June's heirs. Who will get the multi-million dollar inheritance of the juna

March 8

Juna's close friend, Chief of the General Staff of the Union of Cossack Troops in Russia and Abroad, Colonel-General of the Cossack Troops Valery Kamshilov told KP what her relatives talked about on the first day after the death of the healer.

Last night we set the table on the first floor of her mansion, - Valery Vasilyevich told KP. - And they began to discuss family matters. Relatives insisted that the funeral be held on June 12, on the 5th day after Juna's death. And on the same day - the funeral service, which they want to hold in the Assyrian church next to the Avtozavodskaya metro station. Juna was related to this temple - she gave her jewels for its construction. But she accepted the Orthodox faith (the Assyrians profess Nestorianism - a special branch of Christianity - ed.). In my opinion, she should have been buried in an Orthodox church ... But it is even more important to have a worthy farewell to her. She is still an outstanding person, how many people she helped, how many she put on their feet ... We discussed these peaceful topics with her nieces. And after our meeting late in the evening, one of the guards of the mansion called me and said that Lily's niece was going to change the locks, saying that she was afraid that someone might enter the house. So quickly change locks and keys?

- Perhaps Lily is afraid that strangers will come ...

How can you change the locks in a house that doesn't belong to you! I believe that it is necessary to seal the mansion until all the heirs who can confirm the blood relationship are announced. Juna's mother, a Kuban Cossack, died very early. She was raised by her father's family, in which her half-brother Vladimir grew up - he has already died. Remained nephews and even distant relatives. New heirs may also appear, which I have no doubt ...

- But the only son of Juna Vakho died 14 years ago ...

Vakhtang may have children, grandchildren of Juna. He was a prominent guy, liked by women. I'm sure there will be those who will pretend to be her grandchildren. By the way, after the death of Vakhtang, Juna really wanted grandchildren and began to look for a surrogate mother for Vakho's child. Before his death, he handed over his genetic material to a special data bank. Vakhtang also had a fiancee. But the girl's father was against modern medical manipulations, although Juna insisted at one time. I managed to dissuade her, after all, the birth of a child from frozen spermatozoa is not a charitable deed.

- What inheritance of Juna are we talking about?

She lived in a mansion in Bolshoy Nikolopeskovsky Lane in the Arbat area, about 1200 square meters, if you take into account the basement. As far as I know, her property had one floor, the one she built on. For the rest of the area - three floors and a basement, she paid 500 thousand rubles a month in rent. She also had an apartment next door.

Did Juna leave a will?

To my knowledge, there is no will. The only thing she wanted was for her art gallery to appear in this mansion. Now Juna's paintings cost from 300 thousand to half a million rubles. Now, I think even more trembling. But the main thing that she owned was a magical gift, on the basis of which she released the Juna biocorrector, by the way, the device is patented. In recent years, Juna stopped communicating with relatives, did not accept anyone except her patients, whom she treated for free. That is why I propose to seal the mansion for six months, until all the heirs are announced and it becomes clear which of them are legitimate and which are mythical.


Juna's nephew: We don't need anything. Let all her fortune go to charity

Juna was the last of the large Assyrian Sardis family. George, Vladimir, Alexei, Emma and Andrei - her brothers and sister have long since passed away. 10 nephews are the only closest people who stayed with the famous healer. Four of them still live in the Kuban village of Urmia, raise cattle and raise children. The rest moved to the capital (details)


The legacy of the first psychic of the USSR: “Juna wanted a museum in her mansion on the Arbat”

Perhaps Juna's closest friend from the day she arrived in Moscow was Valery Kamshilov. Now he is the chief of the General Staff of the Union of Cossack troops in Russia and abroad, Colonel-General of the Cossack troops.


