How to make a complicated paper snowflake step by step. Do-it-yourself voluminous paper snowflakes: step-by-step manufacturing instructions

March 8

The most beloved holiday of the population of the whole world is approaching - the New Year! There is very little time left to thoroughly prepare for it - to buy gifts, come up with "cute pranks", decorate the interior properly ...

The case is unrelenting! We will put aside pranks and gifts for later, and let's deal with interior decorations - after all, you all know that, first of all, the New Year is felt thanks to all sorts of snowflakes, sparkles, garlands, balls, Christmas trees - the indispensable attributes of this fun world holiday.

Let's make snowflakes today! Yes, yes, yes - today our hands will learn how to make snowflakes of various sizes and shapes, voluminous and flat, and EVEN - dancing baleine snowflakes!

Do-it-yourself voluminous snowflakes, photo

Let's first look at these with you, tune in the right way ...

Did you like these holiday decorations? Now we will learn how to make all kinds of snowflakes with our own hands.

Let's start with simple options, and then move on to more complex ones, especially since there are such voluminous snowflakes that consist of many segments of flat snowflakes.

Simple paper snowflakes, templates

For flat snowflakes, we need tools and materials such as plain paper (white or blue) and scissors!

Simple paper snowflake template

Snowflake cutting patterns

Considered? Have you chosen your snowflake? You might as well get creative and come up with your own exclusive version! Connect your children to this fun and festive activity - you are guaranteed great pleasure!

Paper snowflake templates

As for snowflakes, just fold a square sheet of paper several times to make a triangle. Draw one of your favorite snow patterns on it and carefully cut out your snowflake with scissors! ALL! Even a toddler can do it, right?

How to make a voluminous snowflake - a paper ballerina?

We have already learned how to cut snowflakes out of paper, now we will complicate our task a little and move on to making a voluminous, dancing snowflake. Attention - a dancing ballerina in a chic patterned tutu is at your service:

To make this beauty we need:

  • Paper;
  • White cardboard;
  • Templates-blanks of figures of ballerinas;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle with thread.

Plant your kids for making snowflakes, which in this case will play the role of openwork ballet tutus, and at this time take care of the blanks!

If you have a printer, just print out the templates that we bring to your attention, or select the silhouette you like from various ballet photographs on the Internet:

Carefully, so as not to cut off the outline of the figure, cut out the blank and transfer it to plain white paper (it is possible, however, to thin cardboard). Attach the finished base to a sheet of white cardboard and circle the outline of the figure.

While you were "revitalizing" paper ballerinas, your talented and diligent child successfully created a great variety of all kinds of patterned snowflakes! It's time for our dancing beauties to try on new ballet tutus!

We put a “pack” on the dancing figurine - a snowflake - the ballerina is ready!

We make volumetric snowflakes from paper with our own hands

Let's make it a little more difficult! Since you and I have already learned how to make flat snowflakes very well, now we can easily make two three-dimensional snowflakes consisting of several flat elements! Take a look at these photos and you will immediately understand:

To make these snowflakes we need:

  • Patience;
  • Already cut out the same type of snowflakes;
  • Glue.

The more segments, the fuller and rounder the snowflake will be.

We fold each segment in half and glue one half of one segment with the second half of the other segment. Yes, IMPORTANT - do not forget to coat the segments with glue and very accurately combine all the reliefs! The more accurately you can do this, the more accurate the snowflake will turn out, which means more beautiful!

Embossed 3D paper snowflake

Let's look at another interesting version of a snowflake made from ten small individual flat snowflakes:

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • stapler;
  • 10 sheets of white paper (moreover, the larger the snowflake is planned, the thicker sheets of paper you will need);
  • Simple pencil;
  • Ribbon or thread;
  • Scissors.

So, first we cut out such squares from ordinary white sheets of A4 format, 10x10 cm in size:

I hope you have not forgotten what kind of pattern was drawn on the first snowflake? You will need to cut out 10 identical snowflakes! The task is not easy 🙂

When all the details are ready, we move on to the next step!

