Pavel Volya is the most popular tattoo model. Pavel Volya got a tattoo


An eminent showman, a unique screenwriter and just a joyful person - Pavel Volya is now known to everyone who appreciates burning jokes and sharp expressions.

More exciting to lovers of social life is the artist's personal life and all of his, so to speak, private territory. Among his personal features there is one very interesting detail, namely, the tattoo of Pavel Volya, made in a rather unusual style.

I erected a monument for myself ...

In order to perpetuate a beloved person, many celebrities take a desperate step, showing the world extravagant tattoos. The "glamorous bastard" did not think long about what he could stuff on his body for himself and preferred his own image. A sketch taken from his personal photo flaunts the comedian right on the bicep.

The tattoo, made in black and red colors, looks very natural and believable, and, according to Pasha himself, he really liked the masterful execution. People set up a monument for themselves in different ways during their lifetime, well - this option is fully consistent with the style of the artist himself, especially since the image is filled with fun and cheerfulness, completely in the traditions of creative activity.

But later, in the yellowish press, a message appeared that Pavel Volya's tattoo in the form of a self-portrait was filled not by the comedian himself, but by his devoted fans from the glorious town of Rostov. Agree, this fact cannot but flatter the original, who hastened to post the whole difficult process on Instagram, neither confirming nor refuting the information.

back tattoo

Even while working on the Skin album, the musician began to be intensely interested in underwear images, and at the same time, apparently, the idea came up to fill his own first sketch. He found people with fascinating tattoos all over their bodies and in the most unexpected interpretations.

In the scandalous film "Plato", the audience could clearly see the image of a man waving his hand stuffed on the back. Its validity was proved by Pavel himself in one of the interviews, although the tattoo was not openly shown anywhere.

According to the observations of the fans, it consists of several intertwined words, one of which - Freedom, fully fits the meaning of the surname Volya. By the way, it is also an abbreviation for true and serves as a congenial pseudonym.

baby photos

A significant event in the life of a prominent DJ, actor, screenwriter, musician, singer and poet is the wedding with the world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Laysan Utyasheva and the birth of their first child. In honor of this fundamental moment, Pavel makes the most real tattoo on his chest on its left side.

She portrays the one-year-old offspring of Robert, immediately becomes a gift and beloved wife.

Such dates are very touching for every family, as they retain the significance of the action and the sharpness of the moment for many years to come. It remains to be assumed that this child will not be the only one in the young showman's family, and soon we will see a few more tattoos, for babies of different sex and time of birth.

Where is the truth, where is the fiction?

At different times, different tattoos of Pavel Volya appeared, whose appearance was called into question. Faster, we are talking about temporary tattoos - these are small dolphins located on the neck and arm, as well as small pictures for filming in clips.

It is clear that the actor not so long ago made a mysterious image, the pattern of which is still kept secret. But to the question of journalists, he energetically answers that he is ready to even make a tattoo in the form of a joke from Ivan Urgant in the funniest place. After all, a riddle dressed in the form of a joke is one of the principles to say everything without saying anything.

Who would have thought that showman, actor, singer, stand-up comedian and the most famous in the post-Soviet space "glamorous bastard" Pavel Volya can become an exemplary family man and father? It seems that the comedian himself, who is currently 34 years old, did not expect such a development of the event until recently.

In general, no one could have suspected that an ordinary guy from Penza, who grew up, according to him, in the simplest worker-peasant family, could succeed in Moscow and become one of the richest and most recognizable people of the country.

But everything is in order. Pavel Volya was born (real name Denis Alekseevich Dobrovolsky) March 14, 1979 in Penza. He studied well, managed to finish school with a silver medal, entered the local pedagogical university and left it with a specialty "teacher of Russian language and literature".

Like many residents of the Comedy Club, during his student years he played in KVN, in the Valeon Dasson team. In Penza, he managed to work as a DJ, and also led the program "Free Nails" under the pseudonym Pavel Dobrovolsky, which was quite popular on Russian Radio.

In 2001, he finally moved to Moscow, where he manages to work as a presenter on Muz-TV, voice the notorious Masyanya, work as a screenwriter in the program "Good evening" and VJ on "Hit-FM".

In general, before working at the Comedy Club, Volya had already managed to gain experience in public speaking and connections with celebrities of the domestic show business so much that he could play with a bang the role of "glamorous bastard without brakes", caustically commenting on the guests of this popular stand-up show.

