Facial massage with vacuum plastic jars. Vacuum jars for the face - positive properties and massage techniques, reviews

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To prevent progressive age-related changes, as well as to improve the skin, cupping massage is widely practiced. The technique of its implementation is simple and includes knowledge of several basic stages of implementation.

This procedure does not cause pain or discomfort and is suitable for any age. The effectiveness and possible negative manifestations entirely depend on compliance with the recommended rules and taking into account some of the nuances.

Cupping massage is a special method of influencing the epidermis with the help of vacuum cups. During the procedure, small jars are applied to the necessary areas of the face, which kind of suck the skin, thereby activating many processes.

As a result:

  • metabolism is normalized;
  • improves blood circulation and lymphatic system;
  • toxins are removed;
  • muscles are strengthened;
  • increases the production of collagen and so on.

The procedure significantly rejuvenates and returns the natural glow to the face in just a few sessions.

The effect of massage

A course of cupping massages for the face gives the following effect:

  • saturates the cells with oxygen;
  • reduces the volume of wrinkles;
  • reduces fragility of capillaries;
  • improves elasticity and reduces sagging;
  • smoothes the skin;
  • removes toxins;
  • and minimizes swelling.
  • strengthens facial muscles and more.

The efficiency will be somewhat higher if the sessions are carried out the required number of times, taking into account all the features of the epidermis.

When the result appears

With the right approach to performing massage movements with banks, the result should be noticeable 10 hours after the end of the first session and consist of:

  • in improving complexion,
  • in reducing flabbiness,
  • in the narrowing of pores
  • in a feeling of lightness on the face.

Getting rid of many problems and a significant improvement in the skin occurs only upon completion of the course of such sessions.

Advantages and disadvantages

The principle of operation is to actively stimulate skin cells with the help of cans. Such a massage has a number of positive and negative sides. The main advantages of the procedure cosmetologists distinguish:

  1. Deep cleansing and nutrition.
  2. Significant reduction in pores.
  3. Strengthening facial and facial muscles.
  4. Normalization of blood circulation and the functioning of the lymphatic system.
  5. Complete elimination of toxins.
  6. Improvement of external condition and health in general.

Cupping massage technique, see this video:

Along with the positive aspects, cupping massage has some disadvantages:

  1. The likelihood of exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially those associated with lesions of the facial nerves.
  2. Manifestations of bruising or slight swelling.
  3. Burning sensation on the face.

In rare cases, in the late afternoon, a slight increase in body temperature is possible, which returns to normal by morning without medical treatment.

As a rule, negative consequences occur if a person during the session did not follow the rules for conducting, or contraindications were not taken into account.

Indications and contraindications

  • swelling, especially in the eye area;
  • excess body fat, including the second chin;
  • lethargy or flabbiness of the skin;
  • increased dryness of the epidermis;
  • weak facial muscles.

In some cases, the implementation of such a procedure can cause irreparable harm to health,
therefore, it is necessary to refuse cupping massage:

  • with oncological diseases;
  • if there are lesions of the lymph nodes;
  • have problems with blood clotting;
  • with various wounds on the face;
  • if there are infectious diseases;
  • with extensive rashes or allergic reactions;
  • in some neurological diseases.

It is worth rescheduling the session for a more favorable time with general malaise, fever or high blood pressure.

Types of massage cups and selection rules

For massage, jars of two types are used.

  1. Glass, their feature is the need to burn air out of them before starting the session.
  2. Silicone, in such banks it is required to pump out air manually.

How to carry out the procedure on the forehead is described in this video:

It is allowed to do the procedure with any of the two types of cans, most importantly, when choosing, take into account important rules:

  • make sure that the product does not have cracks, chips or uneven edges;
  • the size should not be too large, the optimal diameter is up to 50 millimeters.

Cosmetologists prefer and advise exclusively silicone look for home use, as the most reliable and at the same time easy to use.

Cupping facial massage technique

Cupping massage does not refer to a complex, in its execution, procedure. The main thing is not to forget to adhere to a certain technique, which consists of several key steps:

Most cosmetologists agree that in the first procedure you should not touch the area around the eyes or limit yourself to simply installing the jar, without moving it.

Cupping massage rules

The expected effect and benefits of cupping massage will be observed only if it is properly performed. Basic rules for conducting:

How to prepare for the procedure

The procedure requires some preparatory work, which will allow you to see a positive result much faster and prevent the manifestation of negative consequences after the massage. Before the session you need:

  • using special means to remove makeup from the face;
  • do a procedure aimed at expanding the pores;
  • apply natural oil, for example, or almond oil on the face and neck area;
  • using alcohol wipes or other disinfectants, treat jars.

Experienced massage therapists advise 10-15 minutes before the session to sit with your eyes closed and think about something positive.