Five most famous myths about Juna Davitashvili

Ironically, the approach of an era of social upheaval can be easily predicted, focusing on the growth in the number of predictors themselves. When a social cataclysm is brewing in a country, people's faith in rational knowledge drops sharply and an unhealthy interest in the occult and mysticism arises. So, before the revolution of 1917, seances came into fashion, and the elder Grigory Rasputin became the attending physician of the royal family. On the eve of the collapse of the USSR, psychics became the masters of minds (details)


In memory of Juna


Our columnist mourns the death of a famous healer

Great Juna died. Greatest. At the age of 65. Tormented by the death of her beloved son, her heart, soul and body could not stand life. But she will live forever in our hearts. (details)

Tested on myself: how I was treated by Juna and ended up in the hospital

Our correspondent recalls his first meeting with a famous healer

In general, to be honest, I did not expect Juna to die. Such women, in my opinion, live for a long, long time, and then disappear somewhere. Those who were with me in 2009 know my story of going to her for an interview. (details)


Juna's nephew: She so wanted to come to her native farm! Did not make it!

A museum of paintings and things of a healer will open in the Kuban

In the tiny village of Urmia, in the Kurganinsky district of the Kuban, everyone knows the name of Juna. It was here, almost 66 years ago, that the famous healer was born. Here she graduated from high school and, having waited for adulthood, left for the capital. She stayed there. Forever. Juna Davitashvili died in Moscow, just a month before her birthday. (details)


Juna fell into a coma after carotid surgery

Perhaps Juna's closest friend from the day she arrived in Moscow was Valery Kamshilov. Now he is the chief of the General Staff of the Union of Cossack troops in Russia and abroad, Colonel-General of the Cossack troops

We have known her for thirty years, ”recalls Valery Vasilyevich. - Since the time when she had just arrived in Moscow. She was given an apartment on Semenovskaya. And I also lived in the area. We met. By that time, Juna was already a celebrity (details)

After the death of the famous psychic Juna Davitashvili, a tough fight for her rich inheritance will surely unfold. The healer, who allegedly was not interested in material wealth, left behind not only glory ...

Lived only dead son
Psychic Djuna, whose patients were rumored to be Boris Yeltsin, Leonid Brezhnev, Marcello Mastroianni, Nastassya Kinski, as well as many other stars and politicians, died at the age of 66 after surgery on the carotid artery. Juna had advanced atherosclerosis.
However, after the death of Davitashvili, rumors spread: with her passing away, everything is not easy and unclean.
- In recent years, she lived with Vakhtang (the only son of a healer who died in a car accident 13 years ago. - Auth.). I really wanted to see him,” says singer Mikhail Muromov, who has recently kept in touch with her. According to the artist, he was brought together with Juna by a common interest - acupuncture.
Having buried Vakhtang, the woman lived with memories of him. A month after the funeral, she ordered to dig it out - it seemed to her that sand was stuck in her son's eyes and that the earth was pressing on him.
There is another version: the desire of bad people to appropriate her wealth brought her to the grave of a psychic. Actor Stanislav Sadalsky, who was well acquainted with Juna, wrote about this on his page on the social network. We are talking about black realtors who want to profit from real estate.
And real estate - wow. This is a cool four-story mansion on the Arbat right in front of the Vakhtangov Theatre. With the mansion, everything is very foggy. According to rumors, Davitashvili owned only the fourth floor, which she built on, the other three she either rented or received for free use.
- The price of 1 square meter in a mansion can fluctuate around 1-1.2 million rubles per square meter. meter, - says Olga Tikhonova, head of the office "On Frunzenskaya", "MIEL - Network of Real Estate Offices".

