How to weave a round fishtail out of rubber bands. Elastic bracelet "Fishtail"

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"Fishtail": the technique and subtleties of weaving an elegant accessory.

Among the many patterns currently existing for all kinds of fashionable bracelets made of rubber bands, which, by the way, are becoming more popular every day, the Fishtail weaving technique is not the last. This bauble combines ease of execution and elegant appearance. Made in the best traditions of minimalism, it is undoubtedly capable of emphasizing the individuality of its owner.

In the master class presented to the attention of the needleworkers, the process of weaving the “Fishtail” in a fun, summer style using rainbow tones will be described, which does not require outstanding skills. To create such a bracelet, you will need:

silicone rubber bands in eight colors (one more color is added to the standard "rainbow" color scheme - pink, for a smoother transition from purple to red);
the most common weaving machine is the “Slingshot”;
hook (the simplest one is quite suitable - plastic);
clasp to connect the bracelet together.

Stage 1. To begin with, one red elastic band is taken and twisted from the first column of the machine to the second. It turns out something similar to the number eight, inverted horizontally. Subsequent rubber bands will simply be thrown over - there is no need to twist anymore.

Following the red one, you need to take an orange elastic band, it should be put on over the red one.

Stage 2. At this stage, the simple process of recreating the "Fishtail" begins. The principle of weaving is as follows: each time the rubber band located at the very bottom will be thrown off to the middle of the loom, and the elastic band of the next color will be put on top.

And so, the lowest (red) gum is thrown to the center, first from the right, and then from the left column. In order to make it convenient to pry the rubber bands, you should use a hook.

The initial loop is already ready - the beginning is laid. Next, a green rubber band is taken and thrown over the yellow one.

The next in turn is a blue rubber band, put on the "Slingshot".

Thus, the "Fishtail" will be woven to the length that will be enough to girth the wrist.

Stage 3. And so, the desired length has been reached, which means that it's time to complete the bracelet. You don't need to add any more rubber bands. First, the lower purple rubber bands are removed from the "Slingshot", after them - pink ones. On the "Slingshot" there will be only one rubber band, on which the entire structure is now held. It is this rubber band (it is red) that must be thrown onto any of the columns, after which a clasp is attached to it.

The edge of the bracelet, on which the clip is attached, can already be removed from the machine. Next, you should go to the very beginning of the bracelet and find the first rubber band. Pulling it a little, the second side of the S-fastener is fixed.

Having gone through the simple stages of weaving, summing up, so to speak, it turns out such a wonderful bracelet.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

In order to weave such a beautiful bracelet from ordinary colored rubber bands using the weaving technique called "Fishtail", you will need the following materials:

  • an equal number of rubber bands of two colors;
  • plastic clasp for bracelet.

Weaving stages

1. We will perform this type of weaving on the fingers. Also for these purposes, you can use two identical pencils, after fastening them together with a thin elastic band and laying a roll of soft paper (napkins) folded several times between them, this design should resemble training sushi sticks. So, we take the first rubber band. In our case, it is black, we cross it once and put it on both fingers, as shown in the photo.

2. Then we take an elastic band of a different color - we have it pink and put it on without twisting the next row on both fingers, and after it we put on the third row elastic band in the same way, observing the alternation of colors, which means it should be black.

3. After that, with the thumb and forefinger of the second, free hand, carefully remove one of the halves of the gum of the first row (black) worn on the fingers. Due to the fact that 2 more rows are put on in front of her, this part of the elastic band hangs on the top two in the form of a half loop.

4. Exactly the same manipulation, we carry out from the opposite side and get the resulting loop of black gum on two rubber bands worn on the fingers.

5. Not forgetting about the alternation of colors, we take one more rubber band. This time it is pink and without twisting we put it on the next row on both fingers.

6. And again, we have to remove alternately both sides of the elastic band of the bottom row, in this case it is pink, first we remove one side, just as we did with a black elastic band.

7. And then the second, as a result of which the first turns of the “Fishtail” weaving begin to emerge.

8. Using the same technique, we continue to weave our bracelet, clearly observing the alternation of colors, so that the weaving is thick and well-defined, it is better to choose the original Rainbow Loom rubber bands for work - they have a clear and regular round shape, practically do not stretch or deform during work. In addition, the fingers should be kept as close to each other as possible.

9. Weave the bracelet to the desired length. Remember that our product is woven on the basis of rubber bands, so the finished decoration will stretch well, this should be taken into account when determining the size.

10. Now we need to finish weaving, we need to do it right and not miss a single elastic loop, otherwise the bracelet will simply unravel, first we throw all the elastic bands on one finger.