How to spend at home

Cupping facial massage can be done at home. The main thing to consider with an independent approach is the following points:

  1. Don't forget to wash your hands and dry them dry.
  2. Disinfect jars, preferably with a special solution.
  3. Make cleansing and steaming of the skin.
  4. Take the most comfortable position and relax.

According to the general technique, the procedure does not differ from that which the master does in the beauty parlor. Of course, the final result will be more pronounced if the sessions are conducted by an experienced specialist.

Where is the best place to have the procedure?

Provided that a person is fully familiar with the technique of cupping massage, it is permissible to do such a procedure on your own. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations and do all the preparatory steps in advance.

If there are serious or advanced problems on the face, then you should not do the procedure yourself, it is advisable to use the services of a massage therapist in a cosmetic elephant.

Unwanted Consequences

As a rule, there are no negative consequences after the procedure. In rare exceptions, if the massage was performed independently, or there were violations of the technique, then the following can be traced:

  • Slight swelling, especially under the eyes;
  • Bruises on the face or small bruises;
  • Redness of the skin.

All effects, as a rule, disappear without a trace after 2-3 days.

If the situation has not returned to normal, then a consultation with a dermatologist is required.


After the end of the course of cupping massages, the general condition of the skin will improve significantly, and all kinds of age-related problems will be minimized or completely eliminated.

The effect of such procedures lasts for a long time, even if the sessions were carried out at home. The main thing is not to neglect the preparatory stages when performing and is attentive to the technique of carrying out.

An indispensable procedure for women after thirty - vacuum massage - is a complex treatment of facial skin with a stunning subsequent effect. The session can be carried out at home itself or provided to the beautician. The latter option is preferable: although vacuum massage has many advantages, the main disadvantage is the risk of injuring the skin.

What is vacuum massage

A cosmetic procedure, during which the face or body is affected by special jars that draw in the skin, is called a vacuum massage. The benefit of this is achieved due to the fact that due to pressure, the connective tissue capsule with fat cells is torn, the contents come out, and the lymphatic system removes it from the body. In addition, a vacuum facial massager acts with a pulse wave in all directions, that is, in a complex way, eliminating not only swelling and deposits, but also other skin defects.

The effect of vacuum massage

The action of the procedure is strong, powerful and even a little aggressive. This contributes to the following beneficial effect of vacuum massage:

  • the roughness of the skin surface is removed, it ceases to be bumpy, becoming smooth and soft to the touch;
  • puffiness is eliminated, regardless of the cause;
  • due to the effect on body fat, the effect of losing weight is observed;
  • tissue trophism is enhanced, as a result of which the texture and tone of the skin improve, it becomes more elastic;
  • shallow wrinkles are smoothed;
  • fibrosis (growth of connective tissue due to excessive collagen production) decreases;
  • stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • the properties of the epidermis for regeneration are enhanced;
  • bags under the eyes are eliminated;
  • age spots become less noticeable, scars, scars turn pale.

Keep in mind that such results are fully observed only when the procedure is performed by a certified cosmetologist, in compliance with all the rules and using the appropriate tools. A home session is possible if you purchase special equipment, but you should not expect a comprehensive result from a vacuum massage made according to instructions on the Internet.

Indications for vacuum massage

Although the procedure has a complex effect, it is not shown to everyone. For example, there is no need to carry it out at the age of twenty, when the skin looks good. But the session will help with such indications:

  • pronounced irregularities of the skin;
  • fat folds;
  • puffiness;
  • the fullness of the face (keep in mind that the round type needs a suitable haircut, makeup, etc. to “lengthen”);
  • flabbiness of the skin (age from 30 years);
  • dermatofibroma;
  • circulatory and lymphatic disorders;
  • bruises under the eyes.

Contraindications to the procedure

Unfortunately, the procedure is contraindicated for some women, and in order to remove the above skin defects, they have to turn to other manipulations. So, vacuum massage can not be done with:

  • the presence of injuries and open lesions on the skin: scratches, cuts, bleeding wounds, ulcers;
  • rosacea;
  • large moles on the face;
  • sensitive, easily injured skin;
  • fragility and fragility of blood vessels;
  • if the area of ​​​​inflammation (pimples, acne, clogged sebaceous glands) is too large.

Types of cupping massage

Vacuum manipulation can be of several types: depending on what tools are used to carry it out. In the first case, special jars are used, which can be made of different materials: silicone or glass. In the second, hardware massagers are used. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

silicone jars

The most popular way that cupping facial massage is performed. Silicone devices are convenient to use, they are airtight (the vacuum is securely stored inside, and the tool does not slip off) and durable (after all, you won’t be able to break them with all your will). Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that you have to regulate the retraction force yourself, and also that the banks do not keep their shape.