Son Vakhtang was the meaning of life for Juna

A crown of gold - a lie?
Based on this figure, the 1,200-square-meter room in the domina where the psychic lived costs 1 billion 200 million rubles! But if the healer owned only one apartment on the fourth floor, then it costs less. According to the real estate agency, a four-room apartment with a total area of ​​125 sq. meters at a price of 79 million rubles.
Stanislav Sadalsky writes, and other acquaintances of the psychic confirm that she also owned expensive jewelry. “She had diamonds. A month ago, she had a real huge golden crown of the Queen of Assyria, unbearable, three kilograms, ”says the actor.
- One kilogram of pure gold on the London Jewelery Exchange costs 50 thousand dollars, - says Andrey Ananiev, General Director of the Russian Jewelry Art company. - Multiply by three, and if the thing has an antique value, then twice as much. I knew Juna during her lifetime: she lied like a gray mare, so it’s not worth relying on that this is a real crown and pure gold.
True, no one knows where this crown is now. But everyone knows that Davitashvili's mansion has the richest collection of paintings. It is estimated at half a million rubles. Among the works there are paintings of the healer herself. It is unlikely that they have artistic value, but after the death of the author, they will still increase in price.
“I don’t know, maybe she had some kind of savings,” Muromov throws up his hands. She didn't say anything about it.
Nevertheless, Juna, who was allegedly not interested in material goods, did not work for thanks. In its center for ordinary mortals (stars and politicians do not count. - Auth.) There was a fixed price tag: consultation - 500 rubles, treatment from 1500 thousand.
Juna has no direct heirs. Son Vakhtang died, he had no children in marriage. There are nephews - as many as 10 people - the children of her brothers and sisters. The healer did not leave any will - she had a tense relationship with her relatives. It seemed to the psychic that everyone was jealous of her fame and fortune. If the relatives do not agree among themselves, they will decide on the division of the inheritance in court.
Real estate is the easiest thing to do.
“A notary, at the request of relatives, can send a request to the relevant authorities and find out what property belonged to the deceased by right of ownership,” explains Maria Rulkova, a lawyer at the Knyazev and Partners law firm.
Jewelry is more difficult. As a rule, there are no documents on them, and if the crown and diamonds were stolen, this still needs to be proven. Some circumstantial evidence, they say, someone once saw them at Juna, is not enough. Getting money from bank accounts is also not easy. You need to know exactly where the psychic kept the money in order to send a request there. Client deposits are a secret, and the banks themselves, of their own free will, will not notify the heirs.
In general, the fabulous wealth of Juna Davitashvili may not be so fabulous. And even one apartment on the Arbat is not enough for all relatives to provide themselves with a comfortable life and no longer think about money.

Penthouse, safe room and cellars with antiques

Two weeks ago, the legendary Juna passed away, but even after her death, there was no more clarity in the perception of her personality. To learn more about June, we decided to visit her house. Of course, doing this without the permission of the owner is inappropriate. But the thing is that Juna's inheritance has not yet found its owners, and now the house is in a "suspended" state, temporarily does not belong to anyone. Although for him there is a real battle.

Juna herself loved everything magical during her lifetime. And she loved to let in an aura of mystery around her. And now the solid riddles and contradictions that the healer had during her lifetime still live in her house. Labyrinths of corridors, locked doors and boarded cellars. A guide to the space where she lived, healed, created, that is, Juna existed in all her guises, her personal assistant agreed to become for us.

Acquaintance with Vicki and Valera

Our guide Vitaliy Brodzkiy has been with Juna for years. At first she wanted him to write a book about her. Then she herself abandoned this idea, but Vitaly did not let go of herself - he, apparently, reminded her of her dead son.

- What only had to be demolished from her! - says Vitaly, while we are walking along the Arbat. - Once, for no reason at all, I slapped a slap in the face. And somehow she launched a fork (I don’t remember what she didn’t like), I barely dodged. Vulcan, not a woman.

We pass the Vakhtangov Theater, and here it is - the mansion in which Juna lived. There are flowers at the front door. Actually, this is the only "identification mark". And so - an ordinary, unremarkable iron door. We open it. Towards throws out a ball of wool - and barks deafeningly. Vicki! After the death of her son, the healer addressed all her tenderness and love to this funny little dog.

“She kissed her, she adored her,” says Vitaly, whom Vicky immediately recognizes and immediately calms down. Vicky always slept at Juna's feet.