Project success was so stunning that all the residents of Comedy, including Volya, literally in a couple of years became the richest and most sought-after "stars" in the CIS. Until now, Volya has been a permanent resident of KK, but does not stop there - she records rap albums, works as a DJ, sings a duet with many "stars" of Russia, tries herself as an actor.

Undoubtedly, the most bright acting project Will is role in the scandalous film "Plato" where he plays the cynical "Pleasure Manager" but simply a pimp for rich Moscow uncles who falls in love with a simple T-shirt saleswoman.

By the way, it is the hype around this picture that for the first time makes media journalists ask Pasha question about his back tattoo. There is a frame in the film where on the body of the main character - Plato - one can clearly see picture of a man waving. In his interview, Pavel Volya confirms that this is indeed his tattoo.

The man who is from a few words, including the English word "Freedom" (trans. Freedom) is today the only tattoo, confirmed by Volya himself and fan pictures from his concerts.

Tattoo Design Will "filled" in one of the Moscow tattoo parlors (I personally met his eyes in this tattoo parlor), is kept secret, so this mysterious pattern can only be partially seen in the photo.

This is how our story about the tattoos of the “glamorous bastard” would have ended, if not for some interesting rumors, actively fueling interest in Will's "tattoo" by both the "yellow" press and the showman himself.

So, for example, in 2012, Volya announced that he looking for people with interesting tattoos for filming in his new video "Skin". After this statement, rumors actively spread that Pasha made himself some unusual tattoos.

Photos of Pavel with "tattoo" in the form of dolphins on the neck and arm. These tattoos really took place, but only as temporary, for filming in the video and photo shoots. In fact no "tricks" with the image of dolphins there is no Volya on the body of Pavel.

The outrageous showman, however, did not close the topic of his tattoos on this rumor. Recently, on his Instagram page, he posted a photo - the process of creating a tattoo with his image. The photo was captioned: “Never thought this would happen!!! Ahhh…”

The "yellow" media, having no evidence in their hands, hastened to spread the news all over Runet that Volya in a fit of selfishness"stuffed" on his biceps self-portrait tattoo. It remains only to laugh at such a bold assumption, because the photo published by Pavel clearly shows how the tattoo is “stuffed” on the leg, and not on the arm, while the man who is given this same tattoo is clearly larger in build than thin Volya.

A little later it became known that this drawing was made by one of the fans of the comedian who lives in Rostov. Will was very flattered this fact, which is why he published a photo with the process of creating a tattoo in his Instagram account.

One can only guess what incredible stories and rumors will surround Volya, his beautiful wife, former famous gymnast Laysan Utyasheva, and son Robert.

On Will's chest, as it became clear from the new photo, a tattoo appeared, which depicts two babies. Fans immediately assumed that this was the son and daughter of the comedian Robert and Sofia, respectively. This is also evidenced by the caption under the photo: “My wife is nearby, the children are on my chest. Whole family to gather".

Pavel Volya's tattoo is a real puzzle for journalists and fans. The eccentric actor, showman, presenter, stand-up comedian and singer keeps posting fake photos of his new underwear on Instagram. Fans immediately begin to argue whether this tattoo is real or not. In most cases, tattoos are temporary. So far, three tattoos are known for certain, and one more remains a secret.

Something from the life of a showman

Pavel Volya, whose real name is Denis Alekseevich Dobrovolsky, comes from Penza. He graduated from the Pedagogical University and received a diploma as a teacher of Russian language and literature. However, he was not destined to become a teacher. Passion for KVN pushed him to conquer the capital, where there were much more opportunities than in any other city.

In Moscow, Pavel worked on the Muz-TV channel as a presenter, screenwriter, and also as a VJ on Hit-FM radio. However, real popularity and stunning fame came to him when Volya became a resident of the Comedy Club. The project was so loved by the audience and bohemia that stand-up comedians instantly became millionaires and TV stars.

Pavel Volya, having extensive experience in dealing with media people, perfectly entered the image of a sarcastic "bastard" who does not hesitate to tell the truth in the face of all eminent guests. Oddly enough, no one took offense at him.

little man

This tattoo with a schematically depicted man waving his hand perfectly reflects the reckless image of the “glamorous bastard”, cheerful and at the same time ironic.

