Do-it-yourself cardboard box. DIY paper box: a useful skill


The article will tell you about how you can do it yourself and use a cardboard box. Here you will find templates and master classes for making boxes of various shapes.

A box is the easiest way to pack or hide something. The box can serve as an excellent means of storing things: jewelry, postcards, small items and cosmetics. Of course, modern stores will provide you with a lot of options for boxes: large, small, curly, square, with lids, decorated and simple cardboard.

It is much more pleasant to create something with your own hands and decorate it the way you would like it and the way the product itself will correspond to the style of the holiday, room, occasion. You can make crafts from absolutely any cardboard. The material can be purchased at a craft store (you will find a large selection of colors and textures of cardboard), or you can use the one in which household appliances are often packed (refrigerators, for example, or washing machines).

For work you will need:

  • Cardboard (as many as required for your preferred product size).
  • Hot glue (you can, of course, use any other, but hot glue is preferable to the extent of its quick drying and strong bonding of the material).
  • Template (with the help of it you can understand exactly how you should cut, bend and glue the material).
  • Scissors and a pencil - for basting, cutting. This is necessary in order for your product to look neat and aesthetically pleasing.

IMPORTANT: There are two main types of cardboard box with a lid. One suggests the presence of a lid that covers the top of the box, the other a lid that leans back, but is part of the box.

Hinged lid box template

Box template with cover lid

How to make a box with a lid step by step:

  • Prepare all the supplies, print out the template for the box on the printer or draw it in the exact ratio on the cardboard.
  • Cut out two pieces of cardboard
  • Start bending the dotted lines and carefully gluing them together.
  • Press the edges firmly to hold the material together.
  • Let the product dry a little.
  • After drying, you can decorate the box to your liking.

Video: "Box: master class"

How to make a round cardboard box: diagram, template

A round cardboard box is a very beautiful and practical product that will always find its use. Having decorated it to your liking, you can store jewelry and bijouterie, sewing and embroidery kits, cosmetics, clippings and much more inside.

Making a round cardboard box is a little more difficult than, for example, a square one. However, it is quite realistic to “figure out” with your own hands, without spending a lot of money on materials. Use thick cardboard and exactly follow the template provided, you can only change the size, but not the shape of the parts.

How to make a round cardboard box, templates:

Round Cardboard Box Template #1

What parts does a round cardboard box consist of: template No. 2

In what order should the parts of the round box be glued together: template No. 3

Round cardboard box with handle: finished product

Video: "Gift box or cardboard box: a detailed master class"

How to make a heart box out of cardboard?

A heart-shaped box is much more difficult to make than a round or square box. However, if you follow the tips and patterns, you will easily create this beautiful piece.

A heart-shaped box is not only a storage box, it is the perfect package for giving a gift to a loved one. Such a box can be filled with many surprises: sweets, souvenirs, trinkets, gifts, key rings, flower petals, even butterflies can fit in it.

IMPORTANT: In many respects, the heart box is similar to a round box, but here it all depends on the bottom: if it is proportional, then the whole product can look neat and even. The box has two bottoms: inner and outer, the walls of the box are attached according to the principle of a round box.

Different patterns for making a heart-shaped cardboard box:

One Piece Heart Box Template: Template #1

One Piece Heart Box Template: Template #2

Step by step work in photo:

Prepare identical hearts: two bottoms and a lid

Tape the bottom of the box

Fix and wait for it to dry completely, make a cover

Video: "Heart-shaped box: master class"

How to make boxes out of paper and cardboard?

Giving gifts in bags, plastic wraps and paper wrappers is no longer beautiful and is considered a sign of "bad taste". Your gift will look much more spectacular in paper or cardboard packaging, which you glue and decorate yourself.

IMPORTANT: The size and shape of your box depends only on what exactly you will give. More "heavy" gifts require thick cardboard, and for small and light ones, you can even glue a paper box together.

Boxes made of cardboard and paper, different patterns:

Simple Rectangular Box Template

Flip-top box: template

Triangular box: template

Simple square box template

Pouch box: template

How to make a box of colored cardboard?

In the modern art store you will find a huge selection of cardboard:

  • Kraft cardboard (solid sand color material)
  • Colored cardboard
  • Velvet cardboard
  • Holographic cardboard
  • Glitter Cardboard
  • Cardboard with prints, drawings and inscriptions
  • Textured cardboard and more

IMPORTANT: All this variety of choice allows you to create cardboard boxes of incredible beauty and use them for any purpose.

