Why do hips hurt during sleep during pregnancy and what to do. Why do hips hurt during pregnancy? Pain in right leg during pregnancy


Undoubtedly, a wonderful period in the life of a woman. But with its onset, the female body undergoes a colossal hormonal restructuring, preparing for childbirth.

During pregnancy, a woman experiences many specific uncomfortable sensations. Among them is a strong heaviness in the legs, accompanied by pain even at night. About why the hips hurt during pregnancy (including during sleep), read our article.

Hormonal restructuring of the female body leads to discomfort in many parts of the body, including the legs. Often, discomfort in the hips turns into real pain. They can appear both during movement and at rest. During pregnancy, either the left thigh or the right thigh hurts, and both can hurt.

Most likely causes:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy and, as a result, a weak muscular corset.
  2. Micronutrient deficiency. Lack of calcium and phosphorus leads to osteomalacia and osteoporosis. But most of all, microelement deficiency is dangerous because it can lead to an inflammatory process in the pubic joint - symphysitis. This disease is characterized by pain in the hip joint and pubis. Sometimes lameness develops.
  3. Physiological changes. An increase in the size of the uterus creates an additional load on the pelvic joints, causing pinching of the sciatic nerve. In addition to pain in the legs, this is fraught with the development of sciatica.
  4. Disease of the musculoskeletal system. The likelihood of pain in the hips increases by 50% if, before pregnancy, a woman suffered from arthrosis of the hip joint, osteochondrosis of the spine, or there were bone injuries.
  5. Natural physiological processes caused by the preparation of the woman's body for childbirth. An increased level of hormones relaxes muscles and ligaments, softens interosseous joints, and contributes to the gradual divergence of the pelvic bones.
  6. In late pregnancy, high physical stress and fatigue a pregnant woman can also provoke pain in the hip joint.

Speaking about the causes that led to pain, one should take into account their localization. When the inner part of the thigh hurts during pregnancy, this is most likely due to the preparation of the woman's body for childbirth. Thus, the pelvic bones diverge.

Important! If the pain appears in the pelvis or closer to the buttocks, it may be caused by inflammation of the sciatic nerve or a manifestation of sciatica. Localization of pain in the pubic bone indicates an inflammatory process - symphysitis.

Pain can also be caused by the following factors:

  • traumatism of the pelvic bones;
  • long stay in an upright position;
  • the presence of neoplasms;
  • diseases.
  • bone tissue pathology.

Types of pain in the hips

Doctors classify the following pains during pregnancy:

  1. Starting. They occur at the beginning of physical activity, and after a while subside.
  2. Mechanical. Such pains are manifested in the hip joints during prolonged physical exertion. They disappear after a long rest.
  3. Reflected. They are felt in the hip joint, but this is only radiated pain (pain radiates to the thigh from the abdomen or from the back).
  4. Night. A woman experiences strong discomfort precisely at night, during the day she feels normal.

When to See a Doctor

If the pain is not severe, rarely makes itself felt and is definitely caused by excessive physical exertion, then you should not worry. Be patient - after childbirth it will pass. 1-2 weeks before the birth of a child, pain in the pelvic region is considered normal and does not require treatment.

To help relieve this pain:

  1. thigh area.
  2. Massage of the sacrum and lower back.
  3. Circular rotation of the legs in the supine position.
  4. Complete rest and light work regime.

If rest and warm-up do not relieve discomfort, immediately seek help from a doctor. Diagnosis may not reveal any serious diseases. But it can show the progression of a dangerous pathology, the course of which should not be overlooked.

Important! During pregnancy, it should be remembered that any alarming signals of the body cannot be ignored. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

In the following situations, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible:

  • the hip joint constantly hurts, even at rest;
  • body temperature rises;
  • swelling of the tissues around the joint;
  • poor sleep has led to irritability or depression.

The following doctors will answer the question of what to do when the leg in the thigh area hurts during pregnancy:

  • therapist;
  • orthopedist;
  • neurologist;
  • surgeon;
  • osteopath;
  • chiropractor.

If the pain does not go away, do not tolerate it - consult a specialist.

Symptomatic treatment

To get rid of discomfort and prevent the development of the disease, complex therapy is prescribed. It usually consists of pain medications and exercise. In addition, the expectant mother should eat right. The treatment plan is developed by the doctor based on the diagnosis.

Remember! Taking painkillers alone is dangerous for the fetus. Thoughtless medication without a doctor's prescription is fraught with abortion.


It has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, including the hip joints. It helps to strengthen muscles, improve blood circulation, kneads stiff zones.

In late pregnancy, massage prepares the body of the expectant mother for childbirth. But it should only be done by a specialist. Not all types of massage are safe during pregnancy. Even if there are no contraindications, the movements during the massage should be soft, stroking and relaxing. There should be no energetic, intense rubbing and massage techniques such as blows.

Folk remedies

When the pain syndrome is caused by natural causes, traditional medicine will help alleviate the condition:

  1. Prepare homemade ointment. Mix 100 g of mustard and kerosene with 200 g of salt. Before going to bed, rub the resulting ointment on the sore spot.
  2. Apply a piece of fat to the aching place for a while until the fat from it is absorbed into the skin.

Attention! Some natural ingredients can cause an allergic reaction or adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, before use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Diet and vitamin intake

The diet of the expectant mother should be rich in foods containing:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • copper;
  • magnesium.

In the cold season, there are few vitamins and microelements in fruits and vegetables. Therefore, gynecologists prescribe special complexes of biologically active additives (BAA) to pregnant women, such as Complivit for pregnant women, Elevit Prenatal, Femibion ​​and others.

However, before that, the doctor should refer you for tests. After it becomes known which vitamins are lacking in your body, a specialist will write them out for you. An excess of certain vitamin substances is also harmful to the fetus.

A diet for pregnant women should exclude fried and fatty foods, smoked meats and pickles. Such products provoke swelling in the legs, which often cause pain when walking. Expectant mothers should keep track of calories consumed so as not to gain extra pounds. They lead to excessive stress on the pelvic joints.

Physical exercise

Helps to cope with muscle pain of the thigh and exercise performance. This reduces muscle tension, normalizes sensitivity, pain is minimized. It is desirable to perform gymnastics daily.

Exercises to reduce pain in the muscles of the thigh include circular rotation of the pelvis, tilting the body in different directions, stretching the pectoral muscles. Properly selected with the participation of a doctor, the complex will help strengthen muscle tone, relieve discomfort and fatigue.

