Why you can't sunbathe under window glass. Different types of glass

March 8

Tanning is based on exposure ultraviolet rays on the skin. There are three types of such rays in total. Those called “C” practically do not reach the earth’s surface, so they cannot seriously affect our skin. But “B” rays allow you to get the desired golden shade very quickly, but in a harmful way. The most safe tanning is considered to be the one obtained by exposing the skin to rays “A”. True for a strong effect in in this case requires considerable time. But the result is worth it: this tan is safe and lasts a very long time.

Why does the skin darken?

Special cells in the human body are responsible for changing skin tone, as well as its intensity. They contain the pigment melanin, hence the name melanocytes. By causing the skin to darken, they protect the body from harmful effects solar radiation. And the more intense the ultraviolet rays, the more pigment the cells produce. Interesting feature These cells are that they can not only darken, but also lighten (to the chagrin of sunbathers) to their original state. The amount of melanin in the skin is determined genetically, with normal conditions it is maintained at the same level.

Tan intensity

It is known that long-term use of certain medications can weaken the body's protective functions, including the skin's ability to produce melanin. Therefore, some people are prohibited from sunbathing. The same applies to pathologies in which the skin contains too little pigment to effectively resist environment. No matter how much such people lie on the beach, they are not “taken” by the tan; dangerous ultraviolet rays freely pass under the skin and cause harm to the body.

The most important factor for quality tanning is the latitude of the area plays a very important role in this matter. important role. This is why people living in the hottest areas of the Earth have historically had more dark shade skin. But the height of the sun is influenced not only by geographical location. The time of day and time of year are also important here. In particular, if we're talking about about a temperate climate, where the change of seasons is especially pronounced.

Another important factor relates to the atmosphere itself. The cleaner and more transparent it is, the more rays reach the earth's surface and are reflected from it. Altitude also affects tanning: one day in the mountains will give greater effect than a week on hot beaches. Among the snow-capped peaks, the intensity of the sun's rays is so high that climbers have to use several layers of protection, special glasses and creams. But even such products do not relieve them of a bright tan. And all this despite the cold that reigns among the snow.

Is it possible to tan through glass?

Even in the cold season, when you can no longer lie on the beach, the sun still shines brightly and welcomingly. Often, when its rays flood our apartments, the thought arises: “How great it would be to sunbathe right here!” Some people, on the contrary, are afraid of their skin reacting too strongly to ultraviolet radiation, so even in transport they try not to sit on the sunny side. The question of whether it is possible to tan through glass worries many. Moreover, in such cases people note redness, characteristic of a newly acquired tan.

In fact, most people don't have to worry about getting tanned through window glass. It, of course, transmits ultraviolet light, but this is only the first type of sunlight. As mentioned above, such radiation is completely harmless to the skin. Rays “A”, and even those scattered by glass, do not have enough strong impact to start the process of melanin production. You should only hope for some effect if the person has already received a tan. naturally, but he began to turn pale little by little. Then even weak rays will be able to activate the pigment already contained in the skin, causing some darkening.

In any case, there is no way to get a chocolate southern shade this way. The maximum you should expect is a slight darkening of the skin. Don't mistake heat redness for the first sign of tanning. It will most likely go away in a few minutes. After all, if we apply a heating pad to our cheek for a while, we will also see a red spot later. But no one will claim that a heating pad causes a tan. It’s another matter if you replace ordinary windows with plexiglass. Then you can accept solar year.

Do I need to defend myself?

Only those people who are predisposed to the appearance of tanning through glass need to worry about whether they can get tanned through glass. In this case, anything can provoke them. It is recommended to use weak protective creams. Even a regular daytime one will do, since they usually also contain a UV filter. UV protection products are applied mainly to the face and neck - areas where sunburn usually occurs. dark spots.

Also human body has developed natural defenses in addition to melanin. When exposed to the sun for a long time, the skin sweats, which protects it from the penetration of ultraviolet radiation. The above allows you to get rid of concerns about whether you can get tanned through glass in an apartment or car. Moreover, in small quantities they are useful and even necessary for humans. Therefore, you should not protect yourself from them too actively, especially in the autumn season.