So, we take five snowflakes, lay them out in a circle on the table and use a stapler to fasten the corners together. You should get something like a snow wreath:

Repeat the whole procedure one more time with the remaining five snowflakes.

And now we proceed to the main procedure - giving volume to our snowflake by connecting the outer contours of the snow wreaths to each other. Please note that the snowflakes are combined, but only the outer parts of the snow wreath are connected with a stapler! Internal - straightened out!

Look at what a wonderful voluminous snowflake we made with our own hands from paper - a feast for the eyes! So it asks for an exhibition!

Let's also make such a snowflake - it will replenish your snow collection and fit perfectly into the New Year's interior:

To make it, one single sheet of white paper will be enough!

Get ready for work:

  • Sheet of white A4 paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser.

To begin with: from a rectangular sheet of white paper, we will form a white square according to all the rules. For those who do not yet know how this is done, we offer to view the photos without further ado and learn everything right away:

The square is ready - fold it in half diagonally. Repeat this action again. As a result, you should get a triangle like this:

Draw with a simple pencil on the resulting triangle such petals. Cut them out and gently erase all traces of the pencil with an eraser:

We turn all our attention to the middle parts of the petals of our workpiece. We need to carefully bend each middle part of the petal, grease the tip with glue and glue it to the center of the future snowflake.

The snowflake is ready, but you can improve it even more and give it even more volume. To do this, make another such beauty, go through all the manufacturing steps again. Glue the finished snowflake with the back sides in this way:

Did you like the result?

Having considered a large number of options for snowflakes and having familiarized myself with the master classes for making them, I think that you can quickly and confidently prepare your home for the celebration! Don't forget to involve your family and close friends in this fun and creative activity! Remembering this adventure, you will laugh more than once on New Year's Eve - which means that the mood for the whole year will be provided!

I will explain everything in order. I really wanted to exclusively, not like everyone else, decorate the house for the New Year! And I decided to cut snowflakes out of paper with my own hands, arrange a real snowfall from light and fluffy beauties! I've been doing this for a long time, of course I forgot the basics. Ruined more than one piece of paper. But the excitement increased literally with each instance! The fluffs became more and more beautiful and delicate. It's so breathtaking that it's hard to put into words!

Join now! It doesn't matter if you forgot how to do it. We will re-learn the science of how to make a snowflake out of paper. Do you agree? Then let's involve the household in the creative process and organize a family contract for the manufacture of holiday decorations.

How to cut a beautiful paper snowflake with four rays with your own hands?

While you are preparing the workplace, I will explain why I remembered about snowflakes. It's simple: it's almost impossible to cut two identical ones. Therefore, the decoration will be original. Thanks to our imagination, the New Year's decoration of the house will become truly unique and original.

One has only to imagine what a festive mood a beautiful and carved snowflake will give, as hands themselves will reach for paper and scissors. Represented? Then it's time to start.

What do you think, what is the main secret of cutting a snowflake out of paper with your own hands? Quite right, in the correct folding of the paper. In addition, the number of rays of the New Year's decoration depends on this. Let's start with the simplest option - with a beauty with four rays.

Let's prepare simple accessories for work:

  • paper. I had an ordinary writing bag, A 4 format. You can prepare any other, even color. If only the leaves were not very dense.
  • simple pencil
  • Scissors. You can even use thin manicure. And there, see for yourself, if only it would be convenient for you to cut.

A couple of tips from personal experience

  • Crystal may not work the first time, some practice is needed here. So practice on drafts at the beginning, so as not to spoil the paper.
  • At the beginning of work, I advise you to apply the pattern with a pencil. You can do without this assistant a little later, when you get your hands on it.
  • If you use a pencil, prepare an eraser right away. It will be needed in the case when the drawing needs to be corrected.

Step by step process

How beautiful she turned out! We have much to be proud of. It is possible to draw the first conclusions. Having cut out one or two, you will understand that the more ornate patterns you cut, the more tender the work of handmade art will turn out.