Recently, a variety of bracelets made of small colored rubber bands have been gaining great popularity among lovers of unusual home-made jewelry. This accessory looks fresh and original, so people of all ages can wear it. To create a bracelet from Fishtail rubber bands, you can buy a ready-made kit, which includes the elastic bands themselves, a special loom and instructions with a detailed description of weaving patterns for the most complex variations of rubber accessories. And you can use the tools at hand to create this beautiful decoration - a fork or even your own - the result will be no worse. Today, there are many weaving techniques and the most popular patterns have received separate names - "Fishtail", "Hearts", etc. In this master class, we will consider different options for weaving bracelets from Fishtail rubber bands.

Weaving a bracelet from rubber bands on the fingers

To make such an interesting decoration, you can do without special tools, using just your own fingers:

  1. Before you start weaving a fishtail bracelet on your fingers, prepare the rubber bands and arrange them by color.
  2. Cross the first elastic band, giving it the shape of an infinity sign, and put it on your index and middle fingers. Place two more elastic bands on top, but without crossing.
  3. Alternately remove the lower crossed elastic band from the middle and index fingers, leaving it hanging on the other two elastic bands located on the fingers.
  4. After that, add a new element, and remove the bottom elastic band, like the previous one.
  5. The basic pattern of weaving a Fishtail rubber band bracelet is described precisely by these repetitive actions. There should always be three elastic bands placed on the fingers at work. The bottom elastic band is always removed through the remaining two, forming a loop, and a new one is put on top.
  6. Continue to follow the steps above until the bracelet reaches the desired length.
  7. When it's time to close the bracelet, remove the work from your fingers and carefully remove the two remaining loose elastic bands from the bracelet. And in the last loop, thread a small plastic hook or suitable fittings.
  8. Close the bracelet by pulling the loop from the opposite end through the hook.
  9. The bracelet is ready!

Weaving a bracelet from rubber bands on a loom

You can purchase a special set that will allow you to create more complex shapes and patterns for jewelry from rubber bands. In this tutorial on weaving bracelets from fishtail elastic bands, we will show how to make the easiest version of the bracelet using a loom.

The actions performed will be almost identical to those described in the previous version, with the exception that the pegs of the machine will act instead of fingers:

Double "Fishtail"

Using one of the methods above, you can make a slightly modified bracelet with a slightly tighter weave. Here is a step-by-step instruction on how to create such a variant of the Fishtail elastic band bracelet:

Lessons (master classes) weaving from elastic bands for beginners: how to weave "Fishtail" - a simple bracelet made of elastic bands without a loom.

The third lesson from the series "Weaving from rubber bands". A list of lessons with links is at the end of the article.

Elastic bracelet "Fishtail"

Bracelets woven using this technique are the simplest after chain bracelets and the most common among beginners.

They are woven in the same way as bracelets - chains, only the lower rubber band is always removed not through one, but through two upper elastic bands. These bracelets are more dense and do not stretch as much.

My daughter (she is 8 years old) really liked this type of weaving, so the collection of her very first rubber bands consisted mainly of bracelets using the Fishtail technique.

Bracelet "Fishtail" without loom

If there is no loom, then this bracelet, like a simple chain, can be woven on fingers, on a table fork, and on pencils, and some children even manage to weave on scissors! Until my daughter and I got a mini-machine fork (slingshot), we wove such bracelets on pencils, this is the most convenient way. Detailed step by step photos of weaving a bracelet on fingers, pencils, etc. see .

In this article, a photo workshop with a fork machine, but if you don’t have one, you can use what is more convenient for you: pencils, fingers, etc. Because the weaving method is the same, only the devices on which the elastic bands are worn differ.

How to weave "Fishtail" without a loom

In the photo - weaving a rainbow bracelet with alternating rubber bands of all seven colors of the rainbow. You can choose other colors of rubber bands at your discretion. You can weave from elastic bands of the same color, alternate two, three or more colors, or take rubber bands of different colors randomly.

Weaving a bracelet "Fishtail"
  1. Put one rubber band on one prong of the fork, twist it with a figure eight and put the resulting loop on the second prong.
  2. Attach clasp.
  3. Put on two elastic bands on top evenly, without twisting.
  4. Remove the lower rubber band from one prong of the fork through the two upper rubber bands to the middle,
    and then, in the same way, remove the lower rubber band from the other tooth through the two upper rubber bands to the middle.
  5. Wear one rubber band on top.
  6. Wear one rubber band on top.
  7. Remove the lower rubber band in the middle from both teeth in turn through the two upper rubber bands.
  8. Weave in this way to the desired length.
  9. At the end of the work, when two elastic bands remain on the fork, then do not put on another elastic band, but remove the lower elastic band to the middle through the upper one.
  10. Remove the remaining rubber band from the fork and thread both of its loops into the clasp.

And these are two options for rainbow bracelets. In the first, the elastic bands of each color alternate one at a time, and in the second - two at a time.

I suggest looking at all articles about weaving from.