Glass vacuum jars

The traditional material for making jars, glass, is far from being as soft as silicone, so the procedure carried out with such devices is painful, although it shows good results. Of the advantages of using these tools, they note ease of use, ease of cleaning, and the fact that, when they come into contact with oils and other additional means for vacuum massage, they do not stain. One of the main disadvantages is the fragility of the material, since glass is easy to break.

Hardware massage

An electric massage device is a special device with attachments for treating the skin. Can work from a network or from finger-type batteries. With the help of the device, it is convenient to adjust the suction power, so the risk of skin damage even during the first use is minimal. The intensity of exposure is controlled by the selection of the desired mode. The effectiveness of massage for cans and apparatus is approximately the same, but the massager is easier to use. The main disadvantage: the high cost of the tool.

rubber massager

It is convenient to use rubber massagers - the degree of exposure is regulated by squeezing the can - besides, these devices are the cheapest. However, this material is rougher than silicone, so the risk of injury to the skin increases. On the other hand, if a more aggressive impact is needed, rubber is best suited. You won’t be able to use such massagers for a long time - the material absorbs the smells of cosmetic oils that are used for the procedure well, and is poorly washed, so use becomes unhygienic after several times.

Laser vacuum massage

This type combines two methods at once. First, the facial area is treated with a glass bulb, and then with a low-intensity laser. Double exposure increases the list of contraindications to the procedure, but also provides more benefits, including:

  • trophic-stimulating action;
  • elimination of edema;
  • removal of inflammatory processes;
  • pain reduction.

Vacuum roller

This type of vacuum massage has a lifting effect and activates metabolic processes, therefore it is ideal for treating mature skin. It is performed using a special apparatus, non-traumatic. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that this and the previous procedure can only be carried out in the cabin. The device can also be purchased for home use, but it is expensive and requires additional training in use.

Price for vacuum facial massage

The cost of the procedure depends on the tools used and other factors: where it is performed (at home or in the salon), the experience of the master, etc. The breakdown of prices for the Moscow region is shown in the table below.

Facial massage with vacuum jars at home

With the inept use of cans, vacuum massage leaves behind hematomas. In addition, the effectiveness of home sessions compared to procedures in the salon loses. However, if you still decide to massage yourself, you need to know some rules. General recommendations are:

  • purchase the necessary devices at the pharmacy;
  • carefully read the instructions for the device;
  • clean before the session not only the face, but also the décolleté area; in addition, the skin can be steamed with a steam bath (to enhance the effectiveness, essential oils, extracts, for example, grapefruit or mint, pepper, etc. are added);
  • use special oils and creams, after making sure that you are not allergic to them;
  • start with the minimum suction force (do not press hard on the jar or set the zero mode on the device); be especially careful with areas where the most sensitive skin is around the eyes, lips and ears;
  • keep in mind that massage cannot be done directly near the eyes; eyelid processing algorithm is shown below;
  • guide the device strictly along the massage lines;
  • listen to your own feelings - you should not feel discomfort, let alone pain during the procedure, stop immediately if something goes wrong, otherwise you will get only hematomas instead of beautiful and young skin;
  • if you have funds, purchase an electric apparatus for home use, not banks, since it is easier to get used to it;
  • do not conduct a session before an important event, but rather not before leaving the house; the optimal time is before bedtime or 3-4 hours before a walk. After the procedure, the vessels and capillaries expand, so that the skin needs room temperature, without changes in weather conditions (for this reason, it is also not recommended to open a balcony or lean out the window);
  • carry out the procedure no more than once a week (this also applies to visits to the salon), otherwise you will provoke bruising;
  • the first session in duration should be no more than 10-15 minutes, then the time can be gradually increased;
  • it is recommended to treat the same area with a jar about 4 times per procedure;
  • do not expect an instant effect, for a quality result you need time and a course of several sessions, the optimal amount for yourself should be selected based on the condition of the skin (consult a specialist on this matter).

  1. Lubricate the eyes with a greasy cream or oil (for example, jojoba);
  2. A jar or massager is placed on the tip of the nose, lingered and led up to the crease between the eyebrows;
  3. To process the lower eyelid, lines are smoothly drawn from the nose to the temples (up to the beginning of hair growth);
  4. They also treat problem areas pointwise, the impact force is insignificant.

For the neck and chin, a set of cans of both large and small diameters is used. A special cream is applied to the area and treatment begins:

  1. They take a jar of 32 mm, put it at the base of the neck on the right side, draw it up to the chin. Repeat the reception on the left side. The center of the neck is not processed;
  2. Put the device in the middle of the chin. Lead several lines: first along the jaw arch, then under it, to the earlobe. Repeat for both sides;
  3. Massage the chin in a counterclockwise circular motion;
  4. They take a jar of 11 mm, put it near the inner corner of the eyes on the nose, draw it down with small circular movements, smoothing out the wrinkles. Then do the same on the other side;
  5. They open their mouth, thereby stretching the skin above the lip. Massage wrinkles around with a fine nozzle.