To reduce hip pain when you cramp your leg during pregnancy, do daily gymnastic exercises that strengthen your hip joints. Sharp movements, jumps are contraindicated. Movements should be smooth, accurate.

The time for doing gymnastics is no more than 10 minutes. Consult your doctor before starting exercise.

The most effective exercises:

  1. To maintain normal tone in the muscles of the lower extremities, plie squats are performed: standing position, legs wide apart. The feet are spread outward. The arms are extended forward with palms down. The legs are bent at the knees. Exercise is performed 10-15 times.
  2. Lie on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees 30-40 cm from the floor. Try to hold them in this position for 15 seconds, and then slowly lower them. This exercise helps to get rid of ankle swelling.
  3. Lie on your side, gently raise and lower the straightened leg 20-30 times. Roll over to the other side, repeat the exercise. In late pregnancy, such movements are difficult, so you should raise and lower your legs to a small height. Perform no more than 10-15 times.
  4. Lying on your back, raise your legs, gently spread them apart, and then bring them together. Perform the exercise 20-30 times. If the stomach is already large, then you can do these movements with your legs bent at the knees.
  5. Sit on a chair (low stool), raise your leg and do 10 rotations, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Repeat the exercise on the other leg. If you can’t immediately complete a set of movements, do it in 2-3 sets.
  6. Stretching will help strengthen the thigh muscles. Kneeling position, arms extended along the body. The right leg slowly straightens simultaneously with the left arm. The exercise is performed five times on each leg.

One of the basic rules of training during pregnancy - when doing exercises, distribute the load evenly on the muscles of the legs, not the abdomen.

Prevention methods

How to prevent or minimize hip pain during pregnancy? Follow our recommendations:

  1. Go in for sports, move more, do not sit still. Practicing yoga for pregnant women, swimming and doing regular exercises in the morning significantly reduce the risk of discomfort and pain.
  2. Don't lift weights.
  3. Watch your posture.
  4. To take the load off the hip joint, wear a special support brace. Before buying, be sure to consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist - he will help with the choice.
  5. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. There should be no heels or pressure bands.
  6. Take vitamin complexes prescribed by your doctor.


Moderate hip pain during pregnancy is common. But only if they are associated with the divergence of the pelvic bones in preparation for childbirth. If the pain is so severe that it is difficult to move around, contact your doctor immediately. This may be a manifestation of a dangerous disease.

Many women in an "interesting position" complain of specific pains that they have never experienced before. Among them, a feeling of great heaviness in the thighs, even at night, stiffness in movements. Why is this happening? What do expectant mothers need to know about the nature of such a pain syndrome? Isn't it dangerous?

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Causes of pain

Hormonal changes and restructuring in the female body lead to unpleasant sensations and discomfort in different parts of the body, including the lower half of the body. However, sometimes they turn from the category of troubles into real pains in the hips. Sometimes they appear only when moving, and sometimes even at rest. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy. How a woman's pregnancy will proceed depends largely on the way of life that she led before. Sports or active physical activity strengthens the muscles of the back and spine, gives elasticity to the joints. This basis of health makes it easier to withstand the increasing stress on the body during pregnancy, to avoid problems associated with a change in the center of gravity of the woman's body.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If before pregnancy a woman suffered from osteochondrosis, bone injuries, curvature of the spine, arthrosis of the hip joint, then the risk of hip pain increases by 50%.
  3. Micronutrient deficiency. During the period of bearing a baby, the need for many minerals increases. It is very important to get 1.5 grams of pure calcium per day and the same amount of phosphorus to ensure the normal development of the crumbs' musculoskeletal system. The lack of these elements leads to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, osteoporosis and osteomalacia. But the most dangerous is such a deficiency in the development of symphysitis in a woman - an inflammatory process in the pubic joint. The disease is characterized by pain in the hip joint, pubis, lameness, inability to lift the legs up.
  4. Physiological changes. It is primarily about the growth of the uterus. It creates an additional load on the hip joints, sometimes causes pinching of the sciatic nerve and the development of sciatica.
  5. Natural preparation of the body for childbirth. For this event, the female body is preparing in advance. Hormones soften the interosseous joints, relax the ligaments and muscles, and contribute to the gradual divergence of the pelvic bones.
  6. Overwork of a pregnant woman, high motor activity with increased body weight, insufficient rest provoke pain in late pregnancy.

Determining the causes that led to the development of hip pain, it is necessary to take into account their localization. If they disturb a woman from the inside of the thighs, then this is most likely due to the preparation of the body for childbirth and the divergence of the pelvic bones. When the pain syndrome occurs in the pelvis or closer to the gluteal muscles, it is possible that we are talking about inflammation of the sciatic nerve and sciatica. Localization of pain in the pubic area may indicate symphysitis.

Types of pain in the hips

During pregnancy, doctors classify such pain into:

  1. 1. Mechanical. They occur in the hip joints during prolonged physical exertion, and disappear after a long rest.
  2. 2. Starting. Such pains occur at the beginning of physical activity, subside after a while.
  3. 3. Night. A woman experiences severe discomfort at night, during the day it is not felt.
  4. 4. Reflected. They appear in the hip joint, but this is just irradiation (when pain radiates to the thigh from the back or abdomen).

What to do with hip pain

When the expectant mother experiences such discomfort, you must first contact a gynecologist. He may refer you for a consultation with a surgeon or a neurologist.

General recommendations for pain of this nature are the use of multivitamins with potassium and phosphorus, wearing a bandage, sleeping on an orthopedic mattress, and massage. Pregnant women need to observe a sparing regimen, limit physical activity, take warm baths, and spend more time in the fresh air.

If discomfort worries a woman a week or two before the expected date of birth, then it may be a harbinger of an important event.

Soreness of the inner side of the thigh does not always indicate soft tissue injury. Few people know that this symptom accompanies many diseases of internal organs and also points to bone problem. It is not rare that, due to physical changes, pain on the inside of the thigh is a common symptom observed during pregnancy. Why the hips and legs hurt in the groin area, as well as which doctor can help with treatment, we will find out further.

Causes of pain

In most cases, it is extremely difficult to pinpoint the exact cause of pain in the inner thigh. The fact is that this area is densely covered with nerve endings, and the muscle tissue is softer. Therefore, it makes sense to consider all possible prerequisites for the increase in pain in this area.