Fluffs with 4 rays will look great if you stick beads or sequins on them. They are glued to a snowflake, pre-lubricated with glue.

It is not a sin to decorate a New Year's costume and even a hairstyle with such a masterpiece using a beaded snowflake in the form of a crown.

Openwork paper snowflake with eight rays

Getting Started

Our snowflake came out light and tender. A real piece of soft and fluffy snow. Well, isn't it?

How to make a paper snowflake with five rays

Have you noticed that we are gradually complicating the task? Moving from simple to more complex? And now we will remember how to make paper snowflakes with five rays. We should have a paper square at hand.

Now you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. We are great!

DIY paper snowflake with six rays

Snow crystals with 6 rays are also unusually beautiful. Now we are going to cut them out.

The winter beauty already pleases us, makes us admire ourselves. What an exciting event we have started! And one more thing is worth noting. Have you noticed that craftsmanship grows with each cut fluff? Exactly. This is called experience. It's only the beginning!

Terry paper snowflake

Terry snowflakes are light and fluffy. It's not hard at all to make them. Moreover, we already have the skills. More interesting, they are obtained by the method of cutting snowflakes with 8 rays.

Getting Started

Here we have such a terry miracle. Such fluffs will look gorgeous on snowflakes - paper ballerinas. Let's make such a decoration for the New Year.

Snowflake - do-it-yourself paper ballerina

Friends, imagine how a miniature ballerina in a snow-white snowflake skirt will be circling in the New Year's decoration at home. How lovely! Let's bring joy to ourselves and our loved ones. And whatever you surf the Internet, I offer the refined ballerinas that I liked.

We prepare the necessary materials

  • The cardboard is white. From it you will need to cut a figure of a dancer
  • Soaring ballerina patterns
  • White paper for snowflakes
  • Scissors, simple pencil
  • Line or thread
  • Tape or button.

Let's get creative

Snowflakes - ballerinas will start their charming dance at the slightest movement of air, and will break the applause of family members and guests. Bravo to the dancers! Bravo to the craftsmen - needleworkers who created such magnificence!

Fluffy paper snowflake

Looking at a white and fluffy snowball, you, like me, will want to cut out the same snowflake - tender and airy. What's stopping us? Now we will learn how to cut fluffy snowflakes out of paper with our own hands.

Step by step process

Listen, you can't take your eyes off the fluffy crystal! And although we still need to grow and grow to perfection, it still turned out beautiful and unusual! They can be made from multi-colored paper. Decorations will be very impressive.

So we cut paper snowflakes with you. Agree that it turned out very well. And how the mood has risen! It makes me want to brag about my work. Let's share our joy with classmates on social networks. I am sure that they will be carried away by the New Year's idea. And to make it easier for them to navigate, we advise them to subscribe to this wonderful blog. Then they will be aware of all the most interesting. In the trend, as it is now fashionable to say.

In the meantime, goodbye and thanks for the company! We'll meet Again. After all, our hands are not for boredom, and we will certainly come up with some other exciting and useful activity. See you at the desktop!

There are many methods for making paper snowflakes. In this material, you will find information on how to make paper snowflakes, regular and voluminous. Well, let's get started. You can easily repeat all the instructions.

How to make your own paper snowflake

Take a paper square and fold it in half along the diagonal.

The resulting triangular sheet should also be folded in half.

Next, you should feel the moment of bending the new triangle. You must perform this action intuitively. The main point here is that the triangle repeats its opposite fold on one side.

Now, you should trim the lower part of the workpiece, after which you can start drawing the contour along which the trimming will be carried out.

Below are some of the possible patterns.

How to make paper snowflakes video

How to make a three-dimensional snowflake - the easiest way

To perform this operation, you will need to use the following tools and materials:

  • Colored or white paper (it is best to use not too thin);
  • scissors;
  • stapler (if desired, it can be replaced with glue or tape);
  • with an ordinary pencil;
  • ruler.