Cardboard for creativity

Video: "How to make a cardboard box?"

How to make a cardboard box without a lid?

In case you need to make a cardboard box without a lid, you should also use the template. This product is perfect for storing personal items: pencils, cosmetic brushes, hair accessories and much more.

Box template without lid

Video: “Do-it-yourself origami box without a lid”

How to make a cardboard box for sweets?

Boxes of chocolates do not have to be bought in the store, you never know for sure what will be inside. It is always more pleasant to make a box with your own hands, fill it with sweets to your liking and give it to a loved one. It will be not only a "delicious" gift, but also very original and special.

Box with pens: pattern Butterfly box: template

Box triangle: pattern

How to make a cardboard jewelry box?

It is very comfortable to store jewelry, bijouterie and watches in a cardboard box. You can buy it or make it yourself, decorating it to your liking. If desired, inside the box you can make one or several departments.

A few tips and templates for making a flat cardboard box will help you make your own packaging of any size.

Flat box template

Video: DIY Flat Storage Box

How to make a square cardboard box?

The small square box can be used as a bombonnière or as a package for small surprises for your loved ones.

Simple square box template

How to make a triangular cardboard box?

A triangular box can exist as a separate unusual package, or it can be part of a package in the form of a cake.

Triangular box template

Do we decorate cardboard boxes with our own hands?

Decorating a homemade box depends only on how original and great your imagination is. You should also decorate the box, focusing on the occasion (holiday, for example, or indoor decor).

How and with what you can decorate any cardboard box:

  • Lace and fabric
  • Satin ribbons
  • Twine and burlap
  • Stickers and stickers
  • Buttons and other accessories
  • Sequins and stones
  • colored paper
  • kraft paper
  • Drawings and inscriptions

Video: "5 ideas for decorating a box"


You can pack a beautiful and original gift with your own hands. The very process of creation will bring you a lot of positive emotions, and you will also save money and give a piece of your soul and love. To create a square box with your own hands from cardboard, you will need quite a bit of effort, imagination, love, and some tools and materials:

  • cardboard (thin and corrugated);
  • PVA glue, glue gun, stationery glue;
  • adhesive tape (double-sided and regular);
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • ruler;
  • a pen that no longer writes;
  • all kinds of decor.

Ready template

Any cardboard box starts with a template. Without it, it will be difficult for you to create a beautiful and neat gift wrapping. We have prepared for you several box templates that can be used not only as packaging, but also as a box for storing jewelry, threads, needles and other small things. There are a huge number of variations of templates, you can come up with a design yourself. Our advice to you: first try to build a box from a newspaper or thick sheets of a magazine, and then take on the final version.

The template needs to be enlarged to the size you want to see the box. Then it needs to be printed and transferred to cardboard. The dotted lines are the folds. Use a non-writing pen or the thick edge of a pair of scissors to go over these lines and mark the folds so that the cardboard gives in easily and folds just the way you want it to. Making a square cardboard box with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears, especially if you use patterns that do not require the use of glue:

We offer a few more cardboard box templates that can be created without a single drop of glue.

It's all about the special "hooks" with which the structure holds and does not crumble. Well, now let's get to the decor.

A do-it-yourself square cardboard box (especially if the cardboard is thick) can be decorated in a variety of styles and using different techniques. It can be decoupage, thick cardboard will withstand this technique, it can be a composition made using the quilling technique, flowers from various materials. You can also use appliqués, ribbons, beads, stones, rhinestones and other decorations. Try to choose details in the same style so that the design does not look too rough and ugly. It is not necessary to completely decorate the box with decor, sometimes only kraft paper or the texture of the cardboard itself and the usual delicate satin ribbon are enough.

Don't forget to decorate the box inside too. From this will depend on its completed form. Inside the box, you can put a soft satin pillow, decorate the inside with foil, wallpaper, gift paper and other materials.

The lace material looks very beautiful in the design of the box - the packaging is obtained in such a rustic or rustic style.

For decoration, you can also use burlap and thick wallpaper with an interesting print. Such boxes can be used to store things, small parts, jewelry. If you make partitions inside of cardboard, then this will turn out to be a real organizer for jewelry, buttons and other little things that can be presented as a gift.