In fact, to be precise, this is Vicki number 2. The first dog with such a nickname died, to the great sorrow of Juna. Friends were touched by how the healer suffers, and they found her an exact copy of the dog. At first, the woman screamed, “That's not Vicki! Get her out of here!" And then I got used to it and fell in love with it just like the first one. Moreover, a year later, as they say, she had forgotten at all that this was a different dog. Viki-2 lived with the owner for almost 5 years.

Vicki, meanwhile, runs out into the street and lays down right on the threshold of the door, picturesquely sadly resting her head on her paws. At my attempt to stroke her, she immediately willingly turns her head, it is clear that she missed the caress. Valera comes out to meet him - a thin man of indeterminate age and a slightly strange appearance. He is the only one who has stayed by Juna's side since the 80s. The healer had no one more truly and devotedly than him.

Once she cured a person close to him. Valera was so impressed and grateful that he wanted to help the savior in everything. Since then, he has been her shadow, her arms and legs. Valera does not talk much about himself, but it is easy to understand that he, most likely, has nothing personal and no relatives - no family, no children, no other work. He devoted his whole life to Juna, loving her with some kind of bookish, platonic love. After all, Juna did not perceive a single man even as a potential partner for many years.

“We were friends with her, and I knew a lot about her. And I can say for sure that she didn’t have any lover or boyfriend, ”the artist Natalya Golei tells about this part of Juna’s life. In this sense, she lived very ascetically. Didn't meet anyone. Disappointment in love carried through her whole life, after her husband betrayed her. So she turned all her love to the dog.

In response to my objection that Juna, in addition to the dog, had both friends and admirers, Valera enters into the conversation. Lighting a cigarette, he sadly says that those in whom Juna believed more and whom she would like to see, even invisibly, at the saddest moment, did not come to the funeral. “That’s all there is,” he sighs.

Just as we are about to begin our tour of the house, two more people suddenly appear on the threshold - a man and a woman in years. Both begin to scream, and it is clear that they are very nervous. All Valera's explanations that, they say, we are not strangers and he knows Vitaly well, do not give any effect.

“These people are from numerous nephews,” Vitaly explains to me in a whisper, “they will have to go through the back door from the yard, otherwise they will not calm down.

We exit and turn the corner.

“VIPs used to come through this door,” my escort continues to say. — Look, what a quiet cozy courtyard. See the holes in the asphalt? I think it's bullet holes.

- What bullets? I even stop in surprise. Was there a shootout?

- At one time, under Yeltsin, Juna was given a Kalashnikov assault rifle - don’t ask how this could happen, I understand that it’s absurd, but Juna is Juna, this didn’t happen to her. And somehow in the yard someone made a lot of noise. She jumped out with a machine gun and started shooting. Shot down into the ground. And then she forced her assistants to pick out bullets from the asphalt.

Right there, in the courtyard, there is a small shop where Juna herself sometimes went for groceries. From her door to him, only 30 meters, no more. In general, everything here seems to have been specially provided for her. Even in the air there seems to be romance and mystery. Maybe because the part of the house where Juna lived was painted pink at her request, and the windows had purple shutters. Unusual but beautiful. I notice that the corner of the pink mansion is occupied by some merchants (tenants of the premises). Juna herself, for information, also used the mansion under a long-term lease. She personally owned only two apartments, and not the entire entrance, as many believed.

“I slept without undressing on a narrow couch”

If you enter Juna's house from the main entrance (the one opposite the service entrance to the Vakhtangov Theatre), then on the first floor you immediately run into a kind of reception. You could almost always see Valera behind the counter (it must be said that he received a salary for his work). Turn right and enter a large room.

“Feasts have always been held here,” explains Brodzky. - Often she arranged them, but she herself ... did not appear. So we walked without her. Here she sent everyone who was looking for meetings with her. She said, "Wait there." Sometimes it was possible to wait for her for 5-6 hours ... But, to the credit of Juna, it should be noted that no one sat hungry. She always ordered that people be fed and drunk.