To start, take six square pieces of paper. Sheets of paper must be the same size. Now you need to bend these squares twice along the diagonal. To make a small snowflake, you should use squares whose sides are approximately 100 mm, and for a large snowflake, the side of the square should be 250 mm.

To make a large snowflake, use thick paper. It's best to keep your first snowflake small so it's easier.

With a ruler and a pencil, three parallel lines should be marked. One line from the other should be at the same distance. If you are making a large snowflake, you can make more strips.

In the picture, the lines are drawn with a red felt-tip pen so that they are more clearly visible.

The next step in the tutorial on how to make paper snowflakes is to cut the paper using scissors. It should be cut so that there is a certain distance to the center (from 3 to 5 mm).

Now you should unfold a piece of paper, after which you should roll the initial row of strips into a tube (see photo). The strips can be fastened with a stapler or glue.

  • Next, the leaf should be turned over, and the next two strips should be fastened together. We also use a stapler, glue or tape for this.
  • Turn the snowflake over again and connect the last strips.
  • The described actions should be performed with each of the six paper squares.

After you have six blanks, you should connect them to the center using a stapler. First, we connect three blanks together, and then the remaining three pieces, so that we get two halves of a snowflake.

Now you should attach one half of the snowflake to the other with a stapler, and still make a bond in those places where the snowflakes touch. This will keep the snowflake from losing its shape.

Well, at the final stage, we decorate the snowflake to our liking. It can be decorated with stickers, glitter, etc.

Your beautiful craft will look great on a window, wall, or Christmas tree.

How to make a snowflake from paper strips - instructions

To do this, you will need to use:

  • thick paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

First you need to cut out strips of paper, the width of which is 10 mm and the length is 200 mm (12 pieces). The strips can be slightly larger: 15 mm wide, and 30 mm long.

Now you need to add a pair of strips in a vertical and horizontal plane, interlace them and attach one to the other.

After that, you need to glue the corner strips, as shown in the photo. After carrying out these actions, we get a blank that is half a snowflake. The second half of the snowflake is made in the same way as the first.

Well, at the final stage of manufacturing, you need to glue the halves. To do this, you need to rotate the halves so that the angle between them is 45 °. Glue the free strips with the corresponding corners on the petals (see photo). Gluing the halves can also be done in the center, in which case the snowflake will resemble a flower.

That's all, now you know how to make paper snowflakes with your own hands in many ways. If you are reluctant to mess around, then stores will always provide you with a lot of ready-made dense snowflakes, the material for which is cardboard or felt, and you just have to decorate them to your liking with sparkles, beads or other decorative elements.

Hello dear friends! Today I will show you how to cut simple and beautiful paper snowflakes to decorate your windows. After all, when the first fluffy snow falls, some kind of magical feeling of expectation of something fabulous immediately sets in.

The first snowflakes are the harbingers of the upcoming New Year, to which we in Russia have a particularly reverent attitude. Many begin to prepare for this holiday already in advance, almost in November. Because it is a whole ritual that lifts the mood.

They put up Christmas trees, decorate their space with various garlands and tinsel. They also make simple paper decorations, as it is the most versatile tool at hand for various crafts.

Both adults and children are captivated and carried away by such an action, including me. But imagination is not enough and it always turns out some kind of rubbish instead of beautiful patterns. And to help you and myself, I have prepared templates and patterns for cutting and decorating windows.

For such crafts, it is best to take thin material. And then, for example, it is inconvenient to cut out of paper for a printer. At home with children, it is more interesting to make snowflakes from colored or foil.

Let's start by warming up with simpler patterns that even children can cut out. First you need to make the workpiece itself, with which you can already work further.

Take a colored or plain white sheet of landscape paper (A4) and cut a square out of it with scissors. It's easy - make a corner and cut off the excess. Then do everything according to the diagram below.