Think about the hobby that the person to whom the gift is intended is fond of. Maybe he loves traveling and the box can be decorated with stamps, he loves flowers, then use a floral theme, he is a lover of cars and technology, then use some details characteristic of this hobby.

Even ordinary postage stamps can become an original design for a do-it-yourself cardboard box.

We create a template with our own hands

You can create a template for a square box with your own hands. To do this, on a sheet of basic material, you need to draw a square of the required size. Next, from each corner you need to draw straight lines as long as you want the height of the box. For the box, you also need to make a lid that will be literally 2 mm larger than the package itself.

Use double-sided tape, PVA glue, or a glue gun to attach the cardboard pattern pieces. You can also use thin multi-colored cardboard if your gift is not too heavy.

Cardboard box in the shape of a Lego piece

For this square box, we need a fairly thin cardboard, which should be colored on both sides. Such packaging will appeal to children, you can hide sweets, designer toys, small children's jewelry, collectible cars and other souvenirs in it.

First you need to create a template, print it and transfer it to colored cardboard. By the way, the template can be immediately printed on colored cardboard.

Next, with blunt scissors, you need to run through the places of the folds so that the cardboard bends beautifully. And then you can start creating interesting packaging. Use regular stationery glue to join the pieces.

Now you need to cut out four identical circles from the same cardboard from which you are making the box. By the way, the size of the box will depend on the size of your gift. You can even make a traditional design: a box in a box. It will be interesting for the child to open one box and find a new one in it.

Now you need to take a thick adhesive tape or thick double-sided tape, on which we will attach our rounds.

As a result, you should end up with such an interesting box in the form of a Lego constructor.

A box in a hurry

If you need to arrange some kind of gift very quickly, and there is no suitable packaging at hand, then you can quickly make it yourself. In this case, use thin cardboard - it is more convenient to work with it and the packaging is more accurate.

First you need to cut a square out of cardboard and draw straight lines from corners to corners.

Now carefully assemble your box and secure with glue. From a slightly larger sheet (about 5-6 mm), make a cover according to the same principle.

It remains only to decorate our packaging. If the gift is not too heavy, then you can attach a ribbon to the lid, for which you will hold the box and present the gift.

Need to wrap a gift? Or do you want to create a container for storing small items so that they do not gather dust on the shelf? Don't know how to make out with a lid? Actually, it's easy. It is enough just to understand the principle of obtaining a three-dimensional form or use a ready-made scheme. The manufacturing process is not difficult. There are interesting ways to decorate boxes that will help you create a real work of art, and it will definitely not be difficult to find a use for it.

What will be required?

If you wondered how to make a box with a lid out of a box, then you already have the most important thing - a cardboard container.

She will act as the basis. In addition to it, you need to prepare the following:

  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • eraser;
  • or scissors (the second option is less convenient);
  • a knitting needle, a toothpick or a non-writing rod (for making guides along which the cardboard will be bent);
  • glue;
  • decor (design paper, fabric, stickers, satin ribbons, beads, flowers, feathers, butterflies, lace).

As you can see, it is easy to turn an ordinary box into a gift box or interior decoration using affordable means.

A sheet of cardboard or a box: what is better to make from?

If you decide in advance to make beautiful gift wrapping with your own hands, you have the opportunity to choose the source material, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the options. When there is no time for preparatory work, use what is available. After studying the article, you will understand how to make a box with a lid out of a box, but it is worth warning that it will be easier to make a product from a flat sheet of cardboard.

If you have a finished box, but it is without a lid, inappropriate shape or larger than necessary, you will have to disassemble it to a flat sheet and already draw a blank on it. The problem is that on this sheet you will already have folds, and you will have to adjust the template so that the intended fold lines coincide with the existing ones.

The advantage of this option is that it is cheap. It's easy to find. You can ask at any store. They always have unnecessary packaging.

If you have time to search for decorative cardboard and there is no task to save money, then feel free to purchase sheet (preferably dense) colored, metallized, printed (printed pattern) material. From a single even sheet, you can make a box according to any template of a completely different shape. Plus, you don't have to spend time gluing the front side to give an aesthetically appealing look to industrial taupe board. In any case, the choice is yours.

with a do-it-yourself lid?

