Beautiful and easy hairstyles in 5 minutes. An interesting bunch of two ponytails


Hair. hairstyles

Beautiful hairstyles in 5 minutes!

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The crazy rhythm of life sets its own pace for us. Of course, no one canceled a visit to the hairdresser: you need to do a haircut and dye your hair. However, to create original everyday hairstyles, you only need your desire. Get a beautiful hairstyle in 5 minutes... Isn't this the dream of any girl who goes to work, school, a date or a walk?

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What hairstyles can be done with hair in 5 minutes?

bundle can be seen both on the red carpet and on the beach. So why don't you master it too? This hairstyle is done in just minutes. To do this, you need to make a high tail and then wrap it around the elastic band. Secure the ends with pins.

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The bundle can be made more original if you braid the braid the other way around. To do this, you just need to tilt your head down, braid an ordinary kusa from a part of your hair and only then make a tail, and then a bun.

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The beam can be made more voluminous. To do this, divide the tail into two parts. Twist them into bundles and twist them together. Then make a bun. If you have a twister or the so-called "donut", then it will take you only a couple of minutes to create a beam.

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Beautiful hairstyles in 5 minutes with tails

original ponytail - This is another easy-to-do hairstyle in 5 minutes. Make it more voluminous. To do this, collect the upper and lower parts of the hair in separate tails. Cover the bottom with the top tail. You can make curls or waves in advance that will help hide this little trick from strangers.



Based on the tail, you can create another original hairstyle. You can make a regular, not too tight ponytail. Pull it into the center base of the tail, stretching outward. For a more romantic bow, follow the same steps, but this time tie a low ponytail on the side.

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Try to make the tail on its side by decorating it with a scythe. . To do this, separating a strand at the crown, braid it in the manner of a spikelet. After that, collect the hair together with the pigtail in a ponytail and secure it with an elastic band.

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes - the tail on the side, decorated with a braid.

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes - the tail on the side, decorated with a braid.

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If you have long enough hair, then try the following hairstyle option, which is just as easy to do in 5 minutes.

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Gather the ponytail low at the back of the head and then secure it with an elastic band.. Stepping back from the top gum for a certain distance, tie the follower. At the same time, create a bubble effect by giving your tail extra volume. Tie your hair with elastic bands as far as the length of your hair will allow.

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The tail can be beautifully decorated with a scythe . From the top of the hair, tie a low ponytail with an elastic band. Weave a braid from the bottom of the hair, which will be slightly to the side. After that, wrap the base of the tail with a scythe and secure the ends with invisibility or a bright hairpin.

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes - the tail is beautifully decorated with a braid

In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes - the tail is beautifully decorated with a braid

In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes - the tail is beautifully decorated with a braid

You can also make a hairstyle consisting of several tails in 5 minutes. To do this, separate two strands on the sides and connect them with an elastic band. Having made a small hole just above it, stretch the tail and add two more strands to it, taken on the sides. Connect them again with a new elastic band at a distance below the first and repeat the procedure with pulling and adding new side strands.



Hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

If you just want to remove the hair from your face, then you can braid the bundles on both sides and fasten them at the back with an original hairpin. Similarly, you can braid two thin pigtails and also fasten them at the back.


You can remove part of the hair with a bun. To do this, separate a fairly wide strand in the middle of the crown, twist it into a tourniquet and wrap it around the base in a bundle. Comb your hair in front a little and close the bun with them. Secure the remaining curls on the sides at the back of the beam with a hairpin. Loose hair can be slightly twisted on the curling iron.

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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In the photo: hairstyles in 5 minutes in a gentle romantic style

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Only at first glance, hairstyles seem complicated.


Just a couple of times trying to make them yourself, you will understand that they are very practical, fast in execution and original.

22:1589 Time is very valuable for modern fashionistas, so you want to do your hair as quickly and effectively as possible! This article contains 17 of the most beautiful, and most importantly, quick hairstyles for every day for each length - medium, long and square.

