Review of natural deodorant deo-crystal from ecolab. Natural deo-crystal Styx "Mountain Energy" Deodorant deo crystal natural


Expert review

  • Efficiency

  • Safety

  • Duration

  • Price

General opinion

Crystalline deodorants are an interesting alternative to various antiperspirants. First of all, they are ideal for allergy sufferers and those with sensitive and delicate skin.

What, in fact, in fact, is the Deo crystal? It is nothing but the natural mineral alunite. It was once used to stop bleeding from cuts and other skin injuries, due to its strong tannic and antiseptic properties.

The most interesting thing is that the tool works. The fact that it does not reduce perspiration, ie. is not a blocker, and in stressful situations an unpleasant odor may appear. But despite this, it performs even better than many conventional deodorants.

At first glance, Deo crystal seems expensive. But, I would like to emphasize that it is very economical. With daily use, it will last for a year or even two. And you do not need to follow the expiration date, this product cannot deteriorate.

A small minus is the packaging. It is made of very hard and impact resistant plastic.


100% natural, fragrance-free mineral deodorant. Its composition is of natural origin - it is made from a crystal of volcanic salt (so-called alunite).

The advantages of the product are obvious:

  • does not contain artificial dyes, alcohol, parabens and aluminum salts;
  • is hypoallergenic;
  • eliminates bacteria that cause unpleasant odors;
  • dries quickly without leaving stains on the skin and clothes;
  • does not form a sticky film.

The principle of operation is as follows. After applying the crystal, an invisible film is formed on the treated area of ​​the body, which protects against the growth of bacteria. As you know, the waste products of microbes cause the appearance of a specific smell of sweat.

That. Deodorant addresses the cause, not just masks the smell.

Classic Version Deo Crystal Crystal Body Deodorant Stick

You can buy the usual sticks, rollers, sprays, natural stones and even napkins.

Solid deodorants are available in several types:

  • sticks - 40g (travel version), 100g, 120g, as well as deodorant for men 120g;
  • stones 84g, 140g.

The stone must be moistened and treated with clean skin. The principle of application resembles a regular deodorant in a stick, only there are no traces and no smell.

After the procedure, the crystal itself must be wiped off or, having closed the lid, put it upside down. It is very important to keep it dry so that the Deo crystal does not collapse under the influence of moisture.

After two months of constant use, its effectiveness is somewhat reduced. In this case, it is recommended to take a break for a few days, during which to apply some other antiperspirant. Everything should be back to normal.

Having studied many reviews regarding the effectiveness of Deo crystal, we can say that it is not suitable for everyone. Few people are satisfied with the remedy on hot days. He does not always cope in stressful situations and during physical exertion.

Deo crystal does not block perspiration. Therefore, you should not hope that there will be no wet spots, especially with hyperhidrosis.

Roll-on deodorants Crystal Essence Roll-On

Rollers should be used in the usual way for us. The only condition is that the skin must be clean. The contents of the bottle have a water-gel consistency. It applies well with a roll-on applicator. The bottle itself is small and handy. It is probably more convenient to use it than the Deo crystal stick, because. no need to pre-wet.

The only downside is that it takes time to dry. Also, for some time after application, there is a feeling of stickiness, but this is not critical.

The rollers are presented in the following versions:

  • "Lavender and white tea" - has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties;
  • "Pomegranate" - protects and restores the skin;
  • "Chamomile and green tea" - refreshes and tones;
  • "Vanilla and Jasmine" - a soft gentle mix of complementary aromas;
  • "Without smell".

They have the following composition:

  • purified water;
  • alum;
  • natural fragrance from essential oils and extracts;
  • vegetable cellulose;
  • bicarbonate of soda;
  • benzoic acid;
  • zinc gluconate.

Spray Deo Crystal

Can be used for hygiene not only underarms, but also legs, chest, inner thighs, etc.

One bottle can be used by several people.

  • "Lavender and white tea";
  • "Pomegranate";
  • "Chamomile and green tea";
  • "Vanilla and Jasmine";
  • "Without smell".

Foot spray (118 and 240 ml) - specially designed for active people. Provides reliable protection for the whole day. Apply to the feet from a distance of 15-20 cm. Spray 2-3 times.