Now you can work on this. We turn on the fantasy and draw a contour on the workpiece along which you will cut out your beauty. And then, along the contour lines, cut off the excess with scissors and you will get the first snowflake. I'm posting the idea below.

I already wrote that my imagination is bad, but while I was selecting material for you, I decided to experiment what would come out of me. I took a regular sheet of office paper, made a blank, as described above. And then with a pen, looking at the top drawing, she came up with her own. Although, in all honesty, I just scrawled triangles and rectangles. And here's what happened, look. In my opinion, quite an attractive snowflake.

Of course, she did it in a hurry. Just pure try. I don't think it's bad for a first time. Incredibly proud of myself. Now you can improve for the New Year. You look and I can make the same beauty on my windows.

In the meantime, I cut out, made several conclusions: it is better to draw a template with a finely sharpened pencil. And scissors should be with thin blades.

And here, perhaps, I will throw you a few template ideas. Although, as it turned out by a practical method, it is very easy and simple to come up with and make a beautiful snowflake even for people with a lack of imagination or creative thinking.

How to make paper snowflakes with your own hands easily and beautifully (step by step instructions)

Since I only had printer paper or a thin napkin, I continued to make snowflakes according to a template from the Internet on it. With a napkin, I didn’t get it right right away. While drawing a template on it, it was torn from the handle. And my scissors are not that sharp. Therefore, the spoiled napkin immediately flew into the wastebasket.

And so, I found such a suitable simple template:

Here, by the way, the triangle is folded a little differently. But I used the blank, which I made according to the very first template. It probably doesn't matter anymore. I took the same pen and tried to copy this drawing on my future snowflake.

It turned out, though not one to one, but very similar. Well, let it go. I just want to show that even for a creative nerd like me, it's not that hard. I took my bulky scissors and started cutting. Not everywhere it turned out to cut exactly along the contour, but in the end, I overcame this stage as well. I unfolded the paper and realized that it turned out almost the same as in the picture.

Let's continue. I take the next template, redraw it, work with scissors and see the result. I understand that every time it gets better and better. Rate it.

The cutting process itself takes no more than 5 minutes. And to make everything clearer for you, I found a suitable video. Take a look and you'll see for yourself how easy it is.

Beautiful paper snowflakes for windows with patterns for cutting

And what did I want to say with all this. Yes, it is very easy to cut beauty on paper windows. Even a beginner or a child will cope. Even if you have at hand not very comfortable material (too dense) and inappropriate scissors. But if you have both normal craft paper and normal sharp thin-bladed scissors, then you will be much easier.

If fantasy fails you, then just look at the diagrams that I will show you and copy them onto your blanks. And most importantly, do not be afraid if it does not quite look like. Your snowflakes will still be beautiful and unique.

Option number 1

Option number 2

Option number 3

Option number 4

Now, I think you just need to stock up on scissors and paper. Then turn on your imagination or use the proposed schemes and begin the process of decorating your windows. This one is very exciting, let me tell you.

How to stick snowflakes on a window?

And so you cut out our beauty, now you need to glue them on the windows. How to do this, I'll tell you now. There are several options and here are the most common:

  • Water - suitable for thin material, but there is a risk that paper crafts may wrinkle or fall off after drying.
  • Milk is a good water substitute. Pour it into a wide dish, dip a snowflake into it and quickly but carefully attach it to the glass.

  • Soap solution - shave the laundry soap and pour boiling water over the chips, stirring until they dissolve. Then apply the solution to the products with a brush, sponge or sponge.
  • Paste - Pour water into a saucepan, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then gradually add flour to the water and mix so that there are no lumps. A fairly thick consistency should be achieved.

  • Toothpaste - I like this method. Apply it a little on the product and attach it to the window. When you remove the snowflakes, the paste will be easily washed off.
  • Glue - You can use any PVA glue or glue stick. By the way, there is a water-soluble glue. In with him it would be better, easier to wash off later.

Now you know how to beautifully cut and stick paper snowflakes on your windows for the New Year. It's not difficult at all. And the process itself is so captivating that it is impossible to stop. You can insert products of different sizes and create a pattern from them. The main thing is to have enough imagination. But, I believe in you!