The room is huge. The floor is parquet. In the middle is a wooden table covered with oilcloth, two dozen chairs. There are two huge paintings on the wall, painted by the healer herself. On one of them, on a blue background, something is depicted that Juna herself called magic. Friends say that she painted about 500 paintings and that they are all symbolic, carry encrypted messages.

Now the room is empty, but once it was full of visitors... Juna's entire house was buzzing like a beehive during her lifetime. From this room there is just an exit to the courtyard, where once there was an incident with a machine gun.

If you turn left from the reception, you find yourself in a long corridor, again hung with her paintings. During the life of Juna, patients stood in this corridor, waiting for their turn. The first door to the left is an office where Juna treated people. Here all the walls are in photographs, in which the healer is captured with presidents, athletes, "stars". The coat of arms of Russia is on the wall, a bronze bust of Juna is on a round table, and 5 miracle devices invented by her adorn the walls.

“She put me on this apparatus several times,” recalls Vitaly. - And this is her beloved, she herself sat behind him, was treated. She seemed to seriously believe that they could heal. The session lasted 1 hour, after which she moved her hands for another 5 minutes. For me, the effect was precisely from these 5 minutes, and not from the device. But I might be wrong. The session cost three thousand rubles. The money is decent, but you had to somehow maintain this whole huge house. In addition, she could treat someone for free. And the money... there were times when she just handed them out. I remember I came on a motorcycle. Juna loved it when I came like that - she liked the roar of the engine. I sit at her house and think: will I have enough money for gasoline to get home? And then she suddenly says: “Well, no money for gasoline? Here you go!” And held out a 5,000th bill. I was shocked to realize that she had read my mind. Then she “read” more than once what I think, after which I believed in her gift.

Vitaly recalls that patients often came to Juna not with sores, but with life problems. One girl neighbor from the Arbat with silicone lips asked to find her a worthy husband. Juna at first seemed to be imbued, introduced this "Barbie" to someone from the State Duma. After the fifth bridegroom whom Juna had fled from the girl, she screamed in her hearts: “I thought she was good. She's just a whore!" (The healer used a different term, but we toned it down for censorship reasons.)

- It turns out that Juna did not understand people at all? I check with Vitalik.

- It turns out that it is. I understand that this is a contradiction. He reads minds, but he doesn't understand people. But she was all like that - woven from completely incongruous. It intertwined high and low as if it were two different Junes. Marvelous! And yet she was alone. It seems to me that only two truly loved her - Valera and a Georgian boy, a friend of her dead son. The rest just wanted something from her.

Because of this, she developed a mania - she was afraid that she was being robbed. She could say to someone: “You stole something from me!” But the man did not take anything, and in fact she herself hid the thing somewhere or lost it (she was very absent-minded). Because of this, people were very offended by her and did not come anymore.

The question of Juna's relationship with other people is so important for understanding her personality that I am looking for an answer to it from other people close to her. Here is what the ex-girlfriend of her son Tatyana, whom Juna herself called her daughter-in-law, tells me:

- For the last 8 years I have been with her, if not every day, then every week for sure. Fate itself brought us together again, and Juna considered me a daughter-in-law, which is not at all the case. I was not officially married to her son, although I was his girlfriend for a long time. So, it was impossible not to love her. And those who say that Juna was loved only by Valera are wrong. We all loved her.

People in her presence fell under some kind of charm, despite her complex nature. Only when you left the house, there was a kind of sobering. What is this phenomenon, I still do not understand. But you are right when you say that everyone needed something from her. I remember one moment. Juna sat down for dinner. There was fragrant borscht, which she adored. She just took a spoon, and then a man comes in, who starts asking her for something from the threshold. She threw the spoon... And it was a common situation - no one cared about her mood, her needs, everyone used her. And about her breakdowns, she said: “Yes, I am unrestrained, I am a village girl, I am a tomboy.” And it could either be accepted or not.

It was in the study that the coffin stood and the farewell ceremony took place. The body was lying next to the bust (and Juna looked at the deceased Juna bronze), exactly between two windows hung with red curtains.

