wedding

For such a significant event in life as 20 years from the date of the wedding, friends and close relatives can purchase various original souvenirs.

The most interesting gifts are:

  • figurines depicting lovers, resembling spouses;
  • mugs with names and funny inscriptions about love;
  • porcelain boxes with original decorated lids;
  • holiday vouchers for children;
  • a porcelain doll;
  • a picture drawn by yourself;
  • homemade crafts with the inscription "20 years of marriage."

You can make a collage of photos of spouses accumulated over 20 years of marriage, a picture of artificial flowers, a fabric souvenir. Even a cake with the inscription "Porcelain wedding - 20 years" will delight spouses and guests. The main thing is to give a present with wishes of happiness, in your own words or in verse, congratulate the anniversaries on such an important marriage anniversary.

If you wish, you can prepare a script, familiarize some guests with it in order to congratulate the husband and wife in an original way. Such a holiday will definitely be remembered for a long time, even after many years reminding of pleasant moments.

How else to please each other.

If you ask the question, are marital 20 years celebrated and what kind of wedding is it, many will find it difficult to answer. Someone is simply not used to celebrating wedding anniversaries, but most often families, having heard about silver and gold anniversaries, are little familiar with other dates. Meanwhile, almost every year after marriage is a symbolic milestone.

We give a symbol of the wedding

When preparing for this significant date, first of all, attention should be paid to what can be presented for a porcelain wedding, which is the 20th anniversary of marriage.

By tradition, it is, of course, porcelain. Gift service is perhaps the most popular option, which is preferred more often than others. But for the wedding, you can present other gifts corresponding to the symbolism.

Common or unique, memorable or functional - it all depends on preferences and desires.

A gift for the 20th wedding anniversary can be chosen from the following porcelain creations:

The choice of porcelain gifts is very diverse and is not limited to the proposed list. But before dwelling on any decision, it is necessary to evaluate it from the position of the person to whom it is supposed to give.

If we are talking, for example, about a spouse who is considering what to give her husband for a porcelain wedding, then a vase is most likely not the best option, but comic and romantic little things can be very appropriate.

In a similar situation, planning to give your parents something against their taste for their twentieth wedding anniversary can be a mess.

We give memorable gifts

A porcelain wedding is not only a conditional milestone, but also a joint holiday for loving spouses, whose marriage has reached such a round date. In this regard, choosing what to give, in addition to symbolic porcelain items, other surprises can be presented.

Choose as a gift not only warfor gizmos

After all, the main thing is to please and emphasize the significance of this joint celebration. Among the options that are in harmony with the symbolism and meaning of such an anniversary as a porcelain wedding, the following can be distinguished:

  • paired souvenirs, for example, key rings or halves of a bracelet;
  • general portrait of the spouses;
  • a photo album covering the period of their life together;
  • a video film that includes fragments of past videos with anniversaries and inserts in the form of family photos;
  • a newspaper from the past, making it possible to feel how many years have passed since then (in the newspaper of that time, which came out around the day of the wedding, notes about events are partially replaced with photographs and stories from the wedding or honeymoon).

Celebrate at home

The program of the upcoming family celebration depends on the decision of the spouses how to celebrate the porcelain wedding. They will have to choose whether this event will be at home or outside it, just the two of them or in the company of relatives or friends.

At home you can arrange a festive dinner

When the celebration is planned to be celebrated at home, it will become unforgettable if you create the right atmosphere. This can be facilitated by such components of the festival as:

  1. Home decoration and decor. Photos of family life, photo collages, messages to each other, beautifully placed on the walls or attached to the ribbons of balloons that decorate the rooms, will create a romantic mood.
  2. Outfits. For example, a white dress can easily bring back happy memories of that big day.
  3. Festive dinner. It can be both a family event and a candlelit dinner for two.
  4. Tea drinking. The highlight of this family celebration. At the table on such a day, a purchased or donated new service is used. Such a ceremony in itself speaks of what kind of wedding it is.
  5. Cake. Other desserts or pastries may also be served with tea, but the cake, if custom-made in accordance with the theme of the event, will make the wedding anniversary of 20 years unique. Examples of confectionery creations can be cakes with a festive inscription or blue and white with characteristic patterns corresponding to porcelain - the main symbol of the holiday.

Celebrating outside the home

You can pay tribute to such an impressive marital experience not only at home. More about wedding anniversaries in this video:
Among the anniversary scenarios that will cheer you up and match the situation, the following stand out:

On such a day, you can just go to the cinema or theater, go on a picnic or travel. These options are not directly related to the 20th wedding anniversary, which may make them not so preferred, but still they are no less joyful and pleasant for two.


Congratulations on a porcelain wedding is the main official part of the whole celebration. Without them, whoever they are intended for (parents, friends, relatives or each other), the celebration of this round date cannot do.

And whether these will be words spoken to each other in private, or a solemn wish at the festive table, depends on the situation and the "newlyweds" themselves.

What is worth talking about at such a moment? You can wish health and longevity, money and its increase, friendship, kindness and warmth, but the most important thing is to keep this union for more than a decade.