Convenient fully biodegradable scented wipes

Packs of 6 or 24 pieces. Made from natural mineral salt with the addition of plant extracts. They can be carried in a purse, in a pocket, taken on trips, to the gym, etc.

They are flavored and pure:

  • "Lavender and white tea";
  • "Pomegranate";
  • "Chamomile and green tea";
  • "Vanilla and Jasmine";
  • "Without smell".
  • purified water;
  • alum;
  • natural aroma from essential oil and plant extracts (in flavored);
  • bicarbonate of soda;
  • benzoic acid;
  • zinc gluconate.

Just open the package, unfold the tissue and wipe the areas that need protection.

Where did the famous deo-crystal "Mountain Energy" disappear to?

Previously, this natural product (alum stone) with unique cosmetic properties was produced by STYX Naturcosmetic. Naturally, she produced it in Thailand, and then transported it to Europe, where she paid the appropriate fees and duties. After that, the deo-crystal was sent to Russia, where the corresponding fees and duties were also added to its price, after which, everyone's favorite drug got to the Russian consumer. After the price of raw materials (alunite) increased in Asia, Wolfgang Styx (President of STYX Naturcosmetic) told us that in Europe with his natural deo-crystal he will not be able to compete in a market where there are many synthetic versions of this product, and gave all the contacts of his Thai partner, offering to independently supply this cosmetic product to Russia and giving all rights to the name of this product "Mountain Energy".

What is the difference between a deo-crystal from Austria and a deo-crystal from Thailand?

Nothing but a loyal price, freed from the burdens of the EU tax system. What's the beauty: alum stone is produced by nature. STYX pharmacists did not add any additional additives to the formula of this mineral (and really, this is useless). As Thai craftsmen hand-crafted "sticks" of antiperspirant from alunite, they continue this good deed to this day. Only the delivery trajectory has changed: the drug goes directly from Thailand to Russia, bypassing an additional stop in Europe.

How Deo-crystal "Mountain Energy" works

The action of most cosmetic deodorants is aimed at narrowing the ducts of the sweat glands and at masking the smell of waste products of skin bacteria with perfume fragrances, while alunite antiperspirant, when applied to the skin, simply destroys the pathogenic microflora. Of the unconditional advantages of alum is the 100% absence of reactions of individual intolerance to it, since it does not interact with the internal environment of the body.

Applications of natural alum:

- elimination of secretory unpleasant body odors (bromodoses, osmidrosis);
- reduction of inflammation in pimples, acne, pustular rash;
- elimination of macerations (weeping dermatitis) of the skin;
- emergency elimination of idiosyncrasies, photodermatitis;
- hemostatic effect for small wounds, cuts;
- healing of cracks, erosion;
- acceleration of regeneration in case of wounds, abrasions, blisters;
- elimination of suppuration;
- relief of sebum flow (oily sheen of the skin);
- elimination of symptoms of oily seborrhea;
- prevention and control of fungal infections of the skin.

How to use the deo-crystal?

If you wipe areas of increased sweating daily with a moistened crystal, deo-crystal solves such a piquant problem as unpleasant body odor for 1-2 weeks. On the same principle, such a cosmetic effect of this drug as a decrease in sebum flow, elimination of the oily sheen of porous skin areas is based. To solve this problem, for a month, after morning and evening washing, treat wet (moistened with water or tonic) areas of the epidermis with a crystal twice a day, then let the skin dry on its own, and then apply a day or evening cream.

Crystal deodorant is considered one of the safest in the fight against the unpleasant odor of sweat. And if earlier, in order to get it, you had to try very hard, now mineral sticks are on sale at every step. Why are crystals needed? Why are they so popular? And are they really harmless?

Classic hard crystals

Deodorant crystal (stone, alunite) is a mineral (potassium alum) in solid or liquid form that prevents the growth of bacteria in the armpits. Sweat itself is odorless. And an unpleasant odor is caused not even by microorganisms that multiply on the skin, clothes of a person during sweating, but by the products of their vital activity. The stone prevents the growth of bacteria. As a result, you, of course, sweat, but without smell.