Myalgia of various etiologies

Muscle pain, which has a medical interpretation of myalgia, can have a pulling and aching character. Pain increases with the slightest movement, as well as sudden changes in body position.

Myalgia may be accompanied by the following indicators:

  • damage to the muscle fiber, by prolonged compression exposure, with the formation of a hematoma;
  • rupture or sprain of the ligaments, in which not only a sharp penetrating pain is noted, but also swelling of the area;
  • infringement of nerve endings between the bones of the hip joint;
  • inflammation in the muscles - myositis;
  • swelling of the muscle fiber due to the rush of interstitial fluid to myocytes;
  • soreness of the adductors adductor muscles, which help to pull the limb to the middle of the body.

The following manifestations can be the reasons for the development of such pathological conditions:

  • irregular physical activity, leading to injury to the muscle fiber, after which pain increases;
  • playing sports and sports dancing also involve injuries of the lower extremities of the femoral part;
  • low levels of collagen and elastin in the body - trace elements responsible for the mobility and stretching of the muscle fiber;
  • domestic and industrial injuries;
  • congenital diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, completely devoid of any physical activity, directly leads to degenerative processes in the muscle fiber;
  • uncomfortable body position that causes prolonged compression: sitting cross-legged, squatting, standing on one leg for a long time.

Other, no less important factor, which provokes pain from the inside of the thigh, incl. in the groin area, can be attributed surgical intervention in any part of the lower limb. An incorrectly applied suture can cause a violation of the innervation of the skin and muscle area, which causes periodic or constant pain.

Where does pain come from? The mechanism of its occurrence and growth is extremely simple: as a result of an increase in the load on the muscle, the number of its contractions exceeds the norm, which causes microtrauma. Breaks in cell membranes cause neuron endings to signal what is happening to the brain, warning of danger.

Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system

  1. Bone injury
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The first group includes:

  • fracture of the femur;
  • contusion of the hip joint;
  • hip fracture;
  • dislocation of the hip joint and femur.

Conditions that precede hip pain may include:

  1. Arthritis- a disease characterized by pathological changes in the joints caused by the accumulation of salts and toxins, as well as a violation of the synthesis of synovial fluid. The production of the latter decreases, after which the bones of the joint fit more tightly to each other, rubbing and thinning during movement. This is where the pain in the inner thigh comes from.
  2. Synovitis- an inflammatory process of the synovial bag, as a result of which there is acute pain when moving the thigh. It can develop against the background of an injury, as well as in the case of the development of pathogenic microflora that provokes inflammation.
  • Coxarthrosis- a degenerative disease that causes inflammation of the joint, which leads to its destruction. It is provoked by injuries, hip dysplasia, as well as the presence of oncological diseases.
  • Perthes disease- a disease preceding coxarthrosis, occurs as a result of a violation of the blood supply to the head of the femoral joint, against which a lack of nutrients is formed, causing the gradual destruction of the entire joint.
  • Tendinitis- inflammation of the tendons, which are in close proximity to the place of attachment of the bone to the joint. It provokes not only pain and fever, but also a characteristic skin color.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis(Bekhterev's disease) is a chronic disease in which the joint, as a result of complex changes, becomes loose and can break even under the weight of its own body. It is often confused with other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, but the main difference is the "morning syndrome" - the inability to move the limbs after sleep for 10-15 minutes.
  • Bursitis- this is an inflammatory process of the synovial bag, which provokes an acute burning pain of the inner and outer side of the thigh. Occurs with microbial damage to the synovial fluid, as a result of which its further development is difficult.
  • Osteochondrosis of the hip joint- characterized by degeneration of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, after which its gradual destruction occurs, up to disability.

Among the minor diseases that provoke symptoms of pain in the thigh from the inside may be the following:

  1. Radiculitis- Sharp shooting pain in the lumbar region, which can also spread to the groin. Occurs as a result of the inflammatory process of microbial and non-microbial etiology.
  2. Intervertebral disc herniation and prolapse- when lifting weights above the norm, the spine is not able to hold the load, which causes the disk to go beyond the boundaries of the spine. This is a rather painful injury, the discomfort from which may well spread to the thigh area.

Also, hip pain can be directly related to such a manifestation as femoral-acetabular impingement syndrome.
Discomfort increases when there is a contact impact of the femurs, which in the normal state should not touch. Modern medicine fails to identify the cause of this syndrome even with ultra-precise innovative equipment.

Diseases of the internal organs

The formation of pain in the inner part of the thigh can also be associated with the proximity to this part of the body of the internal organs, especially the intestines and rectum. That's why it may well be caused by diseases such as:

  • Inguinal hernia- occurs as a result of thinning of the walls of the abdominal cavity, as well as prolapse of the intestines into the inguinal zone. Most common in men. There are two reasons for this: structural features of the reproductive system and physical activity. The hernia causes infringement of the inguinal canal, which is equipped with a large number of neural endings, which in turn provoke pain in the inner thigh area.
  • Appendicitis- inflammation of the appendix, localized in the right iliac region, entails an increase in pain, which also extends to the lower abdomen and inner thigh.
  • Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system chronic type or in the acute stage - diseases such as cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, and others, being in close proximity to the thigh, can also provoke radiating pain.
  • Haemorrhoids- thinning of the walls of the rectum and concomitant frequent constipation with stagnation of feces for more than 5 days, leads to the fact that blood begins to stagnate in the veins and vessels, provoking tumor-like neoplasms. They, in turn, can bleed and hurt with any movements in the pelvic area, affecting the femoral part of the limb.

Cardiovascular diseases

This group of diseases is the most life-threatening, since a slight pain in the thigh on the inside most often goes unnoticed by a person, allowing the disease to move into a progressive stage. Among cardiovascular diseases, only 4 require special attention:

  1. Stenosis of the arteries of the hip joint- is determined by the narrowing of the lumen of the vessel, in which the passage of blood is difficult. From here, such manifestations as a lack of nutrients dissolved in the blood, a violation of the blood supply to the small capillaries of the femoral neck, etc. can occur. A person has a sharp pain leading to lameness.
  2. Abdominal aortic occlusion- a disease, as a result of which there is a complete cessation of blood supply to certain sections of the aortic branches due to the presence of thrombosis. Expressed by acute spastic pain in the lower abdomen, as well as the upper thighs and groin.
  3. Renal artery embolism- there is severe spastic pain in the lateral part of the lower body, with the possibility of radiating to the femoral zone.
  4. vascular atherosclerosis- provoked by an excess of toxins and toxins, as well as a violation of lipid metabolism, as a result of which fat cells do not disintegrate, but accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, causing their gradual blockage. It can cause discomfort in the femoral region, but is not always the true cause of pain.

