How to make a paper frog that jumps. Origami frog: master class with detailed video in Russian


It is very important from childhood to capture the child’s attention and teach him to make a variety of paper figures; these can be animals, boats...

In addition to the fact that this is a very interesting activity, it turns out that it is also useful - constant finger work develops fine motor skills in the child, and therefore mental abilities!

It turns out that by working, the child stimulates his own brain function! It's like a body massage! And in order for the baby to be interested, we, adults, need to take control of this process - then the baby will succeed in EVERYTHING, he will be happy and proud of himself - so will we!

If your baby really loves to learn new things and create all kinds of animals, that’s commendable! We need to help him and interest him! And if the toy from under his hands is also “alive” - beauty! Let's make a “live” frog, which, although it may be a frog, will jump like a real toad! Before starting work, you need to carefully study the assembly scheme of the toy - origami. Practice yourself, and then do the same with the child.

Jumping origami frog, diagram

A frog that jumps out of paper is assembled according to the scheme:

1. Prepare colored green double-sided paper for work.
2. Cut a square out of it.
3. Bend the square in half and put the resulting rectangle in front of you.
4. We need to divide the rectangle into two equal squares. To do this, fold the rectangle in half again, and then unfold it to its original position. Now we have a clear line dividing the rectangle in two.
5. Work with the top short side of the rectangle. We bend both sides of the top square diagonally, then lay them out again.
6. Bend the upper “visual” square in half and smooth the line, then bend it again to its original position.
7. Now carefully assemble a pyramid using the resulting lines from the square.
8. Now let's move on to the second square. It needs to be bent in half, towards the resulting pyramid.
9. Bend the two upper edges of the pyramid upward to form the front legs of the frog.
10. We bend the lower sides to the center, and then bend them in half again. We unbend, we have identified the middle line.
11. Bend the corners to the center of the line, as shown in diagram No. 8.
12. We stretch and straighten the workpiece, we should get something like the base of a “boat”.
13. We bend the corners down, and then at an angle up, scheme No. 10.
14. Now we fold the lower part of the frog’s body like an accordion - this is our “jumping” mechanism and turn it over onto its tummy.

Paper frog who learned to jump is ready thanks to your efforts!

To finalize the frog, draw it with a marker, or simply glue its eyes. Now, let your baby put his “Jabette” on the table and gently press on its back - the toad will jump! It will be a delight! HIMSELF, with his own hands, the kid COULD make this jumping miracle!

Paperwork is the best way to develop motor skills. In order to captivate a child with various types of paper creativity, it is necessary to offer him to make interesting moving toys, for example, show him how to make a frog out of paper. Interesting mobile models of this amphibian can be created from paper using the origami technique.

Paperwork is the best way to develop motor skills

In order to amuse children, it is enough to make an interesting toy with them, for example, a simplified paper jumping toad. To create it you will need a green A4 sheet. How to make the simplest jumping frog step by step?

  1. The short side of the sheet is applied to the right long side. Next, the triangle is unbent, and then the same step is repeated in relation to the left long side.
  2. Next, part of the sheet is folded into a “double triangle” shape.
  3. The lower corners of the resulting triangle are applied to the upper one.
  4. Both side short sides are applied to the center line of the craft.
  5. The lower straight side is applied to the middle of the upper triangle, and then folded in half in the opposite direction, forming an accordion.
  6. The eyes are attached to the back of the accordion.

In order to amuse children, it is enough to make an interesting toy with them.

In order for the simple frog to be made to rest on its legs, the upper corners must be slightly bent down.

Gallery: paper frog (25 photos)

How to make a paper frog that jumps: step-by-step instructions

This diagram is a complicated version of the previous craft.

In order to make a jumping frog, you need to prepare a whole green A4 sheet

In order to make a jumping frog, you need to prepare a whole green A4 sheet.