Tanning came into fashion in the last century and is still popular among fashionistas. How harmful or beneficial is tanning? How to tan properly to? Not everyone knows the answers to these questions. But the question is: is it possible to sunbathe through glass? - at first glance it seems quite simple. "Of course not!" - you say. However, why not? After all, the sun warms through glass, and there are different types of glass.

What is a tan and why does it appear?

Our sun releases energy in the form of light, heat and ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet rays, unlike visible light energy, are invisible and cannot be felt either, but they have unique property- ability to modify chemical structure matter and cells.

When ultraviolet radiation hits human skin, melanin is produced in its middle layer, the task of which is to control the influence of UV rays on the surface of the body.

Tanning is a protective reaction of the skin.

Melanin darkens under the influence of ultraviolet rays, acquiring brown tint. And through this skin color, harmful rays cannot penetrate deep into the body and cause harm to it.

The skin's ability to produce melanin different people– varies, depends on a person’s genetics and is often inherited. It happens that the skin is completely unable to produce melanin; for such people, exposure to the sun is contraindicated.

Ultraviolet radiation in small doses is necessary for the human body. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the body produces vitamin D, which is especially necessary for children.

Before the skin gets beautiful tan, it usually becomes inflamed and turns pink. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin can become very inflamed and a burn may appear on the body. It should be understood that prolonged exposure to the sun is very dangerous. Tanning should be achieved carefully, gradually, in certain time, and the longer the better. Once your skin reaches the desired brown tone, sun exposure is safer.

Types of ultraviolet rays

Ultraviolet rays are different lengths, depending on this factor, are divided into three groups:

  • Group A rays have a wavelength from 315 to 400 nanometers - they penetrate the atmosphere, glass, and penetrate into the upper layer of human skin, but they almost do not reach the middle layer and therefore the tan almost does not stick with such rays.
  • Group B rays - their length is from 280 to 315 nanometers - some of them do not pass through the ozone layer, they cannot penetrate glass, human skin is capable of reflecting 70% of such rays, 20% penetrate only into its very top layer, but the remaining 10% UVB rays are able to penetrate middle layer skin and give the skin a tan.
  • Group C rays – from 100 to 280 nanometers. Such rays are capable of destroying all living things, but they do not pass through the atmosphere.

Tanning through an apartment window - myth or reality

Is it possible to get tanned through window glass? Let's figure it out.

Only group A ultraviolet rays can pass through glass, which have a gentle effect on the skin, almost do not penetrate into its middle layer, as a result, melanin is not released and the skin does not darken.

Moreover, if a person is behind glass in his kitchen or glassed-in balcony, tanning through the glass is impossible. After all, group B rays are not able to penetrate ordinary window glass. Since we know that only under the influence of these rays does a tan appear on the human body, we can say with confidence that the tan does not fall through glass and it is impossible to tan through an ordinary window, except to warm up.

Conclusion: you cannot sunbathe through an apartment window or on a balcony.

Car tan

Is it possible to get tanned through the windshield of a car while traveling or just sitting in the car?

Many motorists are sure that they sunbathe while being for a long time while driving, especially when summer time. The windshield of a car is made of the same material as windows in residential buildings. Group B ultraviolet rays are not able to penetrate car glass. It is possible that the A-rays that penetrate through it, with prolonged exposure to the skin, still fall under its top layer, causing a light tan, but this will probably take several tens of times more time than when human skin is exposed to rays -IN.

That is, theoretically, only truck drivers who drive all day long will be able to get a tan.

Conclusion: it is IMPOSSIBLE to tan through the glass of a car window.

Tanning through organic and quartz glass

Is it possible to tan through organic and quartz glass?

It should be noted that there are Various types glass, and among them there are those that transmit infrared rays of all groups. For example, some types of organic glass allow UV rays to pass through. Quartz glass also transmits ultraviolet waves, which is why quartz glass is used in lamps intended for quartzing rooms.

Conclusion: you can get sunburned through a glass window, but it all depends on the glass itself.

Whether the skin tans through glass or not, the answer is clear - you cannot tan unless through certain glasses.

For many people, the answer to the question of whether you can tan through glass is obvious. Of course, “no,” the majority thinks, and I must admit, they are very mistaken. No, naturally, no one will argue with the fact that drivers and those whose workplaces are in close proximity to a window get a tan quite quickly. But the physics of this process is not as simple as it might seem.

