What gift to give the teacher on March 8. Gift ideas for the class teacher


The first advice is to forget about banal gifts. There are enough souvenirs for women. Why replenish the collection with trinkets from students? Teachers do not need soft toys, sweets are nice to receive, but what will be left as a memory from the next box of sweets? Before you make a choice, pay attention to the age, character traits, the subject that she teaches. A suitable option will be found by itself!

  • Flower vase, interior decoration.
  • Houseplant in a pot.
  • Award figurine, certificate or diploma.
  • Gift order or medal.
  • A set of cosmetics, bijouterie.
  • Computer accessories.
  • Table lamp, personalized stationery.
  • Small household appliances.
  • Set for tea or coffee.
  • Briefcase, bag, folder for papers.
  • An album containing photographs of children.
  • A joint trip to the museum, to the exhibition, to the theater.
  • Perfume shop gift certificate.

Do-it-yourself items remain common gifts for March 8. At labor lessons, the boys will make postcards, handicrafts from natural materials, coasters for hot dishes. Girls will gladly bake a cake, buns, cookies, organize a festive tea party. During the feast, please the teacher with your own poems, sing a song, play a theatrical scene. The main attribute of Women's Day is a bouquet of flowers.

Choosing an inexpensive but useful gift for a teacher

Teachers are used to typical gifts. The list of things does not change from year to year! Leave mugs, t-shirts and diaries behind. Get creative. Replace a chocolate bar with a bouquet of sweets or a jar of Delicious Help pills. After hard work, it’s not a sin to eat a couple of dragees. A woman teacher will be happy to receive a fruit basket, a personalized set of honey, nuts with wishes. A positive charge on March 8 will not hurt anyone.

A useful present is not the most original gift, but it looks solid and appropriate. The teacher will be happy to use a laser pointer, a computer projector, disks with visual aids. In addition to them, a modern teacher should have a flash drive with a large amount of memory, a wireless mouse and keyboard, an audio headset and a USB hub. Among the gifts that will benefit:

Annual subscription to a pedagogical journal. It should definitely be given to the teacher. The more the teacher learns, the more interesting the lessons will become.

Case for glasses M.Studio. Trimmed with natural leather with multi-colored inserts. It will come in handy for a woman who constantly wears glasses or uses them for writing.

Bladeless USB fan. Is your teacher suffering from lack of air conditioning? By making a funny gift, amuse her and partially solve the problem.

Door holder Ring. Rubber stopper in the form of a female ring. An indispensable thing when there is not enough fresh air in the classroom.

Holder for small things "Nest". Desktop organizer for a large number of office supplies. One of the best gifts for a teacher.

What to give your favorite teacher on March 8

Among the teachers there is one that I want to congratulate personally. One student is crazy about her subject, the other feels a good attitude. Parents should support the initiative of the child and help with the choice. Teachers will appreciate the attentiveness of the student.

An individual gift should be a pleasant sign of attention, and not be perceived as a bribe. Surprises in the form of an envelope with money are not good. An inexpensive gift would be a suitable option. A good idea: give an original bookmark for books, an aromatic lamp or candles, a photo frame, an office decoration. A favorite teacher will be pleased with a personalized fountain pen or a plate, a candy bowl, gift soap, an unusual planter, as well as:

Stencils for decorating coffee. Give them to a connoisseur of the drink. Using cinnamon, grated chocolate and coffee beans, a woman will create amazing compositions.

Money box "Rubles - Euro". A teacher cannot boast of a high salary. A talisman to attract cash is a suitable present for him.

Japanese kindergarten "Simple Solutions". The world in miniature. The composition that you gave as a gift can be modified. The essence remains the same: creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house.

Scarf "Fox". Keep your favorite teacher warm. The spring sun is insidious. Do not rush to switch to light clothing.

Bumper with rhinestones for iPhone. One of the most beautiful gifts. The owner of the "apple" device will be surprised how well the cover is combined with a smartphone.