  1. A square is cut out of A4 sheet. To do this, you will need to attach any short side of the sheet to the long one, and the resulting excess edge must be cut off using scissors.
  2. The resulting square is folded into a triangle. And then the triangle folds in half again.
  3. The resulting small triangle is folded into a square, which is immediately folded in half like a “book.” The resulting rectangle is folded in half again into a small square.
  4. The entire sheet unfolds to its original state.
  5. The entire shape is then folded into a “double triangle.” Folding occurs along two diagonals with the connection of near corners. Moreover, the middle part of the figure should be pressed inward. It turns out an isosceles triangle.
  6. Equal sides of an isosceles triangle are neatly folded towards its midline (one on both sides).
  7. Then the sides are folded back in the opposite direction.
  8. The model is flipped so that an even triangle is at the top.
  9. The lower corners of the triangle are applied to the upper corner.
  10. The future frog turns over again upside down.
  11. The lower straight part (with protruding legs) stretches towards the corner so that the fold line passes through the thinnest part of the figure.
  12. Further, the bent element turns back, folding in half.
  13. The frog turns over, eyes are glued to the head area.

This frog jumps if you press your finger on the area of ​​​​its legs, made in the form of a carved accordion.

Jumping frog (video)

How to make a toad: a simple diagram for children

To make a voluminous frog with your own hands you will need:

  • 1 sheet of green cardboard;
  • 1 sheet of green paper;
  • glue.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The body of a frog is cut out of cardboard, resembling the shape of a figure eight with protruding eyes in the upper part. It is also necessary to make a small protrusion at the bottom of the figure eight, which will act as a stand. In order for the frog body to be bleached on both sides, it is recommended to cut out 2 such bases, and then glue them together.
  2. Further: white circles are glued to the head in the place of the eyes, and smaller blue circles are in them.
  3. A white circle is glued to the abdominal area.
  4. At the bottom of the head, using a felt-tip pen, draw a mouth and nostrils.
  5. In order to make movable legs, you need to cut 4 strips half a centimeter thick from green paper.
  6. Each paw is made from 1 strip, which is folded like an accordion.
  7. The result should be 4 accordions.
  8. Next, you need to fold the fingers of the frog. To do this you will need 4 rectangles with sides of 3 and 5 centimeters. Perpendicular to the long side, these rectangles are folded like an accordion.
  9. The finger accordion is glued to the limbs by wrapping a small amount of green paper strip.
  10. Each spring with fingers must be glued to the area of ​​the upper and lower extremities.
  11. To make the base, a circle is cut out of cardboard, onto which the completed frog is glued using a stand left on its body. The stand must first be bent in the opposite direction.

Children will love the toy

Paper frog opening its mouth: DIY craft

To make a croaking frog, you will need to take a square sheet of green paper.

  1. The square is folded in half like a book, and then opened to its original state.
  2. Both sides parallel to it are added to the resulting center line so as to form a rectangle.
  3. The resulting rectangle is folded in half with the short side opposite it. Then the square is expanded again to a rectangle.
  4. The short sides are folded towards the resulting center line on the rectangle, and then folded back.
  5. The 4 corners of the rectangle are added to the long middle line.
  6. Then each pocket obtained from the corner must be opened.
  7. The inner corner of one formed rhombus is applied to the outer one.
  8. And the inner corner of the second rhombus is folded inward, not reaching the middle, so that it forms an obtuse angle.
  9. The craft turns over. The two outer corners of the figure are connected to each other.
  10. The template is turned up by the side on which the slightly curved corners of the diamond are located.
  11. The remaining upper symmetrical corners are bent back to the middle line of the figure.
  12. Slightly folded corners are raised to create room for the eyes.

To blind a toad that opens its mouth for children, you need to follow step-by-step technology

This mouth-opening frog works by bringing its insides together and pulling them apart. By the way, this figure looks like a frog from memes.

How to make an eye out of paper?

Making paper eyes for a toad is very simple.

  1. To do this, you need to print or draw a small circle on white paper. A stencil can be used for these purposes.
  2. Then a piece of paper is folded in half, then the circle is cut out along the drawn outline.
  3. The result is 2 white circles of the same shape and size.
  4. Next, you should prepare a sheet of paper of a different color. The iris will be made from it, so it is better to take a sheet of a dark or bright shade.
  5. On the second sheet, draw a circle smaller than the white circle.
  6. Next, the cutting technology is repeated.
  7. Then the colored circle is glued into the center of the white one so that you end up with a rim around the iris.

To make the eyes look more expressive, you need to draw a small dot in the middle of the colored circle - the pupil. You can do it using a black felt-tip pen.