Infectious diseases

Soreness of the inner thigh may well have an infectious cause. The two most dangerous infectious diseases are:

  1. Tuberculosis- Tuberculosis bacilli that have fallen into the pelvic region actively multiply and affect bone tissue. Fungose ​​granulations, gradually growing, penetrate deep into the bone, causing its destruction from the inside. This is accompanied by a dull, muffled, but constant pain that can radiate to the thigh.
  2. pelvic abscess- is determined by pain in the lower abdomen and perineum, frequent difficult urination. An extensive inflammatory process can spread rapidly, affecting nearby tissues and organs, causing discomfort in the inner thigh.

Oncological diseases

The presence of malignant tumors is extremely difficult to detect based on hip pain alone. However, its sharp increase and swelling of the inner part may indicate the presence of such oncological diseases as:

  1. Sarcoma of the hip- a malignant neoplasm in the bone, leading to complete or partial replacement of bone tissue by cancer cells. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature and an increase in leukocytes in the blood. Causes difficulty in movement, as well as pain in the groin and inner thigh.
  2. Metastases in the pelvic organs- an increase in cancer cells caused by an imbalance in the cellular rhythm, in which the number of dead cells is several times higher than the number of newly formed ones. The process of growth of metastases is observed in proximity to the lymph nodes present in the inguinal zone. Hence the pain when moving.

Physiological processes

Less dangerous manifestations of pain and discomfort of the inner thigh are physiological processes, which include only two:

  1. Divergence of the pelvic bones during pregnancy- a completely natural process, necessary for the process of childbirth to go smoothly. Under the influence of hormonal changes, the pelvic bones expand, and the groin area and the inner thigh hurt. The pain goes away on its own after delivery. A similar manifestation during pregnancy is not a pathology, and accompanies 95% of all women.
  2. The process of bone growth- In some cases, the process of bone growth in adolescents may also be accompanied by pain and discomfort in the groin and thigh.

Which doctor should I contact?

When diagnosing hip pain that is not associated with previous factors (fall, bruise, prolonged sitting), you should immediately consult a doctor. Specialists in the following categories will help:

  1. Therapist- will collect an anamnesis, determining the nature of the pain, its frequency and localization, putting forward a preliminary diagnosis.
  2. Traumatologist- will take a picture that shows the state of the bone tissue of the thigh.
  3. Orthopedist– will give advice if the pain is caused by chronic diseases of the limbs (dysplasia).

It is enough to visit the local therapist, who will conduct an examination, revealing:

  • where does it hurt;
  • how it hurts;
  • periodicity (when moving or constantly);
  • pain precursors;
  • palpation of the diseased area and nearby areas;
  • related factors.

After that, a decision will be made on further examination and the need to consult other specialists.

When making a primary self-diagnosis, it is important to pay attention to factors such as:

  • the nature of the pain: sharp, dull, radiating to the lower back;
  • pain on movement and walking;
  • limb mobility.

These indicators can become the most important "hints" in determining the true causes of pain and making a diagnosis. If it was not possible to identify the cause on your own, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will conduct a series of studies, and, excluding all possible options, will make an accurate diagnosis.

Modern diagnostics

Due to the fact that pain in the leg of the femur can be associated with various diseases, it is important to identify them accurately and as quickly as possible. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Measuring- the length of the limbs, the width of the inguinal zone and volumes (especially during pregnancy) are measured for the patient, which makes it possible to identify defects associated with pathologies in the development of bone tissue.
  2. X-ray examination- a picture obtained by exposing the limb to x-rays. Shows bone density, its spatial position and location relative to other bones. An image in several projections gives a complete picture, allowing you to identify or exclude problems with the leg bone.
  3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs and inguinal zone- Ultrasound shows the condition of the internal organs, allowing you to identify appendicitis, inguinal hernia and kidney problems.
  4. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)- an innovative method of studying the whole body, which helps to determine why the hip hurts with an accuracy of hundredths of a percent.
  5. CT (computed tomography)- an equally convenient way to diagnose the causes of leg pain in the femoral area, especially during pregnancy, since it uses more gentle diagnostic methods that do not entail negative consequences.

Compulsory, and in some cases the key method, is a biochemical blood test. By the number of individual bodies produced by the body, it is possible to assume and prevent the further development of the inflammatory process and other pathological changes that led to pain.


The effectiveness of treatment is closely related to the correct diagnosis, therefore, it is better not to self-medicate, but to be examined and leave the process to the experienced hands of specialists. Since there are a lot of reasons why the hip hurts, treatment can be the most diverse. Bruises, abrasions and sprains do not require special attention. For their treatment, it is enough to apply a tight bandage and lubricate the lesion with a specially selected ointment.

fractures and pathological changes in bone tissue more difficult to eliminate. Sometimes even hospitalization and a long examination are required. There are also a number of diseases, on the rapid resolution of which a person’s life depends:

  • appendicitis;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • displaced fracture;
  • hip fracture;
  • coxarthrosis of the hip joint.

Elimination of pain symptoms depends only on surgical intervention. And the sooner it is done, the faster the leg pain will pass. The manifestations of such pain during pregnancy are especially dangerous, when a complete diagnosis is difficult. Hence the conclusion: if the leg hurts in the thigh from the inside, you should immediately go to the doctor and be examined, since its causes can be the most unpredictable diseases, some of which require urgent surgical intervention.

  • People who have learned bitter experience for the treatment of joints use ... >>

The period of pregnancy is characterized by various changes in the body of a woman, both physiological (growing belly, weight gain) and hormonal (changes in metabolism). All this brings new sensations into the life of a pregnant woman, not always pleasant, which require some changes in everyday life.

So, at any stage of pregnancy, a woman may experience acute, paroxysmal or long-term pain in the leg in the thigh area. They can occur at any time of the day, very often hip pain occurs during a night's sleep. Sometimes painful sensations can appear only when moving or, conversely, after a long rest.

In this article, we will consider in detail the questions why the hips hurt during pregnancy? what could this indicate? How can you eliminate discomfort?

Types of pain

  • Mechanical - pain in the hip joint occurs during prolonged physical exertion and disappears after a long rest.
  • Starting pains occur with the appearance of motor activity and subside after a short period.
  • Night - aching pains bother at night, with daytime activity they disappear.
  • Reflected pain manifests itself in the hip joint, but the causes of occurrence are associated with a disease of other organs.