What to give on March 8 to your class teacher

The class teacher spends more time with the children than other teachers. Her task is to find an approach to each student, to solve children's problems. Do not think that picking up a gift for a class teacher is easier than for subject teachers. There are many options and you need to choose the best one.

An interesting idea is to order a congratulatory newspaper for the teacher. Add a couple of “notes” from school life to the holiday number. Your idea will be appreciated! Another curious idea is to hand over a bag with the text "March 8". Be concise, limiting yourself to the name of the teacher or a catch phrase. Get a memorable women's accessory. A cool gift can be: a bathrobe or a blanket with embroidery, a photo book, an anti-stress pillow, a set of wine glasses, a drink dispenser. Pay attention also to:

Photobox "Pink Dreams". Children remember teachers, and teachers remember students. A wooden cube with sliding compartments will hold dozens of memorable shots.

whistling kettle. One of the most common gift options. Does not lose relevance, because the kitchen utensils need to be updated.

Cup holder "Real woman". A cool surprise for an authoritative teacher. A commemorative engraving or nameplate on the box is appropriate.

Mini bar. Includes 6 wine glasses and decanter. The owner will remember the gift with the approach of the next holiday. Does it involve a feast in the family circle?

Portrait on the mirror. A good sign of attention. For manufacturing, you will need to choose a good photo. The work will take two days.

What to give a teacher on March 8. Surprises for subject teachers

On International Women's Day, every teacher deserves attention. Even if she teaches not the most important discipline. A present for the 8th will demonstrate an attitude towards a person. Make the woman happy.

When choosing a gift, consider the specialization of the teacher. So, a physics teacher will be surprised when she is presented with Newton's cradle. Not a visual aid, but a desktop device with suspended balls. A teacher of literature cannot be left without books. A volume of poems by your favorite poet is a win-win holiday option. A gift for a chemistry teacher will be March coffee. To prepare a drink, you will have to remove the components from the can and mix them.

Ceramic dispenser Bird. When buying, remember the chemistry teachers. They measure substances in grams, conduct experiments and wash their hands after experiments.

Massage hoop with magnets "Massaging Hoop Exerciser". You can give a physical education teacher. Training will strengthen the abdominal muscles, make the waist slimmer. I want to be equal to the beautiful athlete.

The book "Love Postcards of the 20th Century". The teacher of literature is interested in messages from a hundred years ago. When there was no Internet, people wrote touching letters to each other.

Clamp for wires "Cable holder". Gift ideas for a computer science teacher lie on the surface. So that a woman does not get confused in the intricacies of wires, it is better to assemble them into bundles.

Mosaic from photo. Surprise your art teacher with a gift. Having determined the direction of contemporary art, she will suggest depicting something similar in the next lesson.

Electric plasma lamp. Light discharges hold no secrets for a connoisseur of physics. They are interesting to watch, encouraging students to study complex formulas.

Gel anthill. Your biology teacher will be delighted with the gift. For the study of insects, it is difficult to find a more suitable visual aid.

On March 8, we traditionally congratulate all the beautiful ladies. This is the day when you can once again remind all women how important and needed they are. We must not forget about our beloved teachers, most of whom belong to the fair sex. It is very important to choose a nice present, but it is not easy, because every year you have to come up with something new. If you can't decide what to give the teacher on March 8 this time, use our advice.

How to choose a gift for a teacher on March 8

If you want to really please the teacher, try to avoid banal and useless presents. The teacher probably already has a lot of different souvenirs and there is even nowhere to put them. Therefore, try to pick up something more or less practical or just original, taking into account factors such as:

  • The age of the recipient;
  • Interests, tastes, hobbies;
  • Features of character and lifestyle.

Remember that under the strictest ban too personal gifts, as this goes against the rules of decency. It is better to choose something for use at work or for creativity.