How to use crystal deodorant?

If you have purchased crystal in a classic solid version, then to use it, the stone must first be moistened under water and applied to clean underarm skin.

It is important to apply alunite only after a shower, when the body is clean. If the smell of sweat is already there, then the crystal is already powerless here.

As stated by the manufacturer, the deo-stone is valid for 24 hours.

If you got alunite in liquid form, then the same recommendations still apply. You don’t need to pre-moisten anything - just spray the solution on the skin after water procedures.

Pros of deo-crystals

  • natural composition
  • Fighting bacteria, not masking the smell with various fragrances
  • Doesn't clog pores
  • Economic consumption
  • Wound healing properties (sometimes it is even used to heal shallow wounds and cuts)

Cons of deo-crystals

  • Does not reduce perspiration. At all. That is, in hot weather, the armpits will still be wet, even if you smear them with a crystal every five minutes. You just won't smell it. But in any case, this is a significant drawback in comparison with antiperspirants that control the amount of sweat.
  • Feeling sticky after use. In truth, not all brands of crystals sin like this, and something also depends on the peculiarities of the work of the sebaceous glands in this matter. But there is such a downside.
  • Easy to break, split. Here you will need life hack: take any spray bottle, place the fragments in it and fill it with water. After a couple of days, you can use this mixture as an anti-sweat spray.
  • It is not recommended to store the deodorant stone on granite and marble shelves.. If you have a bathroom in this style, then it is better to move the alunite to another place.

  • Whole alum
  • Fused alum in stick form
  • Liquid solution-spray

Any kind of crystal works equally well. It's a matter of convenience here. On the one hand, the spray does not require any additional wetting action, but it can be inconvenient when traveling. And the stick is always at hand in a dry form, which means nothing will spill.

The history of the origin of deo-crystals

Back in 1984, a French entrepreneur Jerry Rosenblatt learned that in his homeland there is a factory that produces large blocks of natural mineral salt (potassium alum) for water purification. And at that moment, Jerry thought, why not use minerals to fight the bacteria that form on the human body due to sweat. It is difficult to say how he came to this non-trivial decision, but soon Rosenblatt visited the production in order to find out if it was possible to make these very small alums, for example, the size of a palm.

Potassium alum

And it began. Jerry hired people with disabilities to grind and pack minerals, setting up a small manufacturing operation. And soon in The New York Times appeared the first advertising article about a new product - a magic stone. Le Crystal Natural, killing the unpleasant smell of the armpits.

Within 24 hours, the deo-crystal was sold out. This was not prevented even by the relatively high price of the stone - $ 18 (adjusted for inflation, this is equivalent to the current $ 40). Less than a year later, crystals appeared in almost every cosmetic store.

Harm of deo-crystals

Deodorant stone does not contain aluminum chloride and hydrochloride- Synthetic chemicals that are associated with breast cancer, unlike its antiperspirant counterparts. However, the key ingredient of alunite is still the same aluminum, albeit of natural origin. Of course, this is not the same as compared to antiperspirants. But this fact is still very controversial in the scientific world.

So far, no research has proven that the notorious aluminum in its organic state is unhealthy. But this does not mean that in the future the rhetoric about the naturalness and harmlessness of alunite will not change. In the meantime, all over the world, crystals are recommended for use not only by doctors, but also by environmentalists, as a safe analogue to other deodorants.

Hello girls!

Today I will tell you about the crystal deodorant from the Austrian company STYX Naturcosmetic.

Here is what the manufacturer says about it: Deo-Crystal "Energy Gor" is a 100% natural natural product, consisting of aluminum-ammonium and aluminum-potassium alum. Applied to the skin, it coats it with a thin layer of mineral salts that eliminate odor-causing bacteria. 24 hours You can not worry about the smell, as you will be under reliable protection.
The advantages of deo-crystal over other deodorants is that it does not contain alcohol, fragrances and synthetic additives. Crystal "Mountain Energy" does not leave stains on clothes, is easy to use and reliable in operation.
For over 500 years, alum (known in the modern world as crystals of freshness) has been used as a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and hemostatic agent. The safety of using deo crystal has been proven by numerous studies. Even people with sensitive skin can safely use this gift of nature without fear of any unwanted reactions.
For cuts, blisters or pimples, you can also use deo-crystal. The variety of areas of its application and small size make it an indispensable travel companion.
Mode of application: After a shower, on wet areas of the body that need protection from the smell of sweat, swipe several times with the Energy of the Mountains crystal, previously also moistened with water. The more you spend the surface of the crystal on the body, the more reliable the protection will be.
Composition (INCI): Ammonium Alum, Potassium Alum (i.e. ammonium alum, potassium alum).