The best congratulations on a porcelain wedding after 20 years of marriage are those that are made sincerely and from the heart, and it doesn’t matter if the congratulator himself knows how to speak flowery. Congratulations on the wedding in this video:

Speech can be both in prose and in poetic form, and wishes can be romantic, official or friendly. Comic and funny congratulations on your wedding day occupy a special niche here. But do not forget that humor is welcome where it is appropriate.

You can’t touch on something that can in any way offend the “newlyweds”, for example, in many cases, jokes about age can backfire.

It is better to pay attention to achievements. For example, to note that a silver medal is almost in your pocket, and there you can aim for a gold medal (25 and 50 years of marriage).

How can congratulations be presented on such a significant date as a porcelain wedding? It is worth paying attention to the following ways to congratulate anniversaries, both traditional and original:

Thus, it is worth paying tribute to such an important stage of marriage. After 20 years of marriage, which wedding will be remembered for the anniversary depends on how it will be decided to celebrate, in what form to congratulate and what to give. But mainly - from what this date means for the most married couple.

Rida Khasanova

A wedding anniversary is an exciting day for both spouses. This is especially true for gifts. And if it is easier for a woman to pick up a present, then when choosing a surprise for her husband, you can get confused. Even 20 years of marriage lived together do not guarantee that the wife can know exactly what to celebrate the anniversary make your other half happy.

Porcelain anniversary: ​​what should be a gift for a husband?

What to give your husband for a porcelain wedding anniversary - usually on this day, spouses give each other porcelain items. This the material symbolizes the strength of marriage and the comfort of the family hearth. So the choice of gifts can be very wide.

But it’s a little strange to give a spouse a porcelain vase or a tea set. Therefore, gifts for him should be in accordance with his interests, hobbies. For example, if the husband is fond of astronomy, then you can present him with a telescope, especially if the family lives in a private house outside the city. The hunter will rejoice a good pair of binoculars, and a board game enthusiast a popular game for the whole family.

Husband likes to spend evenings with a book or newspaper then he will surely like a comfortable chair. If the spouse has his own office in the apartment, then for him you can present a large map of the world or Russia, framed. Also useful to a businessman desktop organizer or pocket planner.

It is very easy to choose a gift when a husband collects something. It will be enough to add the missing instance to its collection

Any man, regardless of the field of employment and interests, will be happy with the new modern technology: telephone, tablet, e-book.

Universal and traditional gifts

In ancient Rus', on the 20th anniversary, spouses usually hung a clay horseshoe over the threshold to the house. You can remember this tradition and give your husband a decorative porcelain horseshoe for a porcelain wedding anniversary and hang it together over the door, wishing your family well-being and peace.

Also, the best gift can be a porcelain tea pair, from which you can drink tea together in the evenings, talking heart to heart. But you can give your husband dishes only if he will definitely be happy with such a present.

It's easy to give preference universal gifts with which a man will always be happy. These include:

  • navigator or video recorder in the car;
  • player with comfortable headphones;
  • wallet or compact purse;
  • stylish tie;
  • cufflinks;
  • a good diary in a leather cover;
  • brand pen.

Simple but nice gift there will be a puzzle with a printed wedding photo, on one side of which there will be magnets. Once assembled, it can be hung on a refrigerator or other surface.

And for any man, a piece of jewelry made of gold or silver, platinum will be a good gift. Practical option: bracelet, watch, ring or cufflinks

If you want to surprise your man and present him with something original, pay attention to men's silver rings.

Silver ring "Gold weave", SL; silver ring "Volcanic rock", all S&P (link prices)

Romantic surprises or DIY gifts

To give your spouse a romantic surprise for 20 years of marriage, you need to start from his preferences. The best romance is time spent together. Therefore, you can please yourself and your spouse with certificates for a spa, paintball, billiards or bowling.

If the husband is a sports fan, then it is quite possible to purchase tickets for football, hockey for the anniversary. Or to a concert of your favorite musical group, as well as to a long-awaited theatrical production.

The easiest option a surprise for her husband on a porcelain wedding anniversary is a dinner for two. In advance, you need to prepare delicious snacks, decorate the table beautifully, light candles and put on a dress that your loved one likes. He will definitely be surprised, especially if everything is kept secret.

Simple but an original gift you can make yourself. DIY gift ideas for husband for 20 years from the wedding day:

  • useful little things from “cold porcelain” (keychain, ashtray, mug holder);
  • knitted scarf or hat;
  • figurines of spouses;
  • wish book.

Quickly and easily mold a keychain in the shape of a heart out of "cold porcelain". To make it, you need to take:

  • a strip of leather (or from coarse fabric, thick rope);
  • pencil:
  • red pastel;
  • 1 tsp glycerin;
  • 1 tsp hand cream (white);
  • 100 ml. water;
  • 150 ml. PVA glue.