It is very important to correctly determine the allowable value of the presentation. Personally, it is better to give something inexpensive, purely symbolic, so that it does not look like an attempt to bribe. Yes, and it is better to give such a gift in private, so as not to give an extra reason for talking to other students and parents. And a present from the whole class can be more expensive, and the presentation should be made solemn, with the participation of all children.

TOP 10 gifts for a teacher on March 8

  1. Bouquet of sweets
  2. Stationery set
  3. Jewelry flash drive
  4. Didactic materials that help in the work of the teacher
  5. Indoor plant
  6. Coffee maker or electric kettle
  7. Certificate from a cosmetics and perfumery store
  8. Notebook in leather cover with personalized embossing
  9. Pen with engraving
  10. Scrapalbom with photos of children

What to give a teacher on March 8 - traditional options

Many teachers are accustomed to traditional gifts, treat them positively and are happy to wait for them. Most often, teachers are given sweets and money - simply and practically. But every year to bring a similar box of sweets, and even more so an envelope with money, is somehow ugly. Therefore, it is worth trying to arrange and present even the most traditional gift in an interesting and original way.

If you decide to give sweets, it does not have to be a banal box of chocolates. A great alternative would be:

  • Candy bouquet. It is beautiful and tasty, and if you take into account the pre-holiday prices for flowers, it is also economical. You can make such a composition yourself, but it is better to entrust this work to a professional so that the flowers turn out beautiful and neat.
  • Flowers made of chocolate or other sweets. They can be ordered from the bakery.
  • Original cake. Order a cake with a unique design for your favorite teacher, for example, fondant figurines on the topic of the subject or a photo of students.
  • Cupcake set with a cool decor on the school theme.

If your teacher is not a sweet tooth, you can give a composition of fruits - it's beautiful and healthy. Another idea is a grocery basket. Various goodies are often given to teachers, but bringing them in a simple bag is ugly, and if you put everything in a beautiful basket, it will turn out elegant and practical.

A good alternative to traditional bouquets is a flower in a vacuum. It will not wither, and for many years it will remind the teacher of her beloved students.

Cash gifts deserve special attention. They must be given very carefully so that it does not look like an attempt to give a bribe. In many schools, such gifts are prohibited, but if you can donate money in yours, try to arrange your gift beautifully. It is better not to use a standard envelope from a newsstand, but to choose a handmade postcard using the scrapbooking technique. Another good idea is to present a gift in a box. The box itself is a good present that most women will like, and if there is money inside, the teacher will definitely be happy.

A slightly risky option is flowers or other ikebana made from money. On the one hand, it is interesting and unusual, on the other hand, bringing money to a teacher’s workplace is somehow ugly, even if you make a cool figure out of them.

What to give a teacher on March 8 related to work

One of the best gift options for a teacher is something work-related. This is not very original and festive, but it is always decent and appropriate. The best professional gifts for a teacher:

  • Stationery set. If you want, you can choose something original and stylish, but classic options are also welcome, because many teachers are adherents of the traditional style.
  • Laser pointer. This is one of the tools that every teacher needs. If it already exists, the second one will not be superfluous either, because devices often break, especially if they fall into the hands of children.
  • Flash drive. In the modern world, it has long become one of the necessary attributes of the work of a teacher. You can choose something traditional or a beautiful jewelry flash drive for a stylish teacher.
  • Wireless mouse, keyboard and other computer accessories. Many modern school classrooms are equipped with computers, so such a present would be useful and appropriate.
  • Didactic materials to assist in the work of the teacher. The choice depends on the specialization of the teacher and the fullness of the office. In this case, it will be useful to clarify in advance what exactly can be donated. A surprise will not work, but you will insure yourself against mistakes and are guaranteed to please the recipient.
  • Annual subscription to a specialized publication. Many good magazines are not cheap, so not every teacher can buy them with his salary, and your gift will help in this.

When choosing a professional gift for a teacher, it is advisable not to buy things that can only be found in the office, for example, magnetic boards. If the teacher decides to change jobs, he will not be able to take the present with him. It turns out that you give a gift not to the teacher, but to the school.