From me: I have long heard that aluminum compounds, which are commonly used in antiperspirant deodorants (for example, aluminum hydroxychloride), are extremely harmful to our body. They freely penetrate into the blood, are very slowly excreted from the body and accumulate in the internal organs. In addition, they can form plugs in the ducts of the sweat glands, with subsequent disruption of their functioning. And yet, oh horror, significantly increase the risk of developing breast cancer. After reading this, I decided to buy something more natural without such serious probabilistic consequences, and the choice fell on the indicated remedy.
But, having already bought a deo-crystal, I was suddenly puzzled by the question, what is the difference between it and ordinary deodorants, if both contain the same aluminum. It turns out that conventional deodorants contain chemically synthesized aluminum salts. As for aluminum-ammonium and aluminum-potassium alum, they are of completely natural origin, they have a completely different chemical formula (I think that the vast majority of chemists do not work at Beautician, so I will not give formulas), they do not violate the excretory function of the sweat glands, but act for due to adsorption and its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties. Thus, bacteria, which, when multiplying and multiplying, actually cause the smell of sweat, cannot be and multiply in such an environment.
Deo-crystal visually reminds me of an icicle :)

Odorless, which is its huge advantage compared to conventional dezikami, does not clog the aroma of perfume with its obsessive fragrance. I use it as recommended by the manufacturer. At the same time, it is not necessary to wet it for a long time and persistently, because it is water-soluble. Once wet, it is applied easily and dries quickly, application does not take much time. No need then to walk around the house for ages with hands up, waiting for it to dry out there. Moreover, it can be applied not only to the armpits, but also to any parts of the body that are characterized by increased sweating.
He is economical. I read somewhere that 60 g of alum with regular use is enough for a year (80 g in the Stixian). But now I look at mine and think that it will be enough for me for a year, for a year and again for a year :)
As a result of two months of use. For the first time in a long time, there are no nasty white marks on my clothes. Hurrah! I already thought it was simply unrealistic. It turns out that everything is possible under this sky, even this :) The smell of sweat does not really appear; if you sniff very closely, you will feel the neutral smell of your own skin. The only thing is that the manufacturer exaggerated about 24 hours. I do not pretend to be the truth in the highest instance, perhaps someone has enough of its effectiveness for just such an amount of time. I have to use the crystal a couple of times a day. And still I'm satisfied. I think that in very hot weather the crystal is unlikely to reduce the amount of sweat produced, but at temperatures up to 30 Celsius it behaves perfectly, there are no wet spots on clothes. I did not have to use it for increased physical exertion.
And if you add to everything its safety, then you get a very worthy tool.
Price: 500 rub.
Grade: 5

Thank you for coming!
Anna far away and after parting there will be a meeting

Smell ... Depending on the diet and lifestyle, each person has his own: there is a natural body odor, the aroma of favorite perfumes, and there is a smell of sweat, which sometimes cannot be interrupted by anything. Sweating is the body's natural response to stress, heat, or muscle strain. Evaporating from the surface of the skin, it helps to cool it better in order to save the body from overheating. The sweat glands secrete sweat in response to the warming of the body. Initially, it has no smell. Bacteria that utilize it on the surface of the skin break down proteins into fatty acids. They leave a bad trail. It is necessary to pay attention not to sweat, but to the bacteria that cause the stench. Environmentally responsible citizens who carefully study the information on the labels of their hygiene products will like natural deodorants Deo Crystal ("Mountain Energy") from the Austrian company Stix or their analogues from the domestic manufacturer Ecolab.