The shapes of the boxes are very different: cylindrical, based on a square (rectangle, five- or hexagon), in the form of a pyramid, heart, house and other objects. If your main task is to make a product with a lid, choose the template in which this part is present. It can be a separate part that is removed, or a single whole, that is, it leans back. To make the first option, work like this:

How to make a box with a hinged lid?

If you want to make gift wrapping in less time, choose those templates where the lid is one piece with the base. In this case, the sequence of work will correspond to that presented in the previous section and will be limited to stages from No. 1 to No. 6.

How to make a box from individual parts?

If you do not know how to make a box with a lid from an existing blank, because none of the blanks found fit in size, since the folds do not match those on the original box, use the following method:

  1. Choose any scan and print in the desired size on a sheet of paper.
  2. Cut the template into separate elements (bottom, lid, side faces).
  3. Arrange the parts on your disassembled box so that the existing folds do not interfere (do not fall on the elements).
  4. Circle the parts with a pencil.
  5. Cut out everything.
  6. Make holes around the perimeter of each part with a needle or awl (depending on the thickness of the material).
  7. Sew the joints of the elements with a needle and thread (the number of holes along the edge connecting the two faces should be the same).

In this case, you do not even need glue. The same can be done with adhesive tape, but then you will have to decorate both the front and back sides.

How to decorate a box?

Now you, most likely, have already decided and understood how to make a cardboard box with a lid from what you have. But if you only have taupe packaging for groceries or other goods, you should think about decorating. You can decorate the product both already completed and at the stage of cutting out parts. Decorating options can be selected from the following list:

  • glue the base with cloth, beautiful paper, lace;
  • paint, write text, make a pattern, for example, with acrylic paints with a pre-primed surface or felt-tip pens;

  • use the decoupage technique (suitable for thick cardboard);
  • wrap in spectacular wrapping (thin) paper;
  • decorate with appliqué, satin ribbons, beads, paper or fabric flowers.

These are just a few of the main options. Based on them, you can create your own unique masterpieces.

So, you have learned how to make a box with a lid out of a box. It is not difficult. Choose simple schemes if you are short on time. And when it is enough, you can use any of the proposed options or even develop your own based on the sample you like.

How to make a box with your own hands for a small gift? For example, for brooches or candles. The topic is relevant, do you agree? For example, I know that handmade soap packaging- the eternal problem of soap makers. And you can’t always find it in stores, and sometimes the cost “bites”. Therefore I suggest to you make your own cardboard box and present a step-by-step master class. I make eco-boxes from available materials. This option is especially suitable for those who "produce" not too large batches of their own soap. DIY handmade soap packaging quite within the power of everyone, but still time-consuming.

I used boxes in which household appliances are packed. They are large, the sides allow you to use patterns of different sizes. The material from which they are made corrugated cardboard. Usually a light brown color, the shade is very eco-friendly.

You can also buy this or other suitable cardboard from craft stores.

You will also need:

  • scissors and a sharp knife for cutting cardboard;
  • plain paper for patterns;
  • thin transparent tape
  • tissue paper (silence) for gift wrapping;
  • stapler for fastening;
  • beautiful ribbon (braid, lace, etc.) for decoration,
  • cellophane, which is used to wrap flowers.

Step by step the whole process looks like this:

  • we make a rectangular box with sides;
  • we fill this box with paper filler;
  • we put a souvenir (soap or a candle, or other object) on a fluffy feather bed
  • we wrap all this beauty with transparent cellophane, of which there are many in floristry stores and similar ones (products for creativity, packaging materials, etc.).

How to make a DIY gift box

Let's figure out how to make a box of corrugated cardboard with your own hands. Similarly, you can work with thinner cardboard, the principle of constructing a pattern is exactly the same.

Building a box pattern with sides

  1. Cut the cardboard packaging box along one of the side faces, if it is glued, unfold it. Folds are not a problem - they can be used as folds in your boxes.

2. Draw a pattern, the easiest to start with. The basis is a rectangle with a width and height corresponding to your gift (soap, candles, souvenir). A more or less standard size, suitable for many forms of soap making, is a rectangle with sides of 10 and 8 cm. But you can use other sizes. For a thin candle, it will be a more elongated rectangle, long, but the essence of manufacturing remains.

Below in the picture is a universal pattern. You can make it in advance on plain paper and then use it on cardboard.