Causes of pain

  • Sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy.
    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle plays an important role not only during, but also before the onset of a joyful moment. Active physical activity before pregnancy will strengthen the spine, body muscles, joints will become more elastic. This will avoid many problems associated with an increase in the load on the musculoskeletal system and a change in the center of gravity of the woman's body during this period.
  • The presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
    If a woman before pregnancy had a disease associated with disruption of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, arthrosis of the hip joint, bone injuries, underdeveloped pelvic muscles, then the risk of hip pain during pregnancy increases to 30-50%, and after childbirth it increases up to 70%.
  • Micronutrient deficiencies. During pregnancy, the body's need for trace elements increases. A pregnant woman should receive up to 1.5 g of calcium and the same amount of phosphorus per day.

The lack of one of the elements can lead to a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism and, as a result, to osteoporosis (fragility of the bones), and osteomalacia (softening of the bones and their deformation).

A lack of calcium can cause the development of the disease symphysitis - an inflammatory process in the pubic joint that occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth and is characterized by

pain in the pubis, hip joint

Resulting in a limp gait, inability to lift the legs up while lying down. A complication of it can be a complete rupture of the ligaments of the pubic joint.

  • Physiological changes
    Huge changes in the body of a pregnant woman are associated with the genitals. The uterus of a pregnant woman in 9 months grows from the size of a fist to the size of a huge watermelon. Such growth of the uterus gives an additional load on the hip joint, and can also cause pinching of the sciatic nerve, thereby provoking the development of sciatica.
  • A common cause of aching hip pain in late pregnancy is the natural preparation of the body for childbirth. Due to the action of hormones, the interosseous joints soften, the muscles and ligaments relax, become elastic, and the pelvic bones gradually separate.
  • Domestic problems, overwork of a pregnant woman, increased activity with increased body weight, poor rest due to an uncomfortable mattress (too hard or soft) can also provoke hip pain.

What is osteoporosis and all the ways to treat it: /> You can find out which pills are needed to treat osteoporosis here.
Here you will find information about what tests you need to take and what examinations you need to undergo in order to determine osteoporosis in the early stages.

An important role in finding out the causes that led to the development of hip pain is played by its localization:

  • If the inner side of the thigh hurts, then most often this is due to the natural preparation of the body for childbirth: the divergence of the pelvic bones, muscle strain, ligaments.
  • If pain occurs in the pelvis and / or the thigh hurts closer to the gluteal muscles, then we can talk about inflammation of the sciatic nerve - sciatica.
  • Localization of pain in the pubic bone may indicate a divergence of the womb - symphysitis.

Often the diagnosis of hip pain is difficult, since the pain radiates to the knee joint and treatment begins with it.

If any pain occurs in the hip areas, it is necessary to inform the gynecologist leading the pregnancy. Your gynecologist may refer you to another qualified specialist (surgeon, neurologist) to find out the causes and develop a treatment plan.

  1. Eat right, if necessary, follow a diet.
  2. Under the supervision of a doctor who will prescribe a regimen and dosage, take calcium, magnesium or vitamin-mineral complexes.
    • Alphabet for pregnant women and nursing mothers;
    • Complivit Mom;
    • Multi-tabs;
    • Elevit Pronatal;
    • Calcium Sandoz Forte;
    • MAGNE B6 forte.
  3. Buy an orthopedic mattress or pillow for pregnant women, which will help relieve pain in the thigh during sleep and fully relax.
  1. Also, on the advice of a doctor, you can purchase a bandage that will support a rapidly growing tummy.
  2. Sign up for a massage that will help you relax, relieve tension, pain, reduce leg swelling, and will give good results with increased uterine tone. Massage is carried out by a specialist in a sitting position or lying on its side, 1-2 times a week.
    You can also do self-massage, stroking the tummy clockwise, kneading the feet - reflexology.
  1. You shouldn't overwork. Pregnant women are supposed to have a gentle type of physical activity during the day. Gymnastics for pregnant women can only be done under the supervision of a specialist.
  2. More time should be spent outdoors.
  3. To relax, you can take warm baths, which will reduce the discomfort if you have a sore leg in the thigh.

If the hips hurt during pregnancy, but this is not associated with diseases of the body and does not threaten the health of the expectant mother and child, then the pain is the natural preparation of the woman for delivery. After giving birth, the pain will go away on its own. A pregnant woman should take care of herself and her unborn child and try to make her life as comfortable as possible during this period.

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Read the opinion of doctors on this issue

Very often, women who are expecting a baby complain about the occurrence of specific pains that they had not experienced before. These include a feeling of heaviness in the hips, even at night. There is also stiffness in movement. What should mothers-to-be know about the nature of such pain? Why is this happening? Isn't it dangerous for health? Causes of pain manifestation Hormonal changes and changes in a woman's body cause discomfort and discomfort in different parts of the body, especially in the lower torso. But in some cases, from among the troubles, they become real pains in the hips. In some cases, only when moving, and in some cases even at rest. What reasons? These include:

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. If a woman had osteochondrosis, arthrosis of the hip joint, curvature of the spine, bone injuries before pregnancy, then the risk of hip pain increases.
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle before pregnancy. How a woman's pregnancy will proceed depends largely on the lifestyle that she previously led. Active physical activity or sports help strengthen the spine and back, make the joints elastic. When there is such a basis of health, then a woman can much more easily withstand the loads that increase during pregnancy on the body, avoid various problems that are associated with a change in the center of gravity.
  • Physiological changes. First of all, it concerns the growth of the uterus. It additionally begins to put pressure on the hip joints, sometimes provoking pinching of the sciatic nerve and the occurrence of sciatica of the lumbosacral.
  • Micronutrient deficiency. During pregnancy, the need for many mineral components increases greatly. It is necessary to get pure calcium in the amount of 1.5 g per day and the same amount of phosphorus. This is necessary so that the baby's musculoskeletal system can develop and function normally after birth. The deficiency of these components causes the development of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, osteomalacia and osteoporosis. However, such a disadvantage is most dangerous for the development of symphysitis in a pregnant woman - this is inflammation in the pubic joint. The disease is accompanied by pain in the hip joint and pubis, the manifestation of lameness, the woman cannot lift her legs up.
  • Increased motor activity and overwork of the expectant mother with increased body weight provoke pain in the later stages of bearing a baby.
  • The body's natural preparation for childbirth. The body of a woman prepares in advance for such an event. Hormones begin to soften the interosseous joints, gradually affect the divergence of such bones, relax muscles and ligaments.