Facial massage with vacuum cups has proven itself in the fight against age-related changes. Rejuvenates the skin, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates some facial defects. At the place where the bank is placed, the regeneration of skin cells improves, the activity of the circulatory and lymphatic systems increases. With it, you can remove circles under the eyes, get rid of puffiness of the skin

The muscles of the face become toned, against the background of visible positive changes, an internal restructuring of the body occurs. With accelerated blood flow, the metabolic processes of the skin are normalized, subcutaneous fat is normally produced, toxins are eliminated faster. The top layer of the skin is restored, age spots disappear

Vacuum facial massage with jars: the basics

Before the start of the health complex Let's get acquainted with the contraindications:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the skin (wounds, cuts).
  2. Inflammatory processes occurring in the body in the acute stage.
  3. Inflammatory processes on the skin of the face, so that the creation of a vacuum does not contribute to the penetration of infection into the deeper layers of the skin.
  4. Inflammation of the facial nerve.
  5. The tendency to thrombosis or the presence of blood clots.
  6. Hypertension of the third degree or hypotension.
  7. Poor blood clotting.
  8. Somatic diseases are a cold, poisoning.
  9. Inflammatory processes of the facial nerve.
  10. Fatigue, bad mood. All procedures, the purpose of which is the beauty of our body, should preferably be carried out in a good mood.

This procedure requires a careful and careful approach. The vacuum jar should be removed easily, without effort, tearing it away from the face. Properly conducted sessions give good results.

Banks for vacuum facial massage can be bought at pharmacies and online stores. The right choice is the main component of a good result. The very first thing to pay attention to is the material they are made from.. Well suited glass with a rubber pear, with which a vacuum is created, or silicone.

Pharmacies sell sets of silicone jars with a diameter of 1 cm to 5 cm. If it is possible to buy not a set, but individually, then this is an ideal option to save money. For the session, you will need jars with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm, we use them around the eyes, nose area, near the lips. Jars with a diameter of 2-3 cm make a dynamic massage in the cheeks, forehead, chin. Large diameter - 3-5 cm are suitable for statistical massage of the neck and décolleté. Banks of this size can be successfully replaced by banks of medium size.

Types of vacuum facial massage

STATIC- duration is 3 - 5 seconds. We carry out the first sessions with the utmost care. Areas of application: cheeks, forehead, chin.

DYNAMIC- we move the installed jar along the massage lines with light, sliding movements.

When using cans of different diameters, a good result is achieved in combination.

A vacuum is created inside the delivered jar, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to remove it with effort! It is necessary to squeeze the rubber bulb harder and remove the jar.

Before starting the procedure, you need to disinfect vacuum jars with alcohol or vodka, and after finishing, rinse well under running water. If you do not follow this recommendation, then the accumulated dirt inside the jar will negatively affect the skin, and the procedure will only bring harm.

The next step is to prepare the face. You can’t steam your face, just take a shower. You can use a decoction of chamomile, string or calendula. Then generously lubricate the face with any cosmetic or even vegetable oil. It should be light and not clog the pores of the face. The applied oil will allow the jar to glide over the surface of your skin, avoiding stretch marks and injury.

It is important to remember that after the procedure, all oil must be removed from the face, as its remnants clog pores, and some types of oils dry the skin after such exposure. At the end of the vacuum exposure, it is necessary to thoroughly wash off the remaining oil and apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream that suits your skin.

Initially, the duration of the sessions is 3-5 minutes, after getting used to, we increase the duration to 10-15 minutes. At the first stage, the stage of addiction, 1-2 times a week is enough. Subsequently, the frequency of sessions is increased to 3-4 times a week. When choosing the duration and frequency of sessions, one must adhere to the main rule - do no harm. Over time, experience and understanding of the most comfortable choice of the duration and frequency of sessions will come.

Static facial massage

Point or static massage used for problematic areas of the face, the second chin is removed, work is on the nasolabial folds and the eyebrow wrinkle, jars with a diameter of 4-5 cm are needed. Initially, the exposure time will be 3-5 seconds, with a subsequent increase to 30 seconds, but no more. At the initial stage, the pressure in the bank should be minimal, that is, the skin is drawn into the bank by a few millimeters. During the fifth session and subsequent ones, the tension increases. This concludes the first session, the second is held after 7 days.