Easy hairstyle for yourself in 5 minutes from intertwined strands step by step:

You will need:

  • 3 elastic bands in the color of your hair (use chalk silicone for braids)
  • hairpin for decoration (optional)
  • fixing varnish optional

Highlight the top of the hair, tie with an elastic band and pull the elastic band through the collected hair. Select two more strands on the sides and tie them below under the first turn. Make these strands a few turns. Tie the hair into one ponytail below all turns. Decorate with your favorite hairpin or leave as is. Effectively, easily quickly, the simplest everyday hairstyle of incredible beauty.

Beautiful hairstyle with braids in 5 minutes to yourself:

How to make a light hairstyle for yourself on medium hair with braids:

  • studs / invisible
  • silicone rubber bands
  • clamps

Select the front part of the hair (from ear to ear) secure with clips on the forehead. Braid the braid from left to right, stretch the braided strands and fasten the braid behind the ear. Weave the highlighted hair in front into the same braid and fasten it with hairpins or invisible under the lower braid, weave it from right to left.

Easy beautiful bunch for long hair in 10 minutes to yourself:

In order to make a bundle for yourself, you will need:

  • invisible
  • comb for bouffant
  • rubber

Tie a high ponytail, sprinkle with varnish and comb the strands. Gather your hair into the shape of the bun that you like and secure with invisibility.

Very beautiful hairstyle for long hair, which is easy to make yourself at home:

For a simple hairstyle for long hair at home, you need to take:

  • studs / invisible
  • silicone rubber
  • means of fixation of your choice

Divide the hair into 3 sections parallel to each other (for the middle section, select a little more hair). Braid the spikelet back, stretch the strands of the braid and braid the tail inside the braid. Take the strands that you left on the side and weave randomly into the main braid. Fix them with invisibility inside the main braid.

A beautiful ponytail for long, not very thick hair is a quick hairstyle to do on your own at home:

In order to make a light beautiful ponytail for every day, you must prepare:

  • silicone rubber bands in the color of your hair

Tie a ponytail at the back or side, make a few turns with an elastic band through the hair. Tie another elastic band below and do the same, until the very end of the hair.

Hair bow in 10 minutes to yourself at home step by step:

How to make a hair bow, what you need for this home:

  • studs / invisible
  • rubber

Tie a high ponytail, stretch it under the elastic band, stretch the bow of such volume as you wish, wrap the rest of the tips around the elastic band and fix with invisibility.

Gulka - step by step to make yourself in 3 minutes for medium-length hair:

What you need for a walk at home:

  • hairpins
  • invisible

Gather your hair in a ponytail, twist it into a bundle, wrap the tip of the hair in a bagel, fasten it under the bun with a hairpin and invisible.

Simple weaving for every day for long hair step-by-step photo instructions:

To make your own hair weaving chain you need:

  • silicone rubber bands

Tie up the tail. Take 2 strands on the sides and wrap around the middle part of the tail, tie with an elastic band. Repeat these steps until the end of the length of the hair and pull out all the strands at the end. The hairstyle looks great, you will spend 10 minutes on it, but the environment will be confused, how did you even manage to create such a weave.

Three-sided spikelet at home to yourself step by step photo. Hairstyle for long hair:

To quickly and easily braid yourself a spikelet on three sides, prepare:

  • rubber bands

Braid the usual reverse spikelet, but leave one small strand (very thin) on the sides of the temples, tie the braid with an elastic band. Then take two strands and twist into a spiral, fix the spiral along the length of the braid and stretch.

Easy hairstyle - a bunch of strands in stages photo:

You need to prepare for the hairstyle:

  • studs / invisible
  • rubber
  • curl
  • clamp

Gather your hair in a ponytail and wind the curls large. Fix one strand and start wrapping the strands remaining in the tail around it. Your task is to loosely tie all the strands of the tail, packing them inside and fix them with invisibility.

Hairstyle for long hair beautifully easy fast:

How to make a beautiful and easy hairstyle for long hair to yourself very quickly:

  • need rubber bands

Highlight the upper part of the hair with a cap and tie it into a ponytail, pull the curl of the tail through the elastic band, tie one more strand below, adding more strands and repeat everything as in the photo. Hide the remaining length under the styling.

