Unusual “smart” backpacks that will make your life much easier. The most unusual and extraordinary backpacks in the world Unusual backpacks and bags


Not all backpacks are created equal. There are shoulder bags designed solely for carrying things. And accessories that perform many different, sometimes unexpected functions. And today we will talk about 8 most unusual backpacks with a secret.

There are tens, if not hundreds of millions of people in the world for whom the most best vacation- these are hikes around the world with a backpack on your back. But why walk, if from time to time you can ride and roll? Moreover, the backpack itself can help the traveler with this.

Travelers often carry a tent with them to spend the night where they are caught. dark time days. However, to do this they have to take huge backpacks with a lot of capacity. But Urban Rough Sleepers is a very compact shoulder bag that can... a short time turn into unpretentious housing.

Urban Rough Sleepers are a good option for unassuming travelers, tramps and homeless people. This backpack will become a mobile home for them, in which they can not only live, but also store their personal belongings. Moreover, all this is easy to carry from place to place on your own shoulders.

Cyclists, unlike, for example, motorists, cannot technical means warn other participants traffic about your future maneuvers - turning or braking. Therefore, it is customary among them to communicate their future plans with their hand while driving. But this may change in the future. After all, a backpack with electric turn signals and brake lights has already appeared.

Seil Bag – a safe backpack for cyclists

We start our story about backpacks with an Ethiopian runner named Haile Gebrselassie. What does this have to do with backpacks? The fact is that he always runs, fixing his hand in one position, squeezing his hand tightly. The runner explains this by saying that this is exactly the position his hand was in when he covered the distance from home to school. Every day he covered the ten-kilometer distance to school by running, holding his school bag tightly in his hand. He timed the time during which he managed to reach the school in order to further overcome his record.

Now school bags weigh a lot, because in them a large number of books and things that are needed at school. Because of this, spinal curvature can often be observed in schoolchildren. Backpacks are much safer for children's spines. The Germans generally introduced standards for school bags. Their weight and its contents should not exceed 1.2 kg. At the same time, it must be water-repellent, and the material must also breathe.

That is why I would like to recommend the online store for children's goods "Alice" - there is a huge selection of school backpacks with an orthopedic back, and the most convenient thing is that you don’t even have to leave home, just go to the store’s website and order a backpack online.

Amazing backpacks.

Some kids love regular, classic backpacks, while others want to stand out among their peers. It has long been possible to purchase a variety of variations of backpacks that can surprise not only children, but also adults.

There are backpacks in the form musical instruments: drum or guitar. Such backpacks will not offend anyone, but quite the opposite - they will surprise and delight. Sometimes he wants to show how open a person is - then the backpack is used not only inside, but also outside. Backpacks are decorated with skeletons, badges, stickers and many other things. You look at the backpack, and it becomes clear what kind of soul its owner has.

There are many backpacks that show that the owner loves movies or cartoons. You look at the backpack and see that the owner is a real Jedi or vampire hunter. Every year, designers try to create items that can delight and surprise any child. By visiting stores, you can find a wide variety of backpacks.

Of course, it matters not only appearance, but also the functionality of a backpack. It would seem that it is impossible to make a backpack even better, but designers surprise again and again. In backpacks you can see many additional departments. Some of them are so secret that only the owner of the backpack can find them.


The first backpacks were designed for people who lead an active lifestyle, often going out into nature. These backpacks helped us take all the things we needed on a hike. It doesn’t matter where a person goes - to nature, to a picnic, to the river or to another place. A backpack will help you conveniently carry all the things that are so necessary on a hike. You can fit a tent, a ball, cutlery, and many other important things in your backpack. Without a backpack we wouldn’t have had such a wonderful holiday as we did with it.

Now you can even find a backpack-jacket on the market. Great option for those who constantly carry with them many useful attributes. This is much easier than putting your phone, keys, player, money, headphones, passport, wallet and other things into one pocket. The jacket-backpack allows you to easily place all your things without disturbing the owner at all.

Today’s article will talk about the most unusual backpacks that humanity has come up with. This will allow you to see all the diversity that exists in the world and understand that in addition to the classic backpack, as we are used to seeing it, there are a lot of interesting items.

The backpack is a bag with two straps, but who ever said that it should look exactly the way it has for the last hundred years?

So, let's start with an innovative model, with a completely uncharacteristic way of opening. It opens like the lid of a baby stroller. Access to things is very convenient, but time will tell how practical it is

The second participant in our review is fashionable a leather backpack from the Italian manufacturer Pratesi. Costs about 500 euros, like everything from Pratesi. In general, an unusual and interesting shape, but still quite close to the classics.