The nature of tanning

In fact, anyone can answer the question whether it is possible to tan through ordinary glass on a balcony or in a car on their own - you don’t need to have special education. The main thing is to first understand how exactly the process of darkening of the skin occurs and what factors influence it.

Any ray of sunlight consists of several different types electromagnetic radiation. Each of them is perceived by the body in its own way: some are regarded as a source of heat, others – exclusively as light. Of course, no one can feel ultraviolet radiation or touch it with their hands yet.

There are three main types of UV rays:

  1. A-radiation is long-wave. It penetrates the surface of the planet almost completely and affects the body unnoticed. A-rays have no difficulty penetrating the deep layers of the epidermis. Because of this, the latter ages faster than expected. The radiation destroys collagen and dehydrates skin cells. Under its influence, slight redness may appear. Some people develop it precisely because of it. But if you come into contact with long waves in doses, they will not pose a health hazard.
  2. When talking about whether it is possible to get tanned through a glass window, you definitely need to remember B-radiation. It is short-wave, but this does not prevent it from reaching the Earth almost completely - even taking into account the fact that waves tend to dissipate when colliding with obstacles. B-rays are the source of . Under their influence, melanocytes produce melanin much faster. But if you stay in contact with them for too long, your skin may burn.
  3. Gamma radiation is considered the most dangerous. Fortunately, most of its rays are delayed on approaching the Earth's surface by the ozone layer. Otherwise, all life on the planet would simply burn out.

From all of the above, one conclusion can be drawn: in order to tan faster, more evenly and more beautifully, you still need direct contact with UV rays.

So is it possible to get tanned through a car glass or window?

Glass is a transparent material. It easily transmits light, but blocks beta and gamma ultraviolet rays. Even the thickest windows cannot stop alpha radiation. And as you already know, long-wave A-rays have a very slow effect on the epidermis. Maximum effect that can be achieved is a slight redness of the upper layer of skin, which it will come down with time. No matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to achieve a lasting tan – the radiation intensity is too low.

You can get a good tan through a window or car glass only if several conditions are met. Firstly, Sun rays must act on the epidermis constantly. Secondly, a chocolate tint is more likely to appear if the skin already has melanin. The explanation is simple: over time, the tan is washed off and fades. But melanocytes, during direct contact with the sun, developed a large number of melanin. And now, even under the influence of radiation of insignificant intensity, the skin and epidermis can begin to darken.

In everyday life, we often use ready-made blocks of knowledge acquired in childhood, often at school. We practically do not analyze them, a priori considering them indisputable, requiring no additional evidence or analysis. And if you ask us, for example, whether glass transmits ultraviolet light, the majority will confidently answer: “No, it doesn’t, we memorized that at school!”

But one day our friend will appear and say: “You know, I spent the whole day driving yesterday, the sun was merciless, my entire forearm on the side of the window was tanned!” And in response to a skeptical smile, he rolls up his shirt sleeve, showing his reddened skin... This is how stereotypes are destroyed, and a person remembers that by nature he is a researcher.

And yet - what to do with our question? After all, we know that it is ultraviolet radiation that causes skin tanning in people. The answer is not as clear-cut as it might seem at first. And it will sound like this: “It depends on what glass and what ultraviolet!”

Properties of ultraviolet rays

Ultraviolet radiation has wavelengths ranging from approximately 10 to 400 nm. This is a fairly large spread, and, accordingly, rays in different parts of this range will have various properties. Physicists divide the entire ultraviolet spectrum into three different types:

  1. Type C or hard UV radiation . Characterized by a wavelength from 100 to 280 nm. This radiation got its name for a reason; it is extremely dangerous for humans, leading to skin cancer or rapid eye burns. Fortunately, the range's rays are almost completely blocked by the Earth's atmosphere. A person can only encounter them very high in the mountains, but even here they are extremely weakened.
  2. Type B or medium UV radiation . Its wavelength is from 280 to 315 nm. These rays cannot be called gentle towards humans either; they are similar in their properties to the previous type, but still act less destructively. Like type C, they are also lost in the atmosphere, but are less retained by it. Therefore, 20% of them still reach the surface of the planet. It is this type of rays that causes tanning on our skin. But this radiation is not able to penetrate ordinary glass.
  3. Type A or soft UV radiation . From 315 to 400 nm. It doesn’t care about the atmosphere, and it passes unhindered to ocean level, sometimes even penetrating through light clothes. This radiation perfectly overcomes the layer of ordinary window glass, appearing in our apartments and offices, leading to fading of wallpaper, carpets and furniture surfaces. But “A rays” cannot in any way lead to tanning of a person’s skin!