The next door after the office is to the accounting department. Closed. And during the life of Juna, she was also locked. Then the door to the safe room. All documents are stored here, all the most valuable and expensive that Juna had. They say that she herself locked the room with a padlock and kept the keys with her (but she often lost it, she had to call specialists and open the locks, of which there are several). The door to the toilet, and finally, from the opposite side, the entrance to Juna's room. Here she allowed her friends and assistants. I ate and slept here. Here she watched her favorite Indian films on a giant LCD TV and made guests tell stories until 5 in the morning.

- It was on this sofa on the side that she slept, often without undressing. — Brodzky points to a narrow trestle bed near the wall on the right. - She was not embarrassed that the room could be full of people: if she wanted to sleep, she lay down and fell asleep. Here on this table there used to be a cooler with boiling water, so that friends could make their own tea, there were all sorts of cookies and sweets. The kitchen is right there, to the left behind the counter. Juna did not have her own cook, but her assistants and friends themselves cooked with pleasure for themselves and the mistress of the house. If it happened that no one had a desire to fry and steam, Juna sent messengers to the nearest restaurant.

What else? Sofa, large table. Actually quite a cozy room, despite its gigantic size.

“All the most significant meetings were held here,” recalls Brodzky. - And there is probably not a single person from the world of politics and show business (from among the people of the 80s and 90s) who has not been here. The bar counter was always lined with flowers. There were so many of them, almost like in a flower shop. Juna loved flowers, but she did not show it especially. And she never boasted about anything.

Penthouse for Vakhtang

Juna's house has an elevator, but it hasn't been working for a long time. The healer did not allow him to fix it, she believed that it was necessary to walk more on foot. I imagine how she herself climbed every day along this staircase to the second floor. How she turned left into her art gallery or right into her workshop, where there were a lot of artists who painted something from morning till night. All doors are now closed. The heirs are afraid that someone will take something before they divide all the property. Juna herself did not leave a will, but she always repeated that she wanted a museum accessible to everyone here.

“In recent months, one woman was in charge of everything, with whom Juna became close friends,” says Davitashvili’s friend. “It was she who tried to change the locks in the house just now. She assures that she invested 2.5 million in Juna, and, apparently, wants this money to be returned to her somehow. But Valera called the familiar Cossacks, they came and explained that everything here was no longer even Juna, but belonged to the institute named after her, and nothing could be touched, otherwise it would be bad.

“No, it’s not like that,” Juna’s ex-daughter-in-law puts forward her version. - This is, apparently, about Tatyana, a very wealthy woman, who, on the contrary, paid for the operation of the healer. Juna helped her at one time, Tatyana had a long-awaited child, so she wanted to thank her benefactor.

A year ago, Juna tore her back: during the sessions, she lifted people from behind, as chiropractors do. And often called an ambulance to stop the pain syndrome. And in March, when she got out of the bath, she fell and broke. It was before my eyes. Microstroke, fracture of four ribs. Tatyana persuaded her to have an operation, but Juna hated the hospital, she ran away from there. Already during the examination, other ailments were revealed, and the doctors did not know what to operate in the first place. Well, time was lost ... And Lily's niece wanted to change the locks, but also only out of good intentions (so that property would not be stolen). She is a doctor by education, she helped Juna, although at some point she asked Lily to leave. Lilya and Tatyana are two adequate people who really wanted to save Juna ...

We rise above. The third floor is where the casino supposedly was. The door is closed, but it essentially leads to nowhere - now just a warehouse of all sorts of old things. But how do you know what's in there? Juna was given a lot of things. So many that she herself did not have time to even properly examine all the gifts, and sent them here, on the third floor. Maybe there are some really expensive items in there.

Fourth floor. Penthouse for the undividedly beloved son. About 200 sq. meters. All the best and modern. Luxury and style. All this has not seen the owner for a long time. But no, I'm wrong!

“Recently, Juna let a certain young man live here,” the assistants say. We don't know much about him. Perhaps he paid money to rent this apartment. But he felt quite at home here. However, he suddenly disappeared in April. Like sinking into the water.