Beautiful paper snowflakes will be a good home decoration for the New Year. They will create an atmosphere of a snow-white, winter fairy tale in the apartment. And just cutting paper snowflakes of various shapes can be fun, because this is an exciting activity and they should also captivate their children. If you don’t know how to cut snowflakes out of paper, or if you forgot how to do it, then this is not a problem. Next, you will see that everything is very simple. Even a child can handle it. For the New Year holiday, we suggest you make a lot of snowflakes and, moreover, of different shapes.

How to cut a snowflake out of paper?

It is surprisingly easy to create a beautiful snowflake from a regular sheet of paper. To do this, you just need to use - scissors, paper, pencil, beautiful schemes, your inspiration and some free time.

We first fold the snowflake blank from a square sheet of paper, as shown in the picture below. Using various beautiful schemes, it is possible to cut hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of snowflakes of various, beautiful and unpredictable shapes from the created triangular base.

Using a simple pencil, we transfer the drawings that are shown in the diagrams to the base, and then cut out the snowflakes.

At the end of the article you can find other patterns for cutting paper snowflakes.

How to make a volumetric snowflake out of paper?

A three-dimensional snowflake looks much more spectacular than a regular snowflake, and it is also easy to create (a little more difficult). Similar fabulous 3D snowflakes can be hung around the rooms, as well as on the Christmas tree itself to create an atmosphere of the New Year holiday. You will need: 6 square sheets of paper, glue, scissors, stapler, inspiration and some free time (15 minutes is enough). A three-dimensional snowflake, if desired, can be made multi-colored using colored paper to create its individual elements. But before you learn how to create volumetric snowflakes without instructions, it is better to use plain white paper (first practice on it). And the snow-white voluminous snowflake will always be in fashion.

1. First, we make 6 such square blanks for the future snowflake. You can download these blanks for or snowfields, and then print them out on a printer. If you are creating a large snowflake, then it is better to use high-density paper - this is necessary so that the snowflake can hold its shape. Fold each square in half diagonally and make cuts with scissors, heading from the fold to the center line.

2. We open the square with cuts, which was folded diagonally, and place it in front of us as shown in the picture. We twist the first row of strips with a tube and fasten them with glue.

3. We turn the snowflake over to the other side and start working with the next two strips: we also connect them and fasten them with glue. We continue to work in the same spirit: we turn the snowflake over and fasten the remaining strips. As a result of the actions taken, we should have such a twisted bizarre element.

4. We have created one of the rays for our three-dimensional snowflake, and we need to make six of these! Therefore, we do the same with the other 5 blanks. We connect in the middle three rays of snowflakes with a stapler. Similarly, we connect the remaining three rays of the snowflake. Next, we connect these two large parts together.

5. Our beautiful volumetric snowflake is almost ready! It is only necessary with the help of glue to connect the snowflake in those places where the rays touch each other. This is necessary in order for the snowflake to keep its shape properly.

So we made a voluminous snowflake out of paper! What good fellows we are! Now you can color it too!

How to make a three-dimensional origami snowflake?

It will not be so easy here, and it is possible that you will spend at least one hour creating your first origami snowflake. Well, in the future, when you understand the algorithm for creating such snowflakes, things will go much faster. One caveat - the thinner the paper, the more elegant the snowflakes will turn out. Translucent translucent snowflakes will look great on the window. Well, at first you can train on office plain paper.

Before creating an origami snowflake, you need to turn a rectangular or square sheet of paper into a hexagon. This is one of the most important points, which will then affect whether our venture will be successful.

1. We fold the paper twice in half so that clear fold lines are visible.

2. Fold one corner with the top towards the center. We bend the top flap to the edge. Now we have 2 more fold lines.

3. We bend the paper in half again as shown in the picture on the left. To make the figure from the right picture come out, use two X marks as a reference point and bend flap A along the dotted line.