When determining the causes that provoked the occurrence of hip pain, it is necessary to take into account the place of their localization. If a woman has pain from the inside of her thighs, then this is most likely caused by the preparation for childbirth of the body and the divergence of the pelvic bones. If the pain is localized closer to the gluteal muscles or in the pelvis, then we can talk about sciatica or inflammation of the sciatic nerve. If the pain is localized in the pubic area, then this may indicate the presence of symphasitis.

Classification of hip pain

During the bearing of a child, doctors classify such pains into:

  1. starting. They appear at the beginning of physical activity, after a while they disappear or decrease.
  2. Mechanical. They appear during prolonged physical exertion and disappear after a long rest.
  3. Reflected. They occur in the hip joint, but this is only irradiation (when pain radiates from the abdomen or back to the thigh).
  4. Night. It is at night that a woman experiences severe discomfort, during the day it is not felt.

What to do if you have hip pain

When a pregnant woman experiences such discomfort, the first thing to do is to consult a gynecologist for advice. Maybe he will refer you for a consultation with a neurologist or a surgeon.

In the presence of such pain, general recommendations - you should use multivitamin complexes, which contain phosphorus and potassium, wear a special bandage, perform massages, sleep on an orthopedic mattress. Future mothers should observe a sparing regimen. You should also try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air, because under the influence of sunlight, vitamin D is produced, which is necessary for normal calcium metabolism. It is useful to take warm baths, limit strong physical activity. It is recommended to engage in physical activity that is allowed for pregnant women - it can be yoga, swimming, therapeutic exercises, which is aimed at strengthening the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles, back extensors, hip extensors and flexors, gluteal muscles.

If discomfort occurs a week or two before the date of the expected birth, then this may portend the onset of an important event.

If soreness in the pelvic bones and in the lower back begins to bother the pregnant woman regularly, then more drastic measures should be taken. Calcium-based preparations should be used, 1000-1500 mg per day. It is best to take calcium compounds such as Ca lactate, Ca carbonate, which are very well absorbed (over 40%), this is a lot compared to the bioavailability of calcium gluconate - only 4%. If symphasitis has developed, lumbar sciatica, you should limit physical activity, start taking B group vitamins and calcium supplements. If the pain is very strong, drugs such as fastum-gel, voltaren, indomethacin can be used.


  • You need to watch your own posture;
  • While carrying a child, you should not lift any weights;
  • During pregnancy, physical activity is needed, so simple exercises or classes with an instructor will significantly reduce the risk of pain;
  • When wearing a bandage, the load on the hip joint will significantly decrease;
  • You should use the vitamin-mineral complexes that your doctor has prescribed for you in a timely manner;
  • Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.

Unusual pain in the limbs and the abdomen during the period of bearing a child is a reason to inform the doctor about it. However, it is important not to panic, because in the vast majority of cases we are talking about a variant of the norm.

Too much changes in the body during pregnancy, which is why strange sensations appear, limbs go numb, tingling, pain occurs.

Causes of hip pain

If a woman has hip pain during pregnancy during sleep, then this can be explained both by physiology and by the development of pathological processes. Only a specialist should deal with the problems of the second group. Important concomitant symptoms, the nature of the pain, the duration of the attacks.

So, one of the possible causes may be inflammation of the sciatic nerve. The pain in this case will be concentrated in the pelvic region and hips, and any awkward movement will aggravate the pain syndrome. As a rule, a woman feels a burning, sharp stabbing pain in her thigh. Inflammation provokes an ever-increasing load on the hip joint during pregnancy.

And yet, most often in a pregnant woman, pain after sleep in the thigh area is associated with stretching of the femoral, pelvic and pubic muscles. Hormones are to blame, or rather, their increased amount. The body is preparing for labor, and due to the hormonal storm, the mobility of the hips, joints, and small pelvis increases - the bosom diverges. This will help the baby to pass safely through the birth canal.

In addition, if the hips hurt and go numb during pregnancy during sleep, this can be explained as follows:

  • the woman moves little, as a result of which the muscles weaken and begin to hurt at night after any physical activity;
  • the body lacks fluorine, potassium and calcium, there is an imbalance of vitamins and other nutrients;
  • constantly increasing weight in the 2-3 trimester causes muscle pain at night, the limbs go numb.

If before pregnancy a woman was diagnosed with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, then her special condition can cause a worsening of the general symptoms and, as a result, pain, a feeling of numbness.

In some cases, muscle tension can also explain morning discomfort in the abdomen. If the stomach hurts after sleeping during pregnancy and if there is no threat of miscarriage, then it is imperative to strengthen the pelvic floor, thighs, and sternum.

It must be said that the problem of pain in the thigh is associated with a general sleep disorder in pregnant women. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that not only the legs, but also the hands become numb, the feet hurt, and there are pains in the abdomen. All this is a consequence of the physiological changes that the body of the expectant mother undergoes.

Often a woman cannot fall asleep, especially from the second trimester. Sleep disturbance during pregnancy, unfortunately, is the norm rather than the exception. Because of the initial insomnia, the pregnant woman feels constant weakness, weakness, irritability. Indeed, it is quite difficult to fall asleep if the child is active at night, the stomach is too large, the hands go numb, heartburn torments.

If sleep disturbance during pregnancy is too difficult for a woman, then the help of a doctor is required. He can prescribe sedative herbal preparations that will not harm the baby. In addition, numbness is also treated. In any case, it is possible to alleviate the condition of a pregnant woman whose legs and arms go numb.

What treatments are available

If the legs go numb during pregnancy during sleep, it is necessary first of all to tell the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy about the problem. He will be able to assess the condition and prescribe tests or a consultation with a specialist.

The same should be done if the hands go numb during sleep during pregnancy. The fact is that numbness is not so harmless. For example, it may indicate the development of diabetes during pregnancy, arthrosis, and other serious troubles.

However, this happens extremely rarely, and the main cause of discomfort lies in natural physiology. You have to sleep with a heavy stomach only on your side, and if the dream is unhealthy, then it is not often possible to take a comfortable position. This means that the hands go numb and numb simply because the expectant mother fell asleep in an uncomfortable position.

In this case, special gymnastics, work with the musculoskeletal system, the use of a special corset and some tricks related to organizing sleep will help to cope with the situation.