The second stage is a dynamic facial massage with vacuum jars at home. Its technique consists of the following steps:

Dynamic massage of all areas of the face

It takes a lot of time to carry out static, so at home it is usually used dynamic or combined.

With a larger diameter, deeper tissue layers are exposed. At the very beginning, you need to relax the muscles of the cheeks, cheekbones, chin, forehead. All movements are performed from the bottom up.

For the next stage, you will need jars of small diameter that have an effect on the upper layers of the skin. Small wrinkles, nasolabial folds, crow's feet are processed.

How often can you massage

It must be remembered that a positive effect does not appear at the time of the procedures. And after, when the skin rests and recovers after microtrauma. How often does physiotherapy take place? In practice, two schemes are used:

Regular massage courses alternate with rest periods.

  • Every other day, 10-15 massage courses are performed, the entire course is designed for 20-30 days.
  • Between courses break 15-30 days.

Intensive course and subsequent support courses.

This technique is gaining popularity because in practice it allows you to avoid more radical methods of rejuvenation and correction of minor cosmetic problems of the face.

The absence of wrinkles, a beautiful even tone and firmness of the skin of the face is the key to your success. If a woman after 25 wants to look well-groomed and younger, then a vacuum facial massage will help her with this. The only thing that is required is to come with a positive attitude towards the result to the cosmetologist's office. There, the master will make a pleasant hardware massage, after which the dermis of the face will tone up. You can also carry out the procedure at home by purchasing special silicone, plastic or glass jars.

The effect of massage

When applying a jar or nozzle of the apparatus to the body, the skin is absorbed into the device. In those places where such an impact is carried out, the vessels begin to actively expand, which means that blood flow to this area improves.

Thanks to this, the skin is renewed: the trophism of soft tissues improves, their purification from toxins at the cellular level, as well as the supply of oxygen and useful substances to the dermis. In addition, the lymph in the areas being treated does not stagnate, so the existing fat lumps are broken.

Relaxation of the muscles of the face, which are often subject to spasms, makes it possible to minimize the formed wrinkles, as well as to avoid the appearance of new ones in the future.

Carrying out therapy by suction of individual areas of the skin contributes to:

  • reduction of muscle spasms;
  • improvement of lymph flow;
  • the production of collagen in a natural way, since fibroblasts are activated;
  • smoothing the skin, improving complexion;
  • elimination of the second chin, swelling and circles under the eyes;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands, which allows you to transform the dermis from the type of dry or oily to normal.

After a month of regular sessions, you get a beautiful, toned and rejuvenated face. But in order to avoid various injuries and not earn hematomas, follow safety precautions and adjust the vacuum pressure. Perform vacuum exposure using cans at home - avoid excessive stretching of the skin during suction into the flask.

Important! Do not perform a vacuum roller facial massage for the first time before an important event. Exposure to banks or a special apparatus leads to redness and rupture of capillaries. Therefore, there is a risk of looking unattractive.

In vacuum therapy, you should not expect a lightning-fast result - at least 10 procedures must be completed in order for you to feel an improvement in the condition of the dermis.

Indications for use

Vacuum massage can be performed from the age of 25. People who have already crossed the mark of 50 years are recommended to carry out therapy regularly, taking into account the monthly interval between sessions.

The procedure is shown:

  • with the appearance of wrinkles;
  • in case of formation of age spots;
  • when the skin has an uneven tone;
  • with the formation of circles and swelling under the eyes;
  • with a fuzzy contour of the face;
  • people with impaired secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • with a double chin.

The effect of massage does not appear immediately after the session, but in the interval between procedures,- it is at this moment that the skin is restored, acquires a beautiful and healthy color.

Types of vacuum massage

Depending on the devices that are used for the cosmetic procedure, There are several types of such massage.


There are massage cans for the face made of silicone. They are relatively inexpensive, so they can be used even at home.

Benefits of massage cups:

  • tightness - due to the special shape, which has a border at the base, a snug fit of the device is ensured, which ensures a vacuum;
  • ergonomics - banks have a universal size, that is, they can be used on any part of the body;
  • durability - made of silicone, so they do not break or crack during operation;
  • cheapness - they cost several times cheaper than the device.

How to do cupping vacuum facial massage? Cupping facial massage technique:

  1. Skin preparation. Places of localization of cans should be treated with massage cream or oil.
  2. Free squeezing of silicone and fixation of the device in the required areas.
  3. The implementation of light staggering and circular movements in order to massage.

Important! In order not to harm the skin, watch for squeezing the can before placing it on the dermis. Excessive pressure provides a strong vacuum, therefore, can lead to injury to the epidermis.

You can buy massage jars in a pharmacy, in an online store or in a specialized store selling medical equipment. As a rule, they are sold in the form of sets, but you can buy individually. The average price per unit is about 150 rubles. Chinese jars will be cheaper.