Easy hairstyle rosette from a braid for long and medium length hair to yourself step by step photo:

How to make a rose from hair, what you need for this:

  • rubber
  • studs / invisible

Braid a three-strand pigtail along the length of the hair to the end of the hair, collect the pigtail with a donut and fix it at the beginning of the weave. Curl the ends.

Easy home styling on the car itself step by step photo:

You will need:

  • studs / invisible
  • rubber bands

Gather the top of your hair and tie it into a ponytail, twist it through the elastic until you get a bun. Raise the lower strands to the bun and fix with invisibility, leaving the bun open. Decorate the part in which all the strands are collected with a bow or hairpin.

Beautiful easy hairstyle for every day for curly hair of medium length:

How easy it is to style curly hair in a styling and 5 minutes to yourself in stages:

  • studs / invisible

Choose an area at the top of your head to start braiding, braid a regular spikelet to the middle of your head, twist and pick up the remaining hair to the braid in a bun. Enjoy the most beautiful hairstyle and make it easy with photo instructions.

Home quick styling for medium length hair how to do it yourself:

How to quickly make a hairstyle for yourself in 5 minutes:

  • rubber bands
  • decoration

Take 2 strands of hair and tie them back, take the next 2 strands and tie over the previous elastic band, so several times, finish the entire weaving composition with decoration.

How to collect hair in a beautiful weave at home, wash yourself quickly and beautifully:

To quickly braid your own hairstyle from two braids, take:

  • rubber bands

Divide the hair into 2 parts (upper and lower), braid the braids on one side as for a waterfall and weave them into a spiral.

How to make a beautiful hairstyle for yourself: instructions in the photo step by step at home:

You need:

  • rubber
  • invisible

Tie the tail excluding the front parts, leave them for weaving. Take the strand that was left and the strand from the tail, twist it into a braid, at the end, braid everything around the circumference.

Easy hairstyles video:

Do you dream of stylish styling, but a huge busyness does not leave time for yourself? Beautiful hairstyles in 5 minutes, presented in our article, are in no way inferior to salon styling and will allow you to quickly put your hair in order.

romantic bow

This styling looks great on strands of any length. In addition, it can be performed on both straight and wavy hair. In the latter case, the section from which the bow itself will be made does not need to be twisted.

  1. We comb the strands well.
  2. We take a strand of medium thickness on the crown zone.
  3. We tie it with an elastic band, not completely stretching the tail. A bundle should form.
  4. Split the bundle in half to make a bow.
  5. We use studs to secure each section.
  6. We proceed to the formation of the middle - we wrap the free end of the hair from the bottom up and thread it under the elastic band. For reliability, we fix it either with an invisibility, or with a hairpin.

Another quick romantic hairstyle:

Ponytail with two spikelets

1. We comb and divide the hair with a parting in the middle.

2. On both sides we braid two outer spikelets.

3. We tie both pigtails together with one rubber band made of silicone.

4. We separate the strand from the tail and wrap it around the base of the tail. Hide the tip under the elastic.

Fishtail bun

  1. We comb and collect the hair in a ponytail at the crown.
  2. In the middle of the tail we tie another elastic band.
  3. We braid the rest of the hair into a braid (regular or fishtail). We tie it with an elastic band.
  4. We throw the braid back and put the tail in a bun. The rubber bands should touch.

5. For fastening, we use stealth or studs.

6. Slightly stretch the weave to give it an openwork look. You can leave the braid tight if you like.

7. We wrap the bundle with an oblique, hide its tip under the hair and fix it with another hairpin.

8. Spray hair with varnish.

sloppy shell

  1. We comb the hair and fluff it with our hands. This will make the hair more voluminous.
  2. We form a shell so that the ends of the hair hang freely.
  3. We lay them in random order, fix them if necessary with a pair of small hairpins.
  4. We spray varnish on the strands.

3 useful videos with hairstyles for every day:

ponytail hairstyle

A stylish and neat hairstyle in 5 minutes with your own hands is ideal for going to work and friendly gatherings.

Step 1. Comb your hair.

Step 2. At the top of the head, we separate two strands of medium thickness. Tie them together with silicone rubber.