Yes, there are more secrets around. But we, nevertheless, came to the end of the tour.

“There are also cellars,” says Brodzky. - Juna and I went down there several times. Everything there is lined with antiques, paintings, some things. I don’t know how valuable it is, but, without a doubt, it’s worth some money, and the heirs will fight for it.

I'm trying to figure out what Juna left as a legacy. So, two apartments are owned - where the son lived, and hers, located on the third floor, the entrance there through a separate entrance. Apparatus-inventions, furniture, appliances, treasures in cellars… But what else?

“The funny thing is that she usually wore jewelry, not jewelry,” says Tatyana. She had gold and diamonds, of course. But I don't think it's a lot. She was easy on both jewels and money. But the awards - this can really be the most valuable. I saw them when I made rhinestones for a new tunic. So, when I transferred the awards from the old tunic to the new one, I was amazed. They are insanely expensive! Real huge gems, and how much gold ... I even refused to take them in my hands. Plus she has two crowns. She is the Queen of Assyria. One crown is hers, the second is her son's. They are several kilograms of gold. According to experts, each costs about 100 thousand dollars.

And now the question is: who can get all this? Nephews? Not a fact, because there may be closer relatives. Juna's friends hint that the denouement could be very unexpected. For example, her son could have a child.

I left Juna's house with the feeling that I had interrupted the reading of the fairy tale at the most interesting place. And the dwelling did not add to my knowledge about June, but only asked new questions. But this mansion, so cozy and repulsive at the same time, really looks like its mistress. With such a seemingly predictable and such an unexpected fate ...

“It will be necessary to celebrate her birthday in July,” Valera says sadly. - Another 40 days ... The tables, by the way, are still standing in the cemetery. Nobody understood them.

The famous Juna, who died on June 8, left a large legacy: a mansion on the Arbat, a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, jewelry, paintings ... StarHit found out who will get it all.

Juna has no direct heirs. The only son of the healer, Vakhtang, died in 2001 in a car accident. Her friend, Colonel General Valery Kamshilov, Chief of the General Staff of the Union of Cossack Troops in Russia and Abroad, suggests that Vakhtang could have had children. He told StarHit that a wreath with the inscription “From the grandson” appeared on Juna’s grave, but so far no one has announced.

At the moment, 11 nephews claim the inheritance, sisters and brothers of the healer have died. “These are foster relatives,” says Valery Kamshilov. “They have yet to prove their kinship with Juna. She told me that she lived in a foster family and was there like Cinderella, constantly working. Therefore, she did not love her relatives very much. Her nephews can only rely on her jewelry and paintings, including a painting by Titian depicting Diana. Its cost, according to a preliminary examination, is several million dollars.

“The first thing that relatives should do is to open an inheritance case with a notary,” comments lawyer Sergei Zhorin. - After six months, the notary contacts them, and they formalize the ownership. Relatives can decide everything peacefully, for example, sell and divide the money. If someone is dissatisfied, then in this case all questions through the court.

As for the mansion on the Arbat, Juna owned only the last, fourth floor there, which she herself built on. There are four apartments. Previously, the son of Juna Vakho was the heir to the living space in the house, but after his death, she transferred the apartments to the ownership of the International Academy of Alternative Sciences, which she created. Among the founders are 18 people, they plan to fulfill the will of the healer: to open a museum and a gallery of her paintings in the mansion.

“Juna dreamed about it,” continues Kamshilov. - True, one floor is not enough, since it is the last. Ideally, it would be a museum on the first floor, and a gallery on the last floor. True, we do not know how the city administration will react, because no one pays rent for the house - about 500 thousand rubles - now. I think they wait up to forty days, and then it will become clear.

In addition, Juna owned a three-room apartment in the house next door. But she will not get her nephews either. “At the moment, the owner is the son of a friend of Juna, a former chairman of the Assyrian fund,” Valery Vasilyevich explains. “In five months, he will inherit.”