How to make "porcelain":

  1. Combine all liquid ingredients in a saucepan. Put on the stove, turn on the fire at medium power. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  2. Pour starch in small portions and stir all the time, otherwise everything will burn.
  3. Keep on the stove until the mixture begins to collect on a spoon like a snowball.
  4. Turn off the stove, wrap the mixture in a damp towel and knead the “dough” through a cloth with your hands until it has completely cooled. After that, knead without a towel, smearing your hands with cream.
  5. When the "porcelain" becomes soft, elastic, but not sticky, you need to put it in a bag and put it in the cold for a while.

After that, "cold porcelain" is ready to make crafts out of it. You can pinch off a piece of “dough” from it, equal to the desired volume of the keychain. Flatten with the palm of your hand, roll out slightly with a rolling pin, but not too thin. Draw the border of the heart with a sharp object and cut it out with a knife. Make a hole near the hollow with a pencil.

After that, grate the pastel, and dipping a dry brush into it, paint the heart. With a pencil lead, initials can be squeezed out on its surface. Pull string through the hole and tie. Keyring is ready!

Original and interesting gifts

For 20 years from the wedding, you can give your husband such a gift, which he wouldn't even think about. For example, make a family tree in advance and arrange it beautifully in a book. You can do it yourself, or you can order it from specialized agencies. To bring the book to the 20th anniversary, you can decorate its cover with decorative elements that are usually painted on porcelain cups.

Breakfast in bed will please your spouse no less than any practical gift. It can be served on porcelain saucers. And while eating, you can remember how it all began

An original gift for a husband on the 20th porcelain wedding anniversary is joint portrait commissioned from the artist. It can be drawn from a recent photograph or from a wedding card. And you can put a portrait in a porcelain frame and hang it in the apartment in the most prominent place.

Ideas for original gifts:

  • paired porcelain cups or plates;
  • hourglass as a symbol of endless love;
  • boat trip or horse riding;
  • paragliding or skydiving;
  • pair clothes: bathrobes, slippers, t-shirts or aprons.

The main thing to remember when choosing a gift for your spouse is that first of all, attention is important to him. Even the simplest thing can be a touching gift for him, which his husband will admire. Also, do not forget about the environment in which the present will be presented. It is best to do this alone with your spouse, accompanying the gift with sincere words of love for your husband.

February 8, 2018, 13:15

Dear readers, I welcome you! Do you know what kind of wedding 20 years of marriage? Do not know? Then read on, as the article will tell you about it, as well as help you choose the perfect gift and congratulation. You will also learn how to celebrate this event.

This porcelain wedding — quite a respectable date, worthy of respect. Why porcelain? Now I will explain everything.

According to one version, the holiday was so named because such a long relationship is like mysterious Chinese porcelain - flawless and just as fragile.

Everyone wants to live just as long, they consider such relationships ideal, but they don’t even realize how difficult it was to maintain them. The couple did their best to make this marriage perfect, but their happiness must continue to be protected from the blows of fate.

There is a less philosophical version - by the 20th year of living together in the house, the spouses run out of dishes that they broke “for good luck” in the process of forming a social cell. Therefore, the dishes need to be updated! That is why gifts such as those described below are given, and the wedding itself is called porcelain.

What to give a married couple?

You probably already guessed what they give for such a holiday. Yes, it is customary to give porcelain items on a porcelain anniversary:

What exactly to present as a gift? Choose for yourself what you like best. You can also ask the spouses what they would like to receive. Maybe they really ran out of tea sets or some other utensils are missing.

The classic option is dishes (cups, plates, saucers and large dishes), but keep in mind that guests should give it to the heroes of the occasion. And what then can be given to a husband from his wife and vice versa?

Gifts for husband

If you have an anniversary coming up, then you will have to choose what to give your husband. What options can be considered? I really like porcelain ashtrays, and if your man does not smoke, then give him a box or figurine that will look harmonious in his office.

You can also order something exclusive. As an example - a cup with a romantic verse, a beautiful image or photograph, or something similar.

gifts for wife

Everything is much simpler here - you can give your wife a huge variety of porcelain items:

When choosing a gift, remember that women love everything petite and beautiful. If you are going to give something for the interior, then first make sure that this item is perfect in style. If you are going to give a vase, then immediately give the flowers in it, since such things are not given empty.

Organization of the holiday: how to arrange everything, what to do with guests?

The above event is solid and important, so the organization must be approached responsibly. The hall in which the celebration will be held is decorated in classic colors - beige, white, grayish, blue. Dishes on the tables should only be made of porcelain. Guests are not called all in a row, but only the closest friends and relatives. The number of guests can be any.

You can also organize a themed party. There is even such a tradition - all guests must make clay figurines with their own hands. Instead of porcelain, you can give earthenware, as they look no less chic and correspond to the theme of the holiday.

20 years of marriage - congratulations in verse

How to choose the right words for congratulations? You can wish the standard happiness, love, prosperity, etc., but it's boring. The congratulation should be original, beautiful, full-fledged:

Watch the 20th wedding anniversary video:

Well, now you know the name of the holiday in honor of 20 years of marriage, how it should be celebrated, what to give and what to say. I hope the article answered all your questions.

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I wish you to celebrate such an anniversary, if you have not already celebrated, and if you have already celebrated, then live together a few more times for the same amount! All the best!