Step 3. We make a hole just above the elastic, lift the tail and stretch it through this hole.

Step 4. At the temples, we pick up two more middle strands and attach them to the tail. We also tie the hair with a thin elastic band.

Step 5 In this section, make a hole again and twist the hair through it.

Step 6. We tie the remaining strands together with a thin elastic band and again form an inverted tail.

Bow-shaped bun

1. We comb well and collect strands in a tight tail in the back of the head.

2. We put on the second elastic band from above and make one turn around the tail with it.

3. We make the second turn, twisting the elastic band not completely and laying the tail inside. We do not pull the hair out of the gum completely!

4. We make the third turn of the gum, putting the rest of the tail into it. The ends are also not fully extended. It turns out a bow.

5. We carefully hide the tips under the elastic band.

6. We distribute the two halves of the bow in the form of a fan around the base of the tail.

7. We stab a crab in the middle.

8. Spray hair with varnish.

double beam

By the way, not so long ago we told. It is not only very fast, but also stylish.

Step 1. We comb the hair and divide it into two sections with a horizontal parting. The top section should be slightly smaller.

Step 2. Twist the upper part into a bun at a height that is convenient for you. We turn the strand against the clock.

Step 3. Fix with hairpins.

Step 4 Gather the hair in the bottom section.

Step 5. We twist them into a tourniquet.

Step 6. Wrap it around the first bundle.

Step 7. We hide the tip of the tourniquet and fix it with invisibility.


  1. We comb and transfer the hair to the side.
  2. We tie the tail with a thin elastic band.
  3. We form an inverted tail and stretch it for delicacy.
  4. A little lower we tie another elastic band.
  5. Again we form an inverted tail.
  6. We repeat the weaving further, not forgetting to loosen the strands a little.

We are constantly in the active flow of life. And in this rhythm, time is sorely lacking. But the hairstyle is the main attribute of the image of a woman. How to quickly tidy up your hair, our easy hairstyles will help you, which you can do on your own, without anyone's help.

By mastering these feminine, easy freestyle hairstyles, you can spend just 5 minutes a day on your hair to look beautiful and elegant at the same time. Each of these hairstyles is original in its own way. You just need to choose the right outfit. Just experiment with your hair to learn how to make these light and you will always look luxurious.

Forget about making a regular ponytail! The time for this hairstyle is long gone. Today, a simple ponytail is not stylish, although it is very convenient. Therefore, the twisted tail opens our list. These beautiful and easy hairstyles should not take much of your time, but should remain stylish and trendy.

Divide your hair into two sections. Twist one half and gracefully wrap around the second section of hair to create a twisted ponytail. Secure it with pins or bobby pins.

Very similar in appearance to a low knot, but designed for long hair. This one is simple, but it looks very gentle and romantic, which can gracefully emphasize even a wedding dress. Make a low ponytail and tie an elastic band. From the elastic, braid a regular braid and secure the other end with an elastic band. Now above the top elastic, open your hair and twist your braid into this space (Fig. 4, 5). Twist the braid and secure it with hairpins.

Divide your hair into two sections. Twist the left side of the hair clockwise to the center and secure with hairpins. And now twist the right side of the hair counterclockwise to the center, while taking the ends of the hair on the left side. Hide the ends inside the folds and secure with hairpins.

Take part of the hair on the left, pull this strand to the right and secure with an invisibility. Then take the part of the hair on the right and move it to the left. Also secure with invisibility. Ready! Easy hairstyles such as "single twist" and "double twist" can be done in two steps and in just five minutes.

Scythe - half crown

Above, you have already seen the lungs, made according to a similar principle, when with loose hair, the face remains open. This romantic hairstyle is no exception. Take strands on both sides and braid two small pigtails. Secure the ends of the braids with rubber bands. Now wind the left braid to the right at the back of the head, and the right braid to the left. And fix them with invisibility so that the ends of both braids are under the base of the opposite braid.