Blue indicates the bottom of the box, light orange sides, orange - "wings" for connection. Green solid lines indicate where to cut, and dotted lines indicate where to fold.

Make the length and width of the bottom according to what will fit in the box. Add extra space on the sides so that you can add beautiful additions in the form of sisal, cuts, etc.

To the rectangular bottom, add about 3-5 cm side stripes along the perimeter. In the figure, they are light orange in color. The height of the sides depends on the height of the product to be packed. For soap, the height of the sides is usually 3.5 cm.

"Wings" are bent inside the box, and double side close them.

  1. Transfer the pattern to cardboard, cut it out. Several punctures can be made at the fold points to make it easier to bend if the cardboard is "stubborn".

Assembling a handmade box

Bend inward the sides along the fold lines, at the same time picking up the “ears” inside, which will serve as a fastener.

Assembling a box without glue and a stapler

In order for the whole structure to hold and not fall apart (the cardboard strives to return to its original position), insert the bottom cut out separately. It is it that will press the sides and “ears” and the box will keep its shape without additional fasteners.

Fastening the "sides" with a stapler

If you don’t want to do it with a bottom, or your box is still falling apart (the bottom, apparently, needs to be made a little larger), you can try to connect it with a stapler.

If you choose this option, then additional double sides can be made single and a second bottom is not needed.

Useful advice: since cardboard with corrugated insides is thick and not every stapler can “swallow” it, you just need to squeeze this notorious thickness with your fingers. And then a completely flat edge easily enters the stapler.

This is how the box looks like in the end. If you have the edges of the “ears” protruding slightly above the sides, cut them off with scissors or a sharp knife - whichever is more convenient.

Fastening the "sidewalls" with tape or glue

The most difficult event, to be honest with you.

The fact is that the cardboard is not glued with adhesive tape. And ordinary glue does not work quickly. Having fought with different adhesives, I realized that this stage can become very time consuming (until the selected glue dries) ... I gave up and began to work with a stapler, as described above. Yes, there are metal brackets, but they are almost invisible.

But for those who do not have this tool at hand, a thin adhesive tape will help out. They need to wrap the entire box around the perimeter, thus pulling the side walls together. And then decorate with paper with silence, for example. That is, cover with tape.

Cardboard box lid

As you probably guessed, the lid is made in exactly the same way as the box itself. Only the height of the sides is limited to 2-3 cm and the bottom should be larger than that of the main box - about a few mm on all sides. This will allow you to close without tension.

If desired, you can cut a window in the lid and seal it from the inside with a transparent film.

Proceed to the design of the box.

DIY box wrap

A neatly made cardboard box is already good in itself! Beautiful packaging for handmade soap has an eco-friendly look and is suitable for many DIY products. However, you can make her a more festive outfit.

Wrap the box with beautiful paper: tissue or corrugated paper. It is not necessary to make a pattern, it is enough to make large allowances in order to have enough for the inside of the box.

Uneven edges will be covered with a bottom and filler.

Filler for handmade gift wrapping

If there is no sisal or any other ready-made filler, make it yourself. It is enough to cut tissue paper (silence) into small “noodles” and crumple it.

Fluff the cut with your fingers, it's not difficult, the paper under your hands will acquire the desired volume. Remember that the straw does not look straight. In the photo you see a cut of golden paper in silence. From one sheet you get a large amount of cutting, enough for a dozen boxes.

Fill the box with cut, put your gift in it and proceed to cellophane wrapping if the box is without a lid.

Gift box wrapping in transparent cellophane

Cut a rectangle of cellophane large enough to leave free ends for the sides when wrapping. Wrap the box around and carefully fasten the side or bottom with a thin transparent tape.

Excess cellophane must be trimmed to avoid rough winding. Attach a bow, tinsel, twig, or pretty ribbon for decoration.

The photo shows examples of such packaging in different sizes.

In such a box, you can pack not only soap and candles, but also gingerbread, handmade flowers, hairpins, brooches and much more that is created by your golden pens. Knowing how to make handmade soap packaging, do the same for other gifts. If the thing is large, then the box can be made large.

Patterns and patterns for handmade boxes

The patterns you see below are suitable for thinner cardboard boxes. Such boxes do not need to be glued additionally. The main thing is to correctly bend along the right lines. It will be more difficult to make such small boxes from corrugated cardboard.