What to present on March 8 to a teacher useful

Care must be taken when choosing practical gifts. It is important to choose a present that is really necessary, but at the same time not too everyday and personal. Opinions differ about traditional towels and other home textiles. Previously, they were given often, but still this is not the best option. Surely the teacher has everything you need, and such a present will be lying somewhere in a pile of other textiles.

A good idea is to present something useful related to comfort, beauty, health. Best Options:

  • Wall Clock. They can be used in the office or taken home. Only superstitious ladies should not give such gifts.
  • Indoor plant. Another beautiful gift that you can leave at work or take home as a memento of the students who gave it.
  • Coffee maker or electric kettle depending on which drink the teacher prefers.
  • Warm blanket. It is advisable to choose a modern model with sleeves so that it is convenient to hold a book or check students' notebooks.
  • Table lamp or night light. This is a pleasant, useful and versatile present that will be appropriate for any holiday.

If you don't know what the teacher might like, it's best not to risk choosing bad presents. In such a situation, a gift certificate will help out. It is better to choose something universal, for example, a certificate from a cosmetics and perfume store. Also a good choice would be a certificate from the spa. This is a great opportunity to relax with health and appearance benefits, so any woman will like it.

Not the best option is a certificate for a beauty salon or a beautician. The recipient may think that she is considered unattractive or, even worse, unkempt.

What to give a teacher on March 8 unusual and individual

An individual approach in choosing a gift is always good, as the recipient sees that you really did your best by choosing a present for him. Very often, such gifts are not at all expensive, but the impressions from them remain the best. Interesting ideas:

  • Notebook in a leather cover with personalized embossing;
  • Pen with engraving;
  • Portrait interior doll;
  • Painting, painted or printed on canvas from a photo.

A good individual gift can be made with your own hands. But the attitude towards such presentations is ambiguous. Usually these are just cute souvenirs that do not carry any practical use. In addition, often the level of their implementation leaves much to be desired. Therefore, if you are not a professional, it is better not to take risks when planning something serious. Let a cute souvenir made by the hands of children and their parents be a nice addition to a more practical gift.

Good options for such souvenirs:

  • Festive wall newspaper with photos of the teacher and all the children, pleasant congratulations and wishes.
  • Homemade cakes from children. You can make cookies in the form of eights or painted gingerbread with the names of students.
  • Scrapalbum with photos of children. It is advisable to collect cool photos from school events where there is also a teacher.
  • Big photo collage. It will decorate the office and remain in memory of the holidays and class.

To improve the impression of the gift, you can get together and prepare a theatrical congratulation for the teacher. She will certainly be happy with the present and attention from the children and their parents.

When the teaching staff mostly consists of the fair sex, March 8 becomes an excellent occasion for children and parents to thank them for their hard work. But students do not always know their school mentors well, their interests and preferences, so it is necessary to think about what to give the teacher on March 8 in advance.

Profession related gifts

A collective present must be chosen based on the subject taught by the teacher. You can give a geography teacher a box in the form of a globe or a handy laser pointer, which will help him out more than once at work, and a biology teacher will appreciate a good microscope.

Any teacher will need a large flower vase, because who, if not representatives of this profession, is most often given flowers. Such a gift will definitely not remain idle, and later the teacher can put it in his audience, and a bright bouquet will always flaunt on his table.

A special magazine called “Teacher of the Year”, completely dedicated to your mentor, will cause genuine surprise in him. Such a surprise can be ordered at the photo workshop, prepare a few photos of your teacher and come up with a couple of ideas for filling. The cover should show a general class photo, and inside - several interviews with students.

Teachers can also congratulate each other. When the team is predominantly female, the question usually does not become a problem.

From the whole class

If you are new to the interests and tastes of your mentor, you will be helped out by such a gift from the class to the teacher on March 8, like a gift certificate to the store. For the older ones, choose household appliances stores, and for those who are younger, choose cosmetics and perfumery stores.