A very stylish twisted ponytail will add originality to your look and emphasize your individuality. Secure with an elastic band a small part of the hair at the back, in the neck area. Now take the part of the hair on the left side and, guiding it to the right side, wrap it around the knotted part of the hair in the neck area. Continue twisting your hair until you can pull your hair back into a side ponytail. But leave a small part in front. Tie a ponytail with an elastic band (fig. 5) and wrap the remaining strand of hair around the ponytail to overlap the elastic and secure.

Everything is pretty simple here. Just follow the instructions in the photo.

Make a side parting and divide your hair into two sections. Braid each part of your hair and secure with elastic bands. Then, on each pigtail, make a small openwork, pulling a thin strand from the loops of the braid. Now connect the two braids side by side into one and, on the wrong side, secure with the help of invisibility. Pay special attention to fixing the braids at the base so that it is not visible that these are two braids initially.

You can do this even while sitting in a car in a traffic jam. Just repeat these steps as shown in the photo.

This option is reminiscent of such light hairstyles as Neat Hair Bow and Half Crown Braid.

When there is not enough time to do a full French twist, you can completely replace it with a triple twist. Lightly comb your hair at the roots and divide your hair into three vertical sections (left, right and center). Start from the center: tousle this section of hair from roots to ends and make a vertical twist of the hair, secure tightly with invisible hair. Now twist the side strands towards the center and secure them also with invisibility.

The easiest and cutest hairstyle "Pompadour"

We are sure that these beautiful and light hairstyles will inspire you to new experiments and you will be able to look fashionable and stylish in five minutes. After all, hair is an attribute of female beauty, and hair styled in is a sign of grooming and style.

Not every woman is ready to spend several hours in front of the mirror, combing and styling her hair, so you need to learn how to create beautiful and easy hairstyles in a few minutes. There are many styling options for every day that will not take a lot of time from a woman. With them, she will always look well-groomed and stylish.

Tools and materials

To make an everyday hairstyle, it is not at all necessary to purchase complex salon styling tools. All the necessary tools and materials are in each apartment.

To create a light hairstyle you will need:

  • comb and brush;
  • hair bands;
  • decorative hairpins;
  • curling iron or curling iron;
  • hairpins and stealth;
  • sprays, foams and styling mousses;
  • fixing varnish.

Easy hairstyles: ponytail with a loop

  • At the base of the tail, divide the hair into two parts so that a small hole forms between the strands.
  • Raise the tail and thread it through the resulting hole from top to bottom.
  • If everything is done correctly, the hair forms a dense roller on the back of the head, under which you can hide the elastic.
  • Comb the free part of the tail again and fold it into a loop shape. If your hair is fine, tease it a bit to add volume.
  • Twist the loop around its base a few times to make a tight knot of hair at the top. Stab him with invisibility. If the length of the hair is not enough to make a flagellum, you can simply wrap the ends of the loop under the tail.
  • Fix the loop with invisibility and fill the hair with varnish.
  • Twist the same tourniquet on the right side.
  • Connect the harnesses at the back of the head. They can be fastened with an invisible or beautiful hairpin.
  • Lightly curl the ends of your hair with tongs or a curling iron.
    Hair collected in this way will complement the romantic summer look.
  • Advice!This charming hairstyle will look most impressive on long hair.

    high beam

    It is traditionally believed that the beam is a detail of a strict office style. But it's not. A light and graceful high beam will destroy the stereotype.

    Advice! A high ponytail will decorate short chubby girls: it will make them visually taller and open their faces.

    This hairstyle is universal: it is suitable for work in the office, and for going to a restaurant, and for a festive event. A few easy steps will turn a simple bun into a luxurious evening styling: you just need to add accessories or sparkles - and a great evening look is ready!

    Bundle "Spanish knot"

    "Spanish knot" - a simple and elegant hairstyle that will favorably emphasize the delicate oval of the face and long neck. The Spanish knot looks great with natural makeup and casual wear. A shiny bun and smooth hair will make a woman irresistible, no matter what outfit she chooses.