True, extreme ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength below 100 nanometers is also released, but it manifests itself only in conditions close to a vacuum, and in conditions of the earth’s surface it can be neglected.

What should you answer to your motorist friend? Why did his forearm get tanned?

Different types of glass

And here we come to the second part of our answer: “Look at the glass!” After all, glass is different: both in composition and in thickness. For example, quartz allows all three types of UV radiation to pass through it. The same picture is observed when using plexiglass.
And silicate, used in window frames, and in cars, transmits only “soft radiation”.

However, there is one important “BUT” here! If the glass is very thin or very transparent, highly polished (as is the case with a car), it will let in a small fraction of the “B radiation” responsible for our tanning. This is not enough to tan after standing near the window for an hour. But if the driver has spent many hours behind the wheel, exposing his skin to the sun, then it will tan even through closed windows. Especially if the skin is delicate and the case occurs high in relation to sea level.

And now, having heard the question whether ultraviolet radiation passes through glass, we can answer in a very ambiguous way - it does, but only in a limited part of the spectrum, and only if we talk about ordinary window glass.

Many people believe that it is impossible to tan through glass and the question is: “is it really possible to tan through a window?” for them it is elementary. “No,” they will naturally say, and they will be very mistaken, because everyone knows that drivers and people working near windows tan quite well. But the physics of this process is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance.

You don’t need to think long and have any specialized knowledge to answer that it is possible to get sunburned through a car window. It is important to understand how skin darkening occurs and what circumstances can affect it.

The sun's ray contains several types of electromagnetic radiation. The body perceives all of them individually: some are perceived as a source of heat, and others as a source of light. Naturally, no one has ever been able to touch or feel ultraviolet radiation.

There are three types of ultraviolet rays:

1) A-radiation. Radiations of this type are long-wave and completely penetrate the surface of the Planet. A person does not notice the effects of such radiation at all. Rays of this type easily penetrate even into the deep layers of the skin. Because of this, the epidermis ages prematurely, so such radiation is very harmful to the skin. Rays have a negative effect on skin covering: dehydrate and have a destructive effect on collagen. The skin may even experience severe redness. Many people develop a so-called sun allergy after such radiation. If contact with A-rays is not prolonged, they will not cause severe harm to health.

2) B-radiation. These rays are short wavelength. They make their way to the Earth, although when they encounter interference, the rays are partially scattered. When exposed to B rays, melanocytes produce a pigment called melanin much faster. Most quick tan can be obtained thanks to this type of radiation. But with prolonged contact, you can get burned and burn.

3) Gamma radiation. Such rays are the most dangerous and have a traumatic effect on all living organisms. Thanks to their good penetrating effect, gamma rays quickly penetrate all living cells. But fortunately, the ozone layer traps most of them. Otherwise, everything on the Planet would burn out. For a person, such radiation is dangerous because he does not feel it at all. Therefore, the consequences can be unpredictable, even fatal. The danger of such radiation lies in the fact that they tend to accumulate in the body.

Based on the above, we conclude: in order for the tan to be equal, contact with ultraviolet rays is still necessary!

Is it possible or not to sunbathe through a window?

Glass is a transparent material that allows light to pass through easily. It blocks gamma and beta rays, but alpha rays cannot be stopped by any glass. And as is already known, A-rays affect the epidermis extremely slowly. The maximum you can get is slightly reddened skin. After some time this will pass. With all the great desire to receive even tan will not succeed, because the radiation is not so intense.

It is possible to get tanned through a car window, but certain conditions must be observed. First of all, the radiation must be constant. You can get a beautiful tan when your skin has the pigment melanin. Everything is explained very simply: tan tends to wash off and fade. And melanocytes under the influence of the sun produced a lot of melanin. And now, even when exposed to short-wave radiation, the skin will acquire a chocolate color