Pattern and scheme for assembling a handmade box made of hard cardboard

This version of the box is made of thick, well-shaped cardboard, but not very thick. It is held by the hardness of the cardboard.

Pattern for a thin cardboard box

Thin cardboard allows you to make a box with your own hands, bending the side joints along diagonal lines. The picture shows how this is done.

Using decorative paper (for example, for scrapbooking), you can make such a box a handmade masterpiece.

The do-it-yourself packaging box layout is simple, the picture below is the simplest example.

Probably, many will agree that not only children, but also adults love to receive gifts, and if it is hidden in an original box, it will leave an unforgettable impression of a surprise. And we are sure that the time spent creating it will pass quickly and unnoticed, because the result will definitely please you. Here you can find the most original and interesting ideas on how to make a do-it-yourself paper box with a lid. Step-by-step painted instructions will help you arrange it without much difficulty in a matter of minutes.

Important! Before you start creating a gift box, we advise you to practice on simpler paper, because then you will be able to take into account all the errors and inaccuracies that may arise.

Choosing a material

So, how to make a beautiful DIY gift box? For this you need the following materials:

  • Corrugated cardboard;
  • Laces, ribbons, ribbons;
  • Buttons, beads;
  • Ready labels;
  • Scissors, clerical knife;
  • Double-sided tape, glue stick;
  • Super glue or glue "Moment" universal (transparent gel) for fixing beads and other things;
  • Pencil, ruler;
  • Hole puncher;
  • Compass.

Now there are many ideas for creating original gift boxes, for you we have selected the most interesting and affordable options.

Box with round base:

  1. You need to cut out 4 circles: using a compass, we draw circles (you choose the diameter yourself) from thick packaging cardboard, you can also use porous cardboard. Two large mugs and two small ones.
  2. From tinted cardboard or any other that you have, we cut out two strips so that they match the size of the circles, with a margin for overlap, one of them is wide, the second is narrow.
  3. Glue two large circles together with Moment glue or double-sided tape. After - separately glue the remaining two circles.
  4. We need small circles for the base of the box. We apply transparent glue “Moment” on the sides of the mug, gluing a strip of cardboard, for reliability, you can also stick another strip on top of this one.
  5. We do the same with the lid for the box: we glue a narrow cardboard strip along the edges of the large circle.

Important! To make your box look more festive, you can create a beautiful bow from a colored or printed ribbon. To do this, cut the ribbon in half, glue its ends to the inside of the lid, and tie the remaining long ends into a bow on top.

Classic gift box

And for lovers of the classics, there is such an option: a small box for a small gift. We will need the following materials:

  • Ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Thick colored paper or cardboard (soft).

Step by step we will consider the whole process of how to make such a box of paper with your own hands. For blanks you need two squares - large and small. The difference in size is 1 cm, for example 15:15 and 14:14. Let's arrange them:

  1. We select the lines of squares diagonally, after that we bend the corners to the center.
  2. Further, the corners bent towards the center must be bent to the opposite fold line, and then to the nearest fold line. A square should form in the center, which will later become our future bottom.
  3. After that, on both sides of the formed diagonals, we cut along the first deflections to the designated square in the center.
  4. The edges that we cut are folded along the bends, so we get the walls of the box.
  5. We bend the sharp tips of the walls inward, to the center of the square.
  6. With the remaining not bent tongues of paper, we grab the bent ends, thereby wrapping them inward.

We have a lid box.

We perform the same manipulations with the second square, and due to the fact that this square differed in size by one centimeter, the box comes out smaller and fits freely under the previously made cover.

In order to fix the gift inside, put a napkin or light paper in a crumpled form on the bottom. As you may have noticed, making a gift box with your own hands is quite simple. To give originality and an interesting accent, a colored braid will help, with which we will tie our box.

Box with a secret

And now we offer to your attention to make small gift boxes with a surprise. The so-called snag box: when the lid is removed, it swings open at the same time. How to make a cover - you can look at the second option described above.

So, let's start making a gift box with a secret.

Work materials

For her we need:

  • Scissors, glue, thick paper;
  • Old postcards, beads, ribbon;
  • Jewelry, decorative ribbons.

Important! If you decide to make the bottom 18x18 cm, then for the lid you need 1 cm more, that is, 19x19 cm.