By shooting a collective video, students will leave their mentor a congratulation that can be reviewed endlessly. Let everyone record a few warm words on the video, and then it will be possible to make a musical cut with general photos and congratulations from the students.

If it is customary in your class to have a tea party during a big break, the class teacher will need a beautiful service or a brand new electric kettle for the classroom.

The teacher will definitely like the gift, which each student of the class will have a hand in making. This may not apply to the presentation itself, but to its packaging. On white wrapping paper, everyone should leave a small congratulation, and put their fingerprint next to the signature, dipping it in bright gouache.


If you want to please your beloved mentor personally, you can prepare a small present and present it immediately after the general congratulations. The teacher has to wake up every morning in the same way as his students, and sometimes even earlier. A funny bright alarm clock will become a faithful assistant in the morning awakening. If you are sure that your teacher is a person with a sense of humor, you can surprise him with a running gadget that you need to catch before turning it off.

If you know something about your favorite mentor that no one else knows about him, use it to your advantage and give him something related to his hobby. Your teacher will definitely be pleased with a ticket to a concert of your favorite musical group or to the premiere of a long-awaited film with your favorite actor.

From yourself, you can present a small laser pointer, such a necessary thing is useful to any teacher, with its help you can point at the board without getting up. Such a useful device can later be used by students for reports and abstracts.

Inexpensive gifts

For students who want to celebrate with a personal congratulation on this solemn day, inexpensive gifts for March 8 to teachers made by themselves are suitable.

The teacher will be pleasantly surprised to find under the festive wrapper not just another can of coffee, but something that you put your heart and soul into. It will be impossible to find such a unique handmade thing in any store, such a present will exist only in one copy.

Homemade postcard

This small handmade quilling postcard will demonstrate your creative talents and can be made in just half an hour. Prepare colored paper, scissors, toothpick, glue and cardboard:

  1. Cut out paper strips and wind them around a toothpick to make small spirals.
  2. The cardboard that will serve as the basis should be folded in half and outline the desired pattern on the cover, for example, a bouquet of flowers.
  3. The petals need to be glued to the cardboard, forming large, bright flowers.

Warm wishes inside the card will express your respect and gratitude for your beloved mentor.

Unusual bouquet from the whole class

A creative bouquet of photographs will be a wonderful collective gift from the whole class. You will need a pot filled with Styrofoam, photos of students, colored paper and wire.

From each photo, cut out the student's face, and then glue the resulting circle with white paper petals. This chamomile must be fixed on a wire stem, and then "planted" in a pot.

Wrap the wire in green paper for a bright, realistic stem.

Ordinary stationery can serve as an additional decor. Small chalkboard magnets, a ruler, pencils, buttons and erasers will not only decorate your product, but will also be useful to the teacher at work.

For students

The teacher himself can surprise his class with small presents on March 8. But what to give to students on March 8, if the teacher's budget is rather modest, and most of the students are female?

You can purchase several boxes of chocolates and share them among the students after class. Such a sweet table can be supplemented with a package of juice or fruit. If you don’t have the opportunity to gather the whole class after class, gather the guys at recess and give them a small sweet present each.

You can congratulate the girls with the help of special medals with titles like “the kindest”, “the most smiling” or “the most responsible”. Print them out on a printer or draw them yourself on cardboard, and then hand them out in front of the whole class, adding congratulations.

Gratitude for work

No gift is complete without a sincere congratulations. You should prepare a speech in advance and give a gift to your beloved teacher on March 8 along with pleasant wishes and gratitude.

If the present is given by the team, let each student add a few words from himself, and believe me, this will be the best gift for a touched teacher.

If your child is studying at a school or institute, and a woman teaches subjects to him, then one question naturally arises. After all, the spring festival will begin very soon. So what to give the teacher on March 8? Let's see it together. After all, you need to choose something worthy, original, and not too expensive for a gift.