Excursion into history

At the end of the 19th century, this problem was first tackled in America, having launched the production of chemical deodorants. In the 20th century, they have already become perfumed. In different historical eras, the problem of smell was solved in different ways: the Egyptians rubbed the body with aromatic oils and ointments based on extracts of coconut, jojoba, lavender, mint, tea tree, the ancient Romans and Greeks tied bags with herbs to their armpits, in Rus' they used alum is a natural mineral. Alum, literally - "sour", the aqueous solution of these crystals has a sour, tart taste. The ancient physician Avicenna wrote about alum that they delay the flow of juices, reduce bleeding and inhibit the outpouring of excess to human organs. Evolution in the fight against the smell of sweat is not observed even after the invention of antiperspirants. The new is, as you know, the well-forgotten old: alum-based natural deodorants can be considered a worthy alternative to modern chemical sweat products.

Modern remedies for sweat

Conventionally, all today's products can be divided into 2 types: those that interrupt the smell of sweat, and those that eliminate the cause of its appearance. Spicy herbs and aromatic oils interrupt the bad smell with their aroma, modern deodorants also interrupt the sweat smell, but with perfume fragrances. The chemical components of modern deodorants are not always useful: irritations, allergies, and, of course, stains on clothes can appear on the skin from them. Do not eliminate the cause of bad amber and antiperspirants. Their formula is designed to reduce the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, sometimes they simply block the flow of sweat centers. All these measures allow the skin to remain dry for several hours. Of course, this is convenient, but what about security? Violation of the natural physiological process (sweat secretion) leads to a change in the thermal balance, which provokes the development of inflammatory processes in the sweat gland and ducts.

Treatment of such a disease is possible only by surgical methods.

Pharmacological properties of alum

Alum works differently: their bactericidal and bacteriostatic capabilities allow paralyzing the activity of microorganisms, dehydrating and causing their death. The anti-inflammatory properties of alum are due to its astringent and drying properties. In high concentrations, they are able to cauterize and stop the blood. In Soviet times, it was possible to buy a hemostatic pencil made on the basis of alum in a pharmacy. They do not clog pores, do not increase sweating.

According to the rehabilitation doctor S.N. Zinatulin, sweating is an important and vital function of the body. Completely stop the production of sweat fluid, blocking its centers, is dangerous to health. Violation of thermoregulation, inflammation of the sweat glands - the inevitable result of such experiments. Light natural moisture under the arms is the norm, confirming that the sweat glands are working properly.

With excessive sweating, it is better to use natural remedies.

Production of natural deodorants

Alum is a natural mineral. In their pure form, they are most often found in southeast Asia (this is due to the climatic features that are necessary for the formation of crystals). Among the largest producers of alum are the Philippines and Thailand. The natural shape of the crystal is an octahedron. For convenient use, they are cut, cleaned, polished by hand or on grinders and placed in sticks that are familiar to us.

Solid natural mineral deodorants were first brought to Russia from the Philippines in 2001. Due to their effectiveness and safety, they quickly gained popularity both in the mass market sector and in the elite market segment.

Alum sticks are currently produced by two methods: by melting and by laissez-faire in the structure of the crystal. The melting method allows you to add natural ingredients to the structure of the mineral - turmeric juices, aloe, mango, glycerin. They moisturize and soften the skin, have an antibacterial effect. Natural corn starch is added to the softening powder.

Composition and mechanism of action of Deo Crystal

The possibilities of the crystalline deodorant are explained by its exclusively natural composition: in the formulation of the product there are only aluminum sulfate salts: aluminum ammonium and aluminum potassium alum. Ammonia, chlorine and other dangerous compounds that are often found in chemical counterparts are not present in crystalline deodorant.

Deo Crystal deodorant has no smell, so it can be combined with any perfumed cosmetics.

The deodorant does not leave stains on clothes, however, with excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), when the usual preventive measures are no longer enough, traces of sweat may remain.

From bad smell and excess moisture, crystal deodorant protects us in the following ways:

  • It has a powerful antibacterial effect;
  • Slightly reduces the diameter of the sweat gland;
  • Creates a light film that slows down the release of moisture and blocks the reproduction of harmful microflora.