Enjoy your creativity! Especially for blog readers "MORE creative ideas for kids"(https: // site), with sincere respect, Yulia Sherstyuk

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  • Weaving from elastic bands - 4: bracelet “Fish…
  • Weaving from rubber bands - 2: a simple bracelet without ...
  • Weaving from rubber bands - 7: bracelet "Chain"…

How many varieties of Fishtail bracelet do you think there are? You can make completely unusual weaves from rubber bands. This is a regular fishtail, and double, and triple, and vice versa fishtail ... and many, many other types. Today you will find out what kind of bracelets with weaving from Fishtail elastic bands are, and how to make them?

In this article, we will show all the possible weaving of Fishtail elastic band bracelets. We will tell you what you need for weaving, as well as how to weave bracelets.
Let's start with the simplest Fishtail bracelet.

How to weave a simple fishtail bracelet from rubber bands

This is a very simple weaving, which results in a stylish thin bracelet made of rubber bands. You can weave 3-4 such thin bracelets, and then weave them together - you get one big thick bracelet.

You can weave a simple Fishtail bracelet on a classic loom, on a small Monster Tail loom or on a slingshot. For weaving, you will need 2 posts, and you can use them on any tool. How to weave this bracelet is up to you, the result will be the same bracelet. For weaving, you can choose elastic bands of the same color, alternate 2 or 3 colors, or weave from all different elastic bands.

The pattern for weaving a fishtail bracelet is very simple.

1. We throw an elastic band on 2 columns with a figure eight.
2. We throw on the second gum without twisting the figure eight.
3. We put on another elastic band without twisting. If you are weaving from two colors, then alternate the elastic bands.
4. We throw off the lower elastic band on the right and left to the center.
5. We put on the next elastic band, take off the bottom one.
6. We continue to weave to the desired length.

Another variety, more complex weaving, is a double fishtail. If a simple fishtail is made on two columns, then a double fishtail is woven on 4 columns. Therefore, you can weave this bracelet both on the classic Rainbow Loom loom and on the small Monster Tail loom.

You can make your double fishtail elastic band bracelet two-tone, solid color or weave it from all different colored elastic bands.

Watch how to weave a double fishtail in the video:

Weaving a triple fishtail - triple fishtail

An even more complex type of weaving a Fishtail from rubber bands. The bracelet has a second name - a triple fishtail. Such a bracelet is woven on 6 columns. If you want to weave a wide bracelet, then the triple fishtail is perfect for you. You can make the bracelet one color, use alternating 2 or 3 colors in the bracelet, or use all the elastic bands of different colors in the bracelet.

You can see all the patterns that can be made on a triple fishtail bracelet in our article -. There you will also find videos and patterns for weaving this bracelet.

Weaving a triple fishtail - triple fishtail

Quadrofish or fishtail - how to weave?

We complicate our weaving! Now you know how to weave a simple Fishtail bracelet, you know how to make a double and triple fishtail out of rubber bands. But this is not all the varieties of fishtail rubber bands. There are even harder weaving! This is a Quadrofish fishtail. How to weave such a bracelet?

Quadrofish fishtail - a bracelet made of elastic bands, which is woven on 4 columns. It turns out a circular bracelet. And there is another type of round fishtail bracelet - Hexafish, which is woven on 6 columns.

You will find a detailed scheme for weaving a Quadrofish and Hexafish bracelet in our article -.

Bracelet Rocket - a kind of weaving Fishtail. You can make this adorable cute bracelet in a variety of ways. And on the classic Rainbow Loom loom, and on the small Monster Tail loom, and on the slingshot. In weaving, only 2 columns are used.

How to weave a Rocket Fishtail bracelet you can watch on the video:

The original weaving from the marine theme is the Fish Skeleton bracelet. You cannot make this bracelet on a slingshot, because you need 4 columns. But it will turn out to weave it on the classic Rainbow Loom loom or the Monster Tail mini loom.

It turned out a very beautiful combination of colors - the base of the bracelet is black, and on the sides there are multi-colored elastic bands. As a base, white or other colors of rubber bands will also look beautiful. On the sides, you can do not all different colors, but some 1 contrasting one.

Video of weaving a bracelet from elastic bands Fish skeleton:

Six-link fishtail - weaving on a slingshot

Very beautiful and stylish bracelet made of rubber bands. He is flying on a slingshot! And how to weave it you can see in the video:

Inverted fishtail - how to weave on a slingshot?

On a slingshot, you can weave very pretty bracelets. Such original weaving is obtained only on a slingshot. The same two columns as on the machine, but it is more convenient to hold the slingshot in your hand. Therefore, all fans of the marine theme in lumigurumi, pay attention to the weaving of the bracelet - Inverted fishtail.

Here are how many varieties of Fishtail rubber bracelets exist. Now you know how to weave simple and complex fishtail bracelets. Create, fantasize, weave.

With love, Editorial