Backpacks in the shape of animals or comic book characters are not new. But, of course, we still can’t get used to them. This thing costs about 40 dollars.

Perhaps a very creative and useful invention is the umbrella backpack. How many times have you been bothered by an umbrella in your hand? But here it protects from the rain and doesn’t get in the way. All the benefits of a weatherproof backpack. Cost about 40 dollars.

Another creative invention is a backpack stroller. The stroller can be conveniently carried to any desired location and then used. It seems convenient, but the question of convenience and practicality still arises. How comfortable will it be for the child? And why drag a stroller somewhere without a child?

2D backpack. In general, 2D bags appeared quite a long time ago. They are, of course, not flat, just front side drawn so that they appear to be flat. Enough fashion direction It also came to backpacks.

Backpack for cyclists. Very regular model with added LED display for road safety. A very useful invention.

Backpacks are made from a variety of materials: nylon, leather, polyurethane, canvas. But it’s unusual to see steel on this list. However, the steel backpack does exist. Made in the USA, costs $300.

The next model is somewhat surprising. A normal leather backpack unusual shape. It’s probably better not to meet him in a dark alley. But the model is definitely worthy of attention.

Another super practical invention is a backpack with a hood. A striking example how very simple and without much effort ordinary thing became very interesting and certainly useful.

We hope you enjoyed our short review of unusual backpacks. Unfortunately, we don't sell these in our store. And not even because they are difficult to find, but because there is only a single demand for them. But you can always choose from us.


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Transparent backpack

We do not undertake to judge what practical use it has - rather, the risk of attracting street thieves to the contents of the backpack. But the fact remains: this design solution will not go unnoticed on city streets. Still, you shouldn’t carry a tablet, wallet or documents in it. A cute, but not very reliable accessory, made of waterproof plastic, serves more to complement the image.

Backpack in the form of a musical instrument

“Everything in a person should be beautiful,” a classic once said, “his face, his clothes, his thoughts, his soul.” A backpack in the shape of a guitar or drum silently tells others about the musical hobby or profession of its owner. A beautiful and extraordinary accessory is perfect for creative people.

Backpack with solar batteryth

era electronic gadgets made most people internet addicted. Even on vacation, many cannot live a day without social networks and news portals. Compartments for tablets and laptops will not surprise anyone today, and backpack manufacturers have gone further. The Voltaic Converter backpack is the first backpack model with solar panels. The panels accumulate energy and charge a smartphone or laptop. A real lifesaver for those who are separated from the group in the mountains or forest.

Dog backpack

A dog is a man’s friend, and so close and dear that the owners of their four-legged pets strive to provide them with all the benefits that they themselves enjoy. Smart clothes, an elegant trimmer, wool dyeing and even a manicure are no longer news. A dog backpack as a warming accessory for the back and the finishing touch to the look is the theme! Just what should the dog put in it - a toy, a bone, a comb?

Backpack with built-in tent

Hiking enthusiasts know very well that for an overnight stay on outdoors need a tent. Its usual version cannot be called compact, but now there is Urban Rough Sleepers - a backpack model that transforms into a small tent in a matter of minutes. As soon as it appeared on the market, it was chosen by various categories of buyers, from unassuming tourists to the homeless. A backpack with a tent practically has your home behind you.

Picnic backpack

A picnic backpack has been developed especially for those who prefer outings with barbecue to hiking in the mountains. Organizing forks, spoons, knives is easy! Grab large linen napkins, a tablecloth and a corkscrew - no problem. Special compartments in the backpack themselves “tell” how much and what to take with you and where to put it, so it’s hard to make a mistake.

Backpack with light display for cyclists

Those who are familiar with the rules of the road know that cyclists use gestures to notify other road users of their maneuvers - braking or turning around. A smart backpack with a light display signals to those riding behind that the cyclist plans to speed up or stop. The LED display control panel is attached to the steering wheel and is literally at hand.

Monster backpack

The fashionable holiday Halloween is celebrated once a year, but there are jokers who are not averse to playing pranks on others at least every day. A backpack in the shape of a huge beetle or alien creature perfectly keeps passers-by or passengers on their toes public transport to the joy and pleasure of its owner. The design of the product can be anything, the designer’s imagination is limited only by the limits of decency.


The model will certainly be of interest to those who are used to carrying it in their pockets. outerwear lots of little things. Place your phone, wallet, bank cards, driver's license, ID card is not so easy. A jacket-backpack solves the problem of storing small items and also keeps you warm in cool weather.

Modular backpack

The American company Ember Equipment has developed a backpack of a very original design. Modules are hung on its main part, the size and number of which are regulated by the owner. In the manufacture of the model, innovative materials were used: anodized aluminum, Genuine Leather, four layers of waterproof nylon fabric with polyurethane impregnation. This pleasure is not cheap, from 260 to 370 dollars.