Gymnastics for pregnant women

A great way to prepare for labor and reduce pain from the divergence of the womb is special gymnastics. It is best to perform it daily: this will enable the muscles to quickly adapt to the loads, become elastic, and gain tone. Exercise not only strengthens the hip joints, but also relieves tension if the arms and legs often go numb, and allows you to get rid of static fatigue.

What can be done to relieve pain and numbness in the legs:

  1. do inclinations in different directions to stretch the pectoral muscle;
  2. rotate the pelvis in a circle to the right and left;
  3. perform plie - an exercise with unfolded socks, well known to ballerinas;
  4. stretch from a kneeling position, alternately straightening your legs in different directions;
  5. another version of the stretch is performed on the side. You will have to lie down, bend one leg at the knee, and pull the other with your toe towards you.

Pay attention to the first exercise: it will help those who have numb hands during sleep. During pregnancy, this situation can be associated not only with an uncomfortable position in bed, but also with swelling or low mobility of the joints. Stretching the pectoral muscle, the pregnant woman stimulates blood and lymph flow, and this will relieve numbness and pain.

If the feet hurt after sleeping during pregnancy, you can use the third exercise. Relying on the unfolded feet also stimulates blood flow to the extremities. In addition, to reduce pain in this area, relieve numbness, swelling, tingling sensation, you can massage your feet or lie with your legs up on the back of the bed.

Is it possible to stretch after sleep during pregnancy? It all depends on the condition of the woman. If there are no problems with the health of the mother and child, then sipping will not hurt. Moreover, after waking up, many women do it reflexively. Calf cramps speak of trouble (this must be reported to the doctor).

It is believed that sipping in an upright position can stimulate malposition (the baby will roll over), hypoxia, and amniotic fluid discharge. Therefore, during a complicated pregnancy, as well as in the last weeks before childbirth, it is better to restrain yourself, even if sipping brings relief from numbness, pain in the muscles of the thigh, and feet.

medical appointments

A special case is inflammation of the hip joint due to high load. The habit of maintaining the correct posture helps relieve pain. This relieves pressure on the affected area. Therefore, a pregnant woman may be recommended to wear a bandage that relieves the load on the joint.

In addition, the doctor may recommend a special rubbing massage. By the way, it perfectly relieves numbness of the hands during pregnancy during sleep. Stimulating blood flow during massage helps limbs that hurt, become numb with non-inflammatory discomfort.

Treatment at home

Pain, numbness in the hips can be relieved in several home ways:

  • apply ice to the affected joint;
  • take a position during sleep so that the knees are bent. So the muscles of the hip joint will have support, support;
  • to enhance the effect, you can put a pillow, a thick blanket, a blanket between your legs.

A warm heating pad or a warm compress applied to the thigh relieves pain well. But you can use such methods only with the permission of a doctor. By the way, heat is very relaxing. If a woman has any problems with sleep during pregnancy, heating pads can be used to normalize the night's rest.

Bearing a child is a long process, during which the body of the expectant mother undergoes significant changes. Change is happening both inside and out. In a woman, the size of the abdomen and mammary glands increases, sensitivity increases, and the hormonal background is rebuilt. The main load falls on the internal organs and skeleton, especially on the legs. If it hurts and pulls the thigh during pregnancy, this can be both a variant of the norm and a pathology. To draw a correct conclusion, it is necessary to understand the nature of sensations, the place of their occurrence and the causes.

Types of pain in the hips

During pregnancy, the spine and joints experience increased stress.

The classification of hip pain during pregnancy takes into account their cause, duration, time of occurrence and place. Main types:

  1. Mechanical. Discomfort in the hip joint occurs as a result of prolonged physical exertion. After a quality rest passes.
  2. Starting. Appear with the beginning of any physical action. For example, when a woman gets up from a chair, quickens her pace, or lies down on a bed. They pass quickly.
  3. Night. An incorrect posture and pinching of the sciatic nerve leads to the appearance of a problem.
  4. Reflected. Radiation of pain in the thigh area from the back or abdomen. A sign of pathologies of internal organs.

The last kind of pain is the most dangerous. In this case, the elimination of the symptom does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it by postponing treatment. Pregnant women must consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination.

Pain point location

The localization of pain plays an important role in making the correct diagnosis. When sensations radiate to the lower back, abdomen, knees, or internal organs, it is more difficult to diagnose the pathology. In addition to the traditional examination with a doctor, you will need to undergo a series of examinations and pass basic tests.

The most common pain points are:

  1. If the inner thigh hurts during pregnancy, then the natural preparation for childbirth has begun. There is a stretching of muscles and ligaments, a divergence of the pelvic bones.
  2. If the thigh hurts from the side of the pelvis, near the gluteal muscles, the cause is most likely inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In medicine, the disease is characterized as sciatica.
  3. The occurrence of pain in the pubic region is a sign of symphysitis (divergence of the womb). The problem is typical for late dates.

Causes of pain

The physical health of the mother, the characteristics of the hormonal background, the size of the fetus, the deficiency of vitamins and minerals are only a small part of what can cause pain in the hips on the sides during pregnancy. More about each of them:

  1. Sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity before pregnancy greatly complicates its course. The muscles of the back, spine and joints are not ready for the load.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. These include osteochondrosis, arthrosis of the hip joint, bone injuries and displacement of the vertebrae, intervertebral hernia.
  3. Avitaminosis, deficiency of minerals and other nutrients. For the full development of the fetus, the daily norm of all trace elements should be increased several times. Only calcium and phosphorus require 1.5 grams each. Their deficiency is dangerous by the appearance of symphysitis in the mother, osteoporosis, osteomalacia and a violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism.
  4. Physiological changes. The pressure on the pelvic bones increases as a result of the enlargement of the uterus. From here develops sciatica and pinching of the sciatic nerve.
  5. Overwork. Walking for too long, strenuous exercise, lifting weights causes hip pain during pregnancy. In the 3rd trimester, the problem becomes more pronounced.
  6. Preparing for childbirth. Discomfort in the hip part is associated with softening of the interosseous joints, relaxation of muscles and ligaments, and separation of the pelvic bones. All this is necessary for the birth of a baby in a natural way.
  7. Along with pain in the thigh, there may be a burning sensation and tingling that radiates to the limb. When you change position or walk, you may hear a crunch, click, or feel the joint move.

    Ways to eliminate or relieve hip pain

    Complex therapy based on physical exercises and painkillers will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent the development of the disease.