How to make a croaking frog with your own hands (video)

There are many different patterns that make it easy to create a variety of paper frog figures. Also, using similar application technologies, a frog mask can be created. And from origami, if we take the cap shape as a basis, there is a hat in the shape of this amphibian. You can also create your own original figures from paper; for this you just need to show your imagination.

Are you coming up with new fun for kids? Then it will be useful for you to learn how to make a frog out of paper - a funny jumping frog or a frog that opens its mouth in a funny way. You can put together a whole family of toy amphibians using the simple diagrams below. Then have a comic competition to see whose origami frog can jump to the goal the fastest. From a large leaf you will get a real frog princess, and from smaller leaves you will get her wonderful little frogs. All you need is paper, and any felt-tip pen will provide you with the eyes of your animal. The tongue is an original additional application. Shall we begin? Don't worry, our step-by-step instructions will guide you through every step of the process.

Option 1: the simplest manufacturing scheme

Let's start with a very simple diagram. A frog folded according to this scheme is perfect for warming up and for understanding the general principles of the origami technique.

Figure 1: Simple Frog Diagram

Option 2: jumping craft

Figure 2 will show how to make a frog out of paper in a couple of minutes. As you can see, in order for the frog to jump, the folds of the sheet are made according to the principle of a spring, which is shaped into a funny amphibian. Nothing complicated, even kids can do it. Making the frog jump is not difficult: you need to press your finger on the back of the toy and abruptly release it, “sliding” back. However, first things first and in order:

Figure 2: Jumping frog

  • First, let's learn how to make a frog from a rectangular sheet that is slightly narrower in shape. Divide such a sheet into 2 equal squares with the middle bend;
  • Fold each of the squares so that a diagonal marking is formed in them (see Fig. 2), fold the future frog by bending the planes inward, as the diagram shows;
  • Bend the free corners with the “ears” outward - this is the beginning of the formation of a spring mechanism to which the jumping frog will owe its skills;
  • Turn the blank upside down with the front part and form the head part of the toy, bending the upper corners of the part towards you (squeezing the bends tightly);
  • Grabbing the lower "legs" together with the main part of the part, make 2 bends of the workpiece, forming a push spring of the back of the amphibian;
  • The jumping frog is folded, all that remains is to draw its eyes and glue the tongue. This way it will become even more interesting - much more realistic and funnier.

Similarly, you can fold such a craft from a square sheet of the correct shape. Everything here is even simpler than with a rectangular paper blank (see Fig. 2). Use different sizes of paper, thinking about how to make the jumping frog larger or smaller. But a toy that will participate in competitions for the distance or height of jumps must all be made from a sheet of paper of the same size (large frogs jump both higher and further).

Option 3: funny frog that opens its mouth

Have you folded a wah that jumps? A croaking frog will be no less funny, and it will take no more time than its predecessor. It also needs to be made from a square piece of paper folded into a regular rectangle. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make a croaking frog. We recommend taking a larger sheet of paper for “rehearsal”, this will make it easier for you to master the folding algorithm. So:

  • Line a square sheet folded into a rectangle (edge ​​up, as in Fig. 3) with folds according to the pattern, pay attention to the resulting “pockets” in the upper corners of the workpiece;
  • Next, fold the bundle in stages, based on the diagram, systematically bending the corners mainly from the “head” part of the toy;
  • Having received the shape of the workpiece "house", bend the front planes of the toy. You have already succeeded in making a toad, and only your acting skills are responsible for sound production;
  • By stretching the frog's face with its mouth opening in different directions like an accordion, you can imitate a talking or even funny singing amphibian.

Among all paper characters, such a frog occupies a special place. This is not a decorative, but an exclusively playful friend of every child, motivating the director's inventions. Each time the kid will give the paper frog a new role: a marsh tree frog, a funny singer, a talkative “clever girl”, etc. And, of course, making such a toy with your own hands is an excellent practical skill, one of the new stages in comprehending the art of origami.

Option 4: finished paper frog

Figure 4: assembled with glue

Who among us during our school years did not know how to make frogs or toads out of paper? This simple school art was carefully passed down from generation to generation, improving with each of them. For those who over the years have forgotten how to make a toad out of paper, our master class on folding frogs using the origami technique will be useful.