Do you dream about own funds travel, but haven’t saved up for a car yet? Not a problem, because the Gig Pack backpack, designed by a Brazilian designer, is also a scooter. Just imagine what a find this is for millions of travelers. After all, with such a device you can see many more sights per day and cover tens of kilometers. The scooter is equipped with thick rubber wheels and can withstand weight up to 90 kg. When folded, its dimensions do not exceed the dimensions of an ordinary city backpack.

  • It’s worth looking at the range offered today by the Grizzly brand, as it becomes clear that we have one of the leaders in our market. At the same time, the brand, which offers a wide variety of backpacks for men and women of all ages, constantly introduces new items, including for the little ones.


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  • 04.12.2018

  • A backpack, regardless of the chosen model, manufacturer, style or refinements of the designer who designed it, was, is and will remain the simplest, functional item, in which capacity/convenience of everyday use is more important than appearance, following fashion, applied solutions or used " baubles."

    Writers and filmmakers of the past era loved to depict the 21st century as time high technology, and now their expectations are slowly beginning to come true. Latest developments We also came to accessories: among them there are backpacks that are so unusual that once you use them, you simply won’t want to go back to ordinary bags!

    Lifepack with solar panels

    Owners of modern smartphones who cannot live without their gadgets, carry chargers with them every day and try not to stray far from life-giving outlets, will be delighted with this backpack. The new product received the self-explanatory name Lifepack and contains a solar-powered battery in its design. Its charge is enough to charge your smartphone about twelve times!

    Despite the fact that the battery is charged using solar panels, it can be charged on the road and through a regular electrical outlet using a USB port. But it’s not just the built-in battery that the unusual backpacks in this line can boast of: they are protected from moisture and falls, have a lock that will help you open the bottle, and four secret compartments inside, created specifically for storing especially valuable things.

    Anti-theft Bobby backpack

    Quite recently, a project of a completely unique backpack appeared, which was called Bobby. And it was created just for residents of modern megacities, where street theft flourishes. It is made from a special fabric that is extremely cut resistant.

    In addition, the design of the bag is designed so that it can be safely carried on the back even in crowded places and crowds, for example, in the subway, because thieves will not be able to open it: from the outside it is very difficult to see the backpack clasps, and only the owner will know where they are located .

    This cool backpack is also waterproof and contains many convenient pockets where you can put small items.

    Loctote Flak Sack

    Another model that provides protection against theft is the Loctote Flak Sack. Most often, backpacks of this type are popular with athletes and students who need to carry shoes and uniforms with them. If you need to go somewhere and leave your bag unattended, then you don’t have to worry about the safety of your things: the material from which this cool backpack is made is very durable, so it won’t be able to be cut.

    These fancy backpacks also come with a lock that allows you to secure them where you leave them, just like a bike. And, of course, the Flak Sack is also made of waterproof fabric, so you can safely leave it on the beach and go swimming without worrying about gadgets left in the bag.

    LED backpack Lumos Aster

    The latest developments have helped create a cool backpack equipped with LED lights. They depict a whole system of indicators designed for cycling on the road: stop, headlights, turn, etc. Such signals will be controlled by Bluetooth wireless technology and a remote control that is attached to the steering wheel. LED lights also help improve visibility when cycling at night.

    And this is not the only thing that such unusual backpacks will be useful for cycling enthusiasts: they are equipped with helmet holders, shoe compartments and even pockets for a memory card and ID in case of a car accident. By installing a separate application on your smartphone, you can also track the location of your backpack and bicycle.

    Finally, these unusual backpacks are simply good for their roomy sizes: books, a change of shoes and clothes, and even a laptop will fit in there.

    Backpack-scooter Olaf

    Suitcases on wheels were invented a long time ago, but the ease of transportation still does not feel like it. The Olaf company decided that it was more profitable to kill two birds with one stone and make it easier not only to carry cargo, but also to move around, and began producing unusual backpacks that are attached to a four-wheeled scooter.

    If you need to go somewhere, you simply use a scooter and carry your luggage at the same time, without worrying that it will get in your way or get lost.

    You can also transport other loads in this way if you place them in front of you. What’s most interesting is that a small-looking backpack-scooter, which itself weighs almost 5 kg, can withstand up to 120 kg of weight when traveling.

    Such unusual bags are also created for the case of a strict dress code: in this case, they are a hybrid of a scooter and a case that weighs only 3.5 kg.

    And in this video you will see multifunctional clothes that will fit any gadgets:

    Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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