    Another simple everyday hairstyle is the Spanish knot, suitable for owners of long hair.
    1. Wash your hair, let it dry a little, and then treat with a conditioner spray.
    2. While your hair retains moisture, make it into a ponytail. It should be located at the very base of the neck, along the lower border of hair growth.
    3. Braid the tail into a tight pigtail.
    4. Twist the braid into a figure-eight and secure it with invisible hairpins. This will be the node.
    5. Comb your hair again from the parting to the knot with a fine-toothed comb. Sometimes a toothbrush is used for this purpose. Whichever option you choose, remember - the surface of the hair should shine.
    6. You can spray your hair to create a wet hair effect and add shine.

    A low bun at the base of the neck and a lustrous top of the hair will help create an elegant everyday look.

    Advice!You can wrap the braid around the elastic several times. This option is suitable for young ladies with long hair.

    A variant of the Spanish knot with a braid wrapped around an elastic band

    Greek bundle

    This is another type of low beam. Unlike the "Spanish knot", the Greek bun does not require perfect hair smoothness. It implies frivolous carelessness and disheveledness.

    1. Comb your hair and part it with a straight parting exactly in the middle.
    2. Separate the strands in the temple area on both sides and twist them into bundles, moving towards the back of the head.
    3. At the back of the head, connect the bundles with the rest of the mass of hair and fasten them with an elastic band to make a low ponytail.
    4. Slightly loosen the elastic so that the hair does not fit snugly against the head, and make a hole at the base of the tail.
    5. Start twisting your hair, moving from the ends to the base. When you get to the elastic, put the twisted tail into the hole.
    6. Fix the hair with invisible hair and varnish.

    It's okay if a few strands break out or lie unevenly: this will only add charm to the hairstyle.

    Braid "Rapunzel"

    Ever wanted to feel like a fairytale princess? So take the first step - braid a magnificent fantasy braid. At first glance, it seems that the hairstyle is extremely difficult to perform, but it is not. You will spend no more than 20 minutes, and the result will be amazing!

    1. Comb your hair and separate it with a vertical parting. It should not be in the middle of the head, but on the side: the right side is a little larger, the left side is smaller.
    2. Leave two loose strands in the bangs: they will beautifully frame the face.
    3. Separate the curl on the right side so that it is next to the parting. Divide it into three strands.
    4. Braid the braid "spikelet". To do this, alternately transfer the strands from left to right and vice versa, each time picking up additional free curls. Don't pull the braid too tight.
    5. Twist the loose strands near the face with a curling iron so that several gentle waves form on them.

    The finished hairstyle can be left in its natural form or supplemented with accessories and even fresh flowers.

    Hairstyle "Malvina"

    This is one of the most versatile and easy to perform hairstyles. It allows you to leave your hair loose, but does not allow them to be disheveled and tangled. There are many modifications of the famous "Malvina", but the most attractive hairstyles are bouffant.

    1. Comb your hair and separate one strand at the crown. Twist it into a tight tourniquet, secure with invisibility.
    2. Comb all hair around the tourniquet carefully.
    3. Lay them on top of the tourniquet so that it is completely hidden under the combed strands.
    4. Lift the bouffant with your fingers and secure it on your head with invisible hairpins or a beautiful hairpin.

    Advice!"Malvina" with a discreet hairpin will perfectly complement the office outfit. If you add an original accessory, you can safely go to a gala event with such a hairstyle.

    Boho hairstyle

    Braids and picturesquely tousled hair are the main elements of boho hairstyles. Of course, on long hair, such styling will look most organic, but this does not mean that owners of medium-length hair will not be able to treat themselves to fashionable novelties. Try a simple boho braid hairstyle and you will see that you have a rebel girl in you who does not recognize the tight confines of classic fashion.

    1. Comb your hair and part it in a straight parting in the middle of your head.
    2. On the left side, where the parting begins, separate a thin strand of hair. It should be closer to the crown. Braid it into a thin braid.
    3. Separate another strand on the left and make a second pigtail of the same kind. The pigtails should be nearby. Fasten them together with an elastic band.
    4. Separate a strand of hair from the very face and also fasten it with pigtails. You should get a composition of one strand and two braids, the tails of which are fastened together.
    5. Do the same on the right side. Try to keep the braids and strands on both sides symmetrically.
    6. Cross both elements at the back of the head and pull them together with an elastic band.

    Quite simple, but no less interesting hairstyle