How to make a toad out of paper - master class

In order to fold an origami toad out of paper, we need very little:

  • a sheet of A4 paper - office, color or special for origami;
  • sharp scissors;
  • creative mood.

Let's get started:

  1. Let's put a sheet of paper in front of us. A standard sheet of office paper has a rectangular shape, but for our work we need a square. When choosing paper for a toad, do not forget that the thicker the paper, the worse the jumping qualities of the finished craft will be.
  2. In order to turn a rectangular sheet into a square one, first mark on it the diagonals of the future square. To do this, take the upper right corner of the sheet and bend it down so that the top of the corner aligns with the left edge of the sheet. Run your fingers along the fold to create a fold. Let's straighten the sheet and repeat the same manipulations with the upper left corner. The diagonals of the square will appear on the sheet; all that remains is to bend the excess bottom part of the sheet upward and cut it off using sharp scissors.
  3. We turn the resulting square in half, aligning its upper corners with the lower ones. Iron the fold with your fingers to secure the fold line.
  4. Let's put the resulting rectangle with the bottom edge towards us and transform it into a figure called "double triangle". To do this, along the previously outlined diagonal lines, bend the edges of the rectangle inward.
  5. We bend the right corner of the upper triangle upward, connecting it to the vertex. Fix the fold line by ironing it with your fingers.
  6. We perform the same operation with the left corner of the upper triangle. Now our workpiece has the shape of a triangle with a rhombus located in the middle.
  7. Now you need to bend each half of the rhombus in half. First, bend its right half in half, not forgetting to fix the fold line with your fingers.
  8. Then we bend the left half of the rhombus.
  9. Now you need to carefully take hold of the upper corner of the rhombus and bend its edges to the sides. Thus, we formed the front part of the torso and front legs for our toad.
  10. Now we begin to form the head, back and hind legs of our toad. To do this, turn the resulting workpiece to the other side, so that all the previous folds look down. On this side, our workpiece has the shape of a triangle.
  11. We bend the lower corners of the triangle to the middle so that its edges are aligned with the center line.
  12. Now each of the bent sides needs to be folded in half, bending to the outer edge. This way we form the hind legs of our amphibian beauty.
  13. We turn our frog onto its back, holding its hind legs towards us. We bend the frog in half so that the fold line falls on the narrowest part of the body. Thanks to this, the toad gains volume.
  14. In order for the frog to acquire jumping ability, we lay another fold on the side of its hind legs. To do this, you need to align the bottom line of the body with the horizontal strip between the frog’s hind legs.

Our paper toad using origami technique is ready! And not only does she look wonderful, she can also jump. In order for the toad to make a jump, you need to sharply press the fold near its hind legs. If you wish, you can create a whole collection of toad crafts - from

Dina Fomina

Master class for teachers on making speech therapy aids using origami technique. Can be used for needlework with children aged 5-6 years.

Purpose of the master class: learn how to make crafts using the origami technique.

Tasks: develop creativity, eye, fine motor skills, creative imagination, patience, accuracy.

The hand turns

Both a kitten and a puppy.

So that the hand becomes an artist,

You need very, very little:

Special gloves,

Intelligence, talent - and everything is in order!

Valentin Berestov

An origami toy that can open its mouth. It can be used in children's theater, but for me the craft is of greater interest as a toy for speech therapy classes. We turn into a frog and repeat words, sentences, tongue twisters.

Other game options here: http://www..html

Equipment: For this craft you will only need one A4 sheet

Fold the sheet in half vertically.

Fold it again, but horizontally to mark the middle of the sheet. Let's expand.

We bend both corners to the fold line.

Fold the bottom layer up.

We bend the corners as in the photo.

Turn over and fold the corners again.

It turned out to be a pocket. Open it and fold it in half as in the photo.

Bend the bottom corner upward.

Turn over and repeat the operation.

Open the pocket again and fold it in half as in the photo.

You will get a rhombus. We fold it in half so that there are pocket holes for fingers on the outside.

We decorate.

This is how it will work. Insert your thumb into the bottom pocket and the rest of your fingers into the top pocket.

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