  • Flowers- this is the best gift for March 8, they are given to everyone.
  • Stationery. It's inexpensive and cute. In addition, you can give some kind of case, bag.
  • Computer accessory. Still looking for what to give the teacher on March 8? Present an accessory for the computer - it can be a flash drive, some unusual look, a fan or a keyboard. Mouse pad, splitter. The last thing is especially useful - with its help you can connect several devices at the same time.

Computer accessories

  • Souvenirs. The best teacher gift ideas include souvenirs to put in the classroom. It can be a lamp on the table, a clock, a flower in a pot, some board with magnets, a board with magnets.
  • For home. You can give the teacher something for the house. For example, a picture, or a service. Some beautiful set of candlesticks looks original. This is a good gift.
  • Products. You can buy expensive tea, good wine, coffee and all that. By March 8, your teacher will surely be delighted with such a present.


  • Book. Good gifts are books. If you do not know the preferences of the teacher, then you can present some kind of collectible. Or stay on the thematic.
  • Appliances. For International Women's Day, home appliances are very suitable. It may well have been given as a gift. Therefore, the teacher does not need 500 teapots. Find out in advance which is best.
  • For work. If you don’t know at all what to give your teacher on March 8, then purchase an item that is suitable for work. For example, a teacher teaches geography. So, it will be a map of the world, a collector's edition of books on this subject, and so on. Historians can be presented with an album containing beautiful historical places, or a disk.

Collectible books

  • Hobby. When choosing a present, feel free to rely on hobbies. What to give a teacher on March 8? Give a lover a set to embroider, an easel to an artist. Fisherman - bait, sweet tooth - cookies. In general, find out what the teacher loves, and feel free to give.

Of course, you can go to the store and buy something there, but you can also make a gift yourself. Firstly, it will be original, and will give many pleasant memories:

  • Postcard. Children can show all their imagination. You can take an object as a basis. For example, a biology teacher should make a postcard with butterflies, and an English woman should write a congratulation in this language. It is best to have the child do it himself. The teacher will gladly keep such a congratulation for a long time.

Volumetric postcard

  • Needlework. The child can knit a napkin himself, or embroider some small picture. You can go to the store. Go and get a ready-made set there. The easiest way to make magnets or soap.
  • Collage. This thing can easily be done by high school students. We need photos of the teacher herself, and then make a collage in Photoshop. It is interesting that such a picture will look along with photographs of students.
  • Bouquet of paper. Children can easily make such a bouquet themselves. These are fun and beautiful. It might as well be candy.
  • Wall newspaper. This version of the presentation, as in the photo, has already been forgotten, but the teacher will probably like it.

Wall newspaper

  • Notebook. Something like this is always needed. Take some pretty paper or fabric. You will also need a hole punch, prepare glue, a pretty tape, you will need a needle and thread, sheets of paper. In addition, you need cardboard, you need a special knife - for paper, and another pencil. First prepare the sheets, pierce with a hole punch. Now take a kapron thread, sew all the sheets. It should preferably be a double thread. Now cut out the cardboard. In width and length, it should be larger than the sheets. Now take the paper, add another 2 cm to the cardboard on each side. Cut it out and glue it to the cardboard. Tape the corners. Now lay the sheet horizontally. Bend the cardboard, apply paper glue and glue. Decorate with ribbon.
  • Holiday in the classroom. It also happens that the teacher does not need gifts. Then arrange some kind of holiday for her, for example, hang balloons, write a congratulation on the board, sing a song.

Video master classes for making gifts with your own hands;

Congratulating all women and giving them gifts on March 8 is a great tradition. But she often becomes a source of problems for men, because it is not easy for all ladies to find good presents.

Sometimes you have to try and the fair sex. Traditionally, on March 8, children give gifts to teachers, and mothers have to choose them. If you are already desperate to find the best gift for a teacher, our advice will help.