The technique of facial rejuvenation by hardware is mainly carried out in salons. The fact is that the device itself costs from 18 to 200 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer and functionality. Therefore, not everyone can afford such a purchase for home use.

Features of the devices for vacuum laser facial massage:

  • the same efficiency along with silicone jars;
  • the ability to regulate pressure (small vessels are not damaged);
  • ease of use, since no effort is needed to remove the hermetically sealed jar;
  • ease of movement - holding the ergonomic handle, you can safely transport the device to the desired area.

If you are going to get a device for performing a massage procedure with a vacuum, first test the strength of silicone or glass jars. Pleased with the result? Then start saving money for a special massager, because it is not cheap.

glass jars

The principle of operation of this device is quite simple. The bank represents a glass flask with a fringing at the basis. At the top of a modern tool, a container is connected to a rubber ball, which, when pressed, sucks air out of the can.

Working with such banks is a pleasure. You simply clamp the pump with two fingers and place the flask on a specific area of ​​​​the skin of the face. After that, the dermis is retracted by a couple of millimeters. The only point - if you have too sensitive skin, we recommend signing up for a hardware vacuum massage or give preference to more gentle devices.

During the operation of glass jars, you can inadvertently break the device.

Jars, both glass and silicone, are a personal hygiene item. That's why it is forbidden to transfer them to the use of other people. But if you give someone a device to use, then after receiving them back, be sure to wash the devices with laundry soap and steam them (pour boiling water over them, place them in a sterilizer or a double boiler).

Advice. If you are using the classic version of old jars (they do not have a rubber pump for forming a vacuum), then put tweezers with a lit cotton swab pre-soaked in alcohol inside the cones and hold it there for 2-3 seconds. This will remove unwanted air.

rubber massager

Rubber massagers are the most economical way to smooth your face. Since the cans are made of rubber (a rougher material than silicone), an intense effect on the skin is achieved.

In the process of using the device, you just need to press the jars with your fingers. It is the degree of effort applied that directly affects the vacuum pressure inside the flask. It is enough to hold such jars with your hand, but the rubber absorbs creams and oils that are difficult to wash off. This leads to the proliferation of bacteria.

Execution technique

Would you like to massage yourself with vacuum jars or a device? Then you should first study the possible lines of contact between the instrument and the body in specific areas, and also not squeeze the air too much to avoid injury.

If you create too much pressure, you risk not improving the condition of the skin, but only harming it (bruises form, blood vessels burst and inflammation appears). We offer the main aspects of revitonics to create a beautiful face.

You need to move the device so that the dermis does not wrinkle or stretch too much. If it does not come out, you just need to smooth it out with your hand. Did the recommendation help? Reduce pressure.


The forehead area is constantly mobile. In this regard, mimic wrinkles are formed on it. To avoid such manifestations and smooth out existing ones, cosmetologists recommend taking a course of vacuum therapy.


  1. Before the procedure, be sure to remove makeup from the skin. It is advisable to wash your face in cold water. Such a simple manipulation will protect small vessels from rupture and prevent the formation of hematomas.
  2. Put a couple of drops of cream or olive oil heated in a water bath on your fingertips. Transfer the suspension to the skin with point movements, as if tapping with the pads of your fingers.
  3. Squeeze the jar and set it in the middle. Now move towards the temples, swiping the tool in their direction. Do the same manipulation on the other side.
  4. Change the direction to vertical and swipe the device from the bottom up (from the eyebrows to the hair).
  5. Pay attention to the transverse frontal seam, which is located in the center of the site. It is massaged for a long time in circular motions.

Important! It is advisable to purchase cans of various diameters, for example, 33 and 22 mm. As a rule, the course begins with a large flask, since its impact is minimal. After a few procedures, you can switch to a smaller container.

Cosmetologists do not advise resorting to warming creams and oils., for example, those that contain mustard extract, red pepper and other components. They cause irritation or burns during exposure to a vacuum device.


With the area around the eyelids, you also need to be extremely careful. The skin under the lower eyelid and above it is highly sensitive. You can’t overdo it in this matter, otherwise you will add wrinkles and damage blood vessels. The impact should be delicate, and the pressure of the vacuum should be minimal.

  1. The area around the eyes is well smeared with a greasy cream (you can use Vaseline) or unrefined oils (jojoba oil is best).
  2. It is best to choose a massager of small diameter (11 cm will be just right).
  3. Place the vacuum device on the edge of the nose and pass it to the area between the eyebrows.
  4. Move to the side along the upper border of the cheeks and to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhair growth at the temples.
  5. On both areas under the eyes, take two small jars and place them for 5 seconds near the tips of the eyes.
  6. Similarly, you can target the lower and upper eyelids by placing the massage device for a couple of seconds (if the skin is too flabby, pull it with your fingertips).