A tattoo with a little man was seen in the scandalous sensational film "Plato", where Volya played a pimp. The image is on the back, and the composition itself consists of intertwining words, one of which is freedom, which means “freedom” in Russian. The actor confirmed the authenticity of the tattoo in an interview, admitting that he made it in one of the Moscow tattoo parlors. Well, the chosen image really suits him very well.


Who would have thought that such a spontaneous and eccentric person as Pavel Volya could be a caring father and a loving husband. For several years now, he has been happily married to former gymnast Laysan Utyasheva and has never been seen with other women. Their first child was a son, Robert. Pavel immediately made a tattoo with the image of a baby on his chest in the heart area. Soon after the birth of her daughter Sofia, next to the first tattoo, a second one appeared - with a portrait of the baby. Fans, having seen the photo on Instagram, suggested that it was a fake, but the information about the authenticity was confirmed. The meaning of such a drawing is easy to understand - Volya values ​​\u200b\u200bhis family very much, and children occupy a special place in his life.

Secret tattoo

Six months after the birth of his daughter Sofia, Pavel posted a photo from the tattoo parlor on Instagram. The showman allegedly has a new tattoo on the wrist of his left hand, but it is impossible to see it because of the film and plaster. Whether it's fake or not, time will tell.

Myths and interesting facts

For a long time, the media discussed the presence of tattoos, which in fact the showman never had. The actor did not deny the rumors, but only added fuel to the fire to stir up interest in his person.

  • Myth 1: Self portrait

Once on Instagram, Pavel Volya posted a photo in the process of creating a tattoo with his image and the comment “I never thought this would happen! Ahh ... ”Journalists immediately spread rumors that the man, in a fit of narcissism, decided to fill a portrait of himself on his left shoulder. In fact, the owner of the drawing turned out to be a fan of the actor from Rostov. Flattered Pavel, of course, could not remain indifferent to such a work of art, and therefore shared the news with his subscribers. The photo clearly shows that the tattoo is on the leg, and the complexion of the man is much more impressive.

  • Myth 2: Dolphins

Cute sea creatures appeared on the showman's neck and arm as temporary tattoos. In fact, Volya took part in the photo shoot and in the filming of the video. By the way, after the actor began to look for people with original underwear drawings, rumors actively spread that Pavel Volya himself became the owner of unusual tattoos, which he carefully hides. The information has not been confirmed.

Pavel Volya about contemporary art

36-year-old Pavel Volya surprised fans with a strange picture: two babies are now flaunting on the chest of a Comedy Club resident. What is it: tattoos or photomontage?

Pavel Volya and Laysan Utyasheva prefer not to show photos of their children, and the public can only guess what the couple's kids look like - 2-year-old Robert and 4-month-old Sofia. Apparently, tired of the reproaches of fans on this topic, the showman decided to demonstrate the heirs and posted a picture with portraits of children on the Web.

True, the portraits turned out to be tattoos on the comedian's chest: “The wife is nearby, the children are on the chest. The family is always there. Have a good Tuesday everyone. I am in the sea! Volya signed a selfie with his beloved wife.

Subscribers were delighted to see such a touching photo and no less touching tattoo: “Wow, what a tattoo!!! I haven't seen this one yet, especially among men... Usually there are girls, poker... but this one causes admiration and tenderness and respect, it is Really with a very deep meaning!!! Pashka you are a great father, congratulations!!!”, “Very beautiful wife, charming couple and wonderful family. All the best to you (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx., ”the followers wrote.

Many began to wonder whether Volya really did such a tattoo or whether the “stuffed” portraits are just a skillful photomontage. Many are inclined to think that the humorist really decided to perpetuate images of children on his body, because last year the young father was already seen with the same pattern on his chest.

However, then only one baby flaunted on Will's body - a tattoo in honor of Robert's son, as fans suggested.

It should be noted that Pavel Volya also has one more wearable drawing, on his back, certainly a real one, but what it means is a mystery. Whether the showman has tattoos dedicated to his wife is unknown. But it's no secret to anyone that the charismatic TV presenter is a caring and exemplary father who idolizes his family: “We are the happiest in the world! Now there are four of us: Pavel, Laysan, Robert and Sofia. Daughter, happy birthday! Lyasenka, you are my heroine! Champion! Lord, thank you! Volya wrote in a microblog after the birth of her daughter Sophia.