How to choose the right gift for a teacher on March 8

In order to choose a really useful present, and not an unnecessary trinket, you should pay attention to some characteristics of the teacher's personality:

  • Age;
  • Hobbies and hobbies;
  • Features of temperament and character;
  • Lifestyle.

It is also necessary to study the attitude of the teacher to gifts. Many teachers make a very clear distinction between work and personal life, so gifts meant to be used outside of school would be inappropriate. In other cases, you can give useful things for the home.

Traditional gifts for the teacher on March 8

The most traditional present for a teacher is flowers. If you really want to please your teacher, then you should avoid the standard bunch of tulips. Bright compositions in a cellophane wrapper are also not the best option - they have long gone out of fashion. It is better to give preference to a neat, strict bouquet in good wrapping paper or without packaging.

Compositions of flowers with multi-colored pens and pencils look cute and interesting. This is both a bouquet and a useful gift at the same time.

And if you want to surprise the recipient, choose non-trivial options;

  • Exquisite orchid in a box;
  • A bouquet of sweets, marmalade or marzipan;
  • A plant in a pot, such as a crocus or hyacinth;
  • Fruit composition;
  • Topiary;
  • Bonsai.

You can add a "bouquet" with a small useful gift. The most relevant traditional options:

  • Good coffee or tea. You can choose several varieties of one drink.
  • Notepad or notebook. If you choose a product from a suitable material, you can make a commemorative engraving on it.
  • Gorgeous red ink pen. It is useful for checking notebooks.
  • Sweets. They will be a great addition to the bouquet, unless it is also made of candy.

Professional gifts to the teacher on March 8

Presents needed for work are one of the best options. They are always appropriate, and the recipient will not be able to refuse a gift - after all, this is a necessary thing that will positively affect the progress of children. The best options for such presentations:

  • Comfortable office chair;
  • Modern pointer, for example, laser or interactive;
  • A set of books on the subject;
  • Beautiful table lamp;
  • Flash drive;
  • Electric kettle;
  • Modern software for work.

If you don’t know exactly what the teacher might need in his work, you can unobtrusively ask in advance. Another option is to try to find out from her colleagues.

A good gift for a teacher would be an office decoration that is related to the subject. It depends on the specialization of the teacher:

  • Geography - illuminated globe;
  • Language and literature - a beautifully designed alphabet, an album with portraits of writers;
  • Mathematics - modern measuring instruments, composition of geometric shapes;
  • Chemistry - periodic table in the original design.

Of course, you will have to think and work hard to choose a good present, but the result is worth it.

The first teacher plays a very important role in our life. It is in the primary grades that the attitude to learning is formed, and the foundations for the future success of the child are laid. Therefore, the first teacher must definitely pick up a useful and sincere gift, for example:

  • A chic bouquet with a touching postcard signed by the students;
  • Notebook in a metal case with a commemorative engraving;
  • Perennial plant in a pot;
  • Video greetings from children and their parents;
  • A large magnetic photo album with a general photo of the class on the first page.

A very pleasant and touching gift - a mini-concert performed by students. It is necessary to find beautiful poems and / or a song, and the children must secretly rehearse the performance.

Appropriate and useful gifts for the teacher on March 8

If you want to give something for the teacher personally, and not for the office and work, you need to choose a gift very carefully. In no case should it be too expensive, but outright cheapness will be out of place. It is also important to avoid very personal gifts.

Best ideas:

  • Beautiful tablecloth;
  • Frame;
  • Tea pair;
  • A set of towels;
  • Vase;
  • A table clock;
  • A book, preferably a contemporary bestseller;
  • Lamp-projector.

A good gift idea for a teacher is a gift certificate. You can choose a certificate from any store - computer, book or perfume, or from a spa.

Such a gift will allow the recipient to choose the right gift for herself, so she will definitely be satisfied. Try to please the teacher and cheer her up on March 8 - this will give strength and inspiration to work.