The jar should not come off with effort from the skin, especially as sensitive as in the eyelid area. You should pinch the pump a little with your fingers, and then quietly, without sudden movements, disconnect it from the face.

Neck and chin

Working with this area also has its own nuances.

The action plan is:

  1. Apply the cream to the treated area.
  2. We take jars of medium diameter (22–33 mm) and place them from the beginning of the neck. We carry out massaging movements from the bottom up, while avoiding the center zone.
  3. We place the device in the center of the chin and draw it towards the earlobe. We do similar manipulations with the other part of the chin.
  4. To improve the condition of the dermis of the nasolabial folds, you should take a container of a smaller diameter (11 mm). We install the device near the nostril (closer to the inner corner of the eye), and then with light movements we go down - along the line of the fold itself on the triangular muscle.
  5. Work also on the areas between the upper lip and nose. Again, choose a small diameter fixture. You should open your mouth to form a tightness of the skin. Walk over the indicated area, holding the massager in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwrinkle formation.

You should always start with a small impact. The intensity builds up gradually with each new session. Give the procedure 10-13 minutes, take training courses, and soon you will not recognize yourself in the mirror.

Attention! The movement of the device must be free. If you feel that the skin does not let go of the jar, try to relax, open your mouth or smile a little. Each line should be worked out 4 times.

Photos before and after


Vacuum therapy is not suitable for all women and men. Before agreeing to the procedure, check the following list. Perhaps you fall into the category of people who are contraindicated in such procedures.

  • those who have problematic skin (acne, dermatitis, eczema and other dermatological diseases);
  • owners of injuries and cuts, because due to exposure to the skin, the inflammatory process can be aggravated;
  • people with fibromas, benign and malignant formations in the zone of influence on the skin;
  • if there are large moles, papillomas or warts on the face or neck;
  • if there is herpes, or you are sick or have just had SARS, influenza and other infectious diseases;
  • if you have very sensitive skin;
  • in the presence of inflammation of the facial nerve;
  • those who have recorded capillary damage or have problems with the vascular and lymphatic systems.

Often, cosmetologists in beauty salons carry out steaming of the skin, which can increase the effect of vacuum exposure at times. But a professional should carry out such a procedure, since soft skin is more amenable to strong influence. Beginners are in no case recommended to resort to such tricks.

Thus, women and men who have experienced vacuum facial massage sessions notice an improvement in the condition of their skin. They say that wrinkles are leveled, swelling is eliminated and wrinkles are minimized. In addition, the oval of the face becomes beautiful and expressive. If you have never tried a similar technique to improve the condition of the skin of the face, be sure to try it for yourself.

Useful videos

What is a vacuum cupping facial massage at home, the subtleties and stages of the procedure.

How is a vacuum facial massage performed on the Starvac apparatus.

Thanks to progress, many ways have become available to women to prolong their youth and beauty. In addition, the availability of anti-aging procedures has led to the fact that if the fair sex looks her age, then this is considered bad form. Even excuses for the high cost of salon procedures do not help. After all, there are many opportunities to do all these procedures at home on your own. Such procedures include vacuum massage of the face with jars. Next, consider the technique of performing such a massage.

The benefits of vacuum massage with jars for a woman's face

As has been repeatedly noted, this type of cosmetic procedure helps a woman look much younger than her years. This is especially true for those women who are already over 35, but at the same time they want to look younger. Only the female face does not always agree with such a formulation of the question and often shows the true age of the lady. helps to hide it, but skill is required and the cost of the procedure itself is quite high. The best option would be a massage. It has the following advantages:

  • Deep wrinkles that show age are formed mainly in two areas - on the forehead and chin. Vacuum massage will remove them;
  • The same will happen with the so-called wrinkles - threads;
  • The flow of blood and oxygen to the skin increases, due to which it becomes denser;
  • Ptosis of muscle tissue decreases;
  • The second chin is removed;
  • Massage activates the production of its own collagen and elastin, thereby turning vacuum massage into a kind of analogue of revitonics.

Types of vacuum massage

At the moment, salons can offer the following types of vacuum massage:

  • Classic variant- special silicone, rubber or glass jars are used, from which air is sucked off using special equipment or by pressing a special pear at the end of the jar;
  • Vacuum roller version- this requires a special apparatus;
  • Hybrid vacuum massage- exposure to the skin occurs under the influence of infrared color. The latter perfectly warms up the skin before and during the procedure, thereby improving blood circulation in the skin.