4. Combining the blue and red lines, bend the valve. As a result of these actions, you should get a shape that looks like a heart.

5. Focusing on the X points, cut off a part of the workpiece along the blue line with scissors. In the future, we only need a hexagon - part A.

If you have any difficulties with the hexagon, then you can find tips and answers in the video:

6. We bend one of the sides of the hexagon to the center to form a fold line. We do the same with all 6 sides. Now we have many lines within our hexagon that form small triangles.

7. Again, bend the edge of the hexagon to the center. Using the fold lines made in the previous step, we bend flap A to B, as shown in the left picture. We fold the other two sides of the hexagon in the same way until we create a figure that resembles a pinwheel in shape. The last valve can easily cause difficulty, since it will be hidden under the fold. It needs to be pulled out so that we have six valves sticking out, as shown in the picture on the right.

8. Lightly press the fold of each pocket with your finger to form something similar to the picture in the center. It does not matter which of the valves will be on top.

9. We bend on each unfolded pocket two blue corners to the central part of the dotted line. This must be done to prepare the fold line for the next step. The resulting figure should be externally similar to the image on the right.

10. Carefully unfold the folds made in step 8 to open the fold lines. In each pocket we combine the blue and red dots X. The fold lines obtained in step 9 will help us with this. When we do this operation with all 6 pockets, our figure will look like the image on the right.

11. We turn the workpiece over and bend each corner of the hexagon to the center. A small flap should form each adjacent fold. Do not hide the small valve under the fold. Let him stay on top. You did everything right if you got a blank that looks like the picture on the right.

12. For all small flaps, press the fold line to get new fold lines that will be needed in the next step.

13. We turn out the folds made in the previous step, hiding the valves from below.

14. We turn the figure over, turn each corner from the center as far as possible and bend it. We should have 12 valves - 6 large and 6 small.

15. We turn the workpiece over. Between the two large valves you see small valves. We push each small valve forward. Now we have six diamonds.

16. For each half of the rhombus, we pull the blue edge to the center of the rhombus and press the fold to the edge. As a result, we have a figure, as in the image on the right. It remains to repeat this action 12 times and the origami snowflake will be ready!

How to fold an origami snowflake (video tutorial):

How to make a paper kirigami snowflake?

Kirigami is a type of origami in which it is allowed to use scissors in the process of making a figure and cut paper with them. The method of cutting out kirigami snowflakes does not differ very much from making simple paper snowflakes, but the result is much more interesting and creative.

First, you create such a template, using which anyone, even a child, can make a six-ray kirigami snowflake. On a sheet of paper for this we build an angle of 60 degrees. In building a corner, a protractor will come to our aid.

We fold a square sheet of paper in half diagonally, put the blank on the template as follows:

We bend the corners of the triangle as shown in the picture:

You can apply lines of future cuts to the workpiece with a simple pencil, and then erase these lines with an eraser, or attach a pre-printed and prepared template to the workpiece and cut it out. If at this stage the workpiece is folded in half again, then it will be possible to use not a clerical knife, but simple nail scissors to cut the snowflake. In this case, even a child can entrust the work of cutting a snowflake.

Schemes for creating kirigami snowflakes:

To make the snowflakes created using the origami technique even more wonderful, colorful and original, you can decorate them with sparkles, cute pom-poms, rhinestones, woolen balls, paint them with felt-tip pens, pencils.

Here are our paper snowflakes ready! Unlike ordinary snowflakes, they will not melt, but will decorate our houses and Christmas trees for a long time!

Schemes for paper snowflakes

In nature, identical snowflakes do not exist. In order for our New Year's snowflakes not to be all twins, you need to use different schemes (templates) when creating them. Try to apply as many schemes as possible. Experiment! Maybe even come up with your own scheme. You can use the following options for cutting paper snowflakes:

. Well, or you can go to YouTube yourself and type in the search: “How to make a snowflake” or “How to cut a snowflake”.

Successful paper snowflake crafts!