Crystal deodorant can be applied to the skin immediately after shaving, as it heals wounds. After switching to a healthy lifestyle, many note that clothes stay fresh longer. Without clogging blood vessels, the product allows the skin to remain fresh throughout the day.

To count on the result declared by the manufacturer, you need to get acquainted with the rules of application. If you have such a tool in your hands for the first time, first prepare your skin for new conditions. Chemical analogues clog the sweat centers to a greater or lesser extent, so they need some time to recover. If you do not use any deodorants, use only baby soap in the shower, avoid synthetic clothes, then after 3 days you can switch to a crystalline analogue.

Deo Crystal, made without interfering with the structure of the crystal, does not contain additives. Such deodorants are easy to use: just moisten the end of the package with warm water and apply to the armpits or other places where there is increased sweating. This forms a thin protective layer that lasts until the next shower.

Alum gives a feeling of crystal freshness, the deodorant effect lasts up to 4 days. After hygiene procedures, Deo Crystal is applied again, as the previous layer is washed off. It is important to apply the product on washed and dried skin of the armpits and other problem areas. Since the shelf life of such a tool is unlimited, it can be safely used to the last crumb. You can even make a spray from crumbs at home if you fill them with water in a ratio of 1:10.

How to choose your Deo Crystal

The release forms of the popular Austrian deodorant are multivariate. The sticks are very beneficial and economical: a 100-gram package lasts for 2 years (with daily use). This is the largest package, they also produce smaller ones: 40 g, 60 g, 80 g. Small sticks are convenient for travel and as samplers.

In addition to sticks, alum deodorants are also produced in the form of powder, spray, rounded stones, bars and spray granules.

Round stones and bars can be used in the same way as a stick. The multi-powder is suitable for powdering the feet and the spaces between the toes. Due to its antiseptic properties, the powder is also effective for fungal infections of the feet. Small pebbles and crumbs are easily soluble in water. Such a solution can be used as a spray, as it has the same capabilities as a crystal. It is convenient for them to handle hard-to-reach places such as the interdigital zone on the legs.

Benefits of natural deodorant

Deo Crystal is a natural product for eliminating the smell of sweat, it does not contain chemical additives and perfumed fragrances. It is absolutely safe even for children (if necessary), nursing and expectant mothers, with the exception of individual intolerance to alum. The crystal is not dangerous for allergy sufferers, does not clog pores. A powerful antiseptic is economical, easy to use, easy to operate, does not require special storage conditions.

The armpits are an area of ​​active perspiration, an area subject to shaving, so the absorption of any substances from there occurs much faster than in other parts of the body where there are no accumulations of sweat glands. This is comparable to what we consume inside. You can conduct an experiment: if you rub the soles (another active zone) with garlic, then after a while you will feel the taste of garlic in your mouth. And what about parabens (cheap preservatives), triclosan, synthetic fragrances, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol and aluminum derivatives with chlorine and ammonia that clog sweat glands, destroy such an important hormone as estrogen, increase the risk of developing breast cancer, impair kidney function, cause irritation and allergies?

The most dangerous men's deodorants, promising protection from sweat for 12 hours or more.

Natural deodorants do not protect 100% from sweat, because they do not block the release of moisture. In nature, there is no safe element that blocks the sweat gland, and this is just wonderful. With sweat, the body gets rid of toxins. If you completely block its release, intoxication of the body is guaranteed.

Product rating by users

On Deo Crystal deodorant, the reviews are contradictory, and this distinguishes it favorably from its clearly advertised counterparts. It really may not be effective enough for hyperhidrosis, tuberculosis, neurosis, hormonal disorders and other causes of sweating caused by serious illnesses or inadequate physical activity. A similar result can be regarded as a test, after which the examination by a doctor can no longer be postponed.

About Deo Crystal Ecolab deodorant, medical reviews are positive: extracts of oak bark, green tea, citrus fruits do not just add originality and freshness - Ecolab products disinfect the skin, stop inflammation, heal wounds after depilation, and eliminate bad smell.

It is impossible to predict the result of applying any hygiene product for a particular person, since each of us has our own physiological composition of the skin. And if some kind of it did not help your friends, this does not mean that it is useless for you.