When purchasing cans, you need to know that there are three sizes of cans - 33 mm, 22 mm, 11 mm in diameter. The smaller the size, the more delicate the pressure exerted on the skin. When massaging the nasolabial folds and the area under the eyes, a massager of the smallest size is taken.

Large jars are used for massage:

  • forehead area.

Silicone jars are the best. They have the following advantages over other types of massage jars:

  • Tightness - the arched shape of the jar does not allow it to slip off the skin;
  • Ease of use. Silicone jars are especially valued because they can be easily taken on trips. They are not in danger of breaking, they do not require much space, they do not require electricity or fire to work;
  • Durability - as already mentioned, they do not break like glass, they cannot be broken. They are made from environmentally friendly materials.

Then there are glass jars. The air is sucked out of them with the help of a pear, which is located on the top of the can. The main advantage of a glass jar is the ease of cleaning after use. Of the shortcomings, the fragility of the material is noted. Massage with these banks is quite painful, albeit effective. Therefore, for people whose skin is hypersensitive, it is better to choose products made of silicone.

In third place in popularity are rubber cans. Advantage in cheapness. Compared to the previously described types of cups, they have a rougher effect, which allows for a more intense effect on the skin, the degree of which can be adjusted by squeezing the cup with your fingers. Of the inconveniences, users note that rubber easily absorbs the smells of oils and creams used. Also, the impossibility of completely cleaning the rubber from oils is also noted, which can lead to the growth of bacteria on the surface of the can.

The technique of correct cupping massage

The massage itself is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Facial skin is pre-treated with cosmetic oil, gel or massage cream;
  • Massage begins with the use of jars of the largest size;
  • Air is removed from them, and they are installed on the face according to the instructions;
  • The first movement is from the collarbone to the chin slowly;
  • Then large cans are replaced by medium ones, and massaging continues along the nasolabial fold up and on the wings of the nose to the ears;
  • At the end, the jars are changed to the smallest ones, and massaging the eye area begins.

The total massage time should not exceed 15 minutes once a week. The first procedures are carried out with soft and smooth movements, then the intensity can be increased.

The most important thing is to follow the technique. If its requirements are violated, then instead of a positive impact, you can get a negative one - stretched skin, enlarged pores. In some cases, the violation can lead to the appearance of stretch marks on the face. All movements during massage go strictly from the center to the periphery.

For beginners, it is recommended to start with the so-called static massage - applying cans for a certain time in the right areas on the face. As experience grows, you can move on to dynamic (classical) massage.

The best cups for facial massage are silicone cups.

Features of vacuum massage at home

For sessions at home, experts recommend purchasing paired sets, that is, you must have at least 6 cans of various sizes. Let's repeat what:

  • 2 large sizes (33 mm in diameter) - they work out large facial and cervical muscles;
  • 2 medium (22 mm) - respectively, they work out the middle muscles;
  • 2 small (11 mm) - they process hard-to-reach places. These are the areas around the eyes, lips and nose.

Before each procedure, it is necessary to re-disinfect the jars, even if they are clean. The skin must be cleansed of all cosmetics. Before the massage, cosmetic oil is abundantly applied to it (you can take the usual unrefined vegetable oil). Oil is necessary in order for the jars to glide better on the skin.

After the procedure, the cosmetic product must be removed from the skin, otherwise you may get skin inflammation. Instead, you can apply a nourishing cream.

Frequency of the procedure: at first, no more than twice a week. As you get used to it, you can bring it up to once every two days. Some ladies do massage daily. But as professionals say, with the advent of experience, each woman will decide for herself how much massage she needs. The main thing to remember is that massage does not tolerate fanaticism. Therefore, do not rush to get everything at once.


No matter how effective the procedure is, it is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the list of contraindications. Maybe you should not carry out the procedure until you solve the problem:

  • Acne, and massage will only increase the amount of rash;
  • Cuts and other violations of the integrity of the skin. Massage can lead to inflammation;
  • Benign or malignant formations at the massage site. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to do this;
  • Large moles, warts and papillomas in the face and neck will also become an obstacle;
  • Herpes on the face;
  • Any infectious diseases that cause fever, body aches, weakness;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems. Fragility and fragility of blood vessels;
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve in the acute stage;
  • The skin of the face is hypersensitive.

It is noteworthy that with the above defects and ailments of the skin, any cosmetic procedures are contraindicated, during which there is an intense effect on the skin.

See this video for the secrets of the right cupping facial massage:

In general, the effect of massage can be assessed after the first procedure. The skin and oval of the face become tightened, the skin tone is evened out. The benefits of massage are undeniable. Cupping massage can be recommended as an ambulance before a responsible event or a romantic date. Puffiness or swelling characteristic after the massage disappears within 15-20 minutes. Collagen creams and serums will enhance the massage effect, while micellar water and tonics will give freshness.

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