Step by step master class:

  • The box itself is made in this way: we divide the sheet into nine equal squares, we do not need the corner ones, they need to be cut out. We bend the remaining squares inward, forming a box.
  • We decorate the inside as your imagination desires (with pleasant wishes or poems), glue beads, rhinestones, buttons, drawings from postcards, a small bouquet.

Important! Do not overdo it with decor so that the gift still remains the main focus of your surprise.

  • Now you can put the gift in the middle, gather the walls of the box together and cover it with a lid, you can also tie it with a ribbon.

Felt box

Felt is a wonderful material from which you can create not only handbags, jewelry, toys, but also beautiful gift wrapping.


To create it, we need:

  • Colored felt - its density can be different, depending on the thickness of the sheet, choose the most convenient and flexible, so that it is convenient to sew;
  • Threads with a needle;
  • Ruler;
  • Glue (super glue or hot glue)
  • Scissors;

Master class in stages:

  1. Draw the canvas with a pencil to leave less marks and not stain the fabric, into 9 squares. You can also rectangles, cut out the corners.
  2. On the outside, decorate with colored appliqués, if desired - you can embroider unpretentious patterns, decorate with beads or beads.
  3. Gently bend the walls and sew them together. Seams with contrasting threads will give a more interesting and unusual look. In general, there are no restrictions, so you can freely experiment.

Important! Felt boxes can later also serve as a box for various little things or jewelry. It is also possible to use them during competitions for children and various holidays.

Beautiful flower box

If you need a minimum of costs and time spent, then for you there is an option for a simple box without glue:

  1. We print or you can redraw the template on colored paper.
  2. We cut the workpiece, create folds along the lines, while using a ruler.
  3. If your paper is white, then turn the workpiece over with the front side, while tinting it over the entire surface or only the edges with a sponge and a stamping pad (you can also use pastels or watercolors).
  4. We hide our present in the middle, and we can collect the “petals” from above.

Box with a heart

For solemn events, we can make such a delicate and romantic paper box with our own hands.


For her you need to take:

We make a box of paper - a master class in stages:

  1. Print and cut out the template, follow the indicated lines with a dull knife or scissors to make neat grooves in the right places.
  2. Transfer the heart template to the lid part and cut it out with a clerical knife.
  3. We make folds along the lines and fold the box, after that we fix it with glue.
  4. From the wrong side, carefully close the window with a film.
  5. We decorate the lid with flowers made of paper or fabric, stripes with beads.
  6. Do the same for the bottom.
  7. The composition at the end of the work is supplemented with a ribbon.

Cardboard gift packaging

For the manufacture of packaging for a gift from cardboard, we need:

  • Cardboard sheet;
  • Scissors or compasses;
  • Scheme;
  • Double sided tape or glue.

Let's get to work:

  1. Cut out a rectangular box template from a single sheet, as shown in the diagram.
  2. We draw along the fold lines with scissors or the tip of a compass to evenly fold the sides of the box.
  3. After - glue the pieces of double-sided tape as shown in the picture.
  4. We decorate with colored pictures or inscriptions - it depends on the event for which you are preparing.

Cardboard carrot

It sounds intriguing - it will be a wonderful and unexpected surprise where you can hide a small gift, for example, jewelry, sweets, small toys.

Important! If you are thinking about what to put in such a package, here are a few ideas:

  • A friend or sister can pack nail polish, lipstick in this way.
  • For a spouse or girlfriend, you can put a bracelet, earrings or a chain in the “carrot”.
  • For a father or brother, gifts such as cufflinks, tie clips or money clips are suitable.

Materials for work:

  • Orange thick paper;
  • Green dense threads;
  • Scissors;
  • transparent moment;
  • Green fabric (felt will do);
  • box template;
  • Hole puncher.


So, the steps for creating a carrot box:

  1. We print the template on orange thick paper.
  2. We cut out the workpiece. We fold our product along the dotted lines.
  3. We collect and glue the workpiece. We create a hole in the upper parts of the workpiece with a hole punch.
  4. We cut out leaves from green fabric, tying green ropes to them. Pieces of five such leaves will be enough.
  5. We tie the leaves to the holes that we previously cut with a hole punch.

Important! On green paper or a ready-made cardboard tag, you can create an additional sheet on which you can leave a congratulatory inscription.