    To prescribe suitable medications and draw up a treatment regimen, you should consult a doctor. Self-administration of painkillers is dangerous for abortion and fetal pathologies.

    The first medical office worth visiting is the gynecological one. From here, the specialist can refer the patient to a neurologist or surgeon. 1-2 weeks before delivery, pain in the pelvic area is considered normal and does not require intervention. If the hips hurt during early pregnancy, follow the general recommendations:

Pregnancy is a special period for a woman when her body undergoes significant changes:

  • the hormonal background changes, as well as the mental state (tearfulness, irritability occur);
  • mammary glands, uterus swell and increase in size;
  • the condition of teeth, hair, nails worsens;
  • body weight increases;
  • the load on the heart increases (an additional placental circle appears, the volume of pumped blood increases);
  • the work of the respiratory organs is enhanced;
  • there is an increased tone of the bladder;
  • there is a risk of formation of pathologies of the excretory system (urinary tract infection, pyelonephritis).

Such changes lead to the appearance of problems with the health of a woman (there is an excessive overload of the joints, the gait changes, there is a risk of developing diseases of the organs of movement).

Pain in the area of ​​the hip joint is a characteristic phenomenon that accompanies the period of bearing a child. The pain appears due to the fact that hormonal changes occur in the woman's body, associated with the gradual preparation of it for labor. This symptom is typical for the third trimester of pregnancy. At this time, the expectant mother needs to be attentive to her health so as not to miss the disease at the beginning of its development.

Causes of pain

There are several answers to the question of why pain in the thigh area appears during pregnancy. The appearance of pain indicates:

  • sciatica (inflammation, in which the sciatic nerve is pinched; the pain syndrome is deployed in the gluteal zone, spreads along the entire length of the limbs);
  • lumbosacral sciatica.

If the hips hurt during pregnancy, this may indicate a gradual divergence of the pelvic bones (in the case when the pain affects the inner thigh; this is how the body of the pregnant woman prepares for natural delivery). This condition is physiological.

The manifestation of night pain syndrome provokes:

  • increased blood flow (typical for the initial periods of bearing a baby);
  • weakness of the ligamentous apparatus caused by passive pastime: ligaments become unable to perform their functions;
  • pathologies of the organs of movement present in a pregnant woman;
  • deficiency of potassium and fluorine, magnesium (provoke muscle spasms);
  • an increase in the volume of the uterus (due to this, there is increased pressure on the limbs);
  • overwork;
  • general fatigue;
  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • lack of sleep and uncomfortable body position during night rest.

In order to reliably establish the nature of an unpleasant symptom and determine ways to relieve it, you should immediately seek advice from your doctor.

Types of pain in the hips

There are the following types of hip pain in pregnant women:

  • mechanical (arise due to increased physical exertion);
  • starting (appear at the beginning of the movement, quickly pass);
  • nocturnal (disturb at night when a woman is sleeping);
  • reflected (signal about pathologies of internal organs).

It is not possible to completely get rid of soreness in the hips during the normal course of pregnancy. But in order to reduce the intensity of its manifestation, women are prescribed:

  • Eat properly and fully (daily diet should include vegetables, fruits, natural products).
  • Regularly take vitamins, mineral complexes (their need, composition, dosage, intake schedule is set by the gynecologist); patients are assigned Alphabet, Complivit Mom, Multi-tabs, Elevit Pronatal, Calcium Sandoz Forte, Magne B6 forte.
  • Sleep on an orthopedic mattress, you can also use a pillow for pregnant women; they will help relieve muscle tension, contribute to the relief of soreness.
  • Use a special bandage to support the abdomen.
  • To undergo a massage procedure (only a qualified specialist should carry it out).
  • Do gymnastics (for this you should select specially designed sets of physical exercises aimed at relaxing the femoral muscles).
  • Take walks outdoors.
  • Monitor the correct position of the back and spine when walking (the curvature of the latter additionally loads the joints and muscles, increases the pain syndrome).
  • Take relaxing baths with warm water (recommended only in the first trimester, in the later stages such procedures are contraindicated).

Ways to treat night pain

If pregnant women have hip pain during sleep, then the following will help in the fight against an unpleasant symptom:

  • cold compress (ice should be applied to the sore spot);
  • self-massage and rubbing of the lower extremities in the region of the pelvic bones (activate the movement of blood in the vessels, normalize the lymph flow);
  • change in body position (recommended position - lying on your side, bending your knees, you can put a pillow between your legs);
  • the use of a warm heating pad (the sore side of the thigh is warmed up; the procedure is carried out only after consulting a doctor and his approval, taking into account all available contraindications and assessing the risks).

Exercise as a way to relieve pain

If the thigh hurts during pregnancy, then you can stop the manifestation of discomfort, reduce muscle tension, and normalize sensitivity with the help of gymnastic exercises. Pregnant women are prescribed a gentle load regimen. Classes should last no more than 10 minutes, they should not include jumps and sharp attacks. All techniques must be performed slowly and carefully under the supervision of a specialist.

Before starting physical education, you should get the approval of your doctor.

  • stand straight, spread your legs apart, push your feet outward; in this position, do squats, stretching your arms in front of you;
  • kneeling, straighten alternately opposite limbs;
  • in the same position, fully straighten the leg, rest it with your fingers on the floor, and then raise it to the height of the thigh; perform the exercise first with one and then with the second limb;
  • lying on the right side, stretch the straight left leg, bend and straighten the right leg, pulling the sock towards you;
  • sit on the floor, place your legs in front of you, bring your feet together, tilt your torso forward, in this position you need to smoothly pull your knees down without making sharp lunges.


In order to avoid pain in the thigh, it is worth observing preventive measures:

  • avoid increased physical activity, heavy lifting;
  • engage in physical education for pregnant women (it is possible to perform exercises on your own at home or by attending special courses for expectant mothers);
  • monitor posture, avoid curvature of the spinal column;
  • wear comfortable shoes without high heels and platforms;
  • take prescribed medications, vitamin complexes, follow all medical recommendations, regularly undergo examinations and attend doctor's consultations;
  • swim in swiming pool;
  • change the position of the body during sleep.

If it pulls in the thigh area and such pain is explained by the physiological state, it will stop after the birth of the baby.

Regular implementation of all medical recommendations during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth, a combination of healthy nutrition, sleep, rest and physical activity will help prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system, keep the